If I were to accept God and embrace Jesus, which of the many churches on offer should I join?
The Roman Catholic Church is the original and longest lasting. It has a clear perspective but it has to be confessed quite a lot of clergy have not lived up to the pedestal they were put on. Frankly, they sinned, and too many other clergy let them do it.
Then we have the Church of England / Episcopalian, which looks as if it is just about to split.
The Baptists split but are reforming, the Methodists seem pretty well organised and living God's message (at least those I have met are).
There are all the revelatory Evangelical Hell Fire Churches.
The Wee Free are at least consistent - they say all Catholics go to Hell.
What are the criteria I should apply? Which is God's Church?
roman catholic church is not the oldest sir....oldest church is found in the book of acts in which is messianic Jews...than they were called Christians in Antioch
http://www.biblica.com/bible/verse/?q=A … p;tniv=yes
Technically, the Greek Orthodox is the original and longest lasting. The split occurred when the Roman emperor recognized the bishop of Rome as supreme. So technically, the Roman church was an off shoot. (The Roman church claims that the Greeks didn't "fall into line" or some such, so a case can be made either way.... My interpretation of the history, as I understand it is that the Greek Church is older than the Roman Church).
However, this is the criteria I use when visiting a local congregation:
Jesus said, "By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another." (John 13:35)
When I go to visit a church, I don't look first at doctrine or how someone is baptized or anything. .... I watch to see how people genuinely react to one another. Before and after the service. I watch the parking lot, does everybody clear out to get home or do they linger and enjoy each other's company?
Then, and only then, do I ask myself, ok, is what they teach consistent with what I know about God and the bible? If not, should I reconsider what I think, or should I move on to another group with different interpretation?
I'll put up with a lot of different ideas for people I love who love me too. We can disagree on the second coming. We can disagree on how to baptize. We can disagree on the nature of the trinity. But if there is love, there is a foundation from which to build mutual understanding.
If you look at the political and economic diversity of the twelve, you'll see that Jesus was far more inclusive than most of us who go to church today. And I admit, I have and still do get caught up in only wanting to love people I agree with.
But that's not what Jesus taught.
First things first.
Ye must be born-again.
I'm afraid your usage of "embrace Jesus" and such terms shows a lack of understanding of what a Christian is....
Yes, you must only believe a few verses from John, and ignore the rest of the bible, cos Brenda knows god personally and the only way you can do the same is to be like me and Brenda an get yerself all borned again!
It worked for me for a while, fairies everywhere!
Then I started to learn real stuff, so had to leave the gutless fairytale behind. Sad really! It was so much fun being an ignorant megalomaniac!
If you are sincere to love God and want be really close to Him Heart to Heart, you simply pray to Jesus and God for guidance and beg them to show you the devotee of God who can help you advance in spiritual life. God is very attracted to someone who is sincere to love Him. Chant God's names meditate upon It. it is the holy names of God that cleanses our mind with all these confusion and fear. just simply make the goal of your life is to please and love God. then you will know the truth.
thank you very much.
None! Just look at the doctrine for all religions, that which, force humankind to work against itself. So much for a perfect(right) church.
The right Christian Church? If you had asked, the perfect church, it would have been much easier to answer. But, as it is, the "church" most referred to in the Bible, is ones self. How we live, how we treat others, how we teach others, so is the church.
There will never be a perfect church.
I'd just recommend you do a little reasearch and you'll find out why things are the way they are.
Here are some good links:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2c1NEjC … re=related
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45VazNU_ … re=related
You should try many different churches. But not because one was the first, or because one says the name of God one way or another; no........., you should try different churches for how it makes you feel welcomed inside.
Personally, I have never found that church- so I rely solely on Jesus, my advocate the holy spirit, God and myself.
Though I do find home within the Gnostics.
Which is the right Christian Church?
No Church is right as none of them presents the act and teachings of Jesus the Christ; they all present what Jesus never said or acted; they present the concepts invented by Paul and the Church and misled the innocent people.
