How can atheists improve their image?
For whatever reason, the mainstream theists in the U.S. have trouble separating average atheists from the extremists in the news. Not all atheists want to watch Christianity crumble or start their own dictatorship. But how can we spread the image of a more peaceful atheist?
It's such an excellent question and I'm really not sure, because it's so commonplace. For me, I see radical religious organizations that appall me, but I in no way believe the majority of religious people are like that, so it confounds me that people assume most/all atheists are extremists about it. Where is that disconnect? Most people know that you shouldn't judge an entire group by the actions of a few, but even the media seems to think it's ok to group all atheist/agnostic types together.
With the media though it's all about sensationalism. Showing an average every day atheist participating in charity, doing good in the community etc. wouldn't get good ratings I'm afraid. The media loves a bogeyman.
In all honesty, I'm not sure there is much we can do about it. Until atheism is more mainstream and less demonized - I don't know that much can be done other than hope that on a one-on-one basis with others we can show through our actions that we are not the enemy.
I think you got it on the head. Unfortunately, you are what the media or Hollywood says you are in the eyes of many.
If you give Christians and pseudo-Christians love, instead of hate, then you are being more "Christ-like" than many of them. Ego is the divider of people. Love is what brings people together, despite their insecurities
A very good, but complex question. One I and others have been grappling with for a long time. There is much association with the negative, perhaps, to much to reconcile.
Atheism was coined as a perjorative and has come to mean that which is against anythhing good and, of course, Communism. Aside from that there is no cohesive mindest within the Atheist population.
The concept and practice of Atheism vies with Judaism in time and predates Chrisrianity and Islam in practice, so to the contrary thinking of many Atheism is not new.
Of itself, as you know, Atheism is a reasoned position in life absent the belief in deities, but, I believe in that absence is the belief in Man. That should be the message.
I have often thought that if Man identified with the essence of human life, it would force a rethinking of who and what we are, but what is that essence?
Does Man have an essence? What makes Man, Man? Does Man have an importance beyond other animals?
Man has a tendency to idealize, whether in the realm of abstractions, gods or in the form of leaders and governments, who become deified and, in this, nothing is gained.
I don't think that 'peace' should be the objective, as I am not quite sure the cost.
Nicely put, CJ. In True Christianity of Christ himself (and even the Buddhism of Siddhartha) there is belief in Man in harmony with nature. Peace is only valuable when self-concern has been eliminated. Not easy, but it can be done.
CJ..... I was not referring to black folk as you thought I was. I am black myself.
There is nothing that can be done. Not here in the USA any way. It is just a matter of waiting on the decrease in Christians so that the "fields" even out a bit.
Locally an atheist group was denied the ability to help a soup kitchen. They were called names, put on the news, and made out to somehow be doing the "devil's work" even though they were trying to do a really good thing. Many Christians couldn't care less what we really are.
Exactly! They even arrest their "own" Christians for feeding the homeless in Florida. Can you imagine the depth of hypocrisy it takes to arrest a 90 year old man for feeding the hungry? Not once, but several times? Idiots.
If a guy wearing a uniform with a badge drives up behind you on a motorcycle with blinking lights, do you always believe it's a policeman? What if it's a guy in a costume looking for a little cash. Pseudo Christians follow ego, not Christ
Atheists DON'T need to improve their image. They are FINE as they are. The problem is not with atheists, it is the religious society that ostracize and demonize , even marginalize them. Atheists do not really care what religionists believe as long as the latter does not attempt to proselytize others to the latter's religious beliefs. I do not see atheists proselytizing anyone but guess who I see GUESSED IT? The religionists, particularly those of a more traditional, conservative, fundamentalist, and fanatical bent.
No GM, the problem is with people who ostracize and demonize. This isn't an evil only coming from the religious. Ego is an equal-opportunity corrupter and destroyer.
If there is a fanatical bent it is possessed by you. Throughout history Christianity has championed freedom and human rights. The same can not be said of atheism, in fact the opposite is true. At least Christians have the word of God to stand upon.
Christianity does not have a great track record with human rights. It's history is rampant with fear-mongering, racism, sexism and homophobia. It champions freedom only if you're a straight white man.
Again Dremer, Neither Jesus nor Christianity condone anything you have accused Christianity of,these are actually the actions of people who don' t live their lives according to Jesus'teachings, people who behave like people who deny he exists.
