A long article in this week's "The New Yorker" by Sean Wilentz entitled "Confounding Fathers" traces the antecedents of Glenn Beck's rants and the Tea Party's hysteria to two individuals who spouted much of the nonsense now being repeated Beck and the Teatards. Unfortunately "The New Yorker" doesn't allow non-subscribers links to its on-line site. However, the article is well worth the purchase price of the October 18 issue.
Here are a few excerpts from Wilentz's long article:
For the fractious Tea Party movement, Beck—a former drive-time radio jockey, a recovering alcoholic, and a Mormon convert—has emerged as both a unifying figure and an intellectual guide. One opinion poll, released in July by Democracy Corps, showed that he is “the most highly regarded individual among Tea Party supporters,” seen not merely as an entertainer, like Rush Limbaugh, but as an “educator.” And in the past few months Beck has established his own institute of learning: the online, for-profit Beck University. Enrollees can take courses like Faith 102, which contends with “revisionists and secular progressives” about the separation of church and state; Hope 102, an attack on the activist federal government; and the combined Charity 101/102/103, a highly restrictive interpretation of rights, federalism, and the division of powers....
Beck’s version of American history relies on lessons from his own acknowledged inspiration, the late right-wing writer W. Cleon Skousen, and also restates charges made by the Birch Society’s founder, Robert Welch. The political universe is, of course, very different today from what it was during the Cold War. Yet the Birchers’ politics and their view of American history—which focussed more on totalitarian threats at home than on those posed by the Soviet Union and Communist China—has proved remarkably persistent. The pressing historical question is how extremist ideas held at bay for decades inside the Republican Party have exploded anew—and why, this time, Party leaders have done virtually nothing to challenge those ideas, and a great deal to abet them....
The John Birch Society was one of the decade’s most controversial right-wing organizations. Founded in 1958 by Robert Welch, a candy manufacturer from Massachusetts, the society took its name from a Baptist missionary and military-intelligence officer killed by Communist Chinese forces in 1945, whom Welch called the first American casualty of the Cold War. The group was founded at a propitious time. After Senator Joseph McCarthy’s fall, in 1954, many of McCarthy’s followers felt bereft of a voice, and Welch seemed to speak for them; by the mid-sixties, his society’s membership was estimated to be as high as a hundred thousand. Welch, exploiting fears of what McCarthy had called an “immense” domestic conspiracy, declared that the federal government had already fallen into the Communists’ clutches. In a tract titled “The Politician,” he attacked President Dwight D. Eisenhower as “a dedicated, conscious agent of the Communist conspiracy” who had been serving the plot “all of his adult life.” Late in 1961, after the disastrous Bay of Pigs invasion, he accused the Kennedy Administration of “helping the Communists everywhere in the world while pretending to do the opposite.”...
In the nineteen-sixties, Welch became convinced that even the Communist movement was but “a tool of the total conspiracy.” This master conspiracy, he said, had forerunners in ancient Sparta, and sprang fully to life in the eighteenth century, in the “uniformly Satanic creed and program” of the Bavarian Illuminati. Run by those he called “the Insiders,” the conspiracy resided chiefly in international families of financiers, such as the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers, government agencies like the Federal Reserve System and the Internal Revenue Service, and nongovernmental organizations like the Bilderberg Group, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Trilateral Commission. Since the early twentieth century, they had done a good deal of their evil work under the guise of humanitarian uplift. “One broad avenue down which these conspiratorial forces advance was known as progressive legislation,” Welch declared in 1966. “The very same collectivist theories and demagogic pretenses which had destroyed earlier civilizations were now paraded forth in the disguise of new and modern concepts.”
In the worst case, Welch believed, military action might be necessary to dislodge the totalitarians. But for the moment a nonviolent political revolution would suffice. Accordingly, he designed the Birch Society roughly, if not explicitly, on the Marxist-Leninist model of a vanguard revolutionary party: a series of small cells that would work in secret to agitate the populace and elect right-thinking candidates to office. “It isn’t numbers we have to worry about,” Welch wrote, “but the courage on the part of our followers to stick their necks out and play rough—the same as the Communists do.”...
Still, the most outlandish of the era’s right-wing anti-Communists was not Welch but Willard Cleon Skousen. A transplanted Canadian who served as a Mormon missionary in his teens, Skousen was considered so radical in the early nineteen-sixties that even J. Edgar Hoover’s F.B.I. watched him closely; one 1962 memo in his extensive F.B.I. file noted that “during the past year or so, Skousen has affiliated himself with the extreme right-wing ‘professional communists’ who are promoting their own anticommunism for obvious financial purposes.”...
After losing his police job, Skousen founded a group called the All-American Society, which Time described in 1961 as an exemplar of the far-right “ultras.” Although he did not join the Birch Society, Skousen worked with its American Opinion Speakers’ Bureau, and, in 1963, wrote a rousing tract titled “The Communist Attack on the John Birch Society,” which condemned the society’s critics for “promoting the official Communist Party line.”...
