There are two morons who are editing for HP.

Jump to Last Post 1-34 of 34 discussions (192 posts)
  1. Ericdierker profile image46
    Ericdierkerposted 10 years ago

    They are childish and stupid. There did I say it strong enough. I got 1400 word hubs with every addition. Photos, Videos and polls. And they are not featured.
    The obvious conclusion is that two editors have their own agenda on content.
    I have glorious comments and thumbs up on hubs, from those folk with "a" Next to their name and the hub is not featured. I have reworked and republished hubs with suggestions and they still rate below feature.
    All that is bullshit! There are little girls in cubicles saying no to good stuff that is over their heads. HP needs to be more professional.

    1. electronician profile image79
      electronicianposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Based on the text in this post,you probably just need to improve your use of English. You can have high quality content, but if there are lots of spelling and grammar mistakes it will get a low QAP score.

      1. Ericdierker profile image46
        Ericdierkerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Is a doctorate and a BS in philosophy and 30 years of writing good enough for you?
        Electronician you drink koolaid.
        There is not one person on this staff who has my knowledge, credentials or experience. And I fully doubt that you do ---- is that harsh enough for you. Your score makes me think that you do not write for others but for money making.

        1. psycheskinner profile image83
          psycheskinnerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          A philosopher should know better than to fall back on "argument from authority".

          1. Ericdierker profile image46
            Ericdierkerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            One who criticizes the philosopher is honor bound to suggest a philosophy of their own.

          2. Philanthropy2012 profile image83
            Philanthropy2012posted 10 years agoin reply to this

            +1, a philosopher should know better.

            Ericdierker, may I ask you where your agape love is in this forum?

            It seems more like you are expressing symptoms of an inferiority complex rather than any general desire to promote goodness,

            Best regards,


        2. mgt28 profile image59
          mgt28posted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Dr. Ericdierker,

          Most likely English was not the medium of communication for your BS and PhD. You make spelling and grammatical mistakes that are below your claimed level of learning. When I did English as a foreign language , two spelling mistakes or three grammatical errors were the cut-off for a pass/fail.

          Writing, as in creative writing,  does not require a BS let alone a PhD. I enjoyed your writing actually. There is something about someone who cannot figure whether he should use they, there or their, that makes me like them.

          1. Ericdierker profile image46
            Ericdierkerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            Have you ever met a man that openly pisses on correct grammar?

            1. profile image0
              sheilamyersposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              I wasn't going to chime in on this, but have decided to scratch the itch. There are many rules a writer can break so that they develop a style and voice of their own. However, grammar and spelling aren't two of them. If you want people to take you seriously as a writer and pass yourself off as a highly intellectual person, then obey those rules. You claim the hubs aren't featured because of "idiots" working for HP. Ask yourself this, would ANY reputable editor at a major magazine or technical journal publish your articles as they're currently written? The answer would be a resounding NO. Is that because those editors are also idiots? Of course Hp isn't a major magazine, but their standards are being raised so that the site can be compared to that. All I can say is that if you don't like playing by the rules, perhaps you should move your writing to another site where there aren't as many rules and regulations.

              1. Lauragowens profile image70
                Lauragowensposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                As a writer I deeply appreciate and respect your thoughtful, wise and indeed, very true points.

                I spent no less than six months looking for a site that insisted on high submission standards. Hub thank God, does. Do I make grammatical and spelling mistakes from time to time? Sure. Who doesn't?  I kick myself and ask people to please email me if they find errors.

                I can attest that you DO lose cred and second chances.  I wrote a rather, I won't say scathing but I will say critical point in an article about a feminist author- pundit regarding feminist-mother issues. In a nutshell I said  Gloria Steinem's niece wrote that GS was more sympathetic to the mothers at home, not working, than so and so.  I made a couple possessive mistakes in my piece. Ouch.  Instead of addressing my CONTENT the so and so woman called me out on the mistakes and slammed me as a writer or "whatever you call yourself." Mind you, she that doth protest too much, but she served me notice that grammatical and spelling mistakes stop the reader in their tracks and the flow, cred is lost.  I will say the rest of the piece was error free, I think, so she clearly wanted to discredit me more than she wanted to engage in useful debate which I think is small-minded.

            2. HollieT profile image79
              HollieTposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              No, but I've now met a man that openly pisses on his readers, as in, he doesn't care whether they enjoy his work or not, because he's too lazy and egotistical to bother about how they feel.

              You're a great writer. Lol!

      2. Ericdierker profile image46
        Ericdierkerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        electro dude. I just read some of you hubs because you were so critical of me. Sorry dude. I do not come with a manual. I am not a writer that fits in your box.

