Can an atheist and a Christian coexist peacefully and become friends?

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  1. profile image0
    Jonas Rodrigoposted 9 years ago

    Can an atheist and a Christian coexist peacefully and become friends?

  2. iggy7117 profile image82
    iggy7117posted 9 years ago

    I believe so, It would take two people that don't push their beliefs on others. I am christian and do not go around sharing it unless asked to, I have and am friends with non believers. We came to an understanding that our beliefs are free to be what they are and we don't judge each other.

  3. profile image0
    LoliHeyposted 9 years ago

    Yes,  I have atheist friends.  Sometimes we have debates about God, and other times, we just talk about other stuff.

  4. ChristinS profile image35
    ChristinSposted 9 years ago

    That and more.  My grandparents were married many years.  My grandmother was at one time a nun, before giving it up to have a family, but remained a devout Catholic her entire life.  My grandfather, her husband was unabashedly atheist.  They both set the example for me to be who I wanted to be and just be a good person.  Non-believers and believers are all human - and not as different as people like to paint us.  I was raised Catholic but am a non-believer now.  thankfully I have only chosen to surround myself with open minded people in my family and circle of friends.

  5. jlpark profile image75
    jlparkposted 9 years ago


    I'm an agnostic atheist, and several of my good friends are religious. We get on well, and can even discuss religion.

    As long as each party accepts that their way is great for them but not necessarily for everyone else - it can work

  6. lawrence01 profile image66
    lawrence01posted 9 years ago

    I think they can. But it takes quite a bit of grace and respect on both sides! I have probably a few friends through work that I engage with on a day to day basis that are possibly agnostic or atheist yet we get on well and the subject of religion or belief seldom comes up.
    They'll often see me reading a Christian book on subjects or even my Bible and we'll sometimes talk about it but always in a respectful or humourous way.
    I've had a few discussions with both believers whose belief is different to mine and with the atheist and to be honest it's been a learning curve here as expressing ourselves through just the printetd word can have it's challenges and sometimes what you say and what you mean can be different to what the other person reads!
    I"ve learned to be respectful of others, but at the same time to expect that respect back.
    One of the best things about writing here is I've read stuff that has challenged what I believe, I haven't always liked it but the book of proverbs says "The wounds of a friend are better than the kisses of an enemy" When those challenges come then it's time to check out what the other has challenged me with and see if I can benefit from it.
    To answer you again YES they can be friends and they can both learn lots from each other.

  7. fpherj48 profile image60
    fpherj48posted 9 years ago

    You're asking this in a serious note?  Certainly individuals of these 2 groups of people can coexist peacefully & become friends......even LOVERS or Spouses!!   Love & respect, consideration and honesty are what matters.  I have NUMEROUS friends of every walk of life, background, socio-economic status, ethnicity, belief system and lifestyle.

    Off hand I personally know of 4 long term, loving and happily married couples who are "one of each"....believer & non believer.  In fact, one couple I know very well, jokingly refer to each other as the HEATHEN and the BIBLE BANGER.....  Now, THAT'S a healthy bond!.....If people married ONLY someone who was just like them in every way.....Oh my, how dull, boring and stagnant can we get?

    1. Annsalo profile image85
      Annsaloposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Dull and boring it would be! Differences make it interesting! smile

  8. dashingscorpio profile image71
    dashingscorpioposted 9 years ago

    Not many people talk religion 24/7. Most people have co-workers and family members they are close with who may or may not be religious.
    Typical conversations usually entail family, work, current events, weekend/holiday and vacation plans, movies/TV shows...etc
    Atheist & Christian, Republican & Democrat, white & black or whatever can coexist peacefully and become friends.
    What is the point in having a diverse planet if people refuse to engage with one another. Most people have the same general goals.
    We don't have to believe or look the same in order to get along.

    1. importantopinions profile image60
      importantopinionsposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Thank You! We have to accept one another as we come to earth. We are all related by God.

  9. Annsalo profile image85
    Annsaloposted 9 years ago

    I've been with my husband for almost 9 years. I'm a non believer and he is a Presbyterian Christian. It is most enjoyable. We respect each others' views, but we joke a good bit about it. It also creates fun drunken debates once in a while. Most of the time though the topic doesn't even come up.
    People do not need to be identical in beliefs to enjoy a happy life together. People just have to have respect for the people around them.

  10. Readmikenow profile image96
    Readmikenowposted 9 years ago

    I think this is very possible.  I do believe it has to be a relationship with a number of different elements to it that don't involve religion.  I am very quiet around atheists who celebrate Christmas.  It makes no sense to me.  I figure it's their business and we do have a lot of other things to talk about and I appreciate their Christmas gifts, no matter how it confuses me.

  11. profile image0
    jonnycomelatelyposted 9 years ago

    For me, it would depend on how much each of us was willing to just "let be," without the intention of changing the mind of the other.
    If I was secretly wanting to dissuade the other person from having his faith but pretending to be totally accepting, then that would be living a lie. 
    Similarly, if he was working hard, yet underhandedly, to get me converted to his faith, then trust would be sacrificed and true friendship cannot survive without trust.
    It's a matter of setting clear and acceptable boundaries at the outset, I guess.

