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  1. SAQIB6608 profile image72
    SAQIB6608posted 10 years ago



  2. AISHAKHATTAK profile image61
    AISHAKHATTAKposted 10 years ago

    Beginning with Adam, the message of Islam ("submission" to the Almighty God) has been propagated throughout time. For example, all of the Prophets mentioned in the Bible are recognized and distinguished in Islam; in fact, Islam is a culmination of the monotheistic religions that came before it. There are many similarities between Islamic practices and the moral practices of other major religions.

    Educating oneself frees the mind of prejudice and ignorance regarding other cultures and religions. Take some time to learn about the religion of the Muslims, and you too will come to see a Beautiful Islam.

    1. Pam Ryan profile image60
      Pam Ryanposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Islam is about as beautiful as beheading people or burning them to death. Not very beautiful at all, really. Except to fascists and psychopaths.

    2. SAQIB6608 profile image72
      SAQIB6608posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Good and Bad exist in every religion Pam,

  3. profile image0
    JThomp42posted 10 years ago

    All one needs to do is look to the Middle east and the conflicts currently happening there. Cutting off peoples heads. Killing men, women, and children who are Christians. I think this should answer your question.

    1. lone77star profile image71
      lone77starposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Bad answer, JT. All one needs to do is look at the Christian murders throughout history to see that you're not seeing the real problem. Selfishness (ego) corrupted Christianity and every other religion.

      Love is the only True Religion. Jesus said so.

    2. profile image0
      JThomp42posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Agreed Christianity has been responsible for some very bad things in the dark ages. It seems that Islam is still in the dark ages. Not all. But, it is estimated that 15 to 25% of them are extremists. How can these acts of violence represent love?

    3. AISHAKHATTAK profile image61
      AISHAKHATTAKposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      @JThompson ! Middle East circumstances are the result of something. You have yo think twice before injuring yourself /hurting someone else. @Ione77 i agree with you too. Religion without mutual respect is no religion at all.  Selfishness is no virtue

    4. lisavollrath profile image92
      lisavollrathposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      For some, Christianity is still responsible for bad things. That doesn't mean its believers are all bad. There are fanatics in every faith. We can't judge the faithful by their fanatics, nor should we. Judge not, eh?

    5. profile image0
      JThomp42posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Agreed Lisa. It is just a little easy to become inflamed due to the circumstances in the Middle east. My answer certainly is inflammatory and I apologize for that. Muslims are for the most part good people and feel as strongly about their beliefs.

    6. jlpark profile image76
      jlparkposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      JT I just wanted to thank you for your apology - I know it wasn't to me but I thought a thanks was in order anyway

    7. profile image0
      JThomp42posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you jl.

    8. manatita44 profile image72
      manatita44posted 10 years agoin reply to this


      I came in here only to commend you on your very positive answer to Lisa. Most definitely one of your better ones.  I believe in you, bro, like everyone else. Continue to strive to let the Spirit shine. Loving thoughts.

    9. profile image0
      JThomp42posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you so much manatita44. That really does mean a lot.

    10. profile image0
      Deborah Sextonposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      JT You are correct. Many have killed when a war was going on, but when a group of militants in a certain religion  go around committing heinous crimes, it's a sure sign that they don't know the One True God

    11. Sam Archer profile image60
      Sam Archerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      what about those attacks israel is doing? Ain't that terrorism?

    12. profile image0
      SirDentposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Sam Archer, is Israel on the offensive against Palestinians?  To defend your nation against attacks is not what I would call making attacks but defending against them.

  4. lone77star profile image71
    lone77starposted 10 years ago


    Love is the best religion.

    This is the religion of Yehoshua of Nazareth and Gautama Siddhartha and Lao Tzu. Those with Egos corrupted their religion and formed Christianity, Buddhism and Taoism. There's still some of the Truth in them, but you have to start at love to see that Truth.

    1. SAQIB6608 profile image72
      SAQIB6608posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Throw some light on ISLAM please

    2. gmwilliams profile image83
      gmwilliamsposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      This SHOULD HAVE been the BEST ANSWER!

    3. celafoe profile image52
      celafoeposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      of which of the many kinds of scriptural love are you speaking

    4. Pam Ryan profile image60
      Pam Ryanposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Can you tell us how you came by this conclusion? I don'appear to have received the memo.

  5. lisavollrath profile image92
    lisavollrathposted 10 years ago

    There is no "best" religion. You believe what you believe. It's not a competition.

    1. SAQIB6608 profile image72
      SAQIB6608posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      There has to be a faith. A conviction. A way of life. True that every religion stands for the GOOD but ISLAM outshines ALL.

    2. lisavollrath profile image92
      lisavollrathposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      You asked my opinion. I gave it, and I stand by it. You will not convince me that any one religion is the "best" religion. One believes what one believes. Religious views are not a competitive sport.

    3. SAQIB6608 profile image72
      SAQIB6608posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      True religious views are not competitive. As an old theory is rejuvinated by a  new presenting more facts and close to the reality perceptions. Similarly ISLAM is a complete package. It erases all older ways of life/ethics/beliefs.

    4. Pam Ryan profile image60
      Pam Ryanposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      No religion stands for good. Murderous, torturing, fantastical carp, every las one of them. GO AWAY

    5. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      "(ISLAM) It erases all older ways of life/ethics/beliefs." If "physical" & not "Spiritual" it has not caught up w/The Gospel of Christ! Still under "Law" which commands "doing" or "works" when Christ's Gospel req's belief, faith. Holy Spirit WORK

  6. DealForALiving profile image57
    DealForALivingposted 10 years ago

    Quite the nasty question you're asking. I think we have enough people pounding their chest saying their religion is the best.

    1. SAQIB6608 profile image72
      SAQIB6608posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      its not best or worst. SOLID REASONING

    2. Findecano profile image59
      Findecanoposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Solid reasoning would tell you that in the age of reason any religion loses all its logical sense of existing and only remains as a tool of social control. Religion chokes the individuality and liberty of ignorant people using fear and punishment.

  7. Link10103 profile image61
    Link10103posted 10 years ago

    If you can find a religion that doesn't have a blood bath of a history, chances are its better than most major religions.

    Objectively speaking however the best religion is the one you most closely identify with and appreciate.

    1. SAQIB6608 profile image72
      SAQIB6608posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Very honest opinion. appreciated. Blood is never wasted its sacrifised

    2. Say Yes To Life profile image79
      Say Yes To Lifeposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Link10103 - the only world religion with no history of holy wars is Buddhism.  Perhaps this is the best one!

    3. Link10103 profile image61
      Link10103posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Heard someone say Buddhism has some blood stains on its history as well. Never looked into it, but the lack of holy wars is still a decent sign.

  8. SAQIB6608 profile image72
    SAQIB6608posted 10 years ago

    Dear ALL.
    I am not here to preach or convince anyone regarding ISLAM. But one thing IN TRUE SENSE and SPIRIT of ISLAM, even its meaning means PEACE and PROSPERITY. Those in middle east proclaiming to be Muslims  , Sorry to say, and what about Gaza strip. What is being done there? Islam if practiced and known in its true sense speaks itself for brotherhood and the best of human behaviour. your comments appreciated but i need solid reasoning for your rejection of the statement.

    1. lisavollrath profile image92
      lisavollrathposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Your original question asked for opinions. The answers being posted are giving you those opinions. How can one possibly prove that one religion is "best"? It's not possible, or reasonable.

    2. scahoon profile image59
      scahoonposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I will stick with the God of Abraham who answers me when I call and who loves all his creation, even those who don't except him. You don't see Christians threatening genocide to all who don't convert to Him. Here is my answer smile

    3. SAQIB6608 profile image72
      SAQIB6608posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      scahoon, please explain a bit

    4. profile image0
      JThomp42posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      SAQIB6608.... are women as good as men? How do you treat women in Islam? How old must a girl be before she is raped? How old must a child be before he is to start killing Christians and Jews? Why are little girls not allowed to be educated? Why?

