What are the little things in your life that make you happy?

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  1. Vasiliki Bouras profile image60
    Vasiliki Bourasposted 12 years ago

    What are the little things in your life that make you happy?

  2. billericky profile image72
    billerickyposted 12 years ago

    When a stranger simply smiles or even says hi.

    1. Vasiliki Bouras profile image60
      Vasiliki Bourasposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, I like that feeling too...

  3. C V Singh profile image66
    C V Singhposted 12 years ago

    I am sure this question is going to generate very interesting information. There are thousands of small things that may make one happy. List may stretch too far and that's why attempting to list few.
    1. People get happy when they receive small gifts matching their interest
    2. A toy, instrument or an apparatus non-functional for a long period gets repaired and start working
    3. Any sort of appreciation from elders or authorities
    4. Someone very close becomes happy due to your efforts
    5. An advise help a person to sort out problems
    6. Anything gifted to a needy person etc. etc..

    1. Vasiliki Bouras profile image60
      Vasiliki Bourasposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I enjoy your answers, especially when someone gets happy because I did something for them or recieving praise from elders or authority figures that I know.

  4. yeagerinvestments profile image72
    yeagerinvestmentsposted 12 years ago

    Coming home after a long day of work to see my wife and son. Playing softball and running!

    1. Vasiliki Bouras profile image60
      Vasiliki Bourasposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I get that 100%, I love seeing my dogs relaxing in the grass on sunny days...they are my children.

  5. Mekenzie profile image77
    Mekenzieposted 12 years ago

    The beauty of flowers make me happy.  I am taken by their delicacy and majesty.  The authentic colors so pure dress the flowers in regal colors ranging from reds, purple, orange to pastel yellows and pinks.  If the flower has a sweet fragrance I am even happier.

    1. Vasiliki Bouras profile image60
      Vasiliki Bourasposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Just reading that makes me happy. I take pictures of flowers on my dog walks in my neighborhood. I especially get excited when I smell the flowers and they suprise me with a fragrance!

  6. Kaili Bisson profile image88
    Kaili Bissonposted 12 years ago

    "It's the little things that make you smile" is something I always say...for me that can mean so many things.,,hearing a bird, seeing a butterfly, finding a quarter on the sidewalk, having a friend call when I'm down, hearing my favorite song when I turn the car ignition on  :-)

    1. Vasiliki Bouras profile image60
      Vasiliki Bourasposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      All those examples are little blessings. hearing your favorite song on the radio is a good one. I forget where I am for a moment.

  7. LaThing profile image61
    LaThingposted 12 years ago

    Funny you should ask this question! I just wrote a hub, three days ago, called, "Lighter Side of Life - Happiness - What Makes Us Happy" smile

    1. Vasiliki Bouras profile image60
      Vasiliki Bourasposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      got to check that out! Thanks for sharing!

  8. woothie profile image92
    woothieposted 12 years ago

    Asking my children about their day and giving them 100% focus when they answer.  Watching how that focus thrills them and ends up making the story that much more animated and entertaining.

    1. Vasiliki Bouras profile image60
      Vasiliki Bourasposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      very good! I'm sure they appreciate that moment as well, having their mothers full attention makes their story so much more important!

  9. anagham profile image61
    anaghamposted 12 years ago

    When I decide something by myself and it turns to be a good decision... It makes me feel more happy...

    1. Vasiliki Bouras profile image60
      Vasiliki Bourasposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      That is always a plus!

  10. vims003 profile image38
    vims003posted 12 years ago

    i enjoy the company of my niece and nephew.i find time to go for a ride with them in my bike.stop some where in an open ground.i watch them playing.

  11. mom101 profile image60
    mom101posted 12 years ago

    The answer to that question is so simple that it is complicated.

    In my life, the little things are turning on the computer only to hear gun shots blasting from a speaker (thank you son), seeing the happy in the eyes of child, my puppy falling asleep with my thumb in his mouth, big green fields, blue skys with fluffy white clouds, unbuttoned pants from  the effects of a homecooked meal.

    Yes, these are but just a few.

    My family, without them, there would be no life.

    1. Vasiliki Bouras profile image60
      Vasiliki Bourasposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Great answers! Your right, simple question, endless answers. All the answers will be unique to you. I love the visuals you gave me though!