And what makes you think atheists condone the actions of people who violate human rights?
Um History? Are you crazy? The nation today with the highest population of Atheists, 47%, is China - like they care about human rights? Why should they? Are atheists constrained by such beliefs? says who?
Atheist banter and proselytize Christians all the time, I have endured much of it. The religious people you speak of have subscribe to Christianity but they are "Christians" as the bible would describe. #Strawman
Again, you're using a double standard on history. Atheists who do bad things means atheism is bad. Christians who do bad things means it's the individual. I'm not trying to establish one viewpoint as superior, I'm saying not all atheists are boogymen
Exactly! Just because one is an atheist doesn't mean that they are trying to "belittle" any religion. It's simply a statement.
There is very little we can do to improve our image. Religionists are afraid of us. They are afraid that we may be right. If we are right, they don't get to go to their promised land and all the religious nonsense that they had to swallow growing up is nothing more than lies.
I understand why they fear this. Atheists faced this decision too. To give up "the rock" of religion is extremely hard. It causes way too much confusion and despair. So they lash out at those that would take that "soul" away from them. We are the demons they have been warned about over and over.
Until religionists can get over "group" think, they will never see atheists as individuals.
So, the only thing we can really do to improve our image is to become the best individual that we can be. We must be a thinking individual and stop accepting the "judgements" of religionists.
We are people! not demons.We aren't going anywhere. It's ok to an atheist.
Austinstar, honey, I'm not afraid of you. Y'all can do whatever you like. I've known some really compassionate atheists when so-called Christians wouldn't lift a finger.
You have a strange, distorted view of Christians. Not all are the same.
And Christians seem to have a strange, distorted view of atheists. I grew up a "Christian" and I live in the Bible belt. I have first hand experience with the "Christian" view and it's very corrupted from what
Jesus preached. Believe what you will.
So Star, you want us to believe Jesus approved of atheism, Jesus has anything good to say about people who deny that there is a God? What are you smoking? Really.
Corrupted? Absolutely! We agree on that. What many Christians are pushing is not Christianity. But again -- not all Christians!
If anyone corrupted Christian view it isn't the Bible belt Christians, it is the "New age" Christians who pervert Biblical Christianity and add to scripture or totally rewrite Bible. Jesus said God "only shalt thou serve", not he doesn't exist.
tsad - Your view of "Jesus" is so distorted, I don't even know where to begin. Neither of us has any way of knowing if Jesus approved of atheism. If he existed at all, he believed what the culture of the time believed most likely.
Tsad, you have a peculiar inability to read clearly. Jesus loved and approved of people; not their beliefs.
Why would Jesus accept those who denied him and his father? Are not these the one's who crucified him?
JFS, it took me many decades to understand "turning the other cheek." What do you really mean by "accept?" What do I really mean by "Love?" Love is not self-concerned. Love never keeps score. Love is open and generous.
I agree Lone. So you think everyone who loves one another is going to Heaven? I am trying to understand your philosophy. Should not we love Jesus and God to go to Heaven?
JFS, it has been said that whatever you do to the least of these inhabitants of Earth, you do unto the Father. If you have self-concern and place that above the needs of others, you dwell in Ego, not in Love (heaven)
Why then was Jesus crucified out of hatred?
Accordingly, Jesus 'forgave those that knew not what they were doing', He allegedly blessed and forgave the criminals that were crucified alongside him. He seemed to be very non-judgemental.
JFS, those people (and most of us on Earth) still dwell in self-concern (Ego) instead of Love.
Okay Lone. I think I am getting a better understanding of what you are trying to say. Love one another is one of Jesus' greatest commandments.
@Austin It was only one thief that Jesus forgave on the cross because of his belief and his faith in Jesus
Austinstar & lonestar, both appropriate names as your ideas of Jesus are from outer space. To suggest the Jesus of Scripture approves of the notion or of anyone who believes that there is no God would be considered crazy even by rational atheists
Well, that's the story you read JFS. But by forgiving all for not "knowing what they do", he also forgave everyone. And according to Christianity, forgiving all humans was what Jesus was all about anyway.
What story did you read Austin. Apparently not the Bible. Do you know not what happened after Jesus was put to death on the cross? Of course not. I suggest you do some more reading of the Bible before becoming vocal about it. God's wrath was seen!
