There are a lot of terrible junk hubs here that are damaging to all the hardworking writers that are a major source of good content, be it commercial or otherwise.
I would love to see as many hubbers as possible flagging crappy hubs with zero appeal.
Lets take out the trash.
Agree with you Earnest - I didn't know that Shaghi was a popular Chinese destination until I Hub Hopped! The mind boggles!
Oh yes I spent about an hour and a half hopping and flagging yesterday evening. I will be doing more of that now!
Ernestshub I am 100% behind you on this. That is why I only write roughly one hub a week because that is my main goal in writing here; that is to provide quality hubs for my readers to read. The quantity of hubs comes later.
I'm in agreement here. I did the "unthinkable" yesterday and voted lots of poor hubs down. I've never flagged anything; but I might start.
So I'm wondering, can we guys who want this site to be very respectable and respected for it's content. . . .can we come up with some criteria that we call "flag worthy?"
If I see something that is duplicate, I'm flagging that, but that's hard to spot, as you've got to remember exactly where you've seen the other.
The problem is none of us are experts in all areas, and when it comes to some content you just don't know whether the content is good or not.
A possible idea is rating in multiple categories, but that makes the rating process more complicated.
Maybe a score in "Presentation / style", a score in "factual content", and a score in "Overall Appeal"?
Poetry would obviously get a N/A in factual content or such. as will parody and satire
Then someone else can rate the ratings to see how trustworthy the ratings are.
You may also want to start using Chrome and use the Chrome search block extension... Some of the data was used by Google to tweak their algorithm.
The problem with that extension is it blocks entire sites or subsites.
I am all for hub hopping. From the day I started here, it's been a regular thing for me.
I often go Hub Hopping, but never manage more than about 10-15 minutes at a time; most of the writing is just so painfully bad, and the content so painfully inadequate. Then there's all that spam ...
By often, I actually mean about once every week or fortnight, but I've now made a resolution to Hop daily, even if only for a short while each day. Perhaps if we all were to do that, we could drastically reduce the problem.
What the spammers etc. do to our site is nothing short of what I'd call vandalism, and I hope HubPages will soon be employing more effective measures to stop it, especially in view of the damage it is presently causing to us all.
I have to admit that I have not done much "hopping" but today did and actually came across some pretty fine writing! A lot of dross as weell, to be sure.
I am certainly with you in this "campaign"! We need to protect the quality of this site.
Spot on Tony! I have found great stories and helpful information and even fanned a couple of great writers and left comments.
I am only going after the real spammers first, as that is quick and useful. Like fixing the American economy, if we all pitched in we could turn this in to a big win for ourselves in no time!
Just flagged half a dozen, one a child ( sorry son) who thought it was a blog site to several that dove me mad because they were so optimised for the key word they made no sense
I recommend keeping this thread bumped. or stickied. Stuff like this is very important.
I hub hop as often as possible, too. I flag what needs to be flagged, but I always leave comments on the good hubs as well
helping and good you are back Earnest, nice forum thread!!
But I don't think Hub-hopping covers any of the older hubs on here ?? there is plenty of junk in there you guys
That's true... even Tadpoles won't lurk in there... A huge job.
Hubhopping is only new stuff. But here's what I've been doing during my Hubhopping adventures.
When I come across total garbage (spun, stolen or mangled stuff), I immediately go to their profile and take a quick peek at a few of their earlier hubs. If they are the same, I just flag the profile and put in an explanation for the HP team.
I've checked back on some of those profiles. Some of the hubbers are gone altogether, and many, many more of them have ZERO hubs now.
Just Hub-Hopped - flagged about 50%.
One idea - there are a lot of experts on here - why not go through a particular category of expertise and flag all the poor sites - I'm starting the ball rolling by taking a look at video games!!!
I agree SimeyC. It is easier for one who really knows a category to determine if the hub if is in need or review. I am more apt to read a full hub while hopping when I have an interest in the topic.
Wish there was a way to select categories to Hop. It would make it a better experience.
Good idea. We each have our own area of expertise, and this is a good way to make use of it.
I just Hopped about 10 hubs and I am amazed at how many new hubs are nothing more than just a complete "duplicate/copied" material from other sites.
Flagged and also added link for HP to find the other site.
Guess with Google coming down hard on other sites that people will be trying to move their copied/duplicated material here if they can.
I didn't consider that. OK now I will look for dupes as well, thanks mate!
Ditto to FD's welcome back!!!
I stopped flagging dupes. I've been pretty aggressive in my hubhopping the past few weeks and had some email correspondence with the HP team about it. Evidently they are not worried about dupe content. There's one hubber I've flagged to death with almost 300 hubs now and each one with several copies across several sites, and the team isn't removing any of them.
