Who do you think is going to guess todays topic?
I'm really trying. I think Patty got today in the bag, though.
Patty definitely produced some quality hubs. Just looked at the Martial Arts one and that took a lot of time and effort.
Yea, she was , huh. . . if you write about these topics do you get extra points? or just the people who win?
everyone who writes about the clue's topic gets points.
Though, with people posting a steady 10 hubs a day, I won't be shocked if there is a huuuuuuge gap between us normal people and the top three.
True. But someone on here earlier (sorry for not remember who it was) brought up the obligatory burnout that will come and also the fact that the stakes are going to be much higher as the game continues, so hang in there!
I definitely will be behind today because I am a financial dork. :p
oh darn, . . . now i'm getting depressed. oh well at least we get points.
don't get depressed, just hub at will. I've had hundreds of pageviews since the contest started, so there's a good thing.
Plus, I'm working on my poutie lip to see if I can coerce the winner outta the camera.
That's a good one. Boy, I go off the forums for a bit to work on a Hub and look...
I'm with Peter on stealing the smilies from the Smilies for Mark forum page. I just haven't taken the time to go over there for a little "shopping"
Seven minutes to the new clue. I guess I should do some real work.
yur right,i havnt been able to see my page views because i'm to new"havn't collected enough data". goodie luck!
Investing is not always about money.
What else can one invest?? There are many things.
So, I can produce one on how people can invest in the KellyFilmGirl fund? Because it's a GREAT program.
that was my thought too, but I'm way too lazy to hub on it. if anyone wants to use investing emotionally/in relationships, investing in education, investing in good character, investing in your political future by voting etc, knock yourselves out. I'll come read it.
Good ideas. And while I don't trust myself to write one on those topics, I do think you have inspired at least one out of me.
For those of you who don't know what invest is then click the link. You'll probably come up with an idea. But, I'm out of here. INVEST, is not my thing.
Heads up since it was being discussed here:
Final word from Hubpages is that the only investments that will be considered will be financial ones.
I'm also relieved I'm married to an accounting major. I think he will be able to give me some ideas.
There are two hubs aready about investing in relationships and kids. I hope they did not misunderstand the final verdict on money being the investment, but I fear they did. I myself have no ideas on money investing.
What????? I just posted a hub on Investing Time. I wonder if I can get a HP ruling. Time is Money, is it not?
Well, looks like it's time for me to research investment stuff.
I am disappointed that new rules keep popping up.
I keep reminding myself that the hubteam works really hard. They have a lot going on, and a lot of people they try to keep happy.
There has been some weirdness with the contest, but they can't please everyone all the time. At least we have this opportunity, right?
Arrgh! I hope Talem reads this and understands that I am not copying her. Much earlier today, I started a Hub entitled Investing for College. I note that she's got one out now on 529 plans. I plan to cover a variety of investment tools besides just the 529 plan, but just in the spirit of full disclosure....
Not a new rule - a clarification of a rule.
In the spirit of the contest we want to see a wide array of topics covered. The fact is that just about any term can be interpreted very loosely if you want it to, and if you stretch the meaning of investing, you can end up talking about whatever you like. Do you want, for instance, a "massage site spammer", to get 10 points by trotting out 10 Hubs on "Investment in sanity - face massage", "Investment in sanity - foot massage", etc.?
We don't.
Which is why we have to gently remind participants what the rules are and how they should be interpreted.
I appreciate those of you who are understanding that we are an extremely small team. We're trying to make this contest as fun and as fair as possible, so we appreciate those that understand that more than you can know.
HP, you guys totally rock. No complaints here...or, rather, very few. I do hope that my hub on time/money is close enough. A ruling please... … -Commodity
No problem steph! I only wrote about general 529 plans...I know that there are various specific plans that fall under this. I will read it when your done, since I just know the broad definition, and would like to learn more about it.
I tried but I can't get into this topic at all.
Hey Talem - thanks for the response. I just published a different Hub, and I hope I have enough time to finish the college savings one before tomorrow a.m. Unfortunately for me, I have a demanding job in the real world, and I have a meeting from 9-11 a.m. PST tomorrow. Who knows if I'll get back in time to finish the Hub. Maybe I can get more done on it tonight....
You're right Stacie. What it is and what it feels like sometimes can be too different things. This contest is challenging, but still draws attention and is fun.
