How would our world be like without religion?
Would humans be able to find inside a moral compass to guide them towards good?
I wrote a hub on that very topic - titled
"Imagine World Without Religion"
You can search on Hubpages. I would provide the link but Hubpages treats that as self promotion and ban the post.
I thought if answered the Q then it was OK to link in answer!
I was given a temporary 2 day ban for appending my hub a while ago. I learned my lesson.
Also misfit what law do you live by as worthy or unworthy sinners?
Who makes that judgement on another human who also is sinful ? Surly not another sinful human.
K&T, you have thus made a judgment that humans are sinners. More double talk!
They tried it before and whole bunches of people were killed.
Seems that happens and kills more if religion is involved. Crusades, the current unrest in Syria, the previous unrest in Northern Ireland. Hundreds of thousands killed - in wars based on religion.
So, I disagree - BUT not saying religion causes war
But if you look at history, more people have died under secular dictators such as Mao and Stalin and Pol Pot and numerous others.
We must be careful when connecting religion to atrocities. I think we can find plenty of examples where really bad men have used religion without faith in order to gain power. Misuse of religion is a terrible thing indeed.
Hitler is another - religious, quoted God in speeches. But I'm still not saying it's religion causing war, just some use it too.
However, secular dictators - kill 4 power, not in the name of atheism/secularism. differnt 2 current wa
Agee with Eric
Just like the news on TV, we almost only hear the bad news. Religions make the news with the exceptions that are abhorrent. History likes to talk of wars and travesty that made the biggest impact. And some just hate religion for their own reasons. And the song "imagine" by Lennon rings true in so many ears.
But the bottom line in the day to day and normal course of human events religions serves most very well.
For me it has been a stepping stone toward contemplation and a higher understanding. I do not really like dogma and doctrine very much.
But I think the world is mostly better due to religion and without it we would miss out on much good and betterment.
I cannot help but think that without religion man would still search answers to questions he cannot answer on his own. And when one would find a glimmer of an answer he would share it with others and so religion would be born anew. It is a part of man.
I agree for most part. I don't agree that examining life leads to a God conclusion (for all). You don't like dogma/ doctrine I agree, many people don't. Judging via belief is a serious issue. Believing so and so is on the 'good' side ...
I'd like to say - more peaceful.
So many wars and disagreements based on differences in faith - either worshipping wrong God, or not worshipping the same one in the 'right' way (eg between different branches of same religion)
But, I think that humans will always be reaching for something to believe in - if we didn't, we would already have no religion. So, I think that those who need a God to believe in would make one to do so, thus starting the whole thing over again.
Those who are struggling, vulnerable often reach for something to cling to - and for some that is religion - and hell, if it helps and is hurting no one else (or denying anyone any rights), then what's the harm?
But currently, people will use faith as an excuse to be hateful, discriminatory and violent - in the name of God - whichever they happen to believe in. Believing that because it's 'in the name of God' then it can't be hateful, discriminatory or that the violence is justified.
This - THIS part - of religion needs to stop. And soon. Everyone can worship (or not) peacefully, and amongst themselves - no issue with that. Harming others in the name of Relgion? HUGE Problem with that.
So, yes, I think it could be more peaceful - but we're human - we'll find something to disagree violently on- so it won't be for long!
I always am interested in what you have to say. Oh make no mistake, I do not agree with everything you say but you make me think. And I thank you for that.
I think humans search for excuses. This is what God is,the biggest excuse ever for not having to take responsibility for w hat we do. And of course, because of fear of death - of what or does not exist after death.
The concept of a God would have to be invented even if there is no God. It is in our human nature to search for the "meaning of life".
Wars are thought to be linked to religion because there is religion now. But long ago men never lived in peace while he had no religion. Fighting and dominating others is human psyche. Religion is exploited for negative incentives.
Religion is man made and many people don't understand God and his nature.. We should live by loving people simple as that
Jonny you seem to apply things to others and not hear your own words as
What people can and not do.what is not possible to you may be true
But very real with out a doubt to another.I Will never say what is not possible to anyone.
I constantly hear my own words; question them; check in the mirror; listen to your feed back. Do you do the same, K&T? Or are you 100% sure that your beliefs and faith are unquestionable? If not questionable, are they ever false?
I believe in God, but sometimes I wonder if thousands of years ago people were to violent and out of control, especially in large communities, that maybe it was made up to control people. you know "live this way or the wrath of God will come down on you". A way to put fear into people to keep them peaceful.
Of course religion came to control evil in people but the evil humans exploited religion to commit evil. In other words religion was used to cover many evils in a fact-twisting manner
Well, first we would have to begin with the children, after all we are born without any prejudices or any beliefs... that in itself tells you something.
Hate is learned, it is passed on through events in our lives as well as what we are taught. Religion is learned, to believe others to be infidels, or gentiles, or less than human because of their religious beliefs is taught...
A religion that teaches that all others that do not hold your opinion are somehow lesser people for it is no different than the extremists that took control of Germany during the 30s and 40s and built camps to dispose of all those who did not meet to their standards.
So as long as their are religions around that teach superiority and condemnation and intolerance, those things will be prevalent in the world. Not all religions are like that, I don't think there are too many Buddhists running around declaring holy wars.
Mankind is in a difficult spot... maybe it has always been... one only has to look at the ruins in Egypt and other places to realize that we have reached great levels of society and culture and ability in the past, thousands of years in the past, only to have it come crashing down, and all that was learned lost.
We seem to be at a place where we could take another step forward, in our advancement into understanding and awareness, and yet we seem to be in a place as unenlightened as ever... so much potential, yet so much waste and suffering.
About a hundred million people were killed last century by socialism and communism. Stalin's purges, China's great leap forward, North Korea's death camps where critics of the state and three generations of the family are sent, Cambodia's auto-cide were a third of the nation was killed.
