Hello everyone! We're happy to announce that we're opening up the HubPages Ad Program to all Hubbers ahead of schedule!
All interested Hubbers are now eligible to participate in the HubPages Ad Program, an additional earnings option for your Hubs. You can read more about the Program in the blog post.
To sign up, please click the configure button for the HubPages Ad Program under your Affiliate Settings (under Earnings): click here.
Wow thanks hubpages i was waiting for this !!!!!
The only fly in the soup is that in order to get the HubPage Ad program, you must first be accepted by Googe Adsense. For a newbie like me, with only two hubs, this is impossible.
You should be able to be accepted fairly quickly if you're in the US, even with a couple of Hubs. After you're in with AdSense, you can get started with the HubPages Ad Program if you like.
Colonel, I feel your pain. I still feel like a newbie, since I've only been on since early in year. If any consolation, the number of hubs you've pub'd (I've learned) has nothing to do w/getting on AdSense. I've been trying to get on AdSense for 4 mos and unable to do so for tech reasons. Finally e-mailed the HP team last week, who cleared up part of the problem, but not all and I still am not getting anything off Adsense and still cannot join HP because Adsense still won't give me access. Hang in there.
Thanks, Teylina. It is frustrating to be able to string words together in a manner acceptable to a wide audience and know how to advertise my blog from long experience in sales but to get nothing for my efforts.
Woo Hoo. That's great. I've just turned mine on as soon as I found out.
Thanks a lot to the Hubpages admin and team. I joined Hubpages Ad program and activated it successfully.
You guys sure didn’t waste any time! Absolutely awesome!!!
My sign up is "stuck" Can't make it past the tax sign up. It keeps sending me question, which I answer and answer and so on. Any ideas?
Please contact payments@hubpages and they'll help fix this glitch for you.
Signed up for Adsense and Amazon USA everything approved now live! When I check to see if these is any progress I keep on getting stuff to read and approve and acknowledge approval. WQhat's happening?
I was really happy when i see that. But when i sign up to paypal theirs i dint find my country `Bangladesh'. May I use someones paypal account?
Hub Pages ad program really seems to pay a lot for impressions - much more so than Google Adsense pays for impressions!
Hi everyone I'm new to hub pages and new to blogging if you have any advice for me let me know.
You're replying to an announcement of a new earnings program...that is 7 years old?
(Need to watch the dates on those things as they are all still available, right back to the very early days of the forums)
So I am not sure what is so special about this particular program. I read it and it says you have to use Paypal, which actually takes money away from you when you get paid and the site is very unreliable. Their customer service is awful as well. Not cool! If I am going to do this, I would prefer to attach my band account so I don't loose any money on the venture.
I'm using Paypal for 5, or so, years and you only have to pay a fee if your are a seller, when you get paid, for EPN or any other service, you don't have to pay a fee.
The way we pay through PayPal (using Mass Pay), we bear the entire transaction cost of making the payment, meaning the full amount you earn through the HubPages Ad Program is deposited into your PayPal account. There may be fees associated with withdrawing funds, depending on how you do it and what country you are in (but it's generally free in the U.S. and many other countries).
Anyway, it's totally optional. If you don't trust PayPal for whatever reason, you can continue to earn as you have been.
I have never had any problems at all with PayPal, and on the rare times I've had to call customer service (usually just to have something explained), I was actually very impressed that they publish a phone number, and you can speak with a real live person. They have always been very thorough and helpful.
In fact, I'm thinking that if I ever return to doing craft shows, I can tell people that we can accept credit card payments if they have an internet-capable cell phone and there is wi-fi in the area...just use PayPal to send the payment. Done! Instantaneous approval...SOLD!
I've only dealt with paypal CS once, when someone in New York bought a fur coat on eBay from the Netherlands and had it shipped to Germany. While it took my bank several weeks to return a hundred bucks in overdraft fees paypal refunded the $4,000 purchase in 24 hours. They messed up the international exchange rate for about $50, but had that returned in less than a day after I questioned it.
