What are you making on Hubpages?

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  1. stevedimatteo profile image59
    stevedimatteoposted 17 years ago

    I know this is a topic some people may not want to talk about, but for those who do: what do you earn on Hubpages?  As a new member, I am curious as to what people are making on here and how long it took to begin making some money.  I know people say "wait for months" to see anything, but it's rare to hear about actual dollar value.  If anyone is willing to talk about that, and strategies for making money, that would be great.

    1. darkside profile image58
      darksideposted 17 years agoin reply to this


      On a variety of topics.

    2. College politico profile image60
      College politicoposted 17 years agoin reply to this

      Well I've made somewhere in the range of 35-40 dollars in the last 2 months or so. If you want to make money you have to make sure you write hubs that are designed to make money. For example... review hubs are good for making money on amazon because you can review a product and then put a link to amazon so people can proceed to buy that product. But in order for that scheme to work you have to get targeted traffic from sources outside of hubpages... search engines are the best(and hardest) in my mind.

      But if you want some more specifics on my results and advice heres a hub I wrote about my first 6 weeks.

      Also if you want more advice from other, more experienced, hubbers this forum thread has a decent list: http://hubpages.com/forum/topic/2578#post16171

    3. profile image0
      Fricaposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      stevedimatteo wrote:

      I know this is a topic some people may not want to talk about, but for those who do: what do you earn on Hubpages?  As a new member, I am curious as to what people are making on here and how long it took to begin making some money.  I know people say "wait for months" to see anything, but it's rare to hear about actual dollar value.  If anyone is willing to talk about that, and strategies for making money, that would be great.[/quote

      It's a fact that people use the internet mainly for two purpuses: to earn money and to have fun.Fun includes talking about themselves and their interests,that's why socializing sites are so popular.This one is better than "simple"social networking ones,because HubPages is at least content orientated.If you want to spread some ideas or have some topics you are keen on,you don't mind if the money doesn't come easily.
      I say this to comfort us(you and me),because I suppose you are just like me,e.g.though you enjoy discussing issues, you would also NEED to earn money.This is not so simple.In fact,I was sent to HubPages by some marketing gurus who suggested that this was a great forum to link to your business sites to earn more money.I haven't done it so far at all.I only wrote some hubs about issues I like and I think important.But maybe if you try the business orientated thing,you'll be successful...

    4. makemoneyonline profile image35
      makemoneyonlineposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      0 for many months then 10, 20, 30,40,50,60,70 and now 80$ per month smile
      Still not sure if I will ever reach 100$ as I fear the trend could reverse to 50$ or even below - I don't maintain my hubs (I have several hubpages accounts not just the one I am using now) for the moment as I am building my own blogs somewhere else.

  2. elisabeth reid profile image67
    elisabeth reidposted 17 years ago

    So far I haven't earned anything...but I've gotta work on the page views.  No one knows that they're out there -- I've been lousy at promoting them or linking them or doing anything at all with them.

    That's the next order of business.  Besides, it just feels good to knock the rust off.  It's been a long time since I've written anything more than a grocery list or the weekly budget.

    Oh...wait...my husband does the budget.



  3. bloggerdollar profile image73
    bloggerdollarposted 17 years ago

    If you are interested I'm giving numbers for my earnings every month at my blog. <snip> no promotional links</snip>Speaking of this month I've made nearly 15$ but hasn't lost my patience yet smile

  4. Mark Knowles profile image58
    Mark Knowlesposted 17 years ago

    Well, in danger of being accused of promoting myself, here's a hub on this subject:

    Making Money Online

    What I will also say is that I am extremely disappointed with the adsense performance on hubpages - I get a CTR of around 1.5% - which is much lower than at other places I write at.

    I am not sure why it is this low, and if anyone does noticeably better, I would be interested to know what their approach is smile

    The other thing I will say is - It is probably going to take longer than you thought it was to start making a decent income. Some things work better than others and it takes a fair amount of experimenting to work out what will work for you smile

    1. stevedimatteo profile image59
      stevedimatteoposted 17 years agoin reply to this

      I have no problem with you promoting yourself.  Thanks!

