See adult/risque ads on HubPages? You can share the details here

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  1. barbat79 profile image63
    barbat79posted 10 years ago

    Have any of you found detestable ads on your hubs?  It is a "game" with girls in distasteful I want it off my you know if we have a say in this?   It has nothing to do with my poem and is disgusting to me.

    1. Quilligrapher profile image71
      Quilligrapherposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      One option is to turn off all ads on your hub:

      On the banner bar located at the top of the page click: Barbat79>my account.

      Scroll down left margin to hub title and Click “edit” on the left of your title.

      Scroll down right margin; Click “DISPLAY OPTIONS.”

      In the dialog box labeled “Ads:” select option “Off”
      I hope this is the solution you hoped to find.

      1. barbat79 profile image63
        barbat79posted 10 years agoin reply to this

        I appreciate the time you took to respond and thank you. I actually forgot that this even    I, however, was hoping to just have that vile ad replaced or removed ..not all ads...I wonder if HP will have an answer to that?  or someone in the community....thanks again!

        1. MelissaBarrett profile image60
          MelissaBarrettposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          HP doesn't serve up the ads, Adsense does. Some have had some luck going in through their adsense account and trying it that way. Maybe someone could help with that here, but I'd go searching through adsense FAQ for answers...

          Now, that's all supposition, but I was trying smile

          1. barbat79 profile image63
            barbat79posted 10 years agoin reply to this

            Wow!  Thanks so much!

        2. Quilligrapher profile image71
          Quilligrapherposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Hi again,
          See forum thread "Ad Problems on HubPages FAQ- Please read before posting!" found at

          1. Phyllis Doyle profile image95
            Phyllis Doyleposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            Ah !  Good for you Quilligrapher.

    2. Phyllis Doyle profile image95
      Phyllis Doyleposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Somewhere I read that you can report inappropriate ads to have them removed. Searching in FAQ, as Melissa suggests is the best way to go I think. Welcome to HubPages.

    3. LuisEGonzalez profile image79
      LuisEGonzalezposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      It is an ad for League of Angels, which is an online game (Scy Fi /Fantasy) it is perhaps "R" and not "X" and much less "XXX" and it is placed there by Google/Adsense thus so far as HP taking it off it will depend on much revenue it generates for them. If HP is to remain a free site for authors they need to generate revenue and we must sometimes accept things that we may not fully understand or agree with.....or take our content somewhere else...................roll

      1. barbat79 profile image63
        barbat79posted 10 years agoin reply to this

        I think you should not participate in a discussion unless you have some input which may assist a HP member and/or their original post or concern.  It is my writing which it is next to...tacitly endorsing it   Perhaps you should take your content elsewhere...thank you smile

        1. LuisEGonzalez profile image79
          LuisEGonzalezposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          I think you should pause before assuming.

          When you post a forum you ask or rather invite comments.

          My response was to clarify what the ad is, not that I agree with it but I do realize that it is not entirely up to HP and they have to consider everything, including revenue.

          The rating is what it is, not what I think it is.

          Taking your content somewhere else was said in a jovial manner, and not telling you or any other author what to do.

          Authors on a site like HP have very limited choices when it comes to ads and such.

          Sorry you did not see that!


      2. Kiss andTales profile image60
        Kiss andTalesposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        When I came aboard Hp this was not open info to me,  and since this is eye opening it does give one a another thought in the freedom of choice. Which I have never been afraid to exercise . Quality is what they claim to standby  , If a young child can pick up my tablet and read it ,without me worrying that something inappropriate is present  and can not ! this has been a mistake in judgment ,who would want their grands or children looking right at some ones breast or boobs or nudity, I rate my morals higher then Hp if that is the case, I will not let them rate me.

        1. Kiss andTales profile image60
          Kiss andTalesposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          To Mr ,LG , I find it very strange that such nudity would relate to an angle ,which in meaning is using something that is connected to God ,in an unclean way. There is no excuse for the power to do anything inappropriate , as an example given before ,people do not have  the right to poses weapons and use them on innocent lives just because  they hold it in their hands ,For the love of money and power is its own God .

          1. LuisEGonzalez profile image79
            LuisEGonzalezposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            The ad is not considered nudity as per Google (although it is in very bad taste). Everyone needs to realize that Google puts them there and if it's still there it's probably  because it is generating sufficient revenue for the powers that be....wink

            1. psycheskinner profile image78
              psycheskinnerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              Hubstaff have already commented on their attempts to remove the boob ads with appropriate filters.

        2. Sue Adams profile image90
          Sue Adamsposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          I agree with your statement, not with your spelling. higher than (with an "a") please.

          1. Kiss andTales profile image60
            Kiss andTalesposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            You are correct I write fast but my tablet seems to skip letters or rewrite my words, I need to check better before posting,I do have a spell check ,so I do not know why correct word is still missing?

      3. JRScarbrough profile image68
        JRScarbroughposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        If Barbat79 finds it objectionable, she just does. Your internal rating system is yours and Barbat79’s is hers. Some people have looser morals than others.

        Barbat79, go into your adsense and block the ad. I don’t think that will affect HP’s ads, but at least you will feel better that you have no contribution to the matter.

        1. profile image0
          Beth37posted 10 years agoin reply to this

          How very gallant that was.

          1. JRScarbrough profile image68
            JRScarbroughposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            tongue Wasn’t going for gallant, but I’ll take it.