A year before Richard Condon’s novel “The Manchurian Candidate” appeared, Skousen announced that the Communists were creating “a regimented breed of Pavlovian men whose minds could be triggered into immediate action by signals from their masters.” A later book, “The Naked Capitalist,” decried the Ivy League Establishment, who, through the Federal Reserve, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Rockefeller Foundation, formed “the world’s secret power structure.” The conspiracy had begun, Skousen wrote, when reformers like the wealthy banker Edward M. (Colonel) House, a close adviser to President Woodrow Wilson, helped put into place the Federal Reserve and the graduated income tax....
The constitutional scholar Jack Rakove, of Stanford, inspected Skousen’s book and seminars and pronounced them “a joke that no self-respecting scholar would think is worth a warm pitcher of spit.”...
By the time Skousen died, in 2006, he was little remembered outside the ranks of the furthest-right Mormons. Then, in 2009, Glenn Beck began touting his work: “The Naked Communist,” “The Naked Capitalist,” and, especially, “The 5,000 Year Leap,” which he called “essential to understanding why our Founders built this Republic the way they did.” After Beck put the book in the first spot on his required-reading list—and wrote an enthusiastic new introduction for its reissue—it shot to the top of the Amazon best-seller list. In the first half of 2009, it sold more than two hundred and fifty thousand copies. Local branches of the Tea Party Patriots, the United American Tea Party, and other groups across the country have since organized study groups around it....
The popularity of Beck’s broadcasts, which now reach two million viewers each day, has brought neo-Birchite ideas to an audience beyond any that Welch or Skousen might have dreamed of. Several times a week, Beck informs his audience that socialists (whom he also sometimes calls Fascists or Communists) led by Obama have seized power, and that patriotic Americans must take their country back....
(Last month, Angle gave a warm address to a “freedom conference” in Salt Lake City, co-sponsored by the John Birch Society and Skousen’s old group, the National Center for Constitutional Studies, praising her audience as “mainstream America” and patriots who had “heard the call.”)...
The leading intellectual spokesman and organizer of the anti-Bircher conservatives was William F. Buckley, Jr., the editor of National Review. Buckley was by no means moderate in his conservatism. He was a lifelong defender of Joseph McCarthy and a foe of New Deal liberalism. But he drew the line at claiming that the course of American government was set by a socialist conspiracy, and he feared that the ravings of the extreme right would cost more balanced, practical conservatives their chance at national power....
[According to Buckley] George Romney, the governor of Michigan, a wishy-washy moderate, was obviously unsuitable, to say nothing of the Republican archliberal Nelson Rockefeller, of New York. Nixon was a hard-nosed Republican with strong conservative views, especially on Communism and the Cold War; he had established himself as a Communist-hunter in the nineteen-forties by pressing the charge that Alger Hiss, a former official at the State Department, had spied for the Soviets. And, promisingly, Nixon was the front-runner. “It seems to me that we ought to have a real chance of winning this year,” Buckley wrote to Goldwater around the time of the Republican National Convention....
Nixon won in a landslide, and the next year he appointed Buckley the American delegate to the United Nations. The conservative pragmatists had found the way to real power. And, despite the embarrassment of Watergate, in Nixon’s second term, their strategy proved effective over time. Nixon’s campaign against McGovern sharpened the Democrats’ internal divisions over civil rights and Vietnam, and, Buckley wrote, revealed that the Democrats had “an indifference toward national independence and a hostility toward national freedom.” Meanwhile, the Buckley mainstream, having read the Birchers out of the conservative movement, established itself as a permanent and growing force in the Republican Party and in national politics.
Try this link. Maybe it will work. The entire article is worth reading for historian Sean Wilentz's perspective on Beck and the Tea Party-
Read more http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2010 … rentPage=1
RALPH- good hub! ya know the right wing pretty much will give the public fantasies to get what they want and now they realize it. so they've turned to the tea party because they refuse to go left and dont trust the right anymore. so the lowest common denominator appears to be and they turn to the tea party. in hopes that something comes of it.this junction allows nut cases to have a voice and beck has a microphone.
frankly i see beck as a clown. he must really get to people that live out in the desert and in caves and under rocks. with beck at the head then,o donnell and sharon angle. they would be the perfect cast for a bela lugosi movie ha ha ha i agree ralph good hub
Thanks. The article refreshed my memory about the sixties and seventies.
Ralph, I have this explanation on my profile. It has been there for weeks. This is the issue, the Birch Society was co founded by Fred Koch. His sons provide the primary funding for the Tea Party. The anti communist rants of Beck are indeed a reflection of the Birch Society. It is funny, Ralph, that while the Birch Society understands some things about the financial new economic order, and while they claim to be against fascism, everything is thrown under the communist blanket.
So what this means is that even though clearly, the control of the economy by the banking system has risen to fascistic proportions, the Tea Party leadership is calling it communism. It is not communism. They have thrown confusion that they full well understand, into the argument.
However, as Foreclosuregate has come out, I think many of the Tea Party rank and file are seeing that the big banks are bad, and are essentially thieves with the help of the US Government. That is clearly corporatism as Ron Paul says.
