The HubPages Elite?

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  1. agilitymach profile image96
    agilitymachposted 11 years ago

    I just published my 50th hub, and as all my hubs are featured, I received my 50th Featured Hub accolade.  In the e-mail notifying me of this, I also read that I was in the "elite" with only 1 percent of Hubbers earning that accolade.  I was rather surprised that only 1 percent ever get 50 featured hubs, although I know many people come here, post a few hubs and leave.

    For those that have reached the 100 featured hubs accolade, did the e-mail give you a percent of Hubbers that have reached that level?  I'd love to know what it is. big_smile

    1. Au fait profile image82
      Au faitposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I never got an email notification that I'm aware of.  Once the accolade was created, one day it was just there amongst my other accolades (100 featured hubs).  There are people here with the accolade for 200 or 300 featured hubs, so 100 is good, but there are plenty of people with more.

    2. Barbara Kay profile image75
      Barbara Kayposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I'm surprised that few of a percentage write more hubs than that. Do that many people quit before that point? Congratulations for reaching 50 hubs Keep up the good work.

    3. Patty Inglish, MS profile image87
      Patty Inglish, MSposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      With a few dozen Hubs to go before reaching a 2000-featured mark, I received no actual percentage figure when the new accolade began and I was happily surprised with one. The accolade is a nice motivation for many, I think.

      The HP FAQ's list these benchmark numbers of Hubs for earning new "Featured" accolades:

      "Featured Hubs (5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 300, 500, 1,000, 2,000, 5,000)" and the link is at   

      If you stay motivated, you can achieve increasing numbers of accolades along this spectrum...and  look at how many are between 2000 and 5000! Stay motivated, even through HP changes and Google changes, and you can do it.

      Congratulations on 50!

    4. Donna Huebsch profile image77
      Donna Huebschposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Congratulations on reaching your 50th!  Great accomplishment!

      1. agilitymach profile image96
        agilitymachposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you!!!! big_smile

  2. profile image0
    CroftRoanposted 11 years ago

    I have over 100 featured hubs but I didn't look at the email. I was too busy celebrating the accomplishment.

    1. agilitymach profile image96
      agilitymachposted 11 years agoin reply to this


  3. Cerebral Aspect profile image72
    Cerebral Aspectposted 11 years ago

    A few weeks ago I got to the 25 mark, and I was told I was in the top 3%.  I think I'm on the right track, at that point 25 of 29 of my hubs have been featured.

    1. agilitymach profile image96
      agilitymachposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Interesting.  That's not much of a difference between the 3 percent at 25 and 1 percent at 50.  It sounds like if a hubber gets to 25, they have a strong chance of reaching 50 without quitting. smile

  4. Pearldiver profile image69
    Pearldiverposted 11 years ago

    Congrats on achieving your accolade... although personally, I am a bit confused by how factually my sharing of such an alleged 'elite' status, has apparently necessitated the 'taking away' of my 'Helpful' accolade, by the same issuing party!  roll  smile
    How very strange!  hmm

    1. agilitymach profile image96
      agilitymachposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I haven't checked if my helpful accolade is there or not.  I didn't know they could come and go!! big_smile

  5. toptendeals profile image70
    toptendealsposted 11 years ago

    Congrats on your 50th!

  6. ossmedia profile image58
    ossmediaposted 11 years ago


    1. agilitymach profile image96
      agilitymachposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks both of you!!!

  7. cristianneacsu profile image51
    cristianneacsuposted 11 years ago

    nice and cool wish you to accomplish even more good things here on hubpages I just following you

    1. agilitymach profile image96
      agilitymachposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you cristainneacsu!!!

  8. PHILLYDREAMER profile image76
    PHILLYDREAMERposted 11 years ago

    It took me some time to update my Hubs, but I managed to get all but two of them featured.  I'm close to the 150 mark, so if they have a badge for that I can let you know what the email says.  This milestone will be hard to keep with the new changes, so make sure you keep revisiting your hubs and keep them fresh.

    1. agilitymach profile image96
      agilitymachposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you Phillydreamer!!!  If they give you an accolade for the 150 mark, please do drop in and let us know if there's a percentage attached. smile  And congrats on 150 featured hubs!!!  You're prolific!!

    2. Barbara Kay profile image75
      Barbara Kayposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I have over 150 and never got one, so I don't think so. I'll try for my 200 and see what that says. You've got me curious.

  9. DrMark1961 profile image100
    DrMark1961posted 11 years ago

    Hi Agilitymach your post piqued my curiosity so I went back and found my "100 hub" email from last August. This is all it said:
    "You have hit a pretty impressive milestone—you have published 100 Hubs!