            I just never get why some project their personal judgements onto another’s as if somehow their viewpoint holds more merit. I’ve met all types and everyone has an opinion about different things. If someone doesn’t like certain language, don’t we clean our language up when around them? It is called being polite and we could use more of it. tongue

            1. profile image0
              Beth37posted 10 years agoin reply to this


            2. frantisek78 profile image82
              frantisek78posted 10 years agoin reply to this

              Some people have unreasonable expectations though. They think that just because they don't like something everyone has to avoid talking about that topic etc.

              1. JRScarbrough profile image68
                JRScarbroughposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                That’s true and it isn’t acceptable in my book either. Here is my take on handling hearing things that you don’t like or want to hear. Leave. If 10 people are discussing something and it offends someone else’s senses, then the person who doesn’t want involved should just leave and not be involved. It is just as impolite to expect everyone to kowtow than it is for someone else to push something on someone.

                The Internet is easy to come across things we don’t like. We can just as easily decide not to go back too. We can’t really dictate morality around to every website online. Like I said, my morality is not your morality and we can’t expect it to be. We have to try to find a middle ground, which I believe HP does well.

        2. LuisEGonzalez profile image79
          LuisEGonzalezposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Just to make sure you don't miss my last response. I did not rated it...that is what Goggle rates it...are we clear now?

          And in case anyone else has trouble understanding my post...I was attempting to clarify the ad in question and other elements related to its placement/inclusion.

          Those who know me know that I never pass judgment nor project personal views unto others but often try to infuse things with common sense for matters that we have little control of.

          Sorry that some took it the wrong way and in case it has been overlooked I have been here for some time now and think I know the rules, formats and policies.
          I,  by the way, am polite.

    4. Cardisa profile image92
      Cardisaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      You can mute that specific ad when it turns up again by clicking the "x" on the top right hand corner of the ad. That will mute the ad from that page. You don't have to turn of your ads at all. What may happen when you mute that specific ad, the advertise may replace it or the ad alone wont show.

      1. barbat79 profile image63
        barbat79posted 10 years agoin reply to this

        I didn't see any mute on this particular ad, perhaps because it was also animated.  I checked and saw the ad is gone!   Perhaps HP has heard us which would be nice, or they just regenerated new ads on the pages.  I did see a mute button on the new ad...  Cardisa you are the saving grace of the entire discussion!    I learned quite a bit from everyone, but you just hit the nail right on the head!!!!  Thank you!!!!!

        1. Cardisa profile image92
          Cardisaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Glad to be of help. smile

          Ads are generated like an RSS feed, they don;t stay the same. So look out for the ad again and take screenshot of the page and send to HP team. They can request that the advertiser not feed that ad to this website.

    5. Matthew Meyer profile image70
      Matthew Meyerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      The reality of online advertising is that many times images are used to grab your attention. As several other authors have mentioned, you do have the option to disabled ads on a Hub if you would like to do so.
      If you believe the ad violates our policies, then the easiest way to share the content is via a screen shot of the specific ad.

      1. profile image0
        Beth37posted 10 years agoin reply to this

        The screen shot has been shared numerous times. I guess the question is not do we believe it violates HP's policy, but does HP's believe it violates their policy? IE, does HP's have plans to remove it or not so much?

  2. Kiss andTales profile image60
    Kiss andTalesposted 10 years ago

    This still has to do with Hp policies ! As some one did say how can you tell someone how to cook in thier own kitchen, when in fact it is their Kichen , just a point!

    1. barbat79 profile image63
      barbat79posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I agree and good point as well as all the other informative posts have been.  It also has to do with the Author's personal endorsement in a subtle way.  Just by being present.  I wouldn't want a tablet to display such a game for young eyes.

      1. frantisek78 profile image82
        frantisek78posted 10 years agoin reply to this

        It's amusing how so many people get offended by games that have "girls in bras" and think that will warp the minds of the nation's youth, yet gratuitous violence seems to be just fine....

        1. psycheskinner profile image78
          psycheskinnerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          It is amusing you think this has anything to do with our personal views, when it is really all about making money off our hubs.  The wobbly tits are everywhere and very unlikely to appeal to readers of my hubs.  If I was offended by tits I couldn't even look in the mirror.  And my side-career in writing porn would be very hypocritical.

          Even if it was about being offended, hub writers are pretty similar to hub readers.  So what is offensive to the gander is probably offensive to the goose that lays the golden clicks.

          1. Cardisa profile image92
            Cardisaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            lol lol

          2. frantisek78 profile image82
            frantisek78posted 10 years agoin reply to this

            So what if they are making money off of your hubs? If you follow that logic aren't you just trying to make money off of posting your articles on Hubpages? Many people are constantly complaining about not making money off of their hubs, yet they get offended by ads that are just trying to do the same thing.

        2. JRScarbrough profile image68
          JRScarbroughposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Just looking at the demographics of HubPages will tell anyone that this kind of advertising is simply unwise. HubPages is dominated by women, Now, that isn’t to say that some women might not enjoy looking at cartoon boobs or that they might not want to play a game that is designed to cater to people attracted to cartoon boobs, but it is to say that the cost for advertising probably is not worth the investment. The numbers just aren’t here.

          I’m not offended by it. In fact, I saw the ad a few times and thought it was silly. It is all over Facebook too. The problem is this, it is appearing in hubs that aren’t going to be attracting anyone who would even click that ad and hubs that might be slanted toward a religious audience. It is important that our hubs are not speckled with things that might offend our readers. The reason is simple, we want for those readers to continue reading us in the future. If we throw things in their face that offends them, then they will not come back. Not every reader understands the ads aren’t our fault.

