by Claudia Porter 3 months ago
Wow! I can't believe I hit 10 million views on my articles. Thank you so much HubPages and to everyone that has checked out my articles these last 12 years! I learned so much about online writing when I was part of the apprenticeship program years ago. Thanks also to Robin &...
by Audrey Hunt 11 years ago
This is an exciting day for yours truly. Reached 400,000+ views!
by Writer Fox 11 years ago
I just reached 100,000 views on 35 Hubs. (I only had 2 beginning in May of this year.) So, you can get great traffic from Google on HubPages! I'm happy about the traffic, but I wish the CPM were higher.
by Writer Fox 11 years ago
I just hit 500,000 views, up from 100,000 on October 30, 2013. (CPM is looking sad, though.)
by Sondra Rochelle 10 years ago
I just checked to see when it was that I hit 100,000 was 3 months ago. Today I hit 130,000! That means it took 2 years or so to hit 100,000 but only a fraction of that time to hit another 30,000! I am really shocked to see the numbers grow so fast all of a sudden, but I...
by Jean Bakula 8 years ago
I'm so psyched, it took so long. I think I'll take a screen shot and frame it!