Paypal doesn't take any money away from you when you get paid, unless you're silly enough to sign up for a premium account. I've had a free account for years and I don't lose any money when I get paid.
It's quite true their customer service is lousy and you will hear horror stories - but if you're sensible and keep your balance low, you can keep problems to a minimum.
In order to have money direct-deposited into a "real" bank account required me to sign up for premium. Otherwise, they charge you $1.50 (or was it $3.00?) to mail you a regular check.
I've had no problems.
Try it-- you'll like it. I have been so totally pleasantly surprised by the Hubpages ad program that I just have to encourage you. The program has totally filled the $$ gap left by the decrease in my Hub traffic and Adsense revenue after the infamous Panda got through with me.
The payout threshold is $25.00 and it is rather nice to just have an extra bit of cash appear in my Paypal account from time to time. As for Paypal-- there don't seem to be a lot of fees and I've had an account with them since the Stone Age, before they were owned by Ebay and have never had a problem. I've heard the horror stories online about their customer service, but have always found them professional and responsive--- so come on in. The Hubpages Ad program is great
Wow, I am happy to hear this. Thank you Jason and Hub Pages! Cheers!
Yay! I'm signed up and ready to go! Can't wait to see good results.
Just signed up! Anxious to see how this works! Thanks for all of your hard work for us HubPages!
No, we didn't send an email this time. We did post a notification in everyone's My Account page, though.
ok, thanks. I was wondering about people who have hubs here, but don't frequent the site often.
Sorry I may have missed it - but whats the min payout for the program and when is payment made - the month following? 60 days?
Wowwwww.. Thank you the HP management for making this available to all.. so excited!
Hey Lissie, the threshold is $50. No waiting period. You reach the threshold and you can move your money.
Edit: @Jason- Good job getting all setup before Summer.
I tried to sign up on one of my other accounts and there appears to be a glitch - it repeatedly asks me for my security questions. I got up to 6 asks and gave up!
Same here... got endless security questions with both HP and paypal. Am afraid but are there ways to retrieve all those security questions that we answered?
If you have a problem like this, please email payments@hubpages and they will help you out. It's most likely a glitch.
I am not US people so I have no tax information. What can i do now?
@Jason, good development coming earlier on schedule. What happens if not a US resident with regards to providing Tax information? Thank you.
Yes, you must fill it out, too. Everyone must. Please follow the wizard in the Tax Information section.
You still must enter your tax information via the wizard interface. For non-US Hubbers, you just have to answer a different set of questions. Please read carefully and follow the tax information wizard instructions.
Thank you Jason for the quick response. Thank you HubPages Team.
I'm sure this has been covered somewhere, but I haven't been able to find it!
How do we get paid? I reached $50+ for March in the ad program, but how do I get the money? Does it automatically deposit to PayPal at some point? Is there a delay like with Amazon, or is there a button I need to click that I just can't find?
I feel like this info should be easy to find, but I haven't been able to locate these details anywhere - I'm sure someone will post a link and I'll feel like a dummy
Edweirdo, yes, there is a delay. You should be paid at the end of April if you reached payout in March, (that is how I understand it). It is covered in Terms of Use, Section 9- read down to payment paragraph.
I stand corrected again. Thank you. Good to know.
Cool! Thanks for the link
And I only feel half-dumb - something that major should be easier to find, IMHO, like in the "help" link on the Earnings page
well, I don't think you should ever feel dumb, you gave us the forum filter and Hubdefender. It probably would be handy in the Earnings section, I agree.
I do have a question about something I just read in that section.
It says there can be a delay if there is determined to be fraudulent activity.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, HubPages shall not be liable for any payment from the use of HubPages Ad Program based on: (a) any fraudulent or deceptive activities; (b) invalid activities generated by any person or automated means; (c) requests for end users to click on advertisements on Your Hub or repeatedly reload Your Hub to generate additional page impressions.
How are fraudulent or deceptive activities determined?
(c) end users? Does this mean asking viewers at the end of the hub to click.
