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What are People Doing to Prepare for Survival ?

Updated on October 19, 2017
no Clear Direction....  2012 and 2013  .... People are Preparing to Survive
no Clear Direction.... 2012 and 2013 .... People are Preparing to Survive | Source

Things that People are Doing!

Life without Electricity? Could it happen? Click here !!!!

Whether it is out of fear, out of stress or out of concern, people are changing their thoughts and lives to what is going to happen. Many people are fearful of an economic collapse and a solar storm could wipe out their savings and livelihood. There are many people who are trying to get out of debt, pay off their houses and securing their wealth. Still, there are others who are preparing for survival in the event of an economic breakdown, the complete collapse of the electrical grid or other disaster.



When and if something comes down the pike, people do not want to be ill prepared and left out to dry with nothing. Most people have the will to survive and will go to great lengths to preserve their life and their livelihood of themselves and their families. Some of the people are still waiting in the background, waiting to see what will happen, saying that the government says to be prepared and nothing ever happens, like the computer scare of 1999. They are saying that the government is trying to scare them again, just like the Chicken Little saying that the sky is falling and it did not.

This time is not so simple and the government and scientist are not in charge of this one. The nature, the earth and the sun have their part. The sun is the source of solar activity, creating solar flares, sun spots and Electromagnetic Pulses. These give off immense energy and radiation and can burn out the electrical components on Earth, as well as the electrical grid.

Some people are already building underground bunkers, rock and block walls around their houses, stockpiling food and equipment and stockpiling ammunition and arms. Most believe that if anything happens, there will be civilian unrest and uncontrollable disorder.

Gated entrance to House
Gated entrance to House | Source
Gated Yard
Gated Yard | Source

Uncertain times calls for uncertain actions. There are people who have houses that they are selling just to eliminate the burden of uncertainty of the upcoming problems. They figure that by selling ahead of the collapse, they will not lose the houses later. Certain other people are learning the basics of survival, hand to hand combat, how to survive in the wilderness and how to prepare and cook wild game.

Deer in Woods- Wild Game !!
Deer in Woods- Wild Game !! | Source

Now, with people hoarding and buying for protection, the ammunition and firearms skyrocketed in price from previous years. The people are sensing a new feeling of insecurity and uneasiness. The rise of corruption, robberies and assaults are on the increase, but if any civilian unrest or disorder increases, there will be a need of some sort of protection. The bigger the population, the bigger the threat of violence that will happen, which means that in a big city, the upheaval will be greater and more wide spread.

The experts in the field of survival suggest many things and devices, ranging from pepper spray, shock guns, knives, pistols, shot guns and the list goes on and on. The suggestion for most is to get out of any big city before anything happens, for once the violence begins, it will be very hard to escape. The large cities only have enough food, water and supplies for 3 days and once this runs out, everyone will be in the survival mode.

Pistol  and Knife For Protection and Survival
Pistol and Knife For Protection and Survival | Source

Now just what are people preparing for? They are preparing for the unknown. Many people just feel the presence of something that they can not explain, like some evil presence in the dark corner of some alley way. They just know that it is there, it is watching them and is ready to pounce on them as they go down the dark, creepy and lonely alley of life.

To prepare for something that they do not know, how do they prepare? The people are looking to what life substances are needed. These include water, food, shelter, clothing, and protection. The most important of these is clean, clear, drinkable water. Plain and simple, without water, we die! In the very cold regions, without shelter and clothing, we freeze to death, so there are certain areas of the world that people may need more of less of certain survival items or substances.

IT IS COLD UP NORTH !!!! | Source
Survival Up North Requires Special Attention to Clothing and Source of Heat
Survival Up North Requires Special Attention to Clothing and Source of Heat | Source

With the monetary system collapse or a complete electrical power grid collapse, how would one make the best of things? From the point, go, to the point of reconstruction, it would be a tough route to follow. Our infrastructure took a long time to build and maintain, so any interruption in this would mean years to reconstruct. If our communication and electrical grid would go at the same time would mean total disintegration of the control of government, media, manufacturing and the monetary system. This would mean total chaos.

Until some order could be achieved, violence, murder and chaos would be rampant. In some small towns and villages, times would revert to the pre-electrical period, where everything was done by draft animal or by human hands. The problem, also here, would be those that would come out of the large cities, looking for a handout, food and clothing, which would also be in short supply. Horses would replace the machines for a while, until the infrastructure could be established, electricity could be reconnected and pipelines started up again. The disruption of electricity, fuel and basic needs to feed, clothe and supply over 7 million people would cost dearly in the time that it would take to re-establish.

Mountain Stream
Mountain Stream | Source
Horse and Cart at drive through
Horse and Cart at drive through | Source

OK, what do people believe and preparing for? Stated Before, the unknown, but feeling deep, down inside of something, ready to happen, ready to reach out and grab them, feeling!

This may be another sky is falling tale, but why is the government also planning and building underground bunkers, tunnels and end of time places to hide? Weird that our elected officials will be safe and sound, with all the accommodations of home, in a well secured underground bunker, while the rest of humanity would fight for their lives above the chaos, violence and murder, if anything at all goes hay-wire, like a total melt down of the grid, economic system or a nuclear war.

Just a thought, but does anyone else have a feeling, like these people, of impending doom, of something that is out there, coming, but just can not put your finger on just what it is?

Do you belive that America could economically collapse?

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Do you believe that without electricity or fuel, America would collapse?

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"One Second After" Book about an EMP bomb taking out the Electrical Grid

EMP: The Dangers of EMP's


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