In recent news according to various sources, it seems President Donald Trump and the first lady have both tested positive for the coronavirus. Trump tweeted that both him and his wife will begin quarantine immediately and try to get through it together. What are your thoughts on this? Do you wish them both well? Will this affect the 2020 election? Or your vote going forward? Please discuss.
Edit: Regardless of how anyone might feel about President Trump and the first lady, I do wish Trump and his wife a speedy recovery soon, and hopefully nobody else at the debate the other night was infected.
If truth is told, I wish them recover by the power of the Great God. However, an army general has suggested on facebook the tweet be investigate if it were actually Pontus Trump did the tweet! But my mindset is why did not the attack occur during the very early stage of covid-19 But now when voting is around the conner? Too bad! I wish Pontus recover soon! Where were the Billy Graham and likes to pray through? God save America! God save Trump!
Miebakagh57, it is to your credit that you led with your well-wishes. As for that army general, I think he is wrong.
On an international perspective:
Just wondered why Boris Johnson, Jair Bolsonaro and Donald Trump all three have/had COVID. All three downplayed the disease and have/had a chaotic government policy.
Is there a similarity here between these three, or is it just coincidence?
I think personally all three have a lot in common.
I think Trump won't have much trouble with Covid, just like Johnson and Bolsonaro. Only a small majority who had COVID dies.
And in general, poor people die, rich people have the best doctors and treatment in the early stages. So I think Trump will recover just fine.
Because leaders don’t typically wring their hands, before crawling under a rock and hiding, during crisis.
As far as the numbers of those dying, the majority being senior citizens, mostly in nursing homes, I suppose some were rich and some were poor and some were middle-class.
Trump and wife will get over it. I pray the hand of God to heal them in Jesus name....
I'm not surprised that he contracted the virus, or that he became a superspreader, or that those around him also contracted the virus. None of this surprises me as he never bothered to handle this situation properly. That said, as of this reply, he is recovering; but now there is concern as to how long ago he first contracted Novel Coronavirus-19; he's also spreading the disease in the White House as we speak, so plans will need to be radically altered in Operations there.
To say this is a nightmare aka worst case scenario would be close to true, but we can still do OUR part and continue to wear our masks, continue social distancing, and to wash our hands often (along with the rest of the body daily) while not touching our faces.
I for one can agree with all that you said. Excemption is that people can not help touching their faces. Seriously, how many times have you touch your eyes today? It can't be done! Even if the eyes were itching, it can't be done. Heck, all the part of the body can be touched. The limbs, the head, the ear lobes, the chest, and the back. And the face is not an no go area. I and you were human beings with an animal nature. It will take one a strong will power to not to touch the face. Have you imagine that before the covid-19 pandemic, medical doctors hadly take they hands of their faces? They can't help it. It is second nature...
... Now to not to touch the face is to bring the law of reserve effort into operation. The law says where the will and the imagination came into conflict, the day belongs to the imagination. Should it happen that they is no conflict, harmony is resulted. Also, when a picture is clear cut, one go and do it naturally. Watch a doctor to see if he/she can desist from touching his/her face in a practical manner. Due to this specific law of reserve effort, I can bet many doctors will fail the test.
I do hope they get well soon. According to their personal pages, they seem to be doing fine. I'm hoping that maybe him contracting the virus will give him incentive to take the virus a bit more seriously, rather than politically. It seems both the Democrats and Republicans are more compelled to disagree with each other over pride. We should be working together, putting pride and differences aside, to help everyone as a whole.
I'm hoping that maybe him contracting the virus will give him incentive to take the virus a bit more seriously, rather than politically
It didn't.
I give him the benefit of the doubt while he is in the recovery state. The point is Trump is neither a policeman nor a politician. When he fully recovers, then only then the legacy of your remarks can stand.
I'm hoping that maybe [Donald Trump] contracting the virus will give him [the] incentive to take the virus a bit more seriously, rather than politically.
You innocent child. We would all love this to happen, however, reality says otherwise. As for us Democrats and our fellow Americans, the Republicans, we should be working together, but they have decided otherwise as well. Still, we can hope for the best in these times.
IF he is sick, in a sane world this should cost him politically. (Even when discussing the deaths of more than 200k americans at the debate, he still mocked the use of masks.) But we know it is not (a sane world). So maybe it will get him points. How? The same as in:
IF it is a lie/strategy (which im not 100% sure yet it isnt) then it is the perfect move. First, it is a distraction from the debate disaster, especially the white supremacists issue fallout. And as a bonus, no more debates. Second, it would get him some empathy points. Third, it would probably put Pence in the spotlight and would serve as the perfect excuse to get off the run if he thinks he's going to lose. His ego wont let him take the chance.
In any case, if it is true, I wish both of them to get well soon.
I was thinking about just such an attempt at a ruse last night. His handlers may consider this the best way to get him away from the debate format.
For his sake, he better hope that his symptoms do not exceed that of the common cold.
Trump really does have COVID. No conspiracy theory for this one.
It's too embarrassing for him and his family after 8 months of downplaying the virus. Wish him and everyone well.
