I am all for the seperation of church and state. I wish we had a hubpages law to seperate the hate, from interesting comments and ideas. Lets stop the gay bashing, and using religion as an excuse to spout our selfishness. I won't quote the bible, because that would just lead to people trying to tell us what it means.
My point is. Who gives a rats ass! Lets get over it, and move on with life and stop living in the evil past. This garbage was written hundreds of years ago, by kings and people who wanted to control the masses. What a better way to do it, then writing an end all book to scare people into conformity.
Do not need a lecture. Thanks. And, if it seemed like I was lecturing, I'm sorry ahead of time.
I agree. Hate only fosters deeper hate. Too many feed on it because they've learned to like it. I mean this for both sides. I am highly religious but have taken a back seat in recent months from posting my views. It's fruitless and only invites further hate towards those views.
We should never think it's interesting.
As far as I know hateful comments are not allowed.
I think it's funny how you write a post about NOT wanting posts about God, when God is the very subject of such a post adding to all the other posts about God.
My experience is that posts about God get the most traffic of all other posts in a forum.
Go to any discussion forum, and look at the numbers of responses to various posts. If you see one with the word, "GOD" in it, then I almost guarantee that it will have the greatest number of respondents in it.
Naw, all these religious nuts just reinforce the notion that they are, intoto, evolving at a much slower rate than the 1 - 3% of the highly evolved that are responsible for human progress.
I need a reminder once in a while so I read one or two of their views expressing their primitive belief in a supernatural divinity and I'm re-resurrected back into the world of reality.
I just add 'em to my growing list of those who aren't deserving of a "rational" response. ladedah...ho hum....zzzzzzzzz
Is anyone else tired of all the God posts?
Yes. Very much so.
well, this is a microcosm of the world. If its out there, its in here.
Agreed! They allure is enticing to either join in the fight or just sit back and absorb the friction. There is little difference in this addiction and those I counsel for other addictions like pornography. Activities which end with no positive result should never be entered into in the first place.
Sometimes hate is positive.
Think about it
Pornography as well.
I respect your point, but I've seen the devastation these things lead to and cause. To see everything from suicide, gender altering surgeries, incest and the complete breakdown of the family due to these issues is witness enough to me that they are activities to stay clear of. These results are attributed to those causes not by my mouth but direct from those that have lived it.
I can't see how pornography can cause all those problems
I watch it, read it, write it. Not one of those things happened to me !
It doesn't happen the same to everyone. The situation remains the same. Because you indulge into all facets of it you are preoccupied with it. Most likely it bounces around in your mind even during those times you wish it wouldn't. I totally understand if this gets denied.
Hey, you and I have accomplished something. Agreeable to the forum thread we've kept God out of the equation. Good job!
For me it's easy. I'm an atheist .lol
Anyway, I don't think of porn often. I'm fed up with it !
Cool! Then the subject is pretty much mute for both of us.
Where are you from?
What!!!? You're from Iowa to? I thought I was the only one in here living in Iowa.
there are other Hells on Earth !
But that was only a joke. LOL
Now come on. What can top Iowa?...........I'm waiting.........waiting.....................waiting.......................................waiting.................................................................waiting.............................................waiting...................................
Thank you! I've been dying to post that!
Today's porn is so boring. If you have seen one, you have pretty much seen them all. the internet has taken all the interest out of it, by plastering it everywhere. Even the average person sitting in front of their computer is spouting it with their webcams. Not only has it been tamed, but you can pretty much find anything you want to see for free.
The sad thing is, it is so ready available that even kids can look at it. because smart porn advertisers link their smut to keywords, just as we do with our hubpages. People think that safesearch will keep their kids from seeing porn on google searches. All a smart kid has to do is turn it off. And, there is no end to what you can find.
It is very sad. And, nothing is being done to stop it.
However an anti-religious view is not hate, but love. In the same way you would try to stop someone believing in an invisible being, most atheists merely try to stop people from going off the deep end with an infallible belief in a non existent deity.
It is hate if the points of view are used as literal boulders to throw at each other. I enjoy calm and collected dialogue as long as tolerance and understanding prevails.
