When a person pops their gum it sends me over the edge. What 3 things annoy you

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  1. vocalcoach profile image92
    vocalcoachposted 13 years ago

    When a person pops their gum it sends me over the edge. What 3 things annoy you the most?


  2. thesingernurse profile image71
    thesingernurseposted 13 years ago

    3. conceited people, especially musicians
    2. flying cockroaches...
    1. crappy sound system in gigs. Hahaha!

    1. vocalcoach profile image92
      vocalcoachposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Ewwwwe - flying cockroaches. (You must live in the south:)

  3. ChaplinSpeaks profile image95
    ChaplinSpeaksposted 13 years ago

    -abandoned shopping carts in the parking lot is my biggest pet peeve!
    -impatient car drivers
    -slow server on my computer

    1. vocalcoach profile image92
      vocalcoachposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Abandoned shopping carts put me over the edge!

  4. duffsmom profile image60
    duffsmomposted 13 years ago

    The sound of a dog licking it's feet or coat.  That sound makes me crazy - it will actually wake me up at night.  And love my husband dearly, but the sound of him clearing his throat is so loud and just makes me cringe.  And trying to install software on a computer that should take it but something is wrong and it has no clue and I have no clue and ........that drives me nuts.

    1. vocalcoach profile image92
      vocalcoachposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Trying to install software that claims it's easy and then won't fly is terribly frustrating.

  5. Bail Up ! profile image73
    Bail Up !posted 13 years ago

    1.Sales people that stalk and follow you in a retail store when you tell them you are just browsing.
    2.The number of remotes you need today to operate your Tv.
    3. Unmade beds.

    1. vocalcoach profile image92
      vocalcoachposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Your first answer bothers the heck out of me and so does #2.  Thanks.

    2. LoriSoard profile image64
      LoriSoardposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      # 1 is a good one. Walgreen's is the worst. Their cosmetics counter people are so annoying.

  6. hawkdad73 profile image60
    hawkdad73posted 13 years ago

    1. Speeders
    2. Dripping water
    3. When others argue or have a disagreement; I will even pause a movie to avoid a pending argument or disagreement.

    1. vocalcoach profile image92
      vocalcoachposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I'm with you on the arguing.  If people need to disagree, htey can take it somewhere else in a private setting.

  7. LoriSoard profile image64
    LoriSoardposted 13 years ago

    #3: People who drop the door in your face when you are right behind them.
    #2: Strangers asking me personal questions like how much I make, how old I am, etc.

    And the # 1 annoying thing that drives me crazy...

    People who let their kids scream, laugh loudly or otherwise create clatter in movies, church, at weddings and other places where it should be quiet. I always got up and took my child out so she would not disturb those around me. I would appreciate it if you would do the same.

    1. vocalcoach profile image92
      vocalcoachposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Your #1 answer about screaming kids in movies, church etc., is another thing that bothers me.  It's just rude.

  8. profile image0
    Motown2Chitownposted 13 years ago

    #3 - The fifteen people who walk through a door my husband holds open for them without saying "thank you."

    #2 - Clothes that stay in the dryer too long without being folded.

    #1 - A bathtub that doesn't drain properly so that there's standing water in the bottom when you've finished showering.

    1. vocalcoach profile image92
      vocalcoachposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      So rude of people not to thank a person for holding the door open for them.

  9. Grime Remix profile image60
    Grime Remixposted 13 years ago

    Don't waste my time.  That's my biggest peeve. 

    People who refuse to follow their dreams but complain about their lives. 

    Lack of responsibility.

    1. vocalcoach profile image92
      vocalcoachposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Complaining people drive me nuts.  Thanks.

  10. mikejhca profile image84
    mikejhcaposted 13 years ago

    People that litter annoy me.  I saw a teenager come out of a store take food out of a bag and then drop the bag in the middle of the street.  It also annoys me when people are bothering everyone around them.  When I was at the beach a group of people were acting like they were deliberately trying to bother everyone around them.  I know they spent a few minutes trying to bother me.  Two men walked over to me and started dancing right in front of me.

    I am also annoyed by people that do not use good manners.  When someone coughs, sneezes or burps it really annoys me if they do not at least try to cover their mouth.

    1. vocalcoach profile image92
      vocalcoachposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I'm with you on people who litter. A selfish thing to do.  And yes, everyone should use the crook of the elbow for coughs and sneezes.

  11. smzclark profile image61
    smzclarkposted 13 years ago

    The sound of my dad eating a banana!

    1. vocalcoach profile image92
      vocalcoachposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Oh I can't believe you said this.  I used to hate the sound of my mom eating a banana.

  12. quildon profile image77
    quildonposted 13 years ago

    People who don't reply when you say "good-morning."
    People who never say "please" or "thank you."
    And parents who allow their children to run wild in the supermarket, doctor's office etc.

    1. vocalcoach profile image92
      vocalcoachposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Parents should control their kids in the supermarket and doctor's office.  They aren't always that cute to other people.

    2. LoriSoard profile image64
      LoriSoardposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      BTW, I HATE the new Betty Crocker commercial with the kid squealing "Please" all the way through the store. THEN, to top it off, the mom gives into his horrid behavior and gives him a snack. Wow! Just Wow!

  13. Jlbowden profile image90
    Jlbowdenposted 13 years ago

    Hi actually like you, I despise gum chewers for a number of reasons. One would be one of your answers and that is when they are trying to crack their gum in your ear, especially when you're trying to concentrate.

    Another reason, is that people and not only kids, tend to forget where to find a waste basket in a supermarket. And because they do not know where to dispose of it, end up sticking it behind, or on the side of a can of peas, or corn that you just grabbed a hold of on the shelf.

