Now that President Obama has produced his full birth certificate, should the issue of his birthplace be over?
The old saying "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink" comes to mind.
When people really believe something to be true, they can't be easily diswaded as too much energy has been extended to allow it to go to waste.
No way in Hell it's over. We still have people who believe the US moon landings were Hollywood special effects. We have become a nation of flaky people living on the fringe of reality.
Speaking of conspiracies, did you notice that Trump arrived in a BLACK helicopter?
I predict sales of aluminum foil will increase dramatically.
I think they will be investigating/looking for his Certificate of "Circumcision" or whether he is a "clone"
Trump is a laugh a minute! Although his entire belief was based on Obama not being an American, he now takes credit for "exposing" the birth certificate!
The guy with the dead rat on his head is a moron. Maybe a rich moron, but who knows really?
He may owe more than he has in assets, he was broke and in debt not long ago.
If the President's name was Bob Jones, this would have never been an issue.
These silly attacks won't stop because the hatred runs so deep. You've got to hand it to the conservatives, they use these people for free advertising by selling them a story and easily getting them distracted from the real issues at hand. You'd think these people would at least have an inkling that the conservatives are stealing from them to finance entitlements for the wealthy. No such luck! Sad and pathetic to say the least and one of the main reasons this country is failing. People are asleep at the wheel! For them, ignorance is bliss. For the rest of us, their ignorance is causing major damage.
That MIGHT be over...but now Trump wants his college records. He's asking how Obama got into Harvard. Next, he'll claim that this is actually a conspiracy that was hatched by the government of Hawaii back in the fifties to seize power. Damned Hawaiians...I'd like to give them a nice PUNCH!
Bloody brilliant deduction, DD.
I would take it one step further.
It's not just Hawaii, but also Alaska that are trying to take over our government.
Obama + Palin = an outright assault on the lower 48.
We cannot let this stand!
Us "real Americans" must band together and fight back!!
Just say NO to Hawaiialaska aggression!
It was only really an issue to crackpots and conspiracy advocates.
It's never been an issue for the more rationally minded.
But the debate will still rage on, as already evidenced by blogs and headlines.
Stupidity is apparently highly contagious.
Well...In Trump's gleaming reply today...the next in Obama's college transcripts. So, the next argumentable and perpetuating point is laid out....and so on...and so on. we sit with the effects of a deflated dollar and soaring gas prices.
How can anyone take politics serious anymore with the main topic which was currently debated...having been a piece of paper. Something which should have been settled long before rec'ving an official party nomination.
Meanwhile the average hard working Americans are feeling the pinch of these times...and it is serious!
Trump is the new Ross Perot...except that Ross made sense.
Perot was the same mish-mash of fact and populist emotionalism that Trump is now. If one examines Perot's position on policy there isn't much difference between the two. If one examines the gross tonnage of each ego one should conclude that the only difference is Trump has the biggest hair and Perot is shorter and from Texarkana.
Attention will now turn to whether Hawaii was indeed a state in the union at the time of his birth
until we have the placenta and are able to examine it for signs of pollen fragments from Hawaiian plants and flowers, there is no way of knowing for sure
Hell no.
Those who refuse to accept reality will still refuse to accept reality.
The main yahoo on this issue, Donald Trump, has officially "moved on" (even before declaring victory and taking "credit" for this "concession" on Obama's part).
He is now turning his crack (or, I should say, "crackhead") investigative team onto Obama's school records.
Now that we've satisfied that Obama was ELIGIBLE to run for POTUS by virtue of being born in the US, the next thing to assail is his educational qualifications.
Which really is even sillier.
Unlike W, Obama did not have a daddy pulling strings to get him into an Ivy League college.
You simply cannot become the editor of the HARVARD LAW REVIEW if you don't have the legal chops.
It's impossible.
They'll probably start haranguing each and every one of his professors now.
What professors? No one remembers Obama being in school.
No one in the entire city of Cambridge has a single recollection of his ever being at Harvard Law.
But I have infinite faith in the conspirators. They have an endless supply of Macchiavellian theories about Obama. They will continue to keep throwing them up one by one (or two by two) as a distraction from the real issues of the day.
Like Lady_Love, but on a national scale.
"He is now turning his crack (or, I should say, "crackhead") investigative team onto Obama's school records."
That's, uh, a somewhat ironic choice... … index.html
I notice that AnnCee's commentary is conspiculously absent..
geez, Americans should be embarrassed.. these wingnuts will never stop in their anti-Obama agenda.
Was it the same team or a different team than the one Trump sent to Hawaii that made this intergalactic discovery?
Anderson Cooper: Mr. Trump, what evidence have you found on Obamatron? Aren't your claims unsustantia...?
Trump: Excuse me! That's not your business!
Cooper: But you are claiming the president is from a planet called Obamatron.
Trump: Excuse me! My investigators went to Obamatron. They found plenty!
Cooper: What, exactly, did your team find, Mr. Trump?
Trump: It's inappropriate to say at this time.
Cooper: But you maintain there is evidence that Mr. Obama is from Obamatron
Trump: Yes. I have concrete evidence that Obama comes from this planet. He is the one and only person on earth who comes from there. Obamatrons don't speak English but they told my reporters quite clearly that Obama is from their planet.
