Remember them? Won a Grammy for lip syncing to a song? They weren't singing but they hid that fact from the world even as they took credit for it. Well, Kamala is a lot like them.
I believe Joe Biden winning another four years in the White House in November of 2024 is a foregone conclusion. Regardless of who the opponent will be, be it Donald Trump or Nikki Haley, Biden will come out on top.
For the first time in years, decades even, I am getting excited for Spring! I've got Fishing Fever!
Almost a year ago, we began creating our koi pond in our backyard. My wife, youngest son and I worked hard in 100+ degree heat in early July last year, but this spring I wasn't satisfied with it so I tore it down and rebuilt it from scratch. Hard work, but the results are fantastic.
Since COVID hit, Life has been hard. But we are trying to leave that behind and forge ahead to the Great Unknown, our future. Here goes nothing!
I love the written word and have absorbed thousands of books over the years. At one point I had over 1,000 books in my private library. Cutting it down to only 10 will be very difficult.
If you were tight on space, and could only have ten DVD's to watch for the rest of your life, what would they be?
All Men Are Created Equal. So it says in the Declaration of Independence. Recently, the focus has been on the African American aspect, but I can assure you, they do not have the monopoly on atrocities committed against them. Race is no barrier to our government's desires.
It happens again, and again, and again.Violent criminals released to prey upon our society by the bleeding heart Liberals. When is enough going to be enough? How many more innocents must die before we regain control of our society?
I have always wanted to design and build a good sized Koi pond. I have inherited a couple, and built one small one but not what I really desired. I finally accomplished it and learned a lot in the process. I would like to share my lessons with you.
I have had my surgery and am now in the rehab stage. How will I recover, to what extent, and what is my prognosis?
It has been several months since my diagnosis, consultations, and my surgery is tomorrow. After careful consideration I decided on surgery as I feel it offers the best chance at a reasonably normal life while also offering the best chance are ridding myself of the disease completely. I hope.
Is Putin attempting to resurrect the USSR? Will China support Russia? Will America be attacked again? Have we seen the beginning of the War To End All Wars?
The wait is over, the result's are in. Now, I plan.
My cells have been sent to the company for analysis. Now, I wait.
Three score and two years ago, I was born. Our country has changed a great deal in that time, and I wonder how it will continue to change; and if it will for the better. Here are some thoughts, maybe on target, maybe far fetched. Who can tell?
The results are in, now I have to speak with doctors to determine the best method of treatment. But I am also going to do my own research and gather as much information as I can in order to make this decision intelligently. There are options.
On my birthday, I received the biopsy report. Just love that: my wife's birthday I had the biopsy, and then I get the results on my birthday. Oh happy day. But now we know the severity of my diagnosis and can plan accordingly.
Thursday. 7:30 AM. Biopsy day. Four hours in the hospital to determine my future and my family's. What will be our fate?
Today, I have a pre-admissions test and COVID test. Once that passes, I will have the biopsy two days later. Then, we will see what we see.
Perspectives change over time, sometimes due to circumstances and getting older. Cancer is forcing my perspective to change as well. What I took for granted shouldn't be taken for granted, and I need to adapt to whatever is coming down the pike.
Life continues on, and I must do what I need to do in order to survive. Work, plan, enjoy. Anything else is a waste.
Ok, yesterday was shock and disbelief: today I am angry.
I went to have an MRI done yesterday; today I read the results: PI-RADS 5 - Very High (Clinically significant cancer is highly likely to be present). I have a meeting scheduled for Wednesday of next week to see what the road will be: treatment, chemo, surgery, what. I am scared.
As Sinatra said, "And now, the end is near..." as we look at the final Daniel Craig Bond film. Will it truly be the last Daniel Craig Bond? He has said as much so we must believe him. Even though I don't want to...
"Is this Heaven? No, it's Iowa." Every single person who loves baseball knows this line. Tonight, for the first time in MLB history, a game is taking place in Iowa, on the Field of Dreams that filled so many dreams for so many people. I wish I could watch it with Bill Holland.
