Why no winner - does that mean that none of the day's hubs qualified for the contest?
Hey folks
Sorry for this hassle.
Today's winner is LRobbins with her fantastic hub Outdoor Cardio.
There were 26 entries.
Again, I feel like such a doofus...
So, as you may already know, we are entering the final week of the contest; tomorrow we begin with a new category, Nutrition.
Before we get there though, the topic for March 21st is "Especially for Men".
Ahoy Hubbers,
Before I announce today's winner, I just want to let you all know that we are beginning the last week of the contest and the lead-up to the final $1000 grand prize drawing, so if you have been procrastinating (doubtful, hubbers are ambitious people!), then by all means start hubbing!
The final week's category is Nutrition --- which I know everyone has something to chime in about, so I am excited to see what gets written.
So, just to reiterate..the last day of the contest is this coming Sunday, March 28th. We will be announcing the grand prize winners the following Friday April, 2nd. Good luck everybody!
In other news the daily winner for March 21st is bengreenfield for his hub Is Lean and Sexy The New Arnold?...it's so good I started doing sit-ups almost immediately.
The count today was 17 hubs.
I also wanted to let everyone know that the quality and subject matter of the last week's hubs were top-notch. I sincerely wish we could award more daily winners because I get at least 5-10 hubs that are really just...impressive. I mean it.
Hasta mañana,
Congrats bengreenfield! And congrats to all the people's choice nominees. Man, there are some FANTASTIC hubs this week.
Thanks for the information, Jacob.
Man, only 17 for the men fitness/health topic. Sure wish I had been feeling better this morning. I could have gotten the 2 in I had intended for the day. Oh well. I'll still write them, just won't be for the contest.
I think something is screwed up, or else I completely misunderstood the time frames. In which case my hubs have not even been eligible because I mixed up which days to publish them. I'm completely confused.
Right now - 6:30 PM Eastern, Monday March 22 - is the topic vitamins or anti-oxidants?
This is what the calendar says:
Vitamins & Supplements
This is the link at the top of the page though.
I was working on a vitamin hub but I see an anti-oxidant hub got published.
There was a glitch. It is Vitamins and Supplements. If anyone published an Antioxidant hub, it will be eligible tomorrow.
Thank you Jacob
I had myself convinced I screwed up every hub... It's embarrassing how confused I get with the time-zone difference. I had myself talked right into it
Thanks for correcting it and also for allowing the anti-oxidant hub to be eligible. I hadn't published one but I saw one (at least) who did.
I published a Vitamins hub 3 hours ago, is it going to be okay as far timing is concerned?
Hey everyone,
There was a calendar error on our end and Tuesday's topic "Antioxidants" went up for today, which was incorrect.
We have corrected the mistake now. The correct topic for today is "Vitamins and Supplements".
If you already wrote an Antioxidant hub today after 12:00pm PST, don't worry, it will still be eligible for Tuesday's topic.
congrats to all the winner yesterday bengreenfield and to the nominees
Thanks for the nomination and congratulations to all of the week's winners and nominees!
I've been amazed at the quality of hubs and content in this contest. I think it has inspired a lot of hubbers and we've added a lot of quality content concerning health to our site.
I see it as a win for everyone. I've heard of no discontent from other hubbers, just the ones who voiced their opinions here.
thanks to all who have worked hard reading all of the hubs!
nice, I just received the paypal notice! thanks.
I agree with Rebekahelle, it is all a win win situation for everybody and I am so glad to have won twice and I am still inspired to write and join this week!
Good to see you back, Jason! I hope you had a great trip. I must say I will miss Jacob a bit... I've enjoyed his quick wit. Anyway, like Rebekah and others, I have found the quality of the contest hubs to be top notch, for the most part. I also agree this is beneficial to us all, so no one's a loser. I'm not sure how you set standards to objectively judge quality writing, either. It's just not possible in my opinion. I've certainly never felt any of the week's top 10 were undeserving... Quite the opposite, in fact.
Hope everyone's enjoying the final week. Don't know about you all, but I'm exhausted.
Jacob's still running the contest through the end of the month, although thank you for the welcome back from vacay. (I have a bit of a tan to show for it)
Glad you all realize that, beyond the prize bonuses, this entire contest was designed to get participating Hubbers (and all Hubbers, indirectly) more visibility and traffic to their Hubs. We hope that everyone's fantastic Hubs are rewarded with a steady stream of visitors for years to come.
It's a complete catastrophe.
I published my vitamin hub in the nick of time but I wasn't able to get my photos in quick enough.