        3. JRScarbrough profile image68
          JRScarbroughposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Also frantisek78, I think you might be thinking that all of us are objecting for moral reasoning. I’ve said it before in another thread, I personally am not offended by the human body but my mother would be. I just happen to be aware of the different moral ideals people wish to live by and want to respect everyone’s views. In writing, we are out to entertain, inform, intrigue and attract a following. With this sort of thing that has such a diverse opinion pool, we have to be careful. You might say it is silly to object to this, but then anyone who objects to it will never want to come to your hub and read there because you think their ideas and opinions are silly. Perhaps you don’t care, but I do. I want the widest possible viewership available for anything I write.

          1. frantisek78 profile image82
            frantisek78posted 10 years agoin reply to this

            I would hope that an average reader would have enough critical thinking skills to know that we don't decide what ads show up on our hubs. I realize that is probably asking too much, but if someone decides not to read a hub because of an ad they find offensive then good luck to them.

            1. JRScarbrough profile image68
              JRScarbroughposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              Lol, I’d agree in essence. But yes, your expectations for the general population of surfers would probably be a bit high. Most have no clue that the author wouldn’t get to pick and choose what appears and a lot would just assume things as is human nature.

              I know, an ideal world would be much better.

  3. Eric Calderwood profile image75
    Eric Calderwoodposted 10 years ago

    A while back I went through my google adsense account and turned off ads in several categories that I did not want showing up on my hubs (and other monetized accounts). I sort of stumbled onto it. Maybe someone else reading this will know how to do this and can tell you how.

    1. Eric Calderwood profile image75
      Eric Calderwoodposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I just found it again. If you go to Adsense Reports there is a link at the top of the page called Allow and Block Ads. Once you click on this there are several different tabs to go through and a drop down hierarchy of ads that you can block. Hope this helps.

  4. Kiss andTales profile image60
    Kiss andTalesposted 10 years ago

    Good advise , but the question is why is it not Authorized with the Hubbers , with the same respect of receiving a right to publish your hubs. You respect me and I will respect you ,Fair!

  5. quicksand profile image83
    quicksandposted 10 years ago

    The ads that appear are geared to user preference. When your article is launched by a reader in Mexico he will see ads that are geared to his tastes.

    Different ads would be shown to someone who launches the same page in Cape Town. Cookies placed on your system presents advertisements which tally with your tastes which in turn are noted by observing your browsing habits.

    Those who chose to switch off cookies will be shown standard ads that are influenced by the topic discussed on the page launched. So the conditions that govern the type of ads that appear are user's browsing habits, the content, as well as the geographic location.  smile

    1. Kiss andTales profile image60
      Kiss andTalesposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Ok that explains why my topic has been on religion have church pictures at the side or bottom of my hub, but does not fit my outline of subject, then I get violations telling me to remove the adds or pic, ,so confusing. And when I tried to learn how to make money  ,not one cent was made from my hubs.  Thanks now I know more in a few minutes then in the few year I have been on Hp , thanks Mr QS.

    2. barbat79 profile image63
      barbat79posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I am the only user on this computer and the only reason why I may have received that foul ad is because I played Candy Crush!!!!!  Well the "game" that is there is a far far cry from the innocent game I played.  They even have a running animation of women running off in undies!!!   I will have to look into this and spend some time on this   (Oh I have fulltime job requirements to adhere to, so asap for me!  Thanks for the full detailed outline of how it all happens.  I knew cookies would determine some ads, but not with the full understanding which you presented!

      1. frantisek78 profile image82
        frantisek78posted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Just because the game has women running in undies in it does not make it a "game" in quotes. It is a game. Just like games with guns and explosions are games, and not "games" because they have things I may not like in them. The Lingerie Football League is all about women running around (and tackling, oh no!) each other in undies, and it is considered a game (no quotes).

  6. Kiss andTales profile image60
    Kiss andTalesposted 10 years ago

    That is good info to know, thanks I was thinking why my hubs post had pictures added I did not add ,and I was being in violation of the pictures ,Idid not pick. Then they told me to get rid of the pictures which was my job , which my hub was about to be completely deleted   puzzled because I did not put the pictures there,  how do I get rid of them ?Well it spoil my a bit writing , I write some times ,but  I 'd rather comment on a good subject, and write my book some where else. Hub pages is a good experience to learn writing skills ,and to test any writing talents if you have it. It helps you to think , my challenge since I have been here is grammar, learning how to say what you mean in proper structure, they have been tough lately but that is welcome. A good thought is gold is still gold buried under dirt , it can always be cleaned up. And dirt does not change the value of gold.

  7. LongTimeMother profile image95
    LongTimeMotherposted 10 years ago

    You are right, Eric. That's how I did it. I was not happy with the type of ads showing on one of my hubs. My hubs still get ads but never the types I don't like. smile

    1. Alison Graham profile image97
      Alison Grahamposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      On the subject of disallowing certain ad groups via our adsense account setting, 40% of the time the ad revenue goes to HubPages through their publisher id - I believe the preference settings for what ads to show only applies to our own Adsense publisher ids and that HubPages can still show 'undesirable' ads when the revenue goes to their own publisher id.

      My reason for saying this is that in the Adsense settings you cannot turn on or off these ads by location, only globally across your whole adsense account, wherever you are showing adsense ads with your publisher id.

      I guess that is a really long-winded way of saying that I think those ads could still show on your hubs in the 40% of the time that the revenue goes to HubPages.

  8. barbat79 profile image63
    barbat79posted 10 years ago

    I have certainly learned quite a bit! Things I never knew!

  9. Kiss andTales profile image60
    Kiss andTalesposted 10 years ago


    1. barbat79 profile image63
      barbat79posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      No, Thank you and all!!