We have a few techniques internally, and our ad partners can also detect fraudulent activity.
And, yes, in (c) "end users" means visitors to your Hubs, and asking them to click on ads. The policy is really no different from AdSense's.
This issue of help info and FAQ info being more accessible and easy to find has been raised in several different areas - and is maybe something that should be addressed generally ?
An obvious and usefully indexed help and FAQ on hub unpublishing issues would be a good start.
You're not alone there, Edweirdo - I've looked several times and came up blank. Probably saw it at one time or another because next month payment stuck in what little is left of my mind, but never could find it again.
There's a new (just put up today!) FAQ section here:
However, if you still have questions, please email payments@hubpages. If we see a lot of questions come in on the same topic, we'll add a new FAQ entry on it.
I've signed up for the new program, but am not sure whether or not to enable it yet. Decisions, decisions...
Just saw this as I logged on this morning. Kind of in 2 minds about whether to activate it yet or not. Adsense earnings are not great at the moment but really I think that is because traffic is not good. But if traffic is down then is a different set of ads going to make any difference? Are all the ads for US companies or are they global? I ask as only a portion of my traffic is US so earnings might even drop if I implemented it. Maybe I need to leave my hubs at a static number for a while, leave the adsense in then change to HP ads after a fixed amount of time and compare. Only thing is that I think a decent comparison period needs to be at least a couple of months and that is a long time not to write more hubs!
Good news to everyone. But the sad news is that it has been made available to everyone after google implemented the second panda update.
Anyone have idea about how much page impression on average is needed to get $50 mark?
I am happy...but my country is not eligible for PayPal.....so should I go for this.....
Unfortunately, no - PayPal is the only disbursement method we use at this time.
How much does it cost to send money by Western Union?
My experience with western Union has been very good. Google is using Western Union to disburse payments outside US. You can also do it.
Just impress upon the management that you can limit the payout for Western Union at a minimum of $200, deduct the $16 Western Union fee from $200 and send out the difference.
Cant you have alertpay.....then we would get the payment........plz do something.....
Excellent, I've been looking forwards to this, but there are two things I'm wondering:
Does it work with the referal program?
And, when are payments sent out? (ie does hubpages hold them for a month or two after you reach the threshold before paying out?)
Yes, it works for the referral program. On your 10% share of impressions on the Hubs of those Hubbers you've referred, HubPages Ads would show even if that Hubber is not using the HubPages Ad Program.
We pay the following month (towards the end of the month) on the previous month's earnings once you hit the $50 payout. So, if you hit $50 mid-April, say, then you'll get paid via PayPal in late May.
Wow! I noticed the announcement on my account page yesterday. That's nice that the HP Ads is now available for everyone. I was lucky enough to get in on the second pick. So far so good.. I'm earning on both Adsense and HP Ads. Thanks HP.
I'm signed up--thanks alot for getting this pushed through for the rest of us!
Thanks hubpages.I have signed up and look forward to seeing what happens next. Not really expecting much as Adsense has only now started to provide a small income monthly(but ha every little helps)
Not sure what is happening, but since I was accepted for the Hubpages Ad Program, my income has gone waaaayyyy down! Can any one tell me whatzup?
Your AdSense earnings might have gone down. When did you enable the HubPages Ad Program? (Did it coincide with the Panda update in late February?)
How are your total earnings? And how are your total earnings on an eCPM basis? (i.e. per 1000 Hub views)
This Month (Apr)
4,614 Impressions
$5.04 CPM
Last Month (Mar)
2,078 Impressions
$7.05 CPM
Is this pretty good? I am not sure how to get more.. please enlighten me.
Is that for AdSense only? Or a combination of AdSense and the HubPages Ad Program?
How do I know which is for one or the other - I thought they were all adsense. Okay, I admit it - I'm lost.
AdSense is Google's ad program.
For your HubPages Ad Program earnings, go to:
Add them together.
Also, what is Panda? I'm not aware of that.
Google algorithm update, resulting in far less search traffic, beginning February 25th.
