The Jigsaw We Call Life ~A Collection of Poems by John Hansen

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  1. Gianella Labrador profile image87
    Gianella Labradorposted 3 years ago

    Sharing John's Response for this Weekly Word Prompt on Puzzles.

    Here is the link: … ut-Puzzles

    He dedicates the first two to Brenda and Ron.

    Great response John as always! Your muse never fail to amaze us. I hope it never disappoint you too from here onwards.


    1. Jodah profile image88
      Jodahposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Gianella, thank you so much for sharing the link. I appreciate your kind words and am glad you enjoyed these poems.

      1. surovi99 profile image86
        surovi99posted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Very creative and mesmerizing poetry, John. I loved them all. Now I know I would feel good for the rest of day. I may even try some creative writing. Thank you for the awesome share.

        Thanks, Gianella, for sharing John's article.

        1. Jodah profile image88
          Jodahposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Hello Rosina. I am happy these poems made you feel good. Thank you for the generous comment. I look forward to reading whatever creative writing you do.

          1. vidsagster profile image88
            vidsagsterposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            A wonderful dedication to Brenda and Ron and a good response to this week's word prompt, John. Beautiful poems. I enjoyed reading all of them. The quotes are also good. My muse is yet to come up with something. Have a great weekend, stay blessed. Thanks for sharing John's inspiring work, Gianella.

            1. Jodah profile image88
              Jodahposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              Thank you, Vidya. Just be patient, I know your muse will come up with something wonderful.

    2. ChitrangadaSharan profile image95
      ChitrangadaSharanposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Hello John!
      What a wonderful read, in response to the word prompt, Puzzle!
      Well expressed poems, with deep and insightful thoughts. Life indeed is a jigsaw of puzzles, and you did your best in explaining this, creatively.
      Nice dedication to Brenda and Ron. I do believe that writing and reading is therapeutic. I hope, it helps to heal Brenda too.
      Thank you Gianella for sharing John’s excellent work.

      1. Jodah profile image88
        Jodahposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Hello Chitrangada,
        I always appreciate your comments. I am pleased you found my thoughts insightful, and I do hope these poems serve some therapeutic value for Brenda. Have a great weekend.

  2. Farah N Huq profile image82
    Farah N Huqposted 3 years ago

    You have hardly left anything left to write on puzzles lol. A very extensive collection of poetry on “Puzzle”. Loved them all and that’s how it is always. Thank you for lovely poems and thank you, Gianella, for sharing.

    1. Jodah profile image88
      Jodahposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Farah, I am sure there are still plenty of other things to write about puzzles. I am pleased that you enjoyed the poems I wrote though. Much appreciated.

  3. Gianella Labrador profile image87
    Gianella Labradorposted 3 years ago

    That's what got me thinking too Farah, what's more to write and explore on the word prompt 'puzzle'? John has increased the level of difficulty to an extreme higher level LOL. big_smile big_smile That's the perks of being one of the firsts responses. Got to squeeze more creative juices. I'm sure there is more to write. Just believe in your muse. Think out of the box and see what's more to explore than what the naked eye sees.

    it's my first time sharing your word prompt response John. I took the chance once I've read it. It's a rare opportunity. big_smile And you're always welcome.

    Glad you enjoy the poems like I did Rosina and Farah. Good luck on writing the response if you do. Gonna work on mine too.

    Let's keep praying for Ron's soul and that may God give all the strength and support  Brenda needs to get through in these difficult times.

    God bless us all.

  4. Misbah786 profile image80
    Misbah786posted 3 years ago

    A beautiful collection of poems, John. Marvelous poetry along with some very lovely quotes. A nice dedication to our well-deserving friend, Brenda. When we care for someone, we want to take away all their sorrow or, at the very least, we try to ease it somewhat. Hopefully, this tribute will do the same for our wonderful and courageous friend, Brenda. You are a very thoughtful friend, John. May God continue to bless you abundantly. Ameen!
    I loved all of your poems in response to the word prompt, ‘Puzzle’ but I especially enjoyed the second poem ‘ The Maze of No Return’. I also agree with the quote you shared by Alina Radoi. Thank you so much for sharing.

    Thank you, Gianella for sharing John’s Brilliant hub.

    Take care and stay healthy. Happy weekend!
    Blessings always! smile

    1. Jodah profile image88
      Jodahposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Misbah, thank you for reading. I hope that everything you say comes true and that Brenda can take some comfort at this sad time. It was the least I could do to dedicate this to her as it was her word prompt that inspired these poems. Be blessed.