JF, just because Jesus, loves sinners that in noway implies he approves of our sin. To deny Christ, to deny God is sin&anyone who does so in his heart rejects God's love. Only God knows one's heart but Jesus himself states what their end will be.
jfs - I won't get into a discussion about the bible which I have read several times. You do realize that experts say that there are no eye witnesses to Jesus' crucifixion? Everything was written down many years AFTER the supposed event.
@ Austin I choose not to debate you period. But, YOU WILL NOT TALK DOWN TO ME! I am no theologian by far and I can admit this. You lady cannot admit anything you say is wrong. I will tell you as an atheist you are a crude, condescending human being.
Jfs - What did I say that was wrong? And please use your "indoor" voice.
JF welcome to the world of atheism! The Bible identifies those who say there is no God as fools, because the evidence of God everywhere,they are corrupt&should not be believed. Psalms 14:1,53:1Matthew 5:22John 4:24 John6:44 Romans1:19 Romans1:20
The scripture determines whose a Christian and not the one who claims the name. But also I have not met one Christian I know of that are afraid of Atheist. I love talking with many. Why be afraid when you know you have the Truth. But yea, no fear
Bigtel - If you hang around here, you will meet several "Christians" who are afraid of atheists, or at least they are terribly angry at us for some reason.
austinstar says "religionists look down on atheists like they are bugs to be squashed" Sounds like she fears "religionists" and is projecting.
Perhaps it would show a bit more tolerance if atheists struck out as much against , say Islam or Budism as they do against Christianity ! It is Christianity that is under the fiercest attack from everywhere . I believe it proves much insecurity
Ahback, I'll tell you why. Same reason they don't strike out at Santa Claus, they know who ithe true God,this is a spiritual battle over souls belonging to the1 true God, they must lead people away from him, false religions do that job for them.
I am not "attacking" anyone. I am either stating my beliefs or defending my beliefs. I have always stated that everyone is entitled to believe whatever it is that they want to. So am I.
Tell me austinstar, does this guy scare you? Or does he just make you feel petty & small for always lying about why you delete Christians' comments. … FEQZ0j_iM4
By becoming more aware of Ego.
I'm talking of the Buddhist, Christian, Kabbalist idea of Ego -- selfishness, separateness, self-concern. But you don't have to be an adherent to any of these religions or spiritual science (authentic Kabbalah) to understand what Ego means.
This could help by making every one of us more aware of who is selfish and by how much. Almost everyone has a little self-concern. Only the truly Enlightened ones ever achieve zero self-concern and spiritual oneness (the ability to perform miracles at-will).
The first step to solving any problem is greater awareness of its pieces. The intolerant and abusive, so-called Christians are not following Christ. They're following Ego. If they were True followers of Christ, they would be loving and compassionate regardless of your beliefs.
If you find someone proclaiming to be a Christian being abusive (and I'm not immune to ego, either), gently call them out on it. Be loving, but firm. Tell them that they appear to be arrogant and unloving. Ask them what Christ would think of that? If you're abusive right back at them, that only makes their ego bruised and bristle with energy. It closes the ears and the heart.
If you are loving for their sake (unselfish and altruistic), then you may be more Christian than they are. Imagine that!
When you know exactly that Christianity is from the viewpoint of Jesus Christ, then you can understand the dynamics involved here. Jesus said that those who are First (egoistic, arrogant) shall be last (left out in the cold); and those who are Last (loving and humble) shall be first (given a place of honor amongst all Enlightened beings).
You don't have to become Christian to improve your image. You don't have to join any religion, for that matter. Most religions are currently spirituality that has been corrupted by Ego.
To clarify: Ego is the arrogance of Hitler and of the little old lady who goes to church every Sunday and who despises the young woman in the back row who is a prostitute but who wants to change her life around. Ego is the self-righteous indignation of the suicide perpetrator or the victim who whines about what has been done to them. Ego is both perpetrator and victim. Ego is self-concern.
When you turn your attention from your own self, outward toward others and give to them unconditionally, then you are letting go of Ego. You are embracing Love.
When Typhoon Yolanda ravaged the Philippine Visayas a year ago, one atheist helped us out. Bravo!
