We would live like natives without culture and any relation to ethical higher levels.
We would kill each other without any bad feelings.
Humans are just like animals. The majority of primates that exist in today's world still have camaraderie. They attack when their territory has been threatened. Not because they are without culture or ethics. Empathy without fear of consequence.
one of the element of life is the soul, a part that we don't yet fully comprehend. The soul is tied to faith a substance of imagination. once a man is born, he questions life itself and he learns things as days pass. Religion is something we all learn, ways of our faith and what we choose to believe. There are things that i think cant be explained now because we haven't yet understood them. For example, is everything planned before our birth for us or we ourselves plan as events unfold in our living days? If the answer to this is found then we shall know whether the faith we choose to follow is the right one or not. As per now we just follow with the little inner sound of intuition what seems good for us.
The world wont be much different, because men are the same, with or without religion and moreover, we have the capacity to make, create, innovate and build. Therefore, in the absence of what to believe in men will create one belief and another and another and the same stories of religion existing now shall exist then.
Really cool view point. I think it is interesting that a spiritual connection of some sort lives well within and individual. Yet because we are social creatures we have to quantify it in order to share it with others. Hence religion.
If only religions didn’t preach intolerance and dislike of others who don’t believe as they do the world would certainly be a better place. Remember that religion is a business. Religion has brands just like products, and the leaders have to sell that brand to keep their business going.
If you were Ford, would you say that Chevy buyers made a good choice? If you were Burger King, would you say that the food was just as good at Taco Bell? No. You would say that your brand is the only one to buy. The same goes for religions. They don’t have a physical product or service, only an idea of spirituality to grasp. They have to plant the seed that only their religion is correct.
With an actual product, the consequence of buying the wrong brand will be evident in the quality or failure to work properly. With religion we won’t know the consequence (if any) of choosing the wrong one till we are dead. Religion can’t build brand loyalty through performance of the product. A food item can taste good, a car can run well, religion just gives you a feeling.
So religious leaders have to promise eternal damnation if you select the other religions or they will lose customers. McDonalds does not say “Eat burgers – we don’t care which ones” – they say “Our burgers are best”. Some religions go so far as to tell their followers that the other religions are evil and go against the teachings of God. That can make people do bad things.
So would the world be better without religion. Can’t say one way or the other. Humans are aggressive animals. We might use religion today to control others or drive hate and violence but if that is human nature, won’t we just find some other reason? Race, political views, ethnicity, sexual preference, and even which football team you root for have fueled hatred in the past.
Maybe educating young people to be tolerant of others and appreciate differences rather than disapproving of them is a better long term plan. Hey, that’s a good job for religion!
In my own Opinion, I thinks world would be at peace because when you look at the things that are happening now, you will find out that it's a religious crises.
Hi cristina-alina cata! How's it going?
If you're interested, I would like to share a hub I wrote, in response to a question like the one you are posing here.
If I may, then, let me present you with this:
http://hubpages.com/religion-philosophy … Experience
I know a world without religion wouldn't be perfect because there are many other things that would have to change to make it so. We'd need to get rid of money, irrational fear, and the lust for power that drives a small but significant percentage of humanity. Religion would probably become harmless if those factors were to disappear because the lust for power plus irrational fear plus greed seem to combine with religion in truly horrific ways. They don't even need religion for them to combine in truly horrific ways, but religion gives them a cloak of respectability to hide behind that we aren't allowed to question.
I don't know how our world would be without religion. Maybe people would turn to each other for love, help, and understanding if they didn't believe in the existence of something supernatural? Maybe people would respect life more if they never, ever saw it as merely a dress rehearsal for an afterlife and never saw other peoples' suffering as good for their souls but as something to act on instead?
I don't believe in the existence of supernatural beings who somehow absolve us of our duty to our fellow human beings, so I believe it's our responsibility to help each other. Maybe the people who use their religion as an excuse to hurt people or to turn their eyes away from suffering people would find different excuses, but I doubt it, except perhaps for the worst of the sociopaths. I've seen too many people lose their excuses when they lost their conservative religious beliefs to think otherwise.