Lower traffic = lower earnings
Wow, its great that it is open to everyone. My problem at the moment is that I cant have it yet. I am still waiting on google to try and rectify my adsense problem. I know what the problem is, I applied for google adsense from a direct message that I received from them and not through Hubpages as I should have. Ooops - I was just new to Hubpages and got it wrong. Three weeks after applying for Google Adsense, I got a rejection e-mail stating there was a problem with domain ownership. About a week ago I asked them to cancel my adsense application in order that I could reapply directly through Hubpages. I feel like its dragging on and on. I cant wait to get set up for Google Adsense and Hubpages Ad program, as I am very keen. Adsense has to be set up before you can apply for the ad program on Hubpages. Maybe I will be able to get it soon. Come on Google, get your finger out! Lol.
If I haven't made any money through AdSense because I don't really have much traffic, nothing will really be different with the Hub Pages Ad Program for me then, will it?
I've read the description of the program but am not sure if I understand it all. Does this new program just use different ads that can pay more per click?
I would definitely focus on getting more traffic, which comes from publishing more high-quality Hubs. The key to earning is traffic; the HubPages Ad Program simply enhances how much money that traffic can earn you.
I'm so excited about the new hubpage ad program! I signed up right away! Looking forward to seeing results from this new program! Thank you!!
Wow. This is getting very exciting. Thanks, HubPages team. I was about to resign when I heard others have jumped ship upon the onslaught of the traffic decline. Luckily, one hubber reassured me that everything is for the good of all. With a revived spirit, I made the decision to prioritize HubPages. LOL. Thanks. The HP ad program is awesome. Now, aside from the singe ad with three clicks possible, there are three more big ads from Google. This is really exciting.
Excellent news. Signed up straight away and the process was straightforward and easy. Well done HubPages.
Thank you very much for opening the Ad program to everyone ahead of schedule. I signed up right away and found the process very easy, too.
Hi HubPages!
Glad the HubAd Prog has opened full throttle.
All success to you and the writers here.
Now, I have a question, I did not see in the HP Blog regarding this, so please bear with me. My Adsense account was disabled for a TOS Violation, of which I have no idea what/why. I have entered an appeal and still awaiting reply from Google Customer Service. Should they not accept the appeal, does this mean I cannot participate in the Hub Pages Ad Program?
Many Thanks (and sorry to be a pain )
James, that's correct. You must have an active AdSense account to participate in the HubPages Ad Program.
I hope your appeal is resolved quickly to your satisfaction.
I am all set up and thrilled. What a simply set up too! Excellent job! Keep up the GREAT work!
Does the $.75 CPM mean 75 cents per 1000 page impressions or ad impressions? I can't imagine it would increase earnings for most people if it's less than a dollar per 1000 page impressions because it leaves a mere one AdSense ad block.
If you are going to almost completely replace AdSense that routinely gets over $3 per 1000 pages with something that is less than one dollar per 1000 pages, how is this a good thing?
You should calculate your total earnings, through all revenue generation mechanisms, over 1000 Hub impressions, and compare that to your total earnings, through all revenue generation mechanisms before you added the Program, over 1000 Hub impressions. That's the only way you're going to get a true apple-to-apple comparison.
I know that it has been said that the ad program will hurt adsense, but I wasn't expecting the drop I got! Also, the ad program has not benefited me so far. My total earnings with the ad program in 3 days are not as much as I often make on adsense in one day. (And that is including the total of what I'm currently making on adsense). So far it seems I've lost revenue. Am I doing something wrong or is it possible that the ad program is not for everyone? ANY replies will be helpful. Am I the only one that has had this trouble?
It's certainly possible you're making less using the Program, in which case you should switch back to AdSense only. Are you comparing to your AdSense earnings before or after the Google Panda update? (i.e. before or after March)
I did have an approx $50 monthly drop after Panda. I just checked my adsense and did the math with my March earnings and I actually seem to be earning about equal now using the ad program; no more, no less. I guess I will give the program a little more time to see what happens. I may not make more but if I can at least come up equal I will enjoy the more frequent payouts. Guess I'll wait a few days and see before making a final decision. Thanks, Jason.
