Matt 24-3 And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what [shall be] the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?
4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.
5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all [these things] must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.
8 All these [are] the beginning of sorrows.
9 Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.
10 And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.
11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.
12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.
The end will be determined when we have found our true beginnings. Cag, you should take the next right. Keep turning right until you have done a one eighty. Keep going till you see the signs. See no sign? Keep going. From the point you are, the off ramps are few and far between. Safe Journey, good buddy. Rubber Duck, signing off.
Why does it seem that these religeous replies never really answer any questions. It's more well talked statements that mean nothing, and, most are said in past tense.
Thou shalt go to sleep and wonder of the end of things, then thous shalt get up in the morning and think about it again. All this shall come to pass.
At some point thou will make yourself a sandwich, and eat it, and like it. And, this shall come to pass, and you will wonder what is to come.
See anybody can do it.
I have always thought that everyone is missing the importance of this being a PRIVATE conversation between Jesus and these four disciples.
That when Jesus said things like "When YOU shall hear"
And when he said that; Be careful that no man deceive YOU
Then they shall deliver YOU up to be afflicted,
This has always weighed heavily in my understanding of the intended message of this chapter.
I just now noticed something else, in all other verse in scripture; whenever Jesus said "VERILY I say unto YOU
.............." What did this mean. It sounds important?
That sounds pretty sure and precise.
Verily I say unto YOU that "THIS" generation ..."
If anyone in this whole wide world were to say these things to you, who would you suppose they were talking to?
If I said these things to YOU, you would not think that I was talking to someone that has not been born yet!
Verily I say unto YOU ... Who is he talking to?
In a private conversation while he is looking at YOU eye to eye, he says VERILY I SAY UNTO YOU Who is he talking to?
Am I the only person that believes this to be significant?
yes you are right BUT there is a much wider audience than just the disciples OR these passages would not be in scripture.
Just imagine that you were standing there and these things was spoken to YOU.
You would then write a letter to your friends. And this letter says that Jesus said that he was coming back in THIS generation to redeem them. For them to be ready.
And they would then instruct their friends as YOU directed them to do.
Now, Imagine that after 280 years a world power wanted to republish your message, To use it in bringing about a universal religion, in an attempt to reuniting their Empire.
The intentions of your words that you wrote to your friends are now changed for ever.
When you wrote the letter, the prophesy were true.
But 100 years after their fulfillment. If this letter were republished? And said to have been written by YOU.
And said to be message to everyone that ever reads them?
Everyone believes that you are a righteous man, and take your word for it.
The true intent of your letters are lost. But the words are the same.
Then they would have been left out of the gospel because they do not pertain to us but talking about the end times certainly pertains to someone beyond christs generation.
i dislike your point, sorry.
just one comment and I gotta go off to work
With all due respect.
The scriptures are for everyone, lessons as to how we should behave, play well together etc.
But the prophesy were specifically to and for those that they were given to.
If all scripture is timeless, we can expect Nebuchadnezzar to arrive in Jerusalem any day now and destroy the temple
and followed by Cyrus the Great, commanding that it be rebuilt again, followed by the Romans tearing it down again.
These have already happened and are not going to happen again.
All of the prophesy given in the book of Daniel have happened at their time appointed.
They had all been fulfilled by the time THAT Hebrew Nation was scattered to the Four Winds.
Those things will not happen again.
When we disregard these time lines ? prophesy looks like so many jellybeans mixed up in a jar.
Or the whole can of alphabet soup poured in a tall glass.
how about a similar occurrence? nebuchadnezzar will certainly not surface again but another like him will. How about the one world leader perhaps he can be likened unto nebuchadude.
There is always something to learn but jesus did not prophesy but rather he just told the truth. We are not debating prophesy here where no prophesy is given, we are debating about the word YOU and how i say it pertains to all who read and you say it does not.
VERILY I say unto YOU
.............." What did this mean. It sounds important?
This is not prophesy it is truth.. verily actually means truthfully I say unto you
OK Jesus said Truthfully I say unto YOU (Whom ever he was looking at when he said this) ...THIS generation shall not pass till everything that I said to you will come to pass! But no one knows what time on the clock that the fin alley will occur.