It is my opinion; others have a birth right to differ with me with brillinat arguments if any
Pauls teachings are the words of GOD YHVH through Paul.....when Paul speaks as human He clearly says it read 1 Corinthians 7
Best Church is from book of Acts The first 2 chapters says it clearly
Paul says that only his own words are the word of god - and you believe him ?
I don't agree with you; Paul was an enemy of Jesus and remained as such till he got killed ; Jesus had warned his sheep in this connection.
Acts 13:9 Then Saul, (who also is called Paul,) filled with the Holy Ghost, set his eyes on him, (this is Luke talking and paul is filled with the Holy Ghost a gift from God)
Acts 15:22 Then pleased it the apostles and elders, with the whole church, to send chosen men of their own company to Antioch with Paul and Barnabas; (Paul seems to have many followers of good reputation)
2 Peter 3:15 And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you;
2 Peter 3:16 As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.
Was Peter an enemy too? Peter seems to like Paul and so do I. Now hopefully, you do too.
paarsurrey, if we are all God's children, then they are all God's churches.
YHVH says that false prophets and teachings are at hand therefore they are not all Y'SHUAH's churches
by this Jesus meant Paul and the Church; very clearly.
We , none of us including Jesus, are not literal and physical children of the Creator- God Allah YHWH; He is our "Rab"- Lord (Nourisher ,Sustainer) of all the worlds, and not "Abb"-father. Please don't misinterpret .
I am not aware of any church that teaches the words that Jesus is said to have said.
Check it out. Read the words in red.
If we believe in Jesus we should put his words before anyone else's. If we believe in him we will believe what he said.
After we establish Jesus as our foundation we THEN read those things that the disciples said in a way as to conform to Jesus.
NOT The Other Way Around.
Any Church that does that would be the one I'd go to..
Great answer as for the disciples just explain and confirm what Y'SHUAH teaches
The problem with Christians believing the words of Jesus (as recorded in scripture) first and foremost is one of interpretation.
We have been taught to interpret the words of Christ in such a way as to conform to what we have interpreted the disciples to have said.
By doing this; scripture says what we want it to.
If we study what Jesus is said to have said, and make this our foundation, We will then see what the disciples were really talking about.
Interpretation is NOT needed.
Jesus taught about false teachers that were already doing that in the first century.
John prophesied in the book of Rev. that the people were going to follow these interpretations.
False interpretations make for a False Doctrine.
How much Levin did Jesus say that it takes to spoil the barrel?
And they have been doing so for many centuries..
Very well said Jeremi.
I would have to say "avoid all the Christian Churches if one wants to nurture and understand one's connection with God/Jesus." All these denominations and "isms" have God and Jesus somewhere out there...external. When you accept scripture as personifications and symbolism then you'll start to come to terms with the divine nature and source of your own consciousness.
It is always best to be attached to some christian church, rather than to stay at home and think that you alone have a 'private interpretation' of what and how the bible is about. Being in a chrisitan church, edifies, builds up, and fulfills the social aspect that humans need. There are some good community works you can get involved with helping others.
Churches also act like sandpaper, they smoothen some rough edges and aside from the teaching from the word, you will learn and again you will not be sitting at home believing that god has imbued you with some special angle as to the interpretation of the world HE so carefully and eagerly set up. Bible is not complicated but if you separate yourselves from christianity completely you will be deceived and come under strong delusion because God has set up principles in his word that all his children are to follow. If we do not follow we cannot get the blessings, god is not mocked.
There are awesome followers of God in every church and some not so awesome followers. Who knows if you will pick up a stumbling brother and lead him on a right track or the word you speak will enhance anothers learning. We are NOT to abandon fellowshiping with the brethren for any reason, especially someones private interpretation against Gods ordained church system.
The one with the best vintage communion wine and the hottest choir chicks.
The church is a tool of God. The churches are not perfect. In this light we cannot hold up a church and say this is better or that is worse as all churches exist and many good works are done by all.