When there is no god or gods, it is easy for the state to become god. Under communism, religious people were prosecuted precisely for this reason - so the state had no competition of authority or power.
Removing all religion easily allows the same situation - thou shall have no gods but the state, worship the state.
And liberal secularists in the West readily defend the government as the source of all good, arbiter of morality (there outta be a law!), the answer for every problem. Their solution is always more government and never a limit to where it stops - so they will reasonably create an all powerful state when there is no separation of church and state because the church is gone.
You are so right. Religion also do a lot of good with various charities.
Again, if you put all wars related to religion on one side - and list wars for other reasons on the other; which list is longer? Most every 'purge' is at least partially religion based - including Stalin's. 'The Church' is how the US got so twisted.
Which list is longer doesn't really matter... It's about being dogmatic, saying my idea is the truth or people should live this way or that way. People probably killed more people in name of some dogmatic 'good' or utopia (religious and not).
During communism in USSR, great science & sacred geometry reigned. People were killed in industrial quantities to assure the plans of the state leaders realizes. Similar to world wars, cold war with no religion involved gave humanity great progre
Those who oppose governance by religion/religious texts do not necessarily support atheistic states that rule by oppression. Most desire scientific and social progress in the context of freedom. Culture, art and science can thrive without religion.
Chris notice why all the pain and suffering ! Reference Bible Joh 14:30 I shall not speak much with YOU anymore, for the ruler of the world is coming. And he has no hold on me,
Jesus himself says the ruler of this world is satan.
Religion isn't a necessary condition for order education is. We are not more civil because we are religious people. However, we can be more peaceful when we have exercised our ability to access reason.
I agree with you. I think that the same type of people who want absolute power in politics try to achieve such through religion, and then use a certain set of religious philosophy into a cult for their own glorification and power.
Jonny are you Jonny ? Do you have to question that.
Do I have to question that.
Are you 100% Jonny.
I sure you do not doubt who you are .
Neither do I doubt what I believe and know I can live with that
and lay down my life for the truth.
Religion is a sign of peace and provide guidelines for the smoothness of human life. Hammurabi the King of Babylonian(who first made corpus of law in written form) was under the influence of religion of Ibrahim(A.S). Religion increases the vision of man up to universe,it insists the man to make innovations for the betterment of humanity,which is the first object of any religion.Religion in general sense guide humanity,The problems are held by some defective religious scholars. All the mistakes done by scholars are not blamed towards religion, these are their own fault which we consider permitted by said religion which is absolutely wrong. One of the main object of world wars are to gain political power and dominate over others, Religion is not teach to kill the humans but to respect them, the warriors only take advantages of name religion not from the teachings of a religion. So, we can concluded the in first and second world war, the Hitler,Stalin etc are just warriors not are religious practitioners.they are warriors rather than religious scholars. Don"t be hatred with religion and its teachings but with the personal acts of any person either related to religion or not. Without faith the suicide rate in the world will be dramatically increased. Without religion world is like no more to survive as there is no concept of brotherhood.
"Without faith the suicide rate in the world will be dramatically increased." Completely untrue - if we all knew the eternal, creative beings that we really are; we would not be killing ourselves to find peace. Religions create separation from God.
"Religion is a sign of peace and provide guidelines for the smoothness of human life." How can you say this when it encourages people to have fear, make judgment and inflict punishment, all on behalf of a tyrant "God?"
We have some beautiful works of art that were produced by individuals deeply sincere in their religious beliefs: in music, paintings, sculpture, poetry, etc. They were in many cases produced during times of great hardship, disease, famine, political upheaval. So I can respect and honour those religious individuals, if not exactly their beliefs.
I see the biggest problems coming from the desire for control and manipulation of others: Individual bullies, self-appointed preachers, administrations, governments, dictators. The latter three groups often work from the human traits of needing a sense of security and certainty. Such people are then ripe for manipulation and the disciplines of control. And the main tool of that manipulation is Fear!
So, to sum up my point of view, any problems we might perceive with religion only reflects back on the frailty of human minds.
An elaborated upon excerpt from something I wrote, because it really seems to apply here:
People are losing their religions and turning to 'Spirituality'. Atheism is the most baseline, 'easiest' form of this spiritual movement; but it is certainly not the only one, and none of them are new.
All belief systems are pushing to expand into their broadest, most inclusive spectrums. And, this process is gaining momentum as more people embrace more 'generalized' perspectives. This is not in the future, it is currently happening; and we can blame/thank the World Wide Web for ushering in the Information Age - because it sped the process up, considerably...
We are voluntarily - as a collective human consciousness - giving up our precious religious delusions that we've had so much fun creating and playing with - because it is certainly not the intention of the human race to continue hurting itself so deeply, indefinitely.
One of the reasons why we have been losing our religions fairly consistently over the past few decades is because they have run their course among us. They were probably needed for a while. Religions give people cultural & spiritual connections, even if they are not 'the way' to heaven.
For as much pain and devastation religions have caused; they have also helped in many ways. Whatever use we humans were supposed to get out of them - we've received; and we will continue to benefit from them long after religions are no longer part of 'normal' society beliefs.
The next phase after this 'age of religions' is for people to realize the spiritual truths about themselves and their environment - while science begins to confirm many things that we already intuitively know to be true - which, they are starting to do. (Check out what has been going on in quantum physics; and try not to get too wigged out about the silly CERN / Illuminati apocalyptic theories going on out there. We humans have wonderful imaginations, especially when it comes to terrorizing each other, LoL!)
Educate yourself, do the research - that is one of the good things that the information age has brought to humanity, aside from the spotlight on how ugly we humans can be: the sharing of information and ideas that has led to spiritual enlightenment for so many.
WHAT?! You still believe in a 'God' with all this mess?