  10. Kiss andTales profile image60
    Kiss andTalesposted 10 years ago

    Well I believe your subject hub was about love. So they connected the picture they wanted! With your hub, not your choice. And that is why I think hubbers  should be informed before their work is posted like a preview of what pic would be visible with post. Just like they have to view your work before publishing. One hand deserves the other.

    1. barbat79 profile image63
      barbat79posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Here here!!

      1. Sue Adams profile image90
        Sue Adamsposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        you mean hear hear surely

        1. barbat79 profile image63
          barbat79posted 10 years agoin reply to this

          No   it is here here.   The saying was originally to state an agreement was "here" as casting a vote of sorts.

          1. The Examiner-1 profile image60
            The Examiner-1posted 10 years agoin reply to this

            Maybe it is "there, there"? lol
            Seriously, I have seen that ad all over the place. I saw it on the Weather Channel! I clicked on the 'X' in the corner and it never came back there but everywhere else it shows up there is no 'X'. I saw it on my blog page twice at the same time!!

          2. Sue Adams profile image90
            Sue Adamsposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
            Hear, hear is an expression used as a short, repeated form of hear him, hear him. It represents a listener's agreement with the point being made by a speaker. In recent usage it has often been misconstrued to be the homophonic phrase here, here, although this is incorrect.

          3. Sue Adams profile image90
            Sue Adamsposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            Wikipedia entry:
            Hear, hear is an expression used as a short, repeated form of hear him, hear him. It represents a listener's agreement with the point being made by a speaker. In recent usage it has often been misconstrued to be the homophonic phrase here, here, although this is incorrect.
            It was originally an imperative for directing attention to speakers, and has since been used, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, as "the regular form of cheering in the House of Commons", with many purposes, depending on the intonation of its user.[2] Its use in Parliament is linked to the fact that applause is normally (though not always) forbidden in the chambers of the House of Commons and House of Lords.[3]

            1. barbat79 profile image63
              barbat79posted 10 years agoin reply to this

              I asked for an editor regarding an AD   not my expressions

              1. barbat79 profile image63
                barbat79posted 10 years agoin reply to this

                I noticed you like to find errors in other peoples speech and typing...are you an editor?

            2. barbat79 profile image63
              barbat79posted 10 years agoin reply to this

              And based on the copy and paste in your window I am correct in using it!!

            3. JRScarbrough profile image68
              JRScarbroughposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              Not to get involved in this, but as advised from every professor I have had within the last decade, do not use Wikipedia as a source.

              “Hear, hear” is derived from the common English Parliament “ Hear ye, hear ye” and the expression is always to draw attention to what is being said and means to listen up people and usually infers agreement.

              Though, since the expression is heard, rather than read, it is most often mistaken for “here, here” which makes perfect sense, since the person using the expression is under the impression that they are pointing toward the location of the words spoken rather than drawing attention for others to listen to what is being said. A very easy mixup and perfectly sensible.

              Though, it really doesn’t matter, so I am going to start saying “there, there” while I point at the location of the words I agree with and see if one day I become a Wikipedia entry about where that expression derived. Hopefully, by that time, there will be an easy button to remove ads of half dressed cartoon vixens.

  11. JRScarbrough profile image68
    JRScarbroughposted 10 years ago

    You can block certain ads in your adsense account. Just link to the ad and then go to your adsense account and block that particular ad’s domain.

    1. Sue Adams profile image90
      Sue Adamsposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Tricky to do beacuse we are not allowed to click on our own ads.

      1. JRScarbrough profile image68
        JRScarbroughposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        You can hover over the ad and see where it will lead or type the name of the company in Google. You don’t really have to link to it to get the domain. Some ads are kind of mysterious and don’t give much information but a hover will reveal where you will go to if you use certain browsers like Firefox or Chrome.

      2. psycheskinner profile image78
        psycheskinnerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        If you look at the ad you can normally see what it is for.  It looks to me like League of Angels is everywhere right now.

  12. Kiss andTales profile image60
    Kiss andTalesposted 10 years ago

    Yes you can block ,but is that the answer to cure a disease ? you can block or cover up but the disease is still present, or close the shade to your house while a crime is being carried on because as long as you do not see it the problem is not there !

    1. JRScarbrough profile image68
      JRScarbroughposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Lol. Well, I’m afraid we won’t be able to stop Google’s ad programs or their choices for ads. This is outside of HP’s domain. They just have an ad block placed there and the content of the hub dictates which ads show. If you have the word ‘love’ then Google will begin placing ads that they think match that.

      Sadly, the word love tends to attract dating sites and ads that have an overtone that I think you object to. HP itself has nothing to do with which ads Google chooses, it is between Google and the content of the hub itself.

  13. Kiss andTales profile image60
    Kiss andTalesposted 10 years ago

    So really you have not solved the problem just covered it like band aide .for the time being.

    1. JRScarbrough profile image68
      JRScarbroughposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Correct. Being that, the “problem” is systemic and widespread. If one considers it a problem.

      Half naked women have been making money for people for a very long time and all someone can do is abstain. By blocking the ads, the person is choosing to abstain from being a part of the problem. One less person willing to make money from half naked women is one less person feeding the problem as you see it.

  14. Kiss andTales profile image60
    Kiss andTalesposted 10 years ago

    You know you are correct, but it is to the other person to judge if this is correct info, maybe you do not like the info given for thought and that is your right, but you and no one else can change the truth. And I have no shame in speaking up when I should ,just as well as you speak for yourself.

