I reckon this to take a month or so. Folk who left did not just pack up. They keep a finger in all pots.
But they do not still focus here. Can we learn? Can we learn without attacking me? Probably not. but let us try. I have hundreds of followers let us see what they say without attacking me.
I love writers.
We all have hundreds of followers.
I'm curious, you placed a question about why someone left HP on the HP forums?
And you have a degree in Philosophy?
I guess it's meant for people who only sporadically log in to HP anymore, so that's why it will take a month. Unfortunately, Eric, unless you plan to bump this thread every day it will become buried under all the new topics. I don't think the sporadic users will ever see it.
Eric? Bump one of his own threads just so it stays on the front page where people can see it?
That would be outside of his character.
Off-Topic: I am rather partial to Jam on plain white bread. Not toasted.
Peace on earth. Good will toward men (and women).
I am just blown away by the attention of those who have not left HP. I do not get it. Let this get legs and see what our once a week drop bye's say.
Bill Holland and I publish here 5 days a week. But most of our friends now post elsewhere regularly.
Life is good and writing for a living has never been better. But why do people go elsewhere.
Really? Why do you say that? I'd say writing for a living is much, much worse than it was in 2010.
At the beginning of 2011 I was predicting an income of around $20,000 from my blogs and from HubPages, even if I sat back and didn't write another word.
My income for 2013 will probably be less than $9,000. Admittedly I've added very little new material this year as I've been working on other projects - but for me, the whole idea of writing online was to earn passive income. I came to the conclusion earlier this year that the game had changed, which is why I changed direction.
As to why I'm still here - I like the community here, and I am conscious that I received a huge amount of help from other Hubbers when I started, so it's only fair for me to pay it forward.
What a great comment friend.
Well I started writing on line for money in 1998 and it was a brutal world ;-) I have no doubt that if you worked at making money on line that you could beat your best year every year. You are a talent.
Eric, I spent 2011 and 2012 working to recover from the loss of traffic and income, but in spite of all my efforts, I watched my earnings go backwards. There comes a time when you have to accept you can't keep flogging a dead horse.
I know many people who have given up blogging and writing online because they've had the same experience. These were good writers with more technical expertise than me. Most of them are still working in the online space - but they're selling their services to other bloggers and writers, not writing themselves. As they say, at the end of a gold rush, you'll make more money selling shovels than panning for gold yourself.
Many can only wish their income was anywhere near $9000 a year from writing online. To me that is not a bad number at all to reach.
Well, as income from a part-time hobby, that would be fine. However, it is not a very motivating sum if someone is trying to make a living from this. That sort of money would keep me going for about 2 months at best.
As WriteAngled says, if I was writing for fun and the money was a bonus, no doubt I'd be ecstatic. However, my goal was to create a real income from this, and $9,000 is a poor return compared to other options.
People (and I've been one of them) can get so focussed on writing online, they become oblivious to all the other opportunities around them.
It takes effort to venture into real freelance writing. It takes effort to go to yard sales and thrift shops to find products to sell on eBay. It takes effort to find casual work. It's much easier to get up in the morning, sit down at the PC and just keep writing.
But the fact is, I can make more money from one day of mystery shopping than from a whole week of online writing. If I spend a morning looking for eBay products, I can make more money than from a whole week of online writing. I have a casual job at a dancewear shop (filling in on odd days for the owner), which pays me more in one day than a whole week of online writing.
I don't write freelance, but every Hubber I know who's given it a serious go, is making more money from freelance gigs than from their own HP account or blogs.
I'm not addicted to writing, so if I can work 3 days instead of 21 days for the same money, that's what I'm going to do. The effort to search for alternative sources of income really pays off.
I write for a living. That is what I do. But I get paid to think up and research what I write --- sometimes the result is so haywire they pay me not to write it up. But I have been seriously writing for a living for -- well since 1979.
This for me is a kick in the pants, but part of the kick is that in around two years time I will have enough stuff to switch over and just make money here or there writing what I want.
Believe me writing for lawyers and judges and SEC corps and insurance companies along with people writing against them is not always a kick in the pants, it penetrates through to the butt.
I just really admire these folks that give it a shot to write for themselves.
And in truth I like the folks like some Nora gal around here. "Chief Moderator" yikes. And the folks that fund this operation.
What kinds of things are you writing for these folks?
