He made a profound statement which is one of his strong suit being the success he is on talk tadio.
He said of the establishment Politicians in Washington - that they cannot afford to have President Trump succeed in his agenda. They cannot have an outsider come to Washington with zero experience and fix the many problems plaguing America. If he succeeds, then they are finished. For years, they've been fooling the American people and now they will be exposed as an empty suit. - losers and failures.
What a truth assessment of Washington GOP insiders. It all makes sense now. Why even with majority in both houses, they just can't seem to get any legislations passed. The truth is, they don't want it passed. No healthcare repeal and replace. No wall for our borders. No recovery for our economy...
President Trump has signed over 50 legislations into law.
Previous border walls have been being repaired, reinforced or replaced.
Border wall prototypes are being constructed. It began on Tuesday.
We have a 3.1 GDP right now.
Need to work on that repeal and replace though. Trump says he has confidence in McConnell. I'm sure glad he does because I think most people have lost confidence in him. So!...I'll keep praying for McConnell to get it done (for now).
Hint: Don't listen to mainstream media, they don't report anything positive about the Trump Administration. Fact is they would rather lie than report the positive news, but if they do, it gets 1 minute of their spin time...then they are off to the negative BS to brainwash the herd.
I pray for him too. I just wish he recognize the historic moment in American politics. If they can't get it done this year, I doubt they will be able to get anything done in the future... That goes for all the RINO senators and Speaker Ryan...
Of course.
You are only realizing this now?
The reason why Trump won was not because of "white backlash" it was not because of 'racism' or 'conservatism'... this is the lie the media and establishment is desperately trying to paint in the heads of Americans. They NEED to convince a majority of Americans of this alternate reality.
The truth is, the overwhelming majority of people who voted for Trump was because he was the ANTI-ESTABLISHMENT option. He was the non-politician. He said the things a hundred million Americans know to be the truth. That Washington is corrupt, and that Congress does not serve the people... its serves the corporations, and even foreign nations like China and Saudi Arabia that have the economic power to influence D.C. votes.
Congress, and those that serve in it for 20, 30, 40 years are nothing but prostitutes... instead of selling their bodies however, they are selling out our futures, the future of America, the interests of American workers, our wealth as a nation, all of it gone to the highest bidder, gone to those who think in global terms, those who want the cheapest labor, and a society that is either obedient or powerless and incapable of uniting and standing for their rights and self-interests.
It is why Billionaires like Soros fund organizations that do nothing but conflate good intentioned or noble ideals with the most violent or idiotic and aggressive ways of 'championing' them. The intention is to create strife, have the poor and growing powerless middle class fighting amongst one another, pointing fingers at one another, blaming one another... rather than focusing on the real problems, the real criminals.
That being, a Congress that passes law after law that is anti-American, anti-freedom, that hurts worker interests, hurts worker's rights, hurts the national economy. NAFTA, CAFTA, TPP, TTiP, WTO, IMF, all the things America's Congress has signed over the Nation's sovereign rights to... does nothing for Americans other than ensure they will suffer great hardships in the years, decades, ahead.
Gosh, I've been talking about that for a while; and I'm SO glad Rush et all finally caught on, LoL! Accept in Rush's case, it is more likely that he is trying to help Bannon out by creating a conspiracy theory for T-fans to push against GOP-supported reps; and elect the ones Bannon wants that will support Trump's original agenda - like what happened in Alabama.
But actually, things are a lot more simple and less of a conspiracy... a LOT of the GOP didn't want Trump in there to begin with (for the reasons you've said; but also because of his divisive rhetoric) - remember #NeverTrump?
Conservatives don't have enough people to put another Conservative in office (even if you all vote for the same person) - you need help from us Moderates to get one in, now. In Trump's case, both Liberals & Moderates helped him win - for all your ranting about evil liberals, ha!
Trump hijacked that party - a party that did not want him for their leader. Things would have been the same way, but flipped around if Bernie had won - he was trying to hijack the Dems in the same way (except he was/is much better behaved, LoL!). If that would have happened, Dems would be pulling their hair out over Bernie in much the same way the GOP is doing with Trump; because neither candidate was running for the usual mandates that are set by the parties. They were both in the race to put a kink in either party's agendas.
Unfortunately, neither political party appreciates it - which is why Dems worked so hard to get rid of Bernie. They KNEW that they were unlikely to win an election with Bernie's way-too-liberal ideals. The GOP just assumed that most of their base wouldn't vote for someone like Trump (and they were right, many of their base DIDN'T vote for him; but many people in opposing parties DID) - so they didn't go out of their way to try and stop him, like they probably would have, otherwise. (Shocker: The GOP are just as capable of pulling what the Dems did to Bernie; and they probably wish they had now, ha!)
Its no surprise at all that the GOP are finding Trump almost impossible to work with; and since he has connections with Dems also (and actually leans toward the middle more as a moderate) - he can just work around his fellow party members like he has been trying to do. Democrats may end up being Trump's salvation, yet. That would be funny.