    1. JRScarbrough profile image68
      JRScarbroughposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Oh, I am not in disagreement with either of you. I’d rather not have ads for cheap sites like that on my hubs either. I’m saying, we can’t do anything about the fact that Google is permitting the ads to come through to HubPages and that HubPages has nothing to do with those ads. They simply have a code provided by Adsense and Adsense chooses the ads.

      I would very much like not to have any women in bras on anything I write online. It cheapens my writing and makes it appear as if I am approving of the particular site being advertised.

      I just noticed that the word “love” tends to cause those ads to appear and it really makes no sense. What if it was a poem to your own mother? And you say in the poem, I love you mom. AND THEN there is an ad for a dating site with girls on the ad in their underwear? It just isn’t respectable from literary perspective or a child writing to their mother perspective.

  15. Kiss andTales profile image60
    Kiss andTalesposted 10 years ago

    So belittling or disrespect for women in your words do not get it my vote, you can not really hear what you just said can you, I rest my case. Mr JRC really!

    1. profile image0
      Beth37posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I am just curious. Why do you have no hubs on your Hub page or posts on your blog and all the poems on your google page lead to an empty blog page... Where can we go to read your work?

      1. JRScarbrough profile image68
        JRScarbroughposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        I’m just wondering where GMWILLIAMS is so she can post one of those confused and stunned pictures of herself for me.

        1. profile image0
          Beth37posted 10 years agoin reply to this

          I wouldn't take it to heart. It is the internet after all. If you stop for a moment and imagine how many ppl could actually post anything they wanted, with zero accountability, you actually got off lucky with only one strange criticism to your well meaning post.

          1. JRScarbrough profile image68
            JRScarbroughposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            What do you think? Are we speaking different languages or is there just a desire to argue? I’m so confused.

      2. Kiss andTales profile image60
        Kiss andTalesposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Beth if you are talking to me about my work I have written many poems under my title kiss and tales. I have a book on hold, many of my poems started here. Hp gave me the drive and  meaning basically other Authors like myself . Yes very new at it all. Basically grammar. But I have enjoyed the ride. Hp publish and then unpublish my work. So I take the experience and take the good out of it , My book is in the making.

        1. psycheskinner profile image78
          psycheskinnerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          So nothing online right now?

    2. JRScarbrough profile image68
      JRScarbroughposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I’m sorry, I just got really confused. I don’t know if we are speaking the same language or not. I am thinking that maybe we aren’t.

      Belittling and disrespect of women does not appeal to me in the slightest and certainly I am not voting for it at the next election.

      I am wondering if you can hear what I just said though.

      “Testing! Testing! Is this thing on?"

      1. Kiss andTales profile image60
        Kiss andTalesposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        " Half naked women been making money for people a very long time ,"  why women you could have said people.  But you did not !  I hear you , see you, and would not vote for you if you had a cause.  You said it I did not.

        1. JRScarbrough profile image68
          JRScarbroughposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          I’m sorry, but it is absolutely true. Half naked women have been making money for men and women alike for a long time. Half naked men doesn’t have the same affect being that men are more susceptible to advertising that contains half naked women in order to sell a product.

          It doesn’t mean that I support the fact that companies use half naked women in their advertising. It means that I and you and everyone else knows that it is true.

          Where are you from? I see a language barrier or perhaps the inability to interpret context. Maybe? I don’t know but you are misinterpreting the meaning of my comment.

  16. barbat79 profile image63
    barbat79posted 10 years ago

    My next forum question will be how can we end a post?

    Or   should we have moderators to keep ourselves from putting the smiley icons on? 
      I must tie my fingers after this so I don't type anything at all.  Boy I will be tempted   but I must move on to other tasks.
    Misunderstood and off topic is a time at least for me to say nothing more than Thank you all for the informative and intensely lively interaction.
    There is so much good information and interesting comments as well.    Peace to all hubbers!

    1. LuisEGonzalez profile image79
      LuisEGonzalezposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Now you see that words, intentions and meanings can be misconstrue and that I did not intent anything other than to clarify???????

      1. JRScarbrough profile image68
        JRScarbroughposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Luis, don’t worry about it. I don’t hold any contempt for you or your comment. I was expressing that her idea of x and your own differ by a great margin, as probably hers and mine do.

        I haven't even thought twice about your comment nor did it reflect anything about you to me. I was simply expressing the difference between the two.

        I don’t understand how my comments got misconstrued by this person though. They seem to have gone elsewhere and began the same “out of context” reinterpretations of the language to their own private definitions of words.

        I understand your intention in your first comment but I think it came off as snapping at her. You may not have intended it as such and so my comment may be out of line to your intent.

        The separation between each person’s own moral standards is the problem with these universal ad systems. HP is not the first place for this to be a problem. The fix should be that anything relating to a sexual content should have an easy button to disallow from appearing on individual sites. But the system in place over at Adsense is complicated to find such an option.

        If my writing would be less formal, perhaps comical or intended to entertain, then those ads might be appropriate. The OP is of a religious persuasion and so, the ads chosen for a love poem are out of line. Google just can’t sense these things.

        I want you to understand, if I felt someone snapped at you, Luis, I would have come in on your side and made a snarky comment on your behalf. That’s just who I am.

        1. LuisEGonzalez profile image79
          LuisEGonzalezposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          You are right....Even though I meant the "take our content somewhere else" as in "tongue in cheek" I see how she could have been erringly in her

  17. Kiss andTales profile image60
    Kiss andTalesposted 10 years ago

    Yes there is a language barrier starting with morals and respect of women, just because it exist or appears does not make a truth or a right ,just because cancer exist does not mean it belongs there it is foreign to the body until there is a cure, many things appear in our sight ,does not mean it belongs there. And just because a women is half naked and makes money from it or for others does not mean my grands and children should see her nude  body. The point is there are boundaries  ,money should not change the good ,But the good should change the bad. My last post on this subject.