Most people are basically good and desire to be loved and accepted so they'll behave accordingly if they know how. I'm nothing special and I actually have a learning disability, but it's still absolutely obvious to me that human beings are the only ones available to help people who need it.
There's really no logical way to justify seeing people suffering and doing nothing about it. Humans are social animals who have relied on each for survival since before we were even Homo Sapiens. Becoming kinder and helping each other to thrive rather than to merely survive is a natural next step in our social evolution.
A friend on FB recently told us her husband had died and about related financial hardships. Christians posted that they would pray for God to provide. I set up an online account and we raised a little money. Praying and not doing is just wrong.
Chris what you see is the earth under human control by satan. He is the ruler of this world.
God has a time to end his rulership steps away.
Now we know what bad looks like ,we will also know what life is suppose to be like under Jesus rulership.
This is the reason why religions are dying and spirituality (including atheism) is on the rise: bcuz that fairytale is bs and 'believers' are collectively starting to realize it. My long hub on this topic rates a 91 most days. 'Salvation' is bogus.
That's good for you misfit but you can not speak for every human. So I think it's pretty bogas to assume a lot of people think like you. years ago people existed before you and me both and they had to determin their own choice.
K&T, just read that last post of yours, please. See if it could possibly refer to yourself. "You cannot speak for every human." So, apply that to your beliefs. Intelligence is being able to consider every other possibility and keep the mind
Why would anyone want to believe lies? Bcuz you're too afraid to look and discover the truth. I've got 'salvation' ripped to shreds with theology & logic but you can't do the research for yourself - Christians don't realize how they harm the worl
K&T Therein lies my main problem with Christianity. God ended "his rulership steps away." Just like he told us NOT to do in the parable of the Good Samaritan. He stepped/turned away from hungry, sick, poor. They die because he turned his back.
ChrisM let's address your claims.
Does the earth still grow food?
Give water?
Provide the sun for heat and light
The moon keeps the planet stable on course not wobbling in space.
Is there enough land to build homes ?
No back has turned
Actually, K&T, the earth does wobble through space. haha. Have you ever heard of drought, famine, pestilence, earthquakes, violent storms? Does the earth still give water? No, not always. Provide food? No, not always.
There are some that think that we are not supposed to question or think in an investigative manner if we are "real" Christians. Seems to me that advice to genocidal maniacs 2000 years ago might be different than that given to a peace lover now.
Religion does not shape the world but it teaches the lesson of humanity.How much we faith on our religion,It is beyond our work.All religion teaches the lesson of humanity.But we does not work on its lesson.Religion shapes our culture,society,and etc.It also save our civilization,customs.It provides energy to fight against difficulties.All of we know that this world runs due to some supreme power.We obliged this supremo by the means of religion and pray him for better world.Many time we feel alone.Religion gives us a great friend called The GOD.Who is he?where is he?No one knows.But belief gives eternal power.It is true or false i do not know but Without Religion The world is powerless because Every man feels so.We can imagine The world without religion but we can not imagine a man without faith.The faith is necessary for everyone because it gives a power to work.True religion makes the beautiful world.
Misfit It's an opinion of yours who is brain washed. It's your opinion that you believe people are force fed lies .it's your opinion verbally forced on othersThat's what you want to believe good for you. And others will believe what's good for them
In the animal kingdom there aren't a lot of species that turn against their own. Most primates, for instance, have a sense of camaraderie and exhibit many social attributes, sometimes even to different species of primates. These animals are not guided by a religious, moral compass. I'm sure humans would do exact the same thing. Of course, you're going to still have a few un-empathetic individuals, but as a whole, we'd probably have a lot less problems when it comes to "brother vs. brother".
I believe the world would be better without religion. Religion I feel is based on fear, early man worshipped the sun, were they right? Today we say that is ridiculous but not to them. Newer religions claim their god is all seeing all encompassing and full of love for mankind. Religions from other parts of the world are thousands of years older, they claim the same for their god. There are I think hundreds if not thousands of religions, some are new others are forgotten. How can they all be right?
