Remember, an accomplishment is something that actually results in something good happening for the US. Something that is being used and taken advantage by the people. It is not just passing bills, or starting plans that won't take effect for several years. Something that is beneficial and solves a real existing problem.
He has not had one which is a shame for a President that has had so many great moments to make history. Obama showed great promise in his yes we can speech and his promise of a new day in Washington, but all we have gotten is more of the same.
I guess you missed the salvation of 100,000 jobs in the auto industry.
I guess you missed the 20,000 still not working
What salvation
Ford did better without the help of the government
In reality, there are so many Obama Administration Achievements it would be extremely difficult to list each and every one since they are all of equal importance in one way or another depending on who you ask -
How about starting with President Obama's re-affirmation and unwavering commitment to aid the U.S. Auto Industry - In process, he helped to save approximately 2 million jobs directly and possibly 10 million indirectly - A pretty significant accomplishment and the entire state of Michigan I'm confident is very appreciative -
On the flip side, Romney, given his past wishy washy, inherent greed driven traits & motivations, would have presumably revoked & repealled the agreement which provided for financial aid if at all possible, forced our Auto Companies into involuntary bankruptcy, then auctioned off the assets for negligible profit once creditors were paid, while at the same time distributing an unknown number of pink slips to hard working Americans -
As if the American people didn't already realize, there is unquestionably a very stark contrast in values between President Obama & Romney -
Sure and then the rest of the country gets to pick up the tab for poor management of a company again. How many other company has he picked up the tab for that have gone out of business?? Why should the American Tax Payer pick up the Tab for poorly run company's??
The Auto Industry was an unfortunate victim of Dubya Bush's catastrophic "Cut Taxes for the Wealthy" scheme, not necessarily the result of "Poor Management" as selective memory Republicans claim -
A few years back if you recall, consumers were in a holding pattern, hesitant to purchase anything, including autos, thus, a buildup of inventory and financial uncertainty -
TARP was then enacted into law shortly thereafter, and funds subsequently delivered to those who requested assistance - A re-structuring plan re-affirmed and supported by President Obama - These funds inevitably saved millions of jobs and are currently in the process of being returned in spades to all us tax payers - A common cause much greater than individual desires and a much better use of monies verses giving away billions in gifts to those who don't need it like the oil & gas industry, a "Gift Plan to Billionaires" which Romney unconditionally supports now, and will as stated if he can miraculously survive personal tax evasion investigations which are inevitable, and hoodwink enough votes to land him the Presidency -
If Romney were President, right now, millions more hard working Americans would be unemployed - and that's a fact -
And never forget, President Obama helped millions of auto workers get through an unprecedented historical time, the people he helped are our friends, neighbors, family members etc - Extraordinary circumstances call for extraordinary actions, and thank the heavens Barack Obama was Commander in Chief at that time, and is in the White House right now - Even the Romneys benefited by using their tainted, possibly illegally gotten money to buy a few Cadilacs for Ann to cruise around in -
These are not accomplishments, these are action.
Growing a fruit tree that doesn't bear fruit is not an accomplishment.
Not quite sure what you mean by that but here are the facts -
President Obama adopted, and nursed a critically ailing tree back to health which ultimately saved or added millions of existing and or new, fruit producing jobs - A rather bountiful harvest to be extremely proud of indeed -
The Romneys on the flipside, would have allowed the roots of said tree to swiftly transform into compost without a conscious, and they are certainly not interested in overseeing a bountiful harvest for the 99% of Americans if the circumstances warranted, unless of course there are a few bucks to be had for them personally, legal or not -
He mentions us....poor people, struggling people, gay people, women, and the ptsd vets. Let us know that we matter, are not lazy no-good bums, freaks of nature or just plain wimps.
All of which we had been charecterized, laughed at and ridiculed by an R regime before, and continue to be so on their rabid-hate tv and radio.
This has uplifted millions of American hearts, minds and souls.....rejuvenated the worth of their existance, after years of being told all we do is suck off rich people's teat.
He does not discriminate. He sees us all as worthy Americans, not to be smothered by some sort of sect of "real" America.
This is worth the price of admission to me...and it makes me glad my kids and grandkids could see and hear a president that cares about people: flesh and blood people, not corporations and paper money.
Where is the accomplishment for the country?
