What things do you miss having or doing in life?

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  1. Apostle Jack profile image60
    Apostle Jackposted 13 years ago

    What things do you miss having or doing in life?

  2. THE DIVINE YOU. profile image60
    THE DIVINE YOU.posted 13 years ago

    I miss missing. I have nothing. I do nothing. I am all there is to be.

  3. Jangaplanet profile image61
    Jangaplanetposted 13 years ago

    I miss having my best friend who passed a few years ago, i miss the good times we had , the laughs we shared ,and the times we fought over woman. If their is one thing i do miss the most is doing things with my best friend.

  4. duffsmom profile image60
    duffsmomposted 13 years ago

    I really enjoyed raising my daughters. Now they are grown and I miss the fun we had every day.  Thankfully, we live in the same time and we see each other often.-

  5. Juliet Christie profile image67
    Juliet Christieposted 13 years ago

    Having worked as a teacher for 38 years  in one institution  and I am now retired I miss having the children to talk and laugh with.
    Some how they made me feel  and look young.I miss going to work every day.

    I wish I was brought up by my mother and that I could speaker her language spanish. I tried  learning but I have not mastered it therefore I am now comfortable leaving Jamaica to visit her because most times I do not understand what the people are saying.

    Sometimes when they ask me a question I look straight through them and act as if I am deaf.

    At times I understand what the say but do not know how to answer them

  6. Ken Barton profile image60
    Ken Bartonposted 13 years ago

    I miss my parents, the old youth group from my days at the Christian & Missionary Alliance Church, being able to ride a bicycle for hours on end, and taking family trips to Shenandoah National Park.

  7. theseus profile image71
    theseusposted 13 years ago

    For one thing, I miss my family and friends back home who I have to leave behind because I have to work here in Manila.Another thing, I miss the fun and the laughs of my college and elementary years. Back then, everything were simple and not as complicated and hectic now.

  8. Kamalesh050 profile image70
    Kamalesh050posted 13 years ago

    I miss my childhood,  the school days, some of my old friends , my parents and grandma who have all passed away.

  9. onegoodwoman profile image69
    onegoodwomanposted 13 years ago

    Now that I am in the middle of a state that is ridden with drought conditions and burn bans...........I miss the rain.

    From the music it makes upon the roof top to dancing in it.
    Rain, it cleans the air, waters the garden, quenches the thirst of man and wildlife.........I miss the rain.

    I miss the music of the raindrops.  That sweet refreshing sound, the moments that I can count between the drops, the rain guages that tell me how much water has blessed the earth. 
    Crawling under the covers and snuggling against my hubby because we can't do any yard work..........I so miss rain.........

  10. Craan profile image77
    Craanposted 13 years ago

    I miss my daughter and grand daughter who live an ocean away from me.

  11. the50marathons17 profile image83
    the50marathons17posted 13 years ago

    I miss sixth grade when me and my friends finally were interested in girls and we had a super cute teacher. Everyday we would try to hit on her!

  12. kethyjewel profile image60
    kethyjewelposted 13 years ago

    I miss my childhood life.  I want to do good deeds for others in my life and want to become a good person.

  13. cutievert profile image60
    cutievertposted 13 years ago

    I miss having the drama performance in my campus..Being one of the crew was the most enjoyable activity that i had at those times..

  14. ChristineVianello profile image60
    ChristineVianelloposted 13 years ago

    I miss rock climbing, completly relaxing for me. I have been planning my weddng and working full time, so it has gotten difficult to get back to my climbing.

  15. kknde profile image72
    kkndeposted 13 years ago

    Free time for sure. If I would have more free time, I would do a lot of things....which I haven't done yet or wnat to do them again.
    But the job is the job and a man has to do what a man has to do.


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