  12. profile image0
    Commonsensethinkposted 9 years ago

    Family first of all.

    My mother was until the day that she died a practising Christian. She came from the liberal Methodist tradition once widespread in the North of England. There is no way that she would have embraced the standpoints adopted by American "conservative Christians", which she would anyway have regarded as a contradiction in terms.

    At the age of 17 I abandoned the Christian beliefs that my parents followed, first became an agnostic, and then after several months of study, an atheist - quote openly.

    All my family had been working people who left school at 14 or 15. I was studying at a "good school" with the intention of going on to university, so nobody expressed too much shock when I changed my views on religion.

    Nobody seemed too upset, nobody intended to show me the door. My relationship with my mother, in particular, remained very good for the next 30+ years until she died. Liberal Christian mother with liberal atheist secular humanist son. We still got on - without any difficulty.

    My longest standing friend, a Scot whom I have known for some 20 years now, is a devout Roman Catholic. We met while working for the same company in 1995 and always seemed to get on well from the very start. Apart from his views on religion, and some differences with regard to abortion (though I am also not prepared to accept "abortion simply on demand"), we are both liberals and we both listen to each other's point of view. I think that we are both honest and honourable people with a similar sense of humour.

    We both try hard to accept differences in other people and respect each other's position.

    I can quote a lot of other examples, but it is relatively easy to make allowances for people if you have an open mind and show them proper respect. There is no reason why people cannot get on if they apply such criteria.

  13. Sunkesner profile image57
    Sunkesnerposted 9 years ago

    Of course. My friend, each person may have different point of view, but it must be set aside. Respect is the key.

  14. importantopinions profile image60
    importantopinionsposted 9 years ago

    I do not know, I don't understand the ethiest law. I certainly can coexist with ethiest, respect them because we are one human race. I don't know how they think and feel tho. I do respect them.

  15. profile image0
    ValKarasposted 9 years ago

    I think it depends on our definition of a "friend", and maybe everyone will agree that there are basically two kinds of them. There are those that are "friendly", and we can have a good time together, even help one another in a need.

    And then, there are those of a "higher rank"  -  and here I mean those alter-egos, those who share our views, our interests, even our artistic and other tastes. Those are the ones whose mere presence is enough to fill the room where we are, and sometimes it seems like they are reading each other's minds.

    Now, I think a Christian and an atheist can be friends if they are of that first mentioned kind. When people share a few personal traits that are enough for a friendly, or even a romantic closeness, then their individual differences can be smoothened by "friendly diplomacy and tactfulness", so everything is fine there.

    However, it would be impossible for the second kind to have this difference to exist between themselves, because it would be too huge for both to tolerate. Their "respect" goes beyond "tolerance, tactfulness, and acceptance"  -  it is more of an admiration, and deep satisfaction over a fact that another human being shares our most cherished convictions.

    This is not to put the first kind down in any way  -  people of different minds and faiths can have successful relationships. I just wanted to make that  distinction between them and the alter-egos.

  16. Mercia Collins profile image64
    Mercia Collinsposted 9 years ago

    of course they can providing each accepts the other's right to follow their own road and does not try to insist that their own view is the only view.

  17. Vortrek Grafix profile image62
    Vortrek Grafixposted 9 years ago

    Belief and non-belief are more similar than they appear to be at face value. If a conscious effort is made to truly understand what is meant by belief or non-belief, then neither camp can lay claim to having all the answers. Believers accept a template version of the creator personified in omnipotent albeit humanly identifiable terms. Non believers simply think that is but one version of potentially infinite versions of how creation works. A single specific version amongst a myriad of possible versions is statistically very unlikely to be 100 accurate. However, If we are to accept the universe is in fact infinite, then the very nature of its limitlessness precludes striking down possibilities unless there is an indisputable scientific rationale for doing so.
    Thus far, no one, including Phds  in quantum mechanics, astrophysics, etc. have all the answers. In fairness though, the scientific community makes a greater effort to fill in the gaps in moving toward a fuller explanation.

    As for non-believers and believers being incompatible, not at all. As long as people are open minded and liberal in their acceptance of a range of possibilities in the absence of more data, then there's zero reason for controversy. On the other hand, haters and conservatives on either end of the belief and non-belief spectrum do no good to the quest to solve humanity's ultimate philosophical riddle. Those types may be more vocal at times, but fortunately they are not the majority. I dare say that belief and non-belief can even exist within the same persona. Mother Theresa would be an iconic example of that.

  18. profile image55
    jerrycarmanposted 9 years ago

    s scripture states In IIcorinthins 6:17 "wherefore come out from among them and be you separate saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing, and I will recieve you." Is it right for a Christian and an atheist to be together and have company with each other? No stay away from the atheist or you will become like the.

    1. jlpark profile image75
      jlparkposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      With all respect, what do you think of Atheists? That we are unclean? Evil? Can you explain more as to what you think? I'm genuinely curious, and will not question you further, It's just your answer sounds like you had more to say.