What now guys? What is the appropriate time to edit the hub? How long should I wait to add elements to it?
Our winner today is gracenote for her super hub Vitamin D: How to Get More of the Sunshine Vitamin.
I'm passing this one around the office, as myself and all the other mole-people plonking away in the depths of HP central could certainly stand some sunshine
There were 49 entries today. That's a boatload!
Today's topic is Antioxidants, as those of you who got a glimpse into the future yesterday may already know. Can't wait to see what everybody writes!
Hi Shaz, am glad you are one of the nominees this week, congrats!
I dont think you have still time for supplements, anyway you can just publish it even if it is not considered for the drawing of winners, it will be a winner as hubs are given some nice google love as others noticed!
Oh.., I thought I just might scrape in... never mind. Still it is a hub mob, so will probably leave it to brew, perfect and let it fly on Saturday with another similar hub. Im delighted about the nomination! Thanks pretty! x
The countdown that you guys use for the 'vote for the best hub' poll at the top would have been a handy thing to have accompanying each daily hub topic so people have an idea of how much time they have left to publish a hub on each current day.
That is a really good idea darkside... your genius never ceases to amaze me!
i just wanted to give a shoutout to WordScribe. best hub two weeks in a row? cool!
i applaud everyone for participating in this, actually. i didn't do it because i knew how much work it involves, so kudos to all you guys!
Hi I was just told by a hubber one of my hubs was selected for this week's contest somehow. Where would I find that info, I honestly had no idea lol.
Go here: http://hubpages.com/topics/health/2155
in the voting area, you will see your article.
I think the contest is a shot in the arm for online writers. There are competitions on other publishing sites but none that are as transparent and honest as HubPages.
The rules are all laid out. There are prizes for the best and the random daily prizes are a good notion and an unexpected twist.
No doubt a lot of planning has gone into it, and there have been a few grumblings about why the contest isn't open to more countries, but for goodness sake, if I could watch the last 30 day contest (HubLove contest) and not whine that I wasn't allowed to participate (because it was only open to U.S. participants) then they can keep a lid on it too.
I think that the staff of HubPages HQ should be immensely proud of what they've done, and this is coming from someone who hasn't won anything at all, so my opinion hasn't been bought or bribed.
We've still got a few more days until the end of this contest but I just want to say I'm looking forward to the next one! (Provided Australia is still in the list of allowed countries)
I am happy to have won twice and still aspiring to be a weekley winner, that is why I am trying my best and I am inspired to write, thank you, thank you HP people!
Yup, I agree with this Darkside.
All the hubbers who submitted hubs should be proud too - this contest has shown a very high caliber of writing, all across the board.
Yes I absolutely agree DS... Anyhow, I would have still submitted with or without the prizes. I think it is good for self development and great for internet presence!
yes! honestly I love the topic so much that I really did forget about the prizes! I was really surprised when I received the congrats email last week. hopefully I can get a couple more in before the end of the contest. the bonus has been being able to join the hubmob also each week, great working together as a site!
Our primary goals with every contest is to get Hubbers to Hub (in this contest, on a particular topic area) and to get some buzz and backlinks so that everyone, not only those participating, get a bit of a traffic lift to their Hubs.
The prizes, naturally, are a bonus. But we hope the real prize is increased visitors long-term (that is, after all, how we make money, too!). Health-related hubs are generally high-CPM, and popular among searches.
And if we change the countries that are allowed to participate, it will only be to expand the list...unless we run into any problems (thankfully, none yet!).
One good thing that came out of the contest...
Loads of new ideas.
I probably won't be participated for the remainder of the contest, but I am writing loads of ideas for future hubs on the health topic, to include those topics for this week.
I sat down today and linked many of my related health hubs, as well as looked at the health hubs to see where I could add more in order to best use a key word or phrase. So far I have about 17 new topics that I have based off of hub topics that I have already written.
I will be trying to interlink multiple hubs as well, so that they're not just all in one group. For example, "manage diabetes with a vegetarian diet" can be linked with other manage diabetes hubs and other vegetarian diet hubs. It will just get complicated when linking 3 or 4 groups. I have my hubs in groups on paper, but that doesn't include other groups that hubs from each group can be combined into in order to form another group (if that makes sense).
Anyway, just thought I'd share. Health isn't my favorite topic, but I believe that there is a niche there to explore. It's just a matter of finding topics where the keywords don't make your 1 page 1 out of several million. I've been trying to find topics and key phrases that are 1 in about a 250,000 or less. It'll be interesting to see where this goes.