You can certainly drop out of the Program whenever you like, but you should do it for the "right" reasons (i.e. understanding exactly what you have to gain or lose). You can certainly turn off the Program and see how your total daily revenue is impacted (assuming your traffic is 100% stable day-to-day), and make your decision from there.
My adsense is starting to pick back up a little, not a whole lot, but much better than it was. Is this a coincidence or could there be some kind of "system shock" when something new is added? Is it possible that it takes a few days for everything to adjust or do you think this is purely coincidental and a result of weekend traffic?
It could be a result of weekend traffic. Traffic does change considerably over the course of a week.
A true apples-to-apples comparison should be one full week to another full week, with no holidays or any other event that would affect traffic. (Two "normal" weeks)
I'll have to bow out of the program, I live in the UK and I'm not that comfortable giving out my tax info and social security number. I'll stick with Google Adsense for now, my hubs don't generate much traffic anyway because I've chosen a niche topic to write about, which may change in the near future. But like they say, never say never.
You don't have to. If you follow the Wizard you say "no" to both questions. Job done.
I am in the UK, it's a standard US tax form - and as a UK citizen you're just declaring that you don't live in the US and don't have any business/employees in the US.... so it's a simple "no", "no", and no personal details being given
Thanks for that bit of info earner, I'll give it a go.
I'm really very happy for all you hubbers for whom there are no problems (like blissfulwriter). I have been excited since I joined HP, and don't usually give up any endeavor so quickly, but have yet to have anything go right, make one penny no matter what, even finally have ads show, only to disappear, and keep seeing 'pending' on adsense (blocking me from HP ads), even tho' followed all HP team's specific instructions, and unable to join paypal because it claims my info is incorrect. So glad you guys are making whatever! We all need it; I was hoping to add even a little to my retirement before summer (as a substitute teacher I need some help; besides, I'd like to quit! sub'g, not hub'g!) Ha Ha!! I'll be reading all I can, and if things get straight by 5/16, I'll pub again! Y'all are all too good to quit following (most of you, anyway!)
I've been away too long .... kept meaning to write more hubs, but life got in the way. I logged on two days ago and immediately spotted the Hubs Ad Program. Signed up, didn't expect much to happen. Logged on yesterday, just 2 days after I'd joined and .... there's money!
Thanks Hubs.
Right... now I need to join a challenge and write a gazillion more hubs don't I
Really happy about the new program. I just started with hubs but I haven't really written much but now I feel motivated to do so. I like residual income.
But I have a question. Sometimes, I re read over my own hubs to check or change something. I just want to make sure that when I am logged in and looking at my own hub that it doesn't count as a page impression. I know with ehow, writers aren't allowed to click on ads on our articles. Just want to make sure.
Viewing your own Hubs as you look to make edits is completely fine. But do not click on any of your own ads.
Its really good, But there is one difficult step which is Pay pal Account.Those who do not have Pay pal account could not take benefit from this ad program.Hub Pages need to make it easy for every one and for every region people in the world.
My country is not eligible for Paypal......can I use my relative's paypal for this ad program......Mentionable I can receive payment through his account.....
Hmmm..well, the blog article about how the HP program works gives me pause because a small fragment of a sentence states that the HP program "...may take away from/negatively impact your Google income..." (don't recall exact words, but that was the gist.)
Wellll...... since I'm already having trouble getting ANYthing out of Google...don't want to violate TOS by stating amounts, but let's just say I may not live to be old enough to see their payment threshhold!)... why would I want to sign up for another program that may reduce the already minimal amount I make from Google?
Is the HP program promising to draw any better results, with people more likely to click on ads???? And what does one have to do with the other? Why should we have to already have Google Ad Sense to sign up for HP's program?
