Well, my hub traffic has hit yet another new yearly low. I've thrown in the towel as far as doing anything about it; the one exception being the writing of new hubs if/when a brilliant idea comes to mind.
I'm going to concentrate my activities on the Q&A side of things for awhile and see how that works out. As long as the traffic keeps coming there, I'll keep posting questions and reciprocating answers and/or hub comments.
How's everyone else doing?
I'm glad you ever had a towel to throw. I'm naked!
My traffic is actually the best it's ever been barring the occasional facebook mini-viral. This comes after a month where google hated me so much that I couldn't find most of my hubs even after cutting and pasting their title into the search engine.
I agree, event though I have not been here as long. I took down some of my lower scoring Hubs in hope that it would bring my score up and maybe increase my traffic. It sadly did not help much.
Vimier, I think you should give your hubs more of a chance before you start taking them down. 5 weeks is not enough time to determine how they will perform over time. The longer hubs are up, the more traffic they will get. It's a snowball effect. My advice is not to worry about scores right now. Keep writing quality hubs, stay active in the forums, keep making comments on others' hubs, and don't go on "following sprees." Lots of new hubbers do that not realizing it lowers your author score. I looked at a few of your hubs brielfy and it seems to me that you are off to a good start. I say leave all your hubs up and let them mature.
Yeah, I agree. You write some amazing stuff Vimier, stick around. I got pretty discouraged too my first 6 months. I let my hubs just sit here while I studied more about SEO, Titles, Traffic, followers and the like. March is being a really good month for me! Stick around!
I think my most viewed Hubs are successful mainly due to the titles. I don't get any real impression that quality or content really counts for a lot despite what Google says. I think that what I would say are some of my best Hubs are playing to empty galleries because they're just not Google-friendly. It seems to be without good keywords in the title you won't get it off the gound. Maybe I'm wrong.
I see a 90% drop in traffic since Friday. I'm worried Wish I knew why...
I have a vague recollection that someone posted something about a new panda database update last Friday. I, for one, am done with hubs for now. Figure I'll preoccupy myself with Q&A for awhile.
@paradigmsearch - "Google Panda Update gets another refresh" http://www.webpronews.com/google-panda- … es-2012-03
I also am in that bucket that enjoyed the bottom falling out over the last two days. It's always been that my views were higher on weekends than on weekdays. But this past weekend, I saw my traffic take a huge drop. Roller coaster indeed.
Yes, I've heard about Panda having started eating up websites since Friday. It struck my subdomain so hard that I got into a bad mood. I'm wondering whether this is just temporarily or if I should expect my traffic to remain this low.
Organic traffic recovered yesterday after a complete shutoff of traffic during last Panda update.
It seems like Google is updating their algorythms quite regularly Perhaps they're making last minute changes to the recent PANDA update. Thus, results are different on the same keyword(s) and keyword phrases almost daily. It's a bit frustrating.
Yep, slingin' us around like rag dolls! There's nothing to depend on very long from the big G!
I assume, for me last week, that my account got crawled and my subdomain set off a flag with Google. Traffic disconnected while it investigated more closely? A gracious acceptance of my content and a return of traffic? Who knows.
Sorry to hear that paradigmsearch. Mine has actually hit pre-Panda heights over the last day, it is falling off a bit now, but my traffic always does at the weekend.
It remains to be seen if the weekend sees me back where I have spent the last 7 months down in the traffic basement.
The big G certainly has us all on a roller coaster ride!
Well, I'm not wanting to make anyone feel discouraged, but today has been my best day ever, views-wise. I think, though, it's because I had been inactive for so long. Back at the end of December I had only 13 hubs, but over the last few months I have slowly added more and improved some of the old ones. I think I'm just on an uptick in general because of that.
*shrugs* I assume I'll be back here in a few days asking why my traffic has fallen.
In the past, this kind of op usually results in a deluge of "Me, too." responses. Instead, I'm seeing positive news. This has perked me up. Perhaps the worst is over.
For some reason my traffic is acting like a yo-yo; up one day and very low the next. No matter what I do it behaves likes this very consistenly....
Up to last week I just had 25 hubs and my traffic was going lower and lower from Feb 22nd onwards the total traffic even reached just 30 views a day!!!
