Do you think the world is becoming less religious?

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  1. Medvekoma profile image82
    Medvekomaposted 9 years ago

    Do you think the world is becoming less religious?

    When asked about their religion in the most recent global survey that was conducted in 2012, it turned out that the lack of religion and faith was the third most prominent one in the world, overtaking Buddhism and Hinduism.

    Do you think religion is dying out? In the USA, firm believers are slowly replaced with uncertain ones, and in Europe atheism and nonbelief peak to such a degree that religious believers are now a tiny minority in some countries like Norway, Estonia or the Czech Republic.

    Do you think religion is in a decline? Have you perceived a change over the years?

  2. Michaela Osiecki profile image69
    Michaela Osieckiposted 9 years ago

    I think organized religion is in decline.  The church and religious institutions are WAY out of touch with what people are going through these days and I think that alienates a lot of people, so they leave their religious institution for personalize spirituality or none at all. Alternative religions and belief systems are on the rise.

    1. peachpurple profile image84
      peachpurpleposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      i agree, there isn't much motivation going on in church, just the usual mass routine that bores everyone to death

    2. El Shaddai 2016 profile image58
      El Shaddai 2016posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Well stated.  The problem is organized religion, not God.

  3. Oztinato profile image75
    Oztinatoposted 9 years ago

    So called New Atheism is itself dying. It is only popular with a vocal minority from the latte set in certain "western" cities. Your stats are wrong. A billion or more Hindus plus a billion or more Christians plus a billion or more Muslims plus a billion or more Bhuddists plus a billion or more Indigenous plus a billion or more other combined religions equals almost the entire planet's population. What's left is a handful of vocal wanna be's promoting
    phony agnosticism disguised as atheism: most online atheists here claim to love Buddhism and to peactice meditation  (both historically religious peactices). In order to sell books and create infamy certain vocal wanna be philosophers sell books and ideas to the bored cafe set which promotes total religious intolerance. This basic human right can't be undermined by passing fashions built on gross intolerance and seriously flawed misinformation such as faulty stats.
    Merry Xmas !

    1. Besarien profile image75
      Besarienposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Alienating others isn't in the spirit of Jesus. If you want people to respect your religious beliefs, start by respecting theirs and other people in general. Jesus loves Samaritans and Buddhists too.

  4. profile image0
    Paladin_posted 9 years ago

    As usual, Oz has gotten his information wrong.  Whether one calls it "new atheism" or simply "atheism," the global population of those proclaiming non-belief is on the RISE.  It's especially growing in the United States, as the younger demographics replace the older, and the religious indoctrination of the young doesn't seem to be holding anymore.

    Religious apologists will often point to the latest Pew Forum research on this matter, which suggests that -- as a PERCENTAGE of global population -- the "unaffiliated" are projected to decrease over the next few decades.  What they're always careful not to include is the reason:

    Muslims are projected to expand their global population by 73 percent over that same time period (by 2050), while other religious populations will grow by a couple of percentages or actually decline.  This means that the explosion of growth in the global Muslim population will reduce the global percentage of all other groups.

    And lest we forget, these are only PROJECTIONS.  The actual cold, hard statistics currently indicate that, RIGHT NOW, both the numbers and the percentages of non-believers are growing world-wide.

    Here's a link to the Pew Forum research, for those who are interested: … 2010-2050/

    1. Oztinato profile image75
      Oztinatoposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      All personal attacks will be reported so stop mentioning me personally. We know what's happened in the recent past regarding your constant personal references.
      Try looking at UN data in order to get a grip on reality.

    2. profile image0
      Paladin_posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Perhaps I should report YOU.  After all, you're telling me to "get a grip on reality," which is certainly no better than me saying you're usually wrong.  The HubPages management is also aware of YOUR past shenanigans, so stop threatening people!

    3. Oztinato profile image75
      Oztinatoposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Following hub rules is not a "threat ". It's only threatening to those who break the rules. Putting words into the mouths of moderators is unethical and also breaches hub rules

  5. Travis Wakeman profile image68
    Travis Wakemanposted 9 years ago

    This is a complex, nuanced question which is contingent in part on how one defines "religion". Though secularism and the "nones" appear to be on the rise in places like the United States, some polls have revealed that among self identified atheists and agnostics A THIRD believe in life after death: … -afterlife

    I think that these folks don't identify with any official religious denomination on a list, but still in their personal lives seek after a higher spiritual truth.

