I've been spending too much time in the forums lately, and have noticed an amazing relationship between the number of posts made by a person, and the quality of their contributions to the forum.
I therefore reveal my theory about "Hubber Quality Index (or HQI) to everyone.
Here's my theory:
1. 10 posts per day is the baseline.
2. If a hubber has more than 10 posts per day, its more likely the hubber is an empty vessel, and just contributes noise on the forums.
3. If a hubber has less than 10 posts per day, the more likely the hubber is a sensible person whose posts are valuable.
4. The results gained by this method are 90% reliable.
Number of posts per week are easily calculated from the forum statistics for the hubber concerned. I've taken a month to be 30 days, and a year to be 365 days. (A week is 7 days, if you need that information as well)
So - Go to it. Work out the HQI for some of the hubbers you think are worthwile members of the community, and those who you think are just empty vessels.
Post your results here, and help prove or disprove my theory.
Have fun,
Eric G.
(EDIT: post corrected, because originally I said 10 posts per week when it should have been 10 per day.)
Wow! You really took some time to draw those statistics. You may be right in your assessment. Speaking of the 'noise in the forums'....I'm reminded of an old saying.."Unripe knowledge speaks, ripe one listens'.
I've had a team of 4 working on it for weeks
I think you should blame it on the weed.
So the 90% reliability is just your opinion. Right?
There are some people who mostly comment in forums to give "worthwhile" advice and promote other people-- and some who mostly come in to enjoy the silly games. Both are fine.
Now, this is just what we need: A quantitative system to judge the worthiness of others, by average number of their forum postings.
Empty vessels can be useful. They are ready to be filled.
Drums (empty vessels) make a lot of noise, too. They add to the rhythm and mood of the overall composition.
Yep. It makes all those boring old traditional measures like quality of content, personality, entertainment value, etc. totally obsolete.
Totally agree. I play Taiko, and use some huge drums. Which sound great.
Eric G.
We seem to go through phases when people post question after question after question in the Hubber's Hangout. Then it dies off again until someone else discovers the forums for the first time...
Interesting Theory Eric
Re: Theory 2.
Some people start a thread and have to respond to other people. E.g People who reach a Hubscore of 100. When they get contratulatory messages, its just normal to reply and thank people which could result in 10 posts in just an hour.
Also, some, people's responses to a post is just "Lol". (thats one posting even though its 3 letters). So, these can't be the empty vessels.
I think your probably thinking of people who write about 5 - 6 paragraphs in one posting to each other and carry on like that with their responses - each person trying to prove the other wrong?
Regards, E.
Here's my quality input, Lady_E - this is the phoniest thread EVER!
Thanks for dropping in and helping to prove the accuracy of my theory.
Your score is 12.5
Definitely empty vessel material!
But can you please make more posts? I think you're a lot emptier than your score would indicate.
yeah, post some quality threads on how Africans eat people up, and jump from tree to tree. You're so full of wisdom and light, Sir 'redneck' Eric. Please honor thy little subject - be it only with thy most valued opinions! More grease to your royal elbows.
You do realize that your own score is now 11 for today?
I, of course, am the exception that proves the rule...........
That's fine - it's worked out over the total time a person has been on hub pages. Not on an individual day. Everyone has a day when they do a lot of ranting.
But the empty vessels get the award for continual ranting, day after day, week after week.
(Hey - I invented the scoring. Do you reckon I'm so silly as to be caught by the theory )
Of course not, I was just making an observation.......
Thanks Lady E.
You're being WAY too serious . This thread is just for a bit of fun.
(It actually took me less than 10 minutes to do the "research" for this post )
But to answer your question seriously,
The cases you mention of 10 thanks in an hour would be have no effect on the longer term index. Unless they started lots of threads, and the majority of their postings were "thank you" replies.
And If someone's only contribution to the forums was meaningless one liners like LOL, then they are definitely empty vessels
And back and forth arguments would not necessarily be empty vessels, depending on the content.