Really you want to be that bored -- heck my wife asks me that question so during my reply she can fall off into blissful slumber knowing that the world makes no sense.
Run of the mill stuff. Appellate Court - Supreme court briefs, demand letters, Civil lawsuits and criminal defense motion papers, SEC 8K press releases, risk analysis crap and what lawyers call discovery. Cease and desist letters. One time I was hire for a year by an immigration lawyer to write love letters for clients and Fiance' matters. Business plans and public offerings and subscriptions and warrants. Personal inmate letters to go into probation files. Every now and then my take on a law and some UN policy stuff and some Internet policy and contractual mumbo jumbo.
I warned you ...... Are you asleep yet?
I will just point out that Marisa may be quoting Australian dollars. So for those of you in the UK and the US, that's LESS than $9000.
lol, Melissa, looks like I have to eat my words!
From what I am seeing people really do not leave HP. They simply go elsewhere with their time to make money, but still like coming back here to visit me --- ooops I mean HP. I think that is very cool indeed.
HP should give you a share of the forum ad impressions, you certainly know how to draw them in. Who knows, maybe HP already has secret deals with the more notorious posters. Those toenail fungus ads aren't going to look at themselves.
That just reminds me of the ugly protuberance on my face. People notice it but nobody talks about it. My elder children love me but will not let me take my shirt off at the beach.
I hope nobody left HP because they did not feel comfy enough to speak their mind or take off their shirt.
For every time I'm reported I get 10 cents off per gallon of gas at Exxon. Every time I'm banned it's a dollar off per gallon.
I pretty much stopped writing on HP about this time last year when my numbers surged, then crashed and stayed near 0 for months.
I put some lenses up at Squidoo, that got me some praise, but very little money. I've also been posting at Bubblews for a couple of months.
I check on on HP once in a while, and the past couple of months I am seeing better traffic than I've ever had before. I even wrote a couple of new hubs.
I never left HP, I just lost my enthusiasm I suppose.
I have never "left" HP. What I have done is stop publishing on HP due to the problems that have been rehashed numerous times here in the forums and in blog posts around the web. My writing efforts are now focused on where I can make money. I make a few cents here on HP a day, down from over 100.00 a month at one point. Not much compared to others, but it did help out. I used to have a payout every month, but now it takes three to four months.
Granted I have about half of what I used to have here, but it is not my doing. HP unfeatured half of my material and I simply unpublished and deleted the material and republished it elsewhere where it makes money.
I still do pop in to read Hubs and to check out the forums from time to time. Also, I look for the next unfeatured hub or hub with no views to move to my blog.
lol Well, I certainly will not attack you. I was here then I left and now I'm back out of curiosity; however, curiosity did kill the cat. I see that HP has not changed and I am rather surprised there are no new questions being asked. Political and rudeness does not a nice writer make. This is certainly not the place to 'take it out on others' as I have found here on HP. However, I thought I would try one more time.
Given the brutes that are rumored to hang out in these forums, I am afraid to tarry myself.
Thanks, Beth. I'm guessing you ate lots of carrots as a kid and can see in the dark.
My only superpower is grouchiness.
You know it is uncanny but that is exactly how I imagine PDS to be. lol.
I am a bit more sort of rugged.
Yeah, I am sort of rugged and PDS is more sort of rug.
I thought you only picked on WF (which is why I'm assuming he got snarky with me the other day.)
You posted a picture of a rug! It is not my fault if it looks like PDS, lol.
As to WF, I never pick on people here. He is just the person most likely to say something silly. Hardly my fault.
Anyway, you handled him perfectly. Stuck to the facts. Left no one in any doubt what was happening.
Good stuff.
lol. Apparently I set an allotted time for myself with that post of mine and I'm probably over now. I should go back to my book. I'll be needing someone to read it someday. I choose you. I don't want any critiques, I just want someone to tell me what a fabulous job I did and what a big hit it will be. You seem the encouraging type. lol
I bet your stuff is pretty strong. I hope you get a few jokes in. If it is all 'a-yearnin' and 'a-quiverin' it can fry the older gentleman's brain pan.
Any kind of creative writing is so difficult. Even if you understand a genre thoroughly, and have all the conventions in your head plus a few good ideas, it is still difficult. So best of luck.
Send me a few pages if you really want to.