Some who are connected with the Tea Party, such as Ron Paul and Karl Denninger who has many articles appearing on Seeking Alpha, are very much understanding the economics of corporate greed. I don't think they fit the mold of the Birch Society, but then again they are not the leadership. Ron Paul recently stated that Beck and Palin were taking the Tea Party rank and file for a ride. And isn't that the truth.
"However, as Foreclosuregate has come out, I think many of the Tea Party rank and file are seeing that the big banks are bad, and are essentially thieves with the help of the US Government. That is clearly corporatism as Ron Paul says."
I'm with them on this one. I decided some time ago that I wouldn't do business with any of the big banks.
Good position Ralph. Even though these people were distracted by Rick Santelli's rant, which became the issue for the Tea Party in the beginning, many are coming to see that the banks are more culpable than the borrowers. We just need to tell people the full story about the misdeeds of the big banks starting with the central banks at Basel 2, allowing off balance sheet banking to hide these loans. That took place in 1998, one year before the repeal of Glass Steagall. No one can tell me that this whole secutization process was not a conspiracy.
It was the biggest ponzi in the history of mankind. And it makes Madoff look small.
thanks Ralph, this is really good work. Good Information is necessary
Yeah, let's all say the New York Times presents unbiased journalism on current political issues -- RaRa -- what a joke. As much as Beck gets on my last nerve for months and months and months, as does most news these days, it's like enough already and let's just get back on track to being AMERICA, when I do catch any part of his programs, I am happy to see he does still present historical info that really ought to be found interesting to most Americans who are CONFUSED, as in floundering libs who might think being American means working to make your own life better, not getting ahead on Joe Blow's Grandpa's back via taxes on his drought ridden farm land - but then, who gives a good tomatoe about our history and those who worked and sweated to be a middle American, only to be shot down on the Democratic road to socialism, in the name of redistribution -- the first and most significant casualty on this current BS track.
Sigmund Freud believed that humans problems related to wanting to screw their mothers.
BTW- This is the basis for MODERN psychology!
People follow stupid people.
Glen Beck is a millionare fraud selling snake oil. He's not Ronald Reagan even with alzheimer's.
And you know this how? I wonder how many shows of his have you sat through?
"People follow stupid people."
They certainly do.
Ralph, quit being prejudice.
The Mormons are the ones who tend to be prejudiced.
I am soooo glad you posted this thread, Ralph.
I heard the author on NPR yesterday and my jaw dropped and stayed dropped for 20 minutes.
Gotta love how Glenn Beck is the only one with the "correct" history.
Thanks. Here's a link to the Sean Wilentz NPR interview--
http://www.npr.org/templates/story/stor … =130534982
Ralph, this is going a bit far. The Tea Party is a conservative grassroots movement. It's about getting back to the Constitution, reducing taxes, and getting the government out of everyone's business. Though I don't consider myself a member, I appreciate their stand.
Even if a high profile voice like Beck - who does seem to be getting pretty shrill these days - jumps on that band wagon , that does not give you the right to paint all conservatives with the same broad brush.
I'm not "painting all conservatives with the same brush." The Wilentz article points out that the there has been a huge split in among the conservatives between the Buckley, Goldwater, Nixon, Reagan conservatives and the lunatic fringe John Birch Society conservatives who form the basis of the weird, radical, conspiracy, historically inaccurate crap that Glenn Beck and many, not all, of the Tea Partiers are peddling.
I actually just finished up a meeting for our "Tea Party Discussion Group" Tonight were we discussed the first two Principles listed in the 5000 year leap. I would recommend even if you disagree with Beck or the Tea Party to at least read the book and then make a decision whether or not it's extreme. As far as the John Birch Society, I believe that even some of the Tea Party groups I have attended see them as extreme and don't follow them.
Elliot is correct, the Tea Party stance is for smaller Government, and lower Taxes. Focusing on the Constitution. That does not mean that we are wacko's or extremist. Just passionate and love this Country. As far as Historically inaccurate, I haven't come up with anything thus far in my studying that has been Historically inaccurate, either in what Beck says or what the Tea Party says, including and not limited to what is written in the 5000 year leap.
If you read the Wilentz article he points out that Beck's version of "history' is quite inaccurate.
So I am saying that I've researched what Beck teaches as History and it is quite accurate, now because some Liberal reporter says it is innaccurate I am just supposed to take his word for it?
no of course not
You speak the truth
We are not worthy.
I did not say that, I said that I have looked up what Beck is teaching as history and verified it to be fact, instead of assuming because liberal writer in a liberal paper says it is false. I suggest instead of taking someone's word for something that you do the same thing and look it up.
I would but given the intelligence and fairness of Ralph's work I'm happy to believe his version rather than yours.
Besides, I know enough about right wing groups to last a lifetime.
Right wingers don't do history very well unless of course it suits them and that usually involves a complete abuse of the constitution, fabricated wars, the deaths of thousands of innocent people , a cruel deception that ends the lives of US soldiers and a few narrow minded 'historians' to keep such tragedy out of the History books of this murderous era.