Yes, wholeheartedly. I also still believe in Christ - and so can you. It is amazing what you find when you strip the religion and rituals away.
I agree for the most part except the part that claim Religion has out live its usefulness. If anything, our world is in trouble of late because we as a society have drifted away from religion. There will come a time when the world will realize that..
What are they fighting about? Nothing is different. This is the reason why religions are evolving into a more generalized and accepting spirituality. Religions LIE for control - people are naturally born good. The moral part of this question is moot
Religion is the way one generation impart knowledge and faith and spirituality to the next. Without it, you see what is happening in our country and in Europe. The decline of religion is correlated with the decline in morals of society.
I've been around - used to be a diehard Christian. I know the spiel - the lies and propaganda always continue; along with the new that is also in the process of developing as the old stuff is fading. Its okay - everything is unfolding perfectly.
@Jack Lee what do you mean with decline of morals?
Catherine, belief in Christ involves making a conscious choice to follow him - to become a disciple; and the need for Christ is the need for a savior, one to save us from our sin nature, if we're willing to be saved from it.
We do not need to be told to be good, it is our natural state of being. Things like making people believe that they are 'unworthy' - along with bullying, abuse, mistreatment, economic depression, etc. - are the things that create human monsters.
Catherine I disagree there are many people who confuse right and wrong.
Some people think it is right to steal just because they are hungry or kill because you do not think like them. The world is filled with prisons of people who said it was right
"We humans have wonderful imaginations...." yes, especially when it comes to beliefs and superstitions! A god; a saviour; a devil; sin; spirit; superiority.....We are animals with enhanced brains. Nothing more.
You're both wrong, and that is why our world is in chaos - too many completely opposing beliefs that are sure they are right. Is it any wonder why there are wars? Being right is a matter of perspective, K&T - why would anyone steal?
K&T your suggestion sure sounds like nurture rather than nature. That "like father like son" concept comes into mind. Generations of hate - taught. If it is a good religion it can break the cycle of sickness, little else can.
Remember Promise Keepers? Christian men's movement. I went to the Detroit gathering, 80,000 men in one stadium. We were reprimanded from the platform. Detroit hotels were doing record breaking business on porn movies. Does religion make a difference?
Ever notice the lack of spiritual integrity in Christian churches - how rampant 'sin' has been within them throughout history? Its cuz it is easy to keep sinful secrets - since you can ask for forgiveness and move on after each KNOWING god forgave.
Catherine why did Martha Stewart ? Why do people kill others ? They did it it was right to them.
Catherine, Pro-life church. I was a member. My late wife was a close friend of daughter of church staff member. The friend's 1st child born with defect. Father/church staff, offered to pay for abortion for 2nd child. Does religion make a difference?
Eric I am a little confuse of your reply ? But I do not believe we can determine if you are a good religion.Because there are a vast number of religions we can not know them all. But the bible is the map of truth. It can decipher the genuine one out
Most every terrorist attack no matter where it has been has had at least 1 religious fanatic behind it - not exclusive to Islam. People who steal kill & destroy have been pre-affected by others who raise them to believe they were sinners b4 they
Misfit I do agree with you about conduct in so called churches of God.
They are counterfeit .they really have no value to their claim. God has already judge them as lawless. So just like money people can be fooled into thinking its right .no value
The salvation story has created a huge inferiority complex among Christians - WHILE they also believe that everyone else is even LESS than they are if they don't believe the same. The Salvation story is a HUGE lie that has been thoroughly debunked.
Catherine, judging from the rest of your comment, I'm guessing you meant Creation story, not Salvation story.
Nope, I've debunked the salvation story. "Even the most heinous crimes against humanity—against ourselves—can be ascribed to God’s will." Easy list at Listverse on why religions should get gone:
If a person has to steal food when desparately hungry, a Christ-centered Christian would give them food, not make judgment and throw them in prison. Trying to please "God" while kicking your neighbour in the a..s ? Is that love?
Catherine, sorry about the misunderstanding. Looking back, your comment is perfectly clear. My head must not have been.
ChrisMills the world is in bad shape, not because God turn his back on humans ! It was because Adam listen to satan with his free will and cut our life line off as offsprings
But God did rescued the problem for us not turn his back.
We are adopted
This is a very daunting question. I believe that this world would be extremely different. There would most likely be less population due to more extreme wars and devastation. If society had no religions, there would be utter chaos. Religions world wide not only serve the people of many countries in providing a just cause in a belief, they help cement societies together. True there have been wars in history where religion was at the core of friction between nations or various religious groups, but as a whole, religion has given people around this world hope and provided a sanctuary for many where they feel they belong and take active parts in religious precepts. A creator of all mankind and all that is..but a small part..Religion is much more and vital to civilization over all the ages. There are those who attack various religious beliefs and in doing so attempt to destroy our civilization as we know it.
Religions have been the main cause of most wars since wars started. They have wiped out entire groups of people - for instance, the original Christians became extince b4 the empire hijacked their holy man for state religious control. Research.
Really we are just ignoring Alexander and Khan and the Mongrels and WW1 and 2? We are just leaving out Cleopatra and Helen? We are ignoring Hannibal. And the great Roman Empires pre Christian? We are leaving out Race based wars and wars by communists
Which list is much longer? Yes, the great roman empire that eliminated many religions and imposed their own culture and religions onto people. You don't think religious perceptions had anything to do with WWI & WWII - or any 'race war'?
I think we should make a distinction between wars by evil men who just used religion as a pretext and those that were fought in fact for God. ISIS uses religion as a promotional tool to recruit and try to justify. It is really not a Holy war.