If I had been standing there and heard him say that truly what I am saying is true. THIS generation shall not pass till all these things be finished....
Why do we change the obvious intentions of this message?
That person that you are talking about was the 14 Emperor of the Roman Empire. there were ten and then the little horn will replace three that are after the ten.
That was Hadrian. The Last Emperor to have dominion over the Hebrew Nation before it was NO more, for IT had come to the end of its Days exactly as Jesus said that it would.
Yep, we have seen much of this go on for many, many years, and it continues, We know that there is more to come.
He will come like a thief in the night, and nobody, not the son, not the angels, not any of us, will know when that time is, Only God himself knows,
We are experience more war, attacks on the US, more attempts by terrorists, global economy, crime, kids totally out of control. It is almost as if you do not have a computer, it is more difficult to get things done, You do not phone for forms, you now have to download them, You can not do much unless you have a photo ID, plus SSN number. The end is coming. It may be today, tomorrow, it may come long after most of us have died. But, it is coming. Those who believe, do not fear and end. It is those who do not believe, that fear the unknown, and mock it.
when the moon is in the seventh House, and jupiter alligns with mars....then peace will guide the planets. And love love will fill the stars.
How about for the next bit we try "This is the dawning of the age of Aquarious?" ..... nah that won't work... any other ideas?
I totally LOVE that song!!
Sing it with me....
That day is not so far and that scene will be very dangerous and repenting, so my request to all of you, do good to yourself and others. Spend few time daily in knowing yourself and knowing God. That's it! about 5 billion yrs.
Man will be gone long before that.
But then again, if, during our evolution, we can't lose this genetic necessity to kill out of us, we may not last the next 100 yrs.
I think it is more relavent to be prepared for his coming rather than wondering when it will happen, I see those who spend their tme maping out a chronology of revelations as exercising futility. It is better that we concentrate on the issues that face us here and now.
In my life time there have been 4 end of the world parties.
Life ended when I was born.
A living death.
I came alive at age 50, and I intend to stay that way until my body wears out.
As for the rest, there is no such thing. Worlds are transformed in time, based on the workings of the universe. Rarely, if ever, is a planet entirely destroyed.
People pretty much have the same pattern. Death is a transformation.
The end of the world? Human vanity... To assume that we are even significant enough to witness the end of all creation is a joke. The end of the world as we know it, sure. I'd say we've set that ship sailing already, the answer to when is just waiting for the dust to settle when we finally reap what we've sown. This great planet, and certainly the rest of the universe, vibrates with or without us, and will continue to do so long after we're gone.... If we continue to poke, molest, rape and destroy our great mother, she will eventually scratch the itch... After all, that's all we really are... a rampant pestilence. Don't get me wrong, I'm no cynic, and as a father of two, I don't even have the luxury of being a nihilist anymore, but I also suffer no delusions... We ARE past the point of reversability. Even if the majority of the citizens of planet Earth cared enough to inconvenience themselves and do everything it would take to insure a future for our race, it simply wouldn't be enough. Too little... too late. All we can do is live our lives being the best citizens we can be and hope for a miracle, while constantly pushing the envelope of understanding in an effort to change this demographic momentum. Subscribing yourself to "Doomsday Theory" or other forms of fatalistic bull$#!7 is a copout, and if that is all the more imagination than you have, then I guess you're probably part of the problem, and no benefit will come from anyone listening to your voice anyway. Keep the faith... When the time comes, we'll all have a reakoning... until that time, go crawl in a hole, if you like, but as for me and my house... We have chosen to serve! I paint one possible version of this transgression in my new novel... Check it out on my profile page! I'm posting it, chapter by chapter on HubPages!
More irrationality from using a 2000 year old book to figure out when the end of the world is going to happen. WOW!
Living life with a clear conscience and understanding Life does not require a "god" to respect others, help others and service others.
If you believe that, it would be great, but, the things you are saying to me tell me you done believe what you are saying.