But now, the traffic From Google alone is at the my all time high of December levels
Yesterday being the best day since Feb 22nd
Yep, mine too. Its the lowest its been for ages! He ho off we go again!
Thank you for the advice. I will go through my hubs that I took down and see if any of them are good enough quality to put back up.
I am doing the 30/30 challenge, and 23 hubs in my traffic is down to approx 1500 to 2000 views less per day than it was before I started the challenge. Effectively each hub I have published has not increased my views one iota, but instead I have less views than beforehand. Naturally the new hubs have had a load of views, some more than others, but clearly those views have been outnumbered drastically by the lost views elsewhere. All very odd and I am glad the challenge is nearly over as I can then go off and get growing my vegetables for the summer and hope to see views pick up when I check my stats at the end of each day (doubt I will do much more writing until I see an improvement of some kind in figures.)
My traffic is up and down like whores drawers as my granddad used to say!
The difference between weekdays and weekends is now greater than it was and currently the peaks and troughs are lower than they were a month or so ago. But I have given up taking too much notice, I will just continue regardless and hope that things eventually settle down...
Off to play...
Mine is like that too..weekday traffic is great but the slide on the weekends is crazy.. almost like what it was six months ago..
and like Mistyhorizon said the 30/30 does not seem to help at all...
I would be better off not to take notice of this and just keep doing what I had done while I was in the sand box... hoping that this too shall pass.,..
Do you think the big G is giving us all turns in having some traffic? Kind of 'come in hubber no 43232 your time is up, time to give hubber 54876 a go?'
The date seems to be significant- changes seem to happen 22/23 of the month- traffic stalling at the moment, but it is the weekend- wait til Monday- glad to hear that your traffic has improved
Case Worker got a good point here.. I had low traffic for a month 22nd Feb marked my downfall and now the original Google views are recovering. I did mention 22nd in my previous post here as well.
Its just a real shame that my traffic improving seems to have coincided with others losing theirs. And it could also be flat on the floor again next week lol. Be interesting to see if the questions being attached to subdomains changes things, though I have not managed to ask any high traffic questions yet.
I can't even think of questions that are capable of ranking high
It is better to share your hubs in social media sites with a very catchy and attractive title so that it can get lots of traffic to your hubs and you would definitely get benefits.
For example use stumble, digg, delicious, facebook, folkd, reddit, etc.
yeah, i did that! I have a little background in SEO but it's not as high as I would have expected.
I'm 6 weeks old and trying to figure out my way around with back links. Anyway, the first one i did is Ezine, then I am working on Redgage at the moment.
I am only a few days old and trying to figure out the same thing as well, back links. Need help here, can some one tell me how to use Stumbleupon and Delicious. I have signed up, but cant seem to know how get back links to my hubs. Any one?
I followed advice from RebeckaElle (sorry if I didn't spell that right) and improved my hubs to make them more attractive to Google -- things like moving a photo or two above the fold. I also added a video to many of my hubs, even though I was resisting videos only a few weeks ago. In fact I called videos "clutter" here on the forums not long ago.
In February I was earning maybe two or three cents a day, or 18 or 19 cents on a good day. Some days Google was sending me only 2 or 3 visitors. Yesterday I had my first ever day that hit over 300 visits to my hubs, and earned over one dollar. I know that is small potatoes for most of you but it is a big milestone for me! I am bracing myself for the fall back to 18 cents, though, LOL.
Wow, 300 visits in one day, that is really good. Just keep writing and doing all the writing in the most attractive way for you. The up and down Google roller coaster ride can drive ya crazy if ya let it. I then go onto questions and answers for a while. Longevity is the key.
My traffic has hit worse. It's down to half of what I received last week. I don't know what is this. Most hubs have "down" arrows, the blue ones. I want to see red ones again.
Perhaps it's merely a short fall, Soni and not like that suffered by Izzy, myself, and others. I'm back at the same rate of traffic I had early in my first year here. Seems more and more Hubbers are being hit by the Google bots as the weeks roll by. Perhaps it will turn around again, but nothing seems to be dependable anymore. Good luck!
I am only a few days old in here and when I saw that blue arrow on my hub pointing down , I was frightened.
It seems like I am not the only one in the valley though.
