Its just like the topic says. I'm kind of a rookie in this whole Hub thing. So far, I like the Religion forum, but there's a lot of people you just wanna smack in the head. If you're non-religious, then what in the hell are you doing in a religion forum, for heaven's sake? Can someone pls answer this question. I just wonder, is all.
The question has been asked a billion times already. Basically the answer is, because they have the rights to.
'cuz some people like to argue, even on the Religious side...that's why I stay away....LOL It's ok to bear your testimony here...but do so at your own risk...
this "ain't church" haha keep your sense of humor about you, you're gonna need it.
It's better to write a hub so you can ignore or avoid some of the arguing that goes on between Christians....yeah right, what was I thinking??? =0 teasing people....put your pea shooters away....
Hi Marisue, I'm just popping in here to see what you have to say....and saying nothing myself.....and popping out again.
hi there Wander...I posted another political rant....LOL take a read...good to see you, how's your neck of the world???
The same thing a religious person would be doing in a non-religion forum. Trying to prove their point
No, seriously though, I do think it would be a nice feature to break down the Religion forum into smaller ones (like Christian, atheist, theist, etc), but apparently (based on what I've been reading in the forums) not all of them are religions. Plus it can then get too sticky after that since there are so many different view points and denominations, etc.
Then again, this is only HubPages. The idea of it was to write Hubs, not argue religion. Religion is such a broad topic so it makes sense that anyone would come and comment in the forum. If you want a true religion forum (basically someone to agree with you is what I'm guessing) you can Google one & post there instead. Otherwise, read and respond with a grain of salt... if you don't care to argue, don't respond or stay away. Sorry to be so blunt/rude, but that's the reality of it.
Well this may come as a shock to you but some people think religion is a bad thing which causes people to behave in irrational and obnoxious ways.
But I can see your point. It must come as a shock to religionists that there are people on the religion forum who do not follow a religion.
Why don't you start a few threads in the science forum attacking any scientific advances and knowledge we have gained? That is what the other religionists who only want to speak to people that agree with their beliefs do.
As to your pick up line. You think no one ever tried that one before?
I was walking round all day yesterday wondering the same thing. Seems we can all do whatever we want of course, I dont like football so if there was a football forum I would leave it to the football fans to enjoy it, without keep putting my hatred of it on to spoil there useful conversations......
Ah - so if you had people leaving flyers on your car and knocking on your door to tell you you needed to watch football or you would spend eternity in a burning lake of fire - you would leave them be?
Oh yes. That's right - football fans don't do that.........
I understand what you're saying, but you don't have to comment on what others say. You can comment and respond to what you would like to. There are plenty "religious" in the religious forum that will comment. If you want to engage in conversation about the topic, do so, and ignore whatever you want to (or don't want to read). Just use quotes or refer back to the original post. If others like what you say they'll expand on your response.
There are "religious" people who are on the forums. It just seems more of the "non-religious" post. Don't understand why??? I don't know if I'm only watering it down because I've only recently jumped back into convos, but I think some of the "non-religious" get a kick out of who they can scare away from the religion forum next.
That's because you have such a large variety of personalities, backgrounds, thinkers, and writers on HubPages. That's what makes it so un-generic. It draws the attention of different classes/groups of people... it's very diverse I guess is what I'm trying to say. That's why I love it!
I thought the same when I first started coming here, still do in some way. But I've grown to like it here. I even get a laugh myself when, say an atheist makes fun of what I post. I go to Catholic forums periodically cause I'm a Catholic. But with everyone basically thinking the same there it can get kind of boring. It's kind of cool in here when someone from another religion or even no religion understands your point of view. Although I think the bashing could be toned down a bit and I'm not leaving myself out of that either. There are some good people in here, religious and non-religious. What do you say Mark, truce?
I must run a sweepstake on how long that will last!
In all seriousness, I think that people often concentrate upon the extreme ends of the debate, and forget that 90% of the discussions are constructive and good-natured.
A bit of a good laugh along the way never hurts, though.
Well, if the hubbers can be preached to, I'm sure there's room for sceptics as well.
I was also very irritated when someone who doesn't understand would butt in and try and make fun.Today I feel they are seriously looking for answers and that's why they are here. Life is strange my friend some connect ,some do not.
Just hang in there and keep going, I experienced what you are going through.Today I have made peace with most non believers but there are still a few jerks out there .