Plus, Amy Coney Barrett had it in July. She was with him last week and might still be a carrier. Mike Lee has it now and i"m sure many other members of the Senate will be diagnosed shortly. Look for most of the WH staff to test positive as well. This is very serious and incredibly sad.
Please wear your mask everyone. We don't need anymore COVID stories. Stay well!
I just read that "The University of Notre Dame's president, the Rev. John I. Jenkins, who was present at Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s Supreme Court nomination ceremony at the White House on Saturday, has tested positive for the coronavirus". Also, "Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel has tested positive for the coronavirus."
Three journalists who work at the White House tested positive on Friday, according to a series of memos from the White House Correspondents Association.
A White House staffer who sits in the "lower press" area of the West Wing also received a confirmed positive result on Friday morning.
Thom Tillis of North Carolina, another Republican senator who was in the Rose Garden on Saturday with the president and countless others has now tested positive for coronavirus.
I have also seen various news blurbs that are pointing in the direction of Ms. Barret's nomination ceremony as a source for these new infections.
Yes. Makes sense. But if true, that is a week of multiple contacts with people, and since most of them do not wear masks it can get uglier fast. I hope they can trace and control the spread.
8 months of downplaying for him to be cured without any serious effects would help push the agenda that it is no big deal and just another flu. This can be spun in either way.
You make a very valid point. I actually never thought of such a thing. BUT, it was pointed out to me by a Democrat that if President Donald Trump gets past this with little or no problems, he can come out and tell people he survived Covid 19. He has personal experience with it. He knows about it from personal experience. That would be a plus for him.
Shouldn't he just take the miracle drug hydroxychloroquine and everything will be just fine?
Looks like he's off to Walter Reed Hospital, so perhaps this isn't quite a mild case? He's also taking some special experimental drug that's in Phase 3 trials.
And even with all that's going on, masks in the White House are still optional.
I suspect that if Biden had contracted the virus instead of Trump, Trump would have surmised that Biden caught it because he was either weak, old, or generally unhealthy.
Hopefully he recovers quickly and emerges with more empathy for people who have suffered from COVID and lost people to it. Hopefully he realizes the importance of wearing masks and the danger in exposing other people to it.
Trump was never concerned about catching the virus. From Woodward:
When Woodward pressed the President about whether he was worried about becoming infected, Trump dismissed concerns about his own health.
"You're risking getting it, of course," said Woodward. "The way you move around and have those briefings and deal with people. Are you worried about that?"
"No, I'm not. I don't know why I'm not. I'm not," the President responded.
"Why?" Woodward asked.
"I don't know," Trump said. "I'm just not."
Seems like I was right, he just tweeted that people should not be afraid of Covid - 19. He should maybe convey this message to all those that have died. Such insanity.
To be fair, people have died from the flu as well as not everyone's body will react the same way to viruses as another person's body would.
I don't think that "fair" is a part of the plan of attack on Trump.
Brandon, not just insanity, but idiocy. We haven't seen this level of stupidity in a President in the history of our country. A complete abdication of intelligence, science, and respect for America and its foundations. It's incredible that he will receive even a single vote in the upcoming election. You'd think that after contracting COVID he'd be more supportive of the protocols doctors advocate for avoiding contracting it, but instead he's doubling down on risky behavior, pushing people who don't have anywhere close to the resources he has to model his behavior and contract the virus as well. He had the gall to make fun of Biden for wearing a mask, then contracted the disease himself. He put countless people in harm's way. It's astonishing.
And yet, strangely, I probably agree with him on how to proceed. Fu** it. This thing has become so politicized there's never going to be consensus.
Let's just all go maskless. Fortunately, I'm in great shape and have an incredible immune system (I've never had the flu and never needed to stop working even when I had mono - though I should have but I didn't know I had it until it was too late). So, I'm not going to suffer and am not the least bit worried about contracting it. Some of you older people though, you're going to get it and die. That's just the way it is. I'm very sorry about that and feel bad that you're the front-line soldiers in this war. Remember, it's for the greater good. Our economy will be healthy again. People will get back to work. The stock market will climb. I'm sorry some of you won't be around to see it.
He probably thinks his actions today displayed strength, and it probably did, but only to his die-hard supporters. I have a feeling the majority of the American people saw his actions today as reckless, irresponsible, and stupid.
By the way, has he shown any regret, empathy, or concern for any of the people in his sphere who are COVID positive?
Telling people to live their lives and not cower in fear over a virus (with a extremely low death rate for those without contributing health issues) is what I would hope any President would do.
There are literally TENS of millions of people without jobs, or closed businesses... without hope of ever getting back on their feet in the near future... because of draconian 'shut down' policies and lack of support from Congress to help the people get through this.
Out of those tens of millions of people whose lives have been turned upside down, more will likely commit suicide, overdose on drugs, or be unable to afford their prescription drugs to keep themselves alive because they lost their income, than will die from the virus itself.
The stupidity of the virus "death count" is as stupid as all the other propaganda they have peddled the last four years... where is the death count for how many died from Heart Disease?