Something that will leave my pan intact, lol.
Really? Aw. Im scared now. You'll poo poo my book and then I'll run out of steam. lol
Ok, I will... but be gentle, It's still a work in progress... editing and story wise.
It is up to you. I wouldn't offer advice, though. I'm not good at that kind of thing. I would just be interested.
In my experience it is best to get something really worked out first, though. And if that takes months, it takes months...
I haven't left but working on other venues and types of writing.
The times they are a changing and we must change along with them or we rust and become unmovable.
Many I know have tried their hand at Kindle books. You don't have to have hundreds of words to publish there, in fact you can even sell an article much like you do here or similar sites. Just an FYI for those that don't know.
Just keep writing, editing and improving and you can't go wrong.
Writing articles on HubPages (and to a lesser degree, other content sites) got me excited about writing again. I don't think you can put a price tag on that.
The last line in Pamela's post is sage advice. If we're not writing somewhere, our skills are withering away.
I've got a little break coming up; I think I'll put together a new hub fiction story soon. It's been awhile.
Writers have been leaving HubPages for many reasons. Check out this Hub for the stats on just how many are leaving HP every day: http://goody5.hubpages.com/hub/Google-vs-the-Hub-Pages It's not a pretty picture.
There was a time not long ago when things got very onerous around here, with all sorts of rule changes and Hub idling (unFeaturing) because of a variety of shifting reasons. That seemed to be the last straw for many writer around here, as the exodus really picked up steam after HP started idling Hubs and causing indexing problems with Google. Then, there are places like Bubblews that have sprung up that pay better than HP. Good old competition at work!
Personally, I am pretty happy with HP lately, as the idling (unFeaturing) is not nearly as onerous as it once was and I like their new Hub templates a lot. It's a great writing platform in my opinion.
Phew. I was lucky to see this. Having left HP I was just out there on the net when someone I knew said "Have you seen Eric's post?"
"What post?" I said curiously.
"He has posted on HP about people leaving" said my friend.
"Oh" I said merrily.
"Why don't you go and check it out" they said.
"I can't be assed without a link" I replied cautiously.
To cut a long story short they sent me the link and I was surprised to find myself here again after all this time.
I mailed my friend back. "It's a crap post" I said intriguingly.
"Why don't you reply?" said my friend supportively.
"Because I should be buying Xmas presents" I said festively.
"What about Eric?" they said questionably.
"I'll get back to him" I said, lyingly.
Marvelous. How fun Mark. You bring good cheer. You just sent me a present so mark that off your list ;-)
OK, screw it. I love you Mark. Have little stick-figure babies with me.
Ah - thanks!
edit. Most inadequate comment ever. I was nonplussed.
I thought it was "arsed". Are you pretending to be English?
Hey I am American now. That's where the dollars are.
You've got a lot of new phrases to learn.
Here's your first one: "S'up?"
You'll get the hang of it soon.
Dear lady - I have it down and dirty on my ass these days. Oh yep.
I think for obvious reasons probably - they are going where they feel they can earn more money, or they may be the ones who were penalized by the new formats and such introduced here who felt stifled creatively by the new rules.
I publish a lot of stuff elsewhere, but I always have. Diversity helps increase earnings in my case. I also spend the bulk of my time now writing for other people, because it seems residual income is way down the past couple of years.
I like the community here though so even during times I don't publish, I still come around and check out what's happening pretty much every day.
Lo and behold, I thought that you were taking a rest for a while. The last I heard you were asking about closing your account temporarily.
I did ask if an account could be closed temporarily, the answer was no.
I did take a little break... though it really wasn't meant to be an announcement.
Ppl were very kind, and I just caught my breath for about 2 days.
It really wasn't a big deal. Thanks for asking.
Oh. There have been many others gone longer and there was no problem.
We took a vote, Beth, and you can't leave. You get extra vacation days as needed, though.
Glad to see you here - I was worried.
Some of you hubbers are so sweet it just makes coming here a joy. Thank you.
Beth37 will NOT leave. HP. WE love HER and SHALL NEVER permit her to leave HP.......... EVER! Beth37 is such a sweet person and a COMPLETE JOY to be around..
First, I want to thank you for those kind words, second, I want to thank you for using an image from Horror Hotel... I believe a woman was burned at the stake in that movie... I'm hoping she doesn't represent me.
