What smell brings happy childhood memories flooding back?

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  1. Anna Haven profile image71
    Anna Havenposted 11 years ago

    What smell brings happy childhood memories flooding back?

    When we are small, life is a big adventure with exciting sights, sounds and smells. What smell now brings back happy childhood memories? Hot fairy cakes straight out of the oven?  The wet dog shaking his water off? The earthy smell after rain or something else?

  2. profile image0
    JThomp42posted 11 years ago

    The smell of boxwood shrubs. My grandparents had them all around their home and I have always loved the smell. I actually decided on my home because of the boxwood's.

    1. Anna Haven profile image71
      Anna Havenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      That shows the huge impression that the happy  times at your grandparents must have had on you. For it to have influenced your decision now on your house is truly a positive memory smile Thankyou for reading and answering.

    2. profile image0
      JThomp42posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      You are very welcome Anna.

    3. Glimmer Twin Fan profile image96
      Glimmer Twin Fanposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Just had to say that boxwoods are also my favorite because my grandparents had them all over and they were in the park nearby.  We would take long walks and smell them and every time I smell them today, it brings back so many fond memories.

    4. profile image0
      JThomp42posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      So true Glimmer, So true.

  3. MickS profile image61
    MickSposted 11 years ago

    The scent of hawthorn flowers brings back memories of playing in the woods at Kingston upon Hull when I was about five.

    1. Anna Haven profile image71
      Anna Havenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      The woods was always like a giant jungle, full of adventure and possiblities. Thanks for taking the time to read and  for answering MickS smile

  4. bravewarrior profile image82
    bravewarriorposted 11 years ago

    For me, it's freshly mown grass, the smell of a first lit stick-match (I don't know why!), the sound of the car tires on gravel at the drive-in (which no longer exist) and the sound of the tires going over a bridge.  The last one always tickled my tummy when I was a little girl.

    1. Anna Haven profile image71
      Anna Havenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Oh yes Bravewarrior,  the freshly mown grass reminds me too and that earthy smell after rain. I like your gravel memory, it was like you could almost feel as well as hear the tyres going over it. Thankyou for your answer smile

    2. bravewarrior profile image82
      bravewarriorposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Wow!  I won!  Tee hee!

    3. Anna Haven profile image71
      Anna Havenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      The tyres sounds and how you can almost feel it on gravel  was so descriptive and just a big flashback to happy childhood days smile

  5. duffsmom profile image61
    duffsmomposted 11 years ago

    The smell of the ocean. I grew up at the beach and the smell of the ocean brings back all the hot days in the sand, going home all salty and warm.  It also makes me terribly homesick for an area I could never live in again--crowded and expensive.

    1. Anna Haven profile image71
      Anna Havenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thankyou duffsmom, you talking about your memories reminds me of it all sandy in my hair. You never know you might get back home  to the sea one day, maybe a lottery win.... smile

    2. MarieAlana1 profile image68
      MarieAlana1posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Awww... I know how it feels to be homesick for an area. Keep your head high and live in the moment!

  6. profile image0
    Joanne M Olivieriposted 11 years ago

    I'd have to say pumpkin pie.  I always loved my Mom's pie and each year for my birthday she would bake her pumpkin pie for me.  Of course we would all have it for Thanksgiving as well.  It brings back so many beautiful memories.

    1. Anna Haven profile image71
      Anna Havenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I have never tried that, I bet it would smell nice. Thankyou for reading Joanne and for sharing your happy memories smile

  7. Neinahpets profile image77
    Neinahpetsposted 11 years ago

    Definitely honeysuckles!!  When I was a kid we used to pick a honeysuckle flower from a honeysuckle vine and pull it apart and lick the sweet nectar from it.  It was really good and fun to do.  I love that smell so much but only find it when I'm around where I grew up. 

    That, and fresh onion growing outside.  I refer to the scallion type onion that grows wild down south.