        1. MelissaBarrett profile image58
          MelissaBarrettposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          To be honest Eric, you do make a lot of grammar errors. You also tend to use emoticons in your writing, In addition, you use non-standard conversational language.

          All of that is going to hurt your grammar/mechanics scores. Once THAT goes too low it starts pulling your substance scores down as well.

          If you take that as a personal attack, I'm sorry. I put it as nicely as I could.

          1. profile image0
            Beth37posted 10 years agoin reply to this

            I couldn't help it, don't get mad.

            1. MelissaBarrett profile image58
              MelissaBarrettposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              I don't really proof posts Beth. If I'm posting after 9 p.m. I've got a baby asleep on my lap and am typing around him. I'm lucky to hit the keys at all.

              1. profile image0
                Beth37posted 10 years agoin reply to this

                lol. Forum posts don't count anyway.

    2. The Examiner-1 profile image60
      The Examiner-1posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Did you receive a message that they have been 'not featured' or are they still in pending? If they are still pending perhaps they are still being rated.

    3. Dale Hyde profile image81
      Dale Hydeposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      All of mine "were" featured at one time but on the average of 7 to 10 days, one of my hubs goes unfeatured.  This is all good as it gives me food for my blog. smile  I have half the content here that I had a year ago.  That is how many of my hubs became unfeatured.

      Since I have not published anything new here since all this started happening, I may well have missed some new things that are going on and any new hub I publish may not be featured.  However at this point I will never find out as I have no intent on placing new material here, lol.

    4. Marisa Wright profile image85
      Marisa Wrightposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Just to clarify, are you sure these Hubs are unFeatured for low quality?   Or are they unFeatured for lack of engagement (the half moon symbol)? 

      Lack of engagement just means lack of traffic and is assessed by an algorithm, not human intervention.

      You have a unique writing style which would fail a lot of the measures used by the Quality Assessment Process.  That doesn't mean it's bad, it's just that your "voice" falls outside the norms.  Unless you decide to start spell checking and grammar checking, that's not going to change - so it's a question of whether you feel that compromises you.   If it does, then you'd be much better off writing somewhere that doesn't assess spelling and grammar.

    5. MelissaBarrett profile image58
      MelissaBarrettposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Likely the staff never read your hubs. They were likely hoppered/mturked.

      I will say that 1400 words does not automatically equal substance or good writing. Especially with personal stories and philosophical meanderings. Just saying.

    6. The Frog Prince profile image71
      The Frog Princeposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      There are more than two Eric.  Trust me.  The agenda's sometimes get in the way as do the trolls who hit articles. 


    7. profile image0
      Earl Noah Bernsbyposted 10 years agoin reply to this
      1. profile image0
        Motown2Chitownposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Best reply I've seen so far.  smile

    8. Electro-Denizen profile image79
      Electro-Denizenposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Eric you're on a roll on this forum, hats off to you! Here I was, thinking that we ought to be never using bad language, in both senses of that sentence, that everything ought to be done as properly as possible, and, as conscientious humans in this world, we ought to try and raise the bar all the time...

      but what the hell! We're humans...We're not complete if we don't acknowledge all parts of our humanity! That means not being perfect, not having the burden of always trying to be perfect, as well.

      1. HollieT profile image79
        HollieTposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Yeah, bit of a problem though when point the finger at the people who you believe are at fault and conclude that they may must be girls. Also a bit of a problem if you are unprepared to look at what you have written, objectively, and consider that it might be flawed.

        Bit peed off at myself now, had previously decided that I would not engage in this forum because it was only about the OP's ego!

        1. psycheskinner profile image83
          psycheskinnerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          It also shows a hubber who assumes he is without fault but does not in fact even know how QAP is performed (that is, not by some mythical ignorant female 'editor' in some cubical somewhere, but by his peers and other mturk workers).  So maybe his understanding of the QAP standards need s  a little work too--and that is why the hub failed.

          1. HollieT profile image79
            HollieTposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            I believe there are lots of problems with QAP, namely that it is not really about quality at all, but I don't believe that the MTurkers are responsible for their brief, they simply follow it. And I don't blame them for that either,

            But there you go, some semi-literate fool with an ego the size of the Empire State Building who has received lots of thumbs up from his mutual admiration society, shows his true colours. "Their job", which of course must belong to women if they do not appreciate his incomplete sentences and dull, ego filled bullshit, is to validate his existence.

            If I do not respond again, I'm probably banned.

            1. Phyllis Doyle profile image94
              Phyllis Doyleposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              I will pray for you, Hollie. LOL

              1. gmwilliams profile image85
                gmwilliamsposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                Hollie, don't sweat it, let it go, not worth the aggravation.  Do some meditation, take a jasmin bath and put on some Barry White music.