America, we are in the midst of a pandemic yet we also are in the midst of plenty. There are so many things we have that those who came before us could only dream of and we need to be thankful. We need to work together to bridge this gulf between us which was created by our elected officials.
Life in the middle of America is supposed to be safe, insulated from the coasts and diseases, far from where the maddening crowd is. Not anymore. With the annual summer influx of people from all across our country, it has become a hotbed for COVID-19.
Many years ago, there lived a man who was given the moniker of Crow Killer. He was real, he was larger than life, and he did kill Crow Indians, but not without reason.
I have it. It cannot be cured, there is no magic vaccine nor treatment for it. It will be prevalent in me for the rest of my time on Earth. It will debilitate my life continually until it takes me to the grave. Or maybe my cremation. It's my wife's choice.
A story I have been working on.
Once upon a time, I was obsessed with fishing. Then, as I grew older and my children moved on with their lives I had fewer reasons to go fishing. Fishing alone seemed, well: lonely. But I am excited to fish for the first time in years and cannot wait for Winter to pass.
The story you are about to read is true, it really happened. The names have not been changed to protect the innocent because, well, they're not innocent.
2020 was a year. Painful, full of problems we have never encountered. We also lost a great deal of famous people during the year, but who was the most influential? Who was it that did something that touched the most lives, did the most for the masses? Here are my thoughts on my choice.
Republicans. Democrats. Politicians. I have to wonder what they see when they look at us, John Q Public. Do they see actual people? Do they see votes? Money? Power? Or do they see pawns on a nation-wide chess board? A piece to be played and sacrificed? Or do they even see us at all?
We are back in Branson! Back where we belong, where we love, where our youngest wants to live. And the world seems to be coming along with us! At least, it feels that way when I see the license plates on cars driving through and staying.
Today, Billibuc shared a very personal story with us about his family. This evening, as I sat down to relax, that story was still on my mind. I turned on one of my favorite films, and saw something which gave me hope for America that is directly related to his article.
My wife showed me a headline on her phone this morning that caused my jaw to drop: the last surviving Civil War Pensioner passed away recently. I never thought that anyone directly connected to the Civil War would be alive after 160 years, did you?
For travelers and employees alike, the question on everyone's mind in the area is this: When will Silver Dollar City open this year, and what restrictions will be in place? The city is being quiet on the matter so all we can do is hypothesize.
For as long as I can recall, music has been an important part of who I am. My tastes range far and wide, and I enjoy many different styles and artists but there are a select few that have songs I truly identify with. Almost as if I wrote them myself...
I feel very much like a song from the 1970's group Styx - Too Much Time On My Hands. Covid has left me trying to stay busy sans work, so we are doing what we can to improve the sale of our home via curb appeal. I am learning Home improvement hurts this old man's body! But the results... Wow!
I have, in times past, worked in retail and understand the pricing associated with items being sold both past and present. What I am seeing now is a rise in prices unprecedented in my long history of being a customer. I have heard "Whatever the market will bear", but this? It's criminal.
"A riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma" is how the saying goes. Winston Churchill said something like this many years ago and while I have often run across things which are strange and mysterious, rarely have I ever seen anything like what my wife showed me this morning.
Everything I read in today's COVID-19 crisis falls into one of these three categories, and when combined lead to what I fear is currently taking place with or without our being aware of it: WWIII. There are truths; there are lies; and are there ever conspiracy theories galore.
I am ready for Baseball! I know there are bigger things right now, but this Every Day Is Saturday life I am leading is coming to an end (hopefully). Baseball will help us return to a normal of sorts, and Fantasy Baseball will allow us to get our mind off this coronavirus crap.
My mind is on a tangent that I cannot control! Every song I hear on the radio, I try to make up words for it that have something to do with the Coronavirus! I can't stop! What can I do? I know, I'll share them with you and you can have them!! Ha ha ha ha ha!! (Evil genius laugh)
*News Flash* It now appears as though the current Coronavirus Pandemic is killing more than mere humans; it is killing people's ability to find humor in things. I have to wonder, which is the greater tragedy? (Please note, this is written with humor in mind so don't kill me too!)