Fantastic question. Some will say, nothing, out of their conviction that Obama is a social alien terrorist. But trying to be objective, I would say that at the end of the day, historians will say the economic meltdown was ended and the auto workers put back to work. I don't think it will be the re-regulation of Wall Street because that's going out with the next Republican congress.
Interesting, but do you really think that the economy is back, or improving while the cost of gasoline is double.
Gasoline and fuel while it contributes to the GDP, it adds overhead to everything that requires fuel, like transporting goods.
Actually, gas prices are lower in the US than almost anywhere else in the world, Canada for example.
Hi there, ib.
It sounds like you think the price of gasoline is the only indicator of a recovering economy. I do not. Comsumers are enjoying interest rates that are as low as they can get. The overall economic picture is a lot bigger than the price of gas.
the single biggest accomplishment of this administration is having avoided both a US economic great depression, a financial debacle and a world economic meltdown, unfortunately people can't see this because of the success of the measures taken which avoided all this and the only way this would be obvious is to go back in time not have done what they did and witness the economical apocalypse.
I think obama's two biggest accomplishments are when he takes a vacation and out-doing carter.
Problem would also be, Who can afford to eat at McRomney's? I can't.
Onusonus looks like we finally agree on something.
I think the most notable things about o'blama is that he will go down in history as the worst actor and the worst president our Nation has ever had. That and being the food stamp president.
That and blaming the entire world and the future world for his lousy performance.
Obama managed to keep the number of working Americans stagnant.
In 2009, there were 139,877,000 employed persons. In 2011, there were 139,869,000 employed persons.
Ironically, even though we added 4 million people to the population, and there were less people working in 2011 than 2009, the unemployment rate still dropped 0.4%. The unemployment rate we are being told is a lie, but it is used as one of Obama's accomplishments.
In all actuality, even though he promised it wouldn't go above 8-9%, our unemployment rate is still 11-14%(using the same standards as before 2009).
I would say Killing Osama Bin Laden. Many of the world's dictators are falling like domino's and it all happened on his watch.
The health care bill I am not too happy with as it does not address the root cause of health problems in our country today, which is obesity. As Americans, we simply eat and drink too much and we're getting fatter by the minute.
I now realize a president is just a puppet of the people that bankrolled the election. I now realize we have a very secret cabal running this country.
He continued with all the Bush terrorism act directed at all Americans. But what choice does he have, same people that gave us Bush, gave us Obama and if he dare deviate from their agenda, Romney would win.
All he had to do with getting Osama Bin Laden was to say Mission Approved.
Then watch from the nice safe White House as the Navy Seals did the job. If that is an accomplishment. All "I" did was watch it go down.
Using your logic & rationale, Reagan's only contribution to the ultimate demise of the Soviet Union was to merely utter the following words -
"Mr. Gorbachev, Tear Down These Walls" -
Reagan added nothing more of substance to help accommodate the breakup -
At least Regan Had the Nerve to Stand in front of the wall and say "Mr. Gorbachev Tear down these walls" even though his staff advised him not to say that. Because they were worried about the possible repercussions. So how can the approval of a seal team to go in and Shoot Osama Bin Laden.
When the CIA and Us Military has been looking for him for over ten year and happen to get lucky while Obama is president. Then he has to use the "I" word as if he was one of the shooter's that went in and did the job.. Any president would of approved this. Why is it always "I" and "Me" these things take a team effort.
Bullarkey. Obama's staff advised against it too. It was 50/50, could have gone either way.
And btw...if Reagan is so come all these years later, he is given credit for bringing down the wall?
Was he out there with a hammer? I think not.
The difference is though that Reagan never said "I,I,I,I,I" Reagan understands that things are a group effort. Not An "I' I hardly ever hear of Obama saying WE. It is always "ME" or "I"
That is truely a weird response. "Yes we can," just to remind you of the campaign slogan.
