Former Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick spent a year and a half in jail for a dog-fighting ring was recently released. Is he vindicated? Does he deserve a second chance? Your thoughts.
Wasn't the football commisioner quoted as saying: "Some people just don't deserve a second chance?" (rough quote)
I vote "No"...not really in favor of someone who could be a part of so much animal cruelty.
Who? Dog-killer? That's a no. He was charged with a felony. What other job can you go back to after being convicted of a felony?
No twice. He's not much of a quarterback, and his rehabilitation and penitence will require all of his available time for the near future.
I'm not a fan, but he has served his time... let him play and get heckled with the other felons in the league
Yeah he should be able to play. He served his time. There is no reason he shouldn't be allowed to play after dogfighting. Especially when wide receiver Brandon Marshall has been arrested 3 in the last 12 months. Twice for assaulting women and he is still able to play in the NFL.
I don't see how any team would even consider taking a chance with him in this economy and the need for advertising revenue. There is no doubt on his talent as a player, it was his choices off the field that will forever tarnish him.
I dunno, I think there is some question about his ability as a player. He has been completely out of the game for two years and was never the world's greatest QB anyway. 'Running' quarterbacks rarely perform up to expectations for the QB position anyway. I wouldn't be surprised, if he did come back, that he came in as a DB or WR.
I vividly remember listening to sports radio show callers in Indianapolis years back that Peyton manning was not more like Michael Vick. The classic drop-back passer was outdated and qbs needed to be more atheletic.
The Patriots may give him a shot. Tom Brady will miss some games this year, and they got rid of his backup. Besides, thy've shown themselves to be the ultimate win at any cost, screw the rules kind of team.
You better pull that horseshoe out of your head, it's affecting your thinking!
Mark me down for 'no.' I hope that much like when Chris Brown beat up Rihanna and lost many of his endorsement contracts, Vickie will be blackballed in his career field. His having served his time has nothing to do with it for me. I'm a sucker for a star football player who at least plays the role of being a good guy for the fans. Seriously, though, I really don't think it sets a good example to give the guy a second chance.
There's plenty of talent out there, with far less strings attached.
Well said. I couldn't agree with you more. What's sad is that he has / had such a great gift and he muddied his reputation and practically brought down the Atlanta Falcons by himself. I wouldn't let him play for my team if he paid us.
I think everyone deserves a second chance. No one deserves to be persecuted for something they've done ALL their life.
I don't think he should be persecuted as I understand the term - and I agree for the most part about second chances in general - but I definitely think there should be a precedent as far as how the NFL treats such behavior among its representatives.
I believe he did his time, and he learnt his lesson. He has earned the respect, and hence a second chance
I don't think he should work at Petco. I know that. Other than that, I could care less what Michael Vick does.
.... but could you imaging his first day walking into the office?
He could go into Cock Fighting.
P. S. That's not the activity you may think it is.
I was joking about Vick becoming a Patriot, but according to ESPN Sportscenter this morning, they are now the leading contender for his services. Don't chowder heads like dogs?
I have been against his return, but with Tony Dungy mentoring him, I may have to reconsider. Tony is very close to the situation and wouldn't be supporting Michael if he didn't think it would be the best thing for him and for society at large.
Mentoring him?! What's next, piano lessons for hitler? Shame on him.
Yes, Michael Vick is exactly like Adolph Hitler. Good point. Redemption is one of the hallmarks of a civilized society. Join one and see what it's like.
If you think everyone can be rehabilitated you are fooling yourself. The real world isn't always pretty. Join it and see what it's like.
Hate to plug my work but I wrote a hub on this yesterday...check it out if you care to sample my poison.
Michael Vick Should Be Allowed to Play...
I don't agree nor I disagree on the matter. However, with Tony Dungy's backing, Vick does have some hope of playing in the NFL this season--more so than Plaxico Burress. What it comes down to is that wherever he plays, he going to put butts into seats through sheer publicity. If people aren't going to stadiums to root for their heroes, they go to boo the villains.
