I think not.
See you're not talking to me. (must be something I ate!)
I acknowledge my stupidity. How's life where you are?
nice weather, food's great. coughing. need doctor but too stupid to actually call for an appointment.
Like I always tell the kids. Forget the doctor - what you got is probably highly infectious.
yes, i must have gotten a shallow virus... or something.
I think it tends to make things quite difficult, honestly. I mean, you start throwing all of that knowledge and know-how with words at 'em and their head gets spinning so fast you can see their eyes just starting to tilt back a little into their sockets...
That said, it's easier to come down to their level, I think. Perhaps.
But how deep is that love? how deep down dumb must one have to go to see 1 +1 = 2? and that addition is expansion of a numerical concept. you know self-similar units repeating at various scales to express complexity from simplicity and say the second law of thermodynamics?
1+!+!+!+!+!+!+!+!+!+!+!+1+!+!+!+!= 17
must it be spelled out like that
when 10+7=17 is so much simpler. But then, they can't put numbers together past 4.
How stupid should stupid be in order to not have a right to pretend to have an opinion?
Stupid people will form a group and will try to isolate if there is any intelligent person around. Same goes with group of intelligent people, they don't care for stupid person around them.
so you are saying that stupid beings should coagulate and become an organism that may be as stupid as the individual stupid units, for instance...republicans rooting for sarah palin.
Stupid people.....people who have had ample opportunity and actual teachings and life experiences to know better......versus ignorant people who have never been taught anything different beyond what they have known and lived. Seems to me it is important to make that distinction in this conversation, based on the responses so far to this topic.
Smart people have little long term patience with stupid people unless something is to be gained from the relationship. Smart people are more than willing to play to stupidity, encourage continued stupidity, have dinner with stupidity, and fuel continued stupidity....if it furthers their goals. If there is nothing further to be gained, they have no time for them. As well, they likely laugh at stupid people behind their back quite regularly, which is a sad and sorry thing.
ACORN is a classic example of this very thing, as are many die-hard liberals, particularly even the well-educated, so-called 'smart' ones, wishing to have a rub of the light of the ultimate and in power 'smart' liberal. And highly educated 'smart' liberals in positions of power re-invent themselves generationally to continue to appeal to 'stupid' people.
Just my thoughts.
There is also such a thing as compassion. Many people are willing to help stupid people because they know the stupid ones will not be capable. Hard to believe perhaps, but it's true.
Compassion is for ignorant people, people who don't know any better...compassion has no place or purpose for generationally stupid people, they have made a choice to be stupid.
Yes, I see your point about compassion for the ignorant. But I can't agree that stupid people choose to be stupid. There are people without the capacity to understand many things; effort will improve things for them but do they even know how to start?
Wow. That is perhaps the most heart-breaking thing I've read in a while.
I'm really sorry you feel that way. I hope you are never in a position of having others think you are stupid or in a position of needing compassion.
*attempts to hold back a snicker...is unsuccessful*
Nice snake.
Heartbreaking? Wierd.
Being stupid and/or in need of compassion are two very different issues. Again, it is important to define exactly what the state of 'stupid' is versus 'ignorance'.
Ignorance is deserving of compassion and aid -- stupidity is not. I grew up in a family of 5 kids, and the use of the term 'stupid' was not allowed by my father and brought on his wrath and was regularly defined by my father as a person having the tools and education to know better, but not seeing, and ignorance as not having ever been taught. Perhaps my father was wrong.
For certain, we learned that using the word 'stupid' in regard to anyone, was a very bad thing to do. Even this topic is offensive so far as I'm concerned. The author by virtue of the topic is targeting a group of people as stupid -- rather than ignorant, which is a group that needs and deserves compassion and guidance and education, and is likely quite open to discussion with a 'smart' person of any ilk. A 'stupid' person is not, their mind is closed to what they hear if it does not agree with what or how they wish to live.
Hmm. Perhaps I've misunderstood you; if so, I apologize.
ETA: Having said that, I do not agree that "stupid" people, by any definition, "choose" such a state.
Like Senator McCain helping Sarah Palin by not letting her speak to reporters.
Actually, I was leaning toward Obama, felt all charged up listening to him, at first, bought the whole package, I'm a sucker in that respect, but as time went by I began to sense and perceive certain points in his speeches and demeanor that were subtle and ultimately alarming once I got past the rah rah. Stupid people did not pick up on his subtle messages.
As for Palin, she made a great speech from the get go of her nomination, over time I was concerned about her; and then McCain I think sold out and just let the election go. Today, Palin is at the very least a voice for the 'majority' of America, who are not being heard by this administration. She has seasoned and matured as a speaker and I'm really glad she's there.
Palin would be a hands down better President than 3rd in line Pathetic Pelosi, who reminds me of my brilliantly smart high school teacher who got her equilibrium unbalanced by the bad boys in class slamming their books on the floor -- not exactly presidential material, much less speaker material. One must wonder just how much smart dirt she has on the 'stupid' congressman.