Edit: My count is now at about 29. I'm excited about this
This contest has been fun. I've gotten out about 6 or 7 hubs, not nearly as many as I wanted but it's more than I've produced in a single month since I joined. Winning the $50 dollars would be nice though
Sorry this post hasn't come with my usual whip-like punctuality, but it was lunchtime and I had some Thai red curry chicken looking at me seductively from the fridge.
So first thing, this weeks winners:
In the Best Hub category is wordscribe41 with her convenient hub 30 Minute Workout- Lunch Hour Style. This dame is becoming HubPages' own Meryl Streep...
In the People's Choice category, we have the talented Pamela99 with Family Fitness Promotes Child Fitness. Another great choice. People Power!
And of course last but not least, we have a daily winner from Michael Jay with his informative hub 10 Foods Rich in Antioxidants.
¡Felicidades a todos! There were a total of 26 hubs today.
Today's topic is Healthy Cooking. And remember too that we are in the wind-up phase of the contest, so if you have been procrastinating, now is the time to write a hub!
wowzi, wordscribe, you go girl!!
congrats pamela and michael!!
Congrats to all the winners today! I can't believe we're in the final stretch. It's been flying by!
congratulations to all the winners! wordscribe and Pamela! and Michael!
and to the rest who are included in the weeks best!!
and to all of us here who participate and keep on participating!
EVERYONE including HP people!
Marisa, not just writing, but in a way, I thought that topics would be a concern. I figured that more interesting and unique topics would have a better chance, versus ordinary and common hub topics.
I know my first few days of hubs were common topics, but then I realized, I'd be bettering myself to go out of the box and find something a little different. I also thought that I would have a better chance in the weekly contest by having different hubs, not just common ones.
HubPages wants us to be unique, so in a way I had hoped that by writing a common topic like "herbal remedies to cure acne" (like I wrote), wouldn't be as praised as something more distinct and different, such as say "herbal remedies to cure acne in young children." The second hub topic would be more select and a little more different.
Oh well... Maybe next time the specifications will be better laid out besides just 300 words. I do agree that more flagship style is what they are looking for with a mix of # pictures, # videos, # links, # other capsules.
Either way, I have found a new niche I want to explore. We will see how it goes. I have about 45 on my to-do list before the contest, and my list is growing because of the contest. In a way, I think this was an intent on HubPages part.
I’ve kept silent on this topic for a variety of reasons, but I need to respond to this, Whitney. Please bear in mind many writers, myself included, have worked VERY hard on the hubs for this contest. Posts like these create uncomfortable feelings for those of us whose hubs have been selected in the weekly top 10. I realize it’s not your intention to criticize the work of the contest participants. However, either directly or indirectly it feels that way. You make reference to figuring that “interesting and unique topics would have a better chance, versus ordinary and common hub topics.” I may be speaking for myself only, but I found this offensive. There have been a plethora of winning hubs with unique topics, take steph hicks’ pet acupuncture hub., among many more. “Common” and “ordinary” hubs can be and have been made unique and interesting in this competition. Fresh spins on popular topics have been successfully produced through personal anecdotes as well as new study results that may shed a new light on some of these overdone topics. Naturally, I’m not merely referring to my own hard work here, but to the dozens of hubbers that have sacrificed valuable time and sleep to produce quality work. Plenty of hubs “went out of the box”, with successful results.
I didn’t feel the contest rules were as elusive and unstated as others.. It clearly states on the main contest page: “Judges will be looking for engaging writing, accurate information and excellent presentation, with judicious use of images, video, links and other rich media elements available too.” It’s up to us to decide what “judicious” means here, but frankly these guidelines seem quite sufficient in terms of defining what a winning hub’s elements should have.
I hope what I’ve said isn’t in any way offensive to anyone, truly. I just feel the need to recognize all of the hubbers who have worked long hours producing quality hubs. I don’t want anyone’s work to be minimized.
Wordscribe, I don't think your work is minimized because some Hubbers have voiced their concerns about the contest.
You didn't misunderstand the rules. Good for you. But some people did. Only a handful have said anything in the official thread but that doesn't mean it wasn't more widespread. That's enough reason to let HubPages know and ask that if there are specific quality criteria, they be stated upfront next time. I don't think that's unreasonable.
It's not about the winners not being top quality. It's about some Hubbers feeling they could have stood some chance of being up there too, if they'd understood the rules.
In their disappointment, one or two Hubbers have gone a bit too far and made criticisms which personally, I felt weren't justified. But that's only one or two people so I can't see why you would feel the Hub community is somehow against you!
