Earned $1299 this month!

Jump to Last Post 1-30 of 30 discussions (105 posts)
  1. Klush profile image57
    Klushposted 10 years ago

    This month, proud to say, I earned $1299 from my Squidoo account. Isn't that great? I have just joined HubPages, and am very excited to expand my online writing career. Yes, it's possible to earn quite a few bucks online if you are willing to labor behind it. It has taken me one and a half year to reach that mark of $1299. Life is good! Party today guys!

    Who's coming? :-)

    1. Blond Logic profile image94
      Blond Logicposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      That is wonderful.  Each and everyone one of us wishes you success here on Hubpages and on Squidoo. We also know how much work it takes. Congratulations.

    2. profile image0
      KFushaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Guys, there is no reason to get all worked up over such a meaningless post. If you really earned the money, congratulations. If you didn't and this is false, then all I can say is that you have issues.

    3. Bedbugabscond profile image94
      Bedbugabscondposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Can I borrow $1299 dollars?

    4. profile image0
      Jennifer Sucheyposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Me! Me! Me! I'm coming to the party!

      Congrats and thanks so much for sharing your success. It motivates us all. I'm new to HP, as well as monetizing my writing in general. Just trying to get my blog on AdSense and ad HP. I thought I'd end up at Squidoo eventually, so glad to hear you are doing well there.

      1. Klush profile image57
        Klushposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks. Squidoo is way better. My best wishes. Do great here and there. smile

    5. Kimsclarity profile image60
      Kimsclarityposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Wow people can be harsh! Congrats on your hard earned income! Just goes to show that if you put the work into it the outcome will be amazing smile

      1. WryLilt profile image89
        WryLiltposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        When you find out the work involved to get that much, you may be sceptical too smile he has been on other fake accounts making such claims before.

        1. Good Guy profile image83
          Good Guyposted 10 years agoin reply to this


        2. 2besure profile image79
          2besureposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          It is good that those who are aware of his tactics, called him out on it right away. Good job guys!

    6. sunilkunnoth2012 profile image60
      sunilkunnoth2012posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Congrats on your success. Could you please share the secret of this success story.

      1. Klush profile image57
        Klushposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Please yourself, and not Google. That's the secret.

    7. A Troubled Man profile image59
      A Troubled Manposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      But, we know this account (Klush) is one in a long line of accounts that have been banned from Hubpages.

    8. profile image0
      Beth37posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      That seems a little personal.

    9. profile image0
      Beth37posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      That seems a little personal.

    10. jpcmc profile image89
      jpcmcposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      That's  a great feat.  Congratulations!

    11. Dale Hyde profile image79
      Dale Hydeposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Wow...another one? Trolls.

  2. LuisEGonzalez profile image78
    LuisEGonzalezposted 10 years ago

    If I understand you correctly you have earned $1,299.00 in one month at Squidoo? That not only sounds unreasonable but highly unlikely. I am not doubting your word, but you have to admit how unlikely it is. If I may, is there any reason you have not posted any content on HP other than this forum post?

    1. relache profile image73
      relacheposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Given that the OP has only been on the site for 10 hours, having no content so far isn't a surprise.  And I'm right with you Luis in doubting that earnings claim...

      1. WryLilt profile image89
        WryLiltposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        ^That. Google and reverse image search still doesn't appear to offer me more information on this person.

  3. Will Apse profile image88
    Will Apseposted 10 years ago

    I suspect 'Klush' is from Florida. This is the second thread on the exact same topic.

  4. Klush profile image57
    Klushposted 10 years ago

    I did earn it! Well, sure it's difficult to believe in someone else's success. smile

    1. Will Apse profile image88
      Will Apseposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Last time, you got all the klutzes riled up like gators at feeding time. We'll see how it goes this time.

      1. Klush profile image57
        Klushposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Not sure why, but you seem to have begun the process.

        1. Will Apse profile image88
          Will Apseposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          It's like a hanging chad in a banana republic.