Stupid as in they should know better, but choose not to.
So, was I correct? You actually voted for her? HAHAHAHAHA! Sorry, I can't talk to you anymore!
Though I agree with you. This forum is designed to crack jokes and poke fun at stupid/smart people and not really a serious discussion on the subject matter. It's under entertainment. On more serious forums the word stupid is not used on people who are disadvantaged mentally or who are careless. We would naturally respect them as individuals.
That said, this is just monkeying around stupid and smart. Inspired by some people preoccupied in looking and talking smart but are actually quite dense.
I of course do not judge you for liking Sarah Palin over Obama, even if as Tina Fey puts it "She's probably just as smart as I am and that's not enough"
They sound stupid, and you insulted me, I have no education at all however am a successful global broadcast producer, published author and photographer. Yes stupid in scholastic areas if you call it that but growing up on the streets, who would be stupid stuck in the projects surrounded by a gang or even self defence. I believe we should not define either as we all have both traits in different areas
Well springboard i read your comment and when i read its easier to come down to their level tells me something about you.Its funny when you ask a question like that and you get responses that are out of place. Lets say this springboard, since its easier to come down to their level. Try going through what they go through in life. But i've seen and been around smart people and they didnt know or could do the simple things. Know the basics in life. So whos really stupid.?
Dont take no offense to this please im just responding. Dario?
I really have no idea what you just said, so I must be stupid.
Stupid can attempt to talk to smart people but smart people aren't about to listen to idiots. Stupid people try to talk to smart people all the time but mart people are WAY ABOVE stupid people's level. Smart people find stupid amusing at best & totally confounding at worst. Smart people think where did these yahoos get their "ideas" from. Stupid people should just plain.........STFU for what they are saying is pure nonsensical tripe. But they will INSIST.......that is why they are stupid.
Stupid people have a more primitive, base consciousness, mentality, philosophy, outlook, psychology & purview. Stupid people are unthinking & act upon feeling & emotion, never logic. These are the people who make poor life choices yet wonder why they are in the hole. These are the people who have MORE children than they can afford, being mired in poverty yet see this as a normative lifestyle. They even have children when they can't afford to give them even a minimum standard of living. These are the people have inverse logic, they gravitate to negative situations & exists at a lower level in terms of human needs.
Stupid people don't believe in improving themselves. They accept life as it is. Such people surround us & there is ONE here unfortunately. To them, wrong is right & right is wrong. They live at the LOWEST, PRIMITIVE level & refuse to understand that there is life beyond the baser needs, they are suspect of refinement & cultivation-seeing such things as superfluous. They are heathens & it is BEST to avoid them like the plague they are!
Ron White said it......WELL. Since smart people can't fix stupid, STAY AWAY from the stupid f******rs!
typing too fast, meant smart people, not mart people
My son says, No. Because stupid people don't know how to participate in an intelligent conversation.
Main Entry: 1stu·pid
Pronunciation: \ˈstü-pəd, ˈstyü-\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle French stupide, from Latin stupidus, from stupēre to be numb, be astonished — more at type
Date: 1541
1 a : slow of mind : obtuse b : given to unintelligent decisions or acts : acting in an unintelligent or careless manner c : lacking intelligence or reason : brutish
2 : dulled in feeling or sensation : torpid <still stupid from the sedative>
3 : marked by or resulting from unreasoned thinking or acting : senseless <a stupid decision>
4 a : lacking interest or point <a stupid event> b : vexatious, exasperating <the stupid car won't start>
I say, well, it depends. Is the intelligent person willing to communicate on a level the stupid person can understand?
First and foremost there are stupid people who think the are smart. So let's define smart, shall we?
Pronunciation: \ˈsmärt\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English smert causing pain, from Old English smeart; akin to Old English smeortan
Date: before 12th century
1 : making one smart : causing a sharp stinging
2 : marked by often sharp forceful activity or vigorous strength <a smart pull of the starter cord>
3 : brisk, spirited <a smart pace>
4 a : mentally alert : bright b : knowledgeable c : shrewd <a smart investment>
5 a : witty, clever <a smart sitcom> b : pert, saucy <don't get smart with me>
6 a : neat, trim <soldiers in smart uniforms> b : stylish or elegant in dress or appearance c (1) : appealing to sophisticated tastes (2) : characteristic of or patronized by fashionable society
7 a : being a guided missile <a laser-guided smart bomb> b : operating by automation <a smart machine tool> c :
willingness versus ability is the question. Like for instance, a very smart 1 year old won't understand Don't eat the stuff from your nappy. You'll get sick, it's full of bacteria and your stomach got rid of it for a reason. All 1 year old can understand is NO! NO! NO! And even then, it will only understand that you disagreed with him/her but not why.
If you were truly stupid, you wouldn't know how to answer the question.
wouldn't you like to know. jeje.
seriously, it is a 'choco chic'.
ha ha
what are you doing with a choco chick and why is it you?