God will PLANT each person in a church. Visit each church in your town, ask for guidance from God, let God pick your church. How can you know except he tell you? Here's that personal experience aspect again. Don't try to pick your own church, God knows best and you will know when he plants you, you will know. You may not even like it, but your whole life is in subjection to him, is it not?
God plants to test and to try his children but also where they are best suited. Be faithful in the one where you end up at. God will move you on when He decides you are ready.
Also try Circle of the Sacred Spirit they have a lot of attractive female members Ron.
hanging out wrote
It is always best to be attached to some christian church, rather than to stay at home and think that you alone have a 'private interpretation' of what and how the bible is about.
I do not believe that I have my own Interpretation.
What I believe I have is an "UNINTERPRETED' view of the written word of Jesus Christ.
To sit in a church that I disagree with their interpretations of scripture is not right. I would feel like a hypocrite.
I hold what Jesus is believed to have said, head and shoulders, above everything that the disciples taught.
Or should I say ... I hold what Jesus said head and shoulders above the churches "Interpretation" of what the disciples taught. There is a difference.
The disciples didn't teach anything that disagrees with the teachings of Jesus.
But the churches "INTERPRETATION" goes against the heart and soul of what is written in the bible.
The Rapture as it has come to be called was a promise made to Daniel concerning the children of HIS people (Daniel 12:1)
Daniels people were Hebrews (every one)
In Rev. 7:4 describes these children of Daniels people as being 12,000 from each of the twelve tribes of Israel.
This again is talking about Hebrews people, every one.
If we are to "interpret" this to be talking about any group of people other that That Hebrew Nation that came to an end of THEIR days, forty years after John received this revelation, is to say that God said something that he did not say.
I believe that to say that God said something other than what he said IS blasphemy by definition.
I can not sit in a church that teaches things that I believe to be blasphemy.
I believe that to teach this "INTERPRETATION" requires many, many other mis-interpretations.
Once the ball starts rolling ? ya cain't hardly stop it.
ummm jews as a favorite nation is over dude. They blew it big time. The rapture is not important either, believe in it or not, if its true you won't miss it. Take off will be a bit surprising but maybe you'll be in church then and somebody floating beside you can explain it.
If you endorse a jewish perspective of the bible then yes you shouldn't be involved in a CHRISTIAN church.. Wazzza matta can't you read.
So are you saved? baptized in the holy ghost... are you christian? I was talking to people who follow christ, not the 'favoritism' doctrine.
and i was talking to beelzebub not you, but glad you mentioned.. ya might wanna look at the 'jews are best' aspect again. If you really think the bible is that bad you are in a hard spot, for sure, but try the churches perhaps a synagogue even and ask God which is for you then come back and say.. god said whatever he said. okay.. okay. have a great day. But to be on the sidelines because of that doctrine of jews are special is breaking a principle of God regardless of how you think you fit in, you need to let God decide.
Thanks again for saving me the trouble of replying to that whole church thing Jeremi. I guess church does have social benefits. (Great place to pick up chicks) They do have one thing right though...they believe God exists. Too bad they all got it wrong. I can tell you are looking at scripture correctly. Except for the Hebrews part. Daniel symbolizes all of humanity. Israel represents all that God has created as Daniel.
Thanks for answering my comment. I think I answered how I feel about Israel being "Chosen"
Israel wasn't special God just picked one to set an example to the rest of the nations with.
Church is a good thing. A good place to be introduced to Jesus and the Father. Just read the bible for your self with an open mind.
hanging out wrote'''
ummm jews as a favorite nation is over dude. They blew it big time
You got that right, what made ya think that I thought otherwise?
Because I said that the OT prophesy was given specifically to the Hebrews? Cause they were!
hanging out wrote "The rapture is not important either,"
Christianity is divided into four basic groups over this issue. How can you say that it isn't important?
Futurists, Historicist, preterits and spiritualists.
The issue of the "Rapture" is the deciding factor as to which group that a Christian belongs to.