What I do continue to do, though, is a quick check for plagiarism. There's a ton. I've found stuff stolen from CNET, Food Network, Amazon, etc. That I do flag and they do take down.
I've also found hubbers just duping whole hubs but changing the title.
Edited to add: I do always vote down dupe content though.
I hope people are hopping. I did abot 30 mins today, however I am not sure what to flag and what not to sometimes!
Hey there earnest - welcome back. It's like something warm and comfortable came home. Like my lost teddy bear. He's hogging the bed over in Lisbon now. Poor Lemmy
Still - you're back again
And I'm a Hopper. Just been hopping. I try do my bit in and among.
Lovely! I enjoyed your warm welcome home. I think we have quite a few volunteer hoppers already and I think it is worth a push. We only need to hit the worst first to see a fast result I reckon.
Thanks for being proactive, guys. We're doing our best to keep up with your flags.
Hi Maddie! Are we right in thinking that this will help with how Google sees hubpages?
Absolutely. User flags are vital to keeping the site clean. And of course, we always appreciate folks who are proactive, rather than just complaining.
Translated: Let's be part of the solution instead of the problem.
Hi Ms. Ruud; now that I've figured out that you are staff here; I'd like to ask you . . . .what I can feel okay about flagging. I sort of have issues with censorship, but. . . .I realize that isn't what we are talking about here on this thread. In your mind, what sort of low quality content deserves a flag. I'll flag things if I know what deserves it, other than something that is just wildly offensive, of course.
Low quality can mean a number of things: too short, really badly formatted, written in such poor English that it is difficult to understand, etc. Basically anything that interferes with your ability to read the Hub. I hope that helps.
Please rest assured, a flag does not mean a Hub will automatically be taken down. All a flag does is bring the Hub to our attention, so that a moderator can review it and unpublish if necessary.
Great idea Earnest! I don't think the staff can keep up with this amount of flagging especially as things are upside down now.
I've heard hubbers say they never rank hubs down or flag them but I always have. Too bad there's so much catching up to do and so little staff to remove the flagged articles. This is long overdue and I hope not too late!
I've been hopping for a while now to help HP. There are so many spam and really really badly written hubs out there. As I am not an expert, I don't know which are duplicates but doesn't the HP computer does that already? I try to hop daily and from now on will do what lrohner had suggested--check out the other hubs of the hubber in question and if most are as bad, flag the profile.
I know they don't catch everything. I've had lots and lots of hubs copied elsewhere and HP only picked up two instances. That's why Edweirdo's HubDefender is so popular.
Edweirdo is one of the. .. . .higher ranking and knowledgeable HP guys. HubDefender is his website; I don't know what all is there, but I think it's a directory, of sorts, that keeps us protected from plagiarism ?
HubDefender will find copies of your hubs. Check out Edweirdo's profile or hubs.
Oh geez, David. Check it out ASAP! You just load your hub URLs in there -- or it really does it for you automatically at first -- and then you use it to check for stolen copies of your hubs across the Internet. It's been a life saver! I've found a LOT of stolen copies of my hubs. Check it out!
Sweet! So there's no need to manually submit each individual hub URL?
I've just been hopping and there were only five Hubs to hop, which I found unusual - there are usually more.
I have flagged loads today. Some of them for dup content, some for no useful and very short content, and some for spun or badly translated content.
The way I'm seeing it now is that if we got slapped for being a site carrying those articles, then we should get rid of the poor content.
it's not as if I deleted them - that is up to hubstaff. I won't be going back to read any of them anyway.
I'm another one that just went hopping; flagged about 1/3 of what I saw. Spam, duplicate, 50 word "hubs", etc.
I agree with Izzy; the junk needs to go.
I do this on a regular basis and I think it is a good idea to keep the site clean and healthy. Way to Go!!
It makes me smile to see so many fine writers defending their turf!
I have a strong belief in this community, we will be over this slap very soon if we keep lifting the over all quality by getting rid of the stinkers.
I haven't been hub hopping in a while. I think I'll go do some now. Thanks for the reminder!
I have to keep telling myself that all of hubpages isn't reflected properly while I'm hubhopping.
Hubhopping feels a lot like watching Ricky Gervais at the Golden Globes: I want to look, I don't want to look. I'm amused and horrified all at once.
Glad I bumped this earlier, I did my part! Try to keep this up for a while to remind people of it's importance. If we want to make money we have to be proactive.
I flag like hell and don't feel bad about it! If I'm not sure the hub should be flagged for the reason I think it should, I flag it and add a note letting staff no why I did so. They can make the final call.