    Meanwhile the keyword for the US is less "decline" of Christianity and more "polarization". … ry/2/27396 Most people don't know that church attendance through american history has been historically pretty sporadic with a high in the 1950's.

    The nominal Christians who claimed the label but didn't sincerely practice are falling away- which will help Christians reclaim their countercultural identity (Christianity is fundamentally opposed worldliness).

    Meanwhile secularist europe is become more religious as demographic shifts see Islam spread while secularism contracts (the most popular name for a baby boy in England is Muhammad). The US is heading towards it's own dangerous precipice as cultural stagnation destabilizes it in the face of  rival powers like China, Russia, and Iran. China- by the way is experiencing a rapid growth of Christian churches and is projected to follow the path of S. Korea. Russia, even when it executed clergy-men couldn't stamp out Christianity. The Christian church has outlived pretty much every empire that it has seen. It will outlive the current empires as well.

    For a great book on the true globalization and expansion of Christianity (that addresses some of these myths) I would recommend: … 0199767467

    For a book warning secularists (written by a secularist) about demographics and how the tendency of secularist populations to have a lowered birth rate which is demographic suicide- along with a commentary on what to expect in europe in the future: … amp;btkr=1

    And then of course there is the explosion of Christian theism in philosophy departments that has resulted in a sort of mini-renaissance in the good reasons to believe:

    1. profile image0
      PeterStipposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      The claim that Europe is becoming more religious is unfounded. Churches are Empty, and the % Muslims is <10% (UK even <5%) The fact that the most popular name in England is Mohamed tells you nothing. Well maybe that Muslims lack a bit of imagin

    2. Travis Wakeman profile image68
      Travis Wakemanposted 9 years agoin reply to this


      Sweden is taking in 2% of it's total population in Muslim immigrants a year. Statistics show that Muslim immigrants are not assimilating, but forming cultural enclaves. Muslim fertility rates are 3x higher than UK or Norway. Give it time.

    3. profile image0
      PeterStipposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Travis, the Chinese are not assimilating.nobody finds them a problem. What are you talking About. 2% of iIt's population is nothing.

    4. Travis Wakeman profile image68
      Travis Wakemanposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Not assimilating in Europe. 2% is kind of a big deal anywhere. Homicide in Sweden is up 300% since 1975 and rape is up 1,472%.

      Why don't you read that book I linked and then get back to me?

    5. JLauren Angel profile image60
      JLauren Angelposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Percentages usually lie. Finding accredit-able sources for information such as this is non-existent. I was not polled in your listings and I believe in some of the information you shared. That's the standard though, only 1% is truly polled.

    6. Travis Wakeman profile image68
      Travis Wakemanposted 9 years agoin reply to this


      Here's where those numbers came from:

      You might also find this interesting: … greenfield

  6. emi sue profile image78
    emi sueposted 9 years ago

    I do believe the world seems to be becoming less religious.
    I live in the Bible belt and I can tell a difference here.

  7. dashingscorpio profile image69
    dashingscorpioposted 9 years ago

    In the U.S. it is reported that close to 75% of people identify themselves as Christians. I imagine there are Jewish people, Muslims, and other folks who have different religious faiths. Nevertheless "perception is reality".
    The Pew Religious Landscape survey reported that as of 2014, 22.8% of the U.S. population is religiously unaffiliated or consider themselves to be "spiritual". Only 3.1% of people called themselves atheists and 4%  agnostics in the U.S.
    In other words only {7.1%} of the U.S. population does not believe in God, is non spiritual, or are unsure God he exists.
    Essentially a whopping 93% of people either identify with a formal religion or consider themselves to be "spiritual".
    An emphasis of separation of church and state, legal abortion, along with marriage equality laws have caused many religious people to "believe religion is on the decline".
    However the reality is the decline has been fairly negligible. Mega churches and religion in general is a multi billion dollar business.
    There has been an increase in the number of people who consider themselves to be "spiritual" as oppose to being religious.
    Essentially they subscribe to the belief that God made man and man made religion. Church and organized religion are manipulation.
    Some people use meditation to connect with God and the universe.