    1. Anna Haven profile image71
      Anna Havenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Two really distinct smells and happy childhood memories. Thankyou for reading and answering Neinahpets smile

    2. Solaras profile image94
      Solarasposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, yes and yes.  I grew up in the South and these are definitely my return to childhood scents. I used to pick the green onions and give them to my mother for cooking instead of giving her flowers.

  8. profile image0
    anndangoposted 11 years ago

    Fresh sawdust. I love to smell big gulps of it. It takes me back to my grandfather's workshop where he'd putter around doing woodwork. He'd moved an old church onto his farmyard and converted it into a shop. I'd go hang out there when I was little. I'd sit on a stool and watch him putter and listen to him whistle in the dusky light. Sometimes he'd stop and hold up whatever he was working on and say, "What do you think of this?". So, whenever I smell sawdust, I'm reminded of my grandfather.

    1. Anna Haven profile image71
      Anna Havenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thats a really good memory anndango, it must have been really special watching him turn pieces of wood into individual creations. I liked how you described his 'whistle in the dusky light,' it sounded really atmospheric and I could visualise it!

  9. Diana Lee profile image81
    Diana Leeposted 11 years ago

    The smell of maple sap boiling is an aroma like no other.  The smell carries through the spring air for miles. I grew up around a neighbor and an uncle who made maple syrup every year.

    1. Anna Haven profile image71
      Anna Havenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thankyou for reading and answering Diane Lee, I could almost imagine the smell reading your answer.

    2. MarieAlana1 profile image68
      MarieAlana1posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      At our house, we were just talking about the addiction of Maple Syrup yesterday. It is something to treasure!

  10. Abby Campbell profile image71
    Abby Campbellposted 11 years ago

    The farm. My grandparents had a farm, and there was something peaceful in that scent. Not so much with the animals, but the fresh air especially in the morning was the best. I lived in the city or suburbs most of my life. Then I decided to move out into the country about 8 years ago. Now I can have that smell every morning. :-)

    I also love the smell of sassyfras and honeysuckles... definitely takes me back!

    1. Anna Haven profile image71
      Anna Havenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I know what you mean about the fresh air smell, it is so refreshing in the morning and somehow sets you up well for the day. You are lucky to wake to that smell again every day, thankyou for taking the time to read an answer MaximumFatLoss.

  11. Aupriann Myers profile image60
    Aupriann Myersposted 11 years ago

    For me it would be the smell of lilacs sweeping in through my window every spring.

    1. Anna Haven profile image71
      Anna Havenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Lovely smell. Thankyou for answering Aupriann Myers smile

  12. connorj profile image72
    connorjposted 11 years ago


    Definitely the olfactory of lavender; my mother was partial to lavender and always had lots of it in our backyard...

    1. Anna Haven profile image71
      Anna Havenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Nice picture connorj, thankyou for answering smile Lavender is great, obviously a woman of great taste.

    2. Lor's Stories profile image61
      Lor's Storiesposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      It's true senses and memory are connected. All memory stored in our brain often  comes flooding back if a certain scent is introduced to us.

    3. connorj profile image72
      connorjposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yes indeed Lor, I agree; research has proven this and my experiences support this hypothesis...

  13. lilmissmontana profile image77
    lilmissmontanaposted 11 years ago

    You know the smell when you are standing outside in the winter near the dryer vent? That smell reminds me of childhood. Still, to this day, when I go to my parents' house and the dryer is going, I stand out on the porch. I love that smell.

    1. Anna Haven profile image71
      Anna Havenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, I know the smell you mean:) Thankyou for reading and answering lilmissmontana.

  14. LandmarkWealth profile image67
    LandmarkWealthposted 11 years ago

    For me it was not a smell...but a sound.  The sound of the 747 planes flying over my house.  We lived right next to JFK airport.  So every few minutes a flight would go over head not far from our building. You could barely hear the person standing next to you talking.  Amazingly, you get used to it and sleep right through it when you never knew anything else.