In any case, since I still have apparently not mastered (in spite of extensive reading on the matter) the art of SEO/tags/keywords, and draw nearly no outside "organic" traffic... .. I think the presence of any of my ads are a moot point.
I find all this confusing, so think I'll just hold put for now.
Definitely no promise. It's just an additional ad source. You can see the impact of adding it in the graphic here:
And yes, it will most certainly diminish your AdSense income (most have seen the additional revenue from the Program more than compensates for that loss, but not everyone has).
If you have any uneasiness about it, simply don't activate it at all.
Jason, I'm very happy being a part of the Ad programme and what I've seen so far is more than encouraging. I have in the last few days/week, however, noticed a very curious (if pleasing) effect and wonder if the two are related?
My Adsense revenue has increased significantly but is not ascribed to any particular source. By that, I mean that my Hubs and blogs are all tracked and that I can usually see what is producing the earnings.
Is this in any way due to my Adsense revenue from the new system not showing in my tracking?
Hope this is clear!
That is really odd. If you have a custom channel for each of your Hubs and other blogs, I'm not sure where that extra revenue is coming from...
@Jason, I've also wondered at times where I'm getting untracked earnings from; I've got all my hubs, blogs and websites under the adsense url and custom channels tracking. It tags the little extra earnings as 'averages', could it be little earnings from my referral trackers? I really do wish to know also how to identify or track the exact earnings from my performing referral trackers. Thank you.
Well, as I see it, other Hubbers are not normally or usually clicking on any other Hubbers' ads. Whethere or not they simply don't, or whether that would be against HP policy/TOS, I'm not sure.
In any event, Hubbers don't seem to click ads. Therefore, my main problem is not so much a comparision between the two ad platforms, as it is still a struggle to get so-called "organic" traffic that WILL click on ads.
I activated GAS--LOL--how do you like that for an acronymn??!! -- only in the hopes of getting some odd extra income. As I've said, it's not working too well.
That said, I was reluctant to even "add the ads" for that reason because, in general, I despise ads, and don't click on them myself, as I find them irritating and distracting...so, by having them activated on my hubs, I am prostituting my own principles.
I am still concerned over this new ad programm, I am trying to see but adsense has taken a dive but HP is doing okay...we will see but I am a concerned puppy
I'm also concerned about the AdSense earnings. CTR has fell down from <do not disclose your AdSense metrics in this public forum - violation of AdSense TOS>
Even CPC has declined too much. Earlier, I used to get $1 clicks after every 2-3days, but now I have not received any such click. Though earnings from HP Ads are fine but again CPC for HP Ads is not upto the mark.
You should be evaluating your total earnings now vs your total earnings before.
But, if you're not comfortable with the drop in clicks in AdSense, you can turn off HubPages Ads.
Earnings are comparable and have not gone down. That is probably due to more ad units now. Only the little concern is CPC from HP, CTR from AdSense will definitely be low as there is single ad unit.
I know it would be too early to judge the earning potential of HP Ads, may be it will become better as the time passes. So, instead of opting out, I'll prefer to stay with HP Ads for some more time.
I went ahead and enabled it, even wrote a Hub about my experience so far. I am seeing better eCPM with the Hubpages Ad Program, we'll see in the long run how they compare.
HubPages, do you have any information on what will possibly earn more money for Hubbers - your program or Adsense? I just do not want to run myself "too thin" and was wondering what may potentially be more profitable. As it stands, I am not earning much with Adsense, but I love being part of this site and hope to increase my earnings by writing additional Hubs. Thank you in advance for you advice.
Don't press Reply to a spam message. Not only have you reproduced the links, you also make it impossible for the mods to delete the message. Just report and ignore.
Grace, if you can still delete your message, then best to do so.
I already reported both of those as spam a few minutes after Grace posted. The spam spam spam also counts as spam right So I would hope that it could also be deleted.
It is reasonable that AdSense is now available. You wonder how each and every great hubber here don't earn much out of those unique contents. Well, it is a great improvement in the aspect of paid advertisement. Great job to the hub pages team
As already pointed out... this happened SIX years ago.
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