Hate the word stupid. Even at my most torpid I can still talk, though no one (even other torpid people) would want to listen!
you know what torpid means, don't you?
neener neeener neener~!
Can Stupid People really Talk to Smart People?
read the Conscious Natural Selection thread and you will get a demonstration of exactly that situation and the answer to this question!
What is this smart and stupid? In world where we can hardly define intelligence, might it be just another label that keeps humans separate from one another...as though we are not all ultimately alone!?
Do we not all suffer and laugh? Do we not hunger and thirst and long to fill the voids within? Do we not all grow and wonder? Do we not all reach out for one another and find the connections lacking?
Is it not possible to communicate with one another on these, universal, platforms rather than on the flimsy platforms some men thought up?
Every empire has been built upon the backs of those some would call "stupid" and many have fallen at the whims of those some would call "smart." Every person, every creature, has a place in the cosmos far beyond what meaningless labels allow us to comprehend.
When will people get it that we need our hearts AND our heads?
I find the problem is smart people are just not capable of understanding stupid people.
unsure as to why????????
Whew! What was that? Dunno what just got into me then...*shakes it off*
@kim...LOL I think you said it better.
its funny you folks should bring this up. for you see, just because a person might seem stupid, doesn't mean he's dumber than the guy talking about rocket science or modern philosophy. far from it. unless the stupid person has a learning disability, then no he's just as smart as the guy who talks about philosophy using big words. the only difference is the so called dumb guy might focus his brain and knowledge towards practical things like the ability to make others laugh and read people well. Plus, he might even know a lot about films and sports too. Where as the guy who knows about philosophy and rocket science maybe focusing his brain and knowledge towards book smarts, that he may not even be able to carry on a normal conversation with most people, like the so called dumb guy could. therefore, both are equally as smart, just in different ways. at least that's what this one guy who was a licensed psychologist told me once. NO, i was not seeing him for any mental issues, but I used to sell the guy suits when i used to sell men's suits for a living.
I don't blame you for not seeing him, he sounds stupid!
Well there are 7 domains of intelligence, which intelligence is dumber? LOL? wait to appear smarter than i am, let me google it...and copy paste the darn info. LOL!
here it is voila!
Word smart (Linguistics), Picture smart (art & spatial), Music smart, Body smart (athletic & dance), Logic smart (math and logic), People smart (Interpersonal people skills), and Self smart (inner sight, self-knowledge, self-awareness and seeking).
so from now on, if somebody is by definition of webster torpid, I will politely talk about dance and sports! That way, I will honor that person's brand of smart.
Everyone thinks my cousin is a genius and he cannot even read. He is in special ed class yet if you spoke with him you would swear he had an IQ that shot through the roof.
maybe he's another albert einstein. i heard he couldn't even tie his own shoes and was a lousy math student. however, he sure did know how to create formulas that would lead to the invention of a nuclear bomb! lol.
well seriously there is a term for that, it's called twice exceptional. It may be that he has asperger's
so you're saying if I come across a person in the forum who does not fit webster's definition of smart, I'll say:
"you know, you're twice exceptional!"
Asperger's has become the ADHD for arrogant people; something anyone can claim to excuse flaws and promote sympathy at the same time.
yeah I know what you mean!
Explain the STALKER way of thinking, and how they get that way.
Hi friendlyword, any friendly words on an entertainment forum?
Hi Cecilia
Your forums is going to be bigger than the Hub Tribe forum. All of the smart people are going to post to prove they're smart. And all the stupid people are going to post to prove they're smart.
Very good Cecilia!
That's what I thought! Anyway, well...I guess that's really what draws people to discussion.
He probably does. Most people I know have some sort of cognitive difficulty in some area.
I'm okay smart, good grades and all that, but I'm constantly getting on the wrong Metro and I can't find my way out of most buildings if they are new to me.
Much eaiser for stupid to talk to smart than smart to talk to stupid.
I know right, although in that context can't tell where I stand because i don't think i'm doing well talking smart in this forum.
It gives me a migraine headache
Sinking down to your level
Dave Mustaine
Apart from the issue of which smarts and stupids you mean, really proveable clever people are often dumb as it gets with some things in life and some really stupid people do the smartest things.
The other issue is the ability to think at different 'levels', like chess, the further you can think ahead the smarter you seem to be, you win more games more easily for sure.
People who have any ability and have been educated to a higher level should have been either able to think at a higher level anyway or been taught how to do it. Once anyone is up there, discussing with those at the lower level can become boring and almost meaningless as the 'smart' stays within their own narrow range or field of higher thinking. If the rocket scientist talks to the cosmologist - narrow field is still a narrow view and they often do not stay interested in each other for very long.
that is an actual brain theory,you know. predictive intelligence is what consciousness is. the more accurate the predictive capacity, the more advanced a life-form is.
I don't trust these things as they are all devised by people who are 'advanced' in those areas that they say are the most advanced Like people good at exams because they have good memory - even if they have little or no reasoning ability.
