Newcomers to the HUB, I welcome you! Old-timers, I thank you!
This is a great place to write, read, learn and think about more writing, reading and learning. To those of you who just awoke from a writing slumber, this is a great place to get sharp again. As much as I knew that I didn't know what the hell I was doing, the people of this community poked and prodded me forward when I needed it.
You will discover (as i just recently have) that being friends with Hubpeople is great and they are a nice bunch, but if you want to succeed in this world, you better have thick skin. If you want everyone to answer every little question you have but you didn't bother to read any of the info available to you...look out!
These are some of my many lessons here at hubpages that newcomers might benefit from hearing.
1) Don't use the forums to promote your own hubs, use them to make your hubs better.
2) Tweaked all your old hubs regularly, it can be more important than you realize!
3) Don't act like a crybaby or you will get spanked. If you do something wrong and people call you out on it, don't fight back out of insecurity...let it go, let it grow...
4) The moderator is NOT out to get you. Relax. Deep Breath. Try again.
5) If you don't fully understand what spamming is, you should find out before you end up doing it unknowingly.
6) Look before you leap. If you have a debatable thing on a future hub, ask someone BEFORE publishing it.
7) The question you are about to post in the Need Help Forum is probably already in there if you check a few pages worth of subjects.
8) If you come off like a know-it-all, there is no room for the conversation to go. If you leave certain points out of your text, that will invite a debate.
9) When I started 2 months ago, I didn't know what an URL was, much less a backlink or an Adsense account. If I can do it, you can do it....cause I'm a goofy bastard.
10) I just learned how to post videos 2 weeks ago, now I make my other words it is what YOU make of it.
LOL Congrats DJ
You are doing pretty good I think - and you compiled a good list, too
And Now instead of an Expert, I'm an All-Star! Wooo Hoo!
And one more thing. You will notice that under the photo that it says I've been here four months instead of two. That is because I came here and registered, forgot about it and was cleaning out my inbox when I came across an account confirmation email. So I clicked the link and began my journey here. That four months up there reminds me of what could have other words, motivation.
Thanks darkside.
Free DJ Tip: check out the band VAMPIRE WEEKEND. Ska-Flavored Ivy Leaguers. SPIN magazine chose them as the best new band of the year 2008 already?!
Here Here! Congratulations:-) Nice going!
Congratulations!.. and please tell me what SKA is. Everytime I go to try to find some, I have to do something else. LOL
Patty SKA is a musical style can that best be described in print as...sped up Reggae? The best bands to check out on SKA are THE SPECIALS or THE ENGLISH BEAT or as they were sometimes known THE SPECIAL BEATS.
You've probably heard SKA from bands like The Police, (whose album REGATTA DE BLANC means White Reggae) Fishbone, Sublime or The Mighty Mighty Bosstones.
Rancid is the Heavyweight Champion of SKA & Green Day are still going strong too but they are more Punk-Pop than Ska. Old OLD No Doubt albums are great too.
Steph is the one who told me how to do a video link in one of my comment sections. XO
Thanks to her and everyone else who helped I just posted videos of myself in my studio on a hub today and I don't have any idea how to feel about it yet but youtube's got it going.......hey I'm breaking my own rule. Alright No link. )
Congrats, oh Funky One Great list of lessons learned, too.
Woo Hoo... I love your lessons. Some are pretty funny, given out forums. I'd say my favorite is number three:
I've seen many people ask questions about why something happened, and then people look at your hubs and are like' Duh that's why it happened'. Then they claim to be like 20 people all over the web where similar content is written.
I was wondering why you said 2 months and you caption says 4... Makes since.
Congrats, HP is a great place to write and share and just have somr fun.
That's great! You should post a hub with your advice- it's very good!
And I especially like the part about coming out of a writing slumber- thats exactly what I'm
I can also happily report that 100 Fans and 10,000 PVs are on the horizon this week. Currently 91 fans and over 9,700 PVs!
Hi DJ,
I am new to hubpages, and read your list which was very helpful. I am looking to make new friends and learn as much as I can about making good hubs in hubpages.
Congrats to you sir!! good points you mentioned.......Tweaking old hubs has been a story of my life and helps very much!! & lol at number 3
LOL! "story of my life"
My latest acheivement is that I have a fan on youtube! My first ever. He actually gets notified every time I post a new video! Woo Hoo!
Here is my Earth Day video for today.
LOL don't take it personally...
(I signed up as your fan though, cause I know you are a good guy )
MISHA! You rock.
I know..but it's Earth day. I actually thought it wasn't really spamming if it wasn't directed to a hub?
People leave links all the time it seems...and then Misha STOMPS ON EM! LOL!
Yer the best dude!
Pretty hilarious eh?
LOL I think you rock, too
Just so you understand what I meant by spamming - you posted this link on two different threads. I wouldn't say a word if it was only one
Fair enough. The world is a big place Misha! I am just one man. How can I spread joy on just one thread.
p.s. I'll bet the most tense people, the ones who need my videos most..are the ones who don't check em out. Misery doesn't always want company.
