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How to Become a Boss

Updated on May 7, 2011

"Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional." ~Chili Davis

I neither experienced being a boss, but I admit that I would like become to one someday if God permits. So why I am giving tips on becoming a boss when I don’t have any experience being on top of the chain doing respectable and authoritative tasks such as managing and supervising? Am I spilling beans here? Well, my answer is a resounding “I am not,” for I mustered enough guts to come up with this write-up since I experienced being a subordinate and being under the control of a boss. And through the years of working with them I truly learned a lot of things.

 I am drawing my perspectives on the carrot-horse approach, where I feel like the horse and the carrots as the boss’ motivation to keep on running until a destination is reached. And from a horse’s mouth, now I know what kind of jockey that I desire to guide me muddle through a rocky road or a paved road.

David Brent thinks he is the world's greatest in the world, is he?
David Brent thinks he is the world's greatest in the world, is he?

Here are the desirable and positive attributes of a boss you might be wishing for:

  • A boss with a sincere heart. A great boss will look after the welfare of the people under him and shows genuine kindness when a need for this arises. You are paid proportional to your job and will see to it that you are obtaining all the benefits you deserve. A good boss will not put you or your life in danger and will not utter even a single word that might offend you or make you feel small since dignity of every worker is of great value. Show you care for them and for sure they will reciprocate.
  • A good boss motivates well the employees. A good boss will provide you words of wisdom to further enhance your understanding and skills, will provide you room for improvements and gives you the necessary trainings and exposure for career development. A good boss gives incentive when needed whether through reward for a job well done or through soothing and refreshing words like “Good job,” “Keep it up,” or perhaps through simple actions that can spill the big difference like a tap in the back or a handshake coupled with “congratulations.” Oftentimes small things can spell the big difference, and keeping this in mind will help you become a boss.
  • A good boss doesn’t abuse his or her position. Although you are the boss bear in mind that you are not in a point to subdue your subordinates with crippling words or letting them work beyond what they are capable of doing. Bear in mind that if you pressure your workforce their productivity will be greatly affected and generated profit will inevitably plummet in the coming days. Your subordinates are actually your partners in business and you should always treat them this way.
  • A good boss is neutral and unbiased in all of his or her dealings. In a classroom setting playing favorites will surely inject poison that might impede learning same can be said in a work setting. Be reasonable; give all of your workers equal treatment they deserved.
  • The employees are more than willing to have a leader that is a good follower. You set the standards and rules and it is essential to meet them first before anyone else. Good work habits are contagious and it can rub off to other’s skin at an instant. If you want to get a job done or to keep things going, show them the right way.
  • Spend some time to your subordinates. Make it habit to mingle with your subordinates; ask them about their whereabouts such as their birthdays, wedding anniversaries and the like. Also, feel free to listen to them and talk something that you think that are valuable to them. Bear in mind that you will look at your face first before anyone else in a picture that is freshly developed and this just means that you give importance to yourself. If anyone find himself or herself important then it is a must that you should give due importance to an individual. Find time to memorize the names of you workers as much as possible since their respective names are one of the priceless possessions they have.
  • Respect and be respected. Give due regard for other individuals for if not they will do the same and hand you the same treatment.
  • Be organized. Keep things in order to help you get rid of clutter that may affect performance and steer your workforce from any distractions.
  • Be resolute with your decisions. Avoid being a wishy-washy, many lives depend on you, and one error or blunder will surely have its toll in the performance of your company.
  • Establish camaraderie and rapport. Protect your business from discord for this will just breed infighting and misunderstandings. Engage your workforce in a team building as often as you can, for this well bring forth cohesion and teamwork.

If a boss will fill the shoes of an employee for sure he will come up with these practical suggestions that can make his or her organization more productive and a place for persevering and dignified workers. If you know the word justice well you will have an easy time following the tips stated here.

My persevering hub in the WritingContest

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