Well it is a brain theory comparing organisms not people having exams. It just means that foresight is a good indicator of intelligence just like the chess game moves you mentioned.
That sounds like what the guy who failed the test mutters as he walks away
ok it's an entertainment forum. so
There are homer simpsons, but there are also mojo jojo dumb. Who do you think is more stupid?
To answer the original question: yes, but they need an interpretor.
LOL! who on earth would take that job?
A truly intelligent person has the ability to know how to relate to, and talk with, someone who may not have as much "mental ability". If an intelligent-enough person cannot find something in common with someone he sees as "less intelligent", then that person isn't as smart as he thinks he is.
I've rarely met anyone who was so stupid(what ever that means) that there was not something he/she knew that I didn't know. But I had to listen with a mind open to the possibility of learning. If I didn't learn I usually went away thinking I had failed.
the world sure could use a lot more people who think like you.
well said and I believe you mean it which is even better.
hey David, if you come back and read this... I read your profile and see you have no hubs, and yet you have a lot of wisdom. I think you have a lot to write about and would love to see some davidseeger hubs... pleeeze.
Well I'm dumber than a brick so anybody who talks to me can write it of as a charitable donation.
Not true, sneako! You are way smarter than most bricks! But you still voted for Palin, I bet!
b : vexatious.
this could definitely be my view of intel w/ or w/o stimulation from any hemisphere simply by applying acupressure to the already dull unit of glucose and liquid.
oops, am I vexing again.
cecilia - to elaborate on Habee's comment about interpreters and to hopefully help you realize something:
There are in every society certain people who for various reasons, not their own fault, are slower than normal people. These people often go on to contribute valued service to their community, have personalities that can light up a room, are generous of spirit, kind, and etc. They just don't think fast. So yes, people do work as helpers, counselors, sort of what you can think of as "interpreters" to help these people communicate better and live fruitfully in the community. The people who take these jobs are also generous personalities who enjoy doing this service and often volunteer to do it without compensation, altho there are many who are paid to help the "slow" ones. We usually call these people "developmentally disabled" and that covers a huge number of disabilities. Which is why I hate the word stupid - I think it reveals so much about the person who uses it. So before you label someone stupid look again because now that you are educated about this, you have no excuse for labelling out of your own ignorance! Even in the forums where we assume we are all at least quasi-educated, and we have spirited discussions and often poke at each other, I really think it isn't a good idea to use the label "stupid"!
oh, and also, you may be familiar with the term dyslexic - which refers to people who have a very real problem reading and writing because their brains just don't interprete letters and words properly - sometimes they also have incredible psychological problems because they were labelled "stupid" when they were very young and ridiculed because they had trouble learning. You might meet someone like this and they might have trouble talking to you - it doesn't mean they are "stupid" and may, indeed, have a great deal of knowledge and skills that so-called "normal" people couldn't begin to compete with!
This is all said in the spirit of love and compassion for you cecilia - I know you didn't mean to hurt anyone, here. It's just that things aren't always so simple as you might think! and people aren't either!
Okay are we turning this into a serious discussion because I'm losing my sense of humour.
Serous or not don't lose your sense of humour because someone is trying to poison your character here - it is a trait of very few people with many avatars on here to ry to make you look bad by putting some constructed slant on what you say - ignore the poisonous trolls and just get on with being happy. Apparently elsewhere I am responsible for all the evils that have befallen women over all of time ! and me such a great lover
You know, just by this brilliant statement of validation which filled me with a sense of relief. I actually can tell you're trouble...(staying on topic) Women are stupid for these kinds of maneuvers.
"This forum is designed to crack jokes and poke fun at stupid/smart people and not really a serious discussion on the subject matter" cecilia said - so I got serious anyhow, because I don't see how poking fun at "people" is entertaining - just doesn't make much sense. seems like a waste of time. seems ignorant.
I don't agree completely with your sentiments. I always enjoyed the old Dean Martin and Don Rickles "Roasts" on TV. She said it was a for poking fun. Geesh! Lighten up!
I think I thought Don Rickles and Dean Martin were very funny when they roasted each other and others of their friends because they knew each other very well and gave each other permission to be really skanky with each other - it was hysterical - but when you don't know somebody very well, if at all, and you label them "stupid" without any qualifiers, then that's just not funny! Sarah Palin has a lot of mannerisms and misinformation that, when you quote or imitate her, are very fun - when
Tina Fey does it - it is funny. She's a celebrity - they both are and we tend to "poke fun" at celebrities and they expect it and sometimes its funny. I think its a good idea to say so, when you don't find a thread funny, and I will continue to do so. usually giving exhaustive reasons and boring you all to sleep!
You are entitled to your opinion, of course! And if you choose to be boring, that is your right too!
C'mon mega. Give me a break, k? I'm just having a silly mood.