Advice from any quarter is worthwhile.
Thanks for your pointers,
Congratulations on all those hubs.
I did notice the four and two.
Jamie, I adore your dancing. And your lip-syncing. I feel like I'm being personally serenaded through my laptop.
Don't burst my bubble.
Thank you for spamming the forums with that very entertaining video. (I didn't know posting links was spamming until I read Misha's comment, by the way. ) And congratulations! You've been a busy little bee, haven't you?
Congrats. Great list. It should be another required read for new hubbers.
Loved the video, DJ! (pssst... there is a little something between your teeth in the back - LOL) Happy Day after Earth Day, Steph
LOL! I think it's a cavity filling. I'll be more careful with my next close-up. :0)
Maddie - So glad you like em. I didn't know you even saw them. How I'm imagining the hubpages office with me funky styles palying in the background....too much. How come you don't comment on by?
Burst your bubble? I hope you didn't think I meant you when I mentioned tense people. I meant people who DON'T participate. Your avatar cheers me up all the time..YA KIDDIN' ME?
I meant my belief that you are serenading me through the computer with your lip-syncing videos.
I believe I HAVE left you a comment or two. And I always mentally note what you're drinking: iced tea, water, diet pepsi.
I don't drink diet anything much less pepsi but always h2o & Iced Tea. I come off really stoney too but it's just part of the show. I'm really far too old (37) to be abusing drugs. There was a time however....and since I was sense-memory trained in summer-stock...
Congratulations on your milestone and look so forward to the next 100.
Just weighing in with my compliments on some really good tips, DJ.
Thanks William. All in the name of
I checked you hubs now.Many hubs with the number of 100.The 100 hottest women in the world,the 100 greatest movie soundtrack songs,the 100 worst songs.And this thread also with the number 100.Lucky number or not?
I'll tell what topstuff you have asked the eternal question right there.
I love LISTS, COUNTDOWNS, etc. I have found however that the size of the HUB in reference to the title CAN put people off.
EXAMPLE: My 3 favorite hubs of mine are
The 450 Greatest Songs of 70s, 80s, 90s. They each took about a week to compile sort and rank, hell I even have a science fiction backstory about how I need suggestions from fellow readers about how to finish the list and get it up to 500.
BUT ALAS...they go largely ignored.
I'm pretty sure the reason is that people see that 450 up there and think ugh! No way. Too big. Too long. So now I try to shorten them IF I CAN. It really depends on the subject.
I also debate (with myself) about why people don't comment who do show up and read it. It could just be a Stumble Upon thing but I think it has more to do with being TOO COMPREHENSIVE. Readers like me want to pick apart a list and comment on all the OMISSIONs, but if you don't leave anything out maybe the reader feels there's nothing else worthwhile to say.
How could anyone pick just 100 songs from a decade though?
That's 10 songs per year!
I don't think a LISTOLOGIST is a real thing but if it were, I'd be it.
The next time you do a hub such, as "Bing Crosby's Best 100 Songs," you should just list 99 songs. That'll give your readers an opportunity to tell you that you left one out! LOL
DJ well done for reaching 100 Hubs so quickly. I've been here for about the same time as you (4 months) and have just (10 minutes ago) produced Hub no 20.
Like you I am really enjoying HubPage life. Here's looking forward to your 200th Hub later this year!
Rik Your HUBs rock though. Look at your fan to hub ratio.
That's what I long to acheive. Having more hubs than fans is embarassing to me honestly but like gamergirl told in my first week here....IF THEY DON'T COME BY...IT"S THEIR LOSS.
I've tried to live by that.
Congrats! I can't even imagine writing 100 hubs in 2 months. I've been here three months, and haven't quite hit 20 yet! Keep it up, I check out your stuff every day.
Most people struggle to write anything let alone a Hub. What is cool about you is you're a creative powerhouse and the ideas just keep coming. Perhaps you should market a cure for writer's block? Anyway, just keep those Hubs coming!
I'll get right on it.......not! But I bet you could write that. I didn't even think he had 100 songs.
Speaking of 100, I have 96 fans and I'm makin' a plea for more! I know that I am constantly astonished at who I LOVE TO READ but is not yet in MY Favs because I must have just not realized it.
Anybody wanna be #100? The position is now open...
I wasn't fast enough to make 100, DJ, but I'm fan No. 101.
Forgive me for taking up space here, but the following comes from the Bing Crosby Internet Museum:
Bing Crosby made recordings in every year of his career which spanned fifty-one years, and he recorded some 2000 titles. He was the most successful recording artist of the 20th century, with well over 300 hits to his name and twenty-two official Gold Records.
Between 1927 and 1962 he scored 368 charted records under his own name, plus twenty-eight as a vocalist with various bandleaders, for a total of 396. No one else has come close; compare Paul Whiteman (220), Frank Sinatra (209), Elvis Presley (149), Glenn Miller (129), Nat “King” Cole (118), Louis Armstrong (85), the Beatles (68).