Wow! What an enlightened viewpoint. It certainly resonates with me.
Thanks, ChristinS and MizBejabbers. I'm still learning. I hope I make it to that enlightened state. Been there, but not yet permanently.
Stop being so vocal and just leave religion alone. One person cannot have a legitimate argument over the other. No one on this earth could tell me if there is a god or if there is not. As I read these comments from I suppose atheists? There is so much hate towards someone because they believe differently than you do. In my opinion this is a form of racism on both sides. We must learn to look at the person, not what they do or do not believe.
Most of us love Christians. Most of us personally know good Christians, and don't hate the entire group, just the ones who force their beliefs on the population and refuse to try to do exactly what you are saying.
Would you walk in an atheist parade peeples?
yes if it was to protect my rights, just as I would be supportive if my husband wanted to walk in a Christian parade. Sharing beliefs or being unified with like ppl is not forcing beliefs.
Why should there be different parades period? You proved my point. You look at it as us and them. This is not the way it should be. You all act like some black folk. They do not want to be stereotyped but continue the same behavior. Truly sad.
Fellowship, fighting for rights, there are plenty of reasons for parades. Are you saying you think people should hide their viewpoints from the world?
Exactly what race is a theist, as opposed an Atheist. Is one less of a human, homo sapien-sapien, than the other?
You seem to want that from the Christians don't you? I have come to a conclusion in my life. The most vocal are trying their best to interfere in others lives. Unless it affects your life just leave it alone. It is not worth it.
I have no desire for Christians to hide their views, just not to impose laws that impact others, or force their beliefs on anyone.
A good atheist can exercise his right to not practice religion without taking away a religious person's right to practice his religion. Both groups have a history of doing exactly the opposite. Madeline Murray O'Hair and her fellow atheist followers started the political war by not wanting her son exposed to religion in public schools. Then the Christian retaliated by trying to set religious curricula, which should not be done in taxpayer-financed schools. Both groups are in the wrong and if they feel that strongly, they should send their children to private schools that teach their beliefs or non-beliefs or home school their children. It would be a vast improvement to both atheists and Christians if they kept their personal beliefs personal and did not throw them in the faces of the rest of us.
Atheists, if someone doesn't know you are an atheist, you won't be denied your rights to help the hungry, etc., unless a Christian group requires you to sign a pledge of some kind. I would suggest kindly starting your own public service groups but be subtle about it at first. An "Atheists Feed the Homeless" isn't likely to get much public support, but heck, even the Ku Klux Klan was allowed to adopt stretches of our interstate highway system. Get your foot in the door and then open it gently. Your money and your time is just as American as any Christian group.
Remember, it just takes time. The forefathers who built this country were mostly Masons, not fundamentalist Christians, but somewhere down the line citizens got the idea that the country was built on Christianity despite the like of the Salem Witch hunts and other so-called Christian atrocities.
Madeline O'Hair had the right to stand up to the government and demand that her children not be forced to listen to religious views. You would have the right to demand your children not be exposed to Islamic views, right?
You have a point, Atheism can not be discussed today without the sensationalism associated with the "militant" new atheists, the vocal and media savvy movement that pits atheists against religion. I have no qualms with atheists' nonbelief in any god or religion & calling them delusional because in reality the gods of all religions do not exist, they are delusions. The way to be right with god in every religion is by earning your way. It is based on works, not grace. Christianity is different from every religion in this aspect: all other religions (including Mormonism, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism) state that you must earn the right to be reconciled with God. It is by what you do in life (good deeds or bad deeds) that determines your eternal destiny. Christianity is completely different from this. It is not religion. Religion is the creation of man & is not the intention or design of God. In other words as it has been said:
"The difference between Christianity and every other faith in the world is that all other religions are about man trying to reach up to God. Christianity is about God reaching down to man.”
This is where atheists miss it, they lump false deities and all religions (actual delusions) together with true Christianity (the one and only true God) and walla! There is no God.These new atheists have gone so far as to redefine the meaning of atheism which has always been the belief that there is no God. Now they say it's lack of belief in God. Really? I have a lack of strength to bench press 500 lbs but I can still bench press. Are they saying there might be a God but atheists just lack the ability to believe it? This is an example of how atheists obfuscate every issue about what they do or don't believe.