    2. importantopinions profile image60
      importantopinionsposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I Am a human, they are humans, I have a great wonderful heart. I will never turn my back on another human based on humanity. I believe in God, they do not, but that does not make these people less than me. I will not hate them.

    3. profile image51
      x13oposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      No, i believe your interpretation to be faulty seeing as God has made all equal. What it means is to simply adhere to doctrine.

    4. profile image0
      jonnycomelatelyposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Jerry, you need to be absolute sure of the context of that quotation. Who said it? To whom? When? Why?  What were the social conditions appertaining to his advice? 
      Are sure it was to people 2000 years hence? To you, to me? Surely not!

  19. Doctor Peace profile image57
    Doctor Peaceposted 9 years ago

    Its all about mutual respect. An atheist and a christian could live happily in the same community, despite their differences, as long as they reapect each other. Without respect even two christians can't live with peace in the same community, let alone an atheist.

    1. importantopinions profile image60
      importantopinionsposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Thank You. God is love, he will never leave a lost sheep behind! I will never turn my back on any human.

  20. VanessaRanay profile image58
    VanessaRanayposted 9 years ago

    I believe so. I don't think that you shouldn't be friends for simply not believing in the same thing. Friends do not believe all the same things, they always have something different. Friends are not based on where they stand religiously but more of who they are and how they affect the other person. They can always be friends as long as they do not let weather there is a god or if there is not.

  21. clivewilliams profile image70
    clivewilliamsposted 9 years ago

    Long before people were categorized and tagged as this and tagged as that, they were human beings first. Lets see if they will co exist when one needs to hand another the rope to save each others life!

  22. alekdo profile image60
    alekdoposted 9 years ago

    I'm sure they do! Friendship is not about religious aspects and beliefs only - it is about trust, devotion, sincerity and readiness to help any moment. All people differ in their views, beliefs, hobbies, interests etc., but this does not prevent them from being friends. You can't make friends with those people, who completely share your points of view. This is close to impossible. Personally, I am a Christian and I have two best friends, who are atheists. We have been friends for 10  years already and religious aspects never stand between us. We don't talk a lot about religion and we don't impose our beliefs and points of view upon each other. So, there is nothing we can argue about here. There are so many things we do together and so many hobbies we share that other issues just don't matter a lot. So, I'm sure that people, who believe in God and those, who don’t can be real friends!

  23. profile image55
    peter565posted 9 years ago

    According to the bible "no" according to reality "yes"

    According to the bible, you must kill anybody who does not worship Christ, ISIS style, so peaceful co exist isn't possible to that extend, but most people today, prioritized the human right ahead of the bible and as a result, the law enforce it, so, in reality, it is possible.

    1. profile image0
      jonnycomelatelyposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      "...peacefully co-exist..."  Not one of us can like everyone.  Yet it's possible to co-exist, be friendly, be respectful, provided the Ego is kept in its rightful place.

    2. profile image55
      peter565posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Its worse then u think eg(Leviticus 24:16)Whoever blasphemes the name of the Lord shall surely be put to death. All the congregation shall stone him. The sojourner as well as the native, when he blasphemes the Name, shall be put to death(Christ=evil)

    3. profile image0
      jonnycomelatelyposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      That's strange....I never heard it mentioned in the pulpit.  Might have been nodding off and missed it.

    4. profile image55
      peter565posted 9 years agoin reply to this
    5. profile image51
      x13oposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Bible is separated into two parts, old and new, probably called old and new for a reason. According to Christian doctrine, Christ's death wiped away all of the old Mosaic law which was in place since a "redeemer" has not arrived yet.Hope i helped:)

    6. profile image0
      jonnycomelatelyposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      x130, welcome to HubPages (provided you are not one of those Trolls under another name,  judging us to Hell, wink, wink). 
      So, it was sins under those old laws that were done away with, not the sort of things we get up to today?

    7. MizBejabbers profile image89
      MizBejabbersposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I don't recall anything in the NT about killing anyone who doesn't believe in Jesus Christ. Leviticus is in the OT and the "Lord" is not Jesus Christ. Jesus isn't mentioned in the OT.

  24. MizBejabbers profile image89
    MizBejabbersposted 8 years ago

    Of course, my parents were married for 43 years until daddy died. He was an atheist and mom was Christian. Religion rarely ever came up as a topic in our home and then it never got heated. Daddy declared that there was no God and mama gave him a dirty look and ignored him. Mama when to church when she pleased and left him at home. Grandma was a devout Christian and Daddy loved and respected his mother very much. I've even written on HP about growing up in a split home. I don't recall there being animosity between Christians and atheists until the lawsuit by Madelyn Murray O'Hare made both sides "stand up for their rights."

    1. Vortrek Grafix profile image62
      Vortrek Grafixposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      It's not what is believed as much as how it's believed. All religions should have open hearted receptivity to anyone who believes in mutual respect between people. Whether a believer or not, express exclusion can never foster mutual respect


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