    And the one I probably hate the most, is the one where you go into the city to have a nice dinner with a group and then just before walking into the restaurant, near a subway for example, you spot some clown picking a piece of old chewed gum off the rail and sticking it into their own mouth. I guess they must think it's free candy, or something similar, who knows maybe crack.  lol.


    1. vocalcoach profile image92
      vocalcoachposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for sharing your answer to my question. i wouldn't mind it one bit if all gum were outlawed.

  14. aDayInMyLife1 profile image93
    aDayInMyLife1posted 13 years ago

    When people repeat the same mistakes and complain about it.

    When girls wear their thongs showing above their jean line.

    Adults talking behind each others backs as apposed to expressing opinions to the persons face.

    These are the top 3 things that kill me!

    1. vocalcoach profile image92
      vocalcoachposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Good answers.  I really dislike gossip - and the thong problem.  Ewwwe.

  15. Keri Summers profile image72
    Keri Summersposted 13 years ago

    - people cracking their finger bones

    - people sniffing every few seconds rather than blowing their nose

    - queue jumpers

    The first two make my stomach turn, the first is particularly inconsiderate because it's known that this gives most people the willies, and the third is an out and out display of selfishness.  Although if someone asks nicely and has a good reason for wanting to queue jump I will let them.

    1. vocalcoach profile image92
      vocalcoachposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for answering my question. You've mentioned some very annoying habits.

  16. kaloomba profile image69
    kaloombaposted 13 years ago

    1. Liars
    2. Cheaters
    3. People who lack integrity and morality

    1. vocalcoach profile image92
      vocalcoachposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Liars are destructive people.  Cheaters aren't any better.  Integrity and morality show strength in character. Thanks.

  17. mpoche4 profile image77
    mpoche4posted 13 years ago

    Top 3 peeves:

    1. When someone makes this clicking noise in their throat. nonstop.
    2. Someone that does not understand personal space.
    3. When people drive really recklessly on the roads. Freaks me out!

    Great question!

    1. vocalcoach profile image92
      vocalcoachposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Reckless driving is a pet peeve for me too.  Appreciate your answer.

  18. Angela Blair profile image68
    Angela Blairposted 13 years ago

    At this age I don't suffer fools nor rude people well at all -- well, that may be age related or not as I didn't handle those things too well when I was younger either! I also find my patience is short with folks who ask very personal questions -- which is obviously none of their business. Gosh, I am gettin' cranky!

    1. vocalcoach profile image92
      vocalcoachposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Ha ha - you're not cranky...you're just right.

  19. Dee aka Nonna profile image61
    Dee aka Nonnaposted 13 years ago

    There is something about whistling.....
    People who drive too fast through crowded parking lots
    People who do not observe school zone speed limits

    Oh, I don't like gum popping either.

    1. vocalcoach profile image92
      vocalcoachposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I like all 3 of these answers.

  20. teaches12345 profile image76
    teaches12345posted 13 years ago

    I cannot sleep well if a light is on. The time it takes for my computer to boot up.  People who don't put things back where they belong (however, I've learned to deal with it)

    1. vocalcoach profile image92
      vocalcoachposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Why is it that people don't put things back where they belong?  I like your annoyance at your slow computer:)

  21. PurvisBobbi44 profile image91
    PurvisBobbi44posted 13 years ago

    1. Mr./Mrs./Miss Know it all. They have been there and done that, and can tell you how everything should or should not be done. They dominate the conversation in a loud voice, so only they can be heard.
    2. People who are constantly on their cell phone, conducting their conversations in public. I was forced to listen to a lady in the waiting room of my doctor’s office, tell her friend about her sex life—or lack of it.
    3. People who talk about their personal lives at work. They evidently think everyone wants to hear it. They go on and on about what their spouse, girlfriend, or child said or did last night. Or how they cannot pay their bills because they are not paid enough, and on and on.

    These people are carriers of stress, and gladly dish it out as if others want to hear about their lives.

    1. vocalcoach profile image92
      vocalcoachposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I must agree with you on all 3 points.  These things are stressful and nobody needs it.

  22. cat on a soapbox profile image94
    cat on a soapboxposted 13 years ago

    Annoying things that get to me: gum popping, nail- clicking, and nasal-whistling.

    1. vocalcoach profile image92
      vocalcoachposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I hate nasal-whistling.  Something can be done about that and should.

  23. terrektwo profile image69
    terrektwoposted 13 years ago

    End tomatoes from subway! Headaches I get every Saturday! The Westboro Baptist Church! They are so annoying!

    1. vocalcoach profile image92
      vocalcoachposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for your answer.

  24. EclecticFusion profile image67
    EclecticFusionposted 13 years ago

    1. People that take up a whole aisle at the grocery store and refuse to move. They'll leave their cart on one side and peruse the counters on the other side. I always say they are part of the "I'm the only one in the world" club.

    2. People that don't say "thank you" or "excuse me".

    3. Drivers (usually people in trucks) that get behind me and ride my bumper and blind me with their bright lights. They think that will make me move faster. Um. No. It doesn't. I actually go slower and laugh at them when it's impossible for them to go around.

    1. vocalcoach profile image92
      vocalcoachposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I like how you handle the drivers who ride your bumper!

  25. MyFavoriteBedding profile image37
    MyFavoriteBeddingposted 13 years ago

    1.  slurping your coffee
    2.  people that drive in the fast lane, and block the highway
    3.  idk.....

    1. vocalcoach profile image92
      vocalcoachposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I like your answers - thanks for sharing them.

  26. profile image51
    Eccentric Natposted 13 years ago

    1. Litterbugs.

    2. Line cutters.

    3. Cryptic twitter and facebook status updates.

    1. vocalcoach profile image92
      vocalcoachposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      You've listed some things that need to be stopped. Thanks.

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