If the grammar or spelling is bad or the article seems useless, I rate it down. I still think a probation period for new writers is called for to stem the flow of newly published garbage. Then we can concentrate on the old trash. But I'm still afraid there aren't enough staffers to handle the flags if we all start to clean house.
I hubhop, too and flag so much stuff sometimes I feel like a criminal. But c'mon, the stuff I read much of the time is an insult to the really great writers here on HP who really put their heart and soul into their writing.
That's the spirit! "I pledge allegiance to the flaggers of the United Snakes of..."
I've been hopping and hopping today. Its my new weekend mission
One thing we should also do is to vote up and comment on quality content! Let people know they are doing the right thing and they'll continue to add to the reputation we all are helping to maintain and build!
Awesome thinking!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We can't just trash what's not so good. . . we need to tell folks what IS good about their hubs.
AMEN! Besides catching the bad guys, we need to help support the good writers on here! A little encouragement means more great hubs!
That's certainly true. I comment on every good hub that I'm interested in. Good hubs that don't interest me are harder - I refuse to leave "good hub" or similar, so they sometimes get only a vote up and a useful, awesome or whatever.
And that's fine, whether or not the topic interests you, I think a good writer should be able to recognize good writing from others and at least vote up, even if they don't comment otherwise.
Hubhopping tonight I read so much ungrammatical, commercial, and completely nonsensical stuff, I could only stand it for 30 minutes. But if we all spent 30 minutes a day or even 15 flagging substandard stuff, we could make a huge impact!
Yep, it doesn't take long hopping to understand why this site might be penalized by Google.
Yes, the opposite is also very important - I admit myself I see good hubs in hub hopper and forget to vote up.
Hmm, I've not really been active here for months. I keep meaning to come back, and then work and Welsh lessons get in the way and before I know it, another month's gone by...
Anyway, I had a bit of time tonight so looked round the site for a while and then decided to hub-hop a little. EWWWWWWW! Am I imagining things, or has quality really dropped recently? I ended up flagging about 90% of what came up.
Your not imagining things, it is pretty crook in there! Hopefully our joint clean up will make a big difference as hubpages staff review out flags and show them the door.
It's not just hub hopping that helps. Just check out the latest hubs rolling off the feed. I just spent 15 minutes checking out the latest hubs and ended up flagging the profiles for spam. These are decent, well-written hubs, but they all had more than two links going out to the same sites. You don't have to click on the link, just hover over it and check the address at the bottom of your screen. They've been here for over a year.
I totally agree with spending more time to read more hubs, and/or hub hop. I have noticely lately alot more spammy writers on HP, and people leaving comments to check out their site or product. I find it very annonying HP is one of the best quality content sites on the web, and we should work at keeping it that way.
Some people simply don't take time to read the TOS. When a profile or hub is flagged for being overly promotional, it can remain here if they get rid of the excess links.
UGH! You're right! I just did that and there was hub after hub that was pure-t crap! (That's southern for awful!) But what burns me the most is some of these hubs were rated from 50-58! C'mon, really!?? I had a friend who just started here recently who wrote some great hubs and hers were rated way lower than 50, I'm assuming because, at the time, she didn't know about breaking up text, google and amazon, etc. So how does that work that hubs that are strictly promotional, a paragraph long or are barely in English pull a 50 or higher?
Everything is going to be rated 50 when it has been published for all of 8 hours. The best written content on this site started around there and moved up like everyone else. The crap will stagnate or move down over time.
I guess what really gets me is that I just had three hubs unpublished last week for substandard content. They were my first three as a new hubber (when I didn't know what I was doing!) which I've subsequently rewritten and have yet to be republished, but this slog is still up!
I hate to think of how many flagged hubs the moderators are going to have to deal with on Monday morning! We just have to make sure that we keep up with the hub hopping and don't stop once the immediate excitement is over
I was poking about the net yesterday looking to see what the web folk were saying about the farmer update, and came across a site for people who use spinners.
They are upset about HP because they said it is well known that HP is one the best places to put a short blurb with links back to your main site on, and they (we) accept spun content!
Not a good rep for us to have across the net?
The trouble is, HP seems to accept a lot of things they shouldn't, even if not intentionally. We need a better filtering system here, if that's possible.
Whilst hopping yesterday, I found one Hub with Amazon capsules, but no text capsules. I flagged it, then took a look at the Hubber's profile. He'd written there about himself in some very bad, broken English. I then took a look at his Hubs - they had text, and it was all so beautifully written that he couldn't possibly have written it himself. I didn't know if he'd copied it or paid for it, whatever, worth drawing to HP staff's attention.