Honestly, I do want to win. Who doesn't? But--more importantly, this is a fabulous challenge. I'm getting some cross training as a writer, and working on a deadline. I have to push myself and learn to write outside of my comfort box. It is super intense, but totally worth the practice.
You gotta applaud the HP team, though. They put this all together, they put up with smarmy people like me, and it's still rolling. Can't wait for the new clue today, maybe it'll be something I can actually write about without sounding like a noob. hehe
So, I've made a decision in regards to the contest. I'll start off mentioning how I feel I'm letting both myself down and my semi-boyfriend who thought it was cool I've been busting my butt for this. But, I can't keep pushing myself to near exhaustion every day. Although, like most of us I want to win, but I can't let my health suffer in the meatime. The 2-3am nights and 8:30am mornings just after a few days began to take its tole much less after 30 days, so although this is not the end for me. I'm a person who needs a LOT of sleep in order to function propery.
I will be slacking up a good bit. I've made the decision to write 10 hubs on topics I feel I can make my own and make interesting to me, but for topics like 'chicago,' 'football,' and 'investing,' that I really don't care about, I just can't it anymore. :-( I'll make sure to write at least 1 or 2 per those topics from now on though, but definitely still 10 on the topics I find that I can get into and enjoy, like 'style' and 'health.'
I understand the new rule that was put in place for 'investing,' but honestly that's what has really pushed me into this decision. I would rather not have spammers messing up the contest, but being able to turn a word into my own was the only way I was going to get my hubs in, whie enjoying what I was writing. So, I believe I've writen one hub that will qualify, and I'll write one that I had intended to write but may not qualify.
Sorry for the long diatribe, but I needed to get it out. :-P I'm still participating just not with the same persistance with the topics that I can't make my own.
So HAVE FUN peoples!
Whitney05 it's definitely the trick to pick your topics - the NZ property investing 1did yesterday took no research for me except finding some photos on flickr. I wrote an outline at work and mailed it to myself and then basically wrote it straight out and put it together in 3hrs last night. Given that I had worked from 5am - 6pm in the real world plus 1hr of dance practice I was quite pleased!
I am amazed to discover today when I re-read my hub it is actually coherant - I wasn't by the time I finished it at 11:30pm knowing i had to get up at 4:30am again! I think that is the practice of writing at HP has made me a much faster writer, and my grammar and typos have definitely improved.
And yes I hear what you are saying I usually need 8+ hours of sleep to function properly - I don't know what's happened to me in the last few weeks!
Your Hubs are REALLY GOOD! I didn't know you were staying up late and all! If you're doing that, wow, you have alot of drive. Yea, I think you made the right choice. Personlly , I think "investing" sucks. Plus, I got school today. Luckily, I can put this on a tab and multi-task.
I am amazed at the high number of good hubs put out by Stacie, Whitney and Talem each day. I just can't crank them out like that! Unfortunately, with a day job and 4 kids, the contest is just for fun for me, and I know I don't have a realistic chance at winning. Even today, I just can't finish my college investing hub before heading to work. Rather than delete it, I will have to just save it for another day to finish up...
Hopefully, I'll be done with my meetings in time for the HubClue at noon though!
Steph, I really don't know how you do it! I hope you get to finish that hub eventually, because I could use the advice:)
I am in it for fun too, somewhere in the middle of the pack on the leader board.
Whitney, go spend time with that cute little pit pup and feel better. You have been doing an awesome job, but you have to take care of yourself too
Oh darn,
I'm going to miss todays clue.
I have a online meeting with a teacher @ 12:00.
Whee!! I got one done!
Don't think I have it in me to do another one. Blech!
Maybe today's clue will be something awesome.
I'm leaving so I won't be here for 12:00 so I just wanted to wish you luck!
i hope its a good topic.
Lissie and GamerGirl, you guys are incredible. Actually, this contest has really impressed me, as far as Hubbers pulling together and churning out that content. You're all amazing!
I agree.
Additionallly, the contest has been a good exercise in assigned writing.
Interestingly, I am not drawn to money/finiance, but always have an abundance of everything needed, so I write for other reasons as well. AdSense earnings will build up and provide a good supplement for Social Security retirement benefits in America if and when we all finally reach that age and can receive payments. So, that is a form of investing that I did not think about before this contest occurred.
Much success to everyone in this contest!
I've been doing resumes for Iraq veteran returnees re-entering the American workforce with additional skills. It's awesome!