You don't believe that I believe what I am saying? So again, you are calling me a liar. This is about the third time you've called me a liar, without actually saying it.
You've gotten pretty good at that. Did you learn that from your book? Hmmm.....
What I believe? Hasn't ever come up in forum thread, as of yet. My beliefs are not your business and I don't share my beliefs with anyone.
I only share knowledge I've managed to accumulate over the course of my life and the discerned truth(wisdom) from experiencing life while using the knowledge I've accumulated.
But, you best believe one thing- I'm not offering my beliefs and I'm not liar. So, you can spin that however you so choose. It won't change the fact that religion is irrationality at it's worse. And, to top it, to have any sort of belief in a god, is completely irrational.
You create your situations. You create your own circumstances.
You do so, through your own actions, which are derived by your own thoughts, will, dreams, desires and wishes. None of which, has any effect on Reality.
Belief in a god- irrational.
Belief in oneself- rational.
And, again, I will state once more for you- NO GOD is required to understand Life. NO GOD is required to Live Life.
If anyone needs a god, then they don't understand life.
He doesn't have an old book. Not sure about a new one either. Maybe wisdom needs no book, but you would have been better off opening at least one in your life.
At the third stroke of the seconds hand on the clock............the world will end......precisely
Darn it, must have been when I was working
Ron you do have a point to that
I didn't think hell had quite frozen over yet, with it getting warmer here in Aussieland and all.......
With it getting cooler in Nth America, not surprising that Sandra thought it was the flu either
its hard to say to be honest, as a lot of things can kill us. What humanity fails to understand is that it wouldn't take much to send us back to the stone age, where overlords and tyrants run the Earth again. Seriously, our society relies so much on computers that if all our technology were to suddenly get shut down and taken away from us, then we'd be no different from our ancestors, who used to hunt and gather their own food in the wilderness.
Personally, I don't think the world is going to end in 2012, simply because the Mayan prophecy doesn't say anything specifically about that. It just ends. Although I do think we're in danger of dying in 2027 though, due to a meteor heading towards our planet. I know one person on this site told me I was irrational worrying about that because supposedly our own gravity would repel it away. However, that's kind of a dangerous assumption to make if you ask me. A damn meteor about the size of Texas (which by the way, is the same size as the one that wiped out the dinosaurs), and your saying the wisest move we have is to do NOTHING? I don't know about you, but that's a damn dangerous assumption to make. That's why I hope NASA and our governments have SOMETHING planned to repel or destroy it, or at least, have a plan to evacuate our society before that thing hits us. Otherwise...we're essentially all going to be dead!
That's the worst thing that could happen, Steven. But it's only a could, so I won't worry about it. There are so many 'coulds' in life ...
I agree. However, I do think that we have a right to plan for the worst and fight for our lives if necessary. Heck, if you knew your neighbor wanted to kill you, then wouldn't you make preparations to stop him if you had a choice? I know I would. That's why I don't think it's wise for our society to blow off potential threats like this.
Good. But dealing with my neighbour is a little different to dealing with a meteor the size of Texas. I don't seriously think there's anything that can be done to stop it.
I've also heard that an erruption of the vulcanic Yellowstone Park would cause nearly the same amount of damage, and one is about due ... too many things to worry about, and none of them might happen during our lifetimes. We used to worry about nuclear war, but it never happened ... so far.
It really is better to concentrate on today and let tomorrow take care of itself. There you are worrying about 2027, but in 2026, Yellowstone errupts or the Chinese press the button. Ironic. What you'll probably be doing is wondering what happened to the meteor in 2028, and when you ask someone at the nursing home, they'll just give you another pill.
Yeah, that's true. Hell, anyone here can easily die in their very own home, due to some bizarre accident, as accidents occur at home more often than anywhere else.
I see what your getting at, as I don't disagree. I was merely mentioning the meteor, to answer the OP. As far as the erruption of the vulcanic Yellowstone Park, I heard about it before, but I forgot about it until now.
However, I do think that if humanity can and is able to protect itself from these impending disasters, than we owe it ourselves and our future generation, to do so.