Let's be honest here, President Obama on numerous occasions publicly expressed his unwavering commitment to allocate the necessary assets to find, and swiftly dispatch Bin Laden, In which he and our special forces did quite successfully - No President while in office, to my knowledge actually participated in an activity of this nature -
An accomplishment Dubya Bush and his laughably impotent Republican Administration failed to achieve in approximately 8 long, dreadfully distasterous years - GOP Negligence or Incompetence, take your pick -
While Bush was a little too pre-occupied with handing out $10,000 gift checks to his obscenely wealthy buddies, a quasi criminal activity Romney will happily continue if enough gullible souls vote for him, Bin Laden was hangin' with his homies plotting dastardly scenarios - And that's a fact -
It is quite true that Gorbachev and perestroika (opening up) is what led to the East Germans breaking out of the Soviiet Union. Reagan had nothing to do with it. Reagan's penultimate accomplishment--in all seriousness--was to make greed a family value. Before Reagan, there was no homelsss because people thought they had to care. Now, monst of us honor rip-off billionaires because it's OK to be a narcissist. Just my opinion, but I've been following this for 30 years.
Hi Bill. I think the American people realize President Obama’s “Mission Approved” was far more effective than President Bush’s “Mission Accomplished” speech.
Opponents of the current administration would like to trivialize the elimination of Osama Bin Laden in an attempt to thwart the President's re-election. I agree that a great deal of credit goes to the navy seals that risked their lives on this mission.
However, Bill, actions speak louder than words. Here is a recap of President Bush’s plan in his own words:
"The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden. It is our number one priority and we will not rest until we find him."
- G.W. Bush, 9/13/01
"I want justice...There's an old poster out West, as I recall, that said, 'Wanted: Dead or Alive,'"
- G.W. Bush, 9/17/01, UPI
"I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority."
- G.W. Bush, 3/13/02
Furthermore, The Washington Post reported that the CIA unit dedicated to capturing bin Laden was shut down by President Bush in late 2005. (1)
Now let us compare that to President Obama’s plan:
On May 1, 2011, President Barack Obama delivered justice on behalf of the American people.
(1) … 00375.html
"The mission was to get Osama Bin Laden for ten years and the efforts were redoubled when President Obama instructed NAVY SEALs he wanted Osama delivered dead."
Why didn't the Navy Seals get those orders ten years ago? Was he kept alive as a selling point for the WAR ON TERRORISM? All you heard from Republicans was 911 911 911...without one thought to giving the victims' families and New Yorkers some closure and peace.
And allowing a Mosque to be built at ground Zero is giving WHO PEACE???
I'm from New York.
People are so careless, and don't use the good sense God gave them sometime.
That's a low blow I'm really going to have to recover from before I can really respond.
There is no Mosque on ground zero the building was several blocks away from ground zero and is not even a mosque, this is ridiculous. Not to mention that the right to build religious buildings wherever you please is guaranteed by the constitution so long as you own the land.
He refilled the coffers of the Nations banks after they irresponsibly destroyed their own industry. All the while leaving the people to pick up the tab!
TARP was Bush/Paulson. Obama did Dodd know, the attempt at reform, which Bush/Paulson hacks watered down to barely visible.
Credit card reform and the Consumer Protection Agency were Obama....the founder of which JUST said to put back Glass Steagall, and have Dimon step down as head of Fed.
I think you CONfuse Obama with many do.
What is the primary difference between the reign of Obama and the reign of Bush?
Hi RB.
Primary difference? Depends on your viewpoint. I seems to me that President Bush reigned while President Obama leads.
However, there is one major difference between the two administrations:
The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at 10,587 on Jan. 20, 2001, the day George W. Bush was inaugurated. It fell 2,638 points (-24.9%) to 7949 on the day he left office on Jan. 20, 2009.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average then rose from 7,949 on President Obama’s inauguration day in 2009 to close at 12,598 (+58.5%) today.
Therefore, investors’ equity and big business have appreciated nearly 60% during the present administration. Unfortunately, the economy has turned around for everyone except working class Americans who are still struggling with stagnant wages and very little new job creation in the private sector.
The economy is much better today then it was under the previous administration. Anyone who can’t see this needs to expand their news sources.
You really need to focus on the economy and not the parties. Both parties, and both presidents screwed up. Senator Obama spent two years avoiding his senatorial duties while pandering for the presidency. All of Congress, all the presidential candidates and President Bush were like deer in the headlight. The Democratic Congress and President Bush knee jerked the situation by throwing money at the problem. That allowed the executives that caused their financial institutions to failure were giving out million dollar bonuses for bankrupting their company. Then President Obama and his congress threw more money at the problem.