We are told that time began billions of years ago, if so who or what caused the big bang. How did time and life begin. How can any religion lay claim to this. Man is the only species that can reason and therefore I feel the need was felt to call upon someone or something to assist when in dire need.
All the above seem obvious when applying logic to life.
This is not to say that I am an unbeliever, my thoughts are somehow it all started somehow. This makes me feel that somewhere there might be a someone for all of us.
I generally think that most religions are meant to be good, to provide us with some sort of direction in life and how we should behave. With or without religion, humans, I believe that humans will have just as much conflicts (but probably backed by different reasons).
The root of the problem lies not with religion but the need for power, for control, for status, and for conformity.
Religion as a philosophy, in its pure form, unpolluted by the ego of man, is good.
However, once power hungry men/women got hold of it, it became a tool to manipulate the masses.
This is demonstrated by history, and each religion has at one time or another been used to sway the masses.
Currently, Islam is the religion being used to move the masses toward a set target.
Ultimately, the desired outcome of those using religion in this way is to turn us against each other, to keep us divided, and even cause us to kill one another.
Take away religion now, and another tool will take its place:
There are still:
News networks
Movies/music/mass media
These are tools to control us, though like religion, they may not have started out that way.
We must remember that those currently in power are able to be so because of men who conquered, and murdered, and indoctrinated their way to power thousands (however many) of years ago.
It was a very, very long process, but here we are, utterly controlled and under the illusion that we have control of our own lives.
We don't need to take away religion. That wouldn't work anyway, and people have a right to believe what they want.
Only a global revolution, in which those in power everywhere are toppled, including bankers, politicians etc, will help humanity to become good, and pure again, and banish greed and vanity.
But as you can see, they keep us divided, and at each other's throats.
War after war, racism, sexism, discrimination, anti-semitism etc etc alll just tools to keep us frightened, confused, and distracted from what's really important.
Does anyone really know what's "really" important anymore?
So, my answer is no, we humans would not be able to see past our egos and reach for pure goodness, because 1. We have been conditioned to compete with each other, and to hoard material things (greed) 2. We imitate the powerful, following their every move, cutting our hair like them etc (celebrities) 3. Money is more powerful as a tool, than religion is today. 4. The news networks indoctrinate us every day, programming us to believe certain things, to hate certain people, to blame certain groups, etc etc just as religion does.
Revolution would turn us all good again, but it wouldn't happen overnight.
Couple money with religion and you get megachurches. Big, big con jobs - control the minds of people with ulterior motives.
Alan, you just made me wonder: What would be the harm if the minds of people were controlled to be happy and joyous? I am not saying they are, but what if?
Exactly Alan! The two biggest manipulation tools in the game.
Jonny when you come on and say people are animals are you conveting? When you say it your imagination , are you converting. You can not convert a person who has to chose for themselves. You can tell them your experience but it's not for Everyone.
Kiss & Tales, you are free to state your opinions and express your beliefs. Have I not said this many times before? I claim the same rights. To state an opinion is not trying to "convert," just asking for respect for my views. Yes, human=anim
Eric, sorry missed your comment. Personally the greatest sense of stress comes when I feel controlled or trapped. An animal instinct I suspect.
Well Jonny I want to believe you are fair in your statement .
But it is hard to believe if you do not respect my opinion and call it imaginary.OR Make Offensive Comments tell your God to do something.
You see you ask for respect but you do not give
K&T, it is not disrespectful to disagree. It is not necessary for either to agree with the other. It IS disrespectful to always insist that your beliefs are the ONLY right ones. Because there you are using imagination over facts. IMHO !
Count yourself as that defition, because you repeatedly say God is in peoples imagination. Do you want me to count how many times said by you.
Also I know the difference in a question then direct statement , you dont?
I am sorry you cannot bring your mind to think objectively, K&T. When your god cannot be seen, or heard, or smelled, or tasted, or touched, how else can your mind contemplate your god except by imagination? Imagine - ation.
You see Jonny you are very correct about this fact. You can not do any of these things for me , eat, smell, see, and others this is my God based on my own experience not yours .
Because you are not me.
Ok. So, at last, you can see that your way of seeing it, from your own experience, cannot be applied to me or anyone else. Can you now, fully and respectfully allow that the views of others, even atheists, are equally valid?