    1. JRScarbrough profile image68
      JRScarbroughposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Nobody ever said it was moral to disrespect women. What was said was that it exists and that HP isn’t in charge of the ads, but that Google is. Saying something exists is not providing support for the right of it existing.

      The ads are there and people with questionable morality own businesses and women are used as bait to buy products in advertisements. The fact that   I mentioned that these things exist, does not in any way implicate my support for them to exist. In fact, the whole point of my acknowledgement of it was to say that I do not want it on my pages either.

      As I said, I believe there is a possible language obstruction. I will forgive your misinterpretations and AGAIN agree, I would not want those ads on my hubs either.

      1. psycheskinner profile image78
        psycheskinnerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        HP is totally in control of the ads shown here -- just as I am in control of the ones shown on my site.  And the are actively screening ads of this type.  That is why we report them on this forum.

        1. MelissaBarrett profile image60
          MelissaBarrettposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          I'm sorry, I was incorrect. I feel bad for the part my ignorance played in this argument.

          1. JRScarbrough profile image68
            JRScarbroughposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            Lol. You were right though. HP does not serve up the ads. Adsense does.

            Google Adsense is the place where advertisers purchase advertising from. So, from Adsense, there is a long list of ads just waiting to be displayed. Now, each of us can go into Adsense and block ads. Thats as much control as we have. HP’s Adsense which displays 40% of the time can also block certain advertisements.

            We report them so that HP knows which domains to add into their Adsense block list.

            So, we do have control of what shows, but no control of what is possible to show.


            1. Marina Lazarevic profile image82
              Marina Lazarevicposted 10 years agoin reply to this


              It's much harder to block an individual ad than it sounds. As many have already stated in this thread, Google AdSense (or another ad network) "controls" the ads, and we as HubPages have the ability to report inappropriate ads to them or to use the filters provided in the UI to block ads in different ways. It's easy to block entire categories of ads, such as "dating sites" (however, when you do that you may also incur a revenue loss.) As far as I know, there are three ways to block an individual ad via the AdSense/AdX UI:

              1. You can block the ad creative after doing an image search using a screenshot of the ad. Unfortunately, this feature is still in beta and often times cannot find the specific ad you're looking for. I am excited for future iterations of this, however, because it holds a lot of promise!

              2. You can block the landing page URL, i.e., the website you would land on if you clicked on the ad. This may not block all instances of the ad, however, as there may be multiple landing page URLs associated with a given ad creative.

              3. You can figure out which advertiser served the ad and block all ads associated with that advertiser. Same problems as #2 though. One ad creative could be associated with multiple advertisers.

              The surest way to block an individual ad is by grabbing the clickstring (a snippet of code that identifies the ad) at the moment that the ad is served. I can then email that snippet to our ad network rep and she can remove the ad from

              Perhaps the most frustrating part of this is that no one at HubPages HQ has seen this reported ad live on the site, only via screenshots. If I could see the ad, I could grab the clickstring and act fast. Unfortunately, different ads are shown to different people and at different times of day. I can't force it to appear for me.

              AdSense is well aware of the fact that we are frustrated about this. When I first reported it, I was told that Wise Media was the advertiser responsible. We blocked Wise Media yet we're still seeing the ads! sad

        2. Kiss andTales profile image60
          Kiss andTalesposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Thank you PSkinner.

        3. JRScarbrough profile image68
          JRScarbroughposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          This is where it all happens. Inside Adsense.

          If you see an ad you do not like, you find out its domain and then paste or write the domain into the text box and then add it to your blocked list. Then, your advertiser code won’t allow that domain’s ads on anything you own. HP does the same for their Adsense. That’s how we control which ads display or which ads do not display.

          1. psycheskinner profile image78
            psycheskinnerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            Or in the case of ads served by HP, you ask them to do it.

            1. JRScarbrough profile image68
              JRScarbroughposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              Right. I imagine their block list is huge. I’d hate to manage that one. Google’s ads keep getting worse. Facebook has an issue too.

              1. psycheskinner profile image78
                psycheskinnerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                Apparently some kind of 'exposed skin' general filter is in the works.

                1. JRScarbrough profile image68
                  JRScarbroughposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                  Good. The Adsense categories aren’t that easy to get what you want to happen to happen. It’s over complicated. They should put in a category that covers anything of this nature and Adsense make it click button easy to choose not to participate. It just cheapens writing when someone has to sit there reading with all that there.

                2. Marina Lazarevic profile image82
                  Marina Lazarevicposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                  The latest from AdSense on this is that the category will be much broader than we initially thought because it will block all ads with human forms in them. It'll definitely block the sexual ads but it sounds like it's going to go much farther than that. No ETA on when it will be available other than "soon".

                  If anyone is interested in grabbing the clickstring of an ad (mentioned in my post above), here are two methods:

                  1. Download the Google Publisher Toolbar Chrome Extension. It's like an enhanced version of the 'mute' button (plus much more) and it allows you to immediately report an ad you see (clickstring and all) to AdSense.