One and a half trillion dollars of throwing money didn't help.
All the kings men and all the kings horses were the problem.
As long as people think that one party or one person is the problem then the country is doomed to repeat these failures.
Hi again, IB.
Perhaps you did not notice. I was focused on the economy.
I noticed you left out the part where the market was over 14,000 under Bush, the revenues were much higher under Bush than Obama, and I seriously doubt you believe Obama is a leader.
As for those who are pointing to Bin Laden as an accomplishment for Obama, it never would have happened if it was not for Leon Panetta. Obama said no to the raid, Panetta gave him grief for a week before Obama said yes.
Uh, ok.
Grief for a whole week, eh?
For perspective, do we have any idea how much grief Rummy gave W urging him to pull the trigger on bin Laden?
Well since Romney was not a part of Washington, so we will never know. I can tell you one thing, if Panetta went to Bush and said they had intell on Bin Laden, Bush would have given the OK on the spot.
And yes, grief for a week, If Panetta did not do that, Obama would have passed on it all together
There you go again, AV, pretending you know what other people are thinking. You have no idea what Bush would have done and you certainly can not read the mind of President Obama. Your imagination is taking over your reality. Please do not try to make it ours too. It's time to get real, AV.You are making this stuff up as you go along.
I am sorry many cannot handle the truth, but Obama himself said in an interview during the first week after the raid that he was not for the raid and reluctantly agreed. He said it was Panetta that pushed him to give the OK. Not made up, FACT!! And I find it odd that all you who accuse Bush of being a war monger would not have approved the mission.
BTW, I guess you missed the NBC interview where it was exposed Obama had set up a fall guy if the raid went bad. Wants the credit, but would not be a man if the raid went wrong. Typical.
Yes, AV, I did miss that NBC interview. Please give me a link.
Hey AV. I hope you are doing well! Thanks for your input about my earlier comment.
You may venerate your 14,000 DJIA during October 2007 if you wish. The fact remains, AV, in less than 15 months the Bush Administration turned that achievement into the largest economic meltdown since the Great Depression.
Secondly, it seems reasonable to me that revenues under the current administration were lower than the Bush years. After all, the country was in the throws of a colossal recession which is the part I notice you seem to have left out!
Thirdly, please do not presume that I need you to tell me what I believe and what I do not believe. President Obama seems to be doing the job he was hired to do even if you are not happy with it. . He has been playing the cards dealt by the previous administration. To his credit, the recession is in retreat, corporations are enjoying record breaking profits, and most retirement portfolios have recovered. He is serving his country with dignity and sincerity. There are no lies about weapons of mass destruction or phony “Mission Accomplished” speeches. He has been successful at rebuilding the bridges to our allies that had been demolished under President Bush. He has demonstrated his willingness to compromise, which is something the opposition arrogantly refuses to do. He wants a government that will lower the national debt without placing the entire burden on the middle class. He believes those few who created the economic collapse, benefited from all the recovery programs, and suffered the least from the meltdown should contribute a little more toward regaining our former economic health.
Finally, you seem to be privy to top secret discussions between the President and Leon Panetta when you talk about something that “never would have happened.” You, or your anonymous source, also presume to know what the President thinks. Again, the fact is it did happen. I think it rather petty of you to try to shift the credit for the Bin Laden raid from the President to Mr. Panetta. Only one thing matters. Did the President authorize the mission or did he not? Everything else is just spin.
I think Americans know President Bust lied about WMD and he lied again when he said, "The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden. It is our number one priority and we will not rest until we find him." (- G.W. Bush, 9/13/01) President Obama delivered justice on behalf of the American people and that must be hard for some people to admit. I trust most Americans will remember that when they cast their ballots in November.
Stay well, AV. It is always nice to trade viewpoints with you.
So if I point out that under Bush the market went for 7,000 to over 14,000 I am venerating, and if the market rose under Obama, he is a God. I think we can see the double standard.
As to revenues, if Bush sent us into a severe recession as you say, then why was the revenues under Bush not lower, in fact his departing year when the colossal recession hit was his highest year for revenues. I did not leave that out, I did mention it. We could have a long debate about what caused the recession, but one thing is clear, Obama’s polices made things much worse today than when he he fist took office.
