How should Christians speak to other people according to the Bible?

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  1. calynbana profile image77
    calynbanaposted 11 years ago

    How should Christians speak to other people according to the Bible?

    I have noticed that many people who claim to hold the love of Christ will speak to others in a judgmental and disrespectful manner. Others seem to come from a place of love and acceptance. What does the Bible say on the matter, how should Christians speak, and is that the way that you speak?

  2. SwordofManticorE profile image68
    SwordofManticorEposted 11 years ago

    That question was recently asked, so why ask again?

    1. calynbana profile image77
      calynbanaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I didn't see it, and I needed a place where everybody could speak openly. What is your opinion on the matter?

    2. SwordofManticorE profile image68
      SwordofManticorEposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I deleted you answer by accident, as I meant to click the comment link, but I can't help feeling that this question is an attack on me. All I see here are two big babies.

    3. calynbana profile image77
      calynbanaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I am happy to hear that it was an accident SoM. This is not meant as an attack I am sorry it came across that way. I am actually working on a hub on this topic and I want some different opinions to consider.

    4. SwordofManticorE profile image68
      SwordofManticorEposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Look at the two of you chatting it up about me. J is a liar. He was the first one to delete my comments and he has a short memory. We both agreed to stop commenting on the other's hubs and questions and he continues to troll me.

    5. calynbana profile image77
      calynbanaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Wouldn't it be possible for both of you to agree to refrain from deleting one anthers posts, and from saying anything about each others character?Maybe just stick to talking about whatever the topic is?

    6. SwordofManticorE profile image68
      SwordofManticorEposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      No caly, because I am not interested in anything he has to say. Sadly because you seem to bring him into the topic. I will miss our discussions. Peace out to both of you.

    7. calynbana profile image77
      calynbanaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Sorry may I ask for clarification before you leave the conversation? What do you mean by bring him into the topic?

    8. SwordofManticorE profile image68
      SwordofManticorEposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      When ever I post a question, he responds knowing that I delete them as fast as I see them. He continues to post comments and it pisses me off and he knows it. Then you wonder why I get mad and say the things I do about him. its pathedic.

    9. calynbana profile image77
      calynbanaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I understand how frustrating that is. I think it is likely frustrating on both sides. What do you mean by I bring him into it though?

    10. SwordofManticorE profile image68
      SwordofManticorEposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      When you attack my frustrations and give me direction, It turns me off. What you dont know is that I dont take direction from determined hell believers. If you can leave him out of the discussion, I am open to start up again with you.

    11. calynbana profile image77
      calynbanaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      That is something that frustrates me. I am not a determined "Hell Believer". I am a scripture believer and I am trying to do my best to understand scripture. That means my views are developing as I learn more. They are not set in stone.

    12. SwordofManticorE profile image68
      SwordofManticorEposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      That is one thing I know about believing. when you believe in something, it doesn't mean its the truth because you may believe in something different tomorrow. I apoligize for assuming you are a determined hell believer.

    13. profile image0
      JThomp42posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      SOM.... I am not a liar and do not appreciate your continued bashing of my character. I have not deleted your comments and have never made ANY type of deal with you. You are the one with a huge ego problem and also the one acting like a spoiled child

    14. calynbana profile image77
      calynbanaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for the apology SoM. I will back out of the issue between you and J, I think I have said all I can or should say. I would like for us to continue our discussions as I think we can learn from each other.

    15. profile image0
      JThomp42posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Please do not delete my comments Caly. smile God bless you always!!

    16. SwordofManticorE profile image68
      SwordofManticorEposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Caly, I just posted a question about divine judgement and hell. You are more than welcome to express your opinion smile

    17. calynbana profile image77
      calynbanaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I do not delete comments. (Except that one time by accident :s) I want discussion to be as open and informative as possible. So your comments will remain J :p

  3. profile image0
    JThomp42posted 11 years ago

    Hello Caly,
           As we all know, one of our savior's strongest commandments were to "Love one another." Of course there will be disagreements, but as Christians we are to act Christ like. Personal attacks have no business being in a Christian discussion.

    1. calynbana profile image77
      calynbanaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I agree J, but often people get confused about what that love looks like. It seems we all have our own definition of love when we should all be in accordance with His definition.

    2. profile image0
      JThomp42posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Caly.. We are to love everyone, including Non-Christians. This is what the Bible tells me to do so I strive to do it. To set things straight, I did not make an agreement with S. He's not being truthful. He is only saying that to hide his hateful acts

    3. calynbana profile image77
      calynbanaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I am inclined to believe you. My entire answer was just deleted for my rebuke. I just wish that text could convey emotion better.

