by HubPagesHottest 13 years ago
Hey, provide us with your Twitter URL (web address)and @HubPagesHottest will be sure to follow you shortly No spam, riff-raff or affiliate links just your hot hubs featured on Twitter frequently ReTweets hubs too so be sure to follow for more...
by ilovehubbing 15 years ago
How to be in the conversation.This is may Twitter you follow me, I will follow you.Please post your Twitter contact below and follow everyone in the thread and they will flow you!Good Karma all round.Murray
by bozzie123 14 years ago
i have just set my self up an account and it would be nice to have some followers, tweet me if your feeling generous
by HubPagesHottest 14 years ago
We are all about Hot Hubs; as such we would like to know what your favourite HubPages article is? To avoid bias the only catch is you must recommend another Hubbers Hub. The aim is to share 30 really great Hubs with our Twitter followers and in turn generate traffic to the Hub and site in general....
by Cordale 14 years ago
So let me sum up my hubpage experience. I read up for about a week on how to accomplish goals and get traffic and make money on hubpages and was ready for the challenge. And quite excited to say the least!So I did some keyword research and hit on a topic that I found successful and got 6,000-7,000...
by Paul Edmondson 10 years ago
We've heard several concerns about Hubs getting copied and losing traffic and we know how frustrating this is for the author. Google tries to identify the original content creator and show that in the search results. If you have a copied Hub that is getting outranked in the search...