Uhuh, and pulling the rest of us with them whether we like it or not.
If a thread doesn't interest me, I don't read it.
It saves me a lot of headache.
Try it. You might like it.
Fantastically agree! We should all "copy & paste" that to all our foreheads.
A bit hard to ignore when you check the recent forums and see an entire page of the same old tired arguments.
I knew it! Call it instinct, call it gas! I don't know but I just knew it!
Greetings, watchya from New York, this is goldenpath from Iowa (cough cough). Fancy meeting you here in cyberspace. We've got nice weather going on over here. Come on over and I'll treat you to an afternoon of cow tipping. It's really fulfilling!
But I'm not from New York ! LOL
I gave it as an example of Hell LOL
Crap girl! You youngsters are bewildering me all the time. Anyhoooo, if you need any shade wherever you are I can point my nose in your direction. I promise it will provide hours of shade for your entire region. I'll be a bust in the Hall of Fame.
No problem. My nose can keep all of you "high and dry." Also, left a message on the other thread. I learn new terminology all the time....
Here's the thing - all these threads on religion are almost exactly the same - no real variety in the original posts or the answers- why are people wasting their time? probably for the adrenal rush when they get a little angry.
Why not have a religious thread or two and discuss it all ad nauseum there instead of filling up the forum with redundancy?
I posted one tribe thread - what if I were to keep posting other threads about the tribe : The Tribe is Happy! Long Live the Tribe! Give the Tribe some Love! The HubTribe is the best Tribe in the World! Is the HubTribe dead? etc. I'm sure people would complain and shut me down! Why is religion (and usually its self-righteous our-way-only Christians who post them) any different? I have yet to see a really meaningful exchange about religious philosophies on the HubPage forums.
I try to ignore them, but really - enough is enough! If you want to espouse your religion - write a hub about it! Go comment on the religious hubs! since usually you guys aren't really paying any attention to what the other guy says, whats the need for all this proselytizing?
or how about you guys who want to discuss religion all the time - just respond to one thread, and ignore the rest?
right now there are 8 religion threads posted - at times I have seen 12 - sooooo . . . why? why? why?
seriously, actually because of the many many many many religion threads - I'm ready to forget about coming to the forums. I think about 1/2 the threads are about religion issues right now -so if you don't see me around - chalk another up to the religious freaks - who will be happy to see that their strategy is working and they are winning by slowly eliminating people who want to have fun, talk about other things and don't want to see constant "God" threads!
yes, I know. and I'm not tired of one side or the other of these issues - I think it is all incendiary b.s.!
Well, I'm sorry you feel that way. But, I do hope you do have a great day.
why? why hope I have a great day? another example of meaningless b.s.! so transparent
I just figured out what to do! I will just go directly to the topics I am interested in and no longer reader the God titles!
so long, suckers!
Actually, you assume wrong. It's not a surprise, but I do honestly hope you have a great day. I would suggest you try to make the best of it.
That is just a suggestion.
I think it's bad for business (HubPages attracting quality writers) to have the religious and political sub-forum threads show up on http://hubpages.com/forum/
All people are going to see is vile characters and venom laced posts. Not a true indication of the silent majority.
I totally agree. I wish we didn't have it.
Me too! Why are we required to read them anyway?
It's rare for me to read one. I realize I have the power to ignore them. But, I agree with Darkside that I think it drags the reputation of HP down and ultimately "hurts" us all a bit.
I know, but where do you draw the line? I personally detest the drama of some posters with their "I'm leaving" and those begging them to stay, which is what the OP wanted anyway. Or two females having an electronic cat fight with supporters on both sides.
And the political forums would have to go too! Too much anger there. Some topics are really sexually suggestive, pow, out the door with those too! Sports? Too violent and are composed mainly of male players. Inequality is a no-no!
And topics about food or alcohol? Well we have an obesity problem in this country and alcohol gets you high.
So we just eliminated many of the favorite things Americans love to do. Now we can enjoy the forums.