K&T uses 'right to free thought' to justify profound, manipulated beliefs; while Norine simply bashes us all over the head with bible verses - both 'reasonings' are harmful weapons against logical thought and spiritual truths they were MEANT to m
Brutish, I suppose and for the second part of your question, the moral compass is already there.
We created religion out of necessity, being directed by the Inner Flame. We are God's and as such life cannot be otherwise. Much Peace.
ChrisM.Who is in charge of donated food and resources to feed hungry people with the supplies grown? Man!
Many things humans are doing to humans.there is store houses of rationed by greed or not given to the hungry.
When will people see human error
our world be like without religion is just like life without breathing,
life with out any goal for future.
Religion is the way of living in this world.
I think you've pegged why so many people hate religions - since they are 'the way of living in this world' for so many people; and the world is the way it is because of them - justified resentment. Breathing & goals are possible without religions
People already are living their life with out religion but they share the same problems that people who have religion.
Problem not solved
Example marriage is a title ,would it be valid to say do not get married !
Marriage works for people , .
Marriage and religion are two entirely different things: the world is not 'the way it is' because of marriages. At least, we can't isolate any reasons from the concept of marriage that we can point to that says - having a spouse screws the world up.
I would have to say it would be radically different in every way. Although does this question mean religion is just gone moving forward or retroactively as well. If it is retroactive, which I will assume, then the past would probably be relatively more peaceful. Many, many wars were fought over religious lands and ideological principles. Atrocities were committed and millions slaughtered. Potentially, with mere cultural differences differentiating people, they could have gotten along better. Maybe racism and other forms of discrimination would not have developed, or not have developed in the hateful form we know today.
However, some good things wouldn't be around either. Things that are peaceful and bring people joy. Many of our holidays that revolve around family and togetherness are religious. Many great works of art were inspired by Christianity and other religions. The Renaissance would have been a much different period.
In the world good and evil can always find a way to make their presence known. Without religion, there may have been peace or there may have been the bloodiest conquests you could imagine. One can speculate on the what-ifs, but it is safer to say that without religion the world would be a completely alien place to all of us.
Religion makes a human being kind, benevolent and with a vision with life.
If there is no religion, we would behave just like animals. In fact, worse than that.
Our human species won't survive long if there is no religion.
Very good point and I do agree to a point. However, looking at remote tribes of people with no recognizable religion makes me wonder. Is it just organized religion or any spirituality that we are thinking of removing? Can you remove spirituality?
Watch a baby grow. From those fist moments of innocence to the first week of living and realizing that everything around revolves around my cry, my needs. As the child grows and learns how to manipulate the adults, we see exactly what a whole world of self-serving, manipulating, no rules, no value people would be like. Religion itself varies, but that spiritual tie with God our Father is one in which we learn, feel, and put into action the values which creates, sustains, builds meaningful relationships.
Writerjay, you sound like a wonderful mum. I can fully respect your connection with and need for beliefs in your God. I don't have or need such beliefs. My life is no less "good" than yours, so no need for you to be concerned me. Just love.
We all have a religion. Religion, from the definition of Paul Tillich, is the "faith is the state of being ultimately concerned". That means whatever is your ultimate concern is your religion. As humans, we are bound to concern, and therefore have a religion anyways, although we may not realize it.
Talking about other spiritual religions, the religious aspect of most religions is peaceful. It is when politics and powers are mixed that it results in corruption.
Religion gives each person, being the ultimate concern of one, the motive and the values to strive.
Without religion we would probably behave like a bunch of savage beasts, killing, and plundering. At least, without Christianity. I can't speak for Islam with all of the terrorist attacks being committed in the name of Allah. Somehow, I have a hard time reconciling that with their claim that Islam is a religion of peace.
If you are fantasizing about killing people, I'm glad your religion stops you, but you should seek mental health care anyway. The desire to murder people is not healthy even if you think your religion prevents you from acting on your urges.
