Well, I'm outta here.

Jump to Last Post 1-20 of 20 discussions (54 posts)
  1. JG11Bravo profile image73
    JG11Bravoposted 10 years ago

    No offense to any parties here, but the fact is this site just really isn't working out for me.  Factors that I won't discuss in depth so as not to offend anyone have inspired me to move on with my endeavors in the writing world.

    It's been a pleasure, those of you who I've interacted with and enjoyed it, and I'll be more than happy to continue said interactions via any of the social media outlets listed on my profile page, but things here just aren't working out for me.

    Good luck to all of you.

    1. Phyllis Doyle profile image93
      Phyllis Doyleposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Good luck to you, JG, wherever your journey takes you. Best wishes.

    2. erinshelby profile image70
      erinshelbyposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I second that, JG. Enjoy your future endeavors and best of luck to you.

    3. profile image0
      Lybrahposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Sorry to hear that.  Good luck to you!

  2. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 10 years ago

    Thought the same thing a few times and yet , what is it you want ? Money ? Are you an artist looking for a following ?  Hubpages is simply a great place to interact , soooo , if its money you want , 'go towards the light", bless you on your way , want a reaction , don't wait for it here .

  3. fpherj48 profile image59
    fpherj48posted 10 years ago

    JG.....I am always sad to see someone leave....especially excellent writers, such as you. 
    You certainly aren't alone in this decision......we've lost many, in just the 2+ yrs.I have experienced here.  There ARE problems, without a doubt.  However, until the powers-that-be, recognize this and CORRECT it, post haste, the big exodus will continue.
    "Little People," have no power to control, excepting our own actions.  Unfortunately, in most cases, that translates to:  "I'm outta here!"
    Wish you much luck, JG...and hope our paths will cross again, one day......and I mean HERE, on earth!  Take care.

  4. Faith Reaper profile image84
    Faith Reaperposted 10 years ago

    Blessings to you and I have enjoyed your intellectual writings here for the short while you have been here. You may not be alone in your depature. I hope you find the best fit for you and your wtiting as you are a truly wonderful writer.

  5. profile image0
    Scott P Williamsposted 10 years ago

    By the looks of your profile page, your doing better than many people here. You have some great topics for your hubs. I don't think you really need to quit. You can just slow down your pace and also do the other things that you need to do. Your pennies will continue to add up while your busy with your other endeavors. This is a great place to gauge and compare your work. It's also a great place to learn about the internet. Some of these people here know their stuff.

    Good luck to you whatever you decide.

    1. Phyllis Doyle profile image93
      Phyllis Doyleposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I agree with those comments. JG, you are a good writer with quality hubs. Maybe you can take some time to rethink this and hang in there, see how you feel after a short sabbatical.

    2. Billie Kelpin profile image85
      Billie Kelpinposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I'm with Scott.  You can "walk and chew gum".  Your profile says you've been here 2 months???? That's it?  That's amazing! Maybe you haven't thought about some of the following ideas.  Think about taking some of your articles that fit together, removing them (possibly) and making a Kindle book with them.  OR, if you have a blog, write little summary pieces about your articles and link back to hubpages.  (I am all over the place with my writing, so I finally looked for the thread that ties everything together and re-created my business website to reflect that.  I link back here.  It can all be very synergistic.  This venue doesn't fit the writing I like to do, but it's a good discipline for me.  The thing I like best about hubpages is the statistical measurement.  You don't get that other places.  I had hubs listed under another name and had to change my name.  Unfortunately, it took a LONG time to get my score back up, so don't do that.  There are lots and lots of possibilities.  So in the words of my mother, I say, "Measure 7 times, cut once."

      1. Billie Kelpin profile image85
        Billie Kelpinposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Of course, once you make a book from your articles, you can't put it back here, but I'm just saying SOME might work for you in a book and leave the others.

        1. Marisa Wright profile image86
          Marisa Wrightposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          It is absolutely fine to create a book from your articles.  There's no need to delete them from HubPages.  A book or ebook won't cause duplicate problems in any way.