          1. Klush profile image57
            Klushposted 10 years agoin reply to this


            1. LuisEGonzalez profile image78
              LuisEGonzalezposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              It just sounds extremely unlikely. What is your Squidoo author profile, if I may ask? If your facts are correct then your articles there are worth checking into and that is why I asked.

              1. Klush profile image57
                Klushposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                Well, my facts are correct.

                1. Zingali profile image61
                  Zingaliposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                  The problem with your "facts" are that they are not verifiable. Anyone can come on a message board and brag/boast about what they did or didn't earn. Show us the account or refrain. The frequent updates from Google and the mass exodus of Squidoo leaves us a bit jaded and skeptical.

                  Prove your facts as correct, without unverifiable assertions. It's simple to do, really.

                  1. Zingali profile image61
                    Zingaliposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                    *edit : with verifiable.

                  2. sunilkunnoth2012 profile image60
                    sunilkunnoth2012posted 10 years agoin reply to this

                    Tell him how can he prove the facts correctly and the methods for the revelation or declaration.

  5. Will Apse profile image88
    Will Apseposted 10 years ago


    Cute as a bug's ear!

    1. zeromass profile image63
      zeromassposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I about fell out of my seat laughing at this one. LOL

      Well played, sir.  Well played.

  6. Anti-Valentine profile image75
    Anti-Valentineposted 10 years ago

    Pardon me, but I call B$ on this one.

    1. noenhulk profile image61
      noenhulkposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      lol! Grrrr, I saw him coming... the beast. smile BS is the name of the game, sometimes.

  7. darkside profile image63
    darksideposted 10 years ago

    Don't boast without backing it up.

    1. TIMETRAVELER2 profile image85
      TIMETRAVELER2posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Show me the money!  Talk is cheap.

  8. krisaclark profile image62
    krisaclarkposted 10 years ago

    lol BS

  9. Klush profile image57
    Klushposted 10 years ago

    Well, envy speaks for itself. smile

    1. WryLilt profile image89
      WryLiltposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Seeing as there are some hubbers on this thread who earn considerably well themselves, I think it's more likely an awareness of the hard work involved, rather than envy.

      1. Klush profile image57
        Klushposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        "Show me the money!  Talk is cheap."


        1. WryLilt profile image89
          WryLiltposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          You're the one making the claims. Stop trying to change the subject. I know I make money; I don't know if you make money.

          1. Klush profile image57
            Klushposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            "Seeing as there are some hubbers on this thread who earn considerably well themselves,"


    2. Marisa Wright profile image86
      Marisa Wrightposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I doubt it's envy.  It's scepticism.   It doesn't make a lot of sense for you to jump on the forums boasting about your online success before you've written even one Hub.  And the fact you haven't completed the links on your profile - that makes me wonder if you really have the knowledge it takes to earn that kind of money online.  So I suspect I'm not the only one thinking you must have a hidden agenda.

      Also, I know a couple of people who have been doing very well on Squidoo.   They tell me Squidoo recently got Google slapped and most people's income got decimated.

      1. WryLilt profile image89
        WryLiltposted 10 years agoin reply to this


      2. Klush profile image57
        Klushposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        "Suspicion is not less an enemy to virtue than to happiness; he that is already corrupt is naturally suspicious, and he that becomes suspicious will quickly be corrupt."

        Joseph Addison

  10. peachpurple profile image82
    peachpurpleposted 10 years ago

    why are everyone not happy with his earning? You mean it is false? Seems to sound that way....

  11. Mark Ewbie profile image82
    Mark Ewbieposted 10 years ago

    Hello Klush.  I'll be frank with you.  The $1299 is the perfect spam style amount of money.  Why not $1300 dollars or over a thousand?

    In fact, why say it at all?  What are you selling?  Dreams of success to those willing to pay for a course?

    You see, if I were earning that sort of money the first thing I would do is shut up about it. Otherwise you just get hassled with begging letters or copiers.

    So, and please don't take this personally, I think you are just spinning a line. Just another internet guy trying to make a quick buck out of people who don't know any better.