    2. elisabeth reid profile image67
      elisabeth reidposted 17 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah...I figure it's going to take a while and (don't tell my husband) making money isn't my primary goal here.  For years and years and years, I've stuck almost exclusively to fiction.

      Fiction doesn't pay.  Not unless you're in the right place at the right time and hit the editor when said editor is in the right mood and his/her SO didn't make our esteemed editor sleep on the couch....

      Time to try my hand at something else (not that I'm abandoning fiction  -- that would be like abandoning breathing) and this seems like a nice, supportive place to spread my wings a little and experiment.

      And maybe put up a flash or two.


    3. Mark Knowles profile image58
      Mark Knowlesposted 17 years agoin reply to this

      My Pleasure.


    4. quotations profile image88
      quotationsposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      I agree that the click thru rate on hubpages is very low and much lower than on other websites or blogs of mine. I think the reason is that the adsense ads are not positioned as well as they could be. If hubpages would let us control the ad placement and choose the color scheme and size we would create much better click thru rates. A vertical adsense banner of 160 width on the right hand side of the page has always worked well for me; I wish we could place one here.

    5. makemoneyonline profile image35
      makemoneyonlineposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      My CTR is higher than 1.5% (almost double) but above all my CPM is very well above average. As for why well I don't know as with Hubpages one can't track things in details.

      1. Mark Knowles profile image58
        Mark Knowlesposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        Well, actually, you can track it in total, down to every click on every hub detail. And things have now changed since the new ad placements. My CTR has tripled since the new ads and I now get nearly 4.5% big_smile

        1. Isabella Snow profile image69
          Isabella Snowposted 16 years agoin reply to this

          While I saw great results in the beginning, over the last 4 days my CTR has been 50% of where it was for the last 2.5 weeks, and thats now reflected in my earnings: I'm earning about the same as I was earning before the testing started. 2 weeks ago, I was making 3 times that on a daily basis, and sometimes more. Consistently. It would be swell to have those layouts again -- though they were constantly changing, if slightly, so I dont know if its possible to know what they were.

          I wonder if HP/YB knows exactly which types of ads performed the best thus far? Surely they must? I'd be curious to see some data.

        2. makemoneyonline profile image35
          makemoneyonlineposted 16 years agoin reply to this

          I don't understand how you can do that on Hubpages ? Is it with with Google Analytics ?

          1. Mark Knowles profile image58
            Mark Knowlesposted 16 years agoin reply to this

            Yes - You can set up a URL channel for every single hub you have - up to 200 hubs and then see everything.

    6. makemoneyonline profile image35
      makemoneyonlineposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      May I say for once : spam big_smile

  5. stevedimatteo profile image59
    stevedimatteoposted 17 years ago

    I'll definitely get to work on page views, as soon as I have a good deal of content to promote.  I've been doing some linking and such with my first ones, but I figure a lot of strong content will go a long way.

    bloggerdollar - thanks, I'll definitely check out your blog.

    1. elisabeth reid profile image67
      elisabeth reidposted 17 years agoin reply to this

      I don't know that it's quantity that you want to promote as much as quality.  Seems like a well-written, timely and well-thought out hub would draw a lot more views than several haphazard ones.  Then there's always building a readership...

  6. Mark Knowles profile image58
    Mark Knowlesposted 17 years ago


    Oddly enough, one of my hopes when I started writing here was that I would get some attention from and editor/agent - and maybe sell my book. smile That too is harder than I expected.

    1. makemoneyonline profile image35
      makemoneyonlineposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      What about self publishing ?

      Personnaly I have been proposed to write non-fiction books but I too much feared the bad quality of my writings under time constraint (because the publisher requires that I would respect some calendar) but writing on my spare time would be ok.