The story you are about to read is false, or is it true? Maybe a mixture of reality and the obscure remnants of what was my mind before COVID-19 entered in. At any rate, here it is in all its glory (or lack thereof).
Happy Easter everyone! Hope you are doing well in your sequestering.We are doing as well as can be expected,considering. On this day of thanks, of celebration in our Lord rising from the grave I would like to share a few words with you, and a few films.
Each day brings new information, yet that same day does not bring answers or closures to issues we are currently dealing with, only more unknowns. I have a few questions that I would like to hear some answers on today.
With all respects to the author of Love in the Time of Cholera, what we are experiencing today is at least as bad if not worse in various ways. Humor and tragedy exist side by side in equal measurements if one looks closely enough.
It has been a struggle lately to write something positive, with what we have dealt with over the past year, and what the world is dealing with now. I was inspired today by an article, and I desire to inspire others in a similar manner.
When we moved to a new home, a finance company and an internet company chose to lie to us for profit.
I am a live and let live kind of person. I do not care what your political or social personal directives are. I only ask that you do not force them into my face. Grant me the same rights as I am granting you. That is all I ask! But a storm is coming and I may not be able to continue this thought.
The late `960's to the late 1970's saw the Sci Fi genre take off in what I consider to be some truly enjoyable films. Some were great, some just okay, but I love each and every one of them!
Today, my youngest child has a most important birthday. He has become that most iconic of teenagers, the magical midway point to adulthood. We have lived through this multiple times before, but it doesn't get any easier, and this one is the most painful of all.
What is the worst Mankind can do during this pandemic? War profiteering? Insider trading? Another Great Depression? Further the distance between the have and have not's? Dramatically increase the National Debt? Oh, and some people might die too.
Stores are shutting down. People are falling ill. Others are out of work and it will get worse. What is the right path to walk in this worldwide pandemic? Do we continue to practice social distancing as a means of combating it? Is this the best choice? Or should we do something else?
I realize this is a crisis, and that there are far more important things to worry about, but in this world of uncertainty and chaos we must focus on something, and Baseball is the thing I am going to focus on for now. Will the delay help some teams more than others?
It's been just under 6 months since I last published and article here. A lot has happened in that short time. I will share some of it now, but there is still more to come out of that time frame, more which will effect our lives.
We have completed two weeks of full time around the clock care for my wife's father and are well on the way to a month. We went in with our eyes open (we thought) and have learned more than we thought we would.
It is week two of our journey to provide the best care we can for my wife's father. His health is poor, flowing between catatonic and semi aware most days. We are trying to get help for him but we are running into walls in every direction we move.
This will be the first in a series of articles published with an eye towards sharing what we learn as we provide in home care for our invalid family member. I pray that whomever reads it gains some insight in case something similar takes place in their life.
Into every life a little rain must fall. Much like our spring and summer, my life has been filled with heavy rain this year. Circumstances have forced us to move and with the move comes the end of my working for Silver Dollar City, that little jewel of a theme park nestled in the Ozarks.
The summer of 1969 meant many things to many people. To me, it meant I was glued to the television for days on end, watching every second I could of the Apollo 11 Moon Mission and landing.
Immigration, or rather illegal immigration is a hot topic in our country today. We spend massive amounts of money to protect, to arrest, to detain, to deport. We spend additional untold amounts of money to allow those so blessed to remain in our country. But are we going about it in the best way?
This summer, I get to watch and listen to my favorite group, Southern Raised. A Bluegrass/Christian family band who blend unbelievable instrumental talent with incredible vocal harmonies, they are appearing six days a week throughout the entire summer. Lucky us!
Multiple times a day, a vehicle blows by a stopped school bus putting children at risk of injury and death. Be a hero: stop and save their lives.
Last weekend I got my first Sunday off this year. Rather than stay home and rest, we hit the road for some fun. Travel along with us on our Missouri road trip and see what we saw!