    5. SAQIB6608 profile image72
      SAQIB6608posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      JThomp42 : Bro Islam has given all rights to women for education. Its the way at certain places Islam is followed thats not what it should be. Educated Muslims are always peaceful,respectful and worthy of respect.
      Extremist are out of circleof Islam

    6. Link10103 profile image61
      Link10103posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Why are women ordered to serve their husbands? Why are women to be married by their rapist as long as they pay the father? Why are children supposed to be killed for disobeying parents? Pretty sure there are Bible verses that allow these things.

    7. SAQIB6608 profile image72
      SAQIB6608posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Link10103 :
      Women should respect and serve their husbands.
      about rest of the things you said, are baseless. revise books and revise your concepts.

    8. profile image0
      JThomp42posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Link..... I would not attempt to quote the Bible if I was completely and utterly ignorant of exactly what it says. Have you seen any of this behavior from Christians? NO. But, we all have seen these things done by Islam. Read your Bible be4 babbling.

    9. SAQIB6608 profile image72
      SAQIB6608posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Link & JThomp:
      All religions should respect each other. World is at war because there is no balance of power. The shift at on side for world-order may have effects in future. Just search for Joe Biden now and you will come to know. BASELESS

    10. celafoe profile image52
      celafoeposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      saq- - -re-read your koran youd missed most of it.   Everything I said it true and you know it, but , as required you muslimes are great liars.  women have no freedom under sharia, they are chattel and have  no rights with you guys.  you dont fool me

    11. Link10103 profile image61
      Link10103posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Isnt it Convienent to say the Bible is inspired by god but to ignore what it says to do
      And Saq it would be difficult to revise a book that has already been written. I could quote which verses so everyone can enlighten me as to what they really mean

    12. Pam Ryan profile image60
      Pam Ryanposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      People like you didn't bother pouring into the streets to demonstrate against the murder of over 100 school kids last year in Pakistan. But when someone draws a picture of the nine year old marrying Prophet Mohammed,  all hell breaks loose and even m

  9. jlpark profile image76
    jlparkposted 10 years ago

    Which ever religion feels right in your heart is the best religion for you. If that is Islam - wonderful, if that is Buddhism - wonderful, if that is Christianity - wonderful, if that is Hinduism - wonderful.

    It is when you insist that others must follow your religion because if it was best for you it must be best for you - ignoring their opinions on what's best for them that it becomes a problem. Regardless of what religion that one may be.

    Each person has something that works for them.

    However - extremists come in any religion - ISIL are not an example of Islam, just as The KKK are not an example of Christians. They may both claim to be of those religions but are not what a religion should be judged on.

    1. SAQIB6608 profile image72
      SAQIB6608posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Great anser. That is what i am trying to explain brother. We need not to target any of the way of life as bad in case of religions. Its only portions of people that make a religion bad or shameful. These people need to be sorted out. we need peace

    2. AISHAKHATTAK profile image61
      AISHAKHATTAKposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      agreed to JL. Its not the gun, but man behind the gun that matters.

    3. flpalermo profile image59
      flpalermoposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Is Satanism O.K. with you? WOW!

    4. Link10103 profile image61
      Link10103posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      FL, what has Satanism done that Islam and Christianity haven't already done?

    5. profile image0
      Lybrahposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Link, I don't think you quite understand who Satan is and what he is all about, if you can ask that question.  Satanists have been known to sacrifice human babies to Lucifer.

    6. Link10103 profile image61
      Link10103posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      And Christians have been known to murder human babies/kids in exorcisms because they have no medical knowledge in the slightest, which still happens to this day.
      Can you find a source for the last time a satanist sacrificed a baby?

    7. profile image0
      JThomp42posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Link... can you give us proof of what you claim about Christians?

    8. Link10103 profile image61
      Link10103posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Guess we will ignore that it is up to Lybrah to prove herself before me. Google "baby dies in exorcism", at least 3 cases that happened within the past 4 years show. I did the same with satanic rituals and found nothing concrete.

    9. profile image0
      Lybrahposted 10 years agoin reply to this
    10. Link10103 profile image61
      Link10103posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      One of the first things I found. Did you actually read any of it Lybrah? If so, can you point me to the section that says where a baby recently died in a satanic ritual? All I saw were accusations of abuse in the 80's. I did only skim it though.

    11. Findecano profile image59
      Findecanoposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      "ISIL are not an example of Islam". Right, i suppose this is isn't either then:
      Christ, gimme a bloody example of Islam that's not some oppressive nonsensical medieval bull.

  10. levicolemagic profile image60
    levicolemagicposted 10 years ago

    No. Neither is Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism...ect

    Peace, Love, and good deeds is the best religion in my opinion.

    Most religions including Muslim, Islam and Christianity have both been responsible for too much pain, suffering, and death to be in second place let alone best.

    1. SAQIB6608 profile image72
      SAQIB6608posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Would you like to explain last line of your first comment please.

    2. gmwilliams profile image83
      gmwilliamsposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      A multillion percent in agreement!

    3. levicolemagic profile image60
      levicolemagicposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Sure, to clarify: All religions mentioned condone mistreatment of women, or thinking them less than men. Many people have been killed in the name of those religions. (Sources: Quran, Bible, History) I listed Islam twice, was late, I was tired my bad.

  11. Nicole Winter profile image60
    Nicole Winterposted 10 years ago

    Obviously you simply want to tell everyone that Islam is the best religion, anyone who has answered with anything other than: "Yes, Islam is the bees knees!," you've argued with.  I find the highly Christian / Muslim / Islamic / Atheism is the best, most logical, true, etc., rants on Hub Pages to be a bit tiring at best, occasionally downright offensive.  I don't care.  You can see how little I care by not engaging in %90 of the redundant rhetoric on HP when it comes to religion or lack thereof.  I will say this:

    Any religion that requires absolute faith, complete submission and a lack of ego is terrifying to me.  Why?  Because I am.  I control my fate, through my thoughts, actions and decisions.  Yes, sometimes things happen TO ME that are out of my control, but simply put, they're out of my control. 

    The idea that one religion is the end all and be all, the best religion is simply offensive, to me and many other Americans who were brought up with tolerance being the forefront of our beliefs.  (Not to make it an "American" thing, more of a educational gap benefited by the melting pot which is American culture.)  Plenty of other nationalities would agree your question is at best, rude.

    And in the end, personal accountability and rational thought are the "best religion," if you really want an answer to your question.

    1. SAQIB6608 profile image72
      SAQIB6608posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I have never been a preacher. Its upto you to choose.
      In my question i have clearly stated HONEST OPINION PLEASE.
      You have all freedom of thought of your own Nicole, The point i want to clarify is if there is a better religion just give logics.

    2. Nicole Winter profile image60
      Nicole Winterposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      SAQIB6608: And give you my honest opinion I did.  I would argue, if I cared enough to, that logic / personal accountability, science and freewill is the best religious doctrine there is wink

    3. SAQIB6608 profile image72
      SAQIB6608posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Cheers !

    4. gmwilliams profile image83
      gmwilliamsposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      GREAT answer indeed!

  12. manatita44 profile image72
    manatita44posted 10 years ago

    I know only the language of Love; the language of the heart. I visit this realm quite often and I have met people whose Religion I never knew who showed me enormously and selfgivingly, this spirit of mercy; of compassion.

    Needless to say, Christianity has produced many of these people, St Augustine, The Roman African; St Theresa of Avila; St John of the Cross; Meister Eckhart ... Islam has produced Rumi and Shams Tabriz ... Hinduism has produced Ramakrishna and Ananda Mayi Ma ...