    1. Medvekoma profile image82
      Medvekomaposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      The tendency I perceived was that the amount of people who include religion in their daily lives falls in the first world, especially in Europe. US statistics show the start of a fall, while EU statistics interpret the middle.

  8. tsmog profile image86
    tsmogposted 9 years ago

    I have a personal odd view of religion maybe somewhat of jest. To me the NFL enthusiasts who lives for the next Game Sunday wearing their fav team shirt & cap, memorized every stat known to the sport, picked there fantasy team(s), know its history from inception, and will call in sick to work not to miss a Sunday game are religious zealots.

    I look at funny similarities and contradictions. Of course they may be odd and somewhat skewed. 'The "Force" Awakens' projects near 215 million box office for this weekend. At say higher than ticket average ($10) at $15 means 14 Million will be in attendance all receiving the same message. Is that a reflection of a religious movement? There is something greater than the human element - 'The Force', and it is 'Awakened'. Isn't that theism - a God?

    Perhaps it is correct to correlate surveys with a drop in known and accepted world religions. I ponder . . . is there a correlation between these two trends with what is being sought by the populace? I dun’no . . . perhaps it is the sermons and not the religion?

    1. profile image0
      PeterStipposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Religion has always been used as a power tool. Today however, money has take over it's place and is now number 1. A great combination though as can seen on all the Evangelical TV channels.  Are you on the dark side or the good side!!! Hell or Heaven.

    2. Travis Wakeman profile image68
      Travis Wakemanposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Pete, how do you define the word "religion"? I consider secularism a religion of sorts- in that case does your comment still apply?

    3. Medvekoma profile image82
      Medvekomaposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I totally agree with the similarities. I went and saw Star Wars with my friends and have been talking about it ever since. I even did a sort of ritual pre-watching the six episodes beforehand.

      How would you define religion?

    4. Travis Wakeman profile image68
      Travis Wakemanposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      A holistic worldview that tells us what we are, where we come from, and where we are going.

    5. tsmog profile image86
      tsmogposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      @ Medvekoma, religion is simply 'a religion'. (See dictionary) Then there are 'organized religions'. Religion does not require a deity. Philosophically it is "a way of 'valuing' that is most comprehensively and intensively experienced". I ponder . .

    6. profile image0
      PeterStipposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      @travis. Secularism is not a religion. It is separation of church and state. It is a political structure.
      A religion is a system of believe(s) with a deity(s) or holy man and often a holy scripture.

    7. tsmog profile image86
      tsmogposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      @ Medvekoma for pondering consider Q above for my answered Q#1=A; What=religious=an action. Then, conditions=world 'undefined'. W?=Perceived and/or; +/- Perspective. Then a proposition offered with a Q#2. A Priori or Posteriori? when? Me=No answer #2

    8. Travis Wakeman profile image68
      Travis Wakemanposted 9 years agoin reply to this


      Is Buddhism a religion under your criterion, what about Scientology?

      Why is my criterion wrong?

    9. profile image0
      PeterStipposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Buddhism is a religion in my opinion, it follows the teachings and  spiritual practices of Buddha. Scientology is definitely a religion.

    10. Travis Wakeman profile image68
      Travis Wakemanposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Some forms of Buddhism don't deify Buddha, Scientology believes in aliens, not Gods.

    11. Besarien profile image75
      Besarienposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I agree Tim. Anything that works up religious fervor is a religion- the worship of Mammon is officially recognized by the Bible. Throw in the cult of celebrity and I'll bet religious in America reaches close to 100%.

  9. funsoaregbesola profile image77
    funsoaregbesolaposted 9 years ago

    Yes... The world is becoming or has become even less religious than it use to be and people now worship pastors and Imams more than God himself.

    1. Kiss andTales profile image60
      Kiss andTalesposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Very true and expressed well, the thing is even though the world is less , is the world better , or is it declining in goodness over evil , the reality is there is no improvement but violence, and crimes against humanity.

    2. JLauren Angel profile image60
      JLauren Angelposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Specifically you mean Catholics, Hindu, Buddhism....K & T is right, the only improvement is violence and crimes against humanity.