By the way, that is also where I import my hairpieces from
You know what gets me MM is Trump's own words on Anderson Cooper last night eluding to the "fact" that his people weren't finding anything to substantiate the president's "claim" of having been born in Hawaii.
I mean this is just a blatant lie, or am I blinded by "liberalism?" lol
Being that the real birth cert of the prez was finally produced - me thinks that the controversy will finally be over.
After looking at it - it has all the hallmarks of mine and what Donald Trump was looking for. The prez is a 'natural born' citizen of the USA which is what the US Constitution calls for - a naturalized citizen is one that was not born here.
No, well, I just saw a guy...Bagger. He had said that he would give $15,000 to the hospital where BO was born if he produced a BC...
NOW, he's saying IF they find the BC is legit, they will pay the $15,000.
See how it's really not over?
It will never be over until Obama is gone, and they have their white Judeo-Christian Koch-Loving big business-kissing push-over-in-chief.
I'm surprised they haven't launched a smear campaign on the daughters yet.
Or the mom-in-law. Or his dead mother, who he hates--according to Beckles.
Bad Deja-Vu.
I am very happy no one is saying anythignabout Obamas daughters. As far as I am concerned family should not be an issue or commented on at anytime. They should be out of bounds. To many times in the pasy Presidents family get brought into the limelight. Carters brother, Reagans son and daughter, Clintons daughter, Bushs daughters. Lets face it, noones kids are angels. Presidents family issues should remain private.
I'm glad his daughters aren't usually discussed either. Kids that age should be untouchable. And I wish Obama himself hadn't brought them into the conversation! HE DID THAT himself by saying in a public speech that he "wouldn't want them punished with a baby"! So, apparently he can use them for his liberal agenda and tell the world that he's teaching them to be in favor of baby-killing. Shame on him. Anyone now who brings up that subject has free reign to do so.
America needs a strong opposition, and all it has is the talking -in-tongues loony Pailin and the guy with the dead rat on his head who has demonstrated that he would sell his grandmother for a quid.
What a lineup!
There are people alive right now that will go to the grave believing Obama was not born in this country. For them, he will forever be the False President. There are still some people who believe the Holocaust never happened, after all.
Obama has, however, made a huge plurality of Republicans look like total morons, according to the polls.
There was one foolish hubber on another forum who said "I think it's a forgery because in 1961 they didn't put African down for race."
Ummm... yeah.
You can be nice to them, I'm not.
They are not done by a long shot.
You must remember--the WHOLE goal of the Repubs is to get Obama out.
They have just been stopped from the first shot.
We have already see them bring up 3 yr old stuff, as if it's new.
They are throwing bait, waiting for another one to catch.
Maybe then, we won't notice the theft of America, given over to private companies, just like they did in Argentina.
America is NOT in its right mind. Deliberately so.
Um, yeah, our goal is to get him out, in 2012 through legal and democratic elections......
WRONG! Through a psy-ops done on the American people.
Shame on you all.
Oh, so the slow realization of more and more Americans that they have been sold a bill of goods and elected a leader who is incompetent isn't the fault of Obama, but rather the GOP misguiding them into believing the propaganda.
I thiiiiiink I'm following this but your line of "reason" is fraught with twists and turns.....
there will be something else, and then something else....on and on till the election is over. Like reading a Franz Kafka novel
distorted reality.
They've moved on to his education now without even missing a beat. Ridiculous.
People need to look at the racial undertones of this birth certificate issue coming from a racist side of America. People can say 'oh we've come way beyond that since Civil Rights' all they like. I doubt we've come so far.
Actually, most of us consider the issue closed. We still wonder why he allowed it to drag on for so long, but the issue is closed.
I'm not the slightest bit interested in his school records....
Well, go the World Net Daily, listen to Russshhhhhh, Beckles, Hannity, Fox shmooze, Savage, right-wing "journalists", commentators, etc etc etc
This is not over by a long shot.
They have managed to twist the psyche's so much, we are not even talking about the theft of America!!
Oh, I can't use WND to prove any of my points, but you can use them when you think it suits you? Amazing.
It's over LMC, but apparently you aren't wiling to move on, as you demonstrate by going forward with your accusations.....
I see why you might be annoyed but I think gesturing to a website as an example of how foolish some of the opposition are gels fine with scoffing when the opposition uses the same website as evidence to be taken seriously by the other side. I mean, in an argument with a, say, an anti-feminist (I'm using this purely as an example, mind) I probably wouldn't cite a foremost feminist blog as a source opposing them. It'd be a waste of my time, they wouldn't take it seriously.
Why DID this drag on for so long? Why did he not show his birth certificate WAY before before he even ran for office?
(lovemychris and others--This is not an attack on's just an honest question that I haven't yet heard the answer to!)
He showed the short-form version of it, and as he said in his speech, numerous officials came out to verify that yes, the short-form version was valid and yes, they could personally attest to it being legit. It wasn't good enough for birthers.
He did show his birth certificate - in 2008. It was a valid birth certificate accepted by the Elections Board, the RNC, and the DNC. It's the same birth certificate that allows you to obtain a social securty card, a US passport, and a driver's license. He presented it. It is the short-form certificate that the state of Hawaii now issues as proof of birth there.