    These great children of God, like the Christ, Sri Krishna ..... they come into the world and create a very powerful and transforming effect. They teach Love quietly, and their sheep hear their voice.

    I am like a sheep or servant in the desert, and daily, I meet people who do not wear robes or fancy clothes, but who have sacrificed and continue to sacrifice for the upliftment of humanity. Without these nameless lovers of God and mankind, this whole Universe will crumble in a second.

    The essence of Religion is to fear God and obey God; the quintessence of Spirituality, of Yoga Philosophy, is to know God and achieve oneness with God and It's creation, the ALL

    "O God, may I feel joy from a stranger today, and may I continue to serve in every way, Your Divine Creation." Om Shanti!!

    1. SAQIB6608 profile image72
      SAQIB6608posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Religion is what makes the creation closer to the creator. Most of the religions try to channelize the link between God and the human  being.  Selfless people are closer to God just because they follow "the religion of GOD in its essence"

    2. gmwilliams profile image83
      gmwilliamsposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      A beyond excellent response I might add!

    3. SAQIB6608 profile image72
      SAQIB6608posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      go ahead please

    4. manatita44 profile image72
      manatita44posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Thank You, GM.

      I have followed you with much love. Higher blessings.

  13. profile image0
    Lybrahposted 10 years ago

    I am going to be real biased here and say ABSOLUTELY NOT.  I think my religion is the best, the true religion.  Muhummad was deceived, I believe.

    1. SAQIB6608 profile image72
      SAQIB6608posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      @Lybrah : Whats your religion by the way?

    2. profile image0
      Lybrahposted 10 years agoin reply to this


    3. SAQIB6608 profile image72
      SAQIB6608posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Would you like to explain last line of your first comment please. specially the word "deceived"

    4. profile image0
      Lybrahposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      It is said that the archangel Gabriel appeared to Muhummad, but I do not think that is true.  The bible says that Satan will disguise himself as an angel of light, and I believe M was deceived and tricked by Satan.  My opinion.

    5. SAQIB6608 profile image72
      SAQIB6608posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Gabriel came with the Koran (Quran), one of the four holy books directly bestowed upon by God on His prophets.
      That who comes with the Koran cannot be a liar, and on whom the KORAN (QURAN) was revealed, MUHAMMAD (PBUH) was truthful.

    6. profile image0
      JThomp42posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      SAQIB6608 .... Muhammad did not write the whole Koran??

    7. SAQIB6608 profile image72
      SAQIB6608posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      JThomp42 ! Quran  was revelation from God Almighty. How can a human being write a holy book?

    8. SAQIB6608 profile image72
      SAQIB6608posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      It may be your personal opinion. YOU need to improve upon your studies about Islam please

  14. celafoe profile image52
    celafoeposted 10 years ago

    absolutely NO.     It is a false (man made) religion from an agent of satan.   It has NO redeeming value and is against all that is right and Holy.
    It serves satan not the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, but the God of ishmael,    It is evil from its core.

    1. SAQIB6608 profile image72
      SAQIB6608posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      HOW this whooping statement?

    2. profile image0
      JThomp42posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I totally agree!!

    3. profile image0
      Lybrahposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      As do I.

    4. SAQIB6608 profile image72
      SAQIB6608posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I respect your opinions. But you can always improve your knowledge. Revise !

    5. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I agree Charlie!  Why serve "man" said? Satan wants to loose souls (Jn 10:10). They "work" while Holy Spirit (JESUS) "Works" for us! (Jn 14:26; 16:13) Amen!

  15. profile image0
    Deborah Sextonposted 10 years ago

    Any religion that holds a false doctrine is equal to any other religion that holds a false one.
    There can only be one true religion, and it all goes back to Abraham.

    1. Robert the Bruce profile image59
      Robert the Bruceposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      None of the revealed religions of the world are "the one true way." Ever since mankind has had the ability of cognizant thought, they have been claiming to receive "revelation from God." Nature is the only revelation and we'd do well to study it.

    2. profile image0
      Deborah Sextonposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      That is your opinion Robert, and you have a right to it. However it's not my opinion.

    3. Rachael Tate profile image67
      Rachael Tateposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I agree with Robert.  It's too personal an issue to find in a group doctrine. It's innate, in all of us if we take time to be quiet and listen, switch off from the noise around us.

  16. Robert the Bruce profile image59
    Robert the Bruceposted 10 years ago

    Islam, like the other major world religions, is based on the writings and actions of a very select few. The foundation of Islam is the Qur'an---a collection of writings assumed by its followers to be from "God" but in reality is just another religious book authored by men. Islam seeks to dominate the earth (some through violence and some through evangelism) and cause everyone to believe and practice its precepts.

    Islam is incompatible with a reasoning mind. In order for someone to be a follower of this religion, he must put aside his God-given reasoning abilities and put "faith" in the unprovable claims of the Qur'an and Muslim traditions.

    Islam is a danger to humanity for a multitude of reasons, not the least of which is the obligation to follower the Qur'an and its unreasonable, sometimes violent, and antiquated teachings.

    It will be a great day when all of the world's "revealed religions" lose their power over the minds of human beings and more people begin to use their natural reasoning abilities to govern their lives and the world. This is my honest opinion, based on critical thinking and natural reasoning.

    1. profile image0
      JThomp42posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Robert... Muslims claim the Koran was written by one man.. Muhammad. Other than that I agree with your response.

    2. profile image0
      Lybrahposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      This response makes sense to me.

    3. Link10103 profile image61
      Link10103posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Religious followers looking forward to the day where their religion is no longer taken seriously.

      This must be the twilight zone or something...

    4. profile image0
      Lybrahposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I don't agree with that part, but the rest.

    5. profile image0
      JThomp42posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Link.. I was referring to what Robert said about Islam.

    6. Link10103 profile image61
      Link10103posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I guess it was silly of me to take your clear comments for what they were. Shame on me

    7. Robert the Bruce profile image59
      Robert the Bruceposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for the comments, everyone. Islam is yet another oppressive/dangerous belief system that hopefully will lose it's power in the near future. Thankfully the US Constitution (in its present form) should prohibit Islam from dominating the laws.

    8. Link10103 profile image61
      Link10103posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I have to wonder if you are doing what I think you are doing on purpose Robert. I can't ask because it would be going off topic hmm

    9. profile image0
      JThomp42posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Link.. Why can you not just let people get along?

    10. Link10103 profile image61
      Link10103posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Coming from someone who hypocritically censors my comments and calls it babbling, that doesn't mean much coming from you.
      But I would like to ask what exactly you mean.

    11. Robert the Bruce profile image59
      Robert the Bruceposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Link, I'm not trying to hide any motives here. I think Islam can be a dangerous political force just like Christianity has been in the past. My hope is that the Constitution will remain as a wall between government and religious mandates. That's all.

    12. profile image0
      JThomp42posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Link.. it is just ridiculous to try and incite others into thinking that everyone can get along if shown the same respect. You do not seem to respect anyone. Your comments are always inflammatory and most of the time off topic trying to stir trouble.

    13. profile image0
      Lybrahposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      It seems that Little Link is always looking for a fight.

    14. Link10103 profile image61
      Link10103posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Bravo then Robert.
      And JT, how is asking if you believe more than one god exists inflammatory? Or suggesting you make a forum rather than a hub about something being off topic?
      Please, stop lying to suit your purposes, it's a sin

    15. profile image0
      JThomp42posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I am not lying Link. I do admit until you can act like an adult your comments are not allowed on my questions. Like I said, you are constantly trying to incite an argument and refuse to act mature. Act like an adult and you may be taken seriously.