I was just reading the 'official' stats which state that religions have caused only 7ish% of wars - however, religions are almost always 'indirectly' involved, such as the way ISIS uses Islam. Religious beliefs are dogmatic. Spirituality is inclusive
So does not mean religion is to blame for all the evil that men do? That is a no win argument. I think we need to separate religion from church. Religion is an ideology, church is a man made structure to propagate religion.
You don't think that a 'general spirituality' is enough religion for the world? There are still many variables to debate for people who love to do that. Btw, it is a fact that we have been losing our religions - down considerably since 50 years ago.
Catherine I think that your concept is valid. This concept of dogmatic, unyielding fanatic following a religion is bad stuff. So easy for a charismatic type to use it as propaganda and justification for evil. Spirituality is where it is at.
You could make same argument about all ideology. You just have to create in vs out group. You can do it by using your religion, your political system, by being anti-religious, race, color, have's vs have nots etc.
Re: the war/religion link, I think we should separate the concepts of Primary Cause vs Motivator of Soldiers. In many wars, I think religion was really a motivator of forces. Power/money have always been primary.
Very nice breakdown Chris. It is an enlightened way of looking at it.
For me, if there's no God,
then there's no reason to follow the rules.
The strongest survive.
Man is too greedy to live in peace. Man has never enough he always wants more. That's what causes War!!
Yes, but God has also given Man a conscience. Our society works because most people have a conscience and they choose to do good despite of our selfish tendencies.
Major reason religious people are deeply disturbing to me. One who cannot conduct themselves with decency without threat eternal damnation, etc. is not anyone I'd like to know. Secular morality, meanwhile, is alive and well in many of us.
Shannon, you have a shallow view of religion and religious people. Do you think the world would be what it is today without the influnce of religion? I am talking about all the good part...yes there were some bad as well but on balance, its not close
True ! So we would have to admit that rules and laws and morals play and important part of peace among one another.
Example as soon as people disagree with Goverment , issues of local law not being enforced people protests ,they even do vandalism .
And man makes god in his or her mind. That god then makes the rules to satisfy man's desire to control. Thus man has the reason/excuse to fight for right. No other god but man. Man-ipulative.
But I think we have different perspectives about what is "good" for us. Different people value different things like gloriously dying for others for those who value being remembered, contentment of what you have for those who value happiness, doing no harm to others for those who value harmony. Religion might even define for us what is good, and if we accept that, we might join the religion.
So perhaps our religions are a reflection of what our ancestors valued most at the time and we inherited these religion from them.
Also, religion is not just about ideology. It is also a group of people banding together. Individuals may choose to join a religion to be a part of something bigger than themselves. And whilst being alone, s/he could do nothing, being with others might open possibilities for him/her.
Of course, we can also do that with a state, government, or the law. But these things are punitive and make us do things by threatening punishment if we do not comply.
We can also rely on the instincts we have in our DNA as a species. It tells us that if we do not plow the fields, we die of hunger. So either join hands plowing, or we die. The motivator is survival.
Religion is more benign in that it promises something for us to do "good," usually eternal life. When we agree, we might think we don't want something in return even though eternal life might have been a slight motivation. Religion promises something, most of them do it in riddles, and when we comply, we finally realize that doing "good" feels better for us than the alternative.
Religion gives us purpose and gives meaning to the elements of our lives untouchable by law and science.
Religion gives us purpose, joins us together, and gives meaning to life. Sure, we might survive even without religion. (Even if some of us don't believe in religion and still can survive doesn't mean humans can survive if ALL of us did not believe in religion. Just think of how greedy the poor might be. Stealing here and there. Surviving but in disarray.)
I don't know but I see a slight connection: How many times have you worked overnight and wanted to sleep? Compare those to the times you have played games or watched movies overnight, not noticing the time. Religion might be that element that keeps us going.
Chris do you deny this ? Like bad tenants they trash the place and blame him for the condition.says he does not fix the problems when they caused them. No your statement is not true.
That is a tricky question because you did not specify a specific religion. Some religions preach morality but some do not. The term "religion" merely refers to the belief in and worship of a supreme being - but it does not define the specific nature of that supreme being nor does it define the specific rules which exist within the belief system. So, unless we explicitly define the nature of the religion (does it encourage or discourage kindness toward others?) then we cannot say whether the existence of that religion would encourage morality or not. With that said, I think moral behavior is a sort of "equilibrium state" in an educated society. If behavior xyz hurts me when someone does it to me then I can assume that xyz hurts others when I do it to them. I enter into an unwritten social contract with others that I will not harm them if they do not harm me. This has nothing to do with religion. The motivation is reduced confrontation with others, not fear of punishment from a supernatural being. A few bad apples will not participate in the social contract, but if the group is sufficiently educated and wise then most will.
A big mess, my religion (Islam) teaches to respect women, children, relatives, neighbors, community and animals. Be merciful towards vulnerable others. In contrary to what's happening now from what few people who misunderstood Islam and acting in aggressive and awful ways
Respectful to women? What horse shit. … 6141_n.jpg
So because one Muslim is in a picture holding a woman's head, the whole religion hates women? Wow. Basic common sense states that all straight men don't hate all gay men because of the attack last week. But you must believe other wise?
Cfin People learn by example and experience . If I go to a store and have a bad experience I will not forget it. If I go to the same store in another state and have a bad experience .it may be very evident that something is wrong
I will avoid store
ISIS brought back sex slaves per the Koran and Mohammed's example. Many Muslim nations jail rape victims. That is not respectful of women.
I think we'll be better off without it.
It's in our nature to be good and bad. But if we don't have religion, it will make a better world. Religion can sometimes divide people and in extreme are the cause of wars. Belief systems are difficult enough to withstand let alone religion. If we perhaps do not have any religious belief I think people's mind will be open to all possibilities.
We are not perfect but that's (religion) one less thing we don't need to argue about.
Who can say for sure, but my guess would be (in short) infinitely better.