Not at all, WE just love you Beth 37. I used this picture as a representation of the people who love you. I just love horror movies. In fact, I am an aficinado of the horror genre whether in books or movies. Off to my 383rd hub.
4 years im still kinda here . i had over 70 poems and short story's on this site..the reasons why i took most down and dont write here anymore except in forums. are many. this is a content farm as far as to the kinda stuff i write. original works are fodder for plagiarists in this venue.unfair editing enraged me. misspelling is part of what i do. its art. creative spelling.but the last straw was when a first person fictional story i put up called dog fight was pulled down for no other reason than subject matter, and a poem called oscillating fan. that i re posted the exact poem that was flagged. but added directions on how to clean one. and changed the title to " how to clean a oscillating fan" and it was acceptable to hub pages. im not a god dang "how to" hubber . but was basically strong armed into becoming one. this aint a creative writing site. when i signed up to it it billed itself as being one they lied .
Oh boy - do I hear what you are saying. Trouble is the world on search wants "How tos". Selling creativity is a whole bunch of hard.
You might be surprised how much money there is in stick figures.
Slightly above zero dollars per month.
Not leaving.
Just wanted to rant about my weekend hub traffic.
Rant concluded.
I haven't written anything here since April I think. I went over to wizzley to diversify and found I like it better over there. I still visit HB everyday, but I won't be writing much here.
What kind of articles do best over there?
Wow. It's hard to say. History, general information, a whole host of topics really . It's really more than the how to articles that are popular here. I like it there because I can write about whatever strikes my fancy, plus I get more traffic over there so that's a plus lol.
Thanks. I signed up with them many moons ago. But never did follow through with an article there. Next non how-to article I think of...
sorry for getting silly but; Are you happier over there?
I still find that Hubpages is the best when you average out all the pros and cons of other writing sites, payment structures and promotion.
I write on Bubblews, Wizzley and my own sites but Hubpages feels like home.
Wrylilt - Why did you decide to give Bubblews another try?
I needed some extra Christmas money. Just received my third redemption, ready to claim my fourth. I'm also writing a how-to guide on my formula.
Oh No! Another Bubblews how-to?
write post
view new post submits
Like new posts
*comment if appropriate
connect with as many like-minds as you can
write post
go through notifications
redeem every 2 - 3 days
sound about right?
I guess that could be padded out to a complete how-to tutorial...
Unless of course you are redeeming every 36 - 48 hours, then you either have a good system, or you are on Bubblews 12 hours a day!
I have redeemed 3 times in the last ten days, if that counts.
And I managed to write 2,500 words on hubbing, so I'm sure I can write half that on Bubbling.
That's great - how much time are you spending on your connections?
hmmm.. 3 times/ten days.... sounds about right
as for the tutorial length - of course you can. my little blurb was just a skeleton... LOL
And, I will be sure to check it out, as I did habee's advice, (Southernteacher), because I found that to redeem every 3 days, (which I was doing), was requiring wayyyyyy too many hours of constant bubblews activity.
I am sure you experienced the same, but logging on to 2000+ notifications, plus writing good - not stupid "good night or good morning Bubblers" - posts, AND repaying visitor's visits - is a lot more than an hour or two a-day task.
You are correct in the amount of time to redeem every three days or three times a week. One does have to interact with the community pretty radically to keep that up. I was able to do that prior to my recent move, but now that I am closer to work, I spend more time there as it is just a short walk away, and that leaves less time to spend interacting with the community there.
Still, my return there has been about $700.00 since joining on July 22nd.
I rarely log on to more than 100 notifications. And I'm working on bringing in good SEO and MFP content. I don't plan to put that many hours in!
WryLilt you should give me some SEO tips.
Brilliant - I look forward to your formula. Keep in mind that Bubblews seems to lose posts from your archive while the still exist in on Google. DrMark1961 kindly checked this for me. I don't know how that affects earnings and they, the powers that be, aren't telling.
All of your archived posts are still there. There is a glitch when you hit "archives", however if you use the arrows on your profile, you can "walk" back and find all your articles in the reverse order of publication. This is why Google can still "see" them.
I had a good poke around the site and people who get strong traffic from outside the site seem the most likely to go unpaid.
Perhaps they are just sticking to the task of faking a social site and people who can get traffic are just not welcome.
