wait i know. i'd spend 24 hours with mega1, as she seems like a cool girl and the type of person i usually like to hang out with. then there's beth100, who i wouldn't mind spending time with, as she always seems to inspire me in some way. then there's blondpoet as she's always knows how to make a man's blood boil. lecie, as we have various things in common and pinky lee and her cool mom lynn. oh and i bet hmrjmr has a lot of cool war stories to tell, that i wouldn't mind hearing.
then there's satomko, hll allen, j bunce, jellydonut, and ander fischer, as they always seem to write great stuff, as i would love to converse with them on various movies. and many many others too.
oh and my brother, urban_hymms. we may not be too close, but he's my brother. therefore, it wouldn't be right if i left him out of it.