Thanks for your advice but I can actually think for myself.
That is fine, I don't recall reading about any fabricated wars,
Just curious, where did you "look it up?"
Let see, I have the Library of America Series on Debates on the Constitution, Jefferson, Franklin and the American Revolution. I also have history text books printed in the 1950's, which yes they don't include modern history 70's and 80's but it's a good look at what happened prior to 1960. I can make you a reading list if you are interested. Also websites, just because someone (including Beck) say's something doesn't mean I am going to take it at face value, if you say you read something on Fox news chances are I am going directly to Fox News and looking up the story for myself. I read the article you printed at the top of this thread. I didn't go to the link yet because I believe you put that you have to pay for a subscription in order to read it online, and quite frankly I am not going to pay for a subscription to a liberal magazine that I know is going to be biased. Like I said earlier I have read the 5000 year leap, and it is a very interesting book, if you haven't read it do you think you can make an educated opinion based on what someone else has told you?
Rachel, if you look at my post above you will see that the Tea Party leadership, not the rank and file, is clearly John Birch and the fatal flaw in their arguments is to call everything communism. I maintain that the new financial order that I clearly prove set up the securitization of mortgages and all this fraud that has resulted, is fascism. Corporate power that essentially owns government is fascism. It is not communism and the Tea Party leadership is lying if they think it is.
And by the way, Rachel, Obama is a part of this corporate fascist power play. The idea that he is bashing business is contrived. He is a crony capitalist through and through. That is why the Democratic base will likely not show up this election.
I am an independent, and I declare a pox on both their houses as the vote to allow securitization of mortgages, IE. the repeal of Glass Steagall, was voted by the senate 90 to 8. Ninety senators knew that the mortgage securitization would wreck havoc if they overturned a rule put in because of the Great Depression, and their greed was more important. So, as I say, a pox on both their houses.
Sean Wilentz is not a "liberal reporter." He's a distinguished history professor at Princeton who has written many books and articles. He didn't even support Obama's candidacy. He was a Hillary Clinton supporter in the primaries. It would be more accurate to classify him as a moderate rather than a liberal.
LOL! Sean Wilentz couldn't be MORE liberal! He's a contributing editor for the New Republic a far left magazine. He's a strong supporter of the Clintons and a Bush trasher!
Why do the left always deny their own political leanings? What are they ashamed of?
Which makes him suspect in the eyes of the Beck lemmings. Anti-intellectualism is the cornerstone of the teabag foundation.
Many who are supported by the Tea Party want to phase out Social Security and Medicare, eliminate the Federal Reserve as well as a number of other proposals that strike me as pretty extreme.
Sadly Ralph getting rid of medicare and social security is cnsidered normal for those 'caring' party of tea boys/girls
Palin, Angle, O'donnell, and Beck are not wackos? In what universe?
The Teabaggers as a group are a bunch of morons who believe representative democracy being replaced by corporate rule would be a good thing. Ten years from now, almost none of them will admit to having participated in this sideshow.
Where did you come up with your facts? Can you list some sources?
Where did I list a fact? Observation and analysis are based on facts (in this case the very public and easily accessible words of your "leaders"), but are not themselves classified as facts.
I have listed on multiple occasions links to the fountain of excrement that is being sold as "the truth" by the well-funded Svengalis who lead the moronic mob. I'll assume that anyone who believes such tripe already has access to it.
Only in the lefty progressive liberal I know whats best so do as I say or else world are they wackos! Every where else they're just normal people like the rest of us!
People who promote violence against a freely elected government are normal? (Angle)
People who...oh, forget it. Teabaggers already know what they are; that's why they're permanently angry.
I have met a lot of Tea Party individuals. I've yet to meet an angry one. Again Tea Bags are what you use to make Tea with. Try reading out loud maybe it will click.
Knowledge is of course the Teabaggers' greatest enemy. Why do their candidates refuse to do interviews or debate publicly? Their ridiculous platitudes:
"I want my country back"
"We want freedom"
"Obama weren't even born here"
only work as soundbites for people with very limited attention spans. When they try to justify their positions in public, they fall apart like a house of cards in a hurricane.
Tea Bags are used to make Tea with. I can't seem to explain that to you. Try again, sound it out. Ok, how about this get a mug, put some water in it, micro wave it for approx. 2 minutes (Depending on the size of the mug) get a box of tea out of the cupboard, that little thing inside the box that has ground up herbs in it is called a tea bag, place it in the water, presto chango you have tea.....
Who are you referring to about not willing to debate? Cause I seem to recall the one you are more then likely referring to O'Donnell as debating Coons oh two nights ago.
One and only and she got her clock cleaned. Coons showed great restraint by not laughing at her.
Apparently, you have never been to a teabagger rally.
Nope never been to a Teabag rally, been to some Tea Party rallies though .
So you are recanting your earlier statement about Tea Party candidates not wanting to debate?
