This is a beautiful topic and I am truly glad that there are some men still out there that get the idea that love should be given as well as received.
In my personal experience, though, men just want one thing and that is to be serviced on Valentine's Day. The majority of them, in my opinion, expect to be catered to on that day without doing anything in return for us ladies. They feel that if we ladies do all of the cute things for them, cook for them, clean for them, dress provocatively for them (whether in evening gown & heels, sexy lingerie, or nothing at all), then we like doing that no matter how they treat us on the days prior to Valentine's Day. They all too often think that everything is all hunky-dorey with our feelings and any uncaring behavior on their part is forgiven. They act as if we're being paid to love them... there's another word for that!
Often, too, if we do those nice things for them, they don't feel that they should reciprocate the kindness and the effort that we put into it. Don't give them the excuse of "well, their men and they're not as creative as we women are". Just put something in front of them that they WANT to do, like feed their faces or play video games in their stinking underwear, they get creative real fast.
If a woman WANTS to give their man something that HE wants, that's all fine and good. But, that man had better realize what a great gift he's been given and he had better WANT to do the same for her. Men do NOT deserve our attention if they're not going to give US attention, too. Don't forget that, ladies. You're not a piece of meat that he's paid for.