As for foreign policy, Obama has decimated us worldwide. Not one country has any respect for us what so ever. Obama was lucky in Columbia that the secret service issue hot the fan, because it took the utter failure of Obama’s trip off the front page, including the part where 16 nations leaders walked out on him, not to mention the scoldings he took from several other world leaders. Now Putin has shown the disrespect he has, and has publically said, for Obama by refusing to come to the G8 meeting. Did we forget the scolding Obama took from the German Chancellor during her visit to the White House? Need I go on?
As for you insistence that Bush lied about WMDs, he himself has said many times publically he wished he had better intell or knew the intell he had was not so accurate. Yet ALL the left had the same intell and voted for the actions taken. So did Pelosi and Reid lie too? And how about you answer this for me. Hans Blix had a complete inventory of these suspected WMD weapons. Of course we all know none were found in Iraq, but yet a little over a year ago 3 missiles were launched into Israel, no damage occurred as they landed in the middle of nowhere. But yet all three had the same model and serial number as rockets that were on that list? I wrote an article about it when it first happened you can go and read.
As for your comment about my sources, while I do not have any on the inside yet, I will say I have developed a few good connections with my online radio show. I do not presume anything, I pass on only what they have said themselves about that day. You need to go back and read about those first few weeks after the raid. Panetta, even Obama himself talked about Obama resisting for a week before giving in.
Good as always to see you my friend
I read something in an article today
"Instead, he’s basically attacking Mr. Obama for not acting as if George Bush had been given a third term
Read more:
To me that is what the past 3 1/2 years have all been about
Obama holds the record for the most presidential golf outings. That is his accomplishment.
Howdy William,
Thank you for your observation about the President’s golfing activities. Some may not agree that this is a very important observation on your part but nearly everyone will agree you are totally wrong.
President Dwight Eisenhower logged 800 rounds of golf during his eight years in the White House. However, he was a laggard when compared to Woodrow Wilson who accomplished nearly 1600 rounds of golf during his two terms in office. (1)
Thanks for sharing, William. Even irrelevant facts should be accurate.
(1) … r-wilson/1
OK thank you for the facts. I will modify that one to the 21st century. However, Wilson was on medical orders so that is different. Eisenerhauer crushed the 3rd Reich so that also makes him worthy.
Shame Michael Moore did not have you for a fact checker.
Bush took the longest vacations than any other presidents in history. His first three years of his 1st term he did nothing but play golf.
That is not true.
He also chopped wood at his ranch in Crawford, TX.
It does not matter how many rounds of golf a President plays, it does not matter how many vacations he takes, the only thing that matters is they do the work of we the people. If they do it, they can do it they want, if they don't, you don't need to be playing golf and basketball.
In reality he really didn't have a chance. Two years into his administration the tea party nuts marched in and Congress went to a Republican majority. A president can really do very little unless he or she ( hopefully Some day ) has a majority in the congress and the senate.
I will tell you I'm for neither party. I really think we should have a box to check for none of the above when we vote for a president. Can you imagine what a couple of no confidence votes would do for both fine parties.
We need a real third party and we need to stand up as Americans and get rid of all the Republicans and the Democrats.
Have you ever heard of NAFTA
Near where I live are ghost towns created when the American Textile Jobs were sent overseas.
We need to as an American People stand up and demand a constitutional amendment that would cap imports into this country at 20 percent of any product. By 20 percent I mean that we would say that 80 percent of all textiles would have to be made in the USA.
Remember the days of made in the USA. What happened???
Well I'll tell you what happened the politicians of both parties sold out America and we stood by while they did it.
WAKE UP AMERICA it's a lot later than you think.
Well, he had two years, not enough time? The TEA Party IS a third party.
I think the Tea Party is the biggest joke ever pulled on the American people. Just more spin to keep peoples minds off the real issues.
Then quit asking for a third party, you don't really want one.
Have you ever set down and read the history of Sara Palin.
Not some political spin but her real record from when she was the mayor of Wasilla or Governor of Alaska. She is supposed to be the darling of the Tea Party. This is not what America needs. We need real change. We don't need to keep putting politicians in office who are going to keep making rich men richer.
Even the Republican party leaders know they seriously messed up with her.
We need a third party that will be for American's first.
We need a party that will seriously stand up for America first and say to hell with the rest of the world.