                1. Phyllis Doyle profile image94
                  Phyllis Doyleposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                  Nice ....

              2. IzzyM profile image86
                IzzyMposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                What is the prayer thing all about? Hollie doesn't need prayers, does she?
                Save it for the OP.

                1. Phyllis Doyle profile image94
                  Phyllis Doyleposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                  Just teasing Hollie bc she mentioned she might be banned.

            2. Mark Ewbie profile image80
              Mark Ewbieposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              +1 for mutual admiration society mention.

              1. HollieT profile image79
                HollieTposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                It appears that I live to fight another day!

                1. profile image0
                  Beth37posted 10 years agoin reply to this


                2. Will Apse profile image88
                  Will Apseposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                  Aren't you a bit worried to be out here all on your own, Hollie?

                  Smf in a paternal kind of way.

                  1. HollieT profile image79
                    HollieTposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                    Will, yet again I have to commend you on your terrible judgement and innate ability to get so many things wrong, so many times. You deserve a trophy of sorts.

                    And what is smf?

          2. Phyllis Doyle profile image94
            Phyllis Doyleposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            Very well said, psycheskinner. You are spot-on.

    9. Phyllis Doyle profile image94
      Phyllis Doyleposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      OMGosh ! Talk about 'poo-poo', you, sir, take the cake. Eric, if your ego is hurting because of hubs not featured, PLEASE, allow me to bestow upon you an award for the MOST EGOISTICAL ON THE FORUMS. Congratulations on your hard-earned and well deserved award.

    10. Richawriter profile image86
      Richawriterposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Frankly, I find your language and tone to be childish and not befitting a person in possession of a Doctorate or even a BS.

      I won't judge your grammar but I will say that I'll be surprised if you don't at least receive some form of warning for such remarks.

      If you have a problem why not just get in touch with HubPages staff instead of airing your dirty laundry in public?

      1. Writer Fox profile image32
        Writer Foxposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        You can buy degrees on the Internet.

  2. Len Cannon profile image87
    Len Cannonposted 10 years ago

    If it was half as good ass your poo poo cancer article, I can't see why it wasn't featured! Maybe these little girls need strong, smart men like you to infantilize them.

    1. paradigmsearch profile image60
      paradigmsearchposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I just read the poo poo hub. Oh, my! lol

      1. JG11Bravo profile image74
        JG11Bravoposted 10 years agoin reply to this


    2. Ericdierker profile image46
      Ericdierkerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Sorry but both of you are liars or my hub stats are liars. You did not read them. No one has recently spent enough time to read those.
      Although I see the humor I do not see truth.

      1. Len Cannon profile image87
        Len Cannonposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        I literally clicked on it! Maybe you do not understand how HubPages works! I like your continued misogyny by the way! Keep it up.

        1. Ericdierker profile image46
          Ericdierkerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          So my stats are lying??? You did not click on my page long enough to read it. Len, these things called metrics are hard to manipulate. Maybe you are a master. But otherwise you are lying. My pages do not show your visit. What does that mean?

          1. Len Cannon profile image87
            Len Cannonposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            I'm loathe to explain a system he doesn't like to a know-it-all, but HubPage stats do not update immediately. If you are using Google Analytics, you are not using them properly because it measures even page views of 1 second or shorter. Since you are a professional, a doctor, and a writer for a living I trust you to analyze the situation and come to the correct conclusion.

            Also I noticed a shocking amount of profanity and the fact that you failed to mention you weren't a medical doctor until about half way through a supposedly professional article which promises a doctor's advice in the title which is a major ethical as well as stylistic no-no for someone who write professionally!

            Maybe instead of ranting about Miley Cyrus and the women (not girls, by the way) who've wronged you, you could learn how HubPages works before spewing hot garbage on the forums.

      2. paradigmsearch profile image60
        paradigmsearchposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        I hope you are not referring to me as one of the both. When the stats update, the visits will appear.

      3. The Examiner-1 profile image60
        The Examiner-1posted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Why do you not allow us to read the Hubs which have been unfeatured?

  3. paradigmsearch profile image60
    paradigmsearchposted 10 years ago

    Uh-oh... I'm working on a new stellar (this time) hub as we speak. If that happens to me again, it will probably be my last new hub here.

    1. Ericdierker profile image46
      Ericdierkerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Publish here first. If the two girls say yes you have a winner. If you like hip hop and Miley Cyrus.

      1. Nimesh De Silva profile image66
        Nimesh De Silvaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        What does hip hop and Miley Cyrus got to do with the type of content one writes?