Morality, right and wrong, are not based on religion. They are imperatives for living a happy life.
Confucius, Buddha, Socrates, and others knew this in 500 BCE. The Greeks were the first western society to understand that we needed to rise above our instinctive animal natures in order to be happy, have justice, and find truth. Buddhism told us that suffering is inevitable, but there ways to reduce and remove suffering.
Suffering often teaches what to do to avoid it. Not hating, not looking for revenge, doing no intentional harm, and realizing that when we do these things we are really harming ourselves.
Buddha even said: we must live a good life free from suffering regardless of whether there are gods or not.
Rationality and logic tell us happiness means living in security and free from conflict, And that the more we initiate conflict, the more conflict we create for ourselves, and the less peace.
Do no intentional harm is perhaps the best way to explain it in a formula.
Dogma, fanaticism, and demanding all believe as we do, causes conflict and suffering. So a world without dogmatic religions, at least, would have to be a better place.
The answer has a whole is no, has individuals yes. There are plenty of atheist I know who are good and moral people, plenty of Christians I know that are hypocrites. But has a society we usually fail if we have no moral scripture to fall back on. Look at Stalin, Mao, and other atheistic dictators who try to take religion out of there country. They have the highest rates of atrocities in history.
Humans would be able to find a moral compass to guide them towards good without religion. Why? Because God is not religion. Religion is not God. As long as you, as long as everyone, as long as the people believe in God, everything is in moral, biblical order.
true. i must admit i do base my logic and philosophy on that.
Chris the earth has plenty enough food sources , water , the earth is constantly supplying what humans need .No God is not the fault of bad human management of his gifts to all humans. Greedy people store items sent to feed many and they never get
Yes,I think it could be more peaceful.but people who are struggling want something (religion) or some one to help.
Without religion there would have been no culture or "human world" at all simply because all art,science, philosophy, theatre and law evolved out of religion.
It's like saying what would the chicken be like without dinosaurs. Answer= no chickens at all.
Yeah, I see religion as the necessary precursor to philosophical progress. You start with an unexplained natural event, you question it, ascribe a religious meaning to it, and then question the religious answer. Progress.
Humans created religion just like we created art, science, law and philosophy. We would still have had all those things without religion. They developed alongside religion rather than coming from religion.
History is well recorded and it shows art, science, culture etc are a direct result of spiritual/religious thought. It is only in the last few years that certain people with political agendas have tried to now remove religion from the equation
Can you present the proof of your statement please. Pythagoras from ancient Greece was not aware of religion he was a great mathematician & I recall seeing him in artworks of great sculptors. They had ancient gods like Zeus with super powers.
@Pom .....and today we have je-zeus, also apparently possessing super powers.
@ Alan. Well "Jesus" is the miracle performing prophet of his religion. That's about it. I don't have him. I do know of awesome people in science & today's results in chemistry, astronomy & other sciences. Info is available trough awesome in
Welcome to HubPages, Mikhail. You have some refreshing new trends of thinking here.
Christianity forced compliance of scientists with religion through the Dark Ages. Renaissance and Enlightenment came when men sought truth by observation not scripture. Secular science is true because it works. Christianity produces no useful science
Probably not, humans have a lot of flaws so with or without religion there would always be good people and bad people, the bad ones would just find another excuse to be bad. People who use religion as a tool of manipulation are the ones that should not exist.
Religion is a construct of peace and love (not to sound hippie-ish). It gives morals (which this world lacks of as of today), it gives rules that help people live a better life in accord with the Bible, it brings people together with the help of Church and as a whole it save some peoples lives since it helps them find something to hold on to. So getting rid of religion would only make things worst. Knowing what's right from wrong doesn't prevent anyone from doing what's right or what's wrong, Religion helps put a stronger barriere when it comes to the wrong things. You can never do too much good but you can always do too much bad.
Contrary to popular beliefs, now days most religions accept one another and don't fight. Those that you see on the television are the extremists which are present in every possible thing that has been created in this world. Putting all Christians and what not in the same bag is unjust since all of them don't act like the ones that you see on TV.
As a Christian I have a lot of Muslim friends and the more we talk the more I see that we share the same beliefs.
Religion in itself is not bad as it's based on something that's overall Good, It's the use that some people make of it that turns it bad. Remember that there is always the best and the worst of something and religion doesn't fall as an exception.
Religion gives morals and rules that humans have never needed. Those are lies that have been told to people to put them into bondage so that they would be easier to rule over, en masse. We naturally love each other where religion creates divisions.
Interesting opposing views. Good for thought on the matter.
Very interesting question. As an example religion is just a word that describes the worship of something even if it is a person , animal , or thing.
they can be worship and treated as God which still boils down to religion of your choice. Your country can be given the title because it is given a president position that many will die for. So question is very complicated because worship touches all these things.
Did you know that the Governments give religion the power it has.
When it does leave many will be poor , many will not have the riches they own through religion . Many will lose wealth .in the book of Rev religion will fall and the one who gave her power will devour her.
Region was a pure and wonderful thing at a time where people lived more happy they respected one another and the earth was more peaceful .
But now we see what can happen when it has been tainted.
Also as and example I give you a bad tooth comparison. Some time people can live with it until it gets real rotten .to the point of tremendous pain it must be pulled out. But it was a good tooth at one time .but something caused it to change decay! Religion has decayed , but is it true that all teeth is bad because of the decay of one tooth or a mouth full of teeth. meaning should all teeth in every human be pulled because of rotten teeth in other humans. Sounds strange. But that is the case here.
Even if you remove the teeth you can still eat with a new set of dentures or implants teeth are important to chew your food.
Religion has decayed but we need it good and pure to live a happy and respectful life because it's about morals , law and order.