Yes, it's terrible when someone doesn't understand you. Lots of assumptions made in this forum because of the lack of understanding of where another person stands in their belief and spiritual practices. Righteousness is a disturbing character trait and shows a lack of strength in their own truth and judgment.
Righteousness is a disturbing character trait and shows a lack of strength in their own truth and judgment.-strange philosophy.-twisted as usual.
Oh honourable fierycj,
I hope you forgive this transgression, but I only popped in to make this suggestion, because the depth and breadth of your intellect astonishes me:
You're dead right. Non religious people SHOULD NOT be in the religious forums.
How about we make 2 new rules.
1. All non religious people must stay out of the religious forums.
2. All religious people must stay out of the non-religious forums.
That's fair to everyone. Don't you just LOVE win/win negotiations.
Just because a person does not subscribe to a religious belief does not mean that the topic does not interest them, or that they don't have opinions about it.
Personally, I am an Atheist, but I have always been interested in what others believe. To me, the topic of religious beliefs is a facinating subject.
You want to smack people in the head? What's that about?
Human rights say that everyone can go everywhere. So don't abuse the rights of others, its not particularly religious, But then neither are alot of religious people. (Not meaning you)
I don't know about others, but I come here to help people who are religious understand their illness.
Because this is a public forum and people can comment where ever they want.
Thing is, there's a lot of really smart people in the Religion forum. And some really dumb ones too. Some people exist in the forum to make fun of other people who say something with at least some sense in it. While, they themselves say absolutely nothing at all. And lets not talk about the sense. There is no sense. I came up with this theory about Angelic flight,and noone save a few could say anything smart,just dumb jokes. But I get a kick out of it, though - in a half-assed way,that is. Funny thing though is, I could almost bet that these fellas used my line on their dates. I'm almost sure of it. They just change it,and make it sound romantic and corny as hell. Just the chicks luv it. I hope they at least admit that much to themselves: that fierycj gave them a line for their date.
1. Because it was moronic beyond belief;
2. You get a kick out of it because you are attention-seeking.
From Wiki:- The question how many angels can dance on the head of a pin? has been used many times as a trite dismissal of medieval angelology in particular, of scholasticism in general, - - - Another variety of the question is How Many Angels Can Sit On The Head Of A Pin? In other words, your 'theory' is not worth discussing which is why it was dismissed as, no, not that crass
Ask an unserious question, you'll get an unserious answer. Your theory of angelic flight merits nothing more. You inferred something from reading the Bible. Good for you. You didn't set the parameters of anything for there to be any debate. It's hardly a theory, and certainly one without any application. What? You expected people to clap you on the back and say heckuva job for something so inane? Get over yourself and stop being so butthurt.
And seriously, why would anyone use something like that on a date? I do well enough, thanks, without having to resort to corny lines.
My friend whom are you trying to hint?
PS: I started a thread earlier which was my personal experience.
I asked for an opinion. It wasn't blunt or rude either. I'm guessing you're one of the non-religious ones. But anyway, your idea that Atheism can be a view on religion, as smart as it sounds, is just like implying that non-science is a view on science. Which if you really think about it, isn't. Literature,for instance can talk about Science. But literature isn't a Science. So, no, non-religious people though they have rights and all, should take their rights, stick it up their...and stay the hell away from the religion forum. Now sorry for being rude or blunt,but thats the reality.
I gave you an opinion that you asked for. The fact that you didn't like it is your problem frankly.
I'm assuming you're directing that at me?? I'm not religious but I believe in God. I was only refering to atheism as a religion because there was a thread on it that I read a little of that said it wasn't, which I guess makes sense.... as far as science and non-science, you lost me. I didn't mean to offend you, but it looks like I did, sorry for that. That's why I said sorry for being so blunt because words without expression can come off wrong.
I didn't ever think to visit the science forum. I don't play with the forums much because I try to spend my time writing and the forums are very addictive. And I can never get past the most recent posts on the forum home page! How do you find enough time in the day to frequent and post on so many topics?
I spend all day online. I make my living writing blogs such as the luxury property blog which makes Mark very bored.
Yeah, I've checked out some of your other blogs. I wish I had enough time in the day to do as much writing as you do. If you spend all day doing it, it must (obviously) be making you decent money, so no harm there. And you're allowed to have a little fun, I guess.