However a movement known as the "Birthers" which sprang from the Tea Party kept inventing conspiracies around it. It wasn't valid, it had been faked, it was altered, it wasn't a "true birth certificate," etc. So it drug on, and on, and on, and then possible 2012 Presidential Candidates- namely Donald Trump brought the issue back from the grave.
So now, the "real" certificate is out and now it is being called into question by the loons lol..
Thank you, too...
To me, this is as ridiculous as blaming Bush for 9/11...I think some people just have to stir the pot, no matter which "side" they are on...
This birther issue is WHOLLY different than 9/11.
The fact that they are put together, is in itself another psy-op.
Go see who questions 9/11. It's a WIDE swath of people, from all walks of life and all perspectives. Professional people... expert in issues having to do with 9/11.
Then see who questions Obama's birth.
A narrow margin of ideologically minded people.
In your opinion, LMC, in your are just as politically biased for your party, as some on the other side are...
I like to look at BOTH sides, and judge accordingly. I see mistakes made from both parties on a regular basis:
1. Obama's birth certificate
2. Bush being blamed for 9/11
Do you honestly think that you don't fit the mold of "idealogically minded", when it comes to your party????
This country would be better off if we just threw out ANY party, and voted for common sense solutions from individual people who don't have to answer to any political pressure.
Of course, I know I'm in the minority, thinking this way, lol...
google "who questions 9/11?". Or just 9/11.
Then google "who questions Obama's birth?"
You will see for yourself., thank you. I've heard the conspiracy theories already...I just don't believe them.
LMC is a big proponent of conspiracy theories. She has her own line of custom tin foil hats....
So apparently is "Tea Party Nation" at least if you consider the crap they meailed me today on the subject.
Billy - up until yesterday, about 50% of Conservatives didn't consider it a "closed issue." And I have to wonder if that is going to change over night. Somehow I think not.
Some other conspiracy will rear its head - you can take that to the bank.
Well, why don't we deal with this one right now? Or does that make too much sense?
Obama produced the BC. It's over. Very simple....
Billy, many on your side of the fence road this pig around for 3 years (not you I realize) - give a few on our side and the middle more than a day to let it all sink in.. fair enough? It was a never-ending issue EVERYWHERE including weekly Hubpage forum posts by the some of the finest conservatives minds here.
Look, i'm not one who usually subscribes to conspiracy theories, etc...but something DOES like a bit fishy here...
You don't even know your own party Richie....
What part of McConnell's statement didn't you get: Our main goal is to get Obama out.
Gingrich memo: Say no to everything Obama proposes.
Boehner: Mr. President, where are the jobe?
Well, jobs aren't even on the radar anymore, now that R's set the agenda.
They still say no to everything.
They start one smear campaign after the other.
They are taking away rights that give people a say in their lives,
Funding bigger a foreign land even (!), while telling us we're broke!
And pulling all help for those who are in dire straits.
Meanwhile, the ONLY thing that matters to them is more money for the top.
We are in the grip of a Cult, and you can't even see it.
Um, LMC? This is a post about the Birth Certificate issue. A wealth envy rant probably belongs elsewhere. (It's okay, I know you can't help yourself)
And yes, our goal is to get Obama out of office, in 2012. Nobody is talking about impeachment (except your favorite lackey Dennis Kucinich).
And I hope the GOP continues to say no to Obama's horrendous policies....
Great...governing by your way or the highway....NICE.
YOU had your are obligated to let the person WE voted for actually DO what we voted him in for.
Or is this your country and yours alone?
I realize you are not up-to-date on psychological-operations...shall I provide some info for you?
This one is being done quite "by the books".
Keep telling yourself there's nothing to it...
Ignorance is bliss.
Um, LMC? The party in power tends to get their way (except for Obama who had trouble getting things through even with a super majority in both houses).
The opposing party (get ready) OPPOSES policies they do not agree with or believe are bad for the country.
The GOP is doing exactly what the Democrats did when W. was in office, and exactly what they will do the next time there is a GOP President. It's called politics.
Nobody just gets a free pass.....I'm wondering how you got to be this old without grasping that concept.....
You tell me which time in history Democrats opposed every single issue set out by an R pres?
Record number of filibusters. Even small-time appointments.
Gingrich memo TOLD them to do that. That way, they could come in IN NOVEMBER, as the saviors. HELLO!!!
This is exactly what happened.
And now we are seeing that the public DOES NOT WANT what the R's are selling....but it's too late now, isn't it?
Apparently, you are not aware of opportunistic is it that you missed that?
I guess you weren't paying attention to your own party during the previous administration.
The GOP routinely affirmed Supreme Court Justices appointed by Bill Clinton, even extremely liberal ones like Ginsburg. Why? because ideology aside, they were qualified. By comparison, the Democrats routinely voted against Bush's nominees for purely partisan and ideological reasons.
The Dems have a considerable track record of their own roadblocking and have no high ground here....
Oh yes I do. Nothing like this has happened before...ever.
At least not since I've been alive.
The level of vitriol is above the roof.
How do you spell denial? L-o-v-e-m-y-c-h-r-i-s....
Funny how the Dems are complaining that the Repubs want Obama out. Seems to me I heard the same thing about Bush. Lets face facts, it does not matter who is President, Representitive, Senator, Governor, Mayor, the other side will always want them out. It is like a football game, only one side can win. Till there is a different system(which I hope never happens) respect this one. Many people gave their lives for this system to exist.