  12. CrisSp profile image68
    CrisSpposted 12 years ago

    Sleep and I mean a complete 8 hours of deep sleep. I seldom get it specially when I'm flying.  Nothing feels like it when I'm in my own bed. Now a days, this little simple thing in life is kind of hard to get and when I get it, I am the happiest.

    1. Vasiliki Bouras profile image60
      Vasiliki Bourasposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Sleep is something we do take for granted now, we are so busy rushing all the time...I also find sleep precious.

  13. mathair profile image58
    mathairposted 12 years ago

    Sunshine in our neck of the woods. It can be a pretty rare occurance even in the summer making people become nicer to each other, walk around eating ice cream comes and rush to the beach!!

    1. Vasiliki Bouras profile image60
      Vasiliki Bourasposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Ha ha ha! I notice that too, when we have a string of sunny days, people around my area are generally nicer to each other. Less stressed, and more relaxed.

  14. pedagog profile image80
    pedagogposted 12 years ago

    even a brief smile from a senior can make my day very good.

    1. Vasiliki Bouras profile image60
      Vasiliki Bourasposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I used to work at a retirement home, and that was the best, having one of the residents smiling at me. Especially if I made them smile, I know how nice that feels!

  15. kaiyan717 profile image83
    kaiyan717posted 12 years ago

    When my son laughs.  I mean really laughs and the little giggle is musical.

    1. Vasiliki Bouras profile image60
      Vasiliki Bourasposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      That is precious.  Since I don't have a baby, I watch videos online of babies laughing, it's so contagious that I start laughing!

  16. NJ's Ponderings profile image71
    NJ's Ponderingsposted 12 years ago

    I think it is really very important to enjoy all the little things in life -- from the smell of the air to the green of the lawn, from the kiss of the sun to the joy in living, and from the smiling faces around you to thinking positive and believing, knowing that you are blessed with every breath you take and each adventure you partake.

    1. Vasiliki Bouras profile image60
      Vasiliki Bourasposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Being positive and appreciating life!

  17. nancynurse profile image72
    nancynurseposted 12 years ago

    Time with my family, Summer wind chimes, flowers, gardening, when pain goes away, grandchildren, the ocean, finding the perfect shell on the beach , the sound of the ocean, smell or the air after a summer storm.

    1. Vasiliki Bouras profile image60
      Vasiliki Bourasposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Great! I'm especially keen to that air after a great thunderstorm, it's so fresh!

  18. wisdom25 profile image60
    wisdom25posted 12 years ago

    What makes me happy is when I can get out of bed with no aches and pain.
    I get happy when I write and perform my poetry. I get happy when I walk around in my 3 bed and 4bath house. I use to live in my car so a lot of things makes me happy.

  19. Prakash Dighe profile image71
    Prakash Digheposted 12 years ago

    All the little things that this wonderful planet has to offer me - the trees and the flowers, the chirping of the birds, the sounds of laughter of small children, the smell of wet earth, the rivers, and the beaches and the oceans - and above all the human intelligence, to appreciate what one is blessed with.

  20. monicaortegamon profile image72
    monicaortegamonposted 12 years ago

    A "mom, I love you and your the best mommy in the world" from my daughter. Family huddle hugs between my husband, daughter and myself and of course our lil fat chihuahua, lol...exchanging words of " I love you, everyday on a daily basis. I have lost many friends and family due to my illnesses, but that doesn't matter to me anymore that little thing called "love" between my immediate family, makes up for everything else I have lost. Monica

  21. peachpurple profile image81
    peachpurpleposted 12 years ago

    When I come back from home and my toddler says, " I missed you mummy"
    Makes me feel wanted by someone at home. Feels great.

    1. Vasiliki Bouras profile image60
      Vasiliki Bourasposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      It's always nice to feel wanted, it's a great feeling, love your answer!

  22. Rob Winters profile image76
    Rob Wintersposted 12 years ago

    The smiles of my beautiful little girls :-)
    Getting into a comfortable bed at the end of each day.
    Laughing with friends,family or colleagues.
    Sitting on the deck in my garden on a still, starry evening or on a weekend day right after i've mowed the grass and it all looks so neat and tidy.
    Driving home from work on a bright evening.
    Sitting down on my couch right after we've gotten the kids to bed :-)
    Having a good workout or hitting a PB in the gym.