Try to keep up. She did not "want" to debate. Out of sheer desperation (20 points behind) she reluctantly agreed to a single debate and it backfired on her. If people had any doubts about her lack credibility, they were flushed out by her performance. Get these people to talk in any forum but FoxNews pseudo-interviews, and they absolutely fall apart. You people are backing the wrong horse, their 15 minutes is just about over.
Nooooo--tea bags were used by these people, who sent them to Democrats in gvt as a sign that they were being taxed too much. They called themselves tea-baggers, until they learned of the sexual innuendo of it.
They wore hats with tea-bags on them.
Sorry--this is their baby, now they can feed it, change it, and burp it....after all, it was fine when they used it to send a message to the democrats, right?
Just what I though.
"getting the government out of everyone's business."
5 of them do far...who knows how many more-- will force women to have babies by order of the state. That is HARDLY getting the gvt out of their business, is it?
Or let me guess....it's only business that you want to have freedom, right?
Less gvt=less regulation=more ripping off...this is for business.
More gvt=more regulating=Less freedom....this is for women.
Nobody is forcing these women to sleep around, Abortion shouldn't be used as a form of birth control if the pill doesn't work abstinence will.
So would vasectomizing every male....are you for that? THAT WOULD END ABORTION FER SURE.
Oooh, it MIGHT cut down on their freedom a tad, but hey--what's more important-- their freedom, or your ideas about everyone else's business?
"So would vasectomizing every male....are you for that? THAT WOULD END ABORTION FER SURE."
Don't know much about vasectomies do you?
If by grass you mean astroturf; installed and maintained by the Koch brothers, you are correct. Otherwise...not so much.
These Koch brothers have their fingers in a lot of pies don't they. I've noticed on here that if it is something that you guys disagree with you say well the Koch brothers did it.
Deny it. Back to the original post, this "grass roots" movement is nothing but a recycled, failed philosophy from the cold war period, funded by the same group. McCarthy would be leading the Teabaggers today if he hadn't drunk himself to death.
The teabaggers will meet the same fate as the Birchers.
You are denying it? Um okay. I was just saying they seem really busy "pissing" you guys off. Please see my other post as to what a Tea Bag is. Thanks
This has what to do with the Koch brother pissing you off? Or the fact that a Tea Party member is not a "teabagger" that a tea bag is as I have said how many times something that one uses to make tea with. It's called symbolism. I realize that is a big word but maybe if you sound it out... ah hell if you can't figure out what a tea bag is then I doubt seriously you'll understand what symbolism is.
If the teabaggers are so offended by the term, why did they adopt it to describe themselves? (look it up). Why do they continue to use the term so frequently at their rallies? Why on Earth do they wear them on their heads?
get out a dictionary and look up the word Symbolism. I can't possibly dumb it down to your level so you will understand.
What I can do is tell you, you win. Not because you are right but because this is so boring I can't bring myself to continue.
They're symbolizing their sexual frustrations?
That explains a lot.
Mighty Mom, Love you and the professor, Mr. Deeds! The very people that are Tea Partyers and adore Glenn Beck may be the very people that he and they will end up destroying! I can not be sure, but from just what I have seen, these are older people who either are dependent on Social Security and Medicare or very soon will be.
If they succeed and destroy those govt programs, who will they blame when they find out what a jam they are in?
I hear that today Beck was soliciting donations from his viewers for the Chamber of Commerce! Right on, Beck! Help your fans lose their jobs to outsourcing!
As for you and Mr. Deeds, I truly enjoy your commentary. You both always show alot of thought, research and basic common sense! Thank you, both!
The Chamber of Commerce supports Small Business owners, not outsourcing. I knew that long before I ever heard of Glenn Beck.
You are not entitled to make up your own facts! Check out the US Chamber of Commerce's own website at www.uschamber.com and read how great they think outsourcing is! They suggest that every job outsourced to a foreign country actually creates 2.5 additional jobs in the US. Pretty nifty assertion with no fact-based data to back it up! So don't suggest that what they don't promote outsourcing. They promote it on their own website! Look under the International section...
I am not making up my own facts, but since you brought it up why is it that you are entitled to make up your own facts?
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is the world's largest business federation representing 3 million businesses of all sizes, sectors, and regions, as well as state and local chambers and industry associations. More than 96% of U.S. Chamber members are small businesses with 100 employees or fewer.
(From: http://www.uschambersmallbusinessnation … -statement)
As far as them saying that Outsourcing is good, I have found one place where that is stated, what it say's is that global sourcing not good, even though the AFL-CIO says it is. So if you will put the exact link where you read that the Chamber say's outsourcing is good I would appreciate it, otherwise I will keep looking on my own.
http://www.uschamber.com/international/ … t-overseas
There are several other articles they write that promote outsourcing of jobs. You are a student. Do some research and increase your knowledge and fact base. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce does promote outsourcing. They believe that it increases their member companies' profits. And of course it does. They are NOT opposed to it! Used to be a member until I realized that they were an organization that promoted owner profit over everything else, even human and employee rights. I believe business owners should make profits. If we didn't, we wouldn't be in business for long, but to belong to an organization that only talks the game of human rights, is less than ethical as far as I am concerned.