    Forum rules probably prevent me from being more open about what I think of those who lead others into losing money.

    1. Klush profile image57
      Klushposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      "Some people punch cushions when they are angry at friends; a college student may snap at his or her roommate when upset about an exam grade.

      Displacement can act in a chain-reaction, with people unwittingly becoming both victims and perpetrators of displacement. For example, a man is angry with his boss, but he cannot express this so he hits his wife. The wife hits one of the children, possibly disguising this as punishment (rationalization)."

      1. psycheskinner profile image82
        psycheskinnerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Dude, give it up. You are just looking less and less like a super-professional online earning machine with every post.

        1. Klush profile image57
          Klushposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Cute post. smile

          1. psycheskinner profile image82
            psycheskinnerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            What's next: I'm rubber and you're glue? Or the classic: the grapes were sour anyway?

            Sometimes you get called something derogatory because that's what you are. This isn't our first rodeo so we call it as we sees it.

            Feel free to link to your astounding $1000 a month squidoo account to prove us wrong.

            1. Klush profile image57
              Klushposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              "God's truth judges created things out of love, and Satan's truth judges them out of envy and hatred."

              1. wilderness profile image96
                wildernessposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                Well said!  We should believe God because He's a nice guy and should believe you for the same reason.

                1. psycheskinner profile image82
                  psycheskinnerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                  The scales have been lifted from my eyes.  I reject the Satan and shall nevermore be a meanypants poopyhead. Amen.

                  1. wilderness profile image96
                    wildernessposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                    You have been saved, Hallelujah!

                    Now, *cough* a few $$ for the plate, if you will...

              2. rmcrayne profile image90
                rmcrayneposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                What's with all the quotes?

                1. WryLilt profile image89
                  WryLiltposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                  "For I know not to what it is you refer. So to go and pluck the money off the trees I go..."

                  Or something.

                  1. Cardisa profile image89
                    Cardisaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                    I see that our Squidoo friend is back. The last time I got suckered into his scam!

    2. Marisa Wright profile image86
      Marisa Wrightposted 10 years agoin reply to this


  12. susi10 profile image96
    susi10posted 10 years ago

    Well done, Klush!! You must have really worked hard to achieved that. That is some motivation for me to work ever harder to reach that mark. At least, you've confirmed that it is possible to make a bit of money online. Thanks so much for sharing the wonderful news and best of luck for the future!

  13. aa lite profile image85
    aa liteposted 10 years ago

    This is nothing to post on forums about.  I used to make tons more money than that, but then the squid got hit with the panda in March.

    Zujava, now.  That's where the money is.  I haven't written anything there yet, but the money is already rolling in!

  14. 2besure profile image79
    2besureposted 10 years ago

    There are writers who make this much money writing for Squiddo.  When I wrote for eHow there were writing making $2,000 plus.  Some writers had over a thousand articles.

    Klush, if you are a writer, you know a writing community is much like any community.  If you come in like gang busters, people will wonder what are your motives.  My first impression was not that you were lying, but but that perhaps you had an affiliate writing program, you would be hawking, and were trying to establish credibility!

    The real issue Klush is, your introduction to the group seems a bit pretentious, and  off putting.  Example:  A man moved into a new house, and knocks on his neighbors door and says, "Hi, I'm Bob your neighbor, I work at  Microsoft and I make $400.000 a year!"  If I was that neighbor, I would think, this quick weird.  First of all, I don't know you, and secondly, why are you telling me how much money you make a year.  I didn't ask.

    Don't worry about the rough start, if you are the real deal, we will  get to know you better though your great content!   

    PS.  It would me nice to put a link or the name of your page on Squiddo, account, if you want to establish a little credibility.

    1. Klush profile image57
      Klushposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks much for the sincere post.

      Newton says: "Every action has an equal and opposite reaction". I follow that. I was excited as I moved here to expand my writing. I didn't expect all these, frankly.