· He scored the most number one hits ever, 38, compared with 24 by the Beatles and 18 by Presley.
I have to add that his birthday will be celebrated Saturday. He was born on May 3, 1903.
I love this kind of stuff. You made my day.
AWESOME STUFF but you should post this in the PICK A GROUP, ANY GROUP thread in Entertainment.
Thanks for becoming a fan as well. Cheers.
NEW UPDATE >> Just passed 11,000 PVs since 2/16 when I started.
The 100 WORST SONGS OF ALL-TIME has also become my 2nd HUB to acheive 1,000 PVs
and it is also my most commented on HUB with over 100 comments.
Thanks to all for your support.
I'm at 99 fans who's it gonna be?
NOT ME... already a fan:-)
Loved the Hub song too!
Congratulations, you are doing great here!
Somebody did it! Whoever you are THANK YOU!!! I am gonna sleep deeply.tonight. I sthere a way to find out who it was?
Duh, thanks Paul. I mean fan #99! I'm so sorry to always be asking such stupid questions as it pertains to computer smarts. BUT conversely I truly believe that I would not be so good at what I do if I had spent my youth on a computer!
I'm amazed. It took me 2 years to write 216 hubs and now hubpages has so many writers I can't even come up with anything that hasn't been done 10 times. I can't imagine writing 50 hubs a month.
Latest lesson learned.
Why should I bother networking since everyone does it for me. This is from NME magazine!!!!
How did it get there? Beats Me. Beaming with pride. This guy is promoting me from FRANCE! No idea where this came from either. … by-dj.html
This blogger has me featured. and here.
and here too.
already up to 145 HUBS
500-800 a day in PVs
3,000 this week
10,000 this month
and 21,000 overall
with over 1,000 comments
Samples Vol 1.................2,753 views since posting on 4/16/08 22 Comments 41/2 stars
Samples Vol. 2...............1,402 views 12 comments > Rated 5 Star
Samples Vol. 3...............1,793 views 18 Comments > 5 Star
Samples Vol. 4...............1,448 views 11 Comments > 5 Star
Samples Vol. 5...............1,041 views 8 Comments > 5 Star
Samples Vol. 6................1,175 views 11 Comments > 4 1/2 stars
Samples Vol. 7................1,464 views 12 Comments > 4 Stars
11,076 people have seen my video without even coming to the hub since 4/16
Go ahead and say it cause it's true....I'm a freakin Supastar! LOL!
Thanks Gawn.
I didn't really think anyone would respond after a rant like that. I'm joining yer fanclub if I haven't already.
May be you are just really awesome and people naturally flock to you? IDK...
Congrats DJ, that is pretty amazing stuff, in my opinion. Your videos are entertaining - and I think they qualify for helping you network, in a way.
My wife says, "Misha hit it right on the head! Now that's what I'm thinking.
And despite the fact that I published 16 hubs in the last 11 days, I still somehow managed to get outpaced by my new fans. 154 to 142 hubs I'm losing the race and loving it.
My new 24-Part Series on the 100 Funniest Movies of all-time is one-fifth complete. 100-80
I'm running Who Am I games on the forums AND YET I'VE NEVER BEEN FEATURED in a Hubpages newsletter.
TV hubs just completed on Flight of the Conchords, BBC-the office.
And just started a Film Director Series with my first subject WOODY ALLEN
I also just posted Essential Songs for a Summer Vacation
Essential Songs by The Ramones, Billy Joel, Prince
Right. Nah. They pick the same safe people every time. I don't think they want someone like me to represent the masses either.
I got my recognition anyway on jimmy the jock's blog! Hubber of the week!
by Darline Kilpatrick 14 years ago
I officially posted my 100th hub earlier today. I have been patiently trying to get here for nearly 16 months now. It is satisfying to have finally reached this goal.
by Don Simkovich 12 years ago
I finally wrote 200 hubs and I've surpassed 100,000 page views. My 200th hub linked together many of my hubs pertaining to small businesses. It's gratifying to know I finally reached another milestone. Thanks to the many of you Hubbers who have served as inspiration during my time here.
by Kidgas 14 years ago
Whew! When I started, I didn't think it was possible. But here I am with 100 Hubs complete. Some aren't all that great but I have learned a lot. Number 100 is my longest by far. I hope it becomes my most viewed since it seems like it should be incredibly helpful.
by Alfreta Sailor 14 years ago
by Rumana 11 years ago
I am very happy to see 7 of my hubs on top page of Google Search Engine.So thought to share my happiness with you.
by Kmadhav 15 years ago
Hi to all Hubbers I made 100th Hubs. I wrote some good hubs on Data Recovery and Windows errors problems and you all appreciates. I am very happy to announce that I made 100 Hubs on this platform. … lash-DriveMy 100th hub . Looking For More.Best regards...
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