    Fun fact: When a television show reaches 100 episodes, it is typically considered viable for syndication. Now that you have published 100 Hubs, you could be considered somewhat of a hit yourself!"

    I guess that means I am like an old rerun but no longer elite.Like Pearldiver, I have also noticed that they took away my "helpful" accolade. Am I no longer helpful? Tooooo strange.

    1. agilitymach profile image96
      agilitymachposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      That's odd that the "helpful" accolade is missing.  I need to check and see if I'm missing any accolades.  I didn't know they could disappear.  I did know the communicator accolade and go up and down.

  10. psycheskinner profile image79
    psycheskinnerposted 11 years ago

    If it is anything like most websites, less than 10% make even one hub. I would not even count the other 90% in any meaningful statistics.

    1. agilitymach profile image96
      agilitymachposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I was wondering what the stats of those who don't make a hub or only make one or two is.  That would be interesting to know.

    2. Marisa Wright profile image86
      Marisa Wrightposted 11 years agoin reply to this


  11. profile image0
    Beth37posted 11 years ago

    I alerted the newspapers and then Diane Sawyer came out and did a piece on me.

    1. agilitymach profile image96
      agilitymachposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Geeze!!  I didn't think of doing that!!  I bet your numbers went way up after that media blitz.. wink

      1. profile image0
        Beth37posted 11 years agoin reply to this

        It's true, but I couldn't go anywhere without being mobbed so I started writing under my pen name... John Grisham.

  12. kthix10 profile image62
    kthix10posted 11 years ago

    I have 100 featured hubs and I am not sure I even saw an email - hmmmm - Getting close to the 150 mark

  13. crazyhorsesghost profile image72
    crazyhorsesghostposted 11 years ago

    I have over 1000 featured Hubs and I have never received a email about it though I do have a little badge about 1000 featured Hubs.

    1. profile image0
      Beth37posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      It comes in that email that says "HP's notifications.... you might have just deleted it.

      1000 featured hubs?! That's crazy, crazy horse.

    2. agilitymach profile image96
      agilitymachposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I agree.  One thousand featured hubs is crazy.  You are incredibly prolific!!!  I have trouble finding time for just one hub.  Uber congrats!!!!

    3. mistyhorizon2003 profile image90
      mistyhorizon2003posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Ditto, I have 280 hubs published, all of which are featured, yet I never got an email telling me I was 'elite' in any way shape or form lol.

      1. agilitymach profile image96
        agilitymachposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Well, Misty, you're more than elite apparently!!!  Congrats. smile

        1. mistyhorizon2003 profile image90
          mistyhorizon2003posted 11 years agoin reply to this

          lol, I wish smile but thanks anyway!

  14. janshares profile image94
    jansharesposted 11 years ago

    Congratulations, agilitymach. That's an awesome milestone to reach. I'm only 3 away with one in the oven (as of 7-1-13)!!!  smile

    1. agilitymach profile image96
      agilitymachposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Congrats to you too!!!  You'll be there in no time. smile

  15. Zsuzsi profile image61
    Zsuzsiposted 11 years ago

    Congrats on accomplishing 50 featured hubs! And thanks for posting on it. It's great knowing that once I get there, it will be a HP milestone to celebrate for me too. smile

    1. agilitymach profile image96
      agilitymachposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you Zsuzki!!!!  You'll get there before you know it. smile

  16. To Start Again profile image70
    To Start Againposted 11 years ago

    You know I wonder if the one percent is more about having all of your hubs featured instead of how many are featured. Seems like my 25 one said the same thing about the one percent. I'd say it's less likely for a hubber to have all of their hubs featured than it is to have fifty featured hubs. I mean, there are a lot of hubbers here who have more than fifty hubs that are probably featured. Fifty featured is still a big accomplishment, though!Congrats on that, for sure! smile  I'm not trying to take away from that-just wondering about the '1%'...

  17. Kathryn Stratford profile image89
    Kathryn Stratfordposted 11 years ago

    I think that is for 50 featured hubs in a row, not just total featured hubs. But 1 % does seem awfully low.
    Congrats on making that accolade!

    1. agilitymach profile image96
      agilitymachposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      It could be on having 50 featured hubs out of 50 hubs.  I don't think I have the e-mail anymore to check the wording, but perhaps that's it. Thanks!

      1. To Start Again profile image70
        To Start Againposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        I didn't have my email, either. I was going to see the exact wording but I think it makes more sense that it would be for having 50 out of 50. Assuming you have no hubs that aren't featured, that would be a tougher thing to accomplish IMO. Considering all of the people I've heard complaining about their non featured hubs, I'd say having all featured isn't too common...

