I know thats a bit harsh but come on.
I was just hub hopping and every 6 out of ten hubs were total duplicate content. So many of them were taken right from Wikipedia.
Then we hear "why is my score so low".
It is great that hubpages started hub hopping. Now we can see what they go through on a daily basis.
One writer had 13 hubs, a score of 11 and every hub was copied right out of wikipedia.
Lordy, Lordy
Too many people want fast and easy and are willing to steal to get it. It never works. Give the reader something real and after a while, revenue will come.
I don't care for Hubhopping. It bring my blood to a boil. So much poor writing. Too many want to slop anything down and publish it. No wonder editors hate the slush pile.
Honestly I couldnt believe what I was seeing. truthfully I think I was marking maybe one out of 15 up. the rest were either marked down or flagged.
garbage I say
Hub Hopping serves only to help HP banning accounts. You do their hard work.
I don't waste my time in there. Once seen, once gone for ever !
Tantrum, I would never flag anything controversial. In fact I like controversy.
I am just talking about blatant garbage that people are trying to publish.
In that way i dont think there is nothing wrong with helping out.
If that was true wouldn't it create duplicates and wouldn't it be flagged?
I know what you are saying but i suspect it hadnt been caught yet. The hubber had only joined a few hours prior so that would be my guess.
Hubstaff do all they can but people do fall through the cracks where they are eventually caught.
Is it possible that someone lifted that content from Hubpages and placed it into Wikipedia?
How do you know it's duplicate? I thought some were but wasn't sure.
I just copy and paste a section and put it into google search and guess what.
The exact same article comes up, word for word.
Yep thats how I do it.
Im not usually this critical but man did some of those open my eyes to what some people are trying to do.
like I said in a post yesterday, if I wanted I could have 1500 hubs up in no time if I wanted to just copy and paste.
Yeah, exactly. I didn't know how people were "knowing" something was duplicate.
If it appears with a low score, I rewrite! i check my topic too, in the Hub pages search, as well as google.
That's how I check on my sons school reports. I've caught him many times pulling the old copy and paste trick.
That is hilarious. I guess i forgot about the internet for students.
Was just text books and encyclopedias for me when I went to school.
You are brilliant
I've got to admit that I used to do the copy/paste thing in school. Never for English, but for Science and even once for Algebra. It's a wonder how my teachers never caught on!
But when it comes to creative writing, that's just wrong, especially when you claim it all as your own and don't give the actual author credit. And no wonder their HubScore is low, Wikipedia has got to be the dullest reading on the internet!
The ones that really boil my blood are the legal ones. There is one account in particular that publishes useless legal 'advice' that is not only terrible, but is also used to boost certain keywords for insert city here lawyers for seo purposes. Total crap. There is so much to flag!
Hub hopping can be fun, but also discouraging. I have the entertainment category as one of my faves and need to figure out how to remove it. During hub hopping, I now get all sorts of indian desi aunties pictures (whatever the hell that means! lol) anyone else? I don't get why those pics are allowed.
That's what I'm talking about. A lot of hubs to flag. You waste your time flagging there, instead of doing other more fruitful things.
An aunty is to an Indian what a MILF is to a Westerner. Though probably best described as a MIWLF.
i do not care for the hub hopping feature myself but I agree i have seen some really poor quality hubs.
Hi Ohma, I dont do a lot of hub hopping.
I think only a couple times since it came out.
I hope it doesnt end up being used for the wrong purposes but until then I guess it is what it is.
Nice seeing you my friend
I went there only once and that was the end of hub hopping for me LOL!
I couldn't believe what I was reading !
That is why I cant go very often.
I guess we never know how people are thinking. And me of all people. As a marketer I have seen all kinds of black hat tactics and garbage so why wouldnt people be doing the same thing here.
I think the whole copy and paste issue is an integrity issue that has the potential to really damage the reputation of the site and all the hubbers that want to produce good quality writing. It is not a good thing to ignore this type of content.
I do not think that is harsh, but if that is the hard reality then it should be exposed and taken cared of legally.
Obviously I am new so I have no idea that this is actually happening.
But what I do see is all those hubs with hardly any content but are merely "sexy" photos and all those hubs with "exotic" photos of some Asian nation. I thought hubs like those are not allowed in here but I guess I am mistaken.
The thing I think is funniest and most pathetic is that those who do copy content and then complain about being reported, flagged or banned then proclaim themselves "victims" and cry and whine to anyone who will listen.
Like they couldn't see that coming or something.
I started hopping a few days ago and I, too, was floored by the awful hubs being constantly published! Honestly, I have never rated a hub down until I started Hub Hopping and I find I'm continually rating hubs down there.
I agree, I'm pretty fed up with hopping - it's annoying and pretty worthless, but definitely good for the staff.
Perhaps the way to increase the value of the real estate in the neighborhood is to do *more* hubhopping, and *more* reports, flags and down ratings. I'm thinking if we are all persistent in this it can have a good effect in time.
