We have some pretty good earners these days. There was an issue where PayPal has a max limit of $10,000 per payment to authors from the mass payment API. When an author went over $10K, we had to issue a second payment manually.
We anticipate more authors going over this threshold, so now we've upgraded and automated the process to handle payments over $10K automatically. It looks like this in your balance history.
Interesting issue. Oh happy day, though! Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for depressing the rest of us, Paul, who thought we were doing well here! I never dreamed that anybody could make that much money in one month. I have almost two million views and am not even close! What am I doing wrong?????
Some topics just have more traffic than the rest. I'm currently trying to get a hub of mine to the first page (it's on the second page). If I get it to the first page it has over 59k monthly searches for the exact term. I have quite a few first spot rankings and some 0 rank too. But the search volumes are a few thousand a month.
Well, I do have a limited number of people who read hubs like mine as well as lots of competition from people who write online for my topic. However, it's what I know, and there's no getting around that. Lately I've been adding more details to my hubs where possible and no have a few in the 2000 to 2500 word range. 3,000? I don't think I'll ever make that one without adding fillers!
If I knew about topics such as gaming, fishing, motorcycling and the like, I'd probably do better...but, that ain't me!
For the few hubs you've written your views are amazing, and I applaud you.
Yeah, I would like to know the highest per hub income here on HP Mid April I should hit my 1M. But with tomato season approaching I think it should be sooner. I need to get working on those damn hubs lol. I want to make them all stellar and some need to move to the niche sites. Time time time.
But alexadrys hubs have always been amazing. I remember once there was a contest for people to ask questions and hubbers write hubs to answer them. Alexadry was the one who wrote a hub on my only question there.
You would need to at least get over 1 million ad impressions a month! This is assuming a CPM of $10. I have no idea how many actual views that would translate into being. But no I would not feel bad. Some stand alone websites can't make this kind of traffic.
But, I never think that anybody can make $10,000 in a month. It requires ten million views in a month to reach that much payment.
I'd say more like 2-3 million views per month but it could be less if Amazon sales are good.
I think One Dollar makes one thousand views. So, one thousand dollars need one million views without any Amazon products.
That's a very low cpm. $5-10 is more common, especially lately.
Thanks for enlightening me. But, I don't have any such idea. Even though some show up while searching on the Keyword Tool.
What you see on keyword tools are usually CPC (cost per click that you would probably pay for advertising for that keyword on the Google search results page) and not cost per million that the website would earn. What you see on the HP Ad program report and your Googe Adsesne report is the CPM.
Is it so? I have been assuming that is the earning rate for content creating websites. CPMs on Google Adsense are very low showing less than 2 Dollars per CPM and in most cases, it is only One per CPM.
Doyou know how to look for your CPM? Go to your account page, then earnings, then select earning reports, then move down that page and select "ad program" under the "choose report type". When you click on "submit" it will tell you the number of impressions and the CPM for the period you have selected.
Yes, that's where I look. It shows 1.65 CPM for the Ad program. I think it's for HP ads. Google Adsense showed mostly 1 Dollar CPM when I visited one month back.
This is your CPM then. This is where you had to look. Not a keyword research tool.
Okay. Thanks. But, I look there for incorporating good keywords in my articles. Is it not okay?
If some of my hubs are directed to countries other than the US or Europe, will they have lower CPMs? Is there any way to tell how much the CPM is for any particular article?
I'm not the expert here. But I would think that the base CPM is based on the category your hub falls under and I would think that the country of your traffic plays a role too. It just makes sense. Someone on the staff would be the best for this.
Also, I have a feeling your personal CPM does in part depend on the actual ad clicks your hubs generate. This is unlikely, but it could be a factor.
Yeah that's the thing, 2-3 sounds about right. But that's a huge chunk of the HP views right, considering Maven says HP brings in 40M unique monthly visitors.
OMG! Awesome! I never thought someone earns that much here.
How much of that is collecting off the work of others from the referral program?
If someone was collecting a lot from referrals, I'm sure the highest earner would be the person who was referred to right?
I understand the others' attempts at protectiveness, distraction, and obfuscation; but I really need to know. An email is fine.
10%? 50%? 90%?
H ha thanks very funny April fools joke!
My word, I can't wait to hit $10K. In One month? Amazing.
To me, the most amazing part of that screenshot is that almost all of the earnings came from the ad program (almost nothing from Amazon). This writer has to get several million readers per month, or at least did for this past December.