I'd say that whether it happened back then, or is going to happen at some time in our future is one of "the most important" issues that should be decided by a Christian.
Christian doctrine as taught by every Church that I am aware of depend upon "The Rapture" being in our future.
This choice of beliefs systems might be the most important decision that any Christian can make!
Most don't know that there is a choice and still be a believer.
"EVERY" Christian that lived during the first century were Preterits. And if they were right? We would not know IT !!!
If they were right ? This would be "THE MOST Important" secret that is hidden in the Vatican!!!
hanging out wrote and i was talking to beelzebub not you, but glad you mentioned.. ya might wanna look at the 'jews are best' aspect again. If you really think the bible is that bad you are in a hard spot, for sure,
That sounds a bit sarcastic??
And Yes I am in a spot! The Atheists and Theist on the forums disagree with what I feel certain About.
Why do you think that I put myself in this situation???
Cause I am certain that IF you could read scripture with an open mind You would see what I see.
The Jews are not Gods chosen people! The OT states that God chose the Hebrews, not because they were special, kinda like closing your eyes and picking a peddle off of a flower. And saying I will lift this one up as an example so the rest of the nations can see that I am God! For them to see what I do for these when they follow ME!
Well the Jews didn't follow for long. Even after God sent them prophets telling them ; "these things are going to happen if you quit following me".
They came to the end of Days exactly how and when Jesus told Peter, James, John and Andrew in a private conversation that they would. ( Matthew 24).
hanging out wrote So are you saved? baptized in the holy ghost... are you christian? I was talking to people who follow christ, not the 'favoritism' doctrine
If you do not know what my beliefs are? as you said .... Wazzza matta can't you read.
That is the problem. Christians are not searching for answers to this Question. Preterits, Historicist, Futurists, Spiritualists?
Any time that we think that we have all the answers we quit learning. AND ...
Getting stupid follows close behind.
To know the truthful account of Jesus' life and his pure teachings ; you may have to study Quran.
If you must join ; you may attend Ahmadia Mosque nearby to start with.
If you want the truth about Jesus' teachings, throw out all the pathetic perpetuaters of religion, and reclaim all supposedly holy scripture from the vatican, and have it independently translated without the influence of the church leaders.
sorry little off topic but had to show cag's this and can't catch up to him
That is a violent solution; you are not supposed to offer, in my opinion; indepedent translation is however a good idea; it would be just another version along with so many already available.
I think Quran has already done that work for Bible, OT and NT.
It's not a violent solution, as you say. It's called "releasing" them from their obligation of directing the world, so as to get to the truth.
The perpetuaters, like yourself, continue to ruin society with all the religious garbage, which isn't actually required for life.
I was referring to your following sentence "If you want the truth about Jesus' teachings, throw out all the pathetic perpetuaters of religion". It smells of violence.
If you want the truth about Jesus' teachings, reclaim all holy scripture from the vatican, and have it independently translated without the influence of the church leaders
This sounds a lot better.
And I wish we could.
But! To uninterpret the scripture that we have is the next best thing..
problem with that theory cagsil is there aren't any holy scriptures in the vatican. There are tons of unholy scripture, pseudopigrapha and apocrypha, perhaps some science fiction and fantasy books... but all the holy scriptures are the OT Jewish history, and the letters the disciples of jesus wrote. Perhaps there are more from the disciples but hardly enough to re-influence the bible and i doubt they would change from doctrine.
If anything the vatican has proof of jesus existence hidden because that is something they don't want to be known.
You flail so much.
When it comes to following someone I think that ya would have to take what he said as is and do nothing to change the intent of what he is saying. Especially if ya say you believe everything that he said?
Regardless of who it is that we are talking about.
If ya believe what he said why would ya change it by interpreting what he said when it is understandable exactly the way it was said.
You know, you guys might want to look into Bananaism. I hear it's catching on.