OH MY ! Let me just say Im sorry right now befor I even make this post,but please bare with me while I just cant help myself for just a moment! Dear op, Are you a joke or a mockery ? Swearing and being out right demanding of people?? Dont get me wrong, I will stand my ground on my beliefs and I can take the issues closest to my heart right deffensive if someone just wants to be mean and its because they are attacking part of who I am for no other reason than they feel they have an open opertunity to do so. Thats not the way people should be toward one another reguardless of any or no religious beliefs!!I claim to be only human and can dish it out too! If you believe in what you speak(which alot of it I hope you dont ) than you must know that if Christ could not draw people to him in such a nature than neither WILL YOU ! These forums are for discussion and communication, NOT to try and force people with a sharp tounge. You are more offensive to some than those who you claim you have a problem with. How must you swear out one side of your mouth and yet proclaim truths and prophecy(sp?) out of the other?? SINCE I have already claimmed to be ONLY human it would be a shame to close without saying YOUR NOT RIGHT(in the head)! I am begining to understand better why some have the horrific views that I once thought were completely unwarranted.
Thats very insightful of you fierycj, but maybe like me people who either once believed or have never believed come here out of curiousity or maybe they think they could be wrong. For me, I was once a very strong believer now I'm not and come here every now and then to see if anyone can or will answer the 1 question I've been asking since the beginning, why? Why do you believe? Without using the phrase "the bible tells us" or just because or my favorite "faith". I am not asking because I have doughts, as I KNOW based on the "book" that God doesn't exsist and I am in NO_WAY condemning those that do. I just don't understand the hang up so to speak with something NO_ONE can prove exsisted. The number of people that died in the name of 1 god or another, 1 religion or another is in the 10's of millions since religion began. STOP!!!!!!!!
From my hubs its obvious my stance on religion and one of the reasons I usually avoid confrontational discussions, but.....
I'm not a scientist but I might be interested in the discussion of it or want more information so I visit those areas. The same could be said about religion. Though there are various viewpoints on what the details of religion classifications can be, "non-religious" people have the right to visit and comment. They can give their opinions They might not consider themselves "non-religious" just not the same religion as the other people.
Respect for others opinions and stances is highly important no matter what "side" you are on. And please keep in mind that the words you are using are just as harsh and hostile as the words of some "non-religious" people and the reason why many good hubbers run from these forums. don't join the ones you condemn.
Very well said. Live and let live ought to be the way to go.
Thank you. If I want respect for my words and thoughts then I have to show that same respect even when I don't agree.
Yes we can always agreeably disagree
PS: Sufidreamer is one of the best examples that I try to emulate.
Thanks, little sister.
Although you should avoid the Ouzo fuelled arguments and excessive sarcasm
OP - Apart from the fact that barring non-religious people from the religion forum is insane, it specifically states that this forum is the place to discuss epistemology. Religious affiliation is not a prerequisite to that.
If you can be so nice under the influence of ouzo then I wonder how much more nice, nicer and nicest you would be when you are sober
Sufidreamer, there you go again with your interesting Ouzo, send me one please. :-)
Available in any Greek neighbourhood. Also known as distilled instant death
Remind me to tattoo my address on my forehead before I drink that stuff then.
If you believe in reincarnation then "death" is the beginning point for another life hence you are living/"reliving" many life times
Thanks CW - you have just given me the perfect excuse. Next time my partner tells me off for drinking too much Ouzo, I can tell her that I am merely moving into another spiritual dimension and moving towards infinite wisdom, and assimilation with the universe.
You are a genius
Come on Sufi!! Stop pulling my leg. We both know you are far too intelligent to come up with your own set of excuses (sober or not)
Sadly, I have run out of excuses and any new suggestions are always welcome
Mind you, she usually waits until I am feeling the effects the day after before she pounces.
I agree with countrywomen & RGraf. Why make a big deal out of this issue? Being non-religious is not a crime. I consider myself a religious person but that does not give me a right to snub my non-religious counterpart. Surprising.. how some people can take it that far. The first thing which religion teaches is tolerance and I see it lacking in so many people who claim to be religious.
I'm affraid that most of the time there's a big gap between the teachings and reality . The teachers hunger for power most of the times , would it be only to push their ideas to the outmost , and must always find a common threat to unite their pupils , most of the time these are other religions and atheists in particular . The underlying thought being that you can switch a person to another religion for they all are more or less the same , but that it is almost impossible to make a person with rational thinking make believe that there is a god somewhere.
That is also the reason why they want us out of this forum , millitant atheists are at least as strong as missionaries , unluckilly they are outnumbered by far .