And don't forget that quality of content is open to individual interpretation. Your opinion of worthwile content could be mindless babble in someone else's opinion.
Some days I cross your threshold, and some days I don't. It all depends on whether I'm more focused on writing a hub or procrastinating about it!
Here's a few examples of the HQI for some hubbers.
Misha 8.9
Mark Knowles 11.6
Endersw1ggins 21
Inspirepub 3.7
TKSensei 27.6
Blondepoet 9.1
usmanali81 13.8
Paraglider 2.3
Mohitmisra 6.2
Maddie Ruud 1.9
Eric G. (me) 2.4
How well do you think my theory stands up:
Less than 10 - more likely to be sensible.
Over 10 - More likely to be noisy, empty vessel ???
Feel free to submit your own examples to prove or disprove this theory.
My show has got the ratings! American Idol...what's that?
Although the score indicates that you're an empty vessel, it's a skewed result because of your athiests thread, which would have to be the most popular thread of hubPages, given the number of responses in the shortest time.
But quantity ain't quality, and some would argue that posting on that thread automatically qualifies one as an empty vessel
Eric, I think you are onto something. Since you have about 50% more posts than I-- in the same amount of time, I think I am safe for now. Maybe a half full or half empty vessel.
On the other hand some people like Uninvited W. and Relashe and Marissa and others -- uh, and you-- should not be judged on a strictly statistical basis. Quality counts.
No need to get too serious about this - after all, it's just a bit of fun.
But it seems to work out right in most cases.
cheers, Eric G.
Love the concept! Especially love that a higher number is actually a bad thing (well, I shouldn't presume -- some people may actually aspire to being empty vessels).
Think we can get HP admin to factor in the HQI into hubbers' overall Hub Score?
Seems a pretty good theory to me! I'm on 5.97, so I'm safe (-:
I haven't done the stats, but know that I tend to post to Forums when feeling brain dead (this moment is an exception!) So, I think this sounds like a good theory.
Also I've just seen LondonGirl's score above, and I always think of her as a sensible person.
I KNOW this is not scientific before anyone tells me so.
Well, well - calculate my Hubber Quality Index. By that logic, guess, I am unbeatable. Anyone close
I reckon you're Gold Standard :-)
@jewels: don't feed the troll
Our friend Pamda Man is getting right up there too, with around 22 posts a day.
The only person with a higher HQI is TKSensei.
I think that my theory is pretty well proved
Oh..... I feel better now. I counted my posts over the last few days, and I was feeling like a big, empty, vessel. I guess it turns out that I wasn't an empty vessel but have recently turned into one (and that pretty much matches what I've noticed about myself recently ). Better to be a recently converted empty vessel than a life-long one.
I don't think this is a good idea.
This is similar to the post ranking method, which ended in epic failure in most forums. But this one is doing the opposite, limiting people not to post. By the way, I do agree with you that HQI is a good idea but 10 posts is a little too little. Maybe 30-50 posts? Because those who post one post "Lol" weekly would have very high HQI? You need a lower bound and upper bound for this to work. But you need to show on your profile also.
Hey, what's the HQI for Squidward??
Eric I started reading your book last night. Holy smoke you are one heck of a smart man as well as a superb writer and of course a dear friend.
I love the way you have mapped out your book, very easy to follow, it is fantastic. Will finish reading soon. I hope it is a best seller. (hugs)
Better leave this as the last post before I become a empty vessel lol
Well after being determined to rid Hello my name is Squidward, by answereing everything he was on last night to just stop his name being on every Post there was . Hello to you all I am one hell of any empty vessel.
Well shoot Eric!!
Someone threw me a party in here for my birthday, and a party for 100 posts, then there was a big fight in here today.. those 3 have boosted my score above your average.. I'm afraid!!! Please calculate it with these "handicaps" and let me know where I stand.. minus this one for the purpose of research.
Thank you soooo much!
OK, I'm just posting here to calculate my score HAve no clue as to how many posts I've got under my belt, let's just submit and see.