Its been interesting to watch all the twists & turns.
Jack: That's one opinion from a conservative talk show host. How about this for a different perspective. The reason nothing is getting done is because Trump is using the same tactics that he used in campaign mode. He makes great decrees about the wall, Obama care, and tax reform, but he has no details as to how to implement his goals and unrealistic schedules. But he promises the American people that everything is wonderful, great, and terrific, but nothing gets done.
He leaves it up to congress without any guidance from him. That is not a quality of a leader or a team player. He is a divider and conqueror by his very nature. I don't think he ever worked for anybody as an employee except his dad. So he does not play well with others. He is used to just giving general orders but with no substance or plans.
Why would congress sabotage themselves by not getting anything done? That would jeopardize their chances for getting re-elected.
The answer is obvious. Congress gets their marching order from their big donors. They will get to keep their job by stopping Trump. It is purely a selfish move.
Congress does not need guidance from the President. That is our Constitution, separation of powers...there are two houses and 535 members. They are suppose to legislate. Trump is doing fine with executive orders... undoing many of Obama's orders. Have you noticed the GDP is 3.1% for the first time in 8 years?
Sounds like much the same think Jack said to me. Trump doesn't know how to get around the bipartisanship, he doesn't know how to convince people petrified for their job prospects if they perform it.
The only difference is that you're blaming Trump for being unable to produce action rather than the people that refuse to act.
Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh are paid goons. Whatever they spout has absolutely zero to do with truth.
That is why they are part of mainstream media. They are paid by their sponsors to have the opinions they do. Just because one bunch of paid off goons are lying, it doesn't mean another bunch of paid off goons are telling the truth.
This is maybe a bit too subtle for some to understand though. Hence President Trump. USA USA USA!
That seem harsh. They are commentator and have tons of viewers and listeners. They are political commentators and entertainers. They have their own opinion and they has their audience. The real paid goons as you refer to are Congressman and Senators who do the bidding of their big donors. That is how they keep their job...
Here is a quote from Rush Limbaugh from 2008. It's not profound but it should help everything make sense now....
"My first goal is to attract the largest possible audience so I can charge confiscatory ad rates. I happen to have great entertainment skills … that enables me to sell airtime.”
Rush Limbaugh is an entertainer. He makes no bones about it. You don't become the top talk radio host with 20 million listeners without being entertaining and he is very good at that. However, he is also a very good political commentator. He is a conservative and has been right on many issues and he is spot on on the current GOP in Congress.
What do you think of his statement?
Do you agree or disagree? If not, what is your opinion?
It's called Tongue in cheek Mr. B......Rush is a radio personality, his audience knows him. Yes if you listened to him only once or twice, you'd think him a pompous Mr. Know-it-All...but he is all about this amazing Country. He is a proud American and he Promotes America, not Rush!
I've been listening to him ever since I came home from work one day, long ago. I was complaining to my husband about the hours we were both putting in at work, only able to afford Hamburger Helper, while consistently behind people in the grocery line with steaks and seafood and ice cream and cookies (name it) paying with food stamps. I questioned, "What if everybody did this, we'd have no America."
He listened to me go on and on on and....(lol) and finally was able to get a word in, "there's this guy on the radio, you need to listen to him.
He sees things, as we see them."
There is a reason Rush has been #1 for decades. Rush is Right!
Agree. For all those who criticize Rush, I am willing to bet they never listened to him on radio. If a person tune in for a week, he will be totally shocked at what he was told about Rush and what Rush is really about. I have been listening to Rush since the Reagan revolution. I've also read his books. They are full of undeniable truths...
Wrong again, Jack, listen to Rush almost every day to get my daily dose of humor. Is he still doctor shopping for oxycodone? He's simply an opinion guy like Hannity who have absolutely no experience in politics. Why would anyone care what they think, much less believe them? Oh yeah, I forgot how easy it is to convince Trumpsters of anything.
LOL Rush and Limbaugh seem able to convince "Trumpsters" of pretty much anything they want! Maybe the liberals aren't smart enough to do that, or maybe those deficient "Trumpsters" can pick out lies better than the libs can make them up.
Yep, some folks will fall for anything they agree with, whether it's true or not. Jim Jones comes to mind...
Or Trump colluding with Russia to fix the election...
Yeah, we know. There's "not a shred of evidence."
Not yet, anyway Unless you have some hidden in your mouse? 'Cause for sure no one else has produced anything but allegations and claims. I DO see things like "Well if it weren't there they wouldn't be investigating", but I'm sure you can understand just how little that's worth.
You're welcome. Some things we must simply wait for. On that we can agree.
You may be right, Dan. Did you hear Tom Price just resigned after his travel extravagance made news. What does that make, 7 or eight of Trump's cabinet and cronies to resign or be fired? And others under investigation for collusion and money laundering as well. Doesn't say much for Trump's judgement in choosing his underlings thus far, does it?