People must begin to respect each other’s positions on religious beliefs. We all share different views based on our personal experiences and backgrounds. We also have to be honest about the inner conflictions we struggle with in our own faiths. I personally am not a scientist nor am I fully convinced that there is a "supreme being" that knows and sees all. We all create and live in our own realities and we must begin to understand that even though an object cannot be seen, that does not mean it does not exist. Whether our object of worship consists of matter and mass or just hopes and dreams, we still should all have the right to praise them!
Unluckilly these "own realities" tend to overlap other peoples realities and the "right to praise" generally ends with the denial of other people's rights , that's what true live shows us.
Ok,its clear you guys dont get me one bit. I'm not a religious fanatic or anything,but I love God mindlessly. However, I believe in rights and free will and all that new age crap. If anyone wants to box to Lucifer. I wouldn't care less. However, if you're gonna take out the time from your busy schedule just to sign into religious forum, only to make fun about threads with some sense in them, just because you're a free-spirited atheist who thinks religious people simple dimwits, then you're the dimwit and you ought to have your non-religious head smacked around a bit. And I would gladly do that, I'm not one of those fanatics, you can probably tell by now. Salutations.
Either you truly are a fanatic, or that is an inspired piece of satire.
I think that says it all really.
Seriously - you can have some good discussions here, but you haven't hit the spot yet.
Whining about how misunderstood you are is probably not going to help either.
The angel discussion might have worked 30 years ago in a well read English grammar school, but....... Things have moved on. The big thing now is questioning scientific knowledge because it disagrees with the bible "proofs". Try one of those, I may even stop by and have a go myself.
I can only speak for myself, of course. But I'm not an aetheist, I'm agnostic. And one of my favourite people in the whole word is very religious (my Mama) but she's not remotely dim-witted. She's also a scientist, a geologist.
I like Mark Knowles. He's calm and has a sense of humour too. I like a guy with a sense of humour. I can tell right away you think you real before you make your funny jokes. And they're funny too, no doubt. I can see right away why everyone adores you. And it gets to your head too. I really like guys who think they know more about everything than anyone. I get a kick out people like that. They amuse me.
Oh not everyone adores Mark. Some have tried to get him thrown off HP altogether.
I repeat...this is a PUBLIC forum...everyone is entitled to comment on whatever they wish...
I'll answer your question Mark. There's really nothing to it. I've got Hubpages on my Mobile, cos I'm always on the move. And when I'm not, I'm either writing a movie script for some producer, or writing my novel, or watching a really good movie. I get good supplies of great movies. Nothing phony or anything. Just the good stuff. Belief713 I accept your apology,and offer mine as well. I say this at the risk of sounding like one those cry baby talk shows everywhere now. I love this forum and everyone in it. Who knows, one day I'll make a movie about everyone.
Non religious people of course can write wherever they like.
It does seem strange to me that every religious topic is
dominated by people who seem to have nothing good to say
about religion, or religious people...
It does not make any sense..... And actually must stop a lot of people bothering to go on these forums who have positive input..
Just my opinion... dont bother to rant at me .. I wont read it....
Although atheism is not necessarily hostile to religion, there are, of course some atheists who are hostile to religion, and not just fundamentalist religions. Atheism which is actively hostile to religion I would call militant. To be hostile in this sense requires more than just strong disagreement with religion—it requires something verging on hatred and is characterized by a desire to wipe out all forms of religious beliefs. Militant atheists tend to make one or both of two claims that atheists do not. The first is that religion is demonstrably false or nonsense, and the second is that it is usually or always harmful.
Thus, militant atheism is driven by a hatred and hostility toward religion without distinction. This high level of hostility blinds them to the good religion has done, or is doing, and fails to acknowledge that there is a wide variety of religion expressions ranging from extremist groups, on one side of the belief continuum, to very sincere, loving and service-oriented groups on the other side. Unfortunately, it is this kind of rage that has led to extreme forms of militant atheism in the past that led to the persecution of religions and the killing of a great many, as it has occurred in Communist countries
Do you have anything to add that is your own opinion? Or can you only cut and paste other's opinions?
Rage? No Militant atheist? OK
Sorry dude. Facts are facts. Deal with it.
You mean robots, not monkeys don't you really. As far as atheism wanting to rid the whole earth of religion you could say the saem about your religions wanting to wipe anything in it's path out of existence just because it or they do not conform to your set of rules and fear mongering.