          1. profile image0
            Lybrahposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            But don't try to get people to buy something that they can read for free.  I put up one of my own books for sale through Amazon, but now I feel bad because people can just read my story for free on here.

            1. Marisa Wright profile image86
              Marisa Wrightposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              You don't need to feel bad!   Some people will prefer to download and read an ebook, rather than browse around a website like HubPages, so your book may reach a different audience.

              I would never publish a single article as an ebook.  However I have a flamenco ebook which is just a collection of my articles from my blog, HubPages and other sites I've written on.  In my description I say, upfront, that it's a collection of already published articles.  It's about 20,000 words.  I think people find it useful to have all the articles together in one place,

              By the way, I've hardly made a sale on Amazon.  I also published with Smashwords, which gets my book listed on iTunes, Barnes & Noble and several other places, and that's where I make all my sales.

  6. Bishop55 profile image89
    Bishop55posted 10 years ago

    Really?  Sorry to hear this.  Hubpages is a slow (sometimes, painfully slow) site to earn on...my opinion anyhow.  Either way, keep in touch and I wish you all the best!

  7. JG11Bravo profile image73
    JG11Bravoposted 10 years ago

    I'll likely at least consider continuing on the path here, but I find myself at a loss for subject matter here that will fall within accepted guidelines.  Bottom line is, I work twice as hard here for a fraction of the money.

    I didn't really expect anyone to make an effort to try to keep me around, truth be told, and I'm a bit thrown for a loop by it.  Gives me something to think about.

    1. Phyllis Doyle profile image93
      Phyllis Doyleposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Think about it JG. Then go to StumbleUpon to get some ideas on subject matter. First, maybe take that little sabbatical. I would like to see you stay at HP.

    2. NateB11 profile image87
      NateB11posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I think you can find subject matter that you care about and that will get traffic. It does require a little research; about what's search-friendly (what people search for and  what they actually type into the search engine). I have had doubts about writing on the Internet in general, because my original interest was in writing things that basically people don't look for. But I've found with a little research it is possible to find out what will be found (what's looked for) and to construct articles that will be found. Also, and I hate to say it because everyone already does say it, it takes time. It takes time to get indexed on the search engines and age is a factor in a subdomain or domain or page becoming reputable. Money does eventually come too; it does take awhile. Here's the other thing; write on Hubpages because your work could bring residual income and meantime do some freelance work getting paid per article somewhere. The latter will give you some immediate income. In other words, diversify; self-publishing, freelance, some Hubpages. I think it's possible: If you love to write and love what you write about.

    3. Barbara Kay profile image74
      Barbara Kayposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      My experience here is that you have to wait awhile sometimes for a hub to start doing well. I wouldn't completely give up. Just write in more than one place and wait awhile to see what happens.

    4. Bishop55 profile image89
      Bishop55posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I hope my comment was not taken the wrong way, I'm glad you're on hubpages.  I could shout DON'T GO!!  But will anyone saying that change your mind?  I think you should continue to share your work here, but I understand if you'd rather not.  If nothing else just leave your profile alone.  no need to delete it.    Not that you said you're going to do that, but I think you should take a break if you find this isn't the current fit for you.  Just don't go vanishing off HP forever!  smile

    5. Phyllis Doyle profile image93
      Phyllis Doyleposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Here is a thought on subject matter, JG: A Time Of Reflection - Where is my path leading me? I promise I will not use that title. You may keep it. smile

      1. JG11Bravo profile image73
        JG11Bravoposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Perhaps a bit of introspection is in order, now that you mention it.

  8. Muttface profile image79
    Muttfaceposted 10 years ago

    JG you've only been here 2 months. Why don't you give it a little more time? I only started getting good traffic in September after joining in March.

    1. sallybea profile image95
      sallybeaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I hate to see another writer go.  I think you need almost about a year before you start earning a regular Income from these pages. I would keep your Hubs here and start write elsewhere as well.  Come back to your Hubs occasionally and edit the odd one,  just to keep it fresh and see how it goes.
      I hope we can persuade you to change your mind.