    4. profile image0
      JThomp42posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I would not be untruthful about something so petty Caly. Now he has done the same to you. You did not deserve it!

    5. calynbana profile image77
      calynbanaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Oh well I knew it was coming tongue

  4. sherrituck profile image79
    sherrituckposted 11 years ago

    I believe that we are called to speak with gentleness and without judgment.  Romans 12:18 commands us to "do your best to live in peace with everyone." This mandate includes peaceful speech.

    1. calynbana profile image77
      calynbanaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      How do you feel about rebukes? How would they be without judgement?

    2. sherrituck profile image79
      sherrituckposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      If we rebuke, we are called to do so with  love.  It is difficult, but it can be done.

  5. Seek-n-Find profile image70
    Seek-n-Findposted 11 years ago

    I've asked myself this question before.  I used to be on Hub Pages in the forums a lot but had to stop--it was just too frustrating to see the level of disrespect and judgement.  Some people seem to be here just to argue and their mind seems made up no matter what.  The thing is that people need to first have self-control.  Writing from a place of anger or frustration, especially if a response to another, is not a great idea. 

    I agree with JThomp that it should be about love.  I always say the package should be truth and grace wrapped in love.  I think asking questions is great too--understand where the other person is coming from and respect their opinion, even if you fully disagree.  People have free will--if God has set it up that way, who are we to try and "make" people see or agree with our point?  I think of communication as in invitation.  I will throw something out there as a way of inviting somebody into conversation.  If they ask questions, I'll answer.  If they post a hateful response, I'll use discernment.  Sometimes its best to not engage--they wanted to say their 2 cents and aren't interested in a two-way conversation.  I just leave it be.  Sometimes I feel compelled to encourage that person in some way or acknowledge their experience or pain etc.  If this leads to more conversation--great.  If not, its OK too. 

    I think too many people have this sense of over-responsibility--like its their job to go around telling everybody their faults and where they are wrong etc.  And somehow this person believes its "loving" the other.  I don't see that is the command Jesus gave.  He gave a command of BEING a demonstration of love as the biggest part.  He never said go tell people the gospel by telling them they are sinners and need to repent.  He said go out and "proclaim as you go, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’  Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers,cast out demons."

    What does it mean if the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand?  If people see the demonstration of God's power due to His love then they who are interested will approach us and ask.  Nobody should ever try to convince another of anything if the hearer doesn't want to listen.  It's the idea of throwing pearls to swines--not that people who disagree are swines--but the idea is what will a pig do with a pearl?  If a person sees no value in the pearls you hold and in fact will only trample on them, why try to convince them to value them?  Love invites and respects a decline.

    1. calynbana profile image77
      calynbanaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      . What you were saying about love is very true. We all seem to have different opinions of what Biblical love is. The Bible also directs believers to rebuke other believers when needed. How does that factor in do you think?

    2. Seek-n-Find profile image70
      Seek-n-Findposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      The Greek roots actually define: “ to honor; to admonish; to esteem, place value properly, or to warn by instructing to prevent something from going wrong; to place due weight/honor upon.”  It's  not pointing out others' sins. Space to say more gone.

    3. calynbana profile image77
      calynbanaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I like that definition.

  6. fjohn profile image59
    fjohnposted 11 years ago

    This is a good question.
    Bible teaches us to be meek and gentle. Jesus said that " Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls". [matthew 11:29]. Jesus said that learn from me "for i am gentle and lowly in heart". So christians should learn "GENTLENESS AND MEEKNESS" from jesus.

    Ephesians 4:15 also reminds us to "speak truth in love".
    1Col 16:14  Let all that you do be done with love.
    God has placed us in fellowship to perfect cannot be made perfect unless your weakness is exposed.When we come together for fellowship our weaknesses are revealed to us through fellow believers.When somebody comes and tells you that you have a weakness or reveals a fault.Thank God for that.That particular weakness was hidden to you, now it is revealed.You can correct yourself and be perfect.God want to transform us into the likeness of His son JESUS. Don't be worried about people becoming judgmental, if God is showing an area in your need to be built,thank God for that. If they are deliberately judging you to put you down. pray for them and bless them. May the Lord bless you.

    1. profile image50
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      He is "gentle & meek" when 1 adheres to His Word! How about His reaction when buying & selling in Temple? Was He "meek & lowly?"

  7. Jaggedfrost profile image59
    Jaggedfrostposted 11 years ago

    a Poetic commentary on Christian Deportment read more

  8. ii3rittles profile image83
    ii3rittlesposted 11 years ago

    Speak life not death. Approach every person in love not fear or hate. No matter how they feel toward you or toward God, Jesus taught us to love one another. We must hate the sin and the evil, not the sinner or evil doer... After all, we are all sinners at rightfully guilty of the same sin of man.