When it comes down to the thought that you are not happy with the image of your persuasion to improve it there are only two things you can do. Move to where everyone thinks like you (does it matter what we delusional people think?why would you want our approval) or consider there are serious flaws with atheism that give it this image and perhaps listen to reason & consider you don't have all the answers, if there is a God you should try to get to know him.
Well if I haven't lost you (you being atheists reading this) by now I'm sure you are long gone after my last sentence.
Giving atheism a facelift is akin to Sibelius saying Obamacare would work better if we change it's name. It just doesn't work that way, unless of course you are deluded.
I would argue 'lack of belief in god' is the same as believing there is no god. But that's linguistics. Atheists care what theists think of them because theists are the majority. And sensible atheists don't want to be the enemy of the majority.
Makes sense, what doesn't is you live where atheists are less than 3% of the population. Why don't you move to one of the top ten athesist population countries? … theist.png hmmmmmmm?
"And sensible atheists don't want to be the enemy of the majority." Very, VERY true!
Yet their sole purpose is to remove the majority?
What atheist do you personally know? I'm married to a Christian so your comment sure doesn't apply to me, nor do I think it applies to the majority of atheists. We just want to be on an even playing field.
In my life I have not lived it worrying about who is this and who is that. The main thing that we must do in our lives is surround ourselves with good people (Religious or not) to make our own selves happy. Life is way too short to worry about trivia
Obviously it would be different if the Atheists were in the majority and were trying to dictate to Christians. I can't imagine telling a Christian that they must stop believing in their God. Or force them to listen to atheist speeches in public.
tsadjatko - Uprooting to a new country isn't exactly easy. Maybe if I was rich I would consider it, but it's not just about being around people who agree with me. It's about putting a human face on atheism, rather than a caricature to get mad at.
Austin no one forces you to do anything. Is that no right?
MT - that isn't the point I'm making. My point is who would want to leave America founded by Christians and whose population is vastly Christian to live in China? through history largely atheist countries have suppressed freedom and human rights.
Christianity has its own dark past of suppressing freedom and human rights. The Salem witch trials didn't exactly follow the constitution. What's to stop a modern crusade from wiping out suspected atheists?
Problem with your comment Dremer (what atheist always do) is you compare what sinful men do in the name of Christianity when there is no justification for their actions according to Christian doctrine. On the other hand atheists have no doctrines
If failures under the Christian banner are the fault of the individual, not the core beliefs, then failures under the atheism banner are also the fault of the individual, not the beliefs. Yet you suggest atheism is the source of the corruption.
tsad - You should not make blanket statements about what "atheists always do". That is an ill informed statement. But according to Christian doctrine, "all men are sinners", correct? (atheists or otherwise)
Dremer hear yourself? You say atheism is not a belief so how am I faulting the belief of atheism?The Bible says all are sinners, even those who accept Christ are still sinners but in God's eyes have been cleansed.You falsely condemn Christianity
I didn't say atheism wasn't a belief. Believing there is a god and believing there is no god: someone can lack one and not the other. And I've never condemned Christianity. I condemn poisonous generalizations.
tsad - do you understand the meaning of the word 'facetious' or 'sarcastic'?
Dremer one can't reason with you because you deny what you say - you said "Christianity has its own dark past of suppressing freedom and human rights." If that isn't a condemnation (false)of Christianity what is? YOU said that. Come on man.
Saying something has a dark past doesn't equal a condemnation. The U.S. has a dark past too, but admitting it isn't an attack. I reiterate; I'm not fighting Christianity, I'm trying to point out the double standard by which atheists are judged.
But you are conflating Christianity with unchristian acts - that is not only false condemnation but deceitful. You know nothing about the Bible or true Christianity or you would not attribute the acts of sinners to the doctrines of Christianity.
And yet you feel justified conflating atheists with dictators. I've always said the individual is at fault, but you're trying very hard to label me as anti-Christianity. So who here is really hellbent on condemnation?
I think it's by educating the public that atheists are not necessarily amoral. Some religions, like Confucianism, are atheist. Others, like Buddhism, do not rely on belief in a god or gods. Countries that practice these religions are doing just fine. Japan practices both, and it has one of the lowest violent crime and divorce rates in the world.