  10. willmcwryter profile image54
    willmcwryterposted 9 years ago

    atheism is peaking now but Islam and Christian fundamentalism will take over eventually. you can blame it on all the people who are too busy with there worldly sophisticated lives to have children.  the only people having children are muslims and fundies.

  11. profile image0
    PeterStipposted 9 years ago

    Religion will never die but yes the world is becoming less religious.
    As people become more educated, religions starts to fall.
    Science had made huge steps in explaining things which before the only answer was God made it happen.
    As Politics becomes more and more separate from religions, religious institutions start to loose their grip on the society.
    The evolution theory is becoming more a standard norm to teach in schools and the the Adam and Eve story and other origin stories starts to become just that..stories.
    The western world is changing because of science and education. It is something that's difficult to grasp and seen as a danger by religious groups. They feel it as an attack on their believe system and way of life. I think this is part of the reason why today radical Islam and Creationists are becoming more aggressive, they feel threatened by atheists. and non religious people.
    Another sign is that more and more people do not accept the authority of a church anymore. They still believe in a God (or more) but in their own way, they do not go to church, synagogue or the mosque anymore.
    Compared with a 100 years ago I think people are certainly less religious.

    1. Kiss andTales profile image60
      Kiss andTalesposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Peter you speak truth here about the negative problems of religion,  I truly agree this has been a problem.
      Example a knife is a tool , to the good or to the bad, but what determine that is the users intentions, there is nothing wrong with the tool.

    2. Travis Wakeman profile image68
      Travis Wakemanposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      But, universities owe their creation to the Christian church, as does the western scientific tradition. If education makes people less religious, why is the pop getting stupider on avg? Why was attendance in the 50's higher than 100 yrs ago?

    3. Medvekoma profile image82
      Medvekomaposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Travis, I don't think the population is getting stupider on average, I just see a divide being made between the uneducated and the graduated. Europe saw a marginal rise in university attendance and number of graduates.

    4. Travis Wakeman profile image68
      Travis Wakemanposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Graduated doesn't mean smart. Science grads don't see adv efct in relig belief. Several metrics are going down. 90% spnd ls than 5 hrs a wk on class. 55% 1 hr or less. … F8&btk

  12. profile image57
    keshav bharatiaposted 9 years ago

    Yes the world is becoming less religious due to the upcoming generation. They are more practical and donot believe in all these things. I am an Indian and a youth who basically want to live a life free from these all religious stuffs. And there are many more youths like me who are least interested in knowing about religions and all. And I feel this is good because it leads to decrease in differences occured in so many years

  13. JLauren Angel profile image60
    JLauren Angelposted 9 years ago

    I never met an atheist who wasn't afraid of God. When you look at religion as a whole, there is more influence in the non-Christian sector than that of previous decades, why? because change is upon us. Technology is drenching us and influencing us to do other things than be religious. There are less safe places to practice, pray and be the true religious souls we are, due to much change in the societies across the globe.

    Religion means the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.

    This is still evident in Catholicism, Baptist, Lutheran, Methodists, Presbyterians and etc. religious houses still exist, and no a decline in religion isn't what is happening, its a decline in people willingly open about being religious for fear of someone to hate on them, kill them or hurt their families.

    Religion will always be there, the people to be religious may not.

    1. Besarien profile image75
      Besarienposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I think athiests are more afraid of believers than of God, for good reason. No we really aren't the same thing. We believers tend to do terrible things thinking we know God's will. Well we all can't know God's will and do terrible things.

  14. Lipnancy profile image85
    Lipnancyposted 9 years ago

    Yes, I think the world is becoming less religious. And I say thank God for that, because most religions are full of hate for other religions and find excuses to judge an control the masses. But I do see more and more people turning to spiritualism which in my view is an active choice to do good for others and community outside of being judged or judging others.

    1. Kiss andTales profile image60
      Kiss andTalesposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      The problem with spiritism  its roots are in magic, spells that really do direct harm to fellow humans, I notice that people are engaging as you have said , but the world is not better it is declining more in hatred, and
      Pollution in many ways..

    2. Travis Wakeman profile image68
      Travis Wakemanposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Are you not judging judgementalism? Can you elaborate with some examples?