Who knows? They probably won't tell you.
In fact, they are probably shocked to get people who use English as a first language and ask a lot of fool questions.
Go ahead and hate your neighbor and go ahead and kill the friend, do it in the name of heaven you can justify it
in the end.
That danged morning after.
You chose.
I reckon your poke did not include me who gets quite a bit of outside traffic and have right at 28 paid redemptions for a total of quite a bit of coins, lol.
They pay
They don't pay
They pay
They don't pay
You broke the rules
No, I didn't
You broke the rules
No, I didn't
Some of them are dribblers
Some of them oozers
And one are two
Are likely lads
Who make several bucks a day...
Did you have a bad experience there or what? Or do you just bash to bash?
He's so rich from his hubs he doesn't need to bother to try it.
I am creative poet and deeply hurt that you are not enjoying my pom.
Well the poemage was good, if that is a word, lol. But it "felt" like it was an attack on simple peasants such as me that go out and roam the web to make a few extra dollars so that when a friend in need approaches me I have a few extra bucks to help them out.
If you wrote two of them, you'd be a cheerleader.
You too, I think, are not liking my pom!
What is this joke 'cheerleader'?
If you get caught with one of those in one of the more conservative areas of the country, it is a week in the stocks.
and that's where the tickling begins?
Funny, I used a joke just like that in my book... only instead of the stocks, I said "burned at the stake"... I thought you got it from me at first, but I remembered it comes much later
lol. And many other cruelties.
They are forced to wear bobble hats, for one thing.
edit: ??? Stake or steak?
I don't think we have a name for those hats. We just call them hats... maybe "the hat with the ball on it" to clarify, but most of them have balls on top. Im starting to see why "bobble hat" might be preferable.
stake.... it's not steak is it? I have to google.
It is stake... how dare you. You made me question my own good sense.
Just as an aside, an industrious Bubbler could earn the booble hat below in a mere 20 days.
88 quid.
lol... like a dog with a bone.
I always know when you're looking for a pic.
It's either that or you've gone off to read something. You have a great patience for reading a lot of crap. Thanks btw for reading mine. lol
Enjoyed it. There is something worthwhile in there. Just needs more work (not that much really).
Same old story...
I told myself at work the other day that it was a mistake to let you read it. I realized that even if you said good things about it, I would just think you were just being nice. lol
I still appreciated it. Im glad you mentioned adding detail. I hate details and will subconsciously block them out all the time, even skipping over headlines just to read a story. Probably the opposite of you.
You cannot write about events in a vacuum. But obviously the reader does not want to wade through pointless details. A thousand word description of the day's cloud formations is de rigueur in Eng Lit but in Chick Lit, not so much.
Let Jane Austen be your model.
I remember when I read Gone with the Wind... she went on and on about the trees on the side of the drive to the house for what felt like 3 pages.
Yes, it is cruel forcing words into someone's eye like that.
edit: I think this thread has had the trampling it deserves so I better do some work, See you later.
p.s. If you see any Bubbler nonsense, take names.
I'm still here on my first home and the place where I first spread my wings and made friends. However I post less than I did and can get back on here less. This is because I am financially strapped and have had to find other sources for money. So now I have my freelance writing and other sites to which I post my poetry like my blogs. But I always enjoy coming back here to see what's happening and as long as there will be those who read what I post I will stay here.
I am here to generate links to my website not to earn money. But if google doesn't rank hubpages like it used to is there any point. And should I register for the earnings programme anyway?
If you are getting enough traffic, you might as well.
If you are here to create web-spam you might like to keep it quiet.
No, there isn't much point.
Google will not increase the SERP standings of your other sites much in response to the backlinks from HP, and HP requires a well written article, taking some real time to produce, rather than a 50 word blog entry.
Best find another place to do your SEO.
The homepage of HubPages has a Google PageRank of 6, so it is highly valued by Google and Google sends a ton of traffic to this site every day.
The way it is on HubPages is that your Hubber Score has to be at least 85 for your links to be followed links. Right now, your links from your Hubs are NoFollow.
Also, if you publish more high quality Hubs and your score rises above 85, the value of your link is determined as a trickle-down from the Google PageRank of each individual Hub. Right now, your Hubs don't have good PageRank. So, you have a long way to go to make a link from HP of any value as a backlink. Even when your links are followed and your Hubs develop a healthy PageRank, all of the links will be from a single domain. It's still good to have a followed backlink from HubPages.com and many writers here link to their own blogs and websites for that reason. But, a link from HP should just be one of many links you develop over time.