  5. Pamela99 profile image87
    Pamela99posted 3 years ago

    I enjoyed reading all of your poem about puzzles, John. This is a terrific response to Brenda's prompt. You covered this word prompt in several ways, which is very clever. I had thought about using crossword puzzles, but you have already done that quite well. I liked that poem.

    Thank you for posting John's poetry Ginealla.

    1. Jodah profile image88
      Jodahposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Pamela, I appreciate your input. Don't let me having written a poem about crosswords stop you from doing the same. I am sure you will have a different take on the subject anyway. I can't wait to read your contribution.

  6. Peggy W profile image100
    Peggy Wposted 3 years ago

    Thanks, Gianella, for sharing John's brilliant pieces he wrote about the word puzzle.  He is a wordsmith extraordinaire! I am so sorry to hear about Ron losing his life to cancer, and my heart goes out to Brenda.  May she find solace knowing that so many people care about her.  Sending virtual hugs and love.

    1. Jodah profile image88
      Jodahposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      I appreciate your generous and caring comment, Peggy. Take care.

  7. AliciaC profile image93
    AliciaCposted 3 years ago

    John has created an interesting and enjoyable group of poems about puzzles. The first one describes the feeling of not fitting in very well. Thank you for dedicating the article to Brenda and Ron, John,

    1. Jodah profile image88
      Jodahposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for reading Linda. I am glad you found these poems interesting and enjoyable.

  8. Eurofile profile image99
    Eurofileposted 3 years ago

    Thank you for posting this, Gianella. John has excelled in this collection of poetry. I thought it was very thoughtful to dedicate this article to Ron and Brenda at this sad time.

    1. Jodah profile image88
      Jodahposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Much appreciated, Liz.

  9. MizBejabbers profile image91
    MizBejabbersposted 3 years ago

    I really like those, John. I think those are some of your best work. I think sometimes everyone feels like they are a misplaced puzzle piece.

    1. Jodah profile image88
      Jodahposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you MizB. I try to improve my writing all the time. Sometimes I succeed, sometimes I don't.

  10. Brenda Arledge profile image82
    Brenda Arledgeposted 2 years ago

    I truly appreciate everyone of you.
    Thank you all for your thoughts & prayers for myself as well as for Ron's soul.

  11. Brenda Arledge profile image82
    Brenda Arledgeposted 2 years ago

    I'm so glad I finally read your work on puzzle.

    Thank you so much for dedicating these to Me & Ron.

    "The Puzzle's Missing Piece" shows us how sometimes we feel like a missing piece of a puzzle.

    No matter what we do, we just don't fit in.

    We can change to make it seem like we belong, but then we wouldn't be ourselves.

    We must keep going & release ourselves from stress to find our perfect place...for we are unique.

    I've definitely felt this way here recently.

    In "The Maze of No Return" you point out  how just how vast this world really is and how we are only a small piece of the puzzle.

    We shouldn't take anything for granted for life can change in just one glimpse.

    Enjoy the journey. Give and take.  Be happy with what you have as you try to find your place because it can slip away so fast.

    Just as you find the place you're meant to be, your time might be up.
    You could be that missing piece of the puzzle where there is no return.

    Fantastic writing.

    Ron & I battled this journey for a long time trying to find our place.
    Just as we did...our time was up.  The missing piece of the puzzle fell into place.

    "The Crossword Puzzle" shows us how we feel so proud once we've figured it out.

    Each answer seems so easy until we get stumped.

    Then we take a glimpse at the answers just to get us back on track.

    I've done this a time or two.   Plus I've learned to use a pencil instead of a pen.

    In "Puzzle ~ an Acrostic Poem" you show us how puzzles  can be alot of fun unless you are a monk meditating on a mountain.

    Even a Zebra can play tic-tac-toe.

    Great writing John.  I enjoyed all of your poems.

    Sorry it took me so long to read them, but they were worthy of the wait.
    Never a disappointment.

    I'll post a link in the word prompt article.

  12. Jodah profile image88
    Jodahposted 2 years ago

    I knew you’d get to read these poems when you were back on top of things, Brenda. Your  synopsis of them was as usual spot on. I am glad you could relate what you and Rom went through to the message in the poems. Thank you for the prompt that inspired this writing. Good to have you back.

    1. Brenda Arledge profile image82
      Brenda Arledgeposted 2 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you John.

      Your poems were excellent & really hit home.

      Take care


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