They were stated, explicitly in the rules, as wordscribe41 noted. They are:
"Judges will be looking for engaging writing, accurate information and excellent presentation, with judicious use of images, video, links and other rich media elements available too."
As I stated before, there is no magic formula. That's as specific as we'll ever be.
Just so I'm clear Jason - so that means you didn't run "quality filters" that excluded Hubs based on a minimum number of links, photos, videos etc?
All I'm saying is that there's a clear difference between the explicit criteria of (say) a flagship or capstone Hub and the more general description of the contest Hub.
Jason, all I can say now is that I'm even more confused, as your earlier answers gave the clear impression that's what you did - which is why Whitney got so upset.
All I was trying to do with this conversation was ensure the next contest criteria were "tweaked" as Sufidreamer says - you'll notice he misunderstood too, so please remember I'm not the only one. I'm obviously flogging a dead horse so I'm off.
I'm assuming the source of the confusion is from this forum post. If you read it carefully, I say that I tend to favor those entries with more rich content. Nowhere do I say that I apply some sort of filter, beyond the 300-word minimum.
I'm sorry you misunderstood that, but a more careful reading of it should have made it clear.
If there was another post where I gave the "clear impression" of applying a filter based on number of capsule elements on the page, please let me know.
Sorry, where did I indicate the "whole community" was against me, Marisa? Never did I indicate anything of the sort and I most certainly don't feel that way, quite to the contrary, in fact. I'm sorry you misunderstood.
Thanks for speaking out Wordscribe for the other nominees. We all worked diligently with the same set of rules. I might add, that Jason was always timely in responding to any questions anyone might have about the contest. My congratulations on being a three time "best" winner. Your Hubs were terrific.
Hi everyone.
Today's winner is akirchner with the essential hub tips on Healthy Cooking. It's always the most important things that bear repeating, so congratulations!
37 hubs today.
Today's topic is food allergies.
See you tomorrow,
congrats akirchner.
I have to agree with you wordscribe. it seemed clear enough to me what was expected. the topics are highly searchable and we are able to delve into the specifics as we desire.
i am not in the contest, but i do read these hubs and the comments in this thread and i just want to add that it shouldn't matter how long a nominee has been hubbing or how many hubs they have or how many nominations they have (even back-to-back) - the judges selected the hubs on their own merit, nothing more. that's pretty fair, right?
congratulations to all the nominees and thank you Jason, the judges and the HubTeam for all of the work that must have gone into facilitating this.
Hey There!
Well, we have only two more days of the contest to go. I can't believe how quickly the time has gone by!
Today's winner is bengreenfield for his hub What’s The Difference Between A Food Allergy And A Food Intolerance?. Very Interesting stuff.
There were 19 entries today.
Tomorrow's topic is Food Additives...my favorite kind of additives.
wordscribe, I was not talking bad about any of the hubs, or insinuating that any have been boring or whatever. I was just adding that in addition to what Marissa said, I thought that by going out of the box, would help out.
And, like I said, I'm glad there was a contest, as I was able to explore another niche that I will probably continue to explore once I finish my current to-do list.
congrats bengreenfield!
we can submit hubs on food additives now, yes?
A little late, but yes... I guess.
And now it would be Minerals.
thanks glen, I actually posted that last night and did get the hub published.
I just took a look at yours and wow, that's a fantastic hub.
thanks. I've been tinkering on it for a few weeks. Only now just checking the hubmetrics do I see that it has a Word Count of 5527. Phew!
I've only done two hubs, this one and Vitamins hub of about the same size, for the contest. I'm very pleased with both, hopefully they will both earn for a long time to come.
EDIT: Just had a look at yours, very interesting. I'm going to go grab a cup of hot coffee and come back and read your whole hub.
Sorry about the delay, everyone. Taking over for Jacob today since he has plans this weekend.
We have a daily winner! She's a familiar Hubber, if you've been following the contest. She's the day 2 winner: nancy_30! Check out her really fantastic Hub: Different Types Of Food Additives.
Maybe because it was Friday, but only 13 Hubs were published. Taking it a little easy so close to the end, huh?
I've read a few of the submissions, and the quality has not diminished. These are really great Hubs!
Today's topic, Minerals, should cover iron, magnesium, calcium, and all those other earth elements that we need to maintain our health. I expect to know a lot more about them tomorrow afternoon...
Happy Health Hubbing, everyone!
congrats nancy!
wow, only two more days!
so many terrific hubs! good luck everyone.
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