The 2019 Bluegrass & BBQ has come and gone, all of the bands have left, the venues quiet awaiting the next acts for summer. The diehard fans who spend the month with us have gone home and all we have are the memories. But what memories they are!
Taking a trip or vacation is a costly endeavor, one in which much thought and planning as well as money is involved. Follow along on a trip in which several things went drastically wrong and someone was left to fend for themselves during severe weather far from home.
Daily I hear and read stories about people who are being accused of being politically incorrect, people who are then chastised unmercifully, whether rightfully or not. It seems that the media has made the country very quick to pull the trigger on some who just might be innocent.
A friend of over fifty years passed away yesterday. He will be missed by many, not the least of which is by me. Take care, Cat.
Baseball, America's national pastime. A game that has been around for a century and a half. Today, however, a great debate about strikeouts rages on that seeks to change that game.
In Missouri, the Lottery states that a portion of the money we spend on lottery tickets goes to help public schools. How much, we wondered goes to our schools locally? A brief search on the internet and what we found surprised us.
Today I read an article stating that Justin Verlander would like to pitch in the MLB until he is 45 years old. I thought of a few others who defied Father Time.
A documentary by the producer of the Jackie Robinson biopic 42 brings to the screen some of the greatest pitchers and hitters in the game to talk about the greatest fastball pitchers of all time.
Harper. Machado. Kimbrel. Keuchel. Big names in the world of professional baseball. Kimbrel and Keuchel have been World Series Champions. Harper and Machado still wait. All have expectations of big money in free agency this year. Will they help a team to the playoffs? Are they a guarantee of it?
Ours is an area that has often had said about it "If you don't like the weather, stick around.". Never has it been more true that last night and early this morning.
It's bitterly cold outside right now, wind chills in hitting subzero in many locales across the country. So naturally my mind turns to Spring and Baseball!
One of the most frequently asked baseball questions include "Why aren't Machado and Harper signed?" Are the teams being cheap, or have they learned their lesson from other long-term, high-dollar contracts gone south? Let's examine the numbers and what both players bring to the field.
MLB legend Albert Pujols has returned home to St. Louis! Learn more about the events that led to his return to Gateway City.
The no win scenario. Star Trek fans are familiar with the Kobayashi Maru test as it was shown in Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Khan, as well as from Star Trek TOS and the Star Trek reboot. How can one win a no win scenario? The answer is, of course you cannot (unless you are James T. Kirk).
For those who walk long distances, footwear is of the utmost importance. Over the past two years I have walked many, many miles and I would like to share what I have learned regarding footwear and mileage vs. cost.
The weather man said the day was to be clear and warm for an early January Saturday. Would he be right (for a change)? Join two of my sons and I for a trip to Roaring River in southwest Missouri for a day of fishing and fellowship.
This past week I have had the absolute privilege of watching and listening as The Willis Clan visited our little park here in the Ozarks. And oh, what a show they had for us!
Much like the aftermath of the 2011 Joplin tornado, this tragedy has left me struggling to make sense of what has occurred. In my mind I know this may never occur, but still...I struggle to find some meaning.
They can't hit; they can't field. Their starting pitching tries but cannot carry the team and the bullpen, thought to be a strength early on is anything but. It is time to pull the plug and sell off some pieces... and some of the coaching staff.
They came back! The Earth Harp Collective came back to Silver Dollar City! Angels and ministers of grace defend us! My prayers have been answered and this amazing group returned to SDC this week. They will be playing to full houses through the end of the month so make your plans to see them now!
"What would you like for Christmas?" I asked my lovely wife in early November. With a smile she said "I want to have my DNA tested and learn about where my family came from." Sounds cool, let's do it!
They will defend any and all guns to the bitter end; regardless of the consequences, lives lost or destroyed they will defend the "Right To Keep And Bear Arms" and it is time to say they are wrong.
Silver Dollar City has a saying:"You've Got A Great Past Ahead Of You". I now have a past ahead of me to go along with the one I have behind me. It has been a great year and there are more to come.
My opinions, my thoughts, my concerns. What are yours? Do you agree? Do you see a problem? Are we facing a critical issue or is this simply a personal issue?