Bananaism is okay I guess but why do all of the good religions have to branch off into a hundred different parts and hate each other till the end of time? If I joined Bananaism Im scared I'll end up wearing one of those Carmen Miranda fruit hats and end up talking in tongues at the local green grocer.
Thanks for all the comments!
However, no-one seems to be answering the question. The best answers so far seem to be
= paarsurrey (who is cheating because my question was about Christian churches),
- flowerpick who suggests a methodology,
- hanging out who is logical but not very helpful
- luvpassion who is suggesting criteria I had not previously considered - thanks for the suggestions.
Which Christian church please? I have to commend you all for not being rude about each others churches, but you are not making any positive suggestions either.
I think there are no "Christ-ian" churches. Jesus never went to any Church; he did not evem know this word. Anyone name any Church to which Jesus ever went.
I cant say what church or type, its between you and god.. like when i went to find the church i attended i went to every non catholic church in my city, it took months cuz they are all at the same time lol.. but eventually i found in an adjacent town.
hope that helps.
If you mean the 'Building' I'd say any one with comfy stadium style seating.
If you mean denomination, I'd say the one I BELONG TO...
If you mean Body of Christ...
THE ONE & ONLY it meets at every believers temple (no physical address or building is THE 'Church' Body), all the time, everywhere, and is in session even as I type....
The Catholic Church. It's plain ad simple. Jesus started it, all other Christian religions are rooted from it. The Catholic church is the only religion that roots back to Christ himself. Follow history, it will lead you where you need to go.
Nope.. not accurate at all.. see post above
I think Jesus never knew the words "Catholic"or the word "Church" ; and he never built any Church; whenever he went to one he went to a Jewish temple.
don't forget the samosa stand he built when he evidently traveled to India, Paar!
The word Church in English is from the Scottish Kirock, meaning "Belonging to the Lord".
In the Greek bible (which I know you reject, but there is a basis for the Catholic belief) the word Jesus used is translated to Greek as "Ekklesia" which means "Gathering".
The word "Catholic" means "Universal".
It is the Catholic belief, which we already know you reject, that when Jesus told Peter "On this Rock I will Build My Church" that he established the Catholic church.
In the original language, it means "Universal Gathering" i.e. "Everybody in Unity".
Thus he DID use the term, but the terms have come to mean things to some people. other than their original intent. As you reject the bible, you reject the basis of the belief, but the Catholics do have a good faith basis upon which to believe that Jesus DID establish their church.
Your disrespect of that belief is your right.
nope.. we gotta burn him with his book BDazzler!!!!
Ugh! Don't ask. Hope you had a better day than mine.
Is that why I'm growing hair in my nose? LOL
Depends.. is it long and brown like the ones on my back?
psst.. Karla.. I made you a sculpture...
It's called "I'll show you "torero""...
and by the way... I know you are used to all these HP girls, but I'm not Karla.
OK, I'm going to get a thermometer so I can make sure it's exactly 451 F.
Christ gave the Keyes of to the Kingdom to Peter: making him the first pope. 2,000 years later we have Pope Benedict continuing on with the teachings and traditions that Jesus himself taught and told Peter and the other disciples to continue on in His name. Therefore the Catholic Church was and is the same universal teachings of God. Even though the "Church" has been through a lot of rough times, it wasn't the teachings or the religion that was in the wrong, it was the men. Man is not perfect, therefore keep your focus on the Mass and the traditional teachings of the Church.
Hanijane, take the red pill and wake up to the true nature of reality. This kind of mistaken idealism is why some people view religious people as insane. As long as your catholic church continues to perpetuate the myth that God and Jesus Christ are some sort of beings external to ourselves it will continue to worship a false god.
Something tells me you'll take the blue pill.
Andrew shows you the true Christ my dear.
If I took the blue pill, than thank God. I feel sorry for people who don't understand. God is with you even if you don't believe it, and someday you will see it, let's just hope sooner than later.
"some people" can think I am crazy if they want to. Jesus was crucified wasn't he?