You seem like an intelligent person. But if you only see one side and refuse to hear anything from the other side of issues, you will lose any ability to increase your knowledge and make well-balanced and fair judgements. You will lose what students always have on their side: the power of critical thinking.
You are entitled to every opinion that you express, I am not suggesting otherwise and I am sorry if I insulted you. That was not my intention. It just sounded to me like, in this case, you were simply reciting something you heard without questioning it or having any real experience with the organization.
Have also worked for a company that decided outsourcing was a great idea! They have since decreased their American workforce; they terminated the very people that were charged with training the new, offshore employees. The point of outsourcing is to find cheaper labor overseas, thereby creating a bigger profit for the company. Because it creates larger profits for business owners, the Chamber is in favor of it. Plain and simple.
So what do you suggest, trade wars? Obama is all about outsourcing American wealth to the rest of the world through cap and trade or his "green jobs" programs... who do you think will make those widmills, American union workers? LOL
I heard the NPR interview and thought "Duh - why didn't I notice that?"
Tea Party. Birchers. Same mold, same causes.
Tea Party
I can think of far more accurate terms to describe these 'people'
But I'll refrain other than to try and paint a romantic picture of these warm selfless human beings.
They come from a foreign land and they call their new land home. But when others come from a foreign land they call them immigrants.
They do not like to share anything and if other people cannot keep up with them economically and socially then it is their fault and the gutter is where they belong. They are self righteous and celebrate such an inadequacy by boasting about the high levels of ignorance which is in their blood.
They prefer any colour so long as it is white.
They are similar to mormons in name but you need to remove the second M.
If you leave them in a room on their own with just a mirror it will be the mirror's fault.
What a bunch of nonsense Ralph! The left has pulled out all the stops, doing whatever they can to demonize, the Tea Part to minimize it's influence. It's an organized, orchestrated, and well funded operation and a desperate attempt by the left to hold onto power and to distract attention from their failed policies which are destroying this country! This article is just another example, I wonder who funded it? My guess is George Soros is behind it!
The problem is the Tea Party, isn't a party, it's America! The left will not hold onto power by trashing the citizens of this country which seem to have more knowledge of the constitution and more common sense the the liberal intellectual elites hell bent on the destruction of America!
LOL! Thanks! First they were racists, then they're extremists, now the nouveau Birchers... keep throwing garbage against the wall until they can find something that will stick! It's pathetic! Look at the democRATS political ads.... all attack adds... they can't and won't run on their record which is FAILURE!
What I don't get is if we don't look at both sides of the Democrats argument then we are morons, but ask them to look at both sides of the Tea Party argument, and as Mr. Badtoe put it, "No thanks I can think for myself."
With them is all "Doublethink"... they just accept what they are told by their leaders even if it contradicts the obvious truth! Liberals are nothing but fools, sheep, following the herd with the promise of free stuff and the shepherds are the intellectual political elites who will make the rules for the herd while exempting themselves! FOOLS!
Unfortunately, I see this more or less equally on both sides, with rare exceptions.
I agree, there are a lot of fools on both sides. I believe it is very foolish to take someones word for something, whether or not you believe what they are saying you should still look it up verify that it is true, just because they confirm something you already believe doesn't mean they aren't lying. There are Conservatives who are foolish, there are Liberals who are foolish. Find out what you believe and don't let someone else tell you what you believe.
Sure I suppose you can find examples on the right as well. But just look at the lefty ladies of the view, walking off the set because they won't accept the truth of the 9/11 attacks!
"War is Peace"; "Freedom is Slavery"; "Ignorance is Strength."
My Mom told me about that happening on the View yesterday (I can't stand O'Reilly) but I sure wish I would have seen that.
LOL Yeah they got mad because O'reilly siad Muslims attacked us on 9/11...
Well weren't they Muslims?? Behar was like, I'm not going to sit here and listen to this... blah blah blah... oh yes lets not talk about the facts!
Tea bags are what one uses to make tea. Sound it out maybe that will help.
"they won't accept the truth of the 9/11 attacks! "
Oh Lady--You can't handle the truth!
O'Really has not a clue...or he does, and is covering for it.
Wonder what he thinks of his own station saying the 9/11 report was a bunch of huuey?
I haven't heard that before.
Could you provide proof?
Other than the New Yorker or Salon.com?
Or the National Inquirer?
Actually NI would probably be more believable.
Come n RR!, why didn't you answer Ralph's comment about the 'reporter' you called a 'liberal' when in fact the 'reporter' is a Princeton Professor? I mean it's not for me to imply that you actually didn't read up on the subject before making your fairly ill informed comments that were of course put to the sword. Oh I get it, the right wing way is to ignore the uncomfortable stuff and move on to something else. That gets things done I guess.
Oh and Lady-'love' I really can't take you seriously at all. I'll happily be a fool if you're the answer to life's problems.
A right wing neo conservative lecturing others about truth? That should be funny but it isn't.