Yeah, but it's amusing to watch people like lovemychris who apparently believe the opposing team is supposed to lay down and do nothing...
As you wish. But, that makes you just as much closed-minded as you accuse others of being.
Noooooo.... I believe I'm the one who said I listen to BOTH sides and make my decisions, so I don't believe that makes me close-minded, lol.
How do you vote???? Along party lines, or for what you think is honestly best for this country?
This country would be a LOT better off if no one voted RED or BLUE...and voted for what is best for all of us. Not that any vote would be unanimous--I know it wouldn't happen--but at least folks would be voting with their hearts and not their party affliation.
By equating the Birthers to the 9/11 Truthers, you are being closed minded!!
They are nothing alike.
And I usually vote against Republicans. My feeling is they are no good for America--so what would you have me do?
Throw away what my eyes see on a daily basis?
Throw away what I personally experienced for the 8 years of Bushco, the 4 years of Bush 1, the Reagan and Nixon years?
You think my experience counts for nothing?
Go on, call yourself fair and balanced...that means you don't take a stand. IMO
Oh, my goodness, you are just too much, LMC, hahaha...
If someone doesn't agree with you, THEY are close-minded, I get it now...
I was alive for the same presidents that you were...I agreed with each one sometimes, and disagreed with them at other times...
So that means I don't take a stand--because I refuse to back any president, and their policies, 100% of the time? No, it means that I make my OWN decisions--no party makes them for me...I think that there are others here who feel the same way, too--Habee comes to mind as one.
Go ahead--call me what you will, but NEVER say that I never take a stand...because you are dead wrong. I have fought many battles in my life, for what I believe is right--NO ONE, not even YOU, will make me feel badly because I don't pick "R" or "D" exclusively on voting day...
Well, then why are YOU making me bad for picking Dem?
You think I should be neutral, like you!!
lol...Let me try again...
I think that voting down party lines is not the way to go--do you honestly agree with 100% of your party's decisions?
I don't agree with some on both sides, but I DO agree with others...YOU think that's close-minded? I think it's me trying to be FAIR-minded.
If you don't get it, then I give up...I have better things to do today, like go watch my grandson's T-ball game...
You can vate strictly for Dems and against all Repubs, that is your right and noone can take that from you. But you cannot tell me only Dems have good ideas. Both sides have good ideas and both sides have bad ones. Some of us like me vote as we see fit, that is our right as well. I vote for what I beleive is the best way. I am not always correct. I voted for Carter, Reagan, Bush 1, Clinton, Bush 2, and in the last election I voted for Mcain. , he seemed to be the lesser of 2 evils. I did not support either canidate. I am glad Mcain lost because over time Palin has proven she is not qualified for President or VP. But I am also disappointed in Obamas performance to date. I admit I hoped for more after he was sworn in, but he has not delivered. And please do not say that he has been held up because of Repubs because that argument holds no water for the first 2 years of his administration. You can make that argument for after the midterm elections now that Repubs hold control of the house. I am sorry to say that with the way things are now on capital hill, I cannot swee anything getting accomplished. Both sides will be to blame depending on the issue.
Lets open a new can of worms. President Obama may have been born in Hawaii, but is Hawaii really a state?
There are those who believe Hawaii was integrated into the United States in a way that was not legally valid and that the vote for statehood was not a valid exercise of self-determination and decolonization and has no validity in international law because it was not voted on by the indigenous Hawaiian people but by an occupational force.
The question on the ballot was "Shall Hawaii immediately be admitted into the Union as a state?" The options were
Yes or No? Become a state, or remain a territory?
The option of Hawaiian independence was not even on the ballot. Did Hawaii not have the option to become an independent country in 1959? In fact it did.
Those who voted would have been any U.S. citizen who had resided in the islands for a year, which included large numbers of American military servicemen and their families, who were essentially the occupation force that had illegally held Hawaii since the admittedly unlawful annexation in 1898.
Native Hawaiians would not have been allowed to vote. The indigenous Hawaiian people never directly relinquished their claims to their inherent sovereignty as a people or over their national lands to the United States, either through their monarchy or through a plebiscite or referendum.
If the consent of native people is the standard, then most of the United States is not actually part of the United States. In addition, if the consent of all people in question is required, then since blacks and other groups were not given the right to vote in most of America for a long time, most of those decisions on statehood would also be null and void.
If you wonder why it took so long for us to see this birth certificate, let me ask a question. If you had an enemy who was determined to destroy you and that person demanded something from you, would you be inclined to give it to him? Would you actually go out of your way, circumvent the law and hire a lawyer to help you to comply with your sworn enemy's demand? I wouldn't. I would tell him to stick it where the sun don't shine and then ignore him. I would not even presented the Certificate of Live Birth that was more than enough legal proof of BHO's place and time of birth. Ditto for the academic records. I have to pay to get copies of my transcripts and I have to cut through red tape and it is a hassle. I would not dignify some idiot's request for my papers regardless of who they were. We need to ignore these bozos from now on. If Fox News is the only one talking about this garbage, the political discourse would be clearer and the press could actually do its job of informing and educating the public. Let Rush and Savage and Beck and Hannity, et. al. sput their venom and consign them to the gutters they crawled out of. Let the Donald, Bachman, Palin, Gingrich, and others give us the gift of running. Can you imagine the debate? Comedy central would have a field day.