  7. elisabeth reid profile image67
    elisabeth reidposted 17 years ago

    If only it were that easy.   Nonfiction is supposed to be an easier sell than fiction, but no matter how well-written, it often gets lost in the pile and you're still depending on the editor who might or might not be fighting with a spouse or have a headache or a hangover or angry over a parking ticket or just frustrated by the sheer, never-ending volume of....well....slush that's waiting.

    I've read some of your Hubs.  I think that, should an editor wander through, you've got a decent chance.

    Provided, of course, the couch is unrumpled and the meter-maid stayed in the next block until said editor went to work and the dog didn't pee on today's shoes.


  8. Mark Knowles profile image58
    Mark Knowlesposted 17 years ago


    Don't even get me started. I also have a non-fiction idea that I pitched to several agents. I got a positive response from a NY agent and spent 6 months re-writing the proposal to her suggestions. Then one day, she stopped responding. No more emails, no more phone calls - her number was disconnected. smile

    Now I am starting all over again.

    1. elisabeth reid profile image67
      elisabeth reidposted 17 years agoin reply to this

      Boy, does that sound familiar.  At the risk of sounding cliche, never give up.  Ever.  You can't tell when things are going to fall into place and the only way that definitely won't happen is if you quit trying.

      But you wouldn't do that, would you.

      BTW, I loathe....LOATHE non-fiction proposals.   Makes you wonder what's left for the agent to do.

    2. Catherine Behan profile image60
      Catherine Behanposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Ouch, ouch and double ouch!  The writing adventure is sure full of pitfalls!  Hang in there!  You have a great take on life and I enjoy your humor!

  9. Mark Knowles profile image58
    Mark Knowlesposted 17 years ago


    Thanks - I haven't given up, but I reached the point of no return and now making money has become a priority - once I am in a better place earning money from writing - I will return to the fray.

    Also, I have been noticed writing here and have been offered jobs based on the exposure, so there are indirect benefits as well as the direct earnings.

  10. Inspirepub profile image70
    Inspirepubposted 17 years ago

    I seem to recall a ballpark figure from one of the site owners to expect to earn around $1 per 1000 page views, but I can't track down the thread, and I may be misremembering.

    At any rate, writing on HubPages is not by itself going to make you an internet millionaire. If you don't enjoy the writing for it's own sake, find another vehicle!

    What I really like about HubPages is that I can write things and people actually read them. Which they don't when they are gathering dust on my hard drive.

    Since I generally write to communicate rather than as emotional catharsis, I find it incredibly satisfying to actually have a reading audience - and feedback! Be still my beating heart ...

    The income-earning benefits of Hubbing are for the most part tangential - as Mark has said, it's exposure, contacts, opportunities, perhaps some traffic to your personal sites or blog, and a bit of link love as far as the search engines are concerned.

    If you make enough from your Hubs to pay for the coffee and chocolate you consume while Hubbing, you're doing well ....


    1. caspar profile image60
      casparposted 17 years agoin reply to this

      Looking at my Adsense stats, I've earned $3 per 1000 page views* so far.  My CTR ranges from 0.31% (well, 0% on some TBH) to 6.4% on different hubs (I haven't written many yet obviously).

      Some hubs have made me $0.00.  The subject matter obviously makes a huge difference of course.

      *That's taking page impressions figure from Google Adsense reports, rather than the Hubpages stats which show much higher number of page views (maybe they count every single visit of mine, whereas Google screens out some repeat visits within a certain time? I don't know.)

      1. Lissie profile image76
        Lissieposted 17 years agoin reply to this

        Adsense only reports the 60% of the time that your adsenseID is used - the 40% is HP - so Adsense under-reports impressions by 40%

    2. makemoneyonline profile image35
      makemoneyonlineposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Well I'm not sure it's really the actual average, it's just a round number. Happily mine is higher than this figure and I guess the record is John Chow: 100$ per 1000 page view ( http://hubpages.com/hub/John-Chow ) this is so crazy I have some hard time to believe it especially as he has been banned from Google but there are some people who can really do miracles so why not !