      1. Marisa Wright profile image86
        Marisa Wrightposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Klush, I hope you read that "sincere post" thoroughly.   What 2besure was saying is, the way to make friends in a new neighbourhood is NOT to strut down the street, loudly proclaiming how fabulous you are.   The way to make friends is to arrive, take part in conversations, and give people the chance to make their own decision based on your actions.

        So, if you're genuine, walk away from this thread right now. If you don't keep fuelling it, people will forget it pretty quickly. 

        Complete your profile properly and write a few Hubs. Go and comment helpfully on other people's Hubs.  Follow a few Hubbers whose work you like.  Participate positively in a few forum threads.  Then you may be surprised what a warm and friendly place HubPages can be.

        If you're not genuine - what can I say?

        1. Klush profile image57
          Klushposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          People have eyes, don't they?

        2. 2besure profile image79
          2besureposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Exactly, Marisa!

  15. crazyhorsesghost profile image70
    crazyhorsesghostposted 10 years ago

    The OP is probably telling the truth about his earnings at Squiddo. I do that good or better there every month. So it is possible. But it does take work. 12 hours a day plus. And I earn quite a bit from many sites. And no I don't use the same user name at all of them. I stopped doing that when I was copied over and over.

  16. zeromass profile image63
    zeromassposted 10 years ago

    Good job, Klush.

    I'd love to learn from your success;  do you think maybe you could post a linky link to your Squidoo account so that I can *cough* learn from it?

  17. profile image0
    Kommadantposted 10 years ago

    I would be ecstatic to 1299 a month on top of my full time job.  I would be able to retire much earlier and write full time. smile

  18. theraggededge profile image96
    theraggededgeposted 10 years ago

    Someone posted a thread identical to this one a few months back. He was unable to prove his claims with a screenshot and abused people who could.

    One wonders why he posts this on HP and not on the Squidoo forum?

    1. Will Apse profile image88
      Will Apseposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Guy's an old, aggrieved hubber who has run through many different guises. He is easy to spot, got a hang up around science and religion, and lacks any real discipline as a troll.

      Obviously, he hasn't seen any recent news from Squidoo.

      1. theraggededge profile image96
        theraggededgeposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Makes sense. Bless him smile

      2. Klush profile image57
        Klushposted 10 years agoin reply to this


        1) "The OP is probably telling the truth about his earnings at Squiddo. I do that good or better there every month. So it is possible. But it does take work. 12 hours a day plus. And I earn quite a bit from many sites. And no I don't use the same user name at all of them. I stopped doing that when I was copied over and over."


        2) "Seeing as there are some hubbers on this thread who earn considerably well themselves,"


        3) "This is nothing to post on forums about.  I used to make tons more money than that,"


  19. Klush profile image57
    Klushposted 10 years ago

    I thought HubPages would be an encouraging venue. Ha!

    1. madscientist12 profile image93
      madscientist12posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I read every post to see if you ever posted a link to your Squiddo account before I commented. I see you posted several links to different forum posts, but no links to your Squiddo account yet. This let's everyone know that you are a liar. You've made yourself look extremely foolish and now there is no way around that. Even if your intentions were to gain followers for some "service" you may be selling, there was a better approach than bragging. It's called being subtle.

      You need to understand that there are people on here who have been members of HubPages for a long time, so for you to join and claim that you can achieve what they haven't and then not be able to back it up completely destroys your credibility. A wise man once told me, "you are a master of what you don't say." People like you prove him right everyday.

      The only way you will gain your credibility back is by posting proof of your Squiddo account AND proof of your $1299 per month. If you aren't willing to do these things, you should just back out of HubPages now and save yourself some embarrassment.

      1. Klush profile image57
        Klushposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Here is something for you (it's fresh and contemporary)--

        "Finally . . . . Payout!"


  20. Mark Ewbie profile image82
    Mark Ewbieposted 10 years ago


    1. Bedbugabscond profile image94
      Bedbugabscondposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      If there was a like button, I would be pressing it now! Too funny!