    16. Link10103 profile image61
      Link10103posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I noticed you didn't actually address how those things were inflammatory, off topic, or childish so I could amend them.
      Are you sure you aren't lying? These snapshots on my phone say you are, quite often actually.

    17. profile image0
      JThomp42posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      WOW! Give it a rest link. I am not taking the bait. Good day.

    18. Link10103 profile image61
      Link10103posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      So you wont address any of those things and why you deleted them?

      Good day it is then.

    19. SAQIB6608 profile image72
      SAQIB6608posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Come On Gulls  and Guys !! Have a Heart !!

    20. Saadat Ali profile image61
      Saadat Aliposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      No, Quran is message of GOD to all human being.

  17. calynbana profile image76
    calynbanaposted 10 years ago

    There is little good in religion, the best religion would be one that follows the Truth alone without man made rules.

    That being said the Qur'an is a book which claims that Muslims should read the Bible because it is the unchangeable word of God. It says that a good Muslim would know both the Bible and the Qur'an.

    However in the Qur'an saying this it is discrediting itself because the Bible holds itself to be the only true word of God. In the Bible we find, "But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed." (This also brings the story of how Muhammad supposedly came to know the Qur'an into question)

    This would mean that if the Qur'an is true, it is correct in saying that the  Bible is true. But the Bible destroys that Qur'ans credibility long before it was written.

    So this leaves us with a book that is either making true claims- and therefore telling us that it is false, or a book that is not coherent. Either way, Islam the religion built off of the words of this book is not following the Truth.

    When discussing this point with Muslim friends they claim that the scriptures have been changed, tampered with, and that Paul is not a Biblical author. However they neglect to consider the implications this claim has on the Qur'an credibility. The Qur'an says that the Word of God cannot be changed. It also says that the Bible is the Word of God.  The Qur'an does not allow for Muslims to claim the Bible has been changed without denying the truth of the Qur'an. Furthermore the other New Testament writers of the Bible such as Peter, refer to Paul's writings as scripture using the same word they used when referencing Old Testament scripture. So the belief that Paul was not a Biblical author is also discredited if one believes that the Qur'an is being truthful in calling the Bible the word of God.

    This is some of my reasoning for not believing that Islam is the best religion. Although in my opinion there is no best religion. Religion is man made, with rules for how we should live to satisfy a deity that we define. That is not what God has asked of us. God has asked for faith, and for us to follow the Way, the Truth and the Light. To follow Him, not man.

    1. celafoe profile image52
      celafoeposted 10 years agoin reply to this


    2. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Amen! Amen! Amen!  This is THE BEST ANSWER! 

      Girl, I couldn't have said it better - Copied is what the Quran is! (John 10:10).

  18. Say Yes To Life profile image79
    Say Yes To Lifeposted 10 years ago

    Islam currently holds a nasty reputation, due to the proliferation of violent cults like Al Quaeda, ISIL, and Boko Haram.  However, it has its good points.  During the Dark Ages, it maintained the knowledge lost throughout most of Europe; thus, Muslims didn't suffer the fates of rampant diseases and such the way Christians did.  Also, I greatly admire the way Malcolm X was able to turn his life around, from being a cocaine - addicted criminal to an outstanding human being.  Even when Elijah Mohammed betrayed him, he was able to avoid backsliding, and formed his own Mosque community.
    The way the movie ended - with his being murdered right in front of his wife, family, and congregation by the very people who got him out of prison - that is the worst ending I've ever seen.
    Overall, I have to admit I don't think too highly of Islam.  Many African Americans are adopting this religion, but I believe I'm better off without it.

    1. SAQIB6608 profile image72
      SAQIB6608posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Everyone has his own choice to make.

  19. Valorie Esquilona profile image61
    Valorie Esquilonaposted 10 years ago

    there is no such a thing as a "BEST RELIGION" because each and every person has his/her own beliefs.  whatever religion each of us believes in, we consider that as the best religion for us.  there is no sense in arguing about what the best religion is or who says the truth because nobody will ever win.  at the end of the day, your faith is the only thing that will save you.

  20. terryfyi profile image59
    terryfyiposted 10 years ago

    My honest opinion is that more hate, death and discord has been created in the name of religion than anything else in the history of mankind.

    Therefore, no religion is the best religion.

    1. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Amen!  ONLY "The Gospel of Christ" which is not a "religion" but instructions for Disciples of Christ!

  21. NanLT profile image82
    NanLTposted 10 years ago

    I suggest the question isn't "Is Islam the best religion", but "Is Islam the best religion for me?"

    Because no one can state categorically that one single religion is better than any other. Oh, they can try. PErsonal bias and emotion plays a BIG part here.

    But is one better than any other? No. What works for me and serves me best as a spiritual and religious practice may not work for you, and what works for you may not work for me.

    But, your religion (I'm using this as a collective you not picking on a single person individually) which works very well for you, may not serve me and my needs.

    Which religion is the best? The one that answers an internal call and sings in your heart.

  22. Rachael Tate profile image67
    Rachael Tateposted 10 years ago

    I have recently read one translation of the Quran and plan to read others for comparison but my concern with Islam based upon this book is that it reads very much as a specific guide on how to live ones life rather than consisting of moral stories and being open to interpretation.  Religion for me is internal, shut out the noise, look inside and feel what is inherently right.  The bible has stories about slavery and treatment of women but it is more open to interpretation.  The Quran confuses me in how specific it is with regard to things like division of your estate.  It feels like a strange issue for a god to care about when our gains in this world are meant to be irrelevant.  My translation also gave excessive reference to unbelievers or infidels to the point it felt slightly paranoid.  Because of how the Quran reads I don't believe it is the best religion because I believe it is written in such a way that it can very easily be read as a call to arms against non-believers and in fact any Muslim who does not take part in said holy war is not seen as a true Muslim.  Personally any religion which I'm required to describe as a best religion should be about love, being the best people we can be and not hurting others.  On that basis mankind has yet to invent a religion I can ascribe the term best to.

    1. SAQIB6608 profile image72
      SAQIB6608posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      You need to read more translations to broaden up your views please. May be better interpretation comes from reading and pondering over again and again. Quran has many stories from Abraham, Joseph, Adam and many prophets for illustrations.

    2. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      "Quran has many stories from Abraham, Joseph, Adam and many prophets for illustrations."  Really?  Was copied?

  23. alexapoul profile image60
    alexapoulposted 10 years ago

    Every religion is unique and best according to their prospects.

  24. Sam Archer profile image60
    Sam Archerposted 10 years ago

    Yes, In my opinion ISLAM is the best religion but that doesnt mean I am saying others are not. Every religion which stresses on education, peace, love and humanity is the right religion but I believe Islam outshines all. The reason? because it is a complete code of conduct about life and oneself. If you get to know it deeply, Islam accepts existance of every prophet including Jesus and even holds some of verses same as in bible. In short Islam comes from word salamati meaning PEACE. And peace there is.

    1. Robert the Bruce profile image59
      Robert the Bruceposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      How do you feel about forcing people to accept Islam by various means?

    2. Sam Archer profile image60
      Sam Archerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      That is however not allowed in our religion, and those people by no means are muslims, Our way is persuasion not forcing. Lets suppose someone uses your name and do something wrong  does that mean that person is wrong or you are wrong? same case.

    3. Robert the Bruce profile image59
      Robert the Bruceposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      The fundamentalist factions of your religion would say that you are not following many clear commands in the Qur'an to subjugate people to the will of Allah...I've read these verses too. What do you say to these statements?

    4. Sam Archer profile image60
      Sam Archerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      And would you mind narrating some of those? And "subjugate to Allah's will" clearly you are mistaken about it. We just show you the right thing that's it. And forcing someone is wrong. You clearly need to do more research brother regarding Islam.