    3. Kiss andTales profile image60
      Kiss andTalesposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Travis could you be more clearer, because
      The world is proof of the result of human choices. Spiritism allowed and tested from centuries, where is the result of happiness now none.

    4. Travis Wakeman profile image68
      Travis Wakemanposted 9 years agoin reply to this


      My comment wasn't directed at your comment, but the answer.

    5. Kiss andTales profile image60
      Kiss andTalesposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Ok ! That is why I was confused of question.

  15. El Shaddai 2016 profile image58
    El Shaddai 2016posted 8 years ago

    Judging by the people I have encountered here on HubPages, I would say that most seem to be non-believers.

    1. Kiss andTales profile image60
      Kiss andTalesposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Hear is a good point. Also has this influence the earth to be a better place. We must admit people are leaving God out of the equation. So what now !

    2. El Shaddai 2016 profile image58
      El Shaddai 2016posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I think the problem is religion, not God.

  16. gmwilliams profile image81
    gmwilliamsposted 8 years ago

    As people are becoming more educated & evolved, they are questioning old religious precepts which are no longer relevant, even outdated in the postmodern 21st century. There is also a marked increase in NONES, people who aren't religiously affiliated.  While European countries have a very high percentage of non-religiously affiliated people, the United States of America still have 71% religiously affiliated people.  It is also one of the most religious of the industrialized nations.  Religion does play a preeminent role in American society w/ religion permeating almost everything, especially politics.  As of date, no non-religious, atheistic, nor agnostic person has been elected to political office in the United States.

    Although coastal America is less religious, the Midwest & Southern states in America are hotbeds of religiosity, even extreme religiosity.   However, in some Asian & African countries, there is a rise in Islam, especially fundamentalist Islam.  While some countries are becoming less religious, there are some who are become more religious.

    As people become increasingly aware, evolved, & educated, they will become more discerning & analytical thus there will be no more need for religion.  Even though, there are religiously affiliated people out there, most are in religions for appearance sake & societal approval, they don't actually take the religion seriously.   There are only a minority of diehard religionists.  However, in the future, the majority of people won't be religious at all except for a fanatical few on the fringe.

    However, becoming less religious doesn't mean abandonment of the belief in God.  As people become less religious, some will become more spiritual.  There will be an evolvement of spirituality which will exclude religiosity.  Humankind will mature to the realization that one can believe, even KNOW God w/o being religious or in a religion.  Humankind will see that God is beyond the limited, oppressive, man-made precepts of religion.

  17. The0NatureBoy profile image56
    The0NatureBoyposted 5 years ago

    I have come to define religion as any set of beliefs one has been conditioned to believe but have no substantiating factual reason for for that belief therefore I say NO.

    An example is all denominations of Christianity teaches us to blindly believe in the man the Bible calls Christ although the book tells us to find substance and evidence to support our belief (Hebrews 11:1).
    The writings alleged to be recorded from the Christ, based on Genesis 2:24, require us to be a houseless wonderer (Matthew 8:19-22, 19:29, 28:19-20 and John 3:3-8).
    The writing the name Christian came from (Acts 11) indicates that is why what is called Christianity was given to the disciples of the Christ.

    As far as I now, all other religions being taught today has few to no presently known proof of the doctrines being taught therefore I say no, religion is nor becoming less because most of the things people believe isn't sustained by proof. Even the people who believe the United States of America is free has made this nation's political structure a religion because nothing the government is doing is Constitutional that no one sees or is willing to admit and use that document to change it.

  18. Castlepaloma profile image76
    Castlepalomaposted 5 years ago

    Yes, more people call themselves spiritual rather than Religious. Plus the fastest growing group are non believers.

  19. Mark O Richardson profile image82
    Mark O Richardsonposted 5 years ago

    Yes, the world is changing. Some become stronger in faith, while I personally believe that those who believe in organized religion is decreasing. I think a lot of this is due to people becoming more diverse in their beliefs and opinions. I like organized religion, personally. But we can work to understand others.

    1. Castlepaloma profile image76
      Castlepalomaposted 5 years agoin reply to this

      I can hope, but don't see the majority of the people will be non believers in my lifetime. The middle is the best place to settle for me.


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