My Following count is not a round number!
I'm going to go find and un-follow 2 inactive Hubbers.
I am sick of whining. And drama. And stupidity. And, I'm hungry. So, I don't care who you are, I ain't listenin' no more. Leave your drama for the theater, dammit, don't bring it into my house! And, husband, hurry up with that dinner before my stomach eats my spine!
Lottery scratchers are such a ripoff. I am highly perturbed with them. Fortunately, I never throw more than $5 at them in any given month.
Try offering the clerk 10% of any winnings. The right employee can increase your odds of winning considerably. But yea, despise those rip-off idiot tax scratch-offs!
Hey, I won $100 on one once (true story), and I didn't even pay for the ticket - it was a birthday gift.
Well, I have a vent for ya...when my daughter was 5 (she's 25 now) we were in line at a pharmacy in Illinois andIi looked down at her and said, "remind me to get a Win For Life ticket at the register". The guy in front of me said "oh, good idea". He got MY ticket and WON!!!!! Lesson I learned that day...don't talk out loud! Biggest thing I did wrong that day, however, was to share that with my husband. He must have been an elephant in his past life because he still brings that up to this day!
The man I cook for likes his veggies mushy. I can't stand mushy veggies.
Mushy is bad enough- but cold and mushy drives me up a wall!
Yum. Mushy cooked cauliflower with a little butter and salt...heaven.
Someone stole 2 left shoes from my store today, they were very similar and displayed right next to each other. One was a size 6 and one was a size 8, but both were the left shoe.
I keep the right partners put away to discourage theft. Now I have two right shoes I can do nothing with...
I had to rearrange them all to be as far away as possible from another which looks anything like it. I hope they weren't planning on wearing those tonight, lol...
Well, if they do, they'll get a quick payback from Karma! I'd pay to see the look on their faces!! LOL
Nothing I hate worse than a thief!
Thank you, but be advised that score doesn't mean "perfect." And, it does fluctuate.
Wait for it- They're gonna bring them back for a refund and claim you sold them 2 left shoes!
I would not put such an act past such types, for sure!
Keep your eyes peeled for a one-legged bandit.
Damn it!
High: 101 °F
High: 102 °F
High: 99 °F
oh yeah...sunny for each day...but 16c, 17c and 18c
and my feet are cold............................
luisj305 has 2 right shoes he'll sell you to keep your feet warm..'d ya know i have 2 right feet!...or is that foots? wonder my hubs don't get any traffic
That's about what they're forecasting for our neck of the woods...which coast are you on, paradigm?
Judging by how it felt outdoors last night, I doubt we'll see the 103's and 105's they were 'threatening."
Where are you guys located? I have been wearing my fleece up here in Washington; it's been in the 40s at night!
In Michigan it is in the 30s at night. I hate the cold.
Do you live in Arizona because my husband was venting the same thing today.
The thief is going to be challenged at the dance tonight. I have heard of guys that have two left feet.
Sorry for your loss-- I know it it not at all funny, but it does make you wonder.
Gosh, the venting thread.
Perfect timing.
I just blocked a friend of mine on a social networking site because I was tired of this person leaving long essays of comments telling me why my opinions are wrong. Mostly related to politics, higher education, and for some bizarre reason, Windows Phones.
RAAAAGE. Blocking a user has actually created a sensation of peace and quiet though!
Thanks for the place to vent
Heartily sick of the troll, who makes one profile after another to continue with his empty and inane comments.
Some of my socks no longer have partners and it makes me sad
You are today's Hero...."VENTING," is a necessary means to stable health...both physical and mental. We must ALL vent, whenever we feel the need! It's a very good idea to VENT more often in private or on paper........because too much VOCAL & crazed venting can ANNOY THE HELL OUT OF THE PEOPLE WHO MUST LISTEN TO YOU DAY IN AND DAY OUT, WITH ALL THE DAMNED DRAMA AND FINGER-POINTING....AND SPITTING AND SPEWING.....AND FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE...GIVE IT REST.