There are those who sing songs; those who write songs. There are those who do both well, and those of us lucky enough to hear one of their songs will be swept away in the beauty. I have been swept.
Silver Dollar City's resident Bluegrass and Gospel master has a knack of finding and nurturing homegrown family acts into rising stars. Southern Raised and Willow City are two of his best finds.
Not to tell you what to do, Mo, but if you want to put a winning team together this is one way to do it. No more half measures, no more band-aids: go out and get the job done right!
While Rhonda may be the headliner, there are some outstanding acts at the annual Bluegrass and BBQ, including one you just might be hearing a lot more from in the near future.
Some of you may have seen the Earth Harp on America's Got Talent as I did a few years ago; they are now appearing at SDC during the Festival of Wonder. They were good on TV, but they are amazing live!
Over the past 25 years, Warner Bros. has had its share of misses, yet despite owning the rights to a wonderful book they have not acted on those rights. Why? And now a Michael Brown film? Seriously!?
From 2006 through 2021, this pair have been extraordinary together; their achievements legendary; their leadership unquestioned. Are we looking at the end of this pairing this year?
Films starring Adam Sandler throughout the years have been panned by critics as juvenile, nonsensical, and a waste of time. But does he really deserve that reputation? Here's why I've changed my mind about him and his work.
At face value, a play or musical is entertainment for entertainment's sake: fun for a moment, then often forgotten. But in working alongside the actual participants, I've gained profound insight.
We now have what appears to be a no-nonsense POTUS elect; will he do what needs to be done in our country and put a halt to all the liberal nonsense that has run amok the past eight years?
For years I have seen a decline in how the customer has been treated with a lackadaisical attitude and a who cares thought process being the norm. Yesterday I found reason to believe again.
His job was killing him: he knew it; his wife knew it. But what in the hell was he supposed to do? Life cost money, and the job provided that but oh the cost. That cost was his sanity and health.
Recently I discovered a wonderful book authored by David Fisichella, one insightful and dealing with science on the high seas, unexpected love and pirates. Hoist the mainsail, batten down the hatches!
The voting process shouldn't be too difficult, right? We watch the ads, choose our poison and cast our vote for who we want. Wait, what? We can't? Really?
Tricycle races. Pies in the face. Musical chairs. These are just a few of the corny activities at a minor league baseball game. Add in Matt Carpenter and Brandon Moss and you get some real fun.
All good things must come to an end, and it is time to end our first ever RV trip. From Pensacola we drive to Tupelo, spend the night then return home the next day.
The last day of our vacation; tomorrow we begin the journey home. But today we go to the beach once more and see the place we have watched for several months via a webcam. Will it be the same?
After a couple of days in the hot summer sand it's time to visit somewhere a bit cooler (if only because it is indoors) and go on-base to the Naval Aviation Museum and lighthouse. What will we find?
Today we travel east in search of a place called The Gulfarium. We travel through Navarre, a place called Mary Esther and Ft. Walton and all of it is beautiful.
All the bad is now behind us and it is time to enjoy ourselves. Pensacola Beach is presented as a beautiful, clean beach for all to enjoy. Well, we are here to enjoy ourselves!
West Memphis. Huntsville. Now, on to Pensacola for five nights and six days of fun in the sun and sand. Whither shall we visit next and what adventures await my family?
Day one is in the books and we are on to our next destination: Huntsville, Alabama; home of Monte Sano, the Von Braun Observatory and the U.S. Space and Rocket Center. Good times for all concerned!
The time has arrived! We have loaded up the truck and are moving to Beverly... wait that's not right! We are heading out on our first ever Family RV Trip! Time to hit the road!
Planning. Thought. Months of work detailing our first real RV trip, and we still made mistakes. Learn from what we went through to make your trip even better. Where we went and stayed: an overview.
Three months into the season there seems to be three strong contenders for All Stars as well as ROY in the National League, and they all play the same position. Let's take a look at each of them.