You got just one hub which is at the most just 12 days old. Are you getting any Google traffic? If not then you'll have blue arrows that's for sure.. Newly published hubs do get internal traffic for a while but not forever. Your aim should be to get traffic from Search Engines as that's where people are in search of what you've written!
Thank you so much for stopping by. Google traffic is what I am struggling with just now. But nothing is impossible , will keep working at it. Thanx!
You got just one hub! Write some more and make your titles better more of a long tail keyword than something so general.
Advise taken. I am working on my second hub right now and will try to spice things up a bit. Thank for your contribution. Most valued!
Your Hub is quite well formatted, didn't have the time to read it though so never commented. You could always change the title to make it more search engine friendly Growing cucumbers is too broad a phrase.
growing cucumbers in your backyard
growing cucumber in your garden
How to grow Cucumbers
Tips to help you grow Cucumbers
Or something similar - Those are just ideas. I've not researched them do a bit of research and let your hub age I'm sure you'll get traffic as My tomato hubs are similar and now they're getting traffic. They were no where in the first few months (Of course tomato season is just beginning but they were low on Search Engines and slowly crept up as I kept modifying them and altering them)
What Brandon said is right. When you first publish your hub, usually it will get traffic from fellow hubbers wanting to check it out. So views dropping after the first couple of days is no big deal. It takes time for the search engines to find your hub, and then they have to feel good about recommending it. Keep writing hubs, though. The more (quality) pages you have on your subdomain,the more confident the search engines will feel about showing your hubs in their results. Not that search engines have feelings, LOL. Or maybe they do!
Feelings - Of course they do - at least Google does, its a live Panda!
I don't know if that mean old panda has any feelings whatsoever....
Yes it does! It feels for it's brothers the Google club - YouTube, Blogspot, Google Plus and all the various other Google services
I dunno about that.
I haven't seen the BlogSpot love in a long time.
Google is notorious for shooting themselves in the foot.
Hmm is that true? Ok Blogspot may be the lesser loved. But, I've seen some crazy blogs popping up recently.
My traffic was holding steady for the longest time around 30 views a day with 43 hubs. I hadn't written anything new for a while so I worked on building backlinks for a bit (redgage, forums when applicable, etc...) and I've noticed a few of my hubs rise in the results ranking on Google and as well as an increase in traffic from Google. Makes me very happy!
Fwiw, Google refreshed its Panda database on Friday. But we won't be able to measure the impact until next week, since traffic always dips Friday, plummets Saturday, stays somewhat down Sunday, and pops back up to Thursday's level on Monday.
Check Quantcast.com and input hubpages.com to see how traffic is doing across the whole site.
Thanks for the reminder. Overall, looking at quantcast, HP traffic appears to be on the decline. That's food for thought.
I wish I could use Quantcast for my hupbages account - great info though - thanks for information
From Aug 2011 to now, my traffic looks like a bell curve. Not good.
My traffic sank through the sand and I too like the other Hubbers threw in the towel and was stark naked. I finally was so distraught as you know, I unpublished many of my hubs - about 10%.
Then on March 20th I have no idea what happened, my traffic is through the roof - higher than even before Panda - oh, I hate to put this in print for fear Google will see and plunge me back into oblivion again.
Strangely, my traffic is at its highest level ever and my Hub score is at my all time low. What give? Did I make the Hub gods' jealous with Google's admiration?
I don't get it - I must give up trying to figure this out.
Any words of wisdom? Will my traffic and earnings now forever plunge once again?
Appears Panda 3.4 may have kicked off on Friday - I certainly noticed a further drop in traffic over the weekend.
Guess Google is at work doing what it thinks it should do. Since December, my views are down from 1400 on a good day to 400 on a good day. I don't know if it has anything to do with my content (original, green) or with the association with HP, whose views are also dramatically down, according to quantcast. Tasting sour grapes.
The ironic thing is that my total traffic is higher than its ever been( mostly due to reddit) but my google traffic has plummeted. Does google frown on people posting their articles on websites like reddit, or am I just being paranoid?
I'm not sure but I know when I used Reddit I had almost no views from Google. When I stopped using Reddit I've seen a climb in my Google views??? Who knows???