    1. Anna Haven profile image71
      Anna Havenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      It is really interesting how humans adapt to their surroundings. The fact that you could sleep through that noise is amazing. Thankyou for your answer LandmarkWealth.

  15. ytsenoh profile image60
    ytsenohposted 11 years ago

    The smell of spring while swinging outside, which I still do, fresh flowers popping through the ground, lawns being trimmed, fresh pies being baked and chicken and turkey out on my dad's smoker...

    1. Anna Haven profile image71
      Anna Havenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Spring is so full of enticing fresh smells. Thankyou for taking the time to read and comment ytsenoh.

  16. MarieAlana1 profile image68
    MarieAlana1posted 11 years ago

    The smell of cake in the oven and a pot roast going in the crockpot is enough to bring me back to childhood memories. My Mom was always making cakes for other people. She makes cake for graduations, anniversaries, reunions, and pretty much anything anybody asks her to do. She did a lot of crockpot roasts as well.

    1. Anna Haven profile image71
      Anna Havenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Warm cakes just out of the oven is such a good smell! Thankyou MarieAlana1.

  17. mvillecat profile image69
    mvillecatposted 11 years ago

    Jello, bubble gum, food coloring, cough medicine, and tanning lotion. Especially tanning lotion.

    1. Anna Haven profile image71
      Anna Havenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thankyou for answering mvillecat. That is so true about the suntan lotion, it was an ever present smell in childhood summers smile

  18. profile image0
    khmohsinposted 11 years ago

    Usually, i bring my break fast with me and take it in the office table, whenever i open my lunch box, the smell of my lunch brings back happy childhood memories of my school life. I really love those days and always want them back because childhood is priceless.

    1. Anna Haven profile image71
      Anna Havenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yes khmohsin, school lunches and picnics smile Thankyou for taking the time to read and answer.

  19. webscripts profile image59
    webscriptsposted 11 years ago

    chlorine. freshly cut grass. mulch. flowers and rain. eggos. Hawaiian Tropic. aloe vera. the sound of rice krispies popping while the news is on.

    1. Anna Haven profile image71
      Anna Havenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thankyou webscripts for answering. Freshly cut grass seems to be a big favourire in childhood smells. Thats so true about the rice krispies, we used to have them too!

  20. CRe8tiVeLiFe profile image69
    CRe8tiVeLiFeposted 11 years ago

    Lilacs and chlorine! I spend my summers swimming in the family pool, which was surrounded by lilac bushes. This memory makes me think of a simpler time. Thanks for making me think of it!

    1. Anna Haven profile image71
      Anna Havenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thankyou for taking the time to read and answer CRe8tiVeLiFe smile
      It must have been nice swimming outside, are pools are all mostly inside as it is quite cold here . Lilac bushes would make it even better.

  21. Lor's Stories profile image61
    Lor's Storiesposted 11 years ago

    A live Christmas Tree mingled with my grandmother. Baking.
    It made me feel safe and loved.
    That and bacon cooking on Sunday.
    But the smells of Christmas are the best,

    Pine wafting through the entire house.

    1. Anna Haven profile image71
      Anna Havenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, a real Christmas Tree is an almost magical smell!  Pine needles mixed with cinnamon and cooking smells, lovely! Thankyou for reading and answering Lor's Stories.

  22. CertifiedHandy profile image60
    CertifiedHandyposted 11 years ago

    Gumbo or pan grilled onions. Oh, yeah, a fresh mowed lawn.

    1. Lor's Stories profile image61
      Lor's Storiesposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I forgot about the grass;(

    2. Anna Haven profile image71
      Anna Havenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      You just made me think of barbeques with the onions and hot happy days. Thankyou for taking the time to read and also answer CertifiedHandy.