I believe it takes more courage to be an atheist today (as well as in the past ),than to show religeous believes .It's not unlikely that one day followers of all sorts of cults will join their forces to burn us all , before eventually to go to war with eachother.Sorry, but doe it's true that communists have persecuted religions ,I can come up with centurys of history where it where the religeous people killing everyone who did not stick to the "right" believes of the moment .Especially catholics and muslims are renown for their conversions by the sword,today it goes on by bombs and guns . You will also notice that it's always the hardline within religeous movements who end up with the power (just look to the evolution of the muslim world the last decades).
So don't tell me religionists are the victims , the real victims are the ones who try to think for themselves and in a general way whole humanity because all religions have allways put a restrain on science and by doing so refrained progress in all domains.
Not only are militant Atheists agressive in their attempts to overturn the existance of theological beliefs within the walls of science, literature, and government; but they set an unobtainable "Godlike" standard for those who oppose them in public forum thus seting advantages for themselves in plausable debate. Here we see an uninhibited Atheist in his attempt to confound the expressions of an inhibited believer.
Hardly seems fair does it?
Like I always say - "No sensible person enters a battle of wits unarmed."
On the other hand, "don't argue with a fool. He'll drag you down to his level and beat you with experience"
The atheists on this thread do not strike me as militant. I think they are just using humor and sarcasm more than anything else.
The irony of this militant attitude toward religion is that evolutionists sometimes downplay such aggressive tactics in an attempt to lull the religious populace into thinking that no battle is taking place.
So - am I an evolutionist - or an atheist?
Of course there is a battle. What? You didn't notice that actual knowledge is replacing your irrational beliefs - and you are fighting to justify them? Sounds like a battle to me.
What battle? You are the one making it into an either/or situation.
The irony in your post is that you assume you are either religious or a scientist, and never the twain shall meet.
My mother is very religious. And like most, almost all, Christians here in the UK (including the Archbishop of Canterbury) she has no problem with ideas of geological time, evolution, et al. Just as well, really, as a geologist.
Atheists present themselves as enlightened and civil. But the truth is The French Revolution, Communism, Nazism, etc. have taught us that the atheistic worldview will inevitably lead to the persecution of Christians and the killing of anyone who gets in the way. currently atheism is paving a wide road for Islam to advance in our nation and around the world.
Can you think of anything to say that are your own words?
And using Hitler's "Christian Nationalism" (Nazism) is not a great example.............
No, Today's Militant Atheist is no better than his foolish ancestors (whom, he believes to be monkeys). You speak of Reason, but are really interested in arming yourself, digging yourself into our Christian soil, and awaiting the coming anti-Christian military purge that you so desperately desire. Today they write books, tomorrow they will throw bombs. Today they abuse our courts to silence God, tomorrow they will put the Christian parent on trial for "child abuse". Today they mock the Christian, tomorrow they will hunt the Christian down in the streets like a stray dog and euthanize him to stop the "disease" of Christianity. … eists.html
Like I said - do you have anything you have thought of yourself?
Not planning on throwing any bombs myself. Words will do just fine.......
You say that today, but tomorrow you will be standing shoulder to shoulder with the next Karl; you know who!!!
I see no atheist plot to persecute Christians here. Where do you get this tripe from? You are giving the rest of us a bad name.
I have no problem being Christian and being a proponent of evolution. You are seeing threats that are not there.
What are you afraid of?
When the Earth was made no one called it christian. Shall I bring up--er I m going to anyway--the death of millions due to those *Christians* who thought it was right to kill and convert instead of teach and let be---the Inquisition for one, Just bringing foriegn diseases that wiped out many cultures and then they blamed on who---Satan. Gee what a great way to go--blame everything you do on some invisible being--someone who cannot fight back----POH and if they Think it does---wow ---on and on and self responsibility.
I am not a Catholic so I do not see how this statement applies to me.
Where and when did I mention anything about Catholic? Nowhere--again you bringing in something that isn't there.
You spoke in past tense of christians who killed and the inquisition wasn't this an endeavor of the Catholic church? I didn't mean to embarass you in front of your atheist friends. Remember you can't serve two masters!
Oh, my, and here I have been thinking all this time that Catholics WERE Christians!
Lordy, Lordy, Lordy me - thank God my eyes have been opened to the truth. Get thee behind me, Benedict XIII!
EXXCCUUUUUUSE ME!! There weren't really Catholic then, they were all christians. I don't serve two masters and I am not Athiest!!!!!! Can you understand that? And no you did not embarrass me in front of anyone. You really got a big head - kind of put yourself on that pedestal that you are better than anyone else eh too? I am glad that I won'[t be under it when you fall.