  9. Kiss andTales profile image59
    Kiss andTalesposted 10 years ago

    Sorry to hear goodby, But I learned maybe some one will learn something from you or already have , it may not take a lot  of writing  for a good thought , or shared experience , but your time was not in vain, I felt like you once , but there is always some one that gets it ,understands it, they may not voice it here but they do hear you.

  10. MizBejabbers profile image87
    MizBejabbersposted 10 years ago

    JG, It took me over a year to get the followers you have in 2 mos. Please don't be discouraged. You are one of the real writers here. I felt that I didn't belong because I was outclassed, but then I found that wasn't true. I was about to leave, but then HP gave me a Helpful Accolade, and that is why I stayed. I found appreciation that I didn't know I had. I don't write for money anyway, so I stayed for the fun, and it is writers like you who keep me here. I hope you will stay and write more interesting hubs. There are those of us who like to read real subject matter and aren't interested in how to make a flamboyant pancake or a new way to recycle used baby diapers.

    1. JG11Bravo profile image73
      JG11Bravoposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I'm curious... what exactly is a flamboyant pancake?

      1. Bishop55 profile image89
        Bishop55posted 10 years agoin reply to this

        IDK about flamboyant, but I know what a flappy one is.  As for the diaper..ewwww use cloth?

    2. Barbara Kay profile image74
      Barbara Kayposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      LOL. I want to know, how do you recycle a baby diaper?

      1. Traci Ruffner profile image60
        Traci Ruffnerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        I second the baby diaper.  Lol

  11. Ericdierker profile image45
    Ericdierkerposted 10 years ago

    Let us get first things first. I am not a good man. But I do know what is the best course of evil that we can follow.

    I beg you to stay here.  Just stay with some articles.

    Maybe that is not PC but you are a writer and conforming here will help you and we need you to keep us whole, please stay.


    1. Bishop55 profile image89
      Bishop55posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      "Let us get first things first. I am not a good man. But I do know what is the best course of evil that we can follow" ?!  I just LOST IT!!!!! LMAO!!! haahah, I gotta follow you just because you said that.

  12. janshares profile image93
    jansharesposted 10 years ago

    JG, I second, third, and fourth the sentiments expressed about your leaving. I recall feeling the same way a few times during my first two months. It's easy to get discouraged here at HP when your expectations are not met at the time you want them to be.

    I hate to see a good hubber with amazing potential leave. I see your post about reconsidering your decision. I hope you do. I was so impressed by your Bruce Lee workout hub, I told my tai chi instructor about it.

    Patience is the key, my friend. As Phyllis Doyle said, take a sabbatical to refresh and refocus. But don't close out yet.

    1. Phyllis Doyle profile image93
      Phyllis Doyleposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Very well said, Jan. Yes, JG -- refresh and refocus. HP needs writers like you. Help us support HP and each other.

  13. ziyena profile image90
    ziyenaposted 10 years ago

    And I plead the fifth ... on sentiments expressed by Jan
    This site is by far the most professional medium on the internet.  You can go everywhere else ... Bubbleblews ... Squidoo ... where ever ... but I guarantee you'll be back

  14. JG11Bravo profile image73
    JG11Bravoposted 10 years ago

    You know... I'm really quite impressed by the general level of support that this topic garnered.  Alright, I'll take one more swing at it, hopefully with renewed vigor, and see how it plays out.

    1. profile image0
      Motown2Chitownposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Yay!  I think that's wise.  smile

      Haven't said anything yet, but this community is full of support...and they don't let go that easily!

      1. Mark Ewbie profile image81
        Mark Ewbieposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        They are supportive.  When I was leaving they offered all sorts of advice on where I could go, what I could do with my content and where it should be placed for safe-keeping.