  4. SpaceShanty profile image93
    SpaceShantyposted 10 years ago

    It could be not featured due to a time delay, check it again in a few days.  Or it could be due to lack of engagement, a lack of views, try promoting it a bit more, other places you write, Fackbook/twitter etc.

  5. SagaSphere profile image63
    SagaSphereposted 10 years ago

    Get a grip guy.

  6. JG11Bravo profile image74
    JG11Bravoposted 10 years ago

    And yet here you are, writing for them and with us.  I'd think a BS and 30 years experience would amount to more than massacring the English language all over a content site that requires no more credentials than a valid e-mail account.

    If you despise this site, it's editors, and it's member so much, I'm sure someone with so very much to contribute would have no trouble acquiring a more lucrative venue to write in.

    1. Ericdierker profile image46
      Ericdierkerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Why would I post this if I despise. Get a grip. Just because I am critical does not mean there is something wrong with me. It is input like mine that makes the sites you write on better.

      1. JG11Bravo profile image74
        JG11Bravoposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        So long as you're not the one being critiqued, I assume. A user politely suggests that your grammar may be an issue, and you respond with a personal attack.

        If drinking Koolaid is a personal attack, that is. I really don't know. I don't see what's so bad about Koolaid. Its cheap, kids love it, doesn't taste bad at all. Perhaps it was a racist remark? I really have no idea.

        1. profile image0
          Beth37posted 10 years agoin reply to this

          It's a phrase ppl use when they are implying someone is buying into the lies. It refers to the cult leader Jim Jones, I think, who killed all of his followers by having them drink poisoned kool aid.

          1. JG11Bravo profile image74
            JG11Bravoposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            Well that's just not nice. It's not Koolaid's fault Jim Jones chose it. Someone must stand up on the behalf of innocent beverages, and it looks like it'll have to be me.

            1. profile image0
              Beth37posted 10 years agoin reply to this

              Coke's got a bit of a bad rap by way of the street drug... you might have to defend that now too.

              1. JG11Bravo profile image74
                JG11Bravoposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                It's an American classic! I adore Coke, and those polar bears from the ads, both of which have brought joy to millions.  What's wrong with people?

                1. profile image0
                  Beth37posted 10 years agoin reply to this

                  I'm sorry.

                  1. JG11Bravo profile image74
                    JG11Bravoposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                    Nothing to be sorry for. You've just brought a terrible injustice to light.

  7. kschang profile image85
    kschangposted 10 years ago

    Frankly, you're taking this with way more ego than it deserves.

    1. Ericdierker profile image46
      Ericdierkerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Kshang is all truth just a matter of ego? So be it for you.

      I speak known truth here. What do you speak?

  8. PoeticPhilosophy profile image78
    PoeticPhilosophyposted 10 years ago

    Lol, don't worry Eric, you're being attacked by a "poisonous-clique". They pat eachother on the back for trolling others.

    "Good-job on the troll-job it was fun to watch".

    They get a dig out of making people ticked off then self-indulge in secretly calling them names, hmm.. Makes them feel confident I guess since it's their lame approach to life, hehe.

    There is already post on it and they are the laughing stalk of so many now.. Hahaha, adults calling eachother a group-name and then cheering about their illusionary troll battles. Cute.

    1. Ericdierker profile image46
      Ericdierkerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you. I think we should give respect and learn. But you put me back in my chair and made me think more clearly. That is a good friend.

      1. tsadjatko profile image67
        tsadjatkoposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        A doctorate and a BS in philosophy? That is not an easy task, although wouldn't you have to have a BS or BA in philosophy in order to get a PhD in Philosophy. Few career areas require a doctorate degree. Areas where state licensing is required may require the doctorate degree for the highest paid positions and for positions in government facilities but what kind of position does a doctorate in philosophy qualify one for? What college did you get your BS and PhD from - was it the same for both? I have children in college and am just curious about potential futures for them.

        1. Anna Marie Bowman profile image74
          Anna Marie Bowmanposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          After reading one of his hubs, I am pretty sure he typed that wrong, and that he meant he had a PhD in BS, not 'and'.

          1. JG11Bravo profile image74
            JG11Bravoposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            I laughed entirely too hard at this.

  9. Michael M Griffin profile image60
    Michael M Griffinposted 10 years ago

    Ericdierker, I've got hubs with WAY less words and images, yet they are still featured. I checked out a few of your hubs.
    No offense, man...but your grammar is atrocious. You always write in fragments, you never write in complete sentences, you capitalize the wrong words, and your writing just seems unprofessional. You have to work on your writing skills if you want your hubs to be featured. Just try to improve a few of your hubs to see if it makes a difference. I guarantee it will.

    1. profile image0
      Beth37posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Please don't look at my hubs.