..............and sir that can be anyone---Angels who you turn away as they did Jesus in that home he was made to look like a stranger.
The written corolation betwixt subject matter held in respective detrimental to, and consisting of, comunication abounded to parties hereafter by said peanut gallery are beyond the scope of reasoning and shall hereafter be taken into account and disregarded. Good day maam.
Could GOD reason? Did Jesus know how to write or read for that matter?
Just remember the Angels Unawares.........
Surely your turning of things upsidedown will be esteemed as the potters clay!
Where does it say that we cannot ask questions of anything? I believe that was what the clergy wants not Jesus.
Again you are implying that I implied something about which I did not imply. My true implications are; questions are the beginings of truth seeking. But seek for the best things and read from the best books, and above all, if you lack wisdom, ask of God and it will be revealed to you.
Just as a matter of interest - if you have no answers - how do you know what the best books are?
Mohit's book is ranked higher than the bible - is that where you get your answers?
But god does not exist. So now you can go out and read some real books with real information in.
No you mean the best book is the Bible--and I don't consider it the best book because there are many of those such books to read from.
Now you are making me dizzy. Just say what you mean and stop beating around that bush. You insinnuate so much.
Bush? you voted for Bush? Just messing with you! I don't remember, that conversation was days ago.
I didn't vote for Bush and I didn't vot for Obama either! I know you can't remember that far back and no problems.
Various Orthodox and Coptic churches would take issue with you there....
As John Ball put it in the 1370s and 1380s, "When Adam delved and Eve span, who then was the gentleman?"
We live next door to an Islamic country and have no problem with their religion.
The Nazi's openly embraced Christianity, both Catholic and Protestant, and most German combat units had access to padres.
I know many atheists and do not feel threatened at all - in fact, they are usually excellent philosophers, too.
Perhaps you are being cordially invited to mind your own business, or alternatively, to take the log out of your own eye before you point to the speck in someone else's?
Just a wee theory....
(Of course, the evidence might prove my theory wrong. In which case, I'll change it)
That doesn't sound right. You should stick with the original regardless.
Yeah, it could be another invisible non-exitant being trying to take your very soul and take you from God......
Of course we all know that the Christians have never persecuted anyone...
I don't like being told that I have to believe in a religion because I'm afraid of another one taking its place.
For the record, I am more an agnostic than an atheist too.
I can see more people becoming atheist the more the born-again Christians push and push and condemn anyone who disagrees with them.
I Would agree wih you on that one, it does not seem christian somehow does it.......
Is an agnostic someone who does not really know what to believe.
What is the difference between a believer who goes by the Bible--the ONLY Holy book that they will look at or believe and a believer who doesn't put lots of faith in that book, but does of God and Jesus?
I take being agnostic to mean that I don't have any proof in the existence or the non-existence of God.
Like this quote from wikipedia:
"I cannot know whether a deity exists or not, and neither can you."
curious phrase, Agune time someone said: thank God I'm an atheist
I agree Sufi. I got a good laugh at the photo of the lost dog that Mark posted in that other thread.
I basically asked for a truce figuring it would get a laugh.
Happy to oblige
I knew that you would miss us - there is some great banter at times and, as Elynjo said, some good points.
I like these threads - things get intense, then we all chill out, talk about alcohol and crack some bad jokes before the next bout.
We all disagree about some things but agree about others, and that is what makes life interesting.
Look Guy...HE didnt have to EAT it! O.K.!!!!!!!!!!!!
Times are hard - no point in turning down an easy meal
Lots of things taste like chicken. The theory is that we are actually in The Matrix, and they cut some corners on the programming due to budget constraints. Chicken is the default flavour of the universe.
bagle not beagle ...she said mark go get us a bagle !
Just because I have no proof doesnt mean it isnt so !
Who'd a thought about a little thing like a cell would become something big like the Swine Flu?! There are other things we cannot see that does have an effect on us----only as we find them they become less frightening.
On that note, off to bed before the jokes get any worse!
Night all
Are you making fun of Mark or the dog? Is the truce over? hehe
WHO DO you all think will be the last comic standing on this thred ?? just wondering where the votes are falling
OK. Im with Sufi..Well not "WITH" Sufi lol, but you know what I mean..I gotta hand this laptop over to a child with a paper due ! Its been fun. G'night All !