I see what you mean about weeding out the bad, but exactly what benefit would that provide to the rest of us? Better hub score? More views? Higher Google ranking? I'm not trying to sound condescending, I'm truly curious if it would actually benefit the "good" hubs...
It would benefit us all in the long run if hubpages gained and earned the reputation as being THE place to write.
Well I guess it has already, but its up to us to help the staff keep it that way.
Now I know that all these copied hubs could be out there, though not that far as they will be nofollow, but their writers could have spammed links to everywhere. If people click the links they will see Hubpages, and automatically think everything from hubpages is crap.
One of the reasons our Hubs get indexed and ranked so well is HubPages' good reputation with Google.
Every now and then you'll hear of a revenue-sharing site getting "Google slapped" (dumped by Google) because there's too much spam. It happened to Squidoo, for instance. We don't want that to happen to HubPages, because that will harm our earnings. Also, Hubs which contravene Adsense TOS could result in HubPages losing its Adsense account, which would be disastrous for all of us.
So it's in our interests to help weed out the spam and the porn etc.
We could take Tantrum's and Aware's selfish position and say "it's not our job" - but then HubPages would have to hire more staff to keep up with the job, which means they'd have to take a bigger cut of ad revenues to pay for them. So we'd still lose out.
Thanks for that explanation, Marisa, it certainly makes sense. I'm glad to help out by doing a bit of hub hopping every now and then, but does it help at all if I rate something down, or only when something is flagged? Because if I rate something down because I think it is a poor hub, that doesn't notify the staff of anything, right?
down votes dont notify hubpages as far as I am aware, only flags.
Ok, so we'd only be helping out the staff if we come across something that we feel violates the TOS and we flag it, right?
It's too bad that action can't be taken on a hub if it receives a certain number of down ratings...
I don't think they would ever introduce such a system, since it would be open to abuse.
I tried hubhopping this morning and then remembered I had hubs from hubbers I follow to catch up on! As soon as I get caught up, I will try it again. From what I saw this morning, I will like the feature.
On a separate note, Hubbers dont know if they've been rated up or down, do they?
I like your short-and-to-point contribution here.
I really "love" the ones that someone, who doesn't have a clue about English grammar, copies and then uses a spinner, and comes up with some incoherent pile of junk that makes you wonder if it's written in another language (or your own if you got D's in English). It's all bad enough, but the killer is these people are too stupid to know that if you spin an article in another language, you get something that screams "copied and spun".
The thing that irks me is that they're too stupid to know that everyone else isn't as dumb as they are.
Weeding out the bad content is a never ending job for sites like Hubpages as there are always people who think they can game the system, but soon some individuals soon realize that all their copy and pasting has all been for nothing.
Hubhopping is quite useful and if all the hubbers who care about this site put in a little time to help out Hubpages staff as a community to get rid of the bad content then yes I believe this site will boost even further with good rankings...
But as I said before, bad content exists on any site and it will always be a problem.
I've done some Hubhopping too. Bad content on the site hurts us all.
I just cant figure out how people can even argue the point.
If you take the chance and you get busted then you pay the price.
Im pretty sure i would know if I was copying and pasting.
Yet people come on here, begging, crying, yelling, screaming that they are innocent.
all I can say is
Dale says: "Are Some People Just Dumb?"
Hey! I resemble that question.
Dumb people have rights too you know.
{On the serious side, I believe what they are thinking is anything is better than nothing. If I do this and it gets me one click, that is better than not doing it, and not getting any...IMHO}
Are some people just dumb? Certainly!...Too dumb for their own good.
As for Hub Hopping~ After reading the above comments I thought I'd do a bit of Hopping. Discouraging, bad, pathetic. I lost count of the number of Hubs I hopped through, but in the several minutes I Hopped I read only one good Hub worth a thumbs up. Most of the other Hubs were short, so short that I wonder how they got published at all, and the quality was poor. Several Hubs I suspect were lifted from another source word-for-word, but I am not a good judge of this. Perhaps I am not here at HubPages enough to know, but many of the Hubs on Hub Hopping are not on the FEED or are they?
What bothers me most is that if a person were to stumble on HubPages and start Hub Hopping to check out the site and Hub Hopping were their first impression of HubPages, I doubt they'd give the site much credibility nor would they return.
If I spend time Hopping and give articles a thumbs down, how many thumbs down does an article have to receive before it is removed?
So if there are 999 people with a score of 100. And then you with a score of 99. Does that make you the dummy of the bunch?
I would be very proud to be right there behind the hubbers with 100. that is an elite bunch and to be on their heels would be something I would love.
Hub hopping is one exhausting, painful workout.... flagging one... rolling eyes in exasperation at another...and finally working your way through all the muck to discover a hidden pearl! I swear I've lost an inch or two already...!
I want to read one of these hidden pearls you have found.