Edited to add: 219 posts in 9 months, so 0.8
Dude, who beats that? Laugh!
Hey Candie and Elena and MM are you three hot chicks on a girls night out or something you are pooping I mean popping in everywhere together. I want in ladies. !!!
i am posting with no intention of calculating my score...but if i do not post 10 then i am good to go
7.83 for me. Not too much and not too little either. I'd say not bad! LOL
Eric, cool math-ro-batics. Love your new photo-photo. Two Erics are better than one? (Cool hat!)
Isn't post number one of the milestones on HubPages? Then what you are applying is preventing that. You might as well ask HubPages to remove all milestones to prevent people spamming then.
@ pgrundy:
Just an update:
My theory has certainly received another boost by the activities of hubber ElElyone.
ElElyone has been here all of 7 days, and made over 200 postings.
His/her Hubber Quality Index is around 30.
Which pretty well makes this hubber the biggest empty vessel on hubpages.
Looking at the quality of their posts would certainly confirm this rating, as it would be difficult to find anyone else who makes the most noise in the forums (mostly with cut and pasted religious texts) while saying virtually nothing.
If you've got any other contenders, please post them here.
Remember that hubber quality index is calculated by the number of forum posts, divided by the number of days that a person has been on hubpages.
Use 30 days for a month, 365 days for a year)
If you get a number over 10, my theory says that the person is most likely an empty vessel.
Have fun
I will get back to you on this one... I have to do some math!
Well you got me! I won't even calculate how many posts are comments. Empty Vessel in da house!!!!
Nah. you're one of the people who are an exception to the theory. (It's not 100% accurate, as I've said before )
cheers, Eric G.
I haven't been here much for a while.
Anyone want to add an update to my theory using more recent observations?
Eric G.
You have to also factor in how much spare time a hubber has to while away perhaps divided by the number of words
good point.
Care to come up with a hypothesis?
Or is it covered in the 10% "fudge factor" ?
WTF, Eric? I don't know why I didn't see this thread before. You obviously have your way of having fun and I have mine. I don't like to tell people how many times they should or should not post on the forums - I don't think its anybody's business. Whoever has that kind of time to monitor how many times other hubbers are posting and average it and publish the stats, is well, filling up empty time.
That kind of judgmental thinking is exactly the same thing you are unhappy about, or so I thought, BUT, turns out, you just want to be able to make the rules to suit yourself and have the control. So no thanks to your Sin Bin - and as for empty vessels - what could be a better example than a Facebook Page for people who are disgruntled about HubPages! now, this is getting funny! never been called an "empty vessel" before, in such an underhanded manner! A LOUD EMPTY VESSEL!! HAA!
I'm making an observastion, and having a bit of fun. Not telling anyone how to do anything.
Wow. You've uncovered my top secret master plan for world domination.
If you look again, you'll see that that is not the purpose of the group at all. Anyway, glad you're finding some amusement.
Eric G.
It's true. Some of us have way too much time on our hands.
Unfortunately, posting in forums is not like writing hubs.
Writing hubs requires some semblance of research and a logical progression of thought.
Forum posting requires neither.
Too bad there isn't a category of banning for empty-headedness
OH no! I would be out of the loop.
and Cags-- I was thinking of you, too as a notable exception and the number one encourager here.
I agree. but forum posting can also involve a lot of wit and spontaneity.
Good to see you again MM.
Eric G.
Here's Art Lee, who has given workshops to our Taiko group.
he's playing a Cagsil
Eric G.
Hi there Eric and Eric...
Your 15 month old thread still kicks butt!!
I was only just watching a BumbleTown guy beating his head with a stick.. in an amazing demonstration of your Empty Vessel Theory!
You should have seen what he used to work his high hat.... I'm sure he was the record holder of the BiAnnual BumbleTown solo 3 legged race series
Hope all is well with you and yours E & E
Take Care mate.
Thanks PD.
Yes, we're still bumbling along.
Yes, no much has changed here in 15 months
Eric G.
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