  18. KL Klein profile image69
    KL Kleinposted 11 years ago

    Congratulations on reaching 50!
    I myself am only 36 hubs away from getting there too. wink

    1. agilitymach profile image96
      agilitymachposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you!!!  You're actually not that far away from the 25 featured hubs accolade. big_smile  Keep up that good work. smile

      1. TIMETRAVELER2 profile image78
        TIMETRAVELER2posted 11 years agoin reply to this

        This is interesting because I have 122 hubs right now, all of which are featured and most of which have been featured ever since publication.  I never received an email and do not think there's an accolade either.  All of this is news to me, that's for sure!

        1. rebekahELLE profile image85
          rebekahELLEposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          TT, you have an accolade for having at least 100 featured hubs.
          I don't remember receiving an email, and all of mine are featured.  I don't read all of my emails..  As long as they're featured, that's my concern.

          1. TIMETRAVELER2 profile image78
            TIMETRAVELER2posted 11 years agoin reply to this

            rebekahELLE: Guess I missed that one...thanks.

  19. Astra Nomik profile image64
    Astra Nomikposted 11 years ago

    I have 31 hubs, and 28 of them are poetry hubs. All my hubs are featured. I am very happy to see that. I think the efforts made to keep hubs updated and maximized for the broadest readership does help. Social media also helps to keep hubs in the view of potential new readers.

  20. ChitrangadaSharan profile image93
    ChitrangadaSharanposted 11 years ago

    Congratulations on reaching the 50 mark!
    I have 31 featured hubs--Hope to reach there soon! I did get an email and accoload,  when I reached 25, notifying that  I am among the 3%.
    Wish you all the best for future!

  21. Cheeky Girl profile image65
    Cheeky Girlposted 11 years ago

    I got the email yesterday about having 50 of my Hubs featured and of my being in the top 1% of something here. Anyway, I'm happy with that small blue badge in my activity tab, and maybe my score will rise a wee bit now!

    Congrats to Patty and all the great writers here in Hub Pages who show how it is done!

    1. Patty Inglish, MS profile image87
      Patty Inglish, MSposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks, Cheeky Girl - some of my earlier Hub titles are pretty BAD (so don't anyone emulate those), and I am changing them as I think of better ones. LOL.

      1. toptendeals profile image70
        toptendealsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        My worst hub seo wise so far has brought 17 viewers (including hubpages referrals).  Dont think it can get worse than that smile

        1. KL Klein profile image69
          KL Kleinposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          How long has that particular hub been up for? [I still haven't gotten seo titles down yet either..]

          1. toptendeals profile image70
            toptendealsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Maybe about 11 days or so =p

            1. agilitymach profile image96
              agilitymachposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              That's not bad. smile  My best hub has 20,500 views created on Jan. 2013, but my worst hub was created almost a year ago. It only has 39 views. smile  It's a creative writing hub, and they tend not to get much Google traffic, unfortunately.  You'll get the hang of this and get better at creating hubs that attract readers, although it usually takes a while for a hub to gain traction and get those readers.

              1. toptendeals profile image70
                toptendealsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                wow nice views smile

  22. agilitymach profile image96
    agilitymachposted 11 years ago

    Congrats to everyone on so many featured hubs!!!  And as far as titles go, I completely suck at them!! I'm seriously incapable of creating a good SEO title, I've decided.

    1. profile image0
      Beth37posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      haha, don't feel bad. I suck at it too. I just can't wrap my mind around the fact that I'm not supposed to write a catchy title that represents my hub best.

  23. profile image0
    Jennifer Sucheyposted 11 years ago

    That's pretty awesome! Huge accomplishment so congrats to you in a big way. Interesting note about being among only 1 percent. Wow. Well I only have 13 hubs to date but fully intend to be among that 1 percent. I can't believe crazyhorse has 1,000 hubs. My brain can't wrap itself around that one!

  24. C.V.Rajan profile image61
    C.V.Rajanposted 11 years ago

    As many have said already, it must be for your 50/50 accomplishment which is quite note-worthy. Congrats!

    I happened to cross my 100 featured hubs mark today!

    With this change, it is gladdening to see 4 hundreds in my accolades: >100 published hubs, 100 featured hubs,  >100 followers and >100K views!

    1. toptendeals profile image70
      toptendealsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Congrats C.V. Rajan!  I'm trying to think of a new one but I'm having writers block. =p

  25. habee profile image93
    habeeposted 11 years ago

    Wow. I didn't even see my 1,000 hubs badge until just now, thanks to this thread!

    1. agilitymach profile image96
      agilitymachposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Whew!!!  Congrats!!

      1. habee profile image93
        habeeposted 11 years agoin reply to this



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