Maybe it would save a lot of time if anything 'duplicate' was never allowed to be published, whether it's a duplicate of a Hubber's own work or not. This way, we'd know that all content is original when hopping.
Perhaps there could also be something that could measure the standard of English used, and prevent it from being published if it doesn't reach a certain standard - that could put a stop to badly spun articles.
Whether these things are possible I don't know, to be honest.
And that just might be the best reason I've seen for cleaning up HP.
I keep seeing posts that HP has some really great writers, and I agree 100%. That doesn't change the fact that it also has a large number of (non-writers?) that post junk purely for SEO reasons.
As Google continues to emphasize that that is not acceptable, those junk hubs will surely drag us all down - the only question is how far? Cross that invisible line just a little bit and good writers will begin to leave, starting HP down a slope it probably can't recover from.
I have little doubt that we will all come out of this change all right, but it won't be the end of it, and it seems to me that this is the time to be proactive in an attempt to prevent real future damage.
Ive hopped a few times and voted up and down. Wasn't exactly sure what the flag was all about but understand a bit better now after reading this.
Can I ask how you know if its copied content from other sites?
I've been hopping ~ and flagging where the low quality is obvious. It actually made me feel a bit guilty, in case I was ruining some new writing careers
Not to be harsh, but some of them need a reality check. Just pretend that you are Simon Cowell on American Idol/X Factor!
Well I just went on another flagging spree. Anything under 200 words is fair game - and I don't care if it was written by a well known hubber or not.
It shouldn't be about who wrote it - c**p is c**p.and we probably all need calling out at some point in our writing careers
I'm never sure about the w/c where poetry is concerned. Anybody know?
I'm not a poet, and I know it! I don't bother with anything creatively written while rating.
I never touch poetry. Don't like it much but it's allowed and let's face it, most of is hardly going to be appear high in the search engines anyway.
Well done Izzy!
And I made the edit you suggested re young Matt.
I saw that Mark - 'young Matt' might be missed by a lot of folk because the joke was good and it would be a shame if it went over some folk's heads- maybe Matt Cults instead?
Thanks Izzy! I'll get it right in a minute. Nearly typed something else but remembered I was on a family site. Matt Cults it is.
Just flagged one linking to a swingers site...and the profile. Who knew there was also a topic on here for swinging?
Nice! If we pull together and clean out the back room there will be more room for we writers.
I'm just back from hub hopping and I was amazed at the stuff I ran across, one hub actually had ONLY two photos and a small subtitle non related. It had a score of 50 amazing, that is not a hub.
Thanks for the nudge I found a lot to flag today!
Thanks Katie. I think hubpages staff will need a bit of time to get through all our flags, but that's OK. I expect things to get a lot better after we take out the trash.
Did a fair bit of hopping last night and whats with the handbags?? Came across a fair few all by different hubbers. Content was the latest handbags and all with a lot of links to buy the latest 'in thing'.
Never actually heard of them myself! But then again, I live in Turkey, land of the fake D&G!
I hopped a good bit of the weekend. When I remember, I hop while I eat, I hop before bed, and just during downtimes.
If you don't hub hop, you will never know that hubs could be only 50 words long, and consist of repeated keyword rambling.
by raisingme 14 years ago
I was really excited when I saw this new feature because I thought it was a great way to support, get to know and interact with other hubbers...But...for the most part, with some exceptions it is a load of garbage. When I think of all the painstaking time I take putting a hub together...and I...
by Catherine Povloski Welborn 13 years ago
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by Christine Miranda 12 years ago
I like hopping hubs, learning new things and meeting other hubbers. However, I have absolutely no interest in reading hubs on religion, politics, poems, fictional stories or some far away place I will never visit so I skip them. Usually this is no big deal but I just hopped about 30 hubs and no...
by Robert P 10 years ago
I have been hub hopping lately and I am disgusted with the incoherent garbage that I am coming across - nothing but poorly translated articles of about 400 words, usually without even any formatting. I would say that more than half of the articles I randomly encounter are clearly nothing but spun...
by Shil1978 14 years ago
HubPages has this wonderful feature called Hub Hopping or Hub Hop to flag low-quality/copied/spam content. I know some hubbers do use this and help HP staff weed out the substandard content. Here's one more reason why everyone should 'hub hop.' I came across this thread on a Google...
by Sophie 12 years ago
How often do you do some Hub Hopping? Do you like it at all?I started to use this feature on HubPages recently, and I think it is very useful, as it helps new hubs to be noticed by more and more people in the community.From now on I will try to Hub-hop everyday for a while just to help others and...
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