Is this intended to be what PP thinks of as "proof" of Donald Trump colluding with Russia in fixing the election? You lost me here.
Show me where I ever said there is "proof" that Donald Trump colluded with Russia to fix the election? There you go again, puttin' words in my mouth to make it easier for you to argue against.
Please produce a link to where I ever said such a thing. Or, retract it, like an honest person would.
Good luck with that! Trump considers those who apologize weak for doing so. And apparently, so does his base...
I'm still waiting for that apology for being called a traitor for opposing the invasion of Iraq. Instead, I have to endure the same damned people who cheer leaded for that fiasco now defending a lying, pussy-grabbing, petulant man-child. They'll be proven wrong once again, but they won't learn. They'll just keep on supporting right-wing, nationalist BS.
True! And then blame whichever Democratic President is elected to clean up the mess made by the last "trickle down theory" protagonists. The rich already have enough money to create more jobs in the US without huge tax cuts to "stimulate the economy. Instead of using their huge profits to create new industry here, many companies are buying back shares from stockholders with the gains.
Anyone want to opine why?
If only "clean up the mess" didn't mean increased spending and more taxes. If only it didn't mean borrowing from our children's future to buy what we can't afford now. If only it didn't mean chaining thousands more to the largess of the politicians giving away what others earned with their hard work.
If only, if only, if only. Guess we'll just have to live with the knowledge that the only people that can clean up a mess inevitably makes a bigger one in doing so.
And if only the right didn't give already rich folk more money in tax breaks the middle class would have their lives improved. I assume you're a "trickle down" advocate, Dan.
And you're ignoring many children of the extremely wealthy who've never hit a lick at a snake. How are they entitled to a life of luxury for both them and their offspring for decades to come?
"Entitled"? What makes you think they're "entitled"? While I, too, may get an inheritance one day I don't think I'm "entitled" to one. No one is entitled to gifts.
It always seem so self serving to hear someone say that bringing tax rates closer in line to what others pay is "giving them money". As if you have some innate right to what others have earned and if you don't take as much it's the same as giving it to them. Giving them what they already own, no less.
And so eventually only one or two people have all the wealth. I suppose you believe you'll be one of them. If not, then why are you taking up for the ultra wealthy. Don't you realize there's just so much money made available to middle and lower class? Now only a little over one percent of the population have over 90% of the money. Do you see this as being conducive to a brighter future for the majority of Americans? And it will only get worse if this continues.
Your projection is rediculous. Just because capitalism is a competition, it does not lead to one winner. The competition only serves to drive efficiency and innovation. The current environment is an abberation due to crony influence. These titans like Apple, and Google and Microsoft and Amazon have cornered the market by buying influence on K street. It is the federal government's job to maintain fairness and a level playing field. We need to remove these big money influence and reduce the size of government.
But this is not happening, Jack. Monetary influence on the politicians control what the ultra-wealthy gain in profits. Trump is an example of the wealthy producing wealth scions who continue the cycle.
I apologize and retract the statement. I mistook what must have been sarcasm and an implicit agreement that we don't know as saying we DO know.
I really don't think there is nearly as much talk about Trump 'colluding', anymore - although I know there are some troubled lefties who can think of nothing else about him. But, most media seems to be focusing on the investigation into Russian meddling, in general.
I haven't had the energy to ask a T-fan this question, yet - so here goes. What do you think about all the Facebook & Twitter ads that were supposedly bought by the Russians during the election?
Or is that just fake news, too - and we should all just ignore it? It just seems like when something gets put in front of Congress, there is something to it...
I have heard T-fans say that IF its true, THEY were never affected by it... BUT, of course, people on the left are hopelessly brainwashed and can't think straight for themselves. Why T-fans keep insisting that they are different/special than other humans is a fascinating conundrum, LoL!
I don't listen to Rush often, but when he comes up with explosive insights on issues he gets my attention because it goes viral online. I have to admit he can hit it out of the park with accuracy. My hat is off to him for being able to shed a brilliant light on things.
Only thing I really wonder about now is why Rush's spot-on-ness ever surprised me. I hardly know the guy because I'm not a regular listener, but his record speaks well for him. I have come to expect his clarity on issues.
Dang it Ken, stop making arguments that I can agree with. I'm supposed to be the voice of the resistance.
by marinealways24 15 years ago
All opinions respected. Who would win a debate between Obama and Limbaugh?
by Knightheart 13 years ago
Not a bad idea! ROFLOL (Let's see how much flack I get for this one!) AFLACK!!!!!
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Limbaugh has gone too far with his latest attack on Massachusetts Sen. Ted Kennedy: ""Before it's all over, it'll be called the Ted Kennedy Memorial Health Care bill". THIS IS A PERSONAL ATTACK. Rush, it's OK to disagree with someone's ideas, but this statement makes it sound like...
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