If there was one thing you could say to your deceased parent, what would it be?

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  1. davidlivermore profile image81
    davidlivermoreposted 11 years ago

    If there was one thing you could say to your deceased parent, what would it be?

    I would say that I was sorry for not being a better son.

  2. Express10 profile image76
    Express10posted 11 years ago

    I'd tell my dad that I miss him very much and that not a single day has passed that I have not thought of him.

  3. wildove5 profile image75
    wildove5posted 11 years ago

    You were the best mother a daughter could ask for and I miss you terribly!!!!

  4. liesl5858 profile image85
    liesl5858posted 11 years ago

    I love you mother very much, I wish you were here with us and to see how we all have grown up and survived. We miss you mother, especially your youngest baby she was only 3 years old when you left us.

  5. old albion profile image61
    old albionposted 11 years ago

    I would say. Mom, Dad, I'm sorry, I love you. You are in my thoughts every day. I'm 69 years old and never a day passes that I don't want to speak to them. There is so much that they don't know about me and mine.

  6. profile image0
    Deb Welchposted 11 years ago

    My dad has been gone near 7 years and my mother almost 6 years.  I also think about them every single day and now they are in my dreams.  When illness and change began to take over their lives - I wish I had noticed it and took note of it and talked to them about it - but I did not.  It hit me all of a sudden and it was too late - they were in their 80's.  We couldn't reach them anymore - they became strangers and it was hard to watch them die.  We got them help yet the effort wasn't successful enough - they fought it.  It was their time but I wanted so much to see them recover and I could not accept all of it.  I wish they had more quality time and were not so demented and angry.  I cried a river of tears for my dad's passing.  I learned about my dad's years in WW2 and how bad his hearing was after he was gone.  I want to say - "I am sorry for all the times I was too loud, and too ignorant."

  7. Lor's Stories profile image59
    Lor's Storiesposted 11 years ago

    I would say to my dad that he was right, yep he was right.

    1. Lor's Stories profile image59
      Lor's Storiesposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I'd say he brought up three funny girls. And as for me. I would really have to apologize for a stupid thing I did. Stupid but not sinful.

  8. Seeker7 profile image77
    Seeker7posted 11 years ago

    I would tell my Mum that I loved her and that I miss her very much!

  9. Kathleen Cochran profile image73
    Kathleen Cochranposted 11 years ago

    It's been ten weeks and I'd tell my Mother that we all miss her, especially now that we realize what a buffer she was for us where he was concerned.

    1. Kathleen Cochran profile image73
      Kathleen Cochranposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      The he in this sentence referrs to my Dad.  Apparently, I'm more upset than I realized.  Probably shouldn't have answered this question.

  10. Becky Katz profile image80
    Becky Katzposted 11 years ago

    I would say that I loved and missed them a whole bunch and although I am happy that they are out of pain, I still wish I could give them one more big hug. They were really great parents.

  11. profile image0
    Ghost32posted 11 years ago

    I actually had the opportunity to do that.  Mom and I met in the dream state one night about...18 months or so after she passed.  There were half a dozen lowlife types harrassing her.  I beat up a couple of them, they all ran off, and then the following question just sort of busted right on out of me:

    "Mom, you DO know you died, don't you?"

    "Can it be true?"  She replied, astounded. 

    The night she passed, she played word and memory games with my two sisters in the hospital where she'd been taken after collapsing--turned out to be kidney failure at age 89, and by daylight she was gone.  But she'd never been any too certain the afterlife even existed.  From her response to my question, she'd clearly not yet figured out that she was in fact long gone from the physical body and doing her thing on another plane.

    In another dream at a different time, It was my Dad and me.  He spoke first:

    "It doesn't get any easier, does it?"

    "No," I replied, "it does not."

    And that was that.

  12. profile image0
    onikki21posted 11 years ago

    I would tell my dad that I am sorry for not seeing him more often. I am sorry for not being there when he passed. And that I love him very much and he was the greatest father and he raised 3 wonderful children and we all love and miss him. I wish I could hug him on last time

  13. moronkee profile image69
    moronkeeposted 11 years ago

    I will tell my parents well done for the good job they did for me. I appreciate the discipline and good home training they gave me,

  14. profile image56
    kalkidan62003posted 11 years ago

    Crazy, but I read your question and started tearing up. I lost my mom to complications from diabetes 8 years ago. I would tell her that I am greatful to have had her as my mom. I am respectful to my elders, I get good grades and I have her personality, which has allowed me to see the good things in life regardless of my problems. I would tell her that she is the reason I want to succeed in life. She is also the reason why I am accepting of people that are different from myself. You, Valerie Denise Anderson, will truly and forever be missed.

  15. profile image0
    khmohsinposted 11 years ago

    I would like to say, I always miss u father. You teach us outstanding way to spend our life. You teach us very well that how to bear and how to be thankful all the time to Allah (GOD). I Love U Father....! You are the best and you are still alive in me.

  16. elenagarcia profile image68
    elenagarciaposted 11 years ago

    My dad visits me from time to time.  I always tell him the same thing.  I tell him that I love him, I miss him, and I hope that he is proud of me.

  17. profile image0
    ExoticHippieQueenposted 11 years ago

    I would tell my dad that I didn't hug him and tell him that I loved him enough.  And that I still miss him so very much 15 years later.

  18. Jennifer Bart profile image59
    Jennifer Bartposted 11 years ago

    I would say thank you for teaching me and guiding me through this life. I lost my father at 15 and my last words to him weren't the words I wanted him to hear. I would tell him that I loved him that I am sorry that I miss him everyday and that I deeply regret taking him for granted.

  19. toknowinfo profile image68
    toknowinfoposted 11 years ago

    I was young when my father passed away so I never really thought about the things I would say to him, but now that you got me thinking I would probably ask him what he wanted me to know about life, since I had to grow up without him. As my mother aged, I was her caretaker. I would tell her that she could never know how much I would miss her after she was gone. But for my Mom, it is not so much what I would have said to her. It would have been to listen closer to the things she didn't say, that now I know she may have wanted.

  20. profile image49
    pam366posted 11 years ago

    Whats the point? they are DEAD. The only purpose is selfish and to make you feel better about yourself. Be human and upstanding and say it to them while they are still alive. Your parent will thank you and you will feel if a hole has been filled.

    1. elenagarcia profile image68
      elenagarciaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Communicating your thoughts and feelings always has a point and does not end with death.  There is nothing selfish about finding closure. I do agree with you to have it said while they are here to appreciate it in person.


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