People actually have the choice to ignore threads. It's called freedom. I do it all the time. I seldom go to the Religion Forum because when I first started on HubPages it took me about a week to determine that more often than not what is found there is simply attack, attack, attack with plenty of ammo being hurled by believers & unbelievers alike. Sad, but true.
What has been put forward here may not be active censorship but it'd certainly be passive censorship.
As far as HubPages attracting quality writers, I'm not sure eliminating posts dealing with the existence or non-existence of God would accomplish that at all.
Why not eliminate all talk of politics also, since there is a great deal of hate spewed back & forth in those Forums? And while we're at it, let's eliminate any topic where there might be controversy or differing viewpoints.
I see an awful lot of stupidity & ignorance put forward in the Religion Forums by all kinds of different people from both sides of the God question, those who have an adamant faith & those who are atheists with a fervent belief in their reasoning & beliefs.
How about simple respect? That's what needs to happen. To my friends on HubPages who are fellow believers I'd say this: The Creator of the universe doesn't require you, me or anyone else to defend him. Time & truth walk hand in hand. What God does require is justice, mercy, humility & grace to be demonstrated in our lives, even in our lives in cyberspace.
To my friends on HubPages who are agnostics or atheists I'd say this: If God doesn't exist, his non-existence or his possible non-existence can't be the reason for argument, anger, angst & belittling those who think or believe contrary to you. Again, time & truth walk hand in hand. When each one of us dies, we'll KNOW some answers about time & eternity.
Until then, how about embracing our common humanity? We all have to muck our way through this world together, why not do so with an effort at simple respect for each others perspectives & beliefs?
I believe what I believe. I did not come to those beliefs in a vacuum or without a great deal of study, contemplation, testing & inquiry. I'm no genius, but neither am I unintelligent. My faith is an essential element in who I am.
I think I demonstrate great tolerance & acceptance for those who have chosen to believe differently or whose worldview is opposite of mine. If a thread irritates me or is spewing what I see as garbage, I ignore it & move on. Write & let write.
That's one of the prices we pay for freedom of speech, expression & religion. For all its excesses & abuses, I'd rather function in a society & in a forum such as this, where the freedom of speech, expression & religion are fiercely guarded & upheld.
There's a lot of truth in that old saying that goes something like this: "I may passionately disagree with your viewpoint, but I will defend with my life your right to express it."
I find the most interesting threads on any topic are the respectful ones. Admittedly they are few and far between. Good sumation, Ken. Holly
Is there a medal for "best" Hub Forum post?
If there is, I nominate this one...Good job, Ken.
I don't know about business, because I think a lot of people just "write off" the forums and stick with writing their Hubs (but if by "business" you mean the business of the forums - no doubt about that).
I do think other people must do the kind of thing I do when clicking on the main forums page, which is go to it kind of expecting "a little something for everybody" and ending up seeing - like - 80% religious threads. I'll often bother going to the second or third page because I've been here long enough to know that if I keep looking I may find something that catches my interest. That often means wading through a bunch more religious threads on the second, third, and whatever other pages too, though.
To me, it isn't even really what the one "overload" subject is - it's that the forums looks so "weighted" toward one subject. It would be (sort of) the same if the overload was about, say, knitting or even something like parenting. (Of course, I'll admit to being among the many people who isn't interested in reading about anyone else's beliefs, or in writing about my own.)
If religious threads could be along the lines of, "Here's what we do in our religion" or "Here's why I believe what I do" - (in other words, "legitimate" discussion) that would be one thing. Most of the time they aren't aimed at being discussions. They're intended to use the forum as a way to preach to everyone else. Of course, if nobody went to them and "argued back" eventually they'd die down (because anyone who thrives on "preaching" would loses his sense of superiority if all he got back was agreement from "equally superior" people.
now that I've discovered how to avoid the religious posts - I betcha they'll hijack these threads too! but then I can report away! lately I get so wrought up about such idiotic things like this! could it be hormonal? is it my lack of having a real life? or is it just that I can feel my own thinking ability being undermined by B.S. and I am panicking! what to do? what to do?
relax... and enjoy...