If we're lucky and none of these incidences happen, then that's great. I just think that the best outlook on life is "plan for the worst, but hope for the best." That's my philosophy on things anyway.
And like my grandad said... If you can't or won't do something to prevent it, don't worry about it.
Yes, I read somewhere that more people die in their own home due to accidents and domestic violence than anywhere else. Our homes are the most dangerous places to be ...
The Bible says no one will know when the end will be. These Bible questions get no where, because mainly unbelievers have any real interests in them it seems.
bible says the hour no man knows the hour but the general year and month is indicated.
Matthew 24:42 Watch therefore: for ye know not what HOUR your Lord doth come.
Matthew 24:44 Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an HOUR as ye think not the Son of man appears.
Sounds relatively simple to me. Direct the meteor to Texas. Problem solved
Great idea, considering George W. Bush lives there. Just make sure our Texas Hubbers are evacuated.
Yeah, but Mighty Mom, you fail to realize with a meteor that freaking big, the impact alone would cause a ripple effect, and kill everything living on the surface of the Earth; no matter where it landed.
The world will end when it ends, not likely soon though, as enough generations of our offspring will come up with some protection against foreign flying objects that may have otherwise destroyed it.
Earnest me ol china, don't we throw empty VB bottles at those things?
Yep! It's the Australian way!
A well aimed VB bottle (especially a Darwin Stubby,) will take out a rock the size of Gibraltar if ya aim it just right!
Our planet turns into a one big ball of burning crap because God perfect creation’s screw up. Mmmm
The second Noah, self prophecy will cause over 100 million deaths before we realizing the abuse is enough. Slowly we moving toward a spiritual age, and I don’t mean the end of the world for the 10th time scaring the hell out of us.
Just started two hubs, earnestshub why don’t we share hubs, I need your face to ward off hard core evil spirits
The end of the world will start when a peace treaty has been signed with israel confirming peace in the middle east. It will be a 7 yr treaty that will be broken in the 3.5th year and that will start the great tribulation of revelations. First the woahs will be poured out then the bowl wraths and the return of christ after that for the 1,000 yr reign, then the judgment of the wicked and then the end of the world and a new earth for Gods people and no reward for the (here's a word worth meditating upon) unrecognized.
Yes of course! How couldn't we recognize that peace is just terrible really horrible. That is totally why the world must be destroyed. It makes perfect sense and remember, Jesus and I love you.
Why is it that preachers sometimes say that a day in prophesy is as a year on earth. and then other times this does not apply. ???
I believe This is where all of the misunderstandings originated.
You don't believe it just originated from the book?
Yes there are many stories in the book.
The majority of the book centers around prophesy.
Isaiah's' prophesy of the temple being rebuilt before it was destroyed.
Jeremiahs' prophesy of Israel serving Babylon 20 years before it began.
Daniels prophesy of the coming dominance of Persia, Greece, and a fourth kingdom (that at that time had just come into being)
Time lines of prophesy are as important if not more so, than the prophesy themselves.
Without understanding of WHEN these things are to be fulfilled; they would hold no significance.
So to take away these time frames is to take away any credibility that they would otherwise have had.
I believe that the key to understanding the time frames that prophesy is said to unfold is clearly stated in Daniel Chapter nine.
From 538 BC it shall be 62 weeks until they kill the Messiah.
This is a timeline comparison between 62 weeks being equal to approx. 568 years??? This gives a definition of just how long a prophetic week is. A TIME in prophesy is approx 480 of our years.
Ignore this statement and prophesy can be twisted around any way that you like.
Apply this equation anytime a period of time is given in prophesy and the pieces of the puzzle begin falling into place all by themselves.
I think that we should at least untangle the knots and lay the story out in a straight line before we disregard its credibility.
But if we are going to keep the story all twisted and tied in knots, we might as well dismiss it cause it doesn't make any sense like it is.
Numbers 14:34 After the number of the days in which ye searched the land, even forty days, each DAY for a YEAR, shall ye bear your iniquities, even forty years, and ye shall know my breach of promise. (40yrs israel walked the wilderness, 40 days the spies were in canaan)
Ezekiel 4:6 And when thou hast accomplished them, lie again on thy right side, and thou shalt bear the iniquity of the house of Judah forty days: I have appointed thee each DAY for a YEAR.