More importantly, it could help Michael Vick to become a better human being. Tony would not get involved if it was just about football.
Oh boy. Has it gotten personal in here again? You guys spat amongst yourselves.
I'm going to answer the initial question. Should Michael Vick be allowed to play in the NFL again?
Perhaps someone more familiar with NFL rules can say definitively. If the rules expressly state that conviction of a felony renders you ineligible to play in the league, no.
If there is no law against it, he should be allowed to play.
If no team picks him up, then so be it.
There are plenty of examples of Americans who have done bad things, gotten caught, paid their debt to society and moved on. Look at Martha Stewart as an example.
I concur! I would be excited to have Vick on my team.
I'm going to say let him play just because he done his time and is remorseful for what he has done. Just think though...there are so many felons in sports that were given another chance.
I have been persuaded to change my original stance on this issue. I think he did a terrible thing and deserves more punishment than he has received; but a very intelligent and respectable man, Tony Dungy, has signed on to mentor him along his road back to being a productive member of society. Dungy knows more about this situation than anyone posting on this thread, and if he thinks football is a positive step for Vick and for society at large, he has my full support.
Yes he does deserve a second chance. He paid his dues. He went to jail for two years and did his time. What more do you want from him. This is the reason why criminals always go back to jail. The do their time, get out, and then they cannot re-build. He is always going to have a stigma and you do not have to go for him, hell you can even boo him, but give him his job back.
It's always tough to make the call without all the information. There have been so many behind closed door meetings, that I don't think Tony would support Vic or the NFL would let him return if they didn't feel he had paid his debt and that his return was a benefit to the NFL.
I think football fans want to see him play. Last report I heard was the Vikings were the leaders. Not sure if that's true. However, I'm pretty sure we'll see him play this year whether we agree or disagree with the decision.
Neither Tony nor the NFL is desperate enough for money that they would risk so much just to add a little more to the piles.
Not everyone thinks like The Hoodie. There actually are, believe it or not, some decent people in the world.
He tortured, gambled and killed dogs (animals).
I love dogs by the way.
People hunt and kill deer, coyotes, lions, elephants, dolçphins, shark, gators, gorillas...illegally.
do they got to jail for 1.5 years and lose 90 million dollars from their employer?
It is not a human being that was killed and not even close to a human.
A chimp has more in common with human beings than a dog.
Just because you can domesticate and teach more dogs does not make them human-like.
He didn't kill a person, a baby and should not be even talked about.
Although, I did hear how it was done and am disgusted how a person could even do the things that were said to an animal. awful stuff..
He did his time & paid a huge fee so let him play football again.
He will not be dealing with animals anymore so how is he a threat as a performer in the public?
Now you are equating Dungy to Jesus? Did you leave any Koolaide for the others?
Equating? Of course not you silly pup. Comparing philosophies and motives? Yes.
Yes, espousing the virtues of forgiveness and redemption is exactly like asking hundreds of followers to committ mass suicide. Have you been drinking harbor water again?
Does the cult let you off the compound on weekends?
Yes, I get to watch the Colts walk all over the Patriots, then I have to go back.
Now I know they're putting something in your Koolaide.
You'll get your dose soon enough now that Brady is back. Horse-face there must be sh*tting himself already just thinking about it.
Yes, he's terrified of those pansies. Sh*tting himself laughing at the prospect of facing hop along QB.
Don't fill up on cow chips pardner, 'cause you'll be eating your hat soon enough.
You must be overdue for your walk...............yer fulla crap
Do you have the schedule? When do they play?
Vick got signed onto the Eagles- what do you think of that now?
I must warn you- I'm a huge Eagles fan. I'm an unusual Eagles fan, though, in that I wouldn't throw snowballs at Santa...
The Eagles did the right thing; I wish tem and Vick well.
I just thought it funny that a few weeks ago when Vick was released, several teams (namely NY and Philly) stated that they wouldn't take Vick. Now the Eagles turn around and gobble him up and not a single team or person has said anything about it.
No, it's definitely a smart move on their part. McNabb is so injury prone (blame his o-line) and just a year ago, trade talks were flying about him. Vick just may well supplant him if McNabb falls.