Today, I received a cry for help. As the person calling was someone close to me I responded immediately. What I found was enough to make a grown man cry. Literally.
Has the Democratic Party assisted in the current downfall in our country? The policies and actions of the party could be creating a trend in America which is leading us downhill. Can we recover?
Two teams that can't stand each other. Bad blood. Up and comers vs. tried and true. Perennial winner vs. lovable loser. Home runs. Outstanding defense. Hit batsman. Was anything missing in this game?
Most countries are centuries old, millennia even; but America is young and still experiencing growing pains. As such, we are as a newborn child experiencing all of the growing pains a child has.
Daniel Craig has (apparently) hung up his Walther and is done being Bond. A search is on to find his replacement but should he be replaced directly, or is it time to change directions?
Who are these guys? Last season their pitchers were among the best of all time: now they are having trouble getting an out and the hitters couldn't hit but now they are slamming home runs? What gives?
I am excited to inform those of you who have dreamed of visiting far off baseball parks that something new is on the horizon. Something wonderful and exciting and well worth your time.
As we celebrate our National Parks' 100th birthday a new battle is on the horizon: land used and abused or land conserved for our children and grandchildren. What is the right thing to do?
You can't make these city names up, folks! They're real. I've always been intrigued by some of these names and wondered how in the world the founding fathers of these towns came up with them.
Global Warming is a topic of serious discussion and concern today. However, depending on who you are listening to will give you a very different side to the story. Which is fact and which is fiction?
NASCAR has given its blessing to Ms. Patrick to race on its circuit; but does she deserve a place on its tracks? Or is she just a bit of eye candy for the viewers?
What does it take to be a responsible pet owner? Are you one? Do you feel you are providing everything your pet needs to be happy, healthy and safe? Read on and think carefully about you and your pet.
August 25, 1916 our National Park Service was created by President Woodrow Wilson and a future based in the past was signed into being. This year we honor the N.P.S. 100th Anniversary.
Cover of Sports Illustrated at 16. Golden Spikes Award winner at 17. Number 1 Draft Pick in 2010. Youngest player ever to appear in an All Star Game. His talents seemingly knows no bounds. And yet...
It appears as though our choice will come down to Trump or Clinton for President. Who we choose will decide the direction of our government for years to come. To choose wisely we must be informed.
The St. Louis Cardinals have won the second most World Series titles in baseball history. They have a long and storied history which is peppered with both colorful and talented individuals.
This is the final year of SDC's World Fest; a gathering of cultures from across the globe. I am not privy to the reasons for such an end, but I must cope with the loss of new-found friends in music.
Michael Weatherly, who plays Tony DiNozzo is leaving "NCIS" after thirteen years. I hate to see this as he is an integral part of the show. Now the question is: how should he leave the show?
Grilling has been around for years and is an ever-changing method of cooking one's food outside. Hot dogs, hamburgers, steaks, one can cook just about anything. But which one works best for you?
Week Two is in the books. Let's take a look back at the stories and feats of baseball prowess from the past seven days of baseball.
Theoretically, "Civilization" has been around for several thousand years. As our population continues to grow, one has to wonder if all segments of that civilization are keeping pace.
What a week it was; full of strange and wonderful stories, amazing and unbelievable feats of baseball ability and even a few that boggle the mind of a dyed in the wool fan.
Monday Morning Manager: The position of making important decisions for which one has no responsibilities for nor will receive any flack from the media for if things go wrong. Here goes nothing!
What counts the most in a court of law? Is it justice? Is it Human Rights? What happens when Human Rights cross paths with Justice? Is Justice served? Or does Human Rights win out?
It appears that the Republican Party is throwing down the gauntlet, saying they may change the rules in order to make sure Trump doesn't become the next President. What will We The People do?
I saw the headline "Baseball's code out of touch, needs to be updated" along with a picture of a player throwing his bat. I had to read it as the only sport I still love is Baseball.
We have the new trailer, we have about everything we think we need (but we're still learning), and we are now making solid plans for our first honest-to-goodness RV trip. Does this sound like a good trip?