You know what, stupid and smart are funny words because they are shallow. Children use it to describe taking a bath. It is about people who want to make fun of themselves as stupid or smart or both. I would rather have a place for people to poke fun at stupid and smart than have them infiltrate serious discussions with their need to just point out the obvious. Corny people are stupid, okay? If you're corny, you (not you, corny people in general) don't get invited to the hip party... you're generally just avoided friday night.
You've probably never been to a nerd party either where the fun starts when the nerdy thin people with an IQ above 150 starts poking fun at jocks who can't figure out the simple problem of xsquared plus ysquared equals zsquared at values 1 and 2 but not any other number.
Set up a WHY STUPID is a bad word forum, and then moralize there.
But it's okay if you stay and continue to take offense over nothing. Nobody is calling anyone stupid except themselves and yes, Sarah Palin.
hell, if you had called this thread "how stupid is that Sarah Palin?" I would have really probably thought it was on its way to being funny. But that's just because I don't like her, not because I think she's in any way funny.
You don't know me well enough to tell me I need to relax! I can live without either the "hip" parties or the "geek" parties - ditto the "labeller" parties, but IF I ever need someone who knows how to label and make great huge generalizations I know where to find one!
THIS is how I relax, silly!
Oh I'm big on generalizations! It's a bad habit. I agree. But it has its advantages.
Okay there are also smart people who can tell Monkeying around from Serious Discussions.
If you want to talk about intelligence and communicating with mentally disabled or even emotionally challenged people there are Health Forums and Knowledge and Education Forums.
This forum is strictly for poking fun at smart and stupid. Because it is funny, hence it's under ENTERTAINMENT and the elementary words SMART and STUPID. If it were a serious discussion, it will be labelled:
Intelligence, how does low IQ impact communication?
My guess is no one would come.
Then perhaps the 'poking fun' intent should have been relayed in the topic and/or the original post. Targeting it to the 'entertainment' section should have found it entertaining, but that was not the case, go figure, I guess many of us are just plain stupid.
It would appear using the label 'stupid' is offensive to many, regardless of the 'entertainment' factor. I'm glad to see that, it indicates a lot of 'smart' people are on hub pages.
Further, the definition of the 'elementary' words of 'smart' and 'stupid' must be understood, even for appropriate 'entertainment'.
okay at this point, I will have to say it....DUH
You are not stupid okay, you need to relax and do laughing yoga sometimes. No one is stupid here, is that clear?
Now back to Stupid.
I wonder why that word sounds stupid, i mean it probably caught on because the phonetic sound "stupid" is so apt to what it is describing.
Yeah, a 'stupid' person would say 'duh', so good to see you defending them. Remember, lots of stupid people are quite educated........
And if you wanted this to be a social discussion about tossing smart and stupid labels around in regard to your own party life compared to others.....you should have said so quickly and ended all further serious discussion of your 'topic'.
I'm glad to see the word 'stupid' raises the ire of some. Do you know yet what the word means outside your social circle?
Err.. I'm sorry. OK, feel free to express how you feel and state your point and when I'm talking to you I will respond appropriately. I guess this topic is very important to you because some experience with opportunistic people with advanced education?
The thing is trusting is not "stupid". It is trusting. Now if somebody abuses that trust, they are not acting with foresight, so by definition they are not being "smart".
I wouldn't blame anyone for the unfortunate thing that happened but I would strive to learn from that and maybe help prevent that from happening to other people again.
I'm so sorry I was so busy monkeying around with some old forum folks I've met in religious hubs that I realized it's the first time you're seeing me.
So for introductions, I am spirituality writer and science writer.
I also have a lot of aikido friends who I miss since I moved and it sometimes nice to monkey around with men's irreverent humour when lately I'm just around mommies with babies.
That said, I apologize for missing your cues and should have treated you delicately.
Duh (such a great one syllable expression)......you addressed nothing I said. Or at the very least, I'm so 'stupid' I completely don't get the point of a single thing you said. Poor me.
There, you've made your point, I'm not you social equal, I must be a boring and 'stupid' person that would be laughed at come party time. I'm okay with that.
So, do you now understand what the difference is between 'stupid' and 'ignorant'? Hope so.
Party on...on your sick day.
Oh okay, umm...Yeah stupid is not the same as ignorant. Ignorance is a consequence of lack of exposure and stupid is being rash and not thinking ahead. I agree.
Dang, you are such a 'smart' person that you have now redefined the term 'stupid'... we will all look for that in the next government sanctioned school dictionary. New definition of stupid -- being rash and not thinking ahead....ummmmmmmm (another really 'smart' word) I guess that means I should start calling my sisters 'stupid' again, whether my Dad would object or not.....no, don't think so, guess I'm just too corny and smart, and you are much too adolescent, it would set a bad example.
what do you want from me, dear? I'm trying to take you seriously and you're still mad. Stupid is really being rash...I got it from websters. You do a stupid thing if you did not think it through.
I mean, I really really have nothing against you because I don't know you. I see you're a breeder with probably interesting hubs but
I never said you're corny per se. (did I?)