Also consider what would life be like now with out law, order of street lights, traffic order., what about the laws about how your neighbor should treat and respect you and family when it comes to property and life.
Example your neighbor may not like you but the law says do not touch you.
The bible says more do not touch you, do not harm you respect your neighbor do not steal or kill. But to love your neighbors .
If nobody had a guide what would the world be like now ?
People want law and order but they think that man will fairly empower the subject. Man can be bias under many subjects and yet God loves us all no matter what we are in race or nationality. He can give us exactly what we need in Government and peace.
I like your comment. You made some good points, but I disagree regarding respect for each other.
We don't need to be told by religious books, and men in power, to respect each other and treat each other nicely. We do that anyway.
I think people will always believe in something bigger then themselves, a purpose more than a few short decades of life. Our moral compass tells us what is right and wrong. I have to believe that most people know what they should do with a feeling inside of them. Wrong feels wrong and well, simply put, right feels right.
Some people feel its right to kill other people just because they do not like them. Because you feel something does not mean it is right. And certainly your right is different from another. They feel theirs is not taking life.
Humans can not Govern
I wrote an article on this subject called 'imagine No Religion'. It's on hub pages if you'd like to read it.
I just read it and I agree with you for the most part. However, religion is not used as a crutch. That was the believe of Karl Marx if I recall correctly. Religion to many around the world is a belief in a higher power that can oversee our world.
Many people have called it a crutch - its actually a prison. Religions disconnect us from our direct connection with God. They instill a sense of inferiority, vulnerability, condemnation, judgment, etc. They convince people that they were born 'bad'.
Jack Lee, does the belief create that power? If so, then without that belief there can be no power.
Without religion there would have been no culture or "human world" at all simply because all art,science, philosophy, theatre and law evolved out of religion.
It's like saying what would the chicken be like without dinosaurs. Answer= no chickens.
Religion was a flash in the pan in the great scheme of things. Prior to the 1900's it assisted people in forming belief and moral systems. Now it's passed it's sell by date and causes more issues than anything. Without religion there would have been clubs, value societies or something else.
Religious has been and continues to be, just another thing for humans to cling to, to further their groupings as a pack animal.
Tough question to answer but it seems that we would be MUCH better off without it. It (organized religion) is used to control people and so much war has come out of it. I would hope humans could still have a moral compass without it but I may be overestimating us.
Religion is more - religio (Latin) means relation to the "good" and against the "bad or damaging".
we are animals. these organized things and systems keeps us at bay. our instinctive moral compass is not yet that perfectly aligned for the ultimate goal of humanity.
Collins I respect your right to believe what you wish .But mine is we are not animals. Our DNA make up says so.
We do not function by instinct .animals do. Our IQ levels are not equal to animals. Adam named the a animals.
Animals live in zoos.
kiss and tales..that made me smile...your right we are not animals..can i call a spade a big spoon...depends on for debate if i may say...but ur right mr DNA says it all..
The short answer is I think we'd still find a way to annoy each other!
And have wars,too. It need not be for faith, but for expansion, for having a bigger empire, getting slaves, etc.
I think in the third world, the ruler would put himself instead of god. But the religion is a source of spiritual and morals,but the politicians exploited it in conflicts and sectarianism.
Humans are born with a moral compass that points east - by nature most folks only know and do good. Certain forceful practices of religion make that compass go south.
The best way to say is - that the world will be more uniqe. More peacefull. Without any wars.
Welcome to HubPages, Tina.
There can, of course, only be one "unique." Either it is or it isn't.
Alan I get your point in response to the proposition. And truly there is only one that can be considered unique. But you can put a bunch of uniques together and there are multiples.
China and Russia were both atheist and had their own cold war, when Russia was communist. Cambodia's atheist communist regime killed a third of the population. No, atheism doesn't mean peaceful.
Not all religionist, atheist, communists are aggressive. Depends who confronts them. Not all are peaceful .... just some and some. Yet if a religionist insists they are right, why would I be peaceful?
the world is already unique...and everyday it turns itself to more uniqueness...but not to that side of good. as Tamara puts it (atheism does not mean peace rather it has different meaning to different people). maybe we can ask ourselves why we fight
Before existed organized religion people around the world practice one form of spirituality or another.
The world was find and perhaps more peaceful, than come pagan religion, misinterpretation of religious texts and all sort of punishments.
That's a scary thought. I can't even imagine how much worse off it would be.
Last 2-3 days I was doing some thinking on your question. And my answer is, if not Religion something else resembling religion will come up!
Without religion there would be no divine order in the world. It would be a selfish morality made up by groups. There would be total chaos. I presume that you mean, if there was no Bible as well. There would be no understanding of repentance, forgiveness, God's vengeance or perhaps, no morality at all. I really can't imagine how it would be without religion or the Bible.
What divine order in the world? Please explain as surely there has never been any? If there was divine order in the world surely it wouldn't be in such a mess?
Stella can you imagine a child without a parent ? As an example what we see and experience in the world is another side another view of a powerful Angelic Creature who tries to prove he can rule the world but has failed.
You are right .
The idea of religion is misunderstood. There would be divine order if people would follow the religion that aligns with the Word of the Bible.
Like christians have all the right answers about all of us "others" in the world. We have heard it all before. Believe if you wish, but don't presume that others are wrong in not believing.
Honestly I am no sure, even at the point where we currently are as a human species, religion could never just be taken away. Humankind need something to believe in whether science, sports stars, celebrities, works made by man's hands, stories or fables passed down from generation-to-generation, or a Creator. However, it has been mention in the Bible, by Nostradamus, and other prophets who all state: "there will come a time where the 'Whole' World will have only 'One' Religion." A belief system where everyone, both great and small, free and bond, rich or poor will worship in this system. There will no exception to have another belief or religion, everyone will have only one choice. If anyone shall not agree, to them, they are put to death!