My opinion is
Religion Forum is hard to define , for a while there ,the debate was on Atheism being a Religion or not? and Im sure many similar debates are challenged and thrashed to death or bought to life....depending on your beliefs etc
Our perception ( despite what any dictionary defines Religion means) changes dont you think?
Like when I was at school "Religious Study" was a good time to goof off or do anything other than the class was intended for.
Later 'Religious Forum' meant looking for topics of interest etc
Here I find on this site called Hubpages its a mixture of all of the above.
It's amazing to me how suddenly smart a non religious person becomes when it comes to another's religion. Say I was a Scientist, and I postulated a theory contrary to what something Newton said, say Relativity. Most people would shut the hell up. Why? Cos they dont know hoot about what the hell I'm talking about, being that I'm a Scientist and all. Fast forward to here and now, Same scenario, I'm into religion, and thats what I talk about. Consider me a 'Scientist' in my field, and shut the hell up. Why? Cos you're non-religious and you dont know what the hell I'm talking about. Its beyond you. Its of a higher frequency. Leave it be. I dont pretend to understand atheists, I dont. I dont interfere. I dont care. Guess what? You dont have to be a SCIENTIST to figure that much.
There are many consciousness levels and the ego cannot handle being in a lower consciousness level than someone else.
The difference is that Einstein did not shove his theory of relativity down everybody's throat. Many of you guys do, so some people naturally vomit back at you
I believe some one is mixing up religion with god. Any fool can see religion is a political/economic tool to control those who are unable or unwilling to think for themselves.
I would have thought some one "into" religion would have learned a little self control by now though
As for claiming you are a "scientist" of religionism.
Let me know when you have solved the speed of "average" angel flight. Is that a Norwegian or Mediterranean angel? Try watching a few Monty Python films before announcing your "new" theories.
@Jenny - good to see you back.
Right, so only scientists ought to comment on science and artists on art and whatever else. You think neither science nor religion nor anything else has implications on other people?
Non-religious does not mean ignorant of religion. I've been reading theology for years. Jewish theology, but theology nonetheless. Don't give me that bullshit about higher frequency. Just the mere fact that you're religious does not give you greater understanding of anything, it simply means you believe. That's not a good or bad thing, in and of itself. You're no higher frequency than me or anyone else. You don't get a medal for unreasoned belief or unbelief.
If you're claiming the Bible or whatever else can be read and understood by anyone, then you've got to be prepared to have "anyone" question it. It's only a credit to you if you can stomach and respond coherently to said dissent. If you wanted a kiss-ass forum, make your own.
"What's a Non-religious person doing in a Religion Forum?"
Hmmm looking for a fight? Sorry can't resist! I came in peace and will leave the same way. Carry on merry gentlemen!
Righteousness is spot on. It implies following the fsm!
Righteousness is one of the chief attributes of God. Its chief meaning concerns ethical conduct. (E.g., Leviticus 19:36; Deuteronomy 25:1; Psalm 1:6; Proverbs 8:20) It is used in a legal sense; while the guilty are judged, the guiltless are deemed righteous. God's faithfulness to His covenant is also a large part of His righteousness. (Nehemiah 9:7-8)
No God, no righteousness, get with the agenda!
Righteousness is one of the chief attributes of God-
no righteousness on a religious forum, sorry its my motto, cannot tell god to go to hell.
Thanks, Mark, it's good to BE back. I have sorely missed the wit, and I even missed the fractional wits who inadvertently but regularly provide such wonderful witfodder ...
To Misha and Mark Knowles repectively. Nobody shoves down anything down anybody's throat. Its either you take or leave.And I have self control thank you very much. You should know too, being so smart and all. But thanks for your concern.
Anyways, if any of you made a one of your new age philosophical cracks, I would take or leave it. You wouldnt call it shoving it down my throat, would you? Misha says, "You people". Well, I'll tell you the problem with 'you people': You people always think that when someone makes a religious comment that its directed towards you, like we always give a damn if you accept us. Well, personally I don't care what anyone thinks. I kind of get a kick out you atheists guys squabbling over everything a religious dude says. Its like it bothers the hell out of you guys. Like you spirit isnt at peace or something.
I just imagne a religion forum with people of diverse religions sharing beliefs, and having a blast doing it, without having interruptions from jerks. You know, just the way the geeks in the Science forum enjoy their discussions, without jerks making a mess of everything.
Why don't you go with your ideas to the science forum ? Let them have a good laugh !
I am not an atheist, but I probably am a jerk. Which forum would you like me to post in?
Maybe you can suggest HubPages add a Jerk forum?