    5. Robert the Bruce profile image59
      Robert the Bruceposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      The Muslims I have encountered simply try to explain away all those verses that clearly command killing others for the sake of god. I'm sure you would do the same. This is the ugly side of the Qur'an than no one wants to deal with.

    6. profile image0
      JThomp42posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Sam.. what about the verses that tell you to treat women like slaves? Or the part about beheading Christians and Jews?

    7. Sam Archer profile image60
      Sam Archerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Firstly its "God". And secondly if you can't prove it by evidence from Holy Quran I don't believe you. P.S I don't like criticizing others for the sake of religion because I respect and appreciate everyone's opinion including yours. Also research plz

    8. profile image0
      JThomp42posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Then why are we seeing this in the Middle East everyday? Do you condemn ISIS for their actions? Please answer yes or no?

    9. Sam Archer profile image60
      Sam Archerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      yes I do. As for your previous question
      "We believe in Allah, and the revelation given to us, and to Abraham, Isma'il, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and that given to Moses and Jesus, and that given to (all) prophets from their Lord. We make no diff

    10. jlpark profile image76
      jlparkposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      JT - can u provide the quranic verses where it is said to do such things? If we judged all religions on their extremists - no one comes out in a good light - Islam, Christianity, etc -  no one. Extremists are not accurate examples of said religio

    11. profile image0
      JThomp42posted 10 years agoin reply to this
    12. Robert the Bruce profile image59
      Robert the Bruceposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Sam, I will use the small g "god" to describe your diety if I so choose. I'm not bound by your religious rules. Just wanted to clarify that.

    13. profile image50
      Ahsan29posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      @JThomp42 why are you see only one side .Many groups use the name of Islam and they do bad things like ISIS group.  We Muslims ignore ISIS this group not belong from Islam.
      If you want to know about Islam visit link Islam is Best

      1. sama2017 profile image59
        sama2017posted 6 years agoin reply to this

        I agree with this idea, don't think one way.

    14. levicolemagic profile image60
      levicolemagicposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      As a note Jt the bible does condone women being sold into slavery as well as slavery as a whole. I am an atheist but if you are picking on one holy book for having evil stuff in it.....start with yours.

    15. jlpark profile image76
      jlparkposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      JT - jihadists are extremists - an inaccurate example of any religion. A jihadist becoming christian, is still not answering my question - what are the verses you mention? They are not mentioned in the video (I want verses so I can go look...)

    16. profile image0
      JThomp42posted 10 years agoin reply to this
  25. profile image0
    Antoine Van Hoveposted 10 years ago

    I give you a quote from J. Krishnamurti:
    “When you call yourself an Indian or a Muslim or a Christian or a European, or anything else, you are being violent. Do you see why it is violent? Because you are separating yourself from the rest of mankind. When you separate yourself by belief, by nationality, by tradition, it breeds violence. So a man who is seeking to understand violence does not belong to any country, to any religion, to any political party or partial system; he is concerned with the total understanding of mankind.”

  26. humzah profile image65
    humzahposted 10 years ago

    I don't think you understand how sensitive this question is. Not only because it seems to undermine other religions but also because God/Yahweh/Allah has mentioned time and again (in the Quran- can't say much about the Bible or Torah because I haven't read those) that He is the only one who can and will judge.
    By asking "Is Islam the best religion?" you're making it seem like there's some sort of competition going on here. Anyone who states that ONE religion is BETTER than the other (regardless of what religion they might accept), is asking a question that they have no right to answer or judge.
    I was born in a Muslim household and resume to live here but I fiercely defend all religions without following any myself. And in this case I felt it necessary to answer in the same manner.
    I understand that you don't understand what you're asking here is quite atrocious. However, I just recently read the Quran in English (out of interest) and it states that anyone who believes or advocates that their religion is better than another is wrong. I can't remember the exact wording though.

  27. Zelkiiro profile image60
    Zelkiiroposted 10 years ago

    No. The best religion is obviously Pastafarianism, because no other religion is as delightfully delicious.

    1. profile image58
      John S Galvinposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      You may have an idea there, but i think that in the States it is Pizzafarianism.

  28. Saadat Ali profile image61
    Saadat Aliposted 10 years ago

    I say Absolutely yes...

    But i have concerns about your question, everyone believe his/her belief is best, true and on the path towards heaven, so every answer reveal the faith of person.

  29. ubrish profile image59
    ubrishposted 10 years ago

    Yes Islam is the best religion ,the reason is that science also prove the reality of that things that described in this religion many many years ago.

  30. profile image58
    John S Galvinposted 10 years ago

    Islam is a late comer to the family of beliefs. It specifically references the Torah and many books in the Christian bible. It believes that Jesus did come, but lists him among the prophets. It then elevates Mohamed to the status of a semi deity.  Not a God, but the next best thing. It was forced upon peoples from 645 to 1571, and worked to unite disparate and competing groups under one umbrella. Early on sectarian schisms occurred that to this day, prevent the political Islam from achieving what the Islamic believers want to happen: world domination of their belief system.
    If you try to take the politics out of the Islamic beliefs system then it collapses into just another personality cult. History is liberally sprinkled with these "Messiahs" breaking out of every organized system. To say that Islam has had more than its fair share of them over the last 1400 years may be unfair to the core believers, but they do seem to come to the stage noisily.
    Islam is a "my way or death" system". You either convert or you cease to be a part of the local problem. You are sentenced to death if you reject the system after conversion. Islam is insecure about its believers if it has to threaten them with death to keep them in the fold.
    Therefore Islam is not a true religion.
    It has been defined as a religion only because of its size and scope among the population on this planet, i.e. 1.4 billion out of 7 billion people. By that standard Tao and Confucius beliefs which have 1.2 billion Chinese followers are religions too. Buddhists are another major sect, but even they don't claim it to be a defined religion, it is a way of life.
    Islam is not a way of life, it is actually a way of "death", because it proscribes death for every infraction of its heavy set of rules. This is the code of a dictatorship afraid of its people and willing to subvert them, in any way in order to keep power. Islam is a political system.
    Islam is not the best religion!

  31. hydee misiona profile image59
    hydee misionaposted 10 years ago

    No religion ca bring you to heaven only your beleif

  32. profile image49
    Maria Talatposted 10 years ago

    Yes,Islam guides us in every walk of life through the Holy Book Quran. smile

    1. profile image0
      JThomp42posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Does this include enslaving women and cutting off the heads of non-believers of Islam?

    2. SAQIB6608 profile image72
      SAQIB6608posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      @JThomp42: No,There is no such verse as enslaving women. Those who do so are actually extremists/ terrorists. Islam has given equal rights to women.

    3. profile image0
      SirDentposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Show me a verse from the koran that says you draw close to allah.

    4. profile image0
      JThomp42posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I agree it is the extremists of Islam that do give the religion a bad name. But, it has been evaluated that 15 to 25% of Muslims are extremist. I am glad you can see the error of their ways.

    5. SAQIB6608 profile image72
      SAQIB6608posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Ignorance regarding Islam can be countered by understanding Islam.That means referring to the Quran and the "authentic" sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him), one will discover Islam to be completely against any form of extremism.

    6. Zelkiiro profile image60
      Zelkiiroposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      @JThomp42 If all Muslims are women-slavers and executioners, then all Christians are militant rapists, genocidal zealots, and/or the Westboro Baptist Church. And now I feel bad for the rapists and slaughterers for comparing them to the WBC.

    7. profile image0
      JThomp42posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      LOL.... WBC is no more a church than the one you attend. I do not think you will be seeing Christians this day and time behaving like Muslim extremist. There are almost a billion Muslim. 15 to 25% is a "VERY" large number zeek.

    8. SAQIB6608 profile image72
      SAQIB6608posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      From where you got this stat of 15 to 25%? Its a vague satement???