I wouldn't go out of my way to provide an enemy with something they demanded, but I would do what was necessary to discredit them and prove them wrong. I would serve up that dish in a flash.
I don't see how producing one's birth certificate is going above and beyond, after all it's required to get a social security card or a driver's license. Obama showed poor judgment and mishandled the whole affair. It should have been a non-issue which would have quietly gone away if he had just produced the birth certificate in the first place. By withholding, he prolonged the speculation, inflamed everyone's curiosity, and turned the whole business into a circus side show.
Well, actually, he had to "specially request" it from the state of Hawaii.
They had to go to the vault and dig it up.
And why?
It was not required as proof of birth, since EVERY OTHER HAWAIIN USES THE CERTIFICATE OF BIRTH.
It is harrassment. And usually when you are being harrassed or bullied, the best thing is to ignore it.
Until you cannot anymore.
I personally wish he had waited, until all the Repub presidential hopefuls were up there screaming....that would have been humor!
Humorous to you maybe, and other liberals. But not to the average American citizen.
At any rate, someone played the Trump card and interrupted Obama's little psychological game, didn't they?!
Or else just added a another layer to it. Because we are for the most part just pawns in the political game of both of them!
That's the worst part about it. Only the voices of the famous and rich really get heard.
People only hear what they want to hear, no matter who says it.
Some little woman in Katmandu could have said "I see Obama in this bagel. He's a Kenyan!"
The Baggers would have run with it. Anything to discredit him.
Just very curious why Americans work so hard to bring down their own president. I don't mean in only the political sense..I mean the personal sense.
And so, liberals are not average American citizens?
What exactly are we?
It isn't "personal", at least not with me. It's because he's bringing down the Presidency, the Office. Maybe it has to become "personal" since he makes it personal.
I respect the Office in the capacity that it was meant to be.
I do not respect Obama's handling of that position.
I dunno what the "average" really is. I just know that there was a time when everyone, liberal or conservative, knew what was taboo and what was not. They knew what was inappropriate and what was not. And they abided by those rules, in general. Soon, there will be no legitimate rules if the far-Left has its way.
Quite correct - there was a time when all knew what was taboo. But what is "taboo" slides with time. At a point in time women having the vote or having a job was taboo. At one point in time in some places, being Catholic or Jewish was taboo - as was wearing a dress above the ankle.
So the question is this: at what exact "point" in time do you want to make your baseline?
Easy. I made it when he advocated for calling obvious wrong, right, and right, wrong. The most obvious and harmful part (which he also has played to a T) is using the formerly legitimate black civil rights movement to carry the non-legitimate immoral agendas he proposes.
And those non-legitimate immoral agendas would be??? Please be specific and please do indicate if they were "in effect" prior to 2008.
Well, the abortion issue had already been around. But his public statements advocating irresponsibility and baby-killing certainly made the Left's views seem legitimate to many people. After all, if a PRESIDENT says something is okay, who are they to have the guts to say it's not?! Some people don't seem to have a set moral code of their own, so when someone so famous and charismatic says something, they take it as Gospel.
And he has succeeded in pushing our legal system to leap from one rule of thumb legally to a totally opposite view, bypassing the normal sytem. And he did it on a Federal basis, bypassing State laws and State's rights, and used our military to do it, used them as pawns. I'm sure you can figure that one out.
Matter of fact, it's really not the President's job nor business to push laws like that into place or out of place! It's up to individuals and States to propose legislation that goes to Congress and then to the President.
Obama is an activist, period. He seems to think he's head of all three branches of Government and not only overseer of them, but leader/originator of them all. He's not Presidential material and never has been. He should be out organizing communities if he still wants to (let the fools who want to listen to him, listen!), but not wielding the power of the Office of President.
Care to explain paragraph 2 and 3 above to me? I am lost. And how does a president "push" the legal system? And the military was involved in this subterfuge between the Federal government and the States' government???? I missed that - please explain. And States doen't propose legislation to go to Congress - but I am all ears.
So I take it that your baseline starts prior to 2008 - before he starting advocating for calling obvious wrong righ and right wrong? So abortion, stem cell research, banking reform (under Clinton), EPA (Nixon) etc. are all "right" as they occured before "he" came into office... I mean I am really trying to follow your logic... and a respectable distance so as not to get any on me... And so helathcare reform and more banking reform are immoral, taboo? I mean under your view of the world...
The "rich and famous" money wing of the Tea Party MADE this an issue Brenda and you ordinary folks climbed on top of that horse willingly and apparently with great zeal. "We're not gonna let some Kenyan, some Islamist take our country away from us," or so the story went. As much as you hate, or apparently hate Democrats, they didn't start the birther lunacy. It was those good ole fashioned, God-lovin' Tea Party crowd - you know the same ones that you've been defending who did. The Almighty works in mysterious ways - and I say that in all seriousness. Have you ever considered you might have been led down the wrong path? Is there not an ultimate price to pay in the grand scheme when you deride a man's character and bear false witness against him?
Why are you so upset that the man finally called your bluff and in the process derailed any credibility you had left? You folks got sucker punched, bested by your own game. But you know the old saying goes, "careful what you wish for..."