                  2. If you use Chrome as your primary browser, you can try this:
                  - Open this link in a new tab: chrome://net-internals/#events
                  - Put into the filter (it is not case sensitive): URL_REQUEST
                  - If you have other tabs open (such as Gmail) it should start to show requests being made in Chrome.
                  - Click on the ad
                  - The tracking URL should show up (HINT: It has an aclk? parameter in the URL - try searching for 'aclk?' on the page)

                  There are several other ways to grab the clickstring of an ad. The methods described above are only useful for reporting ads served by AdSense (luckily, that includes most of the ads on HubPages). There are different methods depending on what browser you're using.

                  1. ologsinquito profile image76
                    ologsinquitoposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                    Thank you so much for addressing this issue.

  18. fpherj48 profile image61
    fpherj48posted 10 years ago

    I have seen a number of strange ads in my hubs.  How about one for "mail order brides from Japan?"!!!!

  19. psycheskinner profile image78
    psycheskinnerposted 10 years ago

    In the previous thread "Marina" describe their attempts to block it.  So they are trying to get rid of it.  It was in yellow so I assumed she was representing HubPages when she said that.

    Because, I agree.  How many times should we report the same ad?

    1. profile image0
      Beth37posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I see. So I guess they don't really need any more league of angles screen shots?

      1. psycheskinner profile image78
        psycheskinnerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Unless you happen to want to post some more digital boobies.

        1. profile image0
          Beth37posted 10 years agoin reply to this

          I do get bored easily.

          1. psycheskinner profile image78
            psycheskinnerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            I deduce we are not the target audience for League of Angels.

            1. profile image0
              Beth37posted 10 years agoin reply to this

              No, but I was the model they used for the ad. I don't like to share that with too many ppl b/c I am so modest.

              1. JRScarbrough profile image68
                JRScarbroughposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                Might I say that your digital assets are astonishing and have roused a lot of turmoil.

                1. profile image0
                  Beth37posted 10 years agoin reply to this

                  My mother would be so proud.

              2. The Examiner-1 profile image60
                The Examiner-1posted 10 years agoin reply to this

                No wonder they do not show the head.

                1. profile image0
                  Beth37posted 10 years agoin reply to this

                  lol... that sounded a lot like a slam, which is ok 'cause as a 45 y/o mom of 4, there's not a lot of me they would consider using on those ads. However, as I recall, the pixel girls did have pixel faces. If you're into a whole lotta dots... then this is your thing.

                  1. The Examiner-1 profile image60
                    The Examiner-1posted 10 years agoin reply to this

                    I could not resist. Plus the first ad picture only showed the torso.

  20. profile image0
    Beth37posted 10 years ago

    Thank you for such a detailed explanation. We all appreciate it. smile

  21. psycheskinner profile image78
    psycheskinnerposted 10 years ago

    On my website blocking the League of Angels top level domain seemed to work?

    1. Marina Lazarevic profile image82
      Marina Lazarevicposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      What URL did you use? I will go ahead and try blocking the same in our AdSense account. appears to be a parked domain? I must have it wrong.

    2. Marina Lazarevic profile image82
      Marina Lazarevicposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I think I found it:

      We already had blocked, but I'll add the subdomain as well. It might do the trick.

      1. psycheskinner profile image78
        psycheskinnerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Yes, i blocked and -- of course they may have stopped listing with me by coincidence, but I have not seen them since.

        1. barbat79 profile image63
          barbat79posted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Thank you!!!

          1. Marina Lazarevic profile image82
            Marina Lazarevicposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            Please report back in the next couple of days if you have a chance. I'm curious about whether or not this worked.

            And no problem! Fingers crossed! smile

            1. barbat79 profile image63
              barbat79posted 10 years agoin reply to this

              Will do...the ad on that particular e-mail was changed when I went back into it today, but I will check again and others as well.   Thank you all at HP team!!! smile

              1. The Examiner-1 profile image60
                The Examiner-1posted 10 years agoin reply to this

                Everytime I returned to look for that ad where I had previously seen it, it popped up somewhere else. It moved like popcorn being heated. I am not saying that it is not gone - I am just alerting you.

                1. barbat79 profile image63
                  barbat79posted 10 years agoin reply to this

                  Thanks for the heads up...reminds me of a game program in its behavior.
                  or the amusement part game "hit the ground hog with the hammer"

                  1. profile image0
                    Beth37posted 10 years agoin reply to this

                    I think you mean whack-a-mole... that other game could get you arrested.

            2. barbat79 profile image63
              barbat79posted 10 years agoin reply to this

              @ is still around at least today

              1. Marina Lazarevic profile image82
                Marina Lazarevicposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                The next time you (or anyone) see it, can you right click on it and select "copy link address" and then paste the URL in this thread? It's possible that there are multiple landing pages associated with this ad.

                What pages (Hubs, QA, Forums, Profile) are you seeing the ad on? Did you also block and in your own AdSense account? If not, I suggest you go ahead and do that.

                Lastly, it might be a good idea to download the Google Publisher Toolbar Chrome extension so that you can report the ad directly to Google AdSense the next time you see it.

                1. JRScarbrough profile image68
                  JRScarbroughposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                  You will probably be hearing about this one so I went ahead and grabbed it for you.


         … uc52t80uig

                2. JRScarbrough profile image68
                  JRScarbroughposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                  Here is League of Angel’s Google Ad Code too.

         … p;clkt=103

                  And here is another landing page where that code drops you.

         … ;adid=9298

                  Hope that silences the ad for you guys for good. tongue

                3. JRScarbrough profile image68
                  JRScarbroughposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                  Apparently, it would be really hard to block this game because there are several different ones. They all have that same advertising that offends people. R2 Games and GT Arcade both have them.

                  Here is GT Arcades code.