      1. pauldeeds profile imageSTAFF
        pauldeedsposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        $1 is at the low end of the range.   I think most people that have at least half of their traffic coming from search engines on HubPages are making between $2 and $6 per thousand page views now.  That number reflects the 60% share of impressions, so overall a typical hub is in the range of a $3-10 cpm.   There are of course hubs making more and less, but you can get an idea of how well your traffic, topics, and layout monetize by where you fall in the range.

    3. profile image0
      Marcy Sposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      "At any rate, writing on HubPages is not by itself going to make you an internet millionaire. If you don't enjoy the writing for it's own sake, find another vehicle!

      What I really like about HubPages is that I can write things and people actually read them. Which they don't when they are gathering dust on my hard drive."

      Why is Hub Pages better than, say, your own blog on a free service like Wordpress (where I blog)? If you don't make much money on hubs, I don't see the benefit. I just joined, and from what I am reading in the forums, it doesn't seem worthwhile to me--I'm already getting the other benefits from my own blog.

      The drawback to a place like this one is, when I peruse the other hubs here, I feel competitive and anxious, like I have to hurry up and do a lot more. But if it doesn't ultimately translate to substantial coinage (I'd need to be earning at least $100 a month to feel okay about it), then it's no better, as I said, than a personal blog.

      1. pauldeeds profile imageSTAFF
        pauldeedsposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        - On HubPages you can write on many different subjects and at your own pace.   On the other hand if you are trying to generate income from a blog you typically focus on one topic area and you have to make regular posts in order to maintain an audience. 

        - HubPages has an established community, and you will draw some readers in from the community.  Because of the community and HubPages longevity, new hubs will often rank well in search engines without a lot of effort.  Natural search traffic tends to convert well into clicks and money (as compared to regular readers).  To get a new blog to rank in search engines takes a combination of effort, experience, and time.

        - While I can't say that most authors on HubPages are making more than $100 a month, there are hundreds that are, and a handful that are making more than a thousand a month.  If you're goal is to make $100/month, I think someone that is new to web marketing will be able to achieve that more quickly on HubPages than with their own blog.

        All that said, the people that are most successful at generating income on HubPages frequently have their own blog as well, and many participate in several other online communities in addition to HubPages.  You don't have to choose just one place to write online.

  11. Lissie profile image76
    Lissieposted 17 years ago

    I talked about my earning recently here http://www.continuingadventures.com/200 … ngs-report

  12. djtphn1 profile image72
    djtphn1posted 17 years ago

      and 8 ehows....oh, don't forget the 0.11 cents from f-cking helium....so make that $25.11.

  13. Lissie profile image76
    Lissieposted 17 years ago

    Yes  I don't think Adsense on HP does well - even taking into account the 60/40 split with HP - 14 of my hubs have made me no money - including my macbook air hub which has had excellent traffic!  My total for Adsense from HP since Oct 07 is $21 - so I think you are doing excellently!

  14. Mark Knowles profile image58
    Mark Knowlesposted 17 years ago

    Actually, what Paul said was between $1 and $5 depending on the subject. smile

    And Lissie - you are quite right, adsense only reports your 60% of the impression.smile So they will always be lower than hubpages total page views.

    This doesn't change the poor click through rate though - what do you guys get as an average?

  15. profile image51
    broalexposted 17 years ago

    Earning on Hubpages depends from one to another , that means great hubs with good traffic will bring you a good income , and talking about my earnings about 6$ per / 1000 page views , hope to make it out to 15$ per 1000 page views , but it means a lot of hard work for everyone to reach a high traffic on their hubs. Talking about Amazon and Ebay they hardly sell 1 buck . smile

    Happy Earnings!

  16. Mark Knowles profile image58
    Mark Knowlesposted 17 years ago

    What about your CTR?