  23. nlclark profile image61
    nlclarkposted 11 years ago

    Ivory bar soap, Jergens hand lotion, and split pea soup all remind me of my grandmother.  I was very close to her and visited her often, as a child, and in my adult life.  I can't use Ivory soap because it dries my skin.  Jergens has changed their formula since my grandmother's passing, and it doesn't smell the same.  When I used to visit my grandmother, sometimes she would be making split pea soup, and I loved the smell in the house, and I couldn't wait to have some when it was finished.  I have her recipe, and when I make it, it reminds me of walking into her house with a big smile on my face.  When I smell it simmering on the stove for hours, I feel comforted and surrounded by the presence of her love.

    1. Anna Haven profile image71
      Anna Havenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      That was a great answer nlclark, I could almost see you as a happy wee girl at granny's house. I loved my granny's house too. Thankyou so much for your answer smile

  24. fitmag profile image76
    fitmagposted 11 years ago

    Ooooh, the Turbo bubble gum! It had inserts - images of various vehicles. It was produced by a Turkish company. I don't know how safe it was:))

    1. Anna Haven profile image71
      Anna Havenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Sounds quite fun though! Thankyou fitmag smile

  25. georgialgal1984 profile image85
    georgialgal1984posted 11 years ago

    Hmmm... Onion grass that I put into a "stew", pool water, crunchy fall leaves, tea bags boiling for sweet tea, lemon perfum, the school building on the first day of school, school lunchroom, etc. Quite a trip down memory lane... Hope your day is wonderful!

    1. Anna Haven profile image71
      Anna Havenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thankyou, Georgialgirl 1984, so true. The lovely, coloured,  crunchy fallen leaves were brilliant to run through and scatter, happy days smile

  26. KatyWhoWaited profile image81
    KatyWhoWaitedposted 11 years ago

    Vick's Vapo Rub!  My mom used to rub it on my chest when I had bronchitis (which I had a lot!) and I connected it with love. Now I love anything with eucalyptus in it.  Yardley's Lavendar soap is another one that brings back childhood memories.  It was my mother's favorite and in those days, it was expensive and you could get it only at exclusive stoes like Chapman's in Milwaukee.  Today, you can only seem to buy it at the 99 cent store, and we do!!!  My husband and daughter buy me all manner of things "lavendar" - candles, dried lavendar...etc. The love of lavendar fragrance is either in the genes or in the nurturing my mother gave me. There is a smell that's actually horrible, but brings back childhood memories of (I think) the Allen Bradley factory in Milwaukee.  It's the same smell that you get when you accidentally burn the black plastic handle on an old coffee pot. It's not pleasant, but it means "Milwaukee" to me. I would LOVE to be able to smell how movie theater popcorn USED to smell.  It's been duplicated once or twice in an occasional theater I've gone to.  I don't know what the difference is between modern day popcorn popping and that old theater popping.  An annoying smell to me, is the smell of  large amounts of chocolate cooking.  That smell from the Ambroisa Houset used to mix with all the factory, bakery, and foundry smells that wafted in the air in Milwaukee in the 50's.  Oh, and finally, back to a very unique smell - the smell of fennel on pizza. It reminds me of going downtown with my best friend and buying pizza at the Woolworth store.  We were all on our own and felt really grown up.  It took me a long, long time to realize that the special smell and taste of that pizza was the baking of it with fennel seed.  Fun question, Anna!

    1. Anna Haven profile image71
      Anna Havenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thankyou KatieWhoWaited for a great answer smile I don't know all of the scents but you are so right about the vaporub. We always  had that on when we got a cold. You were spot on when you said that it reminds you of being loved and looked after smile

  27. breakfastpop profile image66
    breakfastpopposted 11 years ago

    The smell of my mother's chocolate cake made entirely from scratch fills my heart with wonderful memories. I never knew the recipe, because it was  in her head and I rarely smell anything as wonderful these days. When I do, it is a very special moment for me.

    1. Anna Haven profile image71
      Anna Havenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      That sounds a special memory, the ones you hold really tightly. Thanks for reading and sharing that breakfastpop.