And every time i see your name it has this red squiggly line under it. why is that? 97 ? Get rid of that line , you'll have your 100.
you just need to hop faster and higher each time. Eventually, you'll find something. Practice makes perfect!
but don't spend too much time hopping. I have a feeling the same kind of thing that happened with me and rating on another well known site might happen - absolute burn-out and inability to read yet one more horribly written thing.
Really - with the absolute burn-out I've have going now for months, I'd recommend hopping in limited doses only. I'm not talking about subjects I don't like or viewpoints I don't agree with. I'm talking about way, way, too many horrendously, poorly, written things about really stupid stuff. On top of it all, I'm going to get repetitive stress injury from all the clicking past zillions of things. (Sorry, I don't mean to be a writing/reading snob, but this thread was an invitation to vent. ) I've written my own share of crap and know it, but at least it's clear I put some effort into it and wrote it myself.
I spent about 45 minutes hopping today. I would say most of what I saw was decent. There was one hub, that was only one sentence, that I flagged. There was another of just photo's... of hair clips... It obviously would never earn, as the add space was too limited. All the rest were well put together, and a few were even interesting to me.
its just dumb to even ask if some people are dumb! of course some people are! sometimes people who aren't usually dumb are even dumb! I imagine you're just having an off day. :
I don't judge hubs, or trash others attempts at them . And i certainly would never flag one. Ill leave the book burning to the pompous ones out there. Seems to be no shortage of them lately. All with scores in the 90 s . Go figure.
Since when has flagging hubs consisting of spam, flagrant plagiarism or keyword stuffing been on the same level as book burning?
And you seem to have a bit of a bee in your bonnet about people with higher author scores than you. If you're after external traffic, then it doesn't make any difference as long as your score is at least 75.
Bees ? hornets is what i have . And i aint in this for scores , money ,or to write how to hubs. so when a poem of mine was recently flagged and removed for none of the reasons you mentioned above i was furious . Pretentious , Snobs, turning their noses down at speech that isn't up to their standards . And having the balls to have them removed is as book burner as it gets .
Was your article keyword stuffed spam or plagiarism?
I flag the really spammy stuff because I think the less spam content the better, however I generally rate up well written hubs, be they commercial or poetic.
I think any hub containing excessive duplicate content should be de-published.
The hub staff does not pull things down unless they are a violation. A flag will not get your article pulled if it is within the TOS guidelines.
How do you know it was flagged? HubPages won't tell you if a Hubber flags your Hubs. A Hubber flag doesn't do anything to your Hub.
You will, however, know if HubPages flags your Hubs. That may be because a Hubber brought it to their attention, or they may find it on their own.
It would be unusual for HubPages to take down any Hub for no reason. I'm sure we'd all want to know, and support you, if they did. So let us know more.
I like hubhopping. I've found some very good articles, including some really moving poems. Yes, there are some poorly written articles, but I appreciate that people are working on their writing and expressing themselves.
As far as people stealing content or violating other rules, flagging is just a click, and that's not very much work.
Still I can see how some people might be turned off by hub-hopping.
Copyright infringement is illegal...I definitely would flag it.
I'm sure even aware would flag this one, I just came across it...they copied a product page right off of Amazon, even including the comments. Looks like they did print screen and saved it as a graphic. I won't link to them here.
I can't belive how many people are treating this as a blog. I just did some quick hopping and probably 4 out of 10 seem to be "blog posts!"
by Robert P 10 years ago
I have been hub hopping lately and I am disgusted with the incoherent garbage that I am coming across - nothing but poorly translated articles of about 400 words, usually without even any formatting. I would say that more than half of the articles I randomly encounter are clearly nothing but spun...
by Faith Reaper 12 years ago
What does everyone think of the new "Hub Hopping" process?Maybe, it's just me, but it is a little frustrating, and it was fun, but now? Not so sure about it. I may just need to adjust to it and keep at it before I make any final conclusions.
by Paul Edmondson 11 years ago
We first launched the new Hub Hopper in early August http://blog.hubpages.com/2012/08/hub-ho … o-feature/ We are looking to increase the amount of Hub Hopping and last night deployed an application to Mechanical Turk to find more people to Hop Hubs. For those that are good at it, there...
by Timothy Arends 9 years ago
I decided to give hub hopping a try. I was curious to see how good (or bad) the hubs were. I found some good hubs, others not so much. After about my second or third hop, I came across a hub that read alright for the first two or three paragraphs, and then quickly devolved into some kind of...
by backporchstories 12 years ago
Do you like the new hub hopping?What I do like about the new hub hopping is they way you can rate grammar separately from creativity. What I do not like, is we are forced to read a hub we have no interest in. It seems we can not hop forward without rating a hub. This will...
by Sherry Venegas 9 years ago
I just started noticing the Hub Hopper and have tried it three times now. So reading the FAQ's I found that Hopper's can influence your score. I know, we should not be obsessed with The Score, but....I can't help it. I think they give you test hubs to access your scoring and then they give you real...
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