  17. profile image51
    broalexposted 17 years ago

    3.21 % sad

  18. Mark Knowles profile image58
    Mark Knowlesposted 17 years ago

    Hmmm - much better than me. I have a very low CTR. - about 1.5% - can't work out exactly why.

  19. profile image51
    broalexposted 17 years ago

    Mark I think that is because you have "a lot" of traffic getting into your hubs but no clicks done on the ads , otherwise I can`t figure it out either. How Google works ?! I think a successful adsense earner has about 200 clicks every 2000 visits on their blogs , hubs , sites. yikes) I have heard someone who makes 60$ per one click just read about it this morning , what on earth kind of traffic must that person have? lol

  20. Mark Knowles profile image58
    Mark Knowlesposted 17 years ago

    Well, I make some pretty high value clicks -  I don't think a 10% CTR is achievable though.

    Most of my traffic is good quality search engine traffic that finds me with the right search terms for my hubs. But I get a low CTR so it doesn't matter how high the click value is if no bugger clicks on the ads smile

    I am beginning to think I should be putting less information in so they are left hanging and click on an ad in desperation. big_smile

    1. Greg from Maine profile image59
      Greg from Maineposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      I have to chime in with my 2 cents worth of opinion. Making money online with Adsense is for people who want to make pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters per day. Generally, it is not for those who want to develop an income online that will support them entirely, without any other forms of income.

      The best that I ever did with Adsense was a little under $120 in one month, but it was not on hubpages, and it took lots and lots of time.

      10% CTR is not realistic here, there are too many other reasons for people to be here besides paying attention to the ads. I routinely received a CTR of 40%. this is achieved by providing some information, and nothing else to do except click on the ads or hit the back button. And since the ads were on topic, they got clicked on.

      But all in all, my experience with Adsense was that it took a tremendoous amount of time and effort for very, very little monetary compensation.

  21. Rik Ravado profile image80
    Rik Ravadoposted 17 years ago

    I'm similar to Caspar - just under $10 from 3000 clicks so just over $3 per 1000 impressions.
    My frustration is that I sometimes go for maybe 300 impressions without a click. 

    Also, some pages earn nothing and similar pages seem to have a steady click rate.  Generally my CTR is around 2%, less if you include pages with no clicks at all.

  22. Mark Knowles profile image58
    Mark Knowlesposted 17 years ago

    So what is your average CTR according to google? Across all your hubs.

  23. profile image51
    broalexposted 17 years ago

    I do not bother to track each of my hub to see what goes in and what goes out on google analytics to much work for nothing ! :lool: , I also have my adsense account on serveral sites so it`s difficult to find out the CTR for Hubpages only. Hmmm.. I wonder Mark if less content and more informational will bring you more clicks , it depends on the visitor , if he is really interested in what your article is about , and then he/she might go further to click on the ads fore more information ... big_smile

  24. Mark Knowles profile image58
    Mark Knowlesposted 17 years ago

    I watch a few individual hubs but I do have a separate channel for hubpages.

    I don't know the answer - just not impressed. smile

  25. profile image51
    broalexposted 17 years ago

    I don`t think creating channels and managing hubs individually will bring more traffic neither increase any income so I think for now it`s ok to watch only the CTR and eCPM and ofcourse the  Earnings. big_smile

  26. Mark Knowles profile image58
    Mark Knowlesposted 17 years ago

    Of course not - but I need to know the income for hubpages as a separate site - If it was mixed in with all my other sites, I would have no idea what I was making here.

    Don't you have a separate URL channel for hubpages ?

  27. Mark Knowles profile image58
    Mark Knowlesposted 17 years ago

    Actually I just looked back and you say you do not. In that case how can you say you get a CTR of 3.21% here?

    Or are you talking about across all your sites?