Thank you for this outlet, I feel much better. You're a real pal..
fpherj48...i am venting over how great your hair looks in your photo and how mine has become googly little feathers lately...WHY THE HECK DO YOU HAVE SUCH GREAT LOOKING HAIR AND MINE LOOKS LIKE GOOGLY FEATHERS? okay, i still don't feel better about it...
Damn Gophers! Not kidding. Yard totally destroyed.
Gopher eradication tips requested.
I feel your pain--we suffer here from "Robo-Gophers!" Because of several neighbors who allow their cats to run free, we won't use poisons...because if a cat were to catch and eat a poisoned gopher, the cat would be poisoned as well...we wouldn't want that to happen; we love cats.
However, I can tell you, we've drowned an almond tree and a large shrub trying to flood out gophers...the plants died; the gophers are still with us!
We've tried mothballs, cat 'stuff' from the litter boxes, firecrackers--even a cherry bomb one time....
Nothing works--especially here, where we're in a semi-rural area on 3/4 of an acre with similar sized properties around us, and an humongous empty field behind us......Out in the 'back 40,' we don't care so much, but when they get into the front lawn, it's WAR.
Those gopher smoke bombs don't work--they don't burn long enough. We've tried 20-minute road flares instead...that didn't work, either. These gophers have too many exits, and you can't find and block them all.
Besides, we live in a sandy area, so most of the smoke...(or carbon monoxide, if you wanted to hook a hose to your car exhaust) would just come back up through the surface pretty much everywhere....
(We don't like traps--we're too squeamish for that...but anyway, neighbors have said those don't work, either...the gophers have learned to avoid them...)
Sorry I don't have an actual solution for you...but your post gave me an excuse for my own rant on the topic....
A gardener from way back (over 70 years) told me to unwrap juicy fruit gum and put it down the hole. They are attracted to the scent and taste and will eat it whereupon it plugs up their digestive system and kills them.
Don't know if it's true, but would be an easy thing to try if you don't mind killing them.
I am afraid PETA might start venting on this topic...not that I have a love for gophers or anything...
Ack! Well, I've learned that PETA isn't all they promote themselves to be; in fact, they run high-kill "shelters" themselves, and adopt out on a small percentage of the animals they take in. So I no longer care what they might think! Google "PETA kills animals" if you don't believe me--I can't put the link here--it would probably get snipped....
Dog hair gets rid of gophers. Stuff as many holes as possible with huge balls of dog hair. For some reason the stuff really bugs the little pests and they make their homes elsewhere.
I was going to say "f@ck it" on one of the zero traffic threads, but who needs it... We do what we can.
I really, really hate it when clean laundry falls on the floor going between the washer and dryer!!!!!
I consider it unclean at that point. I put it back in the washer for round two. I'm weird.
I agree, and I do the same thing, but it just makes me mad...especially when I was already done with that particular sort (light colors). Now, it has to be hung over the edge of the bin, so it will dry & not mildew, and in the meantime, I've got an odd pillowslip. Grrrrrrrrrr
Even though, I achieve everything I want sooner or later, I still can'manage to find happiness in my life. I still crave for the thrill and excitement that's missing. I just can't seem to be satisfied.
Because of heart issues, I try not to vent myself anymore. So, my dog took over and he does it very well. Sometimes he vents loudly, sometimes quietly, but whenever he does, boy, it stinks !
LOL yeah....dogs are notorious for that....
OK--a new vent on an old pet peeve:
People who go to someone's place of residence to pick them up, and sit outside and yell and/or honk their car horns until the person appears. Which, if the person is, (a) not ready; (b) watching something with the TV turned up loud and can't hear; or (c) yakking on the damned phone; may be for quite a few minutes....
Don't sit there disturbing the peace in the whole area!!!
I'm fairly new here and every time I think I've sussed things out, they change. Is that typical of hubpages? Publishing a hub was virtually instantaneous but now you can't tell when it will appear. My last one took about two and a half days to be fully accepted, still haven't found it on the "latest" hubs. It's all a learning curve and I appreciate the experience, but it's also frustrating. I've only recently signed up for facebook and things are a bit daunting. Everyone else seems to have multiple accounts, twiiter, blogs,fingers in every pie, and I'm flapping about like a fish out of water. Blahhhh. Don't worry, I'l get a grip in a minute.And breathe.