    9. profile image0
      JThomp42posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Look it up

    10. SAQIB6608 profile image72
      SAQIB6608posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      the webpage is not accessible

    11. profile image0
      JThomp42posted 10 years agoin reply to this
    12. SAQIB6608 profile image72
      SAQIB6608posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Just gone through the page u suggested, some valid pts. But they all are mere OPINIONs of a LADY. Anyone can say anything

    13. profile image0
      JThomp42posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      As can anyone choose to believe the facts or ignore them.

    14. Zelkiiro profile image60
      Zelkiiroposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      An opinion is not a fact. Unless it's mine, of course--then it's indisputable. Rock is irrelevant, Fate/Stay Night is atrocious in all of its incarnations, and The Shawshank Redemption is the greatest film of all time. All facts backed by evidence.

    15. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      NO!  "War room" is the greatest movie of all X's! Go see it  (showing NOW) & "see" GOD (Holy Spirit) "WORK!"

  33. Imaddima profile image60
    Imaddimaposted 10 years ago

    oh, Nooo please
    Islam is a religion of racism and terrorist ONLY

    1. SAQIB6608 profile image72
      SAQIB6608posted 10 years agoin reply to this


    2. EBsisters profile image60
      EBsistersposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I am Muslim and in my country Muslims and Christians live together in peace. Muslims are not terrorists. terrorism has no religion. Plz don't judge without knowledge. first U have to search about Islam and what is Islam then give Ur opinions?

  34. liesl5858 profile image86
    liesl5858posted 10 years ago

    You want my honest opinion, my answer is no. I don't like innocent people being beheaded in front of the world to see.

    1. SAQIB6608 profile image72
      SAQIB6608posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Well, what all is being done in Israel? in The Guantanamo Bay? Explain Please

  35. EBsisters profile image60
    EBsistersposted 10 years ago

    Read more about Islam or try to visit any mosque near to your home. I am sure you will get the answers you want.
    Visit this website
    Islam is the religion of truth and peace.

  36. Pam Ryan profile image60
    Pam Ryanposted 10 years ago

    Honest opinion? Islam is the worst religion, it it's a religion at all. More and more, it is resembling a cult.

    Just saying it how it is.

    Je Suis Charlie

    1. arksys profile image76
      arksysposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      to be honest if i saw only what you have seen then i would call Islam a cult too. Islam has been made out to look like the worst religion but it does not teach people to kill or apply their rules in a foreign land.

  37. fpherj48 profile image58
    fpherj48posted 10 years ago

    SAQIB.....You must have been lying or conspicuously setting a trap for "all infidels," when you wrote  "HONEST OPINION PLEASE. I must tell you how interesting I found the phrase..."we must sort them out," in one of your comments. Yeah, you guys have vicious, bloody, savage, unforgivable ways of "sorting out."  We see it, we hear it, we get it, we just don't buy it.
    Sell your ignorance back & forth to each other, please. NO ONE cares about your BEST, Complete package....?  Do you moonlight as a travel agent?  How DARE you even utter a word that means GOD in your sick, twisted, sub-human beliefs.  Here's the deal SASQUACH...I won't wave my beliefs in your face & you just go on your merry & moronic way and we'll leave the verdict up to the JUDGE.
    I don't espouse to a "Religion."  My heart, soul & mind don't require an organization....nor by the way, stonings or beheadings. Imagine that?
    I have the BEST.  My BEST friend.  I have a personal relationship with Him and we talk a fact, we do most everything together. He keeps His eye on me and steers me back on course when I slip up.  Oh yeah, I get angry with Him, but he never leaves me.  I'm pretty blessed to have his Love.  He gets it back too of course, but I'm only human so, ya know...can't compare to Him.
    I won't tell you His Name, because I already know you're much too ignorant to care who He is.....besides, it's none of your business.
    Yeah....we'll just wait and see what the Judge has to say.  See you in Court,  SAD-SAQ.............

    1. SAQIB6608 profile image72
      SAQIB6608posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Respected fpherj48 !! I never meant to hurt you anyways, I am an open hearted and satisfied soul. You can judge from my hubs. Its all your opinion and I respect all that. Stay Blessed !!

    2. fpherj48 profile image58
      fpherj48posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      SAQ.....GREAT save.  I like hockey.

    3. SAQIB6608 profile image72
      SAQIB6608posted 10 years agoin reply to this


    4. fpherj48 profile image58
      fpherj48posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      You obviously don't know "hockey."  Look it up.  My reply isn't "strange" at all.

    5. SAQIB6608 profile image72
      SAQIB6608posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Well I know hockey. It's my national game being from Pakistan. The way you used it, I could not get U

  38. abdussalaam profile image80
    abdussalaamposted 9 years ago

    If you as a Muslim do not believe Islam to be the best religion, then, you are either following the wrong religion or lack understanding of Islamic philosophy.

  39. Author Sam profile image62
    Author Samposted 9 years ago

    I will give you correct answer to this question because am both a True Christian and a Real Muslim.

    First. Islam mean "submision" to the will of God. And since Jesus came before Mohammed, and he did the will of God, thus he was a Muslim not by following religion call Islam but by doing the will of God.

    Thus, Islam is not about a religion and their doctrine, and any one immitating Jesus in submition to God is actually a real Muslim, a True Christian.

    In this way, Islam (obeying God not religion) is the True Christianity (following Jesus who was a true submitter), so Christianity (the real Islam) is the Best religion, the true Islam of God.

    1. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      How can one follow Quran & Bible? Knowing Quran copied, why settle? Quran requires "works" while Jesus sent Holy Spirit to "work" for us! Which is easier if one believes?

  40. Naveed Ahmed 624 profile image75
    Naveed Ahmed 624posted 9 years ago

    Faithfully speaking, Islam is the only true religion. I am a Muslim but neither I nor Islam can enforce others to believe in the Islamic System of Faith. Faith is completely a choice of the heart and mind, when one finds oneself contended in his or her believes.

    My arguments are that Islam is the best religion because it is the religion approved by the One and Only God, Almighty Allah. How is monotheism a reality? Because multiple Gods if were a reality, would always interfere in each others matters, and misuse their powers to become superior. While One and the Only God has no body that could challenge His Authority.

    Why is the existence of a God necessary? It is because, we observe in our daily life, that nothing happens by itself. There is reason and logic behind every happening. So it cannot be that such a huge system of life and non-living things has come into existence by itself and is running in an apparently managed way on its own too.

    Allah tells us that there are indications of Him being a reality in the daily life of humans. We get born without our will, grow up without our intentions, get sick when we don't want and die when we wan't to live. Everything is happening in a continuous cycle without our wishes. We cannot interfere in these continuous cycles. But what we can do, is observe them and all the other realities all around us, just to get a clue that there is SOMEBODY who manages all these. And He is God, known as Allah.

    1. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      "..multiple Gods if were a reality, would always interfere in each others matters, and misuse their powers to become superior." AGREED!  I'm a Disciple of Christ & believe Ephesians 4:4-6!

  41. profile image52
    Norine Williamsposted 9 years ago

    Any "Religion" that incites harm to another and is judge and jury in this life, does not exercise the "Ultimate" (LOVE)!  If words in the Quran does not incite LOVE (or any other "Religion" for that matter) is not of GOD, ALLAH, JEHOVAH, or whatever you want to call The Creator!

    In "Christianity," the Word of God does not incite harm in this lifetime!  GOD does not "insist" (for all have "free will") on belief and if not, WE must obey GOD, judge and kill for only HE (and His Words) is the Ultimate Judge and we will be rewarded according to our belief or nonbelief in next life! 

    In Christianity, ALL are ONE and there is NO respect of persons  (Galatians 3:28)!