You know this thread is actually funnier because you are providing the straight faced non comedienne contrast.
So does mean I can horse around with you now. you're still here.
How about cow around, is that more to your liking?
So, Honey, why have you made this personal? Your choice, completely. I certainly am not the only person to step in and comment on your poor choice of words -- smart as you must surely be, it doesn't appear to have been a workable 'jokey' topic. Perhaps you should have started it with hah hah.
Apparently, you still want to put your own definition on the word 'stupid', and that is rather stupid, much simpler to just recognize your error in semantics, but then that would be a killer to your joke topic. Thought you were getting there with the recognition that you really wanted to poke fun at 'losers' - guess not.
Cow around all you want, I'm accustomed to ignorant cows, and I can deal with 'stupid' cows with ease.
dear me...bad day? that bad? you need to vent? I don't have a PhD though, not from an Ivy League school either. SO just maybe, I'm not who you think I am.
" I don't have a PhD though, not from an Ivy League school either. "
What a shock!
it would be quite obvious, don't you agree?
Is "breeder" supposed to be an insult or something?
Then why do you use the term and how do you intend it to be taken?
I wasn't aware it had that connotation, I'm not american, see. Look at my photo.
so to stay on topic, I've just concluded the point that STUPID PEOPLE really CAN'T TALK TO SMART PEOPLE...me being the stupid one...there. everybody happy?
oh wow, dude, I should have known this would happen. We're like a f**king pack of wolves here sometimes. should we all just hold hands, walk in a circle and chant for awhile? should we acknowledge the world is big enough already! that the space between our admittedly limited beings is large enough! that there is room for all our egos, protected or otherwise!
chill my friends - we are not important enough to argue about much - but learning to discuss things rationally and openly could be nice. I will try.
Now we are a "f**king pack of wolves?" Well, I never!
Nope, just can't make myself get angry over this. It's too funny!
it is Randy, funnier than that green goober you've posted there, and when I say pack of wolves, you can't even come close because you refuse to belong to ANY group - or am I wrong about that?
Now i need to back check on what hubs you're writing, sensing a personality that might have something rad to say.
Hmmm. I played music professionally for many years in a variety of R&R bands. We called them "groups." Organized sports,no religious groups, of course. Others you would not believe and I can not tell about. So yes, you are incorrect!
cool, i used to sing and compose songs. jingles actually...i had a thrill when I hear people sing it on the street, even if it's about vitamin c.
well then, how CAN I insult you best? not that I really want to. But if I DID want to insult you, what would be the best way to do that?
Americans don't have a look so your photo wouldn't make that clear. I AM American and don't hear people called breeder except in old science fiction novels. Because of the livestock in the picture I'd have thought it was obvious what you meant.
Thanks, I needed someone to say that today *sniff*
first of all, don't assume I'm angry just because I don't like something you say or do. I'm not angry, I just didn't like something you said or what you thought was funny and I told you so. That's not being angry. I didn't call you names or try to insult you - (even if I did say something you said was ignorant, that was as far as I went along those lines, and that isn't necessarily insulting - it is true that I am often ignorant about things and people tell me so - I don't get insulted, I just try to get informed) So if I was ANGRY I WOULD SAY IT LIKE WITH CAPS AND START SWEARING AND S**T! but I'm not. again, I will reiterate - just trying to warn you off the name calling stuff. ok? ok. and yes, our brains are probably waaaaaaay different - I have no problem with that, do you?
Naaah...I'm too lazy to fight. I'm a capricorn, what about you? Let's check horoscopes and see when we can actually get along LOL!
I am always like this - : although I have been known to make people laugh. why, just two nights ago I was writing songs about sock puppets for Lady GaGa to sing - I am just OCD - seriously OCD - and cannot easily stop doing a thing once I start. It has nothing to do with my horoscope - more to do with life! and genetics - You do not have to even respond to my compulsive overstating of stuff, I understand it is too much. But I seldom even get mad - just irritated and pissed off - and I have so far never written anyone on these forums off just because of something "stupid" they said (MEANING obtuse and irrational, in this instance) so don't worry about me!
now if you were to take up with the people who like to shoot wolves from airplanes, THEN, I might get mean to ya!
the horoscope bit was a joke, ofcourse...and now its corny because i had to say it.
this brings something interesting into my jumbled thoughts - when in the forums writing our bs - we often can't possibly know how delicate or tender or misinformed or incapacitated or even how wonderful others are. so we have to be careful what we claim to think of another hubber. certainly not after reading just a few words and looking at another's avatar can we make any determination of their character, capacity for humor, wit, understanding, or ego strength! I make those mistakes and more all the time and get slapped down. It happens all the time. Once after I made some thoughtless comment, some really MEAN goober told me that I probably had a large out of shape "you-know-what" (only he spelled it out) and that I was as a middle-aged woman I probably need to get "you-know-what" (spelled out) I was really surprised, and reported him!because it was way outta line - so, I know, how mean people can get, and I know how funny some people aren't = this thread is so mild that anyone would have to be really suffering to get too offended by anything that has been said here tonight. I sincerely hope that is not going to happen.
but this is how people are when you don't see their faces. It is about 60% of the communication. SO when you're just writing stuff. There's a lot of guesswork involved.