  28. Iontach profile image68
    Iontachposted 11 years ago

    I know this sounds so strange, but the smell of sewage...lol. When I was very young my family and I went to Spain and for some reason everywhere smelt like sewage.
    Nowadays when I get that smell I think of happy times in Spain!

    1. Anna Haven profile image71
      Anna Havenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thankyou lontach smile The smell only evokes the great memories, so I suppose sewage is just as provoking as anything else smile

  29. Rosie writes profile image83
    Rosie writesposted 11 years ago

    Ladyfingers - my best friend used to make them with me and we would eat most of the batter before it made it to the oven.  Sometimes I'll get icecream that tastes like it. Yum!

    1. Anna Haven profile image71
      Anna Havenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Your answer is so descriptive, that it is making me hungry! Thankyou for reading and answering  Rosie Writes smile

  30. Missy Mac profile image68
    Missy Macposted 11 years ago

    A memorable smell is lit charcoal and  barbeque.  My family loves barbeques and spending time with friends and family.  The day is spent talking about goals and fun experiences.  Yes, barbeques evoke special memories.

    1. Anna Haven profile image71
      Anna Havenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      It sounds a really good day and full of love. Thankyou for answering Missy Mac smile

  31. profile image0
    lisasuniquevoiceposted 11 years ago


    Anna Haven,

    Nutmeg brings back great memories of having French toast around a big table with my eight brothers and sisters. What fun we used to have starting with breakfast.

    1. Anna Haven profile image71
      Anna Havenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Sounds like good times Lisa, thankyou for answering and the lovely picture! I love french toast and it must have been fun with your brothers and sisters. Anna smile

  32. profile image52
    arellcastposted 11 years ago

    I know it may sound funny LOL but sawdust. My dad and grandfather were carpenters. My grandmother would have her windows opened and we could smell the mixture of sawdust and the freshness from outside in the springtime. I always get a warm happy feeling when I smell freshly cut wood smile And as many people I have talked to freshly cut grass and then the smell after rain...... Always refreshing and comforting!

    1. Anna Haven profile image71
      Anna Havenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      The sawdust is a nice memory to have of your family. We all seem to remember the cut grass smell, it never leaves you. Thankyou very much arellcast for taking the time to read and answer smile

  33. lorddraven2000 profile image92
    lorddraven2000posted 11 years ago

    The smell of worther's original candies. My great grandma kept them in her purse and any time I cut her grass she would give me a handfull of them.

    1. Anna Haven profile image71
      Anna Havenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thankyou for taking the time to read and answer lorddraven2000.A good incentive to grass cut, a reward in sweets smile

  34. profile image58
    PoojaMehta0911posted 11 years ago

    I really love and miss my childhood days and always want them to come back. I recollect my vacations with my friends and neighbors during rains as i we all used to like the smell if mud during rain n rush to close by playground to enjoy the smell along with a play in rain.

    1. Anna Haven profile image71
      Anna Havenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      That earthy smell is a good one! Thankyou for reading and answering PoojaMehta0911.

  35. gabgirl12 profile image59
    gabgirl12posted 11 years ago

    Perfumes and colognes have always been a trigger for me because my happier moments were the people I spent the most time with. My grandmother's favorite was Ciara. I don't think its in production anymore but when I would go to a store that sells it, I would think of her. My mother used Chantilly and Jean Nate Body Splash. My father is an Old Spice Man. When I would visit my father, his house smelled of that cologne. I would wonder if he used it as an air freshener, but I always find it comforting and I would have memories of quiet chess games or him helping me with difficult crossword puzzles.

    1. Anna Haven profile image71
      Anna Havenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Smell is such a strong sense for evoking memories.
      It sounds like you have some really good ones, thankyou for answering gabgirl12.

  36. Edward J. Palumbo profile image83
    Edward J. Palumboposted 10 years ago

    I think the smells of freshly baked bread, simmering tomato sauces, cookies and freshly brewed coffee bring back good memories for me!


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