Thank you Reeltaulk. Its obvious that as a "doctor," he lacks the ability to think outside his own beliefs. While its true two consenting adults can agree to engage in oral sex, its simply not for everyone. Contrary to popular belief, you don't have to try everything to know if you "like it" or not...I haven't skydived, cliff-jumped, drag-raced, scuba-dived, or a host of other things...not because "I'm afraid I will like it," but because they don't interest me and its a safe be to say that I wont like them. "Don't knock it if you haven't tried it" is a weak simplistic justification for people who want others to see things the way THEY see them. Most Americans engage in behaviors that we know aren't good for us, but we do them anyway because we like them in the short-term and cannot think in the long-term past our emotions, feelings, or senses...we eat the wrong foods, do drugs, engage in reckless sports, etc., that dont hurt us immediately, but have long term effects...why is it beyond the realm of possibility that oral sex could be just another questionable behavior that we engage in that we like, but is not good for us?