I know a few places in the world with diverse religions, where they blast each other to pieces to try and decide who has got the best imaginary friend. Is this what you have in mind?
If so, the sooner my previous suggestion is implemented - the better.
Sadly, it is true
It is a hereditary condition.
I can attest to the TRUTH of this. Plus - he is English. English jerks are world-renowned. I myself am considered a jerk in at least 7 countries - that I know of.
Look at Hugh Grant - he made a very successful career out of being an English jerk.
I am only considered a jerk in 4 countries, so have a little work to do.
I really hate Hugh Grant.
4 is not bad considering you are hidden in the Greek hills. You just need to get out more.
What kind of jerk though, acting like a jerk or talking like one? or both?
Well if you go by definition (according to dictionary/
Main Entry: jerk
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: stupid, bumbling person
Synonyms: brute, fool, idiot, nincompoop, ninny, oaf, rascal
I would have to say none of you are jerks by definition because none of you are stupid. (By "you" I mean those of you who have been referred to as jerks) Maybe bumbling though... But by definition that doesn't even fit...
Try starting a thread about evolution in the science forum!
Mind you, I would not use the term jerk, merely people with a different opinion.
Where did I say 'you people'? Putting words in my mouth and then replying to them? How very Christian of you!
Jenny, happy you are back
o.k. talk to me and I will reply, I love the bible and spiritual kind loving humble peaceful people xxx
There's no such thing with religion in a public forum. And even still, there's some good conversations going on, but not everyone is going to agree. Religion has been an ongoing battle that's destroyed nations and people for years and, according to the Bible, will end that way. Why even let it bother you? I don't. It's inevitable. Yes it can get annoying at times, but just laugh. Seriously. See the humor in it, the joy that you are supposed to have regardless of circumstances. Arguing your point, my point, who ever's point doesn't accomplish anything except for bruised egos. If you know what you know stand firm in it, don't argue it. You can kick it around and toy with it but if you have a strong belief system you can walk away from an argument feeling ok as opposed to aggravated or defeated. If you really care to make your point there are other ways of doing it.
Even Jesus was questioned and made fun of - he was hung on a cross! What makes us any better? I'll tell you what - NOTHING. It's just a different time now. Times have advanced enough that we can now have religious quarrels in forums as opposed to only in the streets. I think it's actually a good thing - because if all of us were face to face a few fights would have broken out by now. At least this way it's just virtual...
Indeed, you must have been Touched today.
I'm sure Eric must be having a ball by now. You guys really arent that smart. at least not as half as I thought. Here, what I said, just in brief so hard to learn readers.
If anyone doesnt have anything smart to stay, stay the hell not. Just like if I dont have anything smart to say in a Science forum, I stay the hell out. Is that so hard to understand.
Gosh, how dumb can you guys be....
Thinking of it , I will stay on the religion forum , I'm shure I can learn from you .But most of all I want to go on not agreeing with you and see how far you will get with your insults.
I'd like to see a Bible study Forum. They can quote proverbs at their hearts content and bandy around their thoughts and opinions and spread the word of the bible. I'd totally respect that space. I wouldn't go into it, but I'd respect that that is what they do in it.
You can't make it binding on everybody And I bet you yourself will have something strong to say there time to time
True. Freewill encompasses all Misha. Scuba gear could be made available on entry.
You bet I'll talk to you, Brenda. By the way, I love your hubs.
Thanks a lot I am very new to all of this, but I hate to see you get angry, dont let them do it to you..........
Count me in , I love spirituality and anything and everything to do with god.
Thanks Brenda. They're not getting to me. They're ignorant and egotistical, is all. I know their type.
Now that is the sort of humble religious forum conversation we should be striving for......
People like calebd amuse the hell out of me. I mean, they really do. And you can tell he thinks much of himself too. I don't give a damn how many theological works you've read. Jewish or otherwise. If you want me to stomach whatever the hell you wanna say, than say something with at least some sense in it. At least...gosh!
I'm glad you're amused. You've yet to say anything credible besides bitching about how no one takes your angelic flight nonsense seriously. You said I'm ignorant of religion by default and when I said I was not, you said you don't give a damn. You've got a highly dissonant position. And you wonder why people don't take you seriously.
Hello LadyG ! BEEGEES ROCK GIRL ! I love that one Gotta help my daughter but will be back later..Good Luck
That is one of the wisest remarks I have seen in a forum Lady G. Yet such a simple one as well.
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