Very inspiring.
I thought that was just a sample, I can't believe someone actually made that much in one month!
That's a huge motivator.
Well that just floors me! Congratulations to our mystery Hubber extraordinare!
I thought I was doing well lately. Not quite that well though. Better get writing for big wins in the future!
Paul, you didn't ask me if I was okay with you sharing a screenshot of my balance page.
On a serious note, that's amazing. I thought I was doing a decent job. Obviously nowhere close to the best, but you say many are expected to hit that threshold implies many are close. This is great news indeed.
Wow! I'm a long way from there. I was glad to reach my first ever payout not too long ago. What's the secret to that success?
And, I thought I was doing good because for once I might make two payouts in a couple of months. Sure feel lacking now.
This still sounds good! I am still working towards getting my first payout.
Goodness, that is serious money. I hope one day I will be able to make money like this!
The first thing you need to learn how to do is publish something you have written yourself. Stealing a chapter out of someone elses book and publishing it as your own work is not acceptable. It is a form of theft and is haram.
Looks like his HubPages career will be over as quickly as it began
I detest plagiarists. He's even put the copyright info on. Reported.
I wonder why people think they will get away with that type of thing?
you got me on your word choice. Nice way to put it.
I wish we could get some broad stats on what made this person so successful, maybe things like average word count or what kind of topics they focus on.
Nothing too detailed or specific, but something that could benefit all of us.
Here's the key, and it's not a secret. The vast majority of big earners write in-depth evergreen articles. They cover a niche. They either have deep knowledge of the area and/or excellent research skills.
If I were going to just focus on maximizing my earnings:
1. Pick a topic area I know well (hobby or vocation)
2. Create a list of evergreen titles that aren't covered extensively online
3. Original writing and imagery with a target of 3,000 words that is nicely organized with subtitles and supporting content.
It's not a get rich quick plan, but it will produce sustainable long-term earnings.
Here is an example of an article by an author, I'd encourage folks to check out the writing style (bite-sized chunks), her focus, depth, and consistency.
https://pethelpful.com/dogs/Dog-Health- … What-to-Do
This hub by Adrienne Farricelli is a great example. But it's causing me to have to do something I never even thought of before. I've been working for some time on a dog-related hub (my second). With everybody's attention having been drawn to Adrienne's corpus, and because it's a subject outside of what I normally do, I was afraid it would seem that I decided to try to hop on the dog gravy train. I just wanted to get it on the record that that is not the case.
Thanks for those 3 guidelines to achieving success, Paul, and the great example article. It definitely is about following that basic formula and striving for mastery of it.
Adrienne Janet Farricelli has been on HubPages for 10 years and has 1,278 articles published. She sticks to her niche (Dogs) which is and always will be a subject that is very much in demand. Her layout and construction of the content are clear and concise. She uses several explanatory videos. She is also highly qualified in her subject and does a LOT of research. There are no less than 10 links to sources at the bottom of the article Paul put up as an example.
That's the way to go.
Thank you Paul for showing us the light at the end of the tunnel.
I am slowly inching towards my first paycheck. It is good to know the pay can be large with hard work and honing skills. I probably will never come anywhere near that, but I will have fun trying
Thank you DrMark1961. Now I know where to look for impressions and CPM.
Wow, I never realised anyone made that much! Thanks for the example Paul and for spurring us all on!
It is unfortunate that people prefer to come here to play games instead of writing. This forum contains some vital information, yet when I tried to find it I found that it was buried under qoutes and games.
I use keep by google to bookmark things - you can save a link directly to a forum and even leave yourself a note about what it is and why you want to come back to it etc. It's highly unlikely HP is going to separate the HP/Writing only boards from the off topic boards, so that's an alternative for you.
Can we know the names of such hubbers and titles of their hubs which fetch them such payments, so that we may know what they write or how they write? Earlier there was a page for such high earners.
Funny, I just stumbled across a thread from 4 years ago. Dr. Mark asking if anyone was writing 40 hours a week on HP and making a living at it. Everyone said "No, that is insane. It could all be gone in a minute." Any job can be gone in a minute. I wish I had 1200 articles right now lol.
Haha yeah. But you can earn very well with 49 too I'm sure. If they are getting traffic find out what you are ranking for, improve and add more content on those sections of the hub and it counts for more than writing a new hub.
lobobrandon´s comment about adding more keywords to the articles you already have is very important. I am using a keyword tool and plan on going through all of my hubs in the coming months and optimizing them so that they answer more questions and are more useful to the people that are typing into their search engine.