Did you miss history class: all the wars and MASSES of people who have been killed by Christianity - for being black, gay or atheist, etc. It is amazing how many Christians see their religion as innocent and a non-contributor to world conflict &
One either worships GOD, a man-made substitute for GOD, or they place themselves in that role.
Without GOD their is no liberty because government will be the grantor of freedom. If government has the power to grant freedoms, government has the power to limit it or take it away if they find it is in the government's interest to do so for self-serving reasons. It is all arbitrary - situational.
That is why it is so important for Americans to understand the founding of our liberties was based on the idea that it is liberty granted to ALL people by GOD - not the federal, state or local government. Those basic UNALIENABLE rights are the rights the government should never be permitted to restrain.
The world will someday get its wish for GOD to leave it alone. At some point He will lift His hand of restraint and let evil run full force over the globe. People will have no restraint - no moral absolute to guide them. What is deemed right will be the result of the one who has the ability to bring into submission others who are unable to resist.
Chris what ever you see now was not a problem before.
Bad tenants of the earth. Man has messed up the ozone , polluted the water, trashes the earth with chemicals , famine is because man hold back from others what the earth abundance produces.
Without religion, I think mankind would do just fine. Unfortunately fear of the unknown holds us back from this great reality. We have never needed a Bible, Quran, Torah etc because each of us has a conscience. That is the moral compass within each and every one of us that tells us when we are wrong and guides us to do good.
About a week ago I had a long and interesting debate with a pastor on religion and homosexuality. I expressed my hatred for religion and when I pointed out the point I made above about conscience that seemed to be the only thing we agreed on. I mean look at it this way - all these great figures we read about in most religions were not religious in the way we are today. Jesus for example didn't go to synagogue every Sunday or Saturday - look through the Bible - instead he spent his time carving wood, performing miracles and doing good for others around him.
Religion is a man made creation for mass control that has severely backfired and is starting to crumble. Religion is the basis of most of the issues we face today.
Slavery and colonialism in Africa was a movement led by christian missionaries sent to 'spread the word of god' - which has led to all the racial tensions we are seeing globally today.
Sunni and Shia muslims resent and even kill each other to this day over who the rightful caliph was meant to be - Ali or Abu Bakr
Boko Haram kidnapping young girls because 'western education is sin' - sin being the operative word.
And that is just the tip of the iceberg.
We would live in peace without people misreading, misinterpreting and most importantly misunderstanding ancient texts and traditions.
So then how would one be able to identify evil in this world if it was all a matter of conscience? My conscience may allow me to do something youdeem to be horrible. In that scenario it comes down to who has more power to impress their will.
Misfit if you keep attacking people with your own personal opinions , you are a dictator saying you are the only one right and nobody has no right accept yours .Wrong !
Whenever I see people talking about how the world would be better of without religion...well, I never tend to like it. Why? It ignores a key crucial element of humans: We're always willing and ready to tear each other down. Kill each other, segregate each other, heck people will try to make themselves seem better based off of simple things like what sports teams they like. Also have you seen the kinds of hateful arguments that can break out over what gaming console is the best? It's ridiculous.
I don't think Religion is the be-all-end-all source of evil or morality, but it helps in both regards. Some find morality, and others abuse it for evil, or evil practices that they feel as good. Would this mean that eliminating religion will make the world better? Nah, I don't think so. We're just going to find something to kill each other over. Even if the world grew up without religion all those wars and other things would've more than likely happened, it just would've been different ideas and philosophies guiding them.
I like to bring up Leonard Peikoff's "Religion Versus America" in matters like these. In this lecture he spends the majority of the time pointing out how religion has caused problems in America - and at the end cautions that Atheism isn't simply the answer. And he says this even as an atheist himself! The point he makes is that all atheism covers is not believing in any Gods, which leaves the question of WHAT you do believe. There's plenty of harmful and irrational philosophies out there dealing with no Gods or Specters that're just as harmful as religion.
I appreciate your comment Niko it is so true people believe in something even if its not a God of Heaven .And the earth condition reflects none believers as believers.
I have yet to meet a polite impressive
Atheist in conversations here on HP.
Hahah, that is most likely because atheist confront oppressive, presumptuous "believers." In a discussion with a person who is atheist, do you allow the possibility your own point of view can be questionable?