I did answer it. I said, Hillary's not liberal? Princeton Professor, oh yeah that's right all Princeton Professors are conservative I forgot
*for those of you who don't know that is called SARCASM
Come on Rachelle... don't you know by now the left are just deniers?... deny... deny.... deny...and lie! How can anyone claim that guy isn't a liberal?
I love how I post my response and 8 minutes later he say's (How come you didn't respond)
LOL you wouldn't know the truth if you read it in Hufpo!
Here I thought Ron was saying that the truth about Democrats being a failure hurt.
"America" is a large population of gullible nit-wits?
Yes, except for the progressive liberal political intellectual elites which obviously are smarter than everyone else and of course they know what's best so let's just do what they tell us! LOL! Look where that's got us in just 2 years!!
Ah come on we should give them more time perhaps we just aren't patient enough with the them. I mean look at how patient they were when Katrina hit New Orleans, they never said that Bush took too long to make things better down there, they were extremely patient with him when it came to a natural disater, so perhaps we need to be more patient with them and this "man made" disaster that is our economy.
It's not me, and I'm America......when did they become America?
It's not any of the people I work with.....
It's not my mom
my brother
my sister
my neighbor
my kid's teacher
my bank-lady
my trash-guy
.......are we all aliens, do you think?
"Glenn Beck and Many of the Tea Partiers are Neo-Birchers"
Ralph, aren't you the guy complaining the right is always using scare tactics?
The New Yorker?
What, You couldn't find a socialist propaganda magazine?
I can't imagine why you'd call this a scare tactic.
Had you been alive in the early 60's, I'd assume you would have been a solid Birch sympathiser. I also can't imagine why you find that insulting - it is all the same ideas
Had I been alive in the early 60's?
You're not the only old guy here.
Who said anything about this being insulting?
I am only giving this thread the attention it deserves.
I just assumed by your reactions that you found it insulting. Why do you call it a scare tactic? It doesn't seem to me that you'd mind a bit being labeled as a Bircher. I apologize for guessing wrong as to your age, but that's what happens when people use false identities and fake icons, isn't it?
So, seriously: why did you say that pointing out the Bircher origins is a scare tactic?
I really would expect you to sympathise with the Birch Society quite strongly. To say that mentioning it is a scare tactic implies that there is something negative about being a Bircher. While I would certainly agree with that, I wouldn't expect you to have the same reaction at all.
I'm giving this thread the attention it deserves.
I mean, I have spent all the time I care to here.
Off to more entertaining threads.
Yeah, right.
The reason Jim calls it a "scare tactic" is because the Birch Society has been thoroughly debunked and its dirty corporate roots exposed long ago. Jim doesn't want that well deserved taint to influence people's opinions toward the every bit as billionaire driven Tea Party.
So he turns tail and runs. Pretty funny, Jim :-)
Ok, its your lie tell it any way you want.
Jim, did you see my post above. The Tea Party funding is primarily from the Koch Brothers. Their dad, Fred Koch, was a cofounder of the John Birch society.
While the Tea Party is right to understand that there is a financial elite that controls much of the world, they are wrong to call it communism. It is not communism. It is corporatism. They are confusing the issue.
I respect Ron Paul and Karl Denninger, who are linked to the Tea Party but are not the leaders. Paul said that the leaders, Beck and Palin, are taking the Tea Party for a ride.
They do want to get rid of social security but really what will happen is that the banksters are drooling for the fees on private social security accounts. That drives a lot of this talk. Since mainstreet is boycotting stocks, the banksters are scared that their greed won't be fulfilled.
Beck inspired attempted attack on ACLU and Tides Foundation:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MoTpLr-m … embedded#!
Yes, they are also against any environmental regulations, safe workplace, living wage....etc etc etc. True Corporate Stooges.
Thank you! You are absolutely correct! Profit motivates any decisions and that is okay, but the Chamber pretends to be responsible corporate citizens.
They take alot of money from small, small business owners (in dues and fees and 'contributions' that they basically mandate) and most of the time the business owners will not complain because they don't want to be thought of as not part of the "bigger team", even though their businesses are not making much of a profit and they can't afford it. They would have to say no in front of other local businessmen. It is too embarrassing, so they just open their wallets and give their hard-earned money away to this organization. And then at the next Chamber meeting, it happens all over again.
I've stumbled into a liberal/progressive feeding frenzy....And here I thought freedom of speech was for everyone in America...
The Tea Party must be really getting under the skin ( thin skin ) of intolerant progressives...Oh, you, of the furrowed brow...Oh, the humanity...
November is coming like a freight train...clear the tracks, sound the whistle, clean out the hacks, Pelosi, Reid, Frank, and Dodd, all face dismissal...Larry
Putting your post in bold turns a rant into a thoughtful and persuasive opinion. Bravo sir, bravo.
Dodd will be absolutely impossible to defeat...
...pssst, he's retiring.
Reid is stumbling mostly because he has let down his base. Attributing his defeat to the "brilliance" of the lunatic Angle is well... worthy of a teabag analytical process.
Teabaggers enjoy freedom of speech just as we all do. If their stated opinions are so utterly laughable, whose fault is that?