I guess the bigger question is do YOU KNOW WHY? And, I am willing to bet that you would say something along the lines of "for blasphemy".
Jesus told and knew those who ruled at the time worshiped a false idol. He used their own language against them and they executed him for it.
So please, don't talk about things you have no understanding of.
Jesus died on the cross for our salvation. He came to change the way people lived and worshiped. He left us specific directions on what to do and how to do it.
Why focus so much on the flesh? Christ came to take us away from the flesh and into the Spirit.
Rather than fight, we should just pray.
Peace be with you
Again, you keep believing what the bible tells you and do nothing investigative on your own. Nice of you to live such a selfish life.
Jesus died on the cross, because some moron hung him on it. Nothing more, nothing less.
Cagsil, I've never figured this out: do you reject spirituality altogether?
Hey Haunty, if you're making reference to human spirituality, which is derived from oneself, then no.
If you're reference is to make spirituality come from another source, such as a god, then yes.
@Hanijane, what you fail to realize is WHERE exactly you received your knowledge, which is the bible. It is what gave you your belief in the first place. So much for understanding it.
You make the claim to live for god. Which is in direct violation of your oath to your own survival. Again, so much for understanding life.
So, in essence, you don't understand much. And, just in case, you're wondering...I would die for anyone else on this planet as well, and I have no god requirement to do so.
So please.
More than believing in what the Bible says, I believe what I feel and know in my heart. I am completely confident in everything I believe... I would die for it. There is nothing I wouldn't do to protect and stand up for God the Father; my father, your father....... I see myself as the opposite of selfish when it comes to this subject. I infact live my life for God, for others and try to always put myself last, in order to humble myself.
I will say a Hail Mary for you. God bless
It is sad that you have to put others down to make yourself feel better. You are no better than I. I never said you were any less than I. I belive whole hearted in my religion and you nor anyone else will convince me other wise.
To oppose your comment about me not doing any significant investigating, I was not raised Catholic so I did a lot of soul searching and history to make sure that what I was doing was the right decision. But you can judge me anyway you want, lest I say : You judge others the same way you will be judged.
Let's not forget that Charles James had a question, and asked people for insight.
Let's focus on that.!
Soul searching?
Again, lack of knowledge and wisdom. And, just to let you know, I didn't put you down. If that's how you saw, then get over yourself.
The fact you do lack knowledge and wisdom of life itself is the problem. Enjoy!
We are all lacking knowledge and wisdom don't you think???
Many lack knowledge in some area, yes Jerami. I do not exclude myself from that. But, my statement is with regards to "of" life.
In that aspect, I lack no knowledge nor do I lack the wisdom to proceed forward.
Cagsil said In that aspect, I lack no knowledge nor do I lack the wisdom to proceed forward
Just about everyone that I know makes that claim ..
Yet they all say different things.
How do we know that you are the "ONE" that is serious ???
Your question is funny in itself. Those who understand life, need not ask someone else what is life about. Since you still have questions about your life, apparently you're still in search for answers.
Keep searching. I have no more questions about my life, because all my questions about life have been answered through my own search for answers.
I've gain the wisdom to not need to ask questions with regards to understanding my life or life itself. There are certain questions that many need to realize that have no need of answers with regards to their own life, because in the larger scope of life, those questions are never actually ever need of answering.
And, your post also tells me, that you've not read any of my hubs, which I'm not surprised. Most religious people don't want to read my hubs, because then they would have to face the fact that they truly are not right with the knowledge they have.
So your answer to my question is that you are the "ONE"
Or did I misunderstand "
As I was reading the first part of this post I was thinking....
He took the words right out of my mouth.
You were describing me!
As always, you're predictable and never listen.
Do you still have questions about life? If so, then keep searching. IF not, then you already have the answers.
I didn't say I had answers for your life. I have no questions to be answered in my life or life in itself(when I say life in itself it is meant to inform you that there isn't any question about life, that either cannot be answered or ever needs to be answered).