You gotta love it when your earnings spend all day pending only to significantly drop once they've been resolved >:[
Yeah!!! That happened to me today!! Grrr...maybe, just maybe, they shouldn't post the "pending" amounts, and only post earnings after they have been realized! .... ...
I Hate seeing Man Boobs jumping around on the young guys that serve you in the express lane at my local Golden Arches!
It completely puts me right off 'Fast Food'
hey PD...good to run into's been a while...however, nite, nite....xo!
don't eat at McD's!...................................
...come to Canada...i understand McD's is going 'green' or healthy or sumthin' like that...not sure what that is all about....trying to imagine it but am having a hard time picturing those poor caged chickens being happy, happy, until they die 1 week after birth!...and then become McChick sandwiches!...i think we let em live for a month here and slap some green lettuce on the sandwich - that's the green part!
Hi ML... yea good to see you too... where is your new hub? Check out what I've been up to in the next few days and let me know what you think
Now.... Don't get too wrapped up in the 'Green' business model that those guys are trying to sell us... they think just because they can call something Green, means that they can justify higher prices for changes that include Slower Foods and services...
I'm pretty sure Greenpeace will sort them before this new product 'takes off' -
Sheesh...... Slower Foods!
See what I mean.....
LOL--I try not to eat at "the golden crotch"
Truly does look like a crotch.
I think you may have turned me off MickyD's, at least for a while o____O
Why do they gotta put glitter on everything? It is horrifyingly scary and it's gonna go in my eyeballs.
Seeing people where sweatpants/ pajamas is driving me insane. It should be illegal to wear them in public places. Only wear them at home or at the gym/gym class.
I just watched a mother/daughter team maybe 40/10yrs old walk into the gas station at 3:30 am both wearing pajamas buying each a pint if ben and jerey's ice cream. Only to be followed by a young man maybe 25yrs old wearing blue sweatpants tucked into his workboots that were un-tied, need i mention this guy still had the price tags hanging off his newish boots...???!!
WTF people. >_<
What's the fun being jampacked all the time? pajamas make you feel at ease.
People who continue to do inane things and wonder why their life sucks!
Hey at least they were wearing pants at the time and not doing handstands semi naked, like they do on Friday nights at the Limp Lily Retirement Village!
OMG did nobody tell them the effects that Gravity has on them when do their Up-Side-Down Campbell Highland Dancing classes??
Sooooooooo Gross
Parents who do not interact nor teach their children and criticize the latter for lack of knowledge as if the child is supposed to learn by osmosis! Parents who delegate the raising of their children to the oldest/older children of the family! Parents who believe that children ought to raise themselves!
I really HATE child molesters and wish I could do something nasty to each and every one of them!
Ah but you can.... shrink their world through your writing and the awareness that it creates when it has a heart that beats far stronger!
uummmmm I am angry because now I have the opportunity to vent I can't think of anything to vent about!
Ok! Thinking of congress could ruin my day, but I got in this good mood by picturing them all in the unemployment line and I think I will just leave them there and enjoy the lovely day we are having here.
Mean people suck!!! I ask a simple question and get my head ripped off. I really didn't think there would be people like that on here. Big disappointment and bummer.
There are a lot of racists on FaceBook and they have offended me by insulting others in my presence. I really want the smack the smirks off their faces!
When you ask a simple question in a forum...and it gets ignored--so, thinking it was not seen, you re-post, and it still gets ignored! That really gets my goat! (Not this thread, btw...) Come on--if you don't know the answer, just SAY SO! Or, if it's a matter of subjective choice/opinion, SAY SO! Don't just ignore the person's question!
Life is not fair. I knew that, but it is still unfair; or is it? A quandary.
I HATE that saying! We spend years teaching our kids to play fair, play by the rules, obey the laws, and BE fair....then, when something unfair happens, and we complain, "That's not fair!" ...we get slapped down with that old chestnut, "Life isn't fair!" Well, WTF??!! Why bother teaching fairness if it doesn't apply???!
Maybe we should just have anarchy, and every person for themselves....if "unfair" is the real name of the game......