    Christianity does not "work" based on what is written in His Word (Galatians 2:16; 3:1-5) , but the Comforter which is the Holy Spirit "Works" (John 14:26; 16:13) according to our "FAITH" changing our minds from "glory to glory" into His likeness (II Corinthians 3:18)!  If "In His Likeness," nothing but LOVE!

    What I've stated is under THE NEW COVENANT, not OLD TESTAMENT "LAWS," which were FULFILLED by Jesus Christ who is GOD and not a prophet!

    GOD IS A SPIRIT (John 4:24) who "Manifested" Himself in the form of a "man" (Jesus Christ)!  Even in Christianity, MOST "Christians" do not believe this although it is written in the Word of God (I Timothy 3:16)! 

    What you believe to be the "Religion" of "Christianity" is not what ALL believers believe!  We are allowed to exercise "free will" (according to society) in whatever belief and do not "suffer repercussions" for not adhering to what has been established by society (Roman Catholic)!   
    We live in a great country and are allowed Freedom of Religion which is why there are many denominations due to lack of studying His Word.  Although most do not study, the majority believe, and worship where their level of understanding permits. 

    A "Christian" (a derogatory term first used by unbelievers in Antioch;) who are really Disciples of Christ; if followers, "Walks in the Spirit" (Galatians 5:16-26)!  There is NOTHING "physical" about a "True Disciples' belief!"     

    Conclusion:  We NOW live under THE NEW Covenant, walking in the Spirit, being led and guided by the Holy Spirit and our "FAITH" a result of "studying" and "believing" His Word determines "GROWTH!"  "True Followers" of Christ are called "Disciples" and we do not teach a "Religion,"  ONLY "The Gospel of Christ" (Galatians 1:6-9)!

  42. sharath999 profile image61
    sharath999posted 9 years ago

    If there were too many Muslims Like the Great Great Great Dr APJ Abdul Kalam, then Islam would be Voted the Best Religion

    Islam is not voted the Best Religion because :
    Few People were against humanity

    They are called terrorists because they bombed indiscriminately , not caring for human life and the precious soul in human and animal beings, in small children, in plants, trees and atmosphere

    No Religion can be voted the best religion inspite of any number of publicity stunts, any number of bribes for conversion or any kind of forceful conversion

    The World is God's Play !
    He wanted to Play !

    The Real God is the God who no one could perceive, no one could understand

    He Decided to Play !

    He Created his Shakti , He said Man and Woman Shall Create !

    The Same Way He Created Religions, all dualities and Started his Play !

    God is the Creator, Preserver and Destroyer !

    God Made Religions and Castes and Diversified Beings into various categories, he exists in all of them, He is Form, He is Formless,
    He is beyond form and formlessness

    All Religions are Created for The Purpose of Existence on this earth plane for every Man / Woman To Work out their Karma as per their Free Will.

    Every Religion has its own rules. If you are a Muslim, be a Good Muslim,
    if you are a Christian be a Good Christian, If you are a Hindu, be a Good Hindu , That' all !

    God Can At Once Wipe Out Everything and Make it Evergreen, He will do it ! After 100,000 Years, We need not do anything, Everything will
    be Available for us.

    But for now, we have to Work out Karma ! We have to Work, That is the Rule of God !

    1. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      And GOD places people in our lives to bring us to HIM!  Everything has a reason which will eventually lead us back to the Creator! 

      Beware! Lest you "undermind" His warning!

  43. Jamil Oussama profile image60
    Jamil Oussamaposted 9 years ago

    yes, Islam is the right religion,
    Islam is the religion of all messengers ( Abraham, Moses, Christ, David...)
    And this Jewish rabbi witness that Islam is the religion of all the prophets from Adam peace be upon him. … 425703918/

  44. lockman moss profile image56
    lockman mossposted 8 years ago

    Go to the Bible... It states what a TRUE RELIGION is: JAMES 1:27.

  45. stas karimov profile image60
    stas karimovposted 8 years ago

    Islam is not the best religion in the world at the moment!!! God is happy because God has Heaven. Everyone wants to be happy. To be happy we need to create and protect the Paradise from all evil!!! The Islamic State has a lot of money but the Islamic State does not know the formula of Earthly Paradise. I know the formula of Earthly Paradise but I have no money. Together we can be happy!
    I am a writer. My books are banned in Russia. I'm looking for people who are interested in my books and inventions.

    1. SAQIB6608 profile image72
      SAQIB6608posted 8 years agoin reply to this


    2. stas karimov profile image60
      stas karimovposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I have two books in Russian "Why all the people suffer" and "How to achieve a life without problems." I have 1 book in English "Cosmic laws and world domination." I want to be a warrior of God. I want to fight against evil.

  46. RockerGinger profile image66
    RockerGingerposted 8 years ago

    Islam is a beautiful religion. For those who say any religion isn't beautiful, they haven't truly taken time to research and really discover what he use of faith is.
    I don't believe there is any "best" religion, so long as that religion does not consist of harming others.
    Islam does not condone beheadings or any of the nonsense I've read in other comments. Research something, folks, before opening your traps about it.

    1. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      II Kings 17:29-41!
      God said "Close your trap" or you "deny HIM!"

  47. profile image49
    paarsurreyposted 7 years ago

    Sure, undoubtedly. Right? Please

  48. kamrul_wre profile image60
    kamrul_wreposted 7 years ago

    humankind needed savior when civilization sunk into darkness, ignorence,  injustice, violance, racism,  bigotry and when humanity lost from society. history tells us every messanger of religion came and saved the destitute people and that's how they got acceptance, all the religion including islam teaches to sacrifice for humanity selflessly, fight against injustice and fight for giving back peoples right including women,. well the cynical perverted interest driven religion mongers today make living out preaching,  spread racism, bigotry and extrinism, that was never the teaching of islam or any religion. so if islam teaches fight for peace and humanity then no doubt it would be the best doctrine and those who give life to save people and the nation would be regarded as best.

  49. Live to Learn profile image60
    Live to Learnposted 6 years ago

    No. Islam is a stagnant system of beliefs. Observation shows that all things evolve and change. A religion incapable of doing the same is not a natural system and, if not natural, then it cannot be God given.

    1. wilderness profile image88
      wildernessposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Do you not find that portions of Muslims ARE evolving?  In particular, those matters that involve women?  In some areas women now drive cars, walk about freely, etc. - is the religion not evolving even though many Muslims refuse to evolve with it?  We see the same thing in Christianity - one example might be acceptance of gays even though many (a great many) Christians would prevent such things as gay marriage if they could.

      It seems to me that religion is generally forced to evolve; to change and keep up with evolving morals of the community or lose it's following.  Religion seldom if ever initiates the change - social pressure does.  Because of this it is a slow process, with some of the people embracing that changing morality long before others do, but it does happen, and is happening in Islam.

      1. Live to Learn profile image60
        Live to Learnposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        Don't know. I'm surprised you brought up Christianity because, as you said, if Christians  were opposed to something like gay marriage they have the numbers to stop it. Christianity has, thus, evolved to individual decisions on cosmic issues. Certainly, there are pulpits which actively attempt to create collective conformity to ideals but they have less and less sway as society evolves.

        Islam appears to have a theocracy that transcends national borders. As a woman, as long as women are viewed as second class citizens within that religion, I see no evolution of thought prevailing. If you give me a driver's license but still can imprison me for someone raping me, or flog me for wearing pants I don't consider that growth.

        1. wilderness profile image88
          wildernessposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          "...if Christians  were opposed to something like gay marriage they have the numbers to stop it."