        1. profile image0
          Motown2Chitownposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Hello, my friend!  I miss you here.  smile

          1. Mark Ewbie profile image81
            Mark Ewbieposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            Oh hey Motown - I never really went anywhere.  I am here but tweak more, publish less. smile

    2. Kiss andTales profile image59
      Kiss andTalesposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I am happy you are staying, people hear you loud and clear but most of all they understand!

    3. Phyllis Doyle profile image93
      Phyllis Doyleposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Good for you, JG. I wish you continued success and all the best at HP and in your life. smile

    4. profile image0
      MysticMoonlightposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Yay, glad you're sticking around, JG. smile

  15. electronician profile image79
    electronicianposted 10 years ago

    Sad to see you go. Good luck with whatever you decide to do instead, I'm sure you'll do well.

  16. JG11Bravo profile image73
    JG11Bravoposted 10 years ago

    Well, since I'm sticking around, I'm going to go ahead and write a hub that I've been mulling over since I've seen such an outpouring of support and will require volunteers to execute it properly.

    If anybody is willing to have their profile picture analyzed in the context of marketing and advertising, you'll get the benefit of being fully credited and having whatever profile you choose to offer up linked in the hub.

    1. Kiss andTales profile image59
      Kiss andTalesposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Interesting ,I will have to learn and understand more .

    2. Billie Kelpin profile image85
      Billie Kelpinposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      You can analyze my profile picture.  I use it on my website and here and everywhere.  It's the only decent one I can be at peace with (tee hee).  My website is directed at parents, teachers, students.  We have free online games and get traffic on such activities as fill-in-the-blank "Gettysburg Address" and multiple choice questions for compound-complext sentences, etc.  We also create software directed for deaf/hard of hearing population, and would like to get more games like the Memory Matching game we made for a kiosk at the Austin, TX historical museum into other museums.  We are a tiny company, my husband and myself and have absolutely NO ability in the marketing area - we just produce lots of content and it goes nowhere.

    3. Solaras profile image95
      Solarasposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I'll bite - please analyze my photo!

  17. LeanMan profile image79
    LeanManposted 10 years ago

    No one can earn or gain a huge following in the space of a few months.. Being a "success" online takes time and at times hard work..

    If you are one of those that expects to get rich overnight or be a literary sensation just because you have "put pen to paper" and published online then you will be sorely disappointed!

    Most people take 6 months or more before they start to see regular traffic and earnings and even longer before that is worth anything in real terms; and that is is they start to understand the basics of how to get traffic online! (Competition and keywords)

    HP is still a good and effective platform to learn from, while we may not agree with all of the rules etc they are there for a reason. I have my own sites and write elsewhere but HP is still one of the best and consistent earners I have.

    1. Marisa Wright profile image86
      Marisa Wrightposted 10 years agoin reply to this


  18. Alphadogg16 profile image85
    Alphadogg16posted 10 years ago

    I totally agree with LeanMan, very well said.

  19. Glenn Stok profile image96
    Glenn Stokposted 10 years ago

    Well I'm glad to see you decided to give it another shot based on your last comment. But I'm going to say what I wanted to say anyway.

    After discovering this thread and your first post saying you were leaving, I decided to go check out a few of your hubs. You have a wonderful way of describing things. In addition, you write well and you are knowledgable of the subjects you discuss.

    You didn't say where you were intending to continue your writing, but HubPages is known to have many excellent writers who are educated and who write informative articles.  You fit right in, since you are one those. This is the place for you.

    If your change of heart is based on poor results, you were only here two months. It took an entire year before I received my first payment. Now I get paid monthly. It takes time for Google to build up a recognition of the value of your articles. Traffic starts slow, but builds over time. You need patience.

    You already created value with the hubs you wrote. I enjoyed your well-written and informative hubs. Don't go!  Give it time.

    1. janshares profile image93
      jansharesposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      +++++++1 Glad you're giving it a shot, JG.

  20. profile image0
    KenDeanAgudoposted 10 years ago

    Things seems to be so slow here too for me, I earn less and it takes 3-5 months for you to redeem. I know there are lots of sites out there, but i am still hanging on here, view and publish some of my ideas. I hope things will be better here in the future.


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