    Most people don't even know what real love is. They believe love is an uncontrollable emotion that causes people to do dumb things and make bad choices. Love is not an emotion, it is a choice. You choose to love someone. Lust is an emotion and if you let it, it will get out of control and cause you to make bad choices and mistakes. God, after all, is love and He certainly is not an emotional roller coaster.

    When one truly knows the love of God and the love of Christ, its hard to talk down to people and judge people. Slip ups happen though. We are all human and God knows we couldn't do it on our own, which is why Christ was sent.

  9. mattheos profile image71
    mattheosposted 11 years ago

    We should "speak the truth in love" (Ephesians 4:15)
    We should never back off from what the Bible says is right and wrong (truth). However, the truth should be spoken from the motive of love.
    That is to say, we should always warn the sinner of judgement - to do anything else would be completely unloving! But the motive should be to rescue them and to help them find the life that is in Jesus.

  10. peanutroaster profile image64
    peanutroasterposted 11 years ago

    Mutual respect is how a modern society operates. People who believe they are morally superior to others should take a long hard look in the mirror.

    1. calynbana profile image77
      calynbanaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I do not see how this relates to the question. Could you elaborate?

  11. Valorie Esquilona profile image60
    Valorie Esquilonaposted 11 years ago

    They have to speak with respect and an understanding heart not with judgement and criticism.  I remember when I encountered this girl who's an active member of the Christian church, she pissed me off because she told me that I'll sure go to hell because I don't go to church religiously.  She's always saying that she's going to heaven when she dies and that God loves her so much because she's an active member of the church.  I told her she's so immature and ignorant and she doesn't know anything about God's love because she always discriminates other people of other religions.  I think Christians shouldn't be acting like that.  They don't have the rights to judge other people just because they have different beliefs. 

    I don't know everything about the bible because I don't really believe in it.  I don't believe in any religions but I believe in God and God alone.  I know God loves all of us no matter what we think about Him/Her.

  12. Shepherd 48 profile image59
    Shepherd 48posted 11 years ago

    The Bible is extremely clear on this issue. The problem is that as Christians were forgiven but not yet perfected. I think that most of the time when we're judgmental and disrespectful it's because of our own internal issues. For example, if we haven't learned to respect ourselves we're almost incapable of truly respecting others. We're instructed to "love others as we love ourselves". Of course I don't mean becoming an egotistical snob. I mean seeing the value of who God made us to be - recognizing our particular God-given gifts & abilities. The more we understand that God loves us, the better we're able to love others and thereby treat them with respect. Will we allow society to bring us down to its level, or will we draw on the inner strength available from a loving heavenly Father?

  13. profile image50
    Norine Williamsposted 8 years ago

    Yes, we are to speak to each other "in LOVE," when "ON ONE ACCORD!"  However, did Jesus speak "in LOVE" when sinners "disobeyed" Him?  Notice how He spoke to the Scribes and Pharisees throughout Scripture.  Notice how He reacted to "buying and selling" in the Temple.  Jesus wasn't "religiously correct" as most would have you believe one should be.  He did not go around appeasing sinners in order not to hurt their feelings but told TRUTH in LOVE! 

    Satan would have one believe Jesus was "sweet" ("religiously correct") in all respects but did He not say in Matthew 10:34 "Think not that I am come to send "peace" on earth; I came not to send peace, but a "sword."  The WORD is TRUTH and TRUTH "hurts" but displays LOVE!  Hebrews 4:12 says, "For the Word of God is ALIVE, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged "sword," piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."  Does that sound "sweet" or "religiously correct?"

    Satan has deceived ALL through "RELIGION!"  Did you know "Religion" is the Greatest Device (Tool) Satan uses to loose souls?  "Study" (II Timothy 2:15)!

  14. Tripp Woo profile image54
    Tripp Wooposted 6 years ago

    I am a practicing Theistic Satanist. I have done something that most Satanists don't bother to do. I have read the Christian Bible from cover to cover several times. I have done this using the Hebrew and Greek Concordances, so as not to miss one single metaphor. Yes,I want people that think they are skilled in Christian Apologetics to challenge me. I am able to go to a Christian website, find the Apologetics blog, and time after time I am able  to SILENCE the entire Apologetics forum. I leave these "Masters of Apologetics in silent defeat.

    1. calynbana profile image77
      calynbanaposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      So with all that reading you have done, how do you believe Christians ought to speak to you?


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