         … p;clkt=119

                  1. Marina Lazarevic profile image82
                    Marina Lazarevicposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                    You found the clickstring(s)! big_smile

                    I'll send these to AdSense in the morning. Thanks!

  22. barbat79 profile image63
    barbat79posted 10 years ago

    I have a screen shot of the Same Ad on another one of my hubs   it is popping up elsewhere!

    1. The Examiner-1 profile image60
      The Examiner-1posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I am looking at it on this page as I write this!

      1. barbat79 profile image63
        barbat79posted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Wow    I am going to check again in a few days and if it is there....well I will contact the HP team as requested   they are working on it

        1. The Examiner-1 profile image60
          The Examiner-1posted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Ten minutes later and it is gone from this page. As I said, it pops around like popcorn.

          1. barbat79 profile image63
            barbat79posted 10 years agoin reply to this


          2. profile image0
            Beth37posted 10 years agoin reply to this


            1. The Examiner-1 profile image60
              The Examiner-1posted 10 years agoin reply to this

              LOL Good one!!

            2. barbat79 profile image63
              barbat79posted 10 years agoin reply to this

              or a new game to be introduced: hit the porn with the that legal ?  jk  lol

  23. FatFreddysCat profile image83
    FatFreddysCatposted 10 years ago

    I swear, I must be the only person on this site who never even looks at the ads on my Hubs.

    1. The Examiner-1 profile image60
      The Examiner-1posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Either you see them with your peripheral vision and ignore them, or you do not have peripheral vision.

      1. FatFreddysCat profile image83
        FatFreddysCatposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        OK, let me rephrase that: I must be the only person who never NOTICES the ads on my Hubs. That is to say, I know they're THERE, I just don't care what's in them. Haha.

        1. The Examiner-1 profile image60
          The Examiner-1posted 10 years agoin reply to this

          I can ignore them too but when an ad which does not belong - such as the 'Find your soulmate' ad that looks sexy at the bottom of this page - appears, a bell goes off in my head telling me to look at it.

  24. psycheskinner profile image78
    psycheskinnerposted 10 years ago

    That ad doesn't really bother me.  Only the jiggling ones were really tacky.

    1. JRScarbrough profile image68
      JRScarbroughposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah, they all jiggle pretty much when they are playing tongue , none of them really bother me. I just know my aunts and mom would have a stroke about them. I look at it like this, if I have a magazine that I enjoy but that might cause a brain aneurism in a visitor, I will take it off my coffee table before they arrive. It’s only polite.

      1. barbat79 profile image63
        barbat79posted 10 years agoin reply to this

        The bra falling off as she trails away showing most of her cheeks is cheeky.... and all that jiggling anatomy as the bra falls away as if in your face, makes me want to puke     At first they don't look like animation (cartoon) sims   At a glance it looks real.   If they were, they would be very sore.   And then some of the dating for Israel women look like mail order slaves or those cheesy call 1     That is a market that I abhor.  But I realize some of it is within reasonable least the mail order-like dating/ordering are wearing clothes and even covering their heads    Rowl
        There is a place for all that stuff...but I don't believe the angel game ad as it is promoted is on a hub about love in a sincere is as if the ad is mocking the poem or article etc.   It sticks out...I could hardly believe it when I saw it on the page.  It was out of context and place..    I still am seeing it, though   I haven't figured the time and way to take off my options.   It is sad that we must go to that effort, really..I didn't dream (nor did the HP, that such stuff would be put out there on a site like this.   Other sites it would fit in just fine I am sure

  25. The Examiner-1 profile image60
    The Examiner-1posted 10 years ago

    You really like those ads, huh? lol I looked for that ad on video Hubs and I could not find it on the obvious place. It shows up in the most unobvious places.

    1. barbat79 profile image63
      barbat79posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Yes!  I admit it!, those and the belly fat ads!  (just kidding) and right below it was a banana!  It is if there was a correlation between the two that wasn't intended! lol

    2. barbat79 profile image63
      barbat79posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      there is another belly ad right now on this page! oh no we are being attacked by a killer belly giantess!

  26. SpaceShanty profile image83
    SpaceShantyposted 10 years ago

    I just saw one advert for filipino brides below a computer game ad for kids on another Hubbers profile page, sorry I didn't manage to grab a screenshot.  I am now searching for filipino brides to try and trigger it again, i just hope my gf doesn't check the history smile

    1. SpaceShanty profile image83
      SpaceShantyposted 10 years agoin reply to this


      1. SpaceShanty profile image83
        SpaceShantyposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Got It!

        1. Marina Lazarevic profile image82
          Marina Lazarevicposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Thanks! I *think* that both are blocked but please report back if you continue to see them after a few days.

          Update: We blocked the "references to sex and sexuality" category in AdSense. I hope that will take care of many of the not-so-family-friendly ads.

  27. LuisEGonzalez profile image79
    LuisEGonzalezposted 10 years ago

    Just a thought; hubs that relate to "wives/brides....through the mail (mail order as they are often called), articles about lingerie,sensuality, hot looking girls/women, boudoir, tasteful nude photography, tasteful body painting and a host of others, cause HP to disable advertising so it won't "offend" Google, yet Google and HP for that matter, display these other "ads" that seem to offend many as seen by the "League of Angels" and the Filipino/Russian Brides ads.

    I may be naive, but does this not "appear" somehow as a double standard????


    1. wilderness profile image94
      wildernessposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Not at all - one is about morality as determined by Google, the other about filling the Google pocket book.  Two different things! sad

      1. LuisEGonzalez profile image79
        LuisEGonzalezposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Yet both involve Google....................interesting................wink


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