You wrongly assume I focus only on the birth certificate issue.
I've told you several times that my main concerns are Obama's policies on abortion, socialism, and immorality.
Even the financial issue isn't the top of concerns. If a man cleans up his moral act, the rest of it, the business end of it, will follow not long after. That's my belief.
He didn't call my bluff in any way. I've always believed he was being deliberately non-transparent just so most Americans would focus on the birth certificate issue AND the bailouts and the racial issues, so that he could push through his immoral and social agenda. Which is what he did, at least he got most of it pushed through. The Democratic half of Congress that skipped town at first during the first issue before Obama officially took office, ended up staying intentionally when the issue was DADT that Obama wanted to push through. He/they pushed "Obamacare" through after hiding themselves away from the Republicans. He's managed to get things through under the wire, just in the nick of time, while conservatives are still numb from his audacious behavior.
I haven't borne false witness against him. And it's not right of you to accuse anyone of such. People like me asked for proof of something that he should've been able to provide immediately and openly, which he did not do. And perhaps still hasn't done. Who knows? After someone exhibits sneakiness and tyrannical behavior so many times, I personally wouldn't trust anything that comes from them.
All he's doing right now with the birth certificate issue is playing games again, trying to keep the focus on yet another layer of that issue, while he and his cronies construct another huge Election campaign.
Well you really have bore false witness agasint him. He presented an initial document and said outright, "yes, I was born in the US." And you refuted his word, called him a liar and said that wasn't good enough as did others and spun up a "birther conspiracy." Check your own forum posts. All of that was done even though you had documentaion (2008) that the government said was valid. So you wanted "more." And now because he actually provided something that you all the while claim to have "wanted" even "demanded," he is playing games? Are you serious?
Oh good grief. I'm tired of answering the same questions time after time. Remember it's not me who's responsible to the President. It's HE who's responsible for proving himself to US.
Your determination to rip my views apart are starting to look like an inquisition. No more distraction!
Obama's views are immoral, from his views on homosexuality to abortion to his regular inciting of racial tension to his demoralization of our military and our Christian-based laws. That's why I'm against his Administration. He needs to repent or resign. Otherwise, I have no reason to respect his views or his position.
Now that you think you've figured it out, I'll give you a hint---
instead of focusing on grilling me about the issues, you probably should be inquisitive about other people. Like----Rod Blagojevich and his recent reference to Rahm Emanuels' interaction with him over Obama's Senate seat, and ask yourself where the heck is David Axelrod, Van Jones, Robert Gibbs, Roland Burris, and, among others, perhaps even Henry Kissinger. And WHY haven't Arne Duncan and Kevin Jennings been fired fired fired already, especially since the "Donald" has almost as much power as Obama.
Or perhaps you thought you had me so distracted I forgot about the more hidden issues....
What are you talking about?
I have heard nothing of these "hidden issues". What is going on?
Don't be cryptic--spell it out.
Where to begin? Immoral? tyrannical? Christian-based laws? repent? I will just answer "tyrannical." I know that all fo you on the right believe as I do that we have the greatest form of government in the world. Our constitution was written to specifically make tyranny impossible and it has succeeded for over 20 years. It is impossible for a tyrant to inhabit the oval office, because the executive is checked and balanced by the judicial and the legislative branches. No sane person would assert that the Congress or the Supreme Court are in league with the president to tyrannize the people of the United States. Mr. Obama does not have the power to impose his views on anyone without the consent of Congress and the Supreme Court. He has so many rabid enemies that he would not get away with anything illegal or unconstitutional. That is the way our system is set up. if you believe in the greatness of America, you cannot rationally believe that the president is a tyrant.
I do not see anything that is truly immoral about the policies of the president. It is your opinion due to religious intolerance that the rights of gay people to live with the same privileges as the rest of us. You think that the members of my family are unworthy of respect, equality, tolerance or redemption. This is an unChristian attitude and an insult to all who believe in Jesus' statement "As you do to the least of my brethren so you do to me." And those who accuse the president of immorality need to look at the log in their own eye.
I apologize for my errors in sentence structure and spelling. I get a little excited when I try to refute to intolerance religious fanaticism. Should be "all OF you", "200 years", and "the right of gay people to live with the same privileges as the rest of us is immoral."
Well, I get more than a little disgusted when people refer to basic Christianity as "intolerant religious fanaticism". And you're typically trying to separate Jesus from the rest of His word the Bible. New ploy of the unbeliever. But if you can live with that rebellious intolerant attitude, okay.
Is this a reply to my comment or one you made up in your head?
Look up "non sequitur."
When someone says "God hates Fags," that is intolerant. When someone says "The only way to heaven is my way," that is fanaticism.
I am trying to parse "And you're typically trying to separate Jesus from the rest of His word the Bible. New ploy of the unbeliever.," and it is incomprehensible.
The disgust is mutual.
Good points. Evangelical Christian based laws are a much greater danger to the country than Sharia.
This is what happens when we finally get intelligent life in the White House. Let's not support him and move this country forward. Let's dig up the most ridiculous nonsense and try to deflect from the work he's trying so hard to accomplish. Donald Trump will not stop. He will continue to go after whatever he thinks will make a point. He doesn't seem to realize the only point he's making is that he needs to stay out of politics altogether.