Chilax Dude! No one forces you to go to the Religous forums. If you like Arts & Crafts, surf that. If fixing stuff is your bag, look at Automotive. But don't whine on about religion, it is easy avoided if you don't want to know.
No, see I don't go INTO the religious threads (well, very seldom) and I still have to see them listed in the forums main page. Maybe I'll just have to ignore the main page, but if I do then I'm afraid I'll miss something. Oh well. And isn't interesting - today is Sunday and right now there is only one God thread! I do respect people's rights to talk about religion, its just that it is usually the same 5 people saying the same 3 things! Anyhoo - lots of us seem to feel this way and that's what I wanted to know. Maybe, we don't even need the main page? I just don't know.
I stopped worrying about reputation of any group I belong to quite a while ago. There is always somebody who is spoiling it, so why bother
It is like being around children, their games and "childish" behavior annoys us adults because we want them to be quiet and act like adults... however the best thing to do is just ignore them and let them play their games, you don't have to join in, listen, or have it affect you.. You can't stop them from being children until they grow out of it!!
If you want to join a fight with a fool then no one else will know which one is the fool..
If you don't want to join, don't... But don't preach to those that do that they should all stop it and be grown ups, let them have their fun and play their games, better they do it in cyber space than go out on the streets with it..
dang. I missed out again. When were these God posts?
Maybe I can go back and read them all.
I have an idea....a solution to the pollution, if you will.....
I agree that I think the religious threads overrun the main forums page. I wonder if the activity there could be limited to the top 5 threads within each category. You could still go to each individual category to see all the threads. That way, at any one time the most threads you'd see would be 5 within any category.
This would keep outsiders from getting in warped picture of what hubpages is about.
Just an idea....it might not be something HP would consider.
All the responces to my original post proves my point. Even a simple request to stop the god talk, starts an avalanche of comments. However, it is good to see that there wasn't much name calling, or bashing this time around.
I just think there is a lot more important things to discuss. One thing that has been bugging me lately is the whole blame game going on with the oil spill in the gulf. And, our governments way too cooperative nature with BP.
They should have took over cleanup from Day 1. Allowing BP to drag their heels was their first mistake.
I haven't seen a single post by God here. Supposedly God posts so much here that people are tired of seeing His posts.
I've been asking that question for years.
They don't know!
They offer lots of opinions and they dance around the barn alot but they're completely stumped!
Weird thing is that some will kill and willingly die for something they just imagine....see why I say "weird?"
that because Who is this god fellow is the wrong question.
god is not a who. nor a fellow.
Why do you just make a statement?
What good does that do?
It certainly doesn't clear up what this god thing is for us.
C'mon be helpful.
What is this god thing of the bible, the qur'an and the torah?
Or are you gonna be one of those believers whom I say are stumped when asked to factually define "it?"
Tell us what it is in other than opinion..Ok? Is that a fair question?
I'll put money on this: that yer gonna dance around the barn as a reply..
first i want to know what fields of science you are acquainted with.
then I want to know how you view a "theory"
next I want to know if psychology is a branch of study that you consider a legitimate source of human understanding.
then I also what to know if you understand mathematical theory.
Then I want to know if you have espresso near you, then we can begin.
Hi Cecilia:
Q."first i want to know what fields of science you are acquainted with."
A.Biology, chemistry, geology, cosmology, anthropology, ontology, epistemology, Archeology, physics, genetics, evolution..on and on and on.
Q. I want to know how you view a "theory"
A. Just as it is defined in an english dictionary.
Q. I want to know if psychology is a branch of study that you consider a legitimate source of human understanding.
A. Yes it is a legitimate study, but psychology is not a perfected "science."
Q.I also what to know if you understand mathematical theory.
A. I understand mathematics exactly as it is defined in an English dictionary
Q.I want to know if you have espresso near you, then we can begin.
A. Allergic to caffeine...green tea? oh yes.
None of these questions has anything to do with the question I asked. Why did ya ask them?
Now, what is this god thing of the bible, the qur'an and the torah?
Or are you gonna be one of those believers whom I say are stumped when asked to factually define "it?" hmmm?