Dodd is retiring rather than face rejection at the polls...Reid is " stumbling " because he let down more than his base, even his son denies him...apparently you did not see the debate between Angle and Reid...Reid was exposed for the fool he is...
Using the term " Teabagger " reflects your homophobia...Why else would you use the common homosexual activity of sucking on each other's testicles..? If used as a form of derision for the Tea Party, you also deride the original...
You folks are too easy...your hatred of anything conservative or religious defines and warps your every utterance...Carpe Diem, my friend...the American people are not buying moral relativism, communal group-think, or race-based political correctness...
I don't belong to the Tea Party, but I do respect and endorse their right to protest incompetence, over-taxation, lack of transparency, and promises not kept, such as :
"I will allow 5 days of public comment before I sign any bills."
"I will remove earmarks for PORK projects before I sign any bill."
"I will end Income Tax for seniors making less than $50K a year"
"I'll put the Health Care negotiations on CSPAN so everyone can see who is at the table!"
"I'll have no lobbyists in my administration"
Just a few of the " promises " not kept by this empty-suit POTUS...
Montgomery is right. And don't forget Ron Paul saying that Beck and Palin is taking the Tea Party rank and file for a ride. The leadership of the Tea Party, and Beck, are John Birch. Read my analysys above. I like much of what Ron Paul and Karl Denninger say. They understand the fascism of the banks and central banks. It is a global fascism, not just a nationalistic fascism as we saw in WW2.
But to call it communism is a total lie.
BTW, I live in Nevada. Angle is a moron, but I am staying home this election because Reid can't keep his hands off the bankster cookie jar.
By staying home, you may be the reason the moron wins. At least vote! I am not in Nevada, but that woman is scary! I am unhappy with Harry Reid and his lack of backbone. I admit, I would have a difficult time voting for him. He is a disappointment in so many ways! But don't stand by and let this frightening woman gain office! The things she will be able to do may help to destroy so many things that are so important to so many people. Not just to people from Nevada! Please think about your decision again.
We have to vote out anyone who bailed out the banks. And I was even willing to forget and vote for Harry. But when he was in charge as the senate took a voice vote to allow robo signatures to be valid state to state, it just was the last straw. I am staying home.
Are you sure you're not in the tea party? It seems you have all of the qualities needed.
Rachelrobinson is the only declared (admitted?) Tea Partier I'm aware of. Several others have all the qualifications.
In a few years, the former teabaggers willing to admit they were once a part of this nonsense will be harder to find than a high school graduate at a Sarah Palin rally.
Glen Beck is so confused, I don't bother listening to him. He doesn't know if he wants to be a Catholic or a Mormon, a TV personality or a preacher.
LOL If you dare to 'disagree' you are prejudice, yet no respect for President Obama is what? I love how conservatives hurl stones. Yes following a drunk like Beck and a druggie like Limbaugh fits the group so well. They all are sniffing too much paint so 'those guys' look normal. Heaven help America. Great post!!!!!!!!!!!!
"He's not Ronald Reagan even with alzheimer's."
You shouldn't be so hard on Obama.
He comes from a broken home.
So the teabaggers want a smaller govt and getting govt out of our lives.. How are they so philosophically different than the libertarians? If I am missing something, please share.
Some of the candidates supported by the Tea Baggers are libertarians. The so-called Tea Party does not have clearly defined principles or programs. The are a mixed bag of unemployed people, people who resent paying taxes but want their Social Security and Medicare benefits and a smaller government but reliable, safe foods and drugs, and flight safety, etc. Some of them are racists.
well, in the spirit of Halloween..
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uY58uPtA … re=related
And just for grins:
here's another one for Halloween
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2mUn2c_P … re=related
by Stacie L 11 years ago
Conservative radio host Glenn Beck is at it again. Beck, known for his outrages comments on American political life, is now saying that he plans to expose what he calls a government cover-up and conspiracy involving the Boston Marathon bombings.According to Beck's website, The Blaze, a Saudi...
by Gary Anderson 12 years ago
Frog posted this:bgamall - I call a spade a spade and an idiot an idiot. Now I suggest you travel on to where you make sense to others. It isn't here. I'm not a right winger, left winger. I am a Tea Party conservative who believes in adherence to the US Constitution. In closing, the document...
by William R. Wilson 14 years ago
Why does he hate America?http://www.dailykos.com/story/2010/7/20 … s-UPDATED-
by Hi-Jinks 14 years ago
Should Glenn Beck be arrested for murder?He says be afraid that the government H1N1 vaccine. "Would you allow the govement vaccinate your children?" When these unvaccinated children start to get sick and die, who is to blame?To yell Fire in a theater is not Free Speech.
by Ron Montgomery 15 years ago
Glenn Beck is losing sponsors (his life blood) at a rate that threatens his future as a TV/Radio ranter.33 and counting.
by leeberttea 14 years ago
This may be a bit over the top, but we must remain vigilant, especially when we see years of case law, and constitutional law circumvented with each new crisis an excuse to pass more laws restricting freedom or concentrating power in the executive branch of government, or the federal government...
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