The only reason people are listening to Trump is they are tired of the Obama Administration. If things were better I promise you noone would give Trump the time of day. Personaly I think Hillary would have been a better President
She actually is about as liberal as Obama, maybe moreso. I think if she gets in power, she will use Obama's successes as just one more steppingstone to continue the liberalization of America, and no one can question her legitimacy as an American. Not freedom. She will have full leeway to impose even further radical ideas. That's what I think.
The Hildabeast says she won't run for President, but she's wanted it too long. She thought the 2008 nomination was hers for the taking (which is why she lost).
If she senses that Obama is vulnerable, my bet is that she will run......
Apparently you need to look up the word FREEDOM Brenda. Enough said.
Here's another way The Donald is sucker-punching America:
Wow , I can't believe you are giving up on President Obama , Thats the problem with P.C. electionizing . You have no heart , you elected him now give the man a chance to show what he can do. I didn't even vote for him but I'm willing to respect the office as usual. Hillary is a talking head incapable of distinct leadership skills. All of America has got to stop electing leaders like American Idol. You voted for a show of nothing , now live with it.
Mr Obama is coming to Ireland next month and already their are many rumours that he was actually born in Ireland when his parents were on holiday here. One local man said, "I remember that young man being born, his parents were here on holiday at the time, and for 10 Euro I can sell you a lock of that babies hair".
"and ask yourself where the heck is David Axelrod, Van Jones, Robert Gibbs, Roland Burris, and, among others, perhaps even Henry Kissinger. And WHY haven't Arne Duncan and Kevin Jennings been fired fired fired already, especially since the "Donald" has almost as much power as Obama."
What? ???
Do I need to go to World Net Daily? Drudge?
What are you alluding to here?
This article discusses the racist implications of the birther mania. … -president
From the article:
"Birthers emphatically deny such criticism [of racial motivations]. But it's difficult to apprehend the ongoing resistance to proof of Obama's citizenship without crediting racial fear as a significant factor. At first, after all, many adherents of birtherism argued that the administration fueled speculation by failing to release the long-form version of Obama's birth certificate, but now that this version has been released to the public, the call continues to go out for other kinds of information about Obama's past to be released--a level of scrutiny that neither McCain nor Obama's 43 predecessors in the Oval Office were expected to face."
Also, a writer is quoted:
"And if you think race isn't what this is about at its core, ask yourself if there would even be a birther conspiracy if Barack Obama were white and named Bart Oberstar. If you think there would be, you are delusional."
I agree that race has a lot to do with it. But everybody is also ignoring xenophobia. Since Barack Hussein Obama is not an Anglo-Saxon name typical of the Presidency, it is easy to see him as a foreigner, independent of his skin color.
"Look, as we all know, the 21st century America is no longer what it once was back in the nostalgic past. America today is mixed, just like President Obama. He’s not black. He’s not white! He’s an American just like me and the rest of us living here in 2011.
As for that loud birther crowd? Take a 2nd look at them. They are mostly white older folks living in America’s past. Don’t pay much more attention to them as they are quickly going the way of the Do-Do Bird. It’s over and they are done. So let’s just hope it’s sooner rather than later because I would hate to see their reaction when we elect President Juan Manuel Lopez Garcia in 2016! Ay Carumba!"
2011 Copyright –
It will be President Juanita Garcia, and she will be an ethnic Jew and a practicing Mormon.
It should be over, but I'm sure there will be another twit , who would want to stir things up again - with something else...
It was in the power of Barry O. to stop all the silliness if he wanted to but it suited him to let it grind on for two years. I want Hawaii to prove they are a state - where is their documentation??
A populist does not live in a multi-million dollar town-house with gold-plated chandeliers.
Trump is a money-grubbing bozo.
Perot was a billionaire also. Populism is a political technique not an income group. Hardly a defense for Trump. Populism is garbage that ultimately results in disastrous economic policies and you should understand that - the Democrats are a populist party.
Soak the rich, tariffs, trade restrictions, unionism, punishing businesses, anti-globalism, price regulation, talk of wind fall profits and windfall profits taxes, the term "price gouging," price subsidies are all hall marks of Democrat policies and populist politics. Worse than worthless.
The consequence of what Democrats do is terrible for an economy. What Trump is proposing for our economy is equally stupid. maybe you guys should take him off our hands. He does love donating to the most offensive Democrat demagogues - Rom Emmanuel, Charlie Rangel and Chuck Shumer.
He is an opportunistic clown - it is just too bad Barry beat him to the winner's circle in that contest. It would have been Trump's clown hair versus Barry's clown ears and floppy shows.
And what do the Republicans stand for uncorrect?
Why don't you tell us that. I mean the CURRENT band of brothers and sisters.
I couldn't care less what Republicans have to say about anything unless they are also republicans. Since the founding the ranks of republicans have never been thinner.
Well, but you'd rather have them than Obama...wouldn't you?
You don't bash them as you do the Dems...
Just what is so good for America about them?
The point of that conversation would be? As a liberal you are congenitally incapable of understanding.
yeah--How can I compete with an elected official who says the founding fathers ended slavery???
Oh my, WISH I was that congenitally capable!