I am also trying to follow Paul´s advice and making more of my articles 2000 or more words.
Not sure if I will ever earn as much here as the person that Paul is referring to, but I do intend on seeing all of my hubs in the top three on the appropriate Google search.
And yeah, having 1200 articles would be nice.
Wish in one hand and poop in the other and see what you get a hand full of lol!
Okay. But try 1500 words. Cos, lazy readers are always around.
Thanks for that advice but you are incorrect. The longer article is more likely to be moved up in the search engine rankings. If it does have better page rank, it will get more views. If you have more people viewing the hub, they can pick and choose what is useful to them. Not reading through an entire article does not indicate laziness.
Writing a very short article that does not provide necessary information is.
One my Hubs is ranked number one in Google search for several keywords. The Hub is 1100 words and has a 99 Hubscore. I disagree with the idea that longer is always better. You can provide what people want in less words sometimes.
Maybe it is different for video game related Hubs versus animal advice which seems to be your main topic.
Eric, have you checked the page rank of your hub on another computer? Google will customize their search results for the user so if I check one of my articles on Google they will show it ranking on the top page. To find out if the article is rated that high, three is another search engine that shows the same results as Google but does not change results based on your history. It is https://www.startpage.com/
(Thanks to theraggededge for pointing that site out to us.)
I hope you check this and come back and tell me that you are still number ONE!
As far as length and how it affects your page rank, Paul Edmondson stated that longer articles get better page rank and more page views, overall for HP, not just for dogs or any specific niche. There are exceptions, such as articles that answer a specific question, but if you write an article that covers all of the questions that anyone has about a game, it is more likely to be ranked for numerous keywords, and get better views.
DrMark1961 I have reconsidered the information you provided. I apologize if I came off as augmentative.
It also depends on the competition. If your competition has longer articles on domains and pages with similar authority in the eyes of Google, the longer article is mostly going to win. But your hub if it's long needs to be solid and provide value. No fluff. If you can do this in 1000 words, that's perfect.
What keyword tool are you using? Is it secret to you alone? Can't fellow hubbers use it? The forum is for sharing.
No, it is not a secret. I have used several to compare. I used the Google keyword tool earlier but that is not available as it was. I also used sem.rush on another advice and it was very helpful. They have a free trial but it runs out quickly. I have also downloaded a keyword tool from WordZe and that is the one I am using at the moment. It seems to be working fine but I am still waiting for more results to come in. I would appreciate hearing about any other programs that others have used.
Does WordZe give you the current terms you are ranking for so that you can improve upon them?
No, not that I have been able to find. It seems pretty weak when compared to the sem.rush spreadsheet, but it does provide some keywords that I may have missed and the average monthly searches for that keyword.
It may be a case of "get what you pay for".
I like the idea. Other hubbers can learn the ropes well here. Thanks for the good suggestion.
Okay. Enjoy converting and writing the information into a good story. Good luck!
Shahid, you should ask your question in the Improving The Hub forum. This isn't the right forum for it. Read the FAQ and go to the Help Center for tips.
Wow! that's a lot of earnings. I guess I would need nine lives or more to get there. I'm an optimist and I'll get there someday.
If people are really earnings 10K a month, then you can definitely make a living just writing for Hubpages, though who knows if that's just a temporary earnings surge or not.
Even if you're consistently making over 3K a month, I'd still have a few backup jobs just in case.
I do not doubt this at all. While said mega earner would need to be getting millions of views in a month think about how many people use the internet and what could happen if one thing got extremely popular? I would consider $1000 a month to be a huge success in my eyes and I know people can make that much money and more.
Having something to fall back to is good advice as well. I know this is something high earning YouTubers have to consider as well.
It's the 28th and I haven't received payment yet at 10:30p EST. I'm bumping this forum to ask why and if it has to do with the payment limits. I know that hubbers made record earnings this month so it wouldn't surprise me if that's what's going on.
I'm on the West Coast and got mine earlier today, before noon I think.
And yet another useful and very informative post on here, man i love this place
10K per month. Or was this a one-time thing? No matter. If he made 10K in one month it only means he's doing several Ks every month or every so often.
I really thought this kind of money is not doable at HP at all. I'm now more encouraged than ever before
Not that I'm aiming for that goal but it tells me one can earn some decent change just writing for HP.
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