Geez I missed this. OCD is the coolest neurosis.
oh crap. would you stop! there is no way cool neurosis - OCD is awful - an affliction - its like having drunk 40 cups of coffee and smoked a pack of Luckies all the time - its like spitting and having to weigh it, measure its circumference and save it. There are plenty of reasons, now, that I could think you are either a genius at baiting people, or you real under-informed person with not much life experience. either way, it is interesting and compelling that you "say" these things, that is if you really mean them. If you don't mean them, maybe you will use the little to indicate you're having fun with it or even the !
How do you do the laugh. I always want to do it but don't know how. Oh you know you really really are OCD aren't you. Your mind is just going through all possibilities. DO you like green...indulge me. I'm a yellow.
check out the Formatting Tips in the lower right hand corner to learn how to use the smile faces and other neat stuff.
I love green, also orange, blue - it depends on the time of day, my mood, where I am and who I'm with. I cannot commit to one color. Yellow is nice, it can overwhelm and make me want to kill, though. Purple gets me going, unless there are no hot men around, in which case I get depressed - I could obsess on colors for awhile but that would be hijacking.
Nah, it's okay to change topic here. it's an entertainment forum.
I knew it. You know they say you have to like green to get in the CIA. Because it represents management and detail. People who like green are generalized to have high intelligence. I however am a yellow lover which is the right side of the frontal brain. I think in concepts, specifically universal and large concepts. Green and yellow are polar opposites but there are less people who like yellow than green though the more popular ones would be blue and red leaning.
In some circles the word "breeder" is a derogatory slang for heterosexual...I'm not sure everyone took it as a reference to breeding animals for a farm. Not saying that's how you meant it...just saying I can see where some might get mixed up on that
ETA: I see you later realized this...sorry.
if it were a pregnant woman on the picture, then I can understand being accused of saying that. But a lady stroking a cow would be quite obviously be a cattle raiser.
North Texas and South Texas? Just a joke! (disclaimer)
??????? interesting commentary, perhaps you should at this point explain thoroughly....I'm so stupid I don't have any idea what 'cues' from me you have missed and thus feel the need to treat me 'delicately'.
So, still waiting, please do explain, I'm much too delicate to be critiqued in this manner without explanation....and terribly curious. Tell us all what you meant. If, that is, your sickness permits your continued contribution to this oh so funny topic.
it's not funny anymore, apparently. I have no idea what you're so angry about,seriously so I have nothing to say. I was trying to listen.
Don't worry too much, people from Texas still think Dubya was smart!
No, you clearly referenced 'cues' of mine and my 'delicate' something or other, so let's have it, what exactly were you referring to.
The use of the term 'breeder' in reference to me was apt, as I do 'breed' registered cows, but, I doubt it was an innocent reference. Show us how 'jokey' your mind works, how 'smart' you are.
Geez, that's really up to you now. I would have no reason to insult you.
No, it's up to you, and it's clear you want to dance away from your initial wierdly personal post in regard to me that most aren't realizing is what led to your 'breeder' reference.....
That would be cowardice, a whole 'nother topic that might be worthy of posting for the humor of the discussion. You should do that next time you have a sick day. Beyond that, it's late, and the whole thing has become boring rather than funny, kind of like many social gatherings where the folks that think they are 'smart' get so bored with the 'stupid' people that surround them.
This 'delicate' 'breeder' is signing off........nite nite. That's an overt 'cue'.
I'm gonna try it and see. I just don't have the same kinda sense of humor you have, doesn't say anything about your intelligence or otherwise. Don't appreciate the humor of calling anyone, no matter what their status in society is, stupid! that's all I'm saying. You don't have to defend your intentions - I could see that you thought you were funny.
Right! And I could see you thought you were being dramatic! To each her own!LOL
yes, i've been laughing myself silly since i've been reading the responses. It is a party for people sick of corny.
Corny! Now you've gone too far! This is an insult to all of the corny people on HP.
*snickering* glad I could count on you! he he he
I would never try to poison anyone's character. enuf said.
I put that thread up - someone responded, for what its worth. I doubt if it will go very far!
I apologize if I made you stop laughing. Most of the time all I do is try to make people laugh - so that makes me sad that my being serious brought you down a little. sorry. my intentions were actually good. I just got carried away - as usual.
please go on with your snickering and have a great night/day whatever it is there.
Thanks mega, I appreciate it. I should sleep soon though.
Thank you for clearing that up Cecilia. I joined Hubpages because of all the smart people (Writers) on it. Stupid people cannot retain the lessons they learn. I'm not a writer. I actually have a GED. But I learn so much here on the Hubs and forums. So please, bare with me and all the other stupid and arrogant people that think you would actually want to spread your knowledge. How stupid of me.