Or maybe, just maybe---we should spend more time slapping down those who are being unfair...and big corporations unfairly shipping jobs overseas, and oil companies engaged in price-fixing..... etc...
People who could LEAST afford it, having LOTS of children! What the &^%$#@~! are THEY "thinking"? Is POVERTY, CROWDING, and SQUALOR tres chic? Seems to be for such people! Now really, why would ANYONE in their right-thinking mind have children if they CANNOT socioeconomically afford to give the very best life possible?!
Credit scores...
The less one can afford it, the more one is charged.
Life is a bowl of cherries. Oh, this is a venting thread, forgot. Therefore, LIFE IS A BOWL OF BLOODY CHERRIES. Was that loud enough?
The post after yours was deleted. Must have been a good one. true, paradigm, so true..the less you can afford, the more you pay... Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
I'm so tired that I ache.
I'm tired of war. I'm tired of the bad economy. I'm tired of watching people who don't do what they're supposed to get stuff they don't deserve while I struggle to take care of their children. I'm tired of people who don't respect each other. I'm tired of my potential being compromised by my health.
I guess I'm just tired.
Thanks, paradigm, for giving me a place to vent about it.
I hate it when people come EARLIER than expected , possibly to get you off guard...I hate it because then I have to hurry and jump in the shower...(at least the house is in order).
The glorious New York subway system...........ssssssssss! When the train stops between stations and you sit there endlessly and in a half hour's time, the conductor tells you that the train is experiencing difficulties.......please sit still and be patient. Sit still........of course, #$%^$&!, we are in between stations, there is nothing else we could do, Einstein!
Recently, I went to McDonald's for a cheap meal that would fill me up. I ordered a combo with a water. Simple enough, right? After waiting in the drive through for exactly 26 minutes while the pack of over sized cretins in the car in front of me waited for their gigantic feast to be prepared, I finally put my jeep in drive and approached the drive through. "What did you order?" the drive through attendant asked. I repeated my order, and she looked at me with an absolutely dumbfounded expression of confusion such as I have never seen on a human face. I waited for her to explain the issue, and she said matter-of-factly: "the machine ain't gonna let you do that" in a tone that suggested I certainly should have known this. We finally settled on a variation of what I originally wanted, and I waited another 10 minutes while the entire restaurant threw their combined efforts in preparing the combo. When I got home and opened the bag, I saw that my patience had been rewarded with a bun with lettuce and mayonnaise (nothing else on it) and cold, unsalted fries. Seriously, how hard is it?
I am so, so tired of shaving. But the itching is worse and it makes me look a decade older when I don't. Yet another bane of life...
I don't even know what that is. But still not going happen.
Note to my most loyal reader of my fanfiction:
Yes, I am delighted to have readers, and I never take that for granted.
However, I am less than sanguine about reviews that consist entirely of,
On the site where I post, the reviews appear in the story blurb/summary which prospective readers skim to see if they'd like to read the story. They do NOT need the Cliff Notes version to decide!
Sadly, Ms. SPOILER is my most loyal reviewer, checking in after every new chapter. She stopped for a while after I sent a tactful request, but she's started again.
SO FRUSTRATING to post a chapter I've labored on for a month, to get the happy "you've got a review!" notification, and to RUSH to see the first review posted...only to find that it's a chapter summary written in such execrable English that everyone will think, "Gack, if someone who writes that badly thinks this is a good story, I won't."
Most of the time, I believe that people are intrinsically good and that if you treat people right, you will have positive experiences. And then, out of the blue, someone starts extracting the urine. What is it with me? Do I have 'mug' printed on my forehead? Why do these people make a bee line for me. More importantly, why do I get suckered in. Why do I provide hospitality for people who never, ever reciprocate? I am sick of being used! If I could split myself in two, I would kick myself up the ass for being so stupid. There. I feel better now and I won't let free loading rat-bags bring me down.
It's not because you're stupid, it's because you are more evolved than some people. There's that old saying "whatever you do comes back to you" and eventually, you will meet people who reciprocate, and all those people who haven't will eventually meet mirror images of themselves.
The plethora of religion threads is getting on my nerves again...
I will not go there!
I will not go there!