          Don't misunderstand here - while the majority of Christian believers seem to accept gay marriage, there is a significant minority that do not and would, if possible, put an immediate end to it.  In my mind that indicates that the religion, as a whole, has NOT accepted it but instead is still working towards it.  Consider that black slavery was once the "directive of god" to many, but you will find precious few that will make that statement today; so few that we can safely say that the religion has evolved beyond that point.  It evolved, as a whole, and no longer makes the claim but the same cannot be said of gay marriage for there are altogether too many that still DO see it as disobeying God's orders.  When we see gay marriages commonly held in churches, when we see gays commonly in the upper ranks of the church (and not just one sect), when Westboro Church has died out and such incidents become a rarity to the point it is a curiosity rather than hateful news, then we can say Christianity has evolved past its hatred/fear/whatever of gays.

          Likewise, you're trying to say (seems to me) that until Islam catches up to modern morality it is not evolving at all.  This cannot be true, for no such major change ever happens in an instant; it takes time, with many small steps along the way.  Islam is making those small steps - is slowly evolving - and to say it isn't because it lags behind the rest of the world doesn't make sense.  It doesn't seem reasonable to ignore those small steps because the ultimate goal is not reached yet.  For that matter, Christianity (or US society) has not reached the end of the road for complete sexual equality, yet we proclaim there is, and has been, growth.  A teen, although immature, is growing, and so it is with Islam (and Christianity and all of humanity).

          1. Live to Learn profile image60
            Live to Learnposted 6 years agoin reply to this

            Slavery. Remember both sides claimed God drove their battle here in America. As to your comments on the gay thing. An atheist sent out bombs to innocents. Therefore, not all atheists are peaceful. We must conclude (by your reasoning) that atheism is a violent way of life. Right?

            1. wilderness profile image88
              wildernessposted 6 years agoin reply to this

              Yes, both sides claimed God is on their side.  I think that we would find that that is the case in ANY conflict where both sides believe in a god - that god is always on their side.  Not sure what that has to do with the evolution of religion, though.

              Same with the atheist thing - as there are probably more atheists, or at least people that do not follow a religion, as there are true believers and the world is full of violence and killing, atheism is a violent way of life, just as much as religion is.  But again not sure what that has to do with evolving religions.

              Not trying to "dis" religion at all, just discuss how morals and concepts evolve in a society and how the same thing evolves in a religion, specifically Islam.  Personally, I find that society evolves - changes it's moral structure - and is followed by the religions of that society.  Religion always lags behind, never taking the front, for all religions are, at the root, very conservative and change is always an anathema.  When a religion is created it may well (and often does) lead society, but it then stagnates, never trying to move beyond that original point.  Indeed, religion often "reverts", using it's precepts and principles to travel backwards rather than forwards.  Examples might include the Crusades, the Inquisition and the growth of televangelism (all Christian - I'm not familiar enough with other religions/cultures to pick and choose from them).  Even the Puritans, running from religious persecution in order to set themselves up as the strong man and do their own persecuting.

              1. Live to Learn profile image60
                Live to Learnposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                I realize you may think you aren't setting out to diss religion and you have your experiences which color your views. Maybe, you've had personal experience in one of the more controlling sects. But, I say religion is simply one of the many avenues men use to control and mold the evolution of society,and it is valid. More so than many ways. Less so than many.  Especially Christianity. Primarily, because it does allow the ability for debate, inward thought and growth.

                Certainly it lags behind. On the one hand, we have the body, with its yearnings and desires to sate the individual. As society grows the number of individuals and their personal desires intersect which leads us to push the boundaries of the current society. Seeking personal gratification rarely leads to thoughts of how our actions affect others. How the effects will cause society to evolve, what the long term prognosis might be.

                Religion is all about what is best for humanity. It represents the last consensus. It also represents the view of the victor. Therefore, it missed the mark, for the whole. It takes time to reflect on how, to discuss why, to determine what might have been the more compassionate course and to come to a new consensus.

                I would much rather view our world from a more inclusive vantage point. To view including the possibility that love and care is the highest order. That our job as thinking beings is to solve the riddle of what might represent that highest order and to move toward it, as a species. Probably because I believe that the more we do the more harmonious our world can become. But, there have all always been conflicting ideas.

                Those who show the way have always seen havoc in their wake. Change, great change, has moments of violence; whether it be in society or nature. But they, (the great ones, what I consider the true ones) were not violent. Their example threatened the status quo simply through their cosmic views. They represent a gentler, more caring cosmic view. It will eternally be at odds with our biological selves. And,rightly so. That's natural and to ignore one will probably be the death knell of the other.

                1. wilderness profile image88
                  wildernessposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                  "Religion is all about what is best for humanity. It represents the last consensus. It also represents the view of the victor. Therefore, it missed the mark, for the whole. It takes time to reflect on how, to discuss why, to determine what might have been the more compassionate course and to come to a new consensus."

                  This I cannot agree with, not for a moment, for if religion was about the good of humanity it would lead society into evolving their morality structure.  But it does not; instead it brings up the rear, refusing to make changes until the effect is felt in membership numbers and thereby in the wallet. 

                  Religious belief may be the last consensus, but only in that it is the last of the people to grow - to follow the footsteps of the great into a better future. 

                  Yes, it takes time, but once more religion has the same time that the rest of society does.  When the plight of gays became apparent in the US, it took many years to even being to address it, but we did so.  All but religion, which waited until society as a whole was leaps and bounds ahead of them, whereupon the negatives of lagging behind began to be felt and religion slowly began to make the changes itself.  The net result is that even though it had at least as much time, it still lags to this day.  It's always that way and it should NOT be; for we do indeed view religion as the leader in such matters.

                  1. Live to Learn profile image60
                    Live to Learnposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                    You have my sympathy. To have such a bleak outlook about religion sounds rather depressing.

  50. ArtCultureJesus profile image58
    ArtCultureJesusposted 6 years ago

    I think firstly in response to "Wilderness" That progression isn't always moving forward. In the case of people thinking the bible is outdated, but the word of God still describes the human heart better then any book ever written of man.

    Man is proud, arrogant, lustful, envois, angry, selfish, rude, conceited, and the list goes on. I think the idea that moral evolve in society is kind of with out truth.

    Without an objective moral truth, then every man has the ability to decide what's right for him personally. Imagine a society where every man was free to do what he deemed right or correct. We have to have some kind of objective truth to base our lives around, a moral law so to speak. and I think the word of God provides that.

    To answer the question is Islam the best religion the only way to know is how you answer the question of Justification. If you believe that God is just and perfect, and that God gave you a perfect you law, and you have broken that law how can God forgive you fro your sins.

    In Islam it is taught that your good deeds must out weigh your bad to make it to heaven, but that logic is flawed because if I murder a man and spend the rest of my life being a good person, it does not take away from the murder I committed I must pay for my crime.

    God is a righteous judge, a just judge, which mean God cant just forgive your sins, you need some sort of sacrifice. Which is why we believe in Jesus. Jesus took our place on the cross and died for our sins. Were justified by faith in Christ. Its just your good deeds out weighing your bad, for all have sinned and fallen short of Gods glory.

    When Abraham was going to sacrifice his son, you say Ishmael we say Isaac but regardless he lifted his knife to kill his son and the Angel of the Lord said Abraham Abraham, now the Lord knows that you fear him, do not lay a hand on the lad, the Lord will provide a better sacrifice" and Abraham looked and there was a ram caught in a thicket, that ram represented Christ, 2,000 years later dying for us, we were Ismael or Isaac and the ram was Christ. The knife was Gods judgment but we were spared because Christ was a better sacrifice for us.

    There must be atonement made for sin. God cant just forgive he is just and merciful. Mercy is to not do to us what we deserve, and mercy came at the price of God only son. Jesus was more then a prophet he was the only begotten son of the living God.

    Is Islam the best religion, I think religion is a system, what matters is truth, and we know that Jesus is the truth the way and the life, no one gets to the father except through the son. Islam is a beautiful religion but its not based completely on truth as is Christ.

    I say none of this argumentatively say it with the utmost respect, Islam truly has some beautiful truths.


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