Well I'm glad we agree that "stupid is as stupid does!"
Now back to Stupid... LOL!
Okay I get it, what about I change the word to LOSER? Is that better? *snickers some more*
Randy, you saved my life *snickers* I feel like a total LOSER laughing here by myself but yeah, it does drive the sore throat pain away.
Taking the high road is easy for some folks. They never stop to think why they laugh when someone does something STUPID! Do you actually believe Mega has never said or done anything she would have considered stupid? We all have at one time or another, it may not have occurred because we were actually stupid, but it happened just the same.
Gee, the drama people seem to be in full force today!
I know right? I thought I left that in the Religion forums and evolution forums. but i guess its in every forum.
Aren't they just !!! but at least they are demonstrating how stupid works - as they are not bright enough to make a contribution then take pretend offense over some imagined slight and just get back to the smart-a*s quips and insults.
True! Some act as if we know them personally and actually believe everything they say. If not, they take a "how dare you not take me seriously" attitude. It makes one wonder how they deal with real life situations with such a dull sense of humor.
Well, it is actually proven that people deprived of serotonin would not have the receptors for it later on, so when their brain senses a joke, they can't laugh. They're biologically impaired to laugh.
(i'm saying proven and biologically again and using scientific names, i'm losing it...say something)
sometimes you accidentally shame them and they never forget it. So no matter what you say, you're marked for life.
I kinda know who you're talking about. that person has some serious issues! I mean...really.
I think (and Mega, this is also for you) it was just she was under the impression it was another hub and got started getting serious so...she did say there was something misleading about the title but I thought the initial statement I made was enough cue that is was for monkeying around.
think I'll just sit back and count the labels - stupid, smart, geek, breeder!
mega don't apologize and then judge again, it's not cool.
well, I did feel a little bad for being compulsively over protective back there - way back there when I asked you to think a little - before I realized you had defined ignorant as what you yourself were doing - before I realized that you were going to be like so many others and label people things like "breeder" and then go blissfully on claiming just to want a good laugh. If people don't agree with your brand of humor, they have a right to say so. There have been times when people have generously pointed out that some action or heedless words I've made were not funny or smart or intelligence and they helped me learn. I am all for people helping me learn. What can I learn from you tonight? from your brand of humor? If I don't find you funny and/or want to warn you that you might actually be offensive - is that such a bad thing? I don't know you - and you and I both are revealing alot about ourselves in this thread - so I guess I am learning things about you, but I will keep an open mind - maybe it was word selection, because I still don't think you had the intention to put anyone down, originally, except Sarah Palin. but then you really did start putting people down!
really? When? When did I put anyone down? Geez...Is breeder a bad word. She had a cow in her picture. Only a breeder or a farmer would do that.
You know Mega. I'm sure you're a nice person. Maybe we're just swimming in different neuro-soups today so I'll call it a night.
But I'm trying to be nice to her, I just don't know what exactly she's being angry about.
as for breeder - wtf - breeder, when I've heard the term before, was in reference to someone being of low IQ who, unable to do anything else, made babies and not much else - and you can't go saying s**t like that to people you've just met without stirring up some tempers!
OH is that what that means? I was looking at the cow and the name and thinking maybe she has a business breeding cattle.
I've been called a snake because of my choice of avatars. I fully expect it and so should others who post an avatar with any kind of creature present. I don't see you as a "hummer" though! Too cheerful sounding a word!
what's a hummer and how did you get such a high score!
I was referring to Mega's hummingbird as a joke. I got the 100 because I'm not as stupid as a snake! Just as deadly though!
I've seen your hubs they were way intensely written and the photos are yours! Are you thinking of writing a book about that place? It seems you have sufficiently established yourself as an authority.
I've been under the impression that snakes were symbolic of wisdom...not stupid at all
Hehe...well you know "normal" is over-rated.
Wish I knew for sure, never been normal myself!
that's a kite - hunting - not a hummer. Although I don't really identify with this beautiful kite - I just photographed him out there one morning and wanted to share his graceful beauty. btw I find snakes awesomely beautiful and graceful too - and if you're identifying with that one - are you anywhere near as beautiful and enduring as it is? if so I adore you!
sure it's possible. Hell, i talk to you folks on hubpages, now don't i?
true. however, only one of us can be right.
zzzzzz...i'm sleepy. see if anyone comes knocking around these parts tomorrow.
Yes because Stupid want to know that but think of Smart.
Great here isn't it !
All goes to prove as whover said, "never argue with idiots, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with their experience"
Interestingly, no one is refering this question to Greek one.
The question should be, 'Can smart people really be bothered to listen to people they deem are stupid?'
yes - smart people listen to religious people all day long in these forums !!
Must agree
still feeling stupid though :
Define the term stupid, please. From what I have been taught, stupid is how someone acts. Not their intelligence. Ignorance is bread from education; not stupidity. You can be intelligent and do stupid stuff.
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