If political persuasion is, in fact, congenital, it must be quite a shock to Republitard parents to realize they've given birth to the enemy
Republitard, I hope there is no future pretense at peace, love and understanding on your part in the future.
"I couldn't care less what Republicans have to say about anything unless they are also republicans. Since the founding the ranks of republicans have never been thinner."
As I said, "what Republicans have to say..." must bare repeating because you didn't quite get it the first time.
I'm waiting for the same bashing you give Democrats!!
Different set of criticisms. Where as liberals seek to compel others to live in their personal utopian vision requiring varying amounts of coercion - Republicans (capital R) can liberals, cowards, self serving only or authentic republicans. There are no authentic republican liberals since liberalism and republicanism are mutually exclusive.
As for you opinion regarding my complicity, or perhaps more universally inclusive, your opinion regarding anything. Funny word regard - I have none for your opinions at all, ever.
Thomas More was executed by Henry VIII using that same specious, obnoxious, egocentric reasoning. You won't answer me - your better - so I pronounce you guilty. Tyrants come in all shapes, sizes, ages and sexes. They all have one thing in common. Absolute certainty of their importance to everyone else. Should I put on the armband of your party now?
Just read your profile, UV! It said you would probably not be back. Change your mind?
Watch out for cramps! A cramped prerogative can be quite painful, I understand! Be sure and warm up properly!
Well, now it starts:
The finger-pointer get the finger pointed back at him!
"Fickle-Finger of Fate", as we learned with "Laugh In".
"One of Donald’s first challenges came in October 1973, when the Justice Department hit the Trump Organization with a major discrimination suit for violating the Fair Housing Act. The Times reported:
” … the Government contended that Trump Management had refused to rent or negotiate rentals “because of race and color.” It also charged that the company had required different rental terms and conditions because of race and that it had misrepresented to blacks that apartments were avaliable."
Uhhh, not racist?
Now we have to wonder, don't we? I mean---hello!
Scrutiny, that's the down-fall of hypocrits.
Reminds me of MLK, who was SHOCKED to discover that blacks in the Lower East (?) side of Chicago paid more in rent to live in slums, than people on the Upper East(?) paid to live in luxury condo's!!
This was all true. And THAT, and red-lining is why the CRA was needed!!
And the greedy banksters who conned and swindled the likes of Donald Trump,imo--now blame the people they swindled.
Hooray for the first Laugh-in reference I have seen in many a moon. May there be many more. Sock it to me!
La-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a....Joanne Worley.
I'm all out!!
but I do remember Goldie Hawn and that great giggly laugh...
and go-go dancing! The Swim!! ahaha
Donald Trump's next wife was born in Honolulu last week!
...i see Obama as American whether or not he was born in the US or not....
...try having an american/british transplant parachuted into Canada to run for leader and clean up the country....lived in Canada (from Russia I think - not sure if he was born in Canada - don't care where he was born really) but most of his adult years were spent outside of Canada (Britain and then the USA)(professor!) (with his mistress turned wife) and basically had very little Canadian connection - what does he really know about Canada? - now that's something to cry about....huh! He came to Canada in 2005 with his mistress turned wife (not sure what country he dropped the kids and mother of his children off) just to enter politics...ack! and now he's trying to become leader...ack again!...but it's not working luckily according to the polls - people don't seem to really like him...i'm so glad!...our election is Monday (May 2)
...don't get me wrong - i think Britain and the US are great countries - but I don't want someone sailing in to 'fix us' - where ever they flew in from!...this guy is not a Canadian in my books....he may have been born here - but he has little connection with what Canada is all about.
I believe Obama is a natural born citizen of the US. It is a requirement under our Constitution that he be a natural born citizen. A Constitutional crisis would have ensued if it had been proved that he was not. The threat of that crisis has prompted several states to seek laws to compel candidates running in that state's primary to provide documentation. Some might consider that problematic.
by Joanne Lombardo 13 years ago
What if, as Donald Trump alluded to on the Today Show recently, President Obama has pulled off the biggest scam in America's history by being elected President of the United States without being a United States citizen?
by OLYHOOCH 13 years ago
Two-time No. 1 New York Times bestselling author Jerome Corsi, a Ph.D. in political science from Harvard and a senior staff writer at WND, has written a new book that promises to be a game-changer on the issue of Barack Obama's eligibility.It's called "Where's the Birth Certificate? The Case...
by Brenda Durham 11 years ago
by tonybeck 13 years ago
When will the truth about president Obama's Kenyan birth allow him to be removed from office?What's the best way to spread the word about our country being hoodwinked by this impostor?How can people be attracted to his cult personality and like him personally, but also be opposed to all of his...
by AnnCee 13 years ago
Hawaii won't release Obama birth infoJanuary 22, 2011 1:49 AMTHE ASSOCIATED PRESSHONOLULU Democratic Gov. Neil Abercrombie will end his quest to prove President Barack Obama was born in Hawaii because it's against state law to release private documents, his office said Friday.State Attorney...
by OLYHOOCH 12 years ago
That was good. Now, you all have to remember two things. 1. This is about a Birth Certificate. NOT, about Obama, Ploatics, or any PERSON, yet. 2. Also this is about a, Selective Service Card. I will post the first e-mail from WND I got about an hour ago, once again, Her is the first e-mail I got...
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