In my former home town there is a road named after a famous actor. and another road named for a musician. This got me to thinking: what other celebrities are from the state of Missouri?
Aloysius Xingu Leng Pendergast, famed New Orleans F.B. I. Special Agent, oftentimes on assignment in New York, is a complicated man. Is he coming to television sometime soon? I fervently hope so!
It is becoming increasingly clear the Donald Trump is not going to be the choice of the GOP in the coming months, This begs the question: could he win the popular vote and yet lose the election?
I began this work several years ago; now it seems as though the topic is becoming similar to reality, or maybe reality is following my topic.
Punxsutawney Phil said this year that Spring would be early. And by golly it appears as though he just may have been right! Warm weather, a bit of rain, and early March winds in February lead the way.
We have now brought our new Travel Trailer home, and it is nestled safely in our driveway. Before we commence with our travel we will need a few things. But where to get them?
Weathermen (persons?) seem to rarely be correct in predicting the weather. But are Sports Writers any better in predicting who's the best? In baseball, not so much.
For Valentine's Day this year, my wife and I decided to give ourselves a gift for the future: a Travel Trailer. Our imminent retirement looms, and with it comes a decision: keep working or enjoy life.
To My Angel, My Baby doll, The Light Of My Life! I love you and look forward to many, many more Valentine's Days together! Happy Valentine's Day from your big, big man!
Gone are the days of Fred and Ginger, of Donald O'Conner, of Gene Kelly. Today it's twerking, gyrating, pelvis thrusting. Where did true talent go and why did we let it leave?
Pitchers and catchers report within a few weeks. Spring Training is right around the corner. So how do the teams stack up as we head towards 2016? Who stands out and who falls by the wayside?
He was reaching what should be the Golden Years, those days when he should be quietly enjoying a well deserved reward; instead he was recalling those days of yore, days lost to the past.
Quietly and firmly, the hunter drew back the bowstring. Coming to full draw, it aligned the sight onto the figure in the tree stand. Breathing slowly, the killer waited.
Last night I was reminded of how much I love the music of the Statler's. To use a line from one of their best songs, Do You Remember These, do you recall how great they were?
There are many films I have seen and enjoyed, many that I presently own. But for whatever reason, there are some truly iconic films that I have yet to view.
A call is being made to Hollywood that there should be more persons of color contained in the body of artists receiving nominations this year. Is this a concern or is it blown out of proportion?
In little more than a week, we have lost an iconic actor, an iconic singer/actor, and a member of an iconic group. All were far too young to be lost to this world and we are left with only memories.
What a country. A man is sent to the hospital due to a fall and a bump. 24 hours later he has added a bump on the head and a fractured hip while in the care of the hospital. What happened?
It has arrived from a galaxy far, far away: the long awaited sequel to the original trilogy of Star Wars. WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD!!!
The Race Card continues to be played in our country. Daily we see examples of people committing crimes and crying foul when held accountable for their actions. Is this where you want to live?
We have just returned from visiting SDC for the final festival of the year: an Old Time Christmas. It was beautiful, but something unexpected occurred during our visit. Lots of law enforcement!
The following story is true, only the names have been changed to protect the ignorant. One question: where oh where did customer service and pride in workmanship go? I sure couldn't find it tonight!
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away. The beginning to the timeless film Star Wars is well known across our galaxy. This is a brief look at the films thus far through the eyes of old and young.
Charles Manson, long considered one of the hated men of the 20th century desired a race war. He even thought he would be the one to start it. Now, some 46 years later are we on the cusp of that war?
Three of the most repeated words in cinema history have to be "Bond. James Bond." This weekend, I went to my first ever big screen James Bond. My son and I had a wonderful afternoon.
Well, the year is done for the Birds and a time for reflection has come. Let's take a moment to review our team and see what happened. And look ahead to 2016 and its possibilities.
The door opened and in walked the doctor. At least, he looked like a doctor. White coat, stethoscope dangling around his neck, clipboard in hand. Not a hair on his face nor out of place on his head.