Former Christians who have come to the conclusion that God doesn't exist probably need to tone down their ensuing rage. Ultimately, what they believe is no one's business but their own. Broadcasting it can make them look like angry Marxists, which leads the public to believe they are like the politicians from the Old Soviet Union who committed all those atrocities. Not all ex-Christians are angry; those that are need to deal with their anger in an appropriate, positive way.
The anger and "rage" is because ex-theists (particularly Christians) have discovered that they have been lied to for their entire life. That kind of anger is hard to hide and hard to recover from. Plus the constant assault from current fundamentals
Good point, Austinstar. I've been there myself. I overcame it by realizing it makes no sense Christianity, or any other religion, is the true one. I even feel sorry for fundamentalists who still don't understand that.
Lumping Christianity with all other religions is a mistake The difference between Christianity & every other faith in the world is that all other religions are about man trying to reach up to God. Christianity is about God reaching down to man.
tsadjatko - I've heard that. But what about Judaism and Islam? Doesn't God reach down to them, also? (with disastrous results!)
You miss the point:-)God reached down by sending his only son to die for us gifting salvation from sin which cannot be earned. Christianity actually is the fulfillment of Judaism yet Judaism rejects it. In Islam you must earn God's approval.
They can stop writing anti-Christian hubs that mock Christian beliefs.
I am a Christian, I believe the atheist image is spewed because of the allotted amount of hate mail thrown towards Christians in interpersonal debates. I talk with Atheist a lot over the internet and after I prove them wrong on something they would result to cursing or saying foul comments as well as degrading my intelligence. The religion of atheism seems to be more of a rebuttal than an actual religion and majority of them have very differing beliefs and theories. They don't have a legitimate foundation or Holy Book by which they live by and their doctrine is entrusted to evolutionary scientist which have proven to be false in pounds of research. I think people lack respect for them because of the large amount of bashing. I think if you are atheist and you believe there is no God, and you also believe their never was a God. You should not have to classify yourself as an Atheist, you should feel comfortable saying you are a normal human being and that you do not subscribe to anything. Atheism only exists because Theism exists. Atheist pretty much surviving off of the existence of a God that they do not believe exist. But i think the image of you guys would be a lot better if you unsubscribe from the title and simply consider yourselves to be normal humans. The name has already gained a horrible rep in the eyes of people as well as Christians and people usually have preconceived notions when speaking to an Atheist. It does suck though bro because Atheist do not have a set code of ethics or moral attached to it, it's simply one thought or idea that forms the whole religion. It's awesome that people who call themselves Christians and live contrary to scripture, then the scripture says they are not truly Christian like they think they are. So yea, If you don't want to be infused with the likes of that group then I think you should unsubscribe from the title. Lol doesn't matter anyways if God never existed right. That would make your views primary and Theist views secondary. (Though I disagree with that) It's just a suggestion on my behalf bro. hopefully that helped.
Well said Mr.Big. I have witnessed horrendous foul language from atheists criticizing creationists.It goes beyond just hate speech to evil threats, just visit their blogs.I have to say atheists on hubpages do refrain from foul language & threats
I get death and rape threats from Christians on a regular basis in response to editorials on atheism and homelessness. I get a lot more Christian emails full of swearing. Those people sometimes even get labeled as atheists by normal Christians.
I don't believe a word of that.I guarantee you if it is occurring those people (whom YOU know nothing about) are not behaving as a Christian should. At least real Christians can be judged by a standard, what standard judges atheists? NONE.
Kylyssa, the question was not "Who does more bad stuff between atheists and Christians". The question was
"How can atheists improve their image?"
"A more peaceful Atheist"....I would imagine that a true atheist would have no need to critique any theist whatsoever , first of all ! One of the most hypocritical statements I have seen over and over in these forums is essentially the " I don't want religion stuffed down my throat " statement -- what horse manure that statement is .
A true atheist would probably not even care about what a believer does believe , he would have no need to critique anything of religion , his extremely high level of intelligence would prevent him from childlike arguing , bickering , devaluing , or otherwise trying to convince anyone of their wasted faith .
A true atheist , to me at least , should have no need to dis-prove a theist's view quite simply because he doesn't believe anyway ! As someone who isn't a "practicing " Christian , I believe I have a neutral view from where I stand . Whenever I see an atheist in these forums on the front line of the "God battles " , I see someone trying harder to disprove HIS OWN hidden lack of confidence in HIS beliefs . { or hers ]
ahorse - Sorry, but some atheists would like to see religious harm disappear in our lifetime. I am against death/war due to religion, "faith" healing that doesn't work. Not religion itself, but just the harm that certain beliefs cause.