Whether we are aware of this now or not, the "One World Religion" is already being set up. The key players are all in agreement and pushing for this now! The one book most people will not regard or read is becoming more and more factual than any Modern-day News Source. If you want to know the state of this world, read Daniel, Revelation, Isaiah, and Ezekiel to see for yourself what is often transpiring right under most people's noses.
I am not afraid to admit to others my stand, I will not deny or refuse my Savior. I will also not force my beliefs onto anyone either, I will however share them. The confusion surrounding religion is this: "Religion is Manmade." Religion uses traditions (or Works) to show oneself approved to meet Eternity. No wonder so many are tired, frustrated and concerned with: "Will I make Eternity in Peace?!?"
Here what is simple, again I am not forcing anyone, just demonstrating simplicity. To come to Jesus, we simply confess with you mouth "Jesus is Lord", believe in your Heart that Father Jehovah God Raised Him from the dead and you will be Saved! Ask yourself, was that really too hard? This just simply took faith and faith is all it takes to please Jesus Christ and Father Jehovah God. If you want to come to Father God, we must go through Jesus to do so.
Is this really so hard and truth be told, to acknowledge Jesus. There is no religion involved, only Faith. Christianity is the name of the religion, this isn't needed to come to Jesus, only Faith and your desire to know Him, and spend time with Him. Jesus will hear you wherever you are, at home, at work, in jail, in the bathroom. Wherever, whenever, and whoever you are, we "All" can call upon the name of Jesus!
Take Care, Peace and Love to All!
In my opinion, conflict would exist in very much the same manner. While religion did provide a convenient excuse for many wars, its undeniable that humanity is still in a very belligerent evolutionary stage. Wars would be fought for less. Religion is rarely the war machine, but usualy one of the fuels that is burned to keep it going.
Didn't we get out of what almost was the most catastrophic war ever (cold war), which ended less then 30 years ago? That conflict was over ideological and geopolitical factors, and we almost pulled the trigger on the most dangerous weapons humanity has ever made, over that.
Didn't fascist and communist regimes show as much fanatism and disregard for human life as any religious extremist?
I say that we think too much of ourselves, so we find things to throw the blame of our bad tendencies and mistakes at. Sometimes its religion, other time its economic systems, ideologies, etc.
This is a very relevant question to me right now, as I read "Beyond Good and Evil," by Nietzsche.
I think religion was like the first government for human beings. Religion highlighted everything that made it impossible for people to come together and attempted to correct it using morality and the ultimate truth. Without religion, I honestly think that life as it is right now might just fall apart.
I'm not a religious person in the slightest, but I think most people need more than just a rule of law to tell them how to live their life. If we have morals (i.e. you should act this way) on top of that, it helps contribute to the social order.
The problem is not with religion, honestly. I don't like religion--I think it limits human beings to thinking they aren't capable of getting through difficult times on their own--I don't like what people do with religion, when they try and misuse it for their own beliefs.
In other words, it's a very complicated answer to have. What religion's main goal of was good and necessary for society to flourish--try and correct the social order of human beings (e.g. solve the fear of death, solve stealing, solve trust issues, etc.), but it will always be imperfect in its result because of the innate desires of human beings.
All in all, a thought-provoking question. There is no easy, or even correct, answer from my perspective.
Johnny you can be that definition But I am far more advance then any animal in a cage.They need humans to care for them .So we are not on their level.Their intelligence is good but mans is far more superior.
No human goes and ask a ape his history
If you did, the ape would probably have much more accurate history about themselves than humans do. Christians believe they are 'all that' more than animals - and yet, they are 'unworthy sinners' who don't deserve squat w/o a god saving them.
That God is the life force to all living things even the people who do not believe in him. Yet he feeds and supplies all with life sustaining means.
Not one human can do that. And as you said if the ape could do ! We are talking what he can not do.
K&T, "he feeds and supplies all with life sustaining means." No, he does not. 1998-2004, Democratic Republic of the Congo. Death toll due to starvation and disease....3.8 million. Just one example.
An animal held captivity in a cage by humans might have good reason to question the intelligence of those humans, and rightly so. In the wild, that animal possesses all the intelligence it needs for survival. If not it dies. So will we.
Religion is nothing but about fanaticism so that being so you losed your self. Obsessed of gong to Heaven and fears of Hell, I say Wake Up! He'll is just right here. These miserable and seemingly hopeless life...being crazy because you just cannot understand what is going on. Therefore heaven is a Big relied after you drop dead everything will be alright and miseries no more if God will say what a crazy mind just like a Transfer! I say, there is no Heaven nor Hell and religion is a no more. Just do your life will and be a much better person than before. Just a matter of matter Understanding!
it is a common mistake to stereotype religion as "we see it" and then try to replace it with nihilism (anarchy). Nihilism's history is about 1000% worse than religion. Anarchic social events have lasted a few months then self destruct.
Brilliant? I mean this is amazing...amazing that anyone can understand what thishumilty is saying
Brilliant that he/she understands the silly obsession with believing in a heaven or hell after we are dead. This person understands that here and now on this physical earth is where we experience all. Nothing else matters. IMHO
If you want to know just look at North Korea, Communist China, Viet Nam and any other country where religion is outlawed. Are those places so much better? Or when people believing there is a greater power than themselves is replaced by the belief that government leaders are more powerful than anyone else. I think if you were to only use the technology developed in atheist nations, you wouldn't be able to read this response. You wouldn't be able to drive, fly in a plane and more. Atheist nations don't have a history of progressing mankind. That is a fact.
It is an interesting question because it is like asking "What would our world be like without language?"
This World already existed without religion. As man began to question its environment and purpose, religion was thus created. Religion is merely a reflection of various human philosophies.