I definitely agree that the world wouldn't necessarily be better off without religion. I don't know what would happen. I expanded and theorized a bit about it after reading some of this thread http://hubpages.com/religion-philosophy … rld-With-N
You see Johnny thats what I see and hear , many are attacked for believing in a wonderful hope arranged by God.
Atheists wants you to believe in a hope of what ? What and they get ugly with you if you do not agree with them. Which is a big turn off
Religion, as far as I know, was made to maintain morality and order among the people. Sometimes people need something to put their faith on. So the religious leaders went, "Hey, don't worry if your life is bad, trust God, he'll make it all okay", or something like "Don't do something bad or the God will punish you". I'd say that if a person who has no moral principles of his own is left without God as a way to correct him, he'll destroy himself. Religion, if it were to be replaced, can only be replaced by faith in humanity. If people had enough trust in themselves and their morality, if they had a set of rules for themselves and for peaceful living with others, they wouldn't need a religion.
I believe that was the original purpose of religion, but now people take it merely as being part of some club or some group. And they are making use of it as an excuse to wage war. It defeats it's very purpose. Religion, in it's pure essence, can lead to a peaceful existence. But now it has lost its meaning and taken an ugly form.
I think it would be bad in one side...because, to whom would people pray when they would be in some kind of danger? I know it is quite silly but, pills and drug's can't replace God.
Why not do something real rather than just hoping God will help you? I also have no idea why you think atheists replace God with pills and drugs but it's a foul stereotype to be spreading. Doesn't your Bible say something about bearing false witness?
Well I think Newmin.Has a point and I do not think that this applies as bearing false witness.
He could know a case we do not know personally.
Next who got us all in this bad condition? humans.
And they do not know how to get us out of
Nuclear end
Actually, you CAN have a general spirituality and not be into religion - which means you could still talk to God if you wanted. Believing that we can't solve our own problems is a cop out to try. Doing away with religions would be a good start.
Anyone who does any praying to anyone or anything only does so to something in and of their imagination.
Thus any God is as good as any other God... And not worth arguing about, really. Each to their own.
Its a WAR over people's MINDS. Christianity teaches KIDS that they are inferior, unworthy sinners who need to rely on a god to 'save' them from an eternal, evil fate that DOES NOT EXIST except in their minds. People ask these questions for a reason.
Jonny in your mind this is real to you
But we all are different in experiences .
You never had a baby ! And it's not an imaginary but real .just because you can not experience birth does not make it imaginary or in the mind.It's not your experience.
K&T, in your mind is all that you believe. That's ok. It's real for you. But you will NOT allow that it's ok for others to be different. You are perpetually trying to convert. Can't you see yourself in the mirror?
So, K&T, do you also believe most atheists take drugs and pills to replace God? You truly don't understand why it's offensive to call an entire group of people drug abusers and to additionally claim they are because they don't share your religion
Kyly. I think you are the one bearing false witness now in your statement .where did I say I believe all atheist are drug dealers and take pills to replace god. YOU WILL NOT Find I Said Such A thing!
I do not know most Atehist. But do you know all
Then what did you mean by your statement that "Newmin.Has a point and I do not think that this applies as bearing false witness." if you don't agree with him or believe that what he said is true? Asking you a question isn't bearing false witness.
Yeah, K&T is as right as Norine - except everything is also about freedom to think like slavemasters teach. "I can love the obvious lies about my savior that we have been force fed for centuries if I WANT to! YOU can't take my freedom! SICK world
My statement was not a total agreeing I said he had a point. The point I agreed to was who would people pray to.
Certainly man is not an option and has caused problems I do not agree about drugs and pills anybody can do that not just atheist.
My beliefs are that the 10% of humans that are humble on earth may decrease to a number more similar to .1%. There would be more anger directed at each other rather than our 'gods' ,and that would lead to many massacres. Although there is trillions of directions we could be ahot into i feel that anger ,rage and vilance will be the most prevalent.
just one word "PEACEFUL", AS ALL TROUBLE LIES DUE TO DIFFERENCES cause because of Religion.
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