      1. JG11Bravo profile image74
        JG11Bravoposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Too late.  tongue

        1. profile image0
          Beth37posted 10 years agoin reply to this

          I meant him. I think I would find it a bit embarrassing to have my efforts pulled apart. Melissa is a professional. There are reasons I don't often ask her and a few other pros to critique my work. lol

          1. JG11Bravo profile image74
            JG11Bravoposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            That's understandable. I don't want anyone picking me apart either. The extra attention I'm suddenly getting is driving me nuts.

            1. profile image0
              Beth37posted 10 years agoin reply to this

              Why are you getting extra attention?

              1. JG11Bravo profile image74
                JG11Bravoposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                The Rising Star thingy. Got nominated.

                1. profile image0
                  Beth37posted 10 years agoin reply to this

                  Oh good for you, I didn't know. Yeah, I remember your hubs being very impressive.

                  1. JG11Bravo profile image74
                    JG11Bravoposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                    Thanks. I doubt Ill win but at least I got the initial nod.

            2. MelissaBarrett profile image58
              MelissaBarrettposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              I've read quite a few of your hubs. They're fine. smile

              1. tsadjatko profile image67
                tsadjatkoposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                OK Mellissa but what does Michael M Griffin think of them? Informed hubbers want to know.

                1. JG11Bravo profile image74
                  JG11Bravoposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                  Agreed, in all seriousness

    2. uNicQue profile image70
      uNicQueposted 10 years ago

      I find it incredibly offensive that you are assuming the editors are girls, and that they are interested in Miley Cyrus and hip hop. If you are feeling that your writing is under appreciated, then maybe this is simply not the network for you to be writing for. The fact that they are not featuring them does not mean you are not a quality writer with quality ideas. It just may not be the type if thoughts/expression that the editors approve of, or like others have said, simply approve your grammar and sentence structure. Make it more readable so your ideas are better presented. That does not give you the right to insult others. Also, your writing should speak for itself without you qualifying it with your degrees.

      1. Heather Says profile image93
        Heather Saysposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        So well said!  I don't think I've ever even seen any Hubs about Miley Cyrus or Hip Hop.

    3. profile image0
      cjaroszposted 10 years ago

      As it goes. You asked for advice, but yet you fight all efforts for help. I do not get that. You may have experience, and the works. That still does not mean that you know everything about everything. There is nothing wrong with getting critiqued.

      Even though, you have a lot of words, and pictures. That doesn't mean its featured material. I have had plenty that I have had to fix, even though they meet the criteria. Substance gets you more than jabbering. This I have learned.

    4. Thief12 profile image90
      Thief12posted 10 years ago

      I guess Eric ran out of Agape love.

      1. Ericdierker profile image46
        Ericdierkerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Wonderfully said my friend.

        1. Nimesh De Silva profile image66
          Nimesh De Silvaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          You have a very unique writing style. Short sentences each connected with the other. Maybe editors found this unappealing or they did not fully understand it's your writing style?

    5. profile image0
      KenDeanAgudoposted 10 years ago

      We cannot please all people and for sure they are just insecure.

      1. sallybea profile image94
        sallybeaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        The simple answer test would be to cut and past the content of all your Hubs into Word and let the program decide whether there are any spelling or grammatical errors in the text.  I love short sentences.  I don't have a problem with that - I just wish you guys and girls would just be kind to each other!!!.

        1. gmwilliams profile image85
          gmwilliamsposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          To sallybea:

          1. sallybea profile image94
            sallybeaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            How special is that!  - my very own bear Hug - that is so lovely. now I can go rest my weary eyes.  Thanks gmwilliams

            1. gmwilliams profile image85
              gmwilliamsposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              All of us need a hug, enriches the spirit and elevates the soul.

              1. Phyllis Doyle profile image94
                Phyllis Doyleposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                You are so right gm -- HUGS to all.  Group hug ....

    6. nArchuleta profile image75
      nArchuletaposted 10 years ago

      RATS! I fell for it. In total curiosity, I visited Dr. Whats-his-bucket's profile. I even clicked on an article with "poo" in the title. Shame, shame on me for falling for this provocateur's tactics at gaining clicks.

      Otherwise, Dr. Whatever, I do hope your posts and articles are satire. Methinks I'd prefer dining on  roasted baby to heeding the majority of your "advice."

      1. MelissaBarrett profile image58
        MelissaBarrettposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        While roasted baby IS delicious and surprisingly high in Vitamin B, I'll forgo. Babies go right to my hips.

        1. mgt28 profile image59
          mgt28posted 10 years agoin reply to this

          I think the man of books got what he set to get, traffic!