Rare are those who dabble either in books or films that are not aware of The Last of the Mohicans, a most excellent work by James Fenimore Cooper. But how many know there are more to the series?
The stage is now set. The players are known to us and ready to vie for a World Series Championship. So who will win out on the Big Stage? Will it be a veteran or a newcomer?
Every now and again, I feel the need to just talk. Lord, do You have a minute to spare for me?
They were the best in the league for the majority of the year with multiple injuries to All Star talent. Recently they have struggled but are getting healthy. But who will play in the post season?
The Raven, The Tell-Tale Heart, A Cask Of Amontillado. Each of these classic Poe works was interpreted by the talented Alan Parsons into a premiere album that stands the test of time even today.
When I awoke this morning, I saw the sad headline. "Yogi Berra Dead At 90". Immediately, the bright morning dimmed, clouds appeared overhead and a tear appeared in my eye. Oh, Say It Ain't So!
On Saturday, I attended my first SAR meeting. Although I am not yet a member, my hopes run high. It was an honor to attend, and to witness how these individuals honor our ancestors.
"Let's go to SDC this weekend to enjoy the day" my lovely wife suggested. And I was glad she did for it was by far the best day we have had there this year.
A boy and his parents are moving into the city. His Father promised him a swing, and delivers. But what a swing! Where will it take him next?
Every year, small towns across America close off streets, set up booths and wait for the gathering crowd. From miles around they come to enjoy the festivities and experience of life in a small town.
Carmelo Domenic Licciardello, better known as Carman is a world renowned Christian artist who has given us music to enjoy for over 30 years now. I present to you a sample of his work. Give a listen.
For many years I have desired to visit Bennett Springs near Lebanon, Mo. This weekend we made the trip and ... well, read on to find out what we thought.
"The Don", Donald Trump is attempting to become POTUS. Is he a good candidate? Would he make a good POTUS? Or is he just playing, toying with both the public and the candidates?
Fewer and fewer people are accepting responsibility for themselves or their actions today. It's always someone else's fault for their behavior, never their own. When did we stop owning our behavior?
I have now reached an age where I am more likely to fish than hunt but I would like to pass along a few tips I have learned over the years. Some you may know, some you won't. Some you won't believe.
In 1985 George Jones posed a question: Who's Gonna Fill Their Shoes? Who will come to Country Music to carry the genre into the next century and beyond. It's been 30 years now, let's see who's there.
I came, I saw, I faltered; but we still had fun at the fair. Sharks, Clydesdales, and Jeopardy. Oh My! A day at the fair is always fun, especially when with family at a place one has never been.
Some were early in the morning, others came after school. Some were even quite educational though we may not have noticed it at the time. But they were fun, weren't they?
It seems as though each new day brings another story involving persons of color and law enforcement and a situation gone horribly wrong. What will happen going forward and what can we do about it?
They tell you the words, then follow words with actions but really, how many of us know our spouse truly loves us? I found out this weekend and I may be the luckiest man alive today.
First, there was Sharknado. Then came Sharknado 2: The Second One. Now, Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No! I think the title says it all, don't you? But I also know we can count on humor to be prevalent.
Well, they are leading all of Baseball but where will they go from here?
I was born in Texas and spent most of my life in and around the Arkansas/Missouri border where this flag is common in houses, yards, in and on cars ranging from flags to decals to license plates.
Time to begin our trek home! We make a big swing through Cotter, Mountain Home, Salem and Mammoth Spring before turning back to West Plains and Springfield then home.
We plan on floating the Buffalo River from Dillard's Ferry to Rush. Then we go to nearby Bull Shoals and tour the Visitor's Center and see the famous White River where huge trout abound.
A new job, a new hometown, and our first mini-trip of the year. Taking my family to my old stomping grounds in North Central Arkansas and seeing an old friend both human and not.
There are many National Parks in our great country. Wilson's Creek is one dedicated to remembering one of, if not the darkest time in our nation's history: The Civil War.
They took his daughter. They took his ex-wife and him. Then they kill his ex and frame him. So, where does this film series go now? I have a few ideas for Hollywood. Personally, I like them.