    Quite a lot come to think of it,I'm sure i could easily add a few more.It's good to remember the little things.Thanks for reminding me today :-)

    1. Vasiliki Bouras profile image60
      Vasiliki Bourasposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I've noticed that we must often stop and appreciate those little things that make us happy. We musn't forget, because that is the richness in life!

  23. seoexperiment profile image57
    seoexperimentposted 12 years ago

    For me, there are many answers to this question:
    A smile.
    My dog.
    My kids.

    1. Vasiliki Bouras profile image60
      Vasiliki Bourasposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      The list could go on and on, right? It's not a simple question when you think about it...there are so many happy moments, we tend to overlook!

  24. B. A. Williams profile image61
    B. A. Williamsposted 12 years ago

    Health... simple as... just that one thing. You can be rich with many friends but if you're ill none of that matters. One can be happy and poor, but to be sick and poor is an entirely different thing.

  25. Jojosi profile image60
    Jojosiposted 12 years ago

    The singing of birds just before the sun comes up.

  26. Diana Lee profile image79
    Diana Leeposted 12 years ago

    Happiness to me is a hug from my grandchildren, being around friendly people, petting a dog, writing a poem, viewing nature and many other things just as simple.

  27. artist101 profile image64
    artist101posted 12 years ago

    Sunshine, Fresh air, Birds singing, a cup of coffee, and a nice place to sit and just observe.

  28. honeybee2u profile image60
    honeybee2uposted 12 years ago

    When I wake up in the morning and see my flowers bloom with the night's dew still on them, it makes so happy.

  29. Docmo profile image92
    Docmoposted 12 years ago

    A child's smile, a lover's kiss, blue sky. Restless waves, smell of coffee, the first lick of chocolate, a soothing hand on my face, a kind look, a generous comment, an answered prayer, a mothers touch, a dads approval, a friends reassurance, a simple meal when hungry... A beautiful question like this that sets off a cascade of memories.. Thanks.

  30. techygran profile image91
    techygranposted 12 years ago

    These are the Little Things that bring me happiness: a clear conscience, peaceful times with friends and family, reading a good book, hugs from people I love, helping in some way, my sweet husband of 42 years, my cuddly little mutt of a dog, being blessed to live where I do (on peaceful & verdant Vancouver Island with no mosquitoes or flies), finally publishing a hub, feedback on my writing, a certain cotton skirt I just purchased, sleeping well, chocolate (occasionally), a refreshing glass of water when I've been in the garden for a while, knowing that Jesus is with me always until the end of time (Matthew 28:16-20)-- some of these "little things" are actually pretty big and profound of course.

  31. Jlbowden profile image87
    Jlbowdenposted 12 years ago

    For me I would have to say putting a smile on someones face, who has otherwise had a crummy day. Also having a few hours to myself in a quiet space, where I am able to write. Just a few things that stick in me head at the moment.


  32. pennylu profile image81
    pennyluposted 12 years ago

    Watching my grandbaby toddle across a room.  Flowers in bloom.  Sunshine after a storm.  A hot tub in the snow.  My husbands laughter.  A soft blanket to wrap up with when it's cold.  Kids who phone home from far away, just to visit with their mom.

  33. profile image0
    Debbie Dallasposted 12 years ago

    Everything being clean! Everything! Front of yard- to the bsck- all cars- etc head to tie!! Get this!  Its a fact! My must keep ur kitchen clean at all times in order to be happy- less depressed?! True for me! No clutter, dishes etc wink

    1. profile image0
      Debbie Dallasposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Sry misspelled! Text while in car sad but not driving.
      - my grandparents - saying they miss me!
      - my dogs excited to c me
      - smell of fresh cut grass
      - sitting in sun

  34. baby-care profile image58
    baby-careposted 12 years ago

    when my baby smiles at me and kiss me .. I really love that feeling when he shows me how he love me too... It's make me happy instantly..

  35. articlesocean profile image60
    articlesoceanposted 12 years ago

    I feel really happy when I go shopping for my 8 months old baby, and I feel even more happy when he smile and plays with me. He is my Life, I will feel happy for every time he smiles, it will make me think that my child is proud of me and he knows how much i love him. Great question.


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