          1. MelissaBarrett profile image58
            MelissaBarrettposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            I don't think so. Most people who have been here more than a few months could not care less about traffic from other hubbers. It's one of those things you pick up pretty quickly. Most of us wouldn't bother typing a sentence in the forum for the sake of traffic.

            1. Mark Ewbie profile image80
              Mark Ewbieposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              Well maybe.  But I often notice quick a pick up in views whenever I post in the forums.  Sometimes as many as one person has visited a page after one of my amusing anecdotes.

              Of course I am only an amateur in BS rather than a professional.

              1. Will Apse profile image88
                Will Apseposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                You are far too modest.

                1. profile image0
                  Beth37posted 10 years agoin reply to this

                  You have become Mark's ATM. (smh)

                  1. Will Apse profile image88
                    Will Apseposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                    I blame Mark.

                    'Of course I am only an amateur in BS rather than a professional.'

                    What other response is possible but the one that I made?

                    Smb in a provocative manner.

                    1. profile image0
                      Beth37posted 10 years agoin reply to this

                      Society for Mathematical Biology?

                  2. A Troubled Man profile image57
                    A Troubled Manposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                    Still tossing out personal insults whenever you get the opportunity, eh Beth?

                    Double standard behavior reeling its ugly head again. You never learn.

                    1. profile image0
                      Beth37posted 10 years agoin reply to this

                      Were you feeling left out? You can come play any time you want, just be nice.

            2. sallybea profile image94
              sallybeaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              I confess - I fell for it, stupid Newby - I cut and pasted his profile description into a Spell and Grammar Checker just to see what it thought of it ..........

    7. bikesbikesbikes profile image77
      bikesbikesbikesposted 10 years ago

      Yikes! Just skimmed a few. I think I know what the inside of his mind must feel like... I feel itchy.

    8. Will Apse profile image88
      Will Apseposted 10 years ago

      Eric is a stern test of the liberal spirit.

    9. Suzanne Day profile image93
      Suzanne Dayposted 10 years ago

      Dear OP,

      I don't want to read your hubs as you come across as being an idiot.

      Just settle down, learn correct English and write, or go somewhere else.

      You are not worth my time.


      Fellow Hubber who is ashamed.

      1. sallybea profile image94
        sallybeaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        My mother always told me I should never throw stones!   Come on girls and boys - be nice to one another.

    10. Will Apse profile image88
      Will Apseposted 10 years ago

      No beer for three weeks for me! It is a sort of experiment. See if it does me any good or just leads to terminal boredom.

      Anyway, I don't imagine anyone can rescue this thread from absurdity now. So I am off.

      Smpp triumphantly!

      1. profile image0
        Beth37posted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Pretty sure you made that one up.

    11. Anna Haven profile image71
      Anna Havenposted 10 years ago

      I don't usually get involved in forums but I seen this.
      To call people names is not a constructive, structured argument to rectify 'wronged' hubs in any universe. 
      To refuse to accept that we are all have our off days and we can't always get it right is blinkered.
      Sadly to assume that the decision making was by stupid little females is alienating and insulting to half our world.
      Gender has no impact on individual capability or indeed our ability to accept constructive criticism and grow from it.

      1. profile image0
        Beth37posted 10 years agoin reply to this

        I love you Brits.

        1. Anna Haven profile image71
          Anna Havenposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Hi Beth
          That's nice.  I think wink   I'm Scottish though ..... smile
          It wasn't the question of quality that pulled me into this one.  I have no comments to make on anyone's spelling or grammar; it takes me enough time to sort out my own!
          It was the wording of the posting, the name calling and the sweeping generalisation that the flaws would naturally be of female origin.

          1. profile image0
            Beth37posted 10 years agoin reply to this

            Im writing a book with a few scots in it now... Can't tell you about it. Very hush-hush. It's got an irishman too... Colin Ferril if you must know. Im really enjoying being in my own head right now.

            Yes, it wasn't a nice post. I don't know if it was strategic or just emotional, but it seems so very long ago, I can't really remember my impressions anymore. lol

    12. Will Apse profile image88
      Will Apseposted 10 years ago

      In my family, there was always a certain amount of teasing. It wasn't ferocious but it was there. The little verbal booby traps. The asides that could trip up the unwary. The outright untruths and misdirection (fetch a left handed hammer, etc).

      Whoever lost their temper, lost the game.

      I think it will always be difficult for you in a forum, ATM because you cannot step over or around any perceived slight to get to the greater prize of winning an argument. Also you are terribly short of Christian forgiveness.

      Please be aware of the little barb at the end of what I just said. Can you rise above it?

      1. A Troubled Man profile image57
        A Troubled Manposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Oh look, Will is attempting to justify tossing out personal insults on a public forum and is blaming me for not forgiving them for tossing out personal insults on a public forum.