Are ya gonna "dance-around-the-barn or answer my question? :-)
Be careful Qwark, she's part of the Campbell's soup round table! Or something like that! Chicken noodle, I think! LOL!
They all dance, and not that well. They stumble over their steps and fall flat on their faces. Even when you offer them $5000 in cash, they still do the same old dance.
They are mere followers, whose primitive ape brains can only "repeat" the nonsense they memorized by rote. They have NO explanations to offer, ever!
Here is the answer to you question, qwark....enjoy!
http://hubpages.com/hub/God-Jesus-The-T … S-Concepts
Ok. I say that G-d is neither a who nor a fellow.
A who is person. G-d is not a person. A fellow is also a person and a male one. If G-d is not person, then G-d cannot be a male person.
G-d is a concept. True, so far that is what we can observe G-d is.
Does a concept exist in the material realm?
It does not exist because to exist in the material realm means you are embodied.
Is an embodiment of concept possible. YES. But the embodiment is not the concept. The concept exists outside of the embodiment but is contained within it.
For instance the golden ratio. the golden ratio can only exist in the material realm if it is embodied as say a proportional face, a proportional building etc etc. But the golden ratio is not any of these things but the mathematical concept behind them. The only thing similar about these embodiments are the formula--the concept of balance behind them.
What is a concept? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concept
A Concept is an abstract idea. So does that mean G-d is an idea? An abstract idea, yes. What are other abstract ideas? Well numbers are abstract ideas. Math predicts the interaction of forces and their values in relation to each other. Math can predict how the energy/forces will react together in the material world. So a cone can be built in any scale using this formula: T = (PI)rl + (PI)r2
The G-d concept is an abstract that represents the underlying intelligence behind all that exists. Intelligence that predicts and authors the outcomes of the interaction of forces in the known universe.
Can the the interaction of forces be predicted? yes through mathematics. Why, because mathematics so far, can illustrate the laws of universe. Is the universe organized. Mathematically, it seems that the answer is YES.
Does that mean the G-d concept only exists in the mind? NO. Because without the human mind, the concept still exists. It is still representing the underlying order in the universe, which remains the same even if all of us are wiped out.
Is there order in Chaos? YES. Fractal geometry proves this. There is a hidden order in the universe. Everything is a repeating pattern of itself. There is no chaos in a timescale.
We can only reach this concept through the mathematics of the 21st century.
In the same way, G-d right now is an abstract concept that can only be reached through our embodiment.
Your turn.
well? are you up to it? Because I'm not going to bother if you're not.
The question remains:
Is god tired of people being tired of god posts?
I think it is interesting that people "kill/objective" over their belief of "god/subjective". It's almost like little children that can't control their emotions when someone upsets them by saying they are wrong.
I am not dancing around the barnyard. I'm explaining it to you like you're a 6 year old. Because the metaphor is going over your head.
Dictionary definitions though are very very limited.
Eh what a bunch of bullcrap. Let's all just stick to discussing who has left recently, whose boyfriend left them and whether or not he wants her back, and whether or not lipgloss builds up petroleum jelly in your system and causes cancer.
Okay that last one was actually interesting, but the thread only got as far as what whose favorite color was.
People just despise being asked to think.
it was a two liner that he wanted me to explain. I'm all for boyfriend talk and petroleum jelly.
qwark wants me to explain the obvious.
Sorry ceci, meant it generally speaking after reading through the thread. Not at all aimed at you and Qwark. If I had more time these days I might join the two of you.
EVery man shall be free to profess -and by argument maintain- their religious beliefs. That was Thomas Jefferson.
Just disgusted that people don't understand and cherish our freedom to publicly discuss religion.
I don't mind the god posts, at the end of the day people are entitled to free speech..... If people say anything truely hateful report it....
If you don't want to participate stay out..
Personally I go into the posts, not to participate in the actual discussion but to put down the bigots and idiots who act like children..
They do not tend to have philisophical inteligent discussions but the participate in the old bar game of seeing who can pee higher up the wall than the other... ignore them they are very shallow uninteligent children...
wow, aside for corny jokes, you can churn out some real sense. I'm impressed.
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