    2. Klush profile image57
      Klushposted 10 years agoin reply to this


      Marye Audet

      Average passive monthly earnings: $3,800 as of 10/12/2011


      There are more such $$ makers out there on the HubPages "success stories" page. Get there, quickly.

      1. Mark Ewbie profile image82
        Mark Ewbieposted 10 years agoin reply to this


        Times change.

        1. Klush profile image57
          Klushposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Your 'teapot' is irrelevant.

  21. Gcrhoads64 profile image90
    Gcrhoads64posted 10 years ago

    I earned $500 on HubPages this month. Send $500 to my Paypal account and I'll share my secret.


    1. Matty Says profile image60
      Matty Saysposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      My wallet's in the car.

      1. Gcrhoads64 profile image90
        Gcrhoads64posted 10 years agoin reply to this

        I'll wait. wink

  22. Shanna11 profile image77
    Shanna11posted 10 years ago

    Step 1: Be disgruntled.
    Step 2: Make a Hubpages account. Don't write any Hubs. Make the profile look like it belongs to a random person in a random country who is harmless, strangely happy-go-lucky and innocent.
    Step 3: Two minutes after you make an account, choose an arbitrary monetary value.
    Step 4: Claim that you made that amount of money on another writing site and express a positive desire of some sort for Hubpages.
    step 5: Post bizarre, senseless comments when people ask for proof or discredit you.
    Step 6: Don't provide proof but continue to make circular claims that you are right and therefore you are right and therefore you did earn that money because you are right. also you are right.
    Step 7: Use the negative comments against you to bash Hubpages and pretend to be shocked that Hubpages was not as exciting as you first thought it was.
    Step 8: Continue with nonsensical comments. Bonus points if other people try to respond just as nonsensically.
    Step 9: Lie low for a bit and then rinse and repeat.

    1. Zingali profile image61
      Zingaliposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      best post in this thread!

    2. Klush profile image57
      Klushposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Great! I'm proud of you that you haven't practiced any of these maneuvers yourself.

      1. Shanna11 profile image77
        Shanna11posted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Well I've used parts of step 9 when shampooing, but I'm still not convinced it's as necessary as the bottle says.

  23. AmbitiousMarketer profile image59
    AmbitiousMarketerposted 10 years ago

    Klush I'd like to have a look at your content to see what you're doing right and get some tips and advice from the top man. Unless of course you're not willing to share your proud achievements.

    1. Klush profile image57
      Klushposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Would you have shared yourself?

  24. Klush profile image57
    Klushposted 10 years ago


    Be blessed, guys.

  25. Judi Bee profile image90
    Judi Beeposted 10 years ago

    Didn't we already do this six months ago?  The money's gone up and the name's changed, but the rest is pretty much the same.


    1. Klush profile image57
      Klushposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      What is 'pretty much the same'? I read that thread before while I was at Squidoo. That guy was awesome.

  26. susi10 profile image96
    susi10posted 10 years ago

    Hi Klush,
    I believe you totally. I'm thinking of starting Squidoo and just wondering, how many lenses did you write? How many lenses would make that much money? Thanks in advance!

    1. Klush profile image57
      Klushposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I did it with 150 articles. You're welcome. smile

  27. theraggededge profile image96
    theraggededgeposted 10 years ago

    Shall we stop feeding it?

    1. Klush profile image57
      Klushposted 10 years ago

      Eaten up by jealousy, guys? Learn to appreciate someone else's success. Life is too short for jealousy.


      1. Will Apse profile image88
        Will Apseposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        I have a feeling that for you, money was never a feature, at all.

        Still, you've done OK. Passed the troll QAP, at any rate.

        1. Klush profile image57
          Klushposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          I have a feeling that for you, good behavior was never a feature, at all.

          Still, you've done OK. Passed the bad-mannered QAP, at any rate.

    2. Klush profile image57
      Klushposted 10 years ago



      ....and learn how to behave.

    3. psycheskinner profile image82
      psycheskinnerposted 10 years ago

      This is a fairly normal forum full of private citizens, not "Hubpages" per se.


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