God has his own time schedule. The beauty is that he lets us in on it when it pertains to the subject. If no indicator of a special allotment of time God will say nothing but if otherwise there is always an indicator.
Daniel 4:16 Let his heart be changed from man's, and let a beast's heart be given unto him; and let seven times pass over him.
in the case of daniel above, times translates seasons. There was only one season with some rain time but back then it was not counted as a rainy season, A year = a season. Not like north america where there are 4 seasons.. they only had one and today they have two.
Off to the gallows you blasphemous smarty pants!
Geeze that only makes about 300 death threats so far! I see I'm getting it easy here.
Gosh darn it all it heck, humans and their, "Oh I am so wise..blah,blah,blah!" *god rolls eyes and crosses arms in front in a tizzy*.
I just become more and more amazed at the obvious megalomania in some of the statements made in some of the more "forceful" fanatics posts.
Their total blindness to these projections is a source of constant amusement though!
and the total blindness of you not remembering the contradictions you posted being revealed as not contradictions by ME is what keeps you in the light, right? and able to scoff as you do.
earnests supposed contradictions:
4) The gospels (especially Matthew 21:4 and John 12:14-15) claim that Jesus fulfills the prophecy of Zechariah 9:9. But the next few verses (Zechariah 9:10-13) show that the person referred to in this verse is a military king that would rule "from sea to sea". Since Jesus had neither an army nor a kingdom, he could not have fulfilled this prophecy.
They expected him to come as a king WHICH He WILL, when He returns. A lamb first and then a king to rule in the 1000 yr reign. Zechariah 9:10-13 is unfulfilled but on the list to be fulfilled. The prophecies about jesus christ the Son of God are two part. One part concerning his death and New Dispensation and the other part concerning his kingship when He returns.
5) Matthew (Matthew 2:17-18) quotes Jeremiah (Jeremiah 31:15), claiming that it was a prophecy of King Herod’s alleged slaughter of the children in and around Bethlehem after the birth of Jesus. But this passage refers to the Babylonian captivity, as is clear by reading the next two verses (Jeremiah 31:16-17), and, thus, has nothing to do with Herod’s massacre.
Jeremiah 31:15 "Thus saith the LORD; A voice was heard in Ramah, lamentation, and bitter weeping; Rachel weeping for her children refused to be comforted for her children, because they were not".
According to Midrash, Jacob buried Rachel near the road so that the Jews would pass her grave as they traveled into exile and she would be able to pray for them.
So this fulfilled prophecy 'due to location' and is applicable. Rachel could cry both at jeremiahs time and herods killing of the babies, since the same route was used that lead to bethlehem. Rachel would have been 'witness' to both events by proximity.
keep laughin mate
even when u fail you do not care. This is a disservice to all people on hubpages. You claim to take responsibility for yourself as part of your higher morality, yet you allow a lie to circulate, willingly and misinformation to abound by your hand.
You must answer
We're waiting for your God's wrath which you predicted, which is really only alter-ego of yourself, IMO.
Earnest is one of the good guys of the earth. I'm not so sure about so many others. IMO
when did i predict that?
If this is a good guy i wonder what the qualifications of a really good guy are in your estimation. IMO yourself lol.
why humans are so fascinated with end?..i think this question has been asked since humans began to think and end never came..
That is because it isn't midnight yet.
Why do people think that prophesy was given without a timeline? There wouldn't be any sense in that.
Why do people think that prophesy was given without a timeline?...there are 5000 religions in the world...known ones...those which died are unknown and so are those who would be born in future...each religion has atleast 5-10 that makes 25k+ prophecies...what does it reflect?...human nature at in probability some out of these 25k would turn out to be true and believer of that religion would claim that entire religion is true...again human nature at same way many prophecies turn out to be false and non believers claim that that religion is end we all are human beings who are fascinated with prophecies and end times...irony is that end times are being dreamt for since time immemorial...since humans came out with thinking has not ended and is less likely to end as long as sun is there...