        1. profile image0
          Beth37posted 10 years agoin reply to this

          How do you make a little heart on HPs?

          1. A Troubled Man profile image57
            A Troubled Manposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            Why don't you learn how to behave, instead?

            1. profile image0
              Beth37posted 10 years agoin reply to this

              Then I shall follow your example... lead on my blue friend.

              1. A Troubled Man profile image57
                A Troubled Manposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                Shall I also take pot shots at your picture, Beth?

                1. profile image0
                  Beth37posted 10 years agoin reply to this

                  So "blue" is a pot shot? I thought I noticed a bluish hue, but maybe my eyes are just playing tricks on me... and no thank you, my self esteem is one pot shot away from the need for prozac.

                  1. A Troubled Man profile image57
                    A Troubled Manposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                    Oh really, so only YOU are allowed to insult others. Gotcha.

                    1. profile image0
                      Beth37posted 10 years agoin reply to this

                      Sush... you really do try much too hard.

        2. Will Apse profile image88
          Will Apseposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          There will always be a little rough and tumble on a public forum. This is one of the most sedate and restrained forums I have ever encountered. If you cannot keep cool here you will never keep cool anywhere.

          1. A Troubled Man profile image57
            A Troubled Manposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            Sorry Will, but your justification for tossing out personal insults does not fly here, read the rules.

            1. Will Apse profile image88
              Will Apseposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              I know that forums can suck you in and can be very upsetting but it is worth trying to work towards a point that you cannot be needled and cannot be worked by others.

              I am not even trying to upset you here but you are upset anyway. Try to ask yourself why it happens. Or take a break from the forums for a while. Or participate without engaging with anyone who has upset you in the past.

              Just try some kind of change for the sake of your peace of mind.

              My last comment on the issue.

              1. A Troubled Man profile image57
                A Troubled Manposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                Sorry Will, trying to justify tossing out personal insults only shows a very low level of maturity and responsibility. You really need to grow up.

    13. shampa sadhya profile image76
      shampa sadhyaposted 10 years ago

      I am happy that like me some writers have stopped posting a new article here. I did not unpublish my unfeatured hubs yet but actually it is ridiculous when HP unfeatures a hub because of traffic. It is not in the hands of the writers to bring in traffic. Quality should relate to the accuracy of the language and the subject on which a writer must write should not be decided by the readers. Well, the writers know that less traffic means less money but does it mean that we are supposed to write on all the common subjects. The whole judging procedure has become a farce. Hope HP will give it a thought.

    14. profile image0
      Beth37posted 10 years ago
    15. profile image0
      Motown2Chitownposted 10 years ago

      Is there nothing left in the world that can be reasonably discussed without that discussion degenerating into a festival of absurdity and childish, petty bickering?  It isn't even amusing anymore; it's just sad.

      1. profile image0
        Beth37posted 10 years agoin reply to this

        One should avoid it whenever possible.

        1. A Troubled Man profile image57
          A Troubled Manposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Then, stop insulting others.

          1. profile image0
            Beth37posted 10 years agoin reply to this

            One of my favorite songs. Im sending it to you. smile

            1. A Troubled Man profile image57
              A Troubled Manposted 10 years agoin reply to this
              1. profile image0
                Beth37posted 10 years agoin reply to this

                I guess it's the thought that counts.

      2. A Troubled Man profile image57
        A Troubled Manposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Sorry Mo, but as long as folks like Beth and Will continue to insult people, they will always bring this place down to a level of kindergarten school ground childishness.

    16. Writer Fox profile image32
      Writer Foxposted 10 years ago

      I'm getting lost in here.  Is this thread about morons who are editing or morons who are commenting?

      1. profile image0
        Beth37posted 10 years agoin reply to this

        A little from column A... a little from column B. lol

      2. Phyllis Doyle profile image94
        Phyllis Doyleposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        I love it -- great comment, Writer Fox. I am losing track of it all, too.

        1. profile image0
          Beth37posted 10 years agoin reply to this

          I think Eric was mad, some ppl insulted him, and now he's over it so we've all moved on.

        2. Will Apse profile image88
          Will Apseposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Do you have a tight business suit Phyllis?

          1. profile image0
            Beth37posted 10 years agoin reply to this

            lol. I knew I meant nothing to you.

    17. Mark Ewbie profile image80
      Mark Ewbieposted 10 years ago

      I want attention too.  You're all morons.

      No. Only joking.  But seriously.

      Po-faced crap about grammar.  Jesus.  Wake up people - it's the interweb.

      Next - endless, endless round and round - FFS get some sort of life or a new routine.