What is the source for the 85 hubber score requirement???
It will be interesting to see who is daft enough to give you an answer.
Cool --- like a real conspiracy theory. That is so cool.
Give it a go.
I need entertaining tonight. Every time I sneeze, my chair spins round with the force of it and the air is full of green stuff.
It's like 'The Exorcist' .
That's lovely.
Of course I have no idea. I was finally given the semi-coveted 85 a few days ago, and then I made the mistake of sleeping, only to wake and see I'd been reduced to my former 84, The only conclusion I have drawn is that one should never sleep.
I think you guys are silly. Clearly it is a wizard of OZ type deal with some Orwellian stuff thrown in. Mind control via hubber score.
Eric, you are currently our number one troll. Congrats.
The problem with being a troll is that you pretty much lose all normal rights as a hubber, as far I am concerned anyway.
Having said that, I sense that you are sincere in your quest for info here and I would probably help if I could.
Problem is I cannot understand what you are saying....
It might be worth pointing out that I never understand what you are saying. Which is why we will never fight. If that is any consolation.
How about staying signed in and watching HP with one eye while we sleep with the other, taking turns with the eyes.
If you shut that other eye... if you even blink... your score will drop faster than a cheerleaders bloomers on prom night. (Don't throw things at me, it was the first joke that popped into my head.)
I suppose so, but I do not worry about it. It goes up and down depending on how you and your Hubs do. I just take it in stride. I try to improve my Hubs, write more and better, use the HubHopper and do whatever else I can.
Several people have:
I'm sure as well that HP has verified this, although I can't find the forum post that does. And I could be wrong anyway.
I have a feeling that it is a much bigger tangle than you imagine, lol.
Well, unless my senile memory is failing me, it seemed simple at the time. HP came in and made it plain that the requirement had gone from a hubber score of 75 to one of 85 for any do follow, and that it was still coupled to individual hub scores for individual hubs.
Here you are, it is your baby now:
Bull pucky. I will be using that phrase three times today.
I could be wrong, but I don't think that "promote" your hub has anything to do with it having do follow links. Nor did the poster seem to think there was a connection, though I could be wrong.
No, but it did come up in another thread.
Definitely register for the earnings program anyway. Why wouldn't you? Your Hubs will be earning income, you might as well have some of it!
As WF says, if you're aim is to generate backlinks to impress Google, there's not much point in creating multiple Hubs. Google counts only the first one or two links from any single domain.
However, don't forget that real readers will also follow links in your Hubs! I do get traffic from links in my articles on revenue-sharing sites like HubPages, Infobarrel etc, and the fact that I'm on all those sites (using the same name) helps raise my profile as a writer.
Methinks there should be a warning label for Noobs like myself who fall into the trap of answering someone like Eric. I fell into said trap on day 2. In retrospect, I feel foolish.
Perhaps I can throw it into my bio....
Did you leave HP?
Eat your heart out. https://www.quantcast.com/labs/real-tim … bpages.com 5.5K has been the "usual".
by Ben G 12 years ago
So far, thanks to the Idle hubs "feature", I have had my second month in a row where I haven't earned $50 through the HP Ad program... and these are the only 2 times, out of the history of me using HP Ads, that I haven't reached the $50 mark.Weren't the idle hubs supposed to help...
by Sondra Rochelle 9 years ago
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by Eric Dierker 11 years ago
What does HP want us to do with unpublished HubsI cannot find any guidance on this issue
by Paul Goodman 3 years ago
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by Writer Fox 11 years ago
I'm not sure what to think of this, but HP is advertising a part-time job (telecommuting is OK). The job is to find new Hubbers. Maybe they don't like the old ones?http://sfbay.craigslist.org/sfc/mar/4327997100.htmlIt looks like HP is willing to spend a lot of money on AdWords to find...
by Pandu B 11 years ago
Was curious after seeing most of the long term - experienced Hubbers. So thought of doing some research. Topic explains it. Let's try to be truthful here. What really keeps you going on here on HP? Why should Hubpages be the First choice for any Writer? Please try to support your idea with...
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