Mostly it's the Christian laws and misbehavior we object to, not the practice of your religion as it does not affect us. Look up "rape insurance, Michigan" before saying religion is never stuffed down our throats in the form of Christian laws.
That insurance rider is an affront to women everywhere! Including the whole "we won't pay for birth control" because of our religious beliefs. I would not work for a company that won't support women's rights. Religion has no right to legislate this.
Stargrrl - Does that mean you are FOR religious harm then? Or just opposed to the atheists who wish to fight religious harm?
I didn't say that religion was harmful, I said that some religious beliefs are harmful.
Image is based on character, which is the sum total of what we really inwardly are. Image is improved in the same way for all Beings: Love. But I do not wish to enter the school that tells you to Love. Goodness requires the twins of self-effort and Grace; it has never been any other way.
Here I must say that this ethereal energy is open to all. I do not think of Faith here. Many of us, including myself, do really wish to be good and we stumble, and fail and we stumble and fail again. The growth of the inner spark necessitates a passing through fire or struggle, call it what you will, in order to be transformed and polished. This takes time.
All Beings harbour the same potential for Love, Happiness and Joy, as well as being exposed to fear, enmity, insecurity and greed, to name a few. This is common to all. Still deep down we are all shinning nuggets waiting to glow like the sun, until we shine in all our pristine glory. ALL of us! This takes time for the presence of the inner energy, to manifest its Light.
This has been my experience and is my conviction. It is not enough to say that we will love or be kind and tolerant. Serving selflessly is crucial to the expansion of the Heart, but then again even this has an inner Source. Nothing comes from an empty void. Much peace, MT.
Frankly, I couldn't care less. I don't believe all christians are the same, or that all muslims are the same, or that all buddhists are the same, etc. I do believe people who think so are ignorants. So I couldn't care less if ignorant people think I am this or that. I am not part of an actual group and I dont feel I belong to "a category". I don't need to spread anything. I don't carry a label. In fact, I believe people who do so are basically practicing a religion.
"For whatever reason, the mainstream theists in the U.S. have trouble separating average atheists from the extremists in the news"
Nothing in the news is total truth. Most of what is in the news is whatever gets ratings and money. We only see those dictatorships and those kinds of people becasue that is what those who run those stations want us to see.
There are plenty of us who do not want division, but are silenced because it would not give the world the media...what they want to hear. They was division. They want war. The will do whatever it takes to get that.
You want the truth to what is really out there in the world, go to cities and suburbs and real people.
Atheists can improve their image the same way any religious person that judges an atheist can. By being respectful to others beliefs.
Unfortunately, this happens with every group, whether it is a religion (or atheists), race, or country. The squeaky wheel gets the grease just like the hard-line extremist get the press. Because they yell the loudest.
I am a Christian, but unfortunately I get lumped in with the Crusaders, pedophile priests, and the Westboro Baptist Church. I just take my lumps and move on with my life.
I don't think there is anything a mainstream atheist can do except live their lives to the best of their abilities. I don't think the extremists are helping themselves or other atheists by taking down WWII statues with crosses in them or 10 Commandments displays in courthouses. I wish they would take a more subtle approach.
by Dwight Phoenix 8 years ago
What are the most annoying responses Christians give to questions atheists ask?I'm a christian and I think that it would be helpful in ministry, if Christians new a bit more about how atheists felt about a Christian's rebuttal
by Pauline C Stark 7 years ago
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Why most of the Christians forcing people to convert in christianity?
by Brittany Williams 5 years ago
Atheism only means the lack of a belief in God. Why is it so hard for Christians to realize that we dismiss their religion for the same reasons that they dismiss all other religions? It doesn't make us horrible people, immoral, or mean that we are going to hell. It just means that we think the...
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by TheBlondie 13 years ago
I'm an atheist, and even though I'm a generally good person (volunteer at an animal shelter, nice to people, generous, etc.), I've been told I'm going to hell simply because I don't take part in any religion. I'm really not trying to start a fight or argument, I'm really just curious- why are...
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