Awww shyyt! I went and misspelled. SOB, that's what I get for being in a hurry,
Oh well, I do love y'all's fllowers, a lot. Really I do and I love most of my followers that I know. I honestly think I only have four, maybe five, the rest are all alter egos or sock puppets?
Anyway, I find it hard to keep up with y'all and I had to run out this afternoon and do some volunteer work for the city. I come back to this. hahaha yer all nuts. I reckon that's why I love ya so much.
Now I also see I gained more followers against my demands. I hope they at least left me some comments. Seems like most of them any more are just on a fanning spree.
Tom, I love your flower the best my man.
Now it looks as if I need to do that poem I said I'd do. Rochelle will be included.
thanks all for the fun anyway. Have I missed anyone? screw it.