      Forums on rare occasions can give answers to sensible questions.

      That's all from me.  Got some Bubbling to do.

      1. profile image0
        Beth37posted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Mark, although I follow Will around like a puppy dog, I hope you know I still sit in your tree every Tues and Fri, weather permitting.

        1. Mark Ewbie profile image80
          Mark Ewbieposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Beth that's lovely and one day I will write another hub.  But my comment was purely to attract some new followers and earn two cents.

          1. profile image0
            Beth37posted 10 years agoin reply to this


          2. Anna Marie Bowman profile image74
            Anna Marie Bowmanposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            So, you throw in your two cents to make two cents? Breaking even is better than losing!! Smart man!

      2. profile image0
        Alice Ann Dayposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        I love yr comments Mark.  Especially your brutal honesty!!

        1. profile image0
          Beth37posted 10 years agoin reply to this

          You can share my Mark-stalker tree on Sat. and Sun. but stay away from Will... He's my main crush, although his wife is probably one of those clingy types that would, most likely, in a distinguished manner, disembowel me with her bare hands.

          1. Will Apse profile image88
            Will Apseposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            My wife might just do a deal if she thought someone would take me off her hands for the wandering the streets in pajamas years.


            1. profile image0
              Beth37posted 10 years agoin reply to this

              lol. How could she live without that sharp wit? Im sure she's very content to keep you around a few more years.

              1. Will Apse profile image88
                Will Apseposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                You are kind as always, Beth, but you know what it's like after the first decade. You stop noticing the sharp wit and start noticing the sharp elbows.

                And while my wife is full of grace, I am more like one of those stones you get in your sandals on a bad day.

                1. profile image0
                  Beth37posted 10 years agoin reply to this

                  Some women enjoy the mildly annoying things of life.

                  1. LeanMan profile image79
                    LeanManposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                    mildly annoying? Like us men!!

                    Glad someone still appreciates us... maybe we still have a place in society after all......

                    1. Will Apse profile image88
                      Will Apseposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                      You realize that you are talking to a cartoon?

                  2. The Examiner-1 profile image60
                    The Examiner-1posted 10 years agoin reply to this

                    I think that image looks more like you. LOL

    18. Will Apse profile image88
      Will Apseposted 10 years ago

      Well, I enjoyed it.

    19. Will Apse profile image88
      Will Apseposted 10 years ago

      lol. You could just pretend, you know. Pretend is good for me...

      1. profile image0
        Beth37posted 10 years agoin reply to this

        I just had to defend myself for having, at one time, done that very thing... pretending. Sometimes your imagination isn't your friend.

    20. Will Apse profile image88
      Will Apseposted 10 years ago

      I have been reprimanded by Minnie Mouse!

      Gonna eat my breakfast in a huff.

      1. profile image0
        Beth37posted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Who me? I wasn't reprimanding you. I was afraid what I said didn't make much since... course I was in a bit of a huff at the moment myself. lol
        Why am I minnie mouse?

    21. Will Apse profile image88
      Will Apseposted 10 years ago

      Ate breakfast. Can't remember anything that happened before the toast (normal enough).

      I deny the huff and for the sake of all concerned I will never mention tight business suits ever again.

      1. profile image0
        Beth37posted 10 years agoin reply to this

        If it makes you happy, I do wear them, but just to do the laundry and dishes.

        1. Will Apse profile image88
          Will Apseposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          And would that laundry contain any items of a silky nature?

          1. profile image0
            Beth37posted 10 years agoin reply to this

            Yes, I am harvesting silk worms. I like to keep them clean.

    22. Will Apse profile image88
      Will Apseposted 10 years ago

      Would they be slender, lissome silkworms?

    23. profile image0
      Beth37posted 10 years ago

      You woke up in a mood didn't ya?

    24. Will Apse profile image88
      Will Apseposted 10 years ago

      lol. I told you: red hair and glasses. You have a new stalker.

      1. profile image0
        Beth37posted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Well if I'd have known that I would have put up my real life "red haired/glasses" pic a long time ago. You do realize this is a cartoon you're looking at though?

    25. Will Apse profile image88
      Will Apseposted 10 years ago

      All I know is that today the sun shone in my heart.

      1. profile image0
        Beth37posted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Well that's how you make me feel everyday... with your dark and biting sarcasm. Of course, I have issues, but still, receive the compliment with my deepest respect.

    26. sunilkunnoth2012 profile image59
      sunilkunnoth2012posted 10 years ago

      What an interesting and active participation.  I just loved it all. This makes HP a vibrant community. Still I must say some hubbers use harsh language. Dears, please spread the message of love and knowledge here. Knowledge is power. But love is the most powerful expression!

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