If you have questions, I'll be glad to let you know if the questions are valid questions or not. If you're looking for answers to not valid questions, then no matter what I say will matter, if you don't realize the questions are not valid.
Example: "Why does the universe exist?" is a prime question. It is not relevant to your individual life, therefore is a question that never needs to be answered.
What is your purpose? That question is a valid question, because there is an answer to it. The answer is you create your own purpose in life.
Are we on the same page?
That's exactly how wars over religions get started and how they continue over centuries. How very sad.
what you mean? that non- fact or non-proof or non-evidence providing bullies stomping into a very decent conversation (do you bother the buddhist forums too?) and proclaiming that people are selfish, brainwashed, stupid, etc.. start wars? Do you blame the people with their nose in the book of starting this so called war? Have any wars been started by.... this is such an old debate that you continue to blindly and redundantly throw into the chaos of your warmongering ways... grow up, get recent information, get relevant and grow an iq... sorry but this continual broken record syndrome from your stunted snail like mentality that by the way is more of an insult to the picture you so vainly portray.
how very sad
and this from the indoctrinated purveyor of a bronze aged myth parading as truth!
Charles James,
To answere your question again....
I believe the true Church is the Catholic Church.
Yet, to find your answere, you need not be asking a bunch of folks on the internet, you should pray and pray and pray. God will lead you to the place where you are supposed to be. No one is better than another, just focus your life on God and ask for His graces. When we ask, He listens and He answeres. Just make sure you are listening for the answere!
God bless you and best wishes on your journey!
I think that I can decide if my questions are valid.
This is but one of my purposes in life.
If I become unable to answer this question for my self, I will keep your offer in mind. Thank you.
hanijane and cagsil.
There never was some dude named Jesus hung on a cross. This too is symbolic. The cross is the body of man. God "dies" upon it (your body) so you can be re-born. God in you is Jesus Christ in scripture.
Answer this question please
How did the internal god produce the pillar of fire and the cloud in the wilderness?
Although I don't care for the trappings of organized religion, I most closely relate to the Presbyterian doctrine. They stress love and tolerance.
Charles Jamesposted 2 days ago
Thanks for all the comments!
However, no-one seems to be answering the question.
Charles, I wish you would listen to me. I'm the only one who has brought you some water. You need no church to turn it into wine.
I cannot recommend any church more highly than the Church of Turkey.
I started to attend when I was about 17 and regularly attended all my life until I recently came to China. It has everything you would want and no drawbacks, the minister is always polite and welcoming and the whole congregation always in good spirits.
There will be one near you - join today !!
In answer to the OP, Charles choosing which traditionalist religion to follow can be difficult, however, if you believe in God and that the bible is in fact his word however translated, on how to be saved, who to follow according to what the bible says, find your answer there in Acts 4:12, Acts 2:38-47 Acts 2:4 and many others. I don't believe God's word would have changed in 2000 years, it would remain constant, wouldn't it?. If traditional religions do not preach or follow what is said to be God's word in the bible, then that is your answer. There can only be 'one truth' my friend, regardless of what we may believe.
The Christians themselves changed the Word:
First, by losing the words Jesus said in the original language ,Aramaic or Hebrew.
Second; by adding verses, paragraphs, in whatever was the oldest versiion with them.
Thitd; by inventing terminology which was never even in the mind of Jesus or Mary.
Etc, etc....
It is for these many reason that the Creator-God Allah YHWH sent Word of Revelation on Muhammad; it is called Quran and it revives the true teachings of Jesus, Moses,Buddha,Krishna,Zoroaster etc
This way the lost teachings of all the Revealed Books and the Messengers Prophets have been preserved in Quran.
Now there in no truthul teaching in any Book which is not been included in Quran in similiar meaning or in better meaning.
Hence the Books and the Prophets have been honoured in Quran.
According to qwark is the 11 dimensions of TOE, according to Brenda Durham is Christianity, according to me is Spiritualism, according to Mark we are all insane. And the beauty of it is - WE ARE ALL RIGHT!
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