Hmmm...My team's been practicing on how to defend against the Wildcat Offense...We'll be ready.
Did anyone catch the game last night? Eagles vs. Colts- Ron I bet you saw it!
I learned something new last night. The Eagles apparently have five quarterbacks! Mcnabb (who only has 2 years left on his contract), Kolb (who got injured in practice), A.J. Feeley(who is absolutely horrible), Vick (who is on a tight "leash") and Adam DiMichele (who played quite well last night). Personally, I think they need to ax at least two of these guys.
They will be down to three as soon as Kolb is healthy.
I'm hoping so, but I could easily see them hanging on to a fourth QB this season. They're just that crazy sometimes.
With the whole Vick thing, I think it's quite smart of them. If all goes well, they can duplicate McNabb in Vick, McNabb will retire/leave Philly in 2 years and Vick will step in with a new contract.
It's smart from a football standpoint, but more importantly it's decent from a human standpoint. Even people who commit terrible crimes should be given a chance for redemption. Animal welfare will get a much needed boost as a result of this story.
Absolutely, from a human standpoint it's necessary to give people another chance. I like that the Eagles did that and I like that Tony Dungy is helping Vick.
No, people who want to kill animals which are living things and not only that slaughter them, then come back with this crap of saying he's sorry and all this. OF course he's sorry but it was sick a crewl and does not deserve a second chance.
What he did was absolutely heinous animal cruelty is a crime and he was punished for it. He was used as a model to others if you do the crime, you do the time. Martha Stewart is another good example of a crime that was committed and many adored her even more. If Michael Vick were white would you have the same thoughts about what was committed? Many would overlook it, the fact of the matter is he should be allowed to return to football and many need to forgive him just like they have forgiven others in the past. Forgiveness is always best nobody is perfect and I believe he was sincere. Go ahead yell at me, chew me out it is o.k. I will forgive you to.
AEvans, although I agree with you, I'm having a hard time figuring out why you brought race into the topic. I haven't seen anyone talking about the fact that Vick is black, nor do I think it has anything to do with Vick's redemption situation.
You're right though, he's done the crime and he's done the time. What's wrong with welcoming someone back after having been punished? Isn't that what our justice system is all about? (Correction and integration, not punishment and ostracization)
Just curious not really a purpose but some will not bring up a person's race but they will lash out and I have always wondered if he were white would many think the same thing? Or would they treat him like Martha Stewart and forgive and forget?
Using that argument, I'd say people are still pretty peeved about Bernard Madoff and he's white. I don't think people will be ready to let him off the hook in a few years. But I don't think comparing Madoff and Vick is comparing apples to oranges. (I also don't think comparing Vick to Stewart is apples v. apples).
I guess I still don't see the role race plays in it. Personally, I don't detect any racial divides over the Vick situation. Yours was the first I'd heard of that argument.
I am so glad that we have both agreed you are correct Vick and Stewart are not one in the same. As for Vick he does deserve a second chance and hope that it never happens again. Just like the old folks say, " Shame on me once, shame on me; Shame on me twice shame on you. FYI: I just placed it out there.
haha AEvans I love it!
And I thought it was "fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me"? Okay I'll stop picking on you.
i dont understand why is every1 saying no 2 vick, yes he killed dogs, but the man has served his time , mabey he is a different person now since he gone through what he's gone through. I have faith in him and is glad he has a 2nd chance at life because if you were in his shoes toy would want the same thing: FORGIVENESS.
by Holle Abee 14 years ago
And should the POTUS be supporting it? I'm really torn with this. I do think just about everyone deserves a second chance, but Vick's crime was horrendous. It's hard for me to believe that his views on animal cruelty have really changed. Is he sorry he did it - or is he just sorry he got caught?...
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by Paul Edmondson 12 years ago
I really want to see Tebow play. It's not enough that the Jets can't run the ball or pass it for Tebow to play significantly. What will it take. If he comes in and runs the table, the Jets could be a playoff team:)
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