I have no issues and the traffic from Google is the same. The usual variations with the panda updates did take my traffic down all of a sudden for a month though. Things are back to normal now for me.
I do not use reddit, but I do use google+, pinterest, facebook, digg and twitter and have not had any issues.
Well, after a week of pre-Panda level traffic am heading back down today. Make room in that sandbox - incoming!
The last couple days my traffic is higher than it has ever been, but this could be because I just finished a 30/30 yesterday. Having said that however, my google traffic continues to grow and is so much better than my HP traffic.
Interesting. My traffic is up the last few days, since the Panda 3.4 thing.
I checked out one of your hubs. Confirms my suspicions. Well written, engaging, not keyword stuffed, on subject - in short just what a searcher would be looking for, in my opinion.
If that's typical of your output (I don't read a whole lot of stuff), then I think Panda has it right.
edit: Not saying Panda has it right for everyone of course.
well my rise is short lived. it dropping again. i dont know what one earth to do.If I write more,I'm afraid it'll be wasting my time.
Well my traffic is now right back down where it was a week or so ago. Nice while it lasted, but is this fall going to last 7 months like last time? There really doesn't seem to be any rhyme nor reason to it.
Oh no!
Hopefully it will suddenly jump back up again
The traffic on my other subdomain collapsed for about 2 days, and all day today it has been shooting right back up again.
Maybe yours will too!
No change on this account, if anything, further down than usual.
Good news on the shooting back up, sorry to hear that there has been no movement upwards on your main account, but I'm sure that is only a matter of time. Keeps us on our toes I guess. Wonder if moving my questions to my subdomain is what clobbered it - knew it was a mistake to mention Justin Bieber lol!
Rats, Cynthia! I was sure hoping your surge held up for a while! It sounds like what I experienced in Dec. but mine only lasted a couple of days. It's almost like a spit in the face when they tease you with a few days of what used to be normalcy. Sorry to hear you have re-plunged. I saved your spot in the sandbox just in case, though!
That's a relief Randy, thanks for saving my space as I wasn't looking forward to having to try and bag a new spot or make new friends!
It's hard to see how an article can be worthy of ranking one day, then not the next, and then comes into favour again. But we're strapped into the roller coaster for the ride, so I suppose we might as well try and enjoy it lol!
I don't know if "roller coaster" is the correct term for my ride. Perhaps "downhill slide" would better fit the experience. No matter, I'm out of puke at his point anyway!
Stacie, just make your hubs look better. Format them better add more pics and videos realted to your hubs. I've noticed that I'm getting more shares on social networks that way and hence a bit of traffic as well. It's just happening on the hubs that I added more pics and videos to.
I'm getting record-breaking search hits myself. Record-breaking being like 19 visits a day, but it definitely shot up over the weekend and it's staying fairly consistent this week.
I even got search hits on my last couple hubs within a day of releasing them. Makes me wonder what'll happen when they age.
Fluctuations in traffic are normal, don't focus on it much. Just keep writing quality Hubs and engage with other Hubbers through comments, forums replies and Q&A !
Who are you? I certainly hope you have an older account here if you plan on giving advice to veterans!
@Randy Godwin Yeah! No doubt about it, that I was having an account earlier. But I was completely noob and I was not having any idea of what activities to perform on Hubpages. I did mistake of clicking on ads (not knowingly) on the Hubs that I came across and my account got restricted. And now I have came back with dedication and commitment to follow all the necessary guidelines and to be good in my activities.
Hope you understand. Thanks for your reply
Yeah yeah, we're not daft.
I know you want to be noticed, being new and all, but please don't patronize us.
Randy, Cynthia and me have hardly had any decent traffic for nearly 8 months.
Hardly 'normal fluctuations"!!
Congratulations on the restraint in your reply, Izzy! I don't know but I suppose people in general never fail to amaze me...
You moved home now? Hope it went well!!
Went like a dream Gordon, thanks
Both planes exactly on time - great flights - not a cloud between Alicante and Glasgow, and beautiful views on the wee plane to the west coast.
I've got some video footage of both planes taking off and landing. One being a Boeing 747 and the other a tiny wee 30 seater, but not sure what to do with them yet.
Oh and was allocated a window seat on both planes too, oddly enough
Is the weather still fine and sunny up there to welcome you back, Izzy? It's been all blue skies and sun down here this week.