The end of the world will be at the end! Not the at the middle or the 3/4 way mark but right there at the very end
wow...enlightened kirsten....if hub would have permitted me , i would have become your fan twice...
I guess I am very enlightened, or I am a smart ass! and since it ain't my ass thats smart it must mean I am enlightened
Actually I think I watch to much british comedy like blackaddar and monty python. It has corrupted my ability to take things to seriously
but thats world of i am right ,you are becomes too dis empowering , if every statement , opinion or belief is taken too seriously...i guess i should watch monty python too...
Too true! What is wrong about being wrong anyway?! Everyone does it! I mean really, being wrong is as natural as breathing. What seems really wrong is being incapable of admitting the possibility of being wrong if ya know what I mean.
BTW Monty Python is funny stuff! They kinda take the piss outa, well, everything. They are equal opportunity piss takers! Maybe I should start a silly stuff including monty python forum thread
Well there you have a conundrum - scientifically it is only right there at the very end if you view time as a straight line from a beginning to an end, and fudging an end - and by talking about an end you can't see in terms of infinity will not wash at all.
If you take the religious circular route the end is the beginning and so the end is renewal through resurrection.
If you take the quantum view of time the end never happened.
Ahhhhhh! My brain hurts now!
I seem to be completely incapable of taking this end of the world stuff too seriously. It seems a bit like asking 'how long is a piece of string'. I just answered assuming there will be an end, assuming there is an end in the nature endings, being an end of course, then the only logical place for it is right there at the end!
You just had to go all metaphysical tho didn't you?! If the nature of things is circular and the end is also the beginning I start to think, where where is the beginning of a circle? And that it could be said is anywhere in the circle. So now the end could be right in the middle or at the 3/4 mark. Perhaps the nature of time is a cascade of seconds all ending and thus the end is at all points and always happening. The world is always ending in a cascade of dying moments, falling in to fill the void created by the last end. Nature abhors a vacuum.
Or it has already ended and we are just a memory of what will happen ?
Interesting thought though - that any possible god would be subject to the laws of physics. To 'create' a world and put us pawns on it and then have to wait for a result, not much of a super power thing really.
Much like a game of Sims on a massive scale?
"When will the end of the world be?"
Tomorrow. High noon. Local time. Film at 11.
The Mayan calendar predicts that the Earth will end on
December 21, 2012. 6.00 am OR 6.30 Newfoundland time
It’s Not too late to sell your land cheap to me, a fool and his money is easily parted.
yawn... the earth will not end THEN because the bible says so. I'll be back on december 22.
Don't know. Wouldn't do me any good to know anyway. It will happen in a flash. I will be where God says I worked all my life to be. I just hope they have plenty of cake and ice cream waiting there for me.
The end of the World is due for next Thursday about tea time.
by backporchstories 12 years ago
Is December 21, 2012 going to be end of World, Age or just another day?Do you believe in December 21, 2012 to be the end of the World or the end of an Age or just another day?
by Edward Zhang 12 years ago
Is 2012 really the end of the world? Why do people keep claiming so?So what's the story behind this hype?
by heavenbound5511 13 years ago
How to is much easier than - that is and isn't true! If you want your life to change for the better and actually see how God does honor his word as we believe and walk it out.There is help for those that acknowledge and choose to believe without evidence that Jesus died and rose from the dead 3...
by aoiffe379 5 years ago
Do people know when they are going to die before they die?Recently a community leader died 'suddenly'. During the week since her death I have talked with individuals who was told by the deceased that she was 'dying' or that her life work had ended and she was going home. Of course nobody paid...
by Druid Dude 14 years ago
People are once again awaiting doomsday. What do you believe about 12/21/12 and why?
by Gabriel Wilson 5 years ago
Why can't atheists and believers leave each other alone to not believe or believe?Why is it that atheists (not all, some) continuously question believers about their belief and vice versa; why do believers (not all, some) feel they have to justify their belief? Surely if you don't believe in God...
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