We need term limits on Congress and the Senate. We need to throw lobbyists out of Washington D.C. I would even go as far as to say that we should not even pay politicians other than expenses. This would make politics a far different world than what we have today.
We must do serious changes to America or its doomed.
One in Six Americans are hungry sometime in the month. Many more often than that.
15.000 plus homeless people live under bridges and in parks in New Orleans. Another 300,000 people have no home to come home to even all these years after the hurricane. Another hurricane season is here.
America's Roads And Bridges are ready to fall down. Many will in the next few years.
We need to cap imports and return the jobs to America that were stolen and sent over seas.
As an American veteran I'm really disappointed at where I see America going. We need real independent politicians that would be for America first with out any agenda.
What do you think men like the Kennedy brothers, Martin Luther King, George Washington, and Thomas Jefferson would think about what has happened to America. I seriously believe they might start a revolution. Its really sad that we let the Republicans and the Democrats steal the American dream. America is no where near the country she was forty years ago. She needs real patriots that will be for America. And to hell with the rest of the world.
"America's Roads And Bridges are ready to fall down. Many will in the next few years"
On this one point; I have to say this is completely Reagans fault. He started the Republicans down this road of "No new taxes/Tax cuts for the rich. Republicans don't want to pay their fair share of taxes, therefore the roads and bridges fall down from under us, there's no firemen or ambulance to rescue us. If you drag yourself to a hospital you have to wait for a doctor till you bleed to death. If you do make it to a operating room; as soon as they open you up! the lighs go out...
But got all that money you saved from tax cuts to bury you...but the grave diggers are on strike!
She said just the other day: "Hey 1%....More power to ya!"
Keep on stealing boys! I'm right behind ya.(my words)
"Uugghhhhhh Beeaaauuggghhhhh??????? WHAAATTTT???
I would have to say avoided a Great Depression and a financial meltdown.
Its still coming just put it off for a bit. The amount of people still out of work is an unknown number. it will probably get worse. The printing presses are still running.
Bettter then it was. No thanks to Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush and now Obama.
RecoverToday must of not been paying attention for the last 4 years.
I can think of a few.
Pulling a majority of the troops out of Iraq. As he said he would when he was elected, proably saving billions of dollars and lives in a war that should have never been started by another lame president.
Repealing don't ask, don't tell, which has not had a single drastic outcome, as the military always claimed that it would. The gay flag even hangs in veteran's facilities right next to the american flag, and not one person complains.
Nailing the companies that took Bush's huge bailout checks, and making them pay back every cent that they received, and nailed the rest with huge fines and interest, just as they were doing to the american people. Or do we forget about the execs who took 180 million dollas of the money Bush gave them and gave all their ceo's multi-million dollar raises, and threw themselves a party in the bahamas with tax payer money. Obama got our money back.
Being the only person in government willing to negotiate with the stone wall that the republicans have built around themselves when it comes to alternative energy, and, trying to get unemployment benefits extended to millions of people while the republicans are trying to find a way to get that money, so they can once again give more tax breaks to the rich, and big business.
I would mention the death of Bin Ladden under his watch, but, in reality that is something that should be credited to the military. As was the capture of Saddam under Bush. But, you know they are going to take the credit anyways, only Obama didn't get quite a swelled head as Bush did.
He certainly has tried to do a lot more during his presidency in less than 4 years than Bush ever did in his 8. But, we can't put the entire weight of the country on one man's shoulder. Our government has been a lame duck ever since Clinton left office. Sorry to say, that the last decade has been pretty sad.
Today! President Barack Obama caused the nutty right wing to self destruct just by being a handsome man.
METROSEXUAL:a usually urban heterosexual male given to enhancing his personal appearance by fastidious grooming, beauty treatments, and fashionable clothes.
He made one right wing nut so hot and bothered(turned-on?)by his looks; the crazy man lauched a campaign of self destruction that will clearly show the world just how "twisted" the right wing is. … board?lite
Some people are just so beautiful; they make you lose your dammmmmm mind!
I've got it. cleaning up after Bush. Even though he didn't. In fact he added to the problem. And he renewed the patriot act, and signed NDAA into law. Oh well, Bush's fault!
Obama has done his best reforming our country. He had to take on damages created by George Bush over the course of 8 yrs in a matter of 4 ; give they guy a break. That really isn't fair to hi
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