  28. profile image51
    broalexposted 17 years ago

    All of my sites together , I do not know the CTR for Hubpages alone. I think I have to little hubs to do that know , by the time I reach 200 I might track them with a separate channel. I am just supposing how much money I get from Hubpages big_smile Can`t know exactly , not too much anyways lol

  29. Mark Knowles profile image58
    Mark Knowlesposted 17 years ago

    Jeez - Thanks - Trust me, I get a MUCH better than 1.5% CTR elsewhere and was trying to see if any one got better than that here so I could see what they were doing right that I was doing wrong. When you told me you had a CTR of 3.21% I figured you were doing something that I was not.


  30. Misha profile image65
    Mishaposted 17 years ago

    Mark, for the month of February, my overall account CTR is about 10%, while HP CTR is approaching 20% wink

  31. Mark Knowles profile image58
    Mark Knowlesposted 17 years ago

    Thanks Misha - that's very high, I am impressed. I was beginning to think I needed to write hubs like those to generate a decent CTR.

    Good traffic too?

  32. profile image51
    broalexposted 17 years ago

    CTR 10% ? How is that possible ! Great !!! big_smile

  33. Misha profile image65
    Mishaposted 17 years ago

    Not on all of them - but that was expected. Keyword research, I keep telling you wink

  34. Mark Knowles profile image58
    Mark Knowlesposted 17 years ago

    LOL - I get good traffic, I just get lousy CTR and I am coming to the conclusion it's because I put too much information in. LOL They have no reason to click on an ad because I already gave them what they came for. smile

    1. Misha profile image65
      Mishaposted 17 years agoin reply to this

      This definitely could be the case. But you can target wrong keywords, too...

      1. Mark Knowles profile image58
        Mark Knowlesposted 17 years agoin reply to this

        I understand - but 85% of my traffic comes from search engines using terms that are appropriate to my writing. They are looking for what I write about using the terms I want them to, but low CTR here compared to other sites I write at.

    2. Lissie profile image76
      Lissieposted 17 years agoin reply to this

      I think you're right Mark - I am getting a much better click thru rate on my promotional site : http://lissiearticles.com than I do on the actual hubs at hubpages - on the topics which answer the question i want to buy a .... they seem just to want a google ad to click on ROTFL - much higher eCPM too on lissiearticles - I usually refer people straight to the post's page rather than the front page though people seem to get there click away too!

  35. profile image51
    broalexposted 17 years ago

    Keywords are the KEY big_smile Yes but its pretty hard job big_smile

    1. Misha profile image65
      Mishaposted 17 years agoin reply to this

      Only those who are willing to do what other don't get some money in this game...

  36. Misha profile image65
    Mishaposted 17 years ago

    Mark, yeah, I don't question you conclusion - in fact I think it is higher priority in your case. HP uses yeildbuilder to optimize CTR and CPM, and there is no way you can achieve the same level of optimization on your own. And the fact that your results are lower here show that something is wrong with your hubs. Well, not wrong in a reader point of view - I always enjoy reading them, most of them are just masterpieces - but wrong in a sense of persuading your visitors to click on ads...

  37. Mark Knowles profile image58
    Mark Knowlesposted 17 years ago

    This is my thinking also. Thanks.

  38. relache profile image66
    relacheposted 17 years ago

    To all of you discussing your Click-Thru-Rates, thank you for violating the Google Terms of Service for AdSense.

    1. Misha profile image65
      Mishaposted 17 years agoin reply to this

      This is only to those giving exact numbers like 3.21 wink

  39. Mark Knowles profile image58
    Mark Knowlesposted 17 years ago

    I love these new smilies darkside found for me. It's almost worth an argument just to use them. http://img206.imageshack.us/img206/2705/slaphm5.gif

  40. Misha profile image65
    Mishaposted 17 years ago

    Yeah, they are cute wink I'm sure he has more, and did not show you the best part yet big_smile

  41. profile image0
    RFoxposted 17 years ago

    I was going to ask where those smilies came from.....they're great!

  42. seamus profile image60
    seamusposted 17 years ago

    To respond to the earlier posts, I wonder if HP folks have considered other ways Hubbers could earn money. It sounds like most here are not making that much from AdSense.