So if I were to imagine a World without religion, it would be in a World inhabited by another species, or a strange World in which all people somehow agreed on what to believe (or not to believe). Such a World I would imagine would be either very peaceful, or very repressed.
Religion is psycological approach formed on the base of EGO.
1.With religion two nations fight because of religious ego.
2.Without religion people inside a nation divide rapidly and fight each other coz of personal EGO.
To puppetize people, religion is important .
Human Loss is less when there s unity coz of religion.
You would kill an ant if there is one but not in millions.
So, Unity in name of religion, psycologically telling people of nation to work, grow and with the profits build strong military n get latest weapons.
Religion>>Unity>>Economy>>Technology >> Military >> Religion
Maybe more peaceful... I would like to say "completely peaceful", but in that case we should imagine also a world without money.
But at the same time, a world without religion may led many people to spend many of their times thinking about questions about origin of the world and the sense of life. In order to avoid thing, we should not only imagine a world without religion, but also men without fear of death and curiosity about the life. Otherwise, by removing religion, you also remove something to which many people strongly believe: you get surely a more peaceful world, but also an entire generation of people who will think, think, think for all their lives!
This really is an excellent question. Religions have played a beneficial role in history, and they have also committed some of histories greatest atrocities. The positive things they have done may have been accomplished by a nonreligious group if religion had not existed.
The negatives, the atrocities, would likely not have occurred exactly as they did without the religious element. I'm thinking about the history of Europe. It is the history of the battles between Catholics and protestants, between protestants and protestants. Rising states became purveyors of a particular brand of Christianity and attempted to force that brand on other states. The Hundred Years War between France and England from 1337-1453 had many political and economic causes, but religion was the primary emotive element among the fighters of Roman Catholic France and protestant England. Each side motivated their forces by telling them that God was on their side.
The history of western man would be completely different if religion had not been a factor, and it may well have been different in very positive ways. The money spent to sustain these wars was collected from the citizens of the various states via taxation. Without this extreme drain on the finances of families, the standard of living through the centuries may have been much higher. There would have been more money for education, more money for health care, more money for science.
Nice view on the education & science. More would go into the proper departments of human powers such as science & raising younger generation to advance our existence.
Chris Mills your comment is very personal but not true at all.
If that was the case no life of humans would exist .we would not have this conversation.
I share this planet with you and countless others I see the same things you say But not the case
Those who believe religion is the source of all evil in the world are blind. Why? Because they miss all the evil that has nothing to do with religion.
Some say that evil comes from money, or a love of money. This is close, but not exactly it, either. If you look at every evil act that was ever done, you will find the one common denominator is "self-concern." This comes from ego, the heart of selfishness and karma.
Religion, by itself, isn't bad, but it can become corrupted just as any other human activity can, because of self-concern. A pope's ego is bruised and he lashes out. We no longer have people burned at the stake, but most religions have lost a great deal of their original spiritual truth.
If a religion is true to its spiritual roots, then it provides the only moral compass. Logic and reason fall back to the lowest common denominator which is self-concern. Spiritual truth rises above logic and reason to the foundation upon which logic and reason were built.
Buddhists say that the ego self is "ignorance." Christ said that the first (egotist) shall become last; and the last (humble and loving) shall be made first. These observations are part of the moral compass that science, logic and reason will never touch.
Without the heart of religion, our world will descend into that lowest common denominator. Christ described it as "wailing and gnashing" -- the sound of victims and perpetrators taking over the world.
Self-concern has given us America with an $18 Trillion debt and still climbing. Self-concern has given us a private Federal Reserve Bank where bankers get rich off of the suffering of others, manipulating currency values to squeeze property and value in their direction. Self-concern has given us 9/11, perpetrated by a select few within government and industry, and blamed on Muslims who were so irreligious they broke nearly every rule their religion had. Self-concern gave us a New York mayor (Giuliani) who committed felony destruction of crime scene evidence starting on the evening of 9/11, and America hailed him as "America's mayor." Self-concern gave us the top 6 military officers responsible for the massive security failures on 9/11 all receiving promotions instead of courts martial, and no one in the press blinked. Self-concern has given us scientists who trade honor for dollars and lie about 9/11 and "climate change," promoting fear of warmth in an ongoing Ice Age interglacial.
Without spirit: perpetual war.
Religion has a significant role in giving a psychological strength to us, so that we can survive the many ordeals of Life, which are an inevitable part of human existence. We have to move forward, feeling the presence of God, by our side. God and Religion are needed to buck up ourselves and gain a feeling that we can do and we can be performers.
The world should be united be progressive on every dimension irrespective our religion.we should progress as humans or as living beings try to be eternal naturewise that means aquiring all the qualities we can.we all are immortal souls.
Cool & awesome world where social media & math reigns.
0 religious fights. Ruthless science battles instead.
Utopia of lust & awesome sexuality.
Nice crafts & food would be present.
Don't forget the drugs. Lots and lots of drugs, gangs, social diseases etc. That's the life eh? Eh??
Would those things exist in the absence of religion?
@Chris Mills. Thanks
@Oztinato. It seems that I can't comprehend your comment. There would be more than just math, nutrition, food chemistry & other sciences would assure the healthy humanity. Everything would be awesomely organized thanks to mat
Chris my question to you in reply are you responsible for not feeding and supplying these people you list what they need ? Are you at fault as their fellow humans
by AuthorSteve 14 years ago
Would the world be a more peaceful place without religion?And why does it cause so many conflicts?
by Sonal Shrivastava 7 years ago
I think the question is an interesting one.But to answer it we need a real definition of its meaning.Latin word “Re-Ligare”. “Ligare” means “to bind” or to “connect”. Adding the “re” before “ligare” causes the word to mean “Re-Bind” or “Re-Connect.”Also the another defintion says...
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Can one live a moral life without religion?
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