I'm hoping to take something away from this contest, whether I win or not. (I'm still trying not to care anymore, but I keep thinking 'man if I had just wrote more hubs yesterday, I would have beat Stacie.' Ha)
Anway, I'm hoping to take the technique of being able to turn any subject into my own, if that makes sense? Basically, to take random words and make a hub out of them- hubs that people may be interested in.
I've tried something similar with my regular writing, but never thought about it with hubs. I'm liking the idea.
There's a English/journalism teaching technique of assigning a topic and asking a student to write 1,000 words on it, even if they don't all make sense - after the logical bit, some can be stream of consciousness writing. With continued practice on a new topic each day or so, 1000 words come fast. When you read a lot, too; you start to see connections between topics and parts of topics and this provides extra input. Some of my writer friends get up early and sit down and write 3,000 words before breakfast, but they have been writing for decades.
Best success to you!
Wow, that's great, Patty. Keep up the good work.
Well, I am one of those that, while I would love to win, there is just no way I can write that many a day is about my limit due to other responsibilities. However I have noticed a few things.
I am writing about things I would not normally write about, which is a challenge. And, I am getting a significant increase in page views on all of my hubs, my affiliate earnings have increased as well, seemingly in direct proportion to the page views.
So, when the contest is over, someone will have won some amazing stuff..but the articles I have written will go on forever.....or so.
I say this because I think you're sweet -- I really hope things are going better for you. I know you posted a few days ago that things were not so good.
I don't think I'm going to have time to finish my money hub.
Patty Wow 3,000 words before breakfast! I wish I could do that. I enjoy the stream of conscious exercises. I tried them for a while, like I mentioned picking random words, but after a few weeks, I don't know what it was but I got bored. Maybe because I was using the same characters with each different word.
You know, the writing part goes fairly quickly for me as long as I am interested in my topic. The things that take the longest for me: planning the ideas and organizing the format of the hub (finding pics, links, videos, etc.). My brain is a bit tired.
I wouldn't doubt it Stacie, you've been popping them out.
I do agree when I'm able to find something I'm interested in and relate it to the topic, the hub goes a lot smoother. It's just a matter of pictures, videos, links, etc. that takes time. Football and Chicago topics took me FOREVER!
I think I might start focusing on writing one REALLY GOOD hub per day. As the contest goes on, the top hub of the day is worth more and more, so I figure if I do one fantastic hub and really go all out on it, I've got more of a shot at the big points. Though, you ladies write some awesome hubs and a whole lot of them, so yeah.
I'm with you there! I can only do a few each day. I try to focus on quality instead. And again, that's not saying anything about the high quality of the "producers" here! I just know that the quality of my work would suffer at high speed.
I did that with investment - it's "MY" topic like Whitney is with pets but I worked 12 hours that day (paid) - I decided to do property investment - it took 5mn at work to write the outline - but I knew it was over 2000 words - so instead of trying to break it up and just went for broke and it worked!
Tried the same thing the next day with Managing your travel Money - again a topic close to my heart - got 2nd with that one!
I'm not sure of the value of 300 word hubs. I may reuse them later as articles on article sites but they don't score very well on hubscore so I am interested to see if any of them get much traffic
That's what I'm going to do, too. In all honesty, though, I don't know how much time I'll have for hubbing. I got accepted to Guide Prep to be an guide. Seventeen days of trying to build a guide site from scratch---I did it last year, and it's grueling. Hopefully I'll actually get the job this time.....
That is so great! I have been looking into that myself and it does sound grueling. Certainly worth the effort if you get the job. Best of luck
Thanks, Amy Jane! Hopefully in this case the 2nd time is the charm
I am so sorry guyss but I keep forgetting:
When will they update the scoreboard
What time do they announce the winner
Hi Olive - it usually takes a couple of hours. Around 2:00 PST
Olive, it's different every day. They try and do it as soon as they know who the winner is, so we just have to be patient. There is still a long way to go in this contest, and I'm sure the HP staff are all super super busy with this.
No worries!
Charlotte- "No Worries!" I'm not worrying just anxious.
thanx stephanie!
I'm jumping into the game, a week late - and wow, the clue today was really tough. I'm hoping I can get into it at least a little. I don't have a ton of time, but enough to publish a few hubs a week maybe! I'm excited!
You're telling me! Even with a topic as relatively straightforward as "pets," I am kind of burning out. My husband is frustrated again that I'm spending my weekend glued to the computer. At least we're off to our twins' birthday party in a few minutes. I need a Hub break.
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