Glad to hear it. Hope you're settling in. Video sounds good and should be a great tool. Not sure how to use it, however, as SMS messaging is my technological limit to date - and that's only a skill under development!
Maybe add to your Campbeltown Hub with the journey home, or start a new Hub for British travellers to Spain? No rush, I suppose - I would take a few days at least to think about it.
You've even brought the Spanish climes to Scotland - what a lady!
@IzzyM Traffic is good to have, but it is not my first intention (to be honest). I like interacting with others and to provide response. There is no way I'm patronizing you and other great Hubbers. I'm just a newbie and I have to learn lots of things. Thank you for your reply
If traffic is not your 'first intention', then why have you written a hub on promoting hubs on social networks? Sounds like gaining traffic is a priority of yours - nothing wrong with that, but a bit rich to come over all pious because we are discussing our traffic woes?
@CMHypno As I said traffic is always good to have, but as I'm noob I'm less focused on traffic as I have to do a lot of hard work to get traffic. Who doesn't need traffic? but I don't want to be only focused on traffic, if rather I could interact with other Hubbers it will be good for me to get some experiences.
Thanks for your reply
Perhaps the greeter program might work well for you?
I just like for everyone to find someplace where they fit in well!
@Randy Godwin suggest me one or should I stick to this one
Sorry, But I haven't found where I fit in yet! So far, the only thing I fit is my butt cheek imprint in the sand box!
To Cynthia and Gordon, I was boiling in my winter woollies after landing! Weather was beautiful but today there is (was) a bitter wind and the scent of rain in the air. Still, it's only March what can we expect?
I was sick of the bloody sunshine anyway lol
Oh, and my new wee USB wifi signal booster found me 3 open networks here, so no rush to install my own. This is great, high speed FREE internet lol
Lots of new hubs getting started, but not on this subdomain because it is a waste of time and space until traffic returns (IF traffic returns).
If you're sick of the sunshine don't worry Izzy, as there is snow on the way apparently
Yeah for Easter, I saw that. When is Easter this year?
8th April, not this weekend, the weekend after. After watching the news last night, it might be better that you are away from Spain for a bit. That one looks like its going to kick off big time!
Wooh! Just made it out on time before they blockade all the ports and airports! Getting back might be another issue!
Maybe I'll get a chocolate Easter egg with year?
Haven't had one for 11 years - the Spanish don't go in for them. In fact for a so-called religious country they don't seem to celebrate either Easter or Christmas. But there is a fiesta every other week in celebration of some unknown and unheard of saint or another.
Ahh, the Gulf Stream will soothe you back in to it, Izzy. Had to laugh at you saying the scent of rain in the air - my fishing mates slate me for that even though I have been proven right a thousand times!
I actually know what you mean about getting sick of the sunshine. While it's nice for a while, sometimes there is nothing better than a cold, salty sea wind getting lashed in your face from a for'ard deck.
Your new start is going to bring your traffic back - I have a feeling in my seawater and legs. Lets hope so, anyway.
Welcome home!!!
Have you seen some of the hubs on this site? Of course traffic is low
I mean people are writing about jeremy lin. He had a few good games. What else is there to talk about
Who??? Can't be bothered Googling him/her. Think I'll just open a can of cheap and nasty meat and have an inappropriate, spammy sandwich...
My traffic has been increasing day by day, and mostly those coming from google. Also i checked, only to see that some of my hubs on page 2 are now back on the first page of google.
@incomeguru Wow that's great. Google traffic does matter lot and that to your Hubs are listed on first page (awesome). Keep going
Today is my first day at hubpages. I published 3 new hubs and start getting good traffic.
@farru Welcome to Hubpages farru. Wow that's great you are getting good traffic. Keep going
I'm a brand new member but thought I'd join in the discussion. Obviously, I'm still learning and since most of you have been here a lot longer than me, perhaps I can learn from all of you. I too would love to hear any tips in driving more traffic to our hubpages.
On a related note, this site is very addicting and I've been enjoying reading, commenting on, and voting on hubs on various topics.
Sure this site is very addictive and interesting and we learn a lot from here.
by Writing Coach -- Rajinder Soni 13 years ago
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