I will not go there!
do not go there
do not go there
do not go there
Or do, PDS! Your input would be enlightening.
I agree! They are garbage. Stay away
I agree. They are garbage. Stay away!
I agree, They are garbage. Stay away!!
RUN from the religious forums. RUN FOR YOUR DEAR LIFE! RUN, RUN, RUN!
Time keeps on slipping, slipping, slipping into the future... (better than most)
People with inverse psychologies or logic- I really cannot fathom such people. To them, night is day, wrong is right, struggle and poverty are good, and stupidity is might!
....ummmmmm......"get over it" or "just roll with it"
Freaking fed up with the Blogger text editor.
Damn thing won't do what it's told as to spacing, font, or size. And that's just for starters. And don't even get me started when it comes to what it does with HTML...
Have to do everything multiple times before what I want it to do finally sticks.
I just spent 45 minutes doing what should have been a 5 minute job.
I've been putting up with this crap for months, if not years. Enough is enough.
When, when, when is it going to stop raining? In the last 3 months, there have been 4 fine days. All the rest it has been hammering down relentlessly. The soil is like a soaked sponge, and they are venting the dam everyday to prevent it overflowing. Meantime, the animals still need tending and the veg beds are going to hell in a handcart. Today, whilst I was walking the dogs, (has to be done 3 times a day no matter how bad the weather gets,) it rained so hard that water ran down my waterproofs and filled up my wellington boots. As for the waterproofs, their name be-lies their function as I still end up soaked to the skin. The sky was literally glowing red this morning at dawn. Cooped up in the house day and night. OK I'm getting loads of writing done but am starting to get cabin fever. Bloody global warming. As I watched the river overflowing again this afternoon and my old man started yammering on about the film The day after tomorrow, his favourite topic at the moment, I just wanted to scream. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!
On a Polly Anna note though, at least our house hasn't been submerged like so many over in the UK so I suppose it could be a lot worse. Yeah? Tell that to the goats, who haven't been outside in weeks in case they get frothy bloat. Just stop the rain, stop it now.
I hate living in the country! I recently moved to a small town in northern Michigan, and there is nothing to do! The nearest town for shopping is 23 miles away, and there are no companies here who offer high speed internet! I'm pretty much bored out of my mind! Winter is not making it much better, because the roads up here suck! I miss living in the city.
I trained the woman who took my job, and I knew she was going to do it while I was training her cause she's incredibly manipulative and totally self serving. I'm trying to forgive... I've had worse things happen.
I wouldn't waste your time forgiving her, just pity your work colleagues, this will just be the start. Hope you get a better job, which makes you happy
I hear you about the woman you trained. The real culprit hired her, and he already had her slated for your job.
It has nothing to do with your work performance, either.
by englightenedsoul 14 years ago
I just saw this tweet from the official hubpages account and I really cant express how happy I am. I believe hubbers are getting a new ad network they can earn from.Here's the official source of the news: … 299765.htmAnd here is what the ads will...
by My Inner Jew 15 years ago
So where is the action, the drama, the tears, the laughter? I Keep coming to the forums these past weeks and find nothing interesting...where are you guys? Have you all taken a vacation together?
by Grace Marguerite Williams 8 years ago
Conservatives out there, what are your SIX main beefs regarding Liberals? What do you found THE MOST perplexing regarding Liberals & their ideology?
by Liz Elias 11 years ago
While at a doctor's appointment with my husband, my cell phone rang. This is not a common thing, as I don't have a so-called "smart" phone, and I very, very rarely give out the number. It's for emergencies and keeping in touch while away from home.I had earlier tried to reach...
by nikki1 15 years ago
HI frienz,should be stopped. I for one am insulted. Opinions are one thing however, contaminating a thread or getting off topic is disgraceful. I for do not appreciate it.. my "Who believes in God" thread is trashed. I do not appreciate it. If you don't believe, don't post. In my opinion....
by kimberlyslyrics 12 years ago
Well actually it's a everything thread.A thread for rants, funny posts, gossip of course, serious points of interests, a shout out to say hello, newbie posts without having to open a thread, for attention, fights , anything goes, within TOS regulations Let's post photos of weird things, maybe...
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