    Just a thought...

    1. relache profile image66
      relacheposted 17 years agoin reply to this

      My HubPages earnings in 2007 were $100/month on average and about 3/4 of that comes from  AdSense.  (and slowly but surely it's going up)

      I don't worry about having the most hubs (I sure don't by a long shot) nor do I worry if I have the highest Hub author score, I worry about whether or not I would use my own Hubs.  That's been my best guideline for producing a quality product.

  43. Misha profile image65
    Mishaposted 17 years ago

    There are many reports that on other content sharing sites people make even less wink

    1. Marisa Wright profile image84
      Marisa Wrightposted 17 years agoin reply to this

      You are quite right, Misha.

  44. mathan1234 profile image60
    mathan1234posted 17 years ago

    19 hubs in my month at Hubpages. The hubs score relatively well, I've been learning how to improve them as time goes on. I'm enjoying writing on Hubpages, and I'm not really doing it for the money.

    However, it's a little frustrating that I've had zero adsense clicks. Not a single click. sad

    Maybe I'm not promoting my Hubs enough? How do you guys promote your hubs outside of hubpages? I've submitted a couple of my Hubs to Digg if they seem relevant to Digg's audience, and I've used Reddit.

    I don't like the idea of writing with SEO keywording in mind (nothing wrong with it when used tastefully, but not for me), but I know there are people who can do it well. I've tried to stick with the mindset "provide relevant quality content and they will come."

    Now I have earned $0.33 with URL trackers. I'm thinking of buying myself something nice. haha wink

    But zero clicks? Is this normal?

  45. jaymz profile image56
    jaymzposted 17 years ago

    releache that's a good philosophy. I think most of my hubs are pretty much to theat extent. I can't stand sites with paragraphs upon paragraphs of words with little to no break-up content (pictures and stuff), so I try to keep that with my hubs.

    mathan-you have to give it time. I know I haven't been here long when compared to others who have commented, but the longer I stay the more I make.

  46. profile image51
    broalexposted 17 years ago

    Talking about earnings , I do not track my hubs individually yet ,  but I can bet that I haven`t got more than 4 clicks today on all my hubs (62) so far , imagine that , and my page CTR has gone down to 1.60% (Day/CTR) , I think this will pull down my earnings on the other sites sad Is it possible to have two Adsense Accounts does is anyone familiar with this. As far as I know people make accounts on their family members in order to be able to use more than one. roll


  47. Mark Knowles profile image58
    Mark Knowlesposted 17 years ago

    broalex - your heart is obviously in the right place, but you have no idea what you are talking about - a few posts ago you told me your CTR was over 3.2%

    You can easily set up a URL channel in adsense to track hubpages earnings separate from everything else.

    Go to adsense and look at URL channels - you do not need another account.

  48. profile image51
    broalexposted 17 years ago

    Indeed my CTR this morning was 3.20% and now it`s way lower 1.60%. What I do not understand is if I get tons of traffic from Hubpages and no clicks on the ads ... and in the same time on my other sites I do get .. say .. the same amount of traffic but pretty good clicks .. I do not know if I am right please correct me if I am wrong but what I do believe is that the situation on Hubpages can affect my overall CTR , I am right Mark ?

  49. Mark Knowles profile image58
    Mark Knowlesposted 17 years ago

    broalex - you need to set up a separate channel - at the moment all your sites are in together so you have no idea what's going on. Go to adsense and look at their help section - it is all explained there. smile

  50. profile image51
    broalexposted 17 years ago

    Thanks Mark , since I use my google adsense account I have only tried once to set up a channel and gave up because was seeing no reason for it , my other three blogs bring me a surprising income. So I was wondering what to do when I`ve seen my CTR going as low as 1.60% or 1.20 %. Do you know , just as a fact , who has the greatest CTR going on their pages ?! big_smilebig_smilebig_smile


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