Something you are far more likely to die from than Corona.
Only 5% of those who died from Corona didn't have other serious contributing factors.
BTW what is the alternative to Trump?
An establishment stooge that is in the back pocket of China?
Funny how Biden gets a "Free Pass" for his (and his families) involvement with China and the Ukraine... but Trump is blasted for being a Russian colaborator, despite never being in politics before now, and despite nothing like the 1.5 Billion that went to Hunter Biden's firm ever going to Trump or his kids.
I am so sick of the stupid assertion that wearing a mask and social distancing is "cowering in fear." Do you realize how utterly disrespectful you are to, say, a veteran who survived three tours in Viet Nam, was shot, stabbed, had his fingers cut off, leg broken, and so much more, and you now say he is "cowering in fear" for taking simple precautions to avoid an illness that could kill him?
Will you stop for a moment and think about how absurd you sound?
And where is that proof of Nancy Pelosi's corruption?
Man, Ken, I think you are a pretty smart guy who makes some pretty incisive comments about the state of the world and geopolitics, but that is a dumb answer.
Who is cowering in fear? Why is taking sensible precautions, based on overwhelming scientific data, cowering in fear?
Fact is, the country could get back on its feet if people would just take those precautions, but too many refuse. And when we have a vaccine, we're still going to have a problem because too many people will refuse to take it, probably believing that the government is injecting them with some kind of mind control.
And obviously comorbidities are an issue, but isn't that the whole problem? Our country is unbelievably unhealthy (I think you've written about this, no?). People are too fat. Their diets are too full of processed foods. We allow corporations to feed us garbage. The biggest comorbidity with this virus is obviously age.
We're basically in a Catch-22 right now. The GOP just wants to take the guard rails off and let the cars jump the track. Sure, do that. And a lot of people are going to die, many of them in Congress, so perhaps not a bad idea. We have 210,000 deaths now. How about 10x that?
Personally, I'm more or less living my life the same as I always have. I've been out riding my bike, exercising; etc. However, I make fewer trips to the store and try to stay away from crowds and always wear a mask when I'm out and about. I haven't had so much as a sniffle in the last 9 months. But even where I live, in a really liberal town, people simply cannot follow basic guidelines. The store, for instance. People are going in groups like it's a social gathering. It's unbelievably rude and inconsiderate. It creates lines. It endangers others unnecessarily. It's ridiculous.
I really want to take a vacation (we love Florida), but I'm not getting on a plane. Are you? I'm sure the GOP and the anti-mask crowd can get this country back on its feet. Go eat out. Go to football games. Go get on planes.
And I'm not a huge Biden fan. You're right, he's a political hack, but he hasn't personally benefitted from any of these financial arrangements. And if he has, it's not very much. Basically, it boils down to him being a decent guy, which pretty much everyone says he is. Maybe that's not very much. We should certainly aspire to more from our elected officials. But compared to that dangerous idiot we have in the White House now, I'll go with it.
Everything you see in our country now - the chaos - is Trump's America. It is a perfect metaphor for the man in charge. There's no leadership. The shining beacon on the hill is a strobe light that's causing convulsions. There's no decency. There's no logic. There's a shocking lack of intelligence and promotion of outright stupidity.
Thanks, I'll have the opposite.
Ken, you make a valid point.
For the record approximately 800,000 people die annually from heart disease in the United States.
I'm sure if we were hit with the death count from heart disease daily in all aspects of the media...people would be terrified of it. As it is, nobody makes a big deal about, people shrug their shoulders at heart disease deaths. I often wonder if liberals know they're being played?
This is from the CDC
More than 800,000 people in the United States die from cardiovascular disease each year—that’s 1 in every 3 deaths, and about 160,000 of them occur in people under age 65.
Heart disease kills roughly the same number of people in the United States each year as cancer, lower respiratory diseases (including pneumonia), and accidents combined. … 0combined.
SO....If you don't lead a healthy life style, and don't eat a healthy diet then you only kill yourself (heart attack); if you don't wear a mask you kill others.
That is not necessarily true. The recovery rate for those who have Covid in extremely high.
This is also from the CDC.
"The US seasonal flu has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1% to 0.2% – lower than the current CFR for COVID-19." … -19-by-age
Now this is for the United States. I don't know if this is applicable in the UK.
That's a great link. You should read it.
The case fatality rate for COVID is 2.8% as shown by the chart in your link as of October 6, but it was above 6% in June. So you understated the CFR by a factor of between 20x and 60x.
For the elderly, the CFR (in Italy) was 20% and is very high in other places.
As for the comparison to heart disease, that's just got to be one of the dumbest comparisons I've ever seen. Liberals are being played? Do you even understand why using heart disease to compare death rates to COVID makes so little sense? I shouldn't have to explain it.
Further, a direct quote in the article regarding the question about how likely a person is to die when they contract COVID:
"The key point is that the “case fatality rate”, the most commonly discussed measure of the risk of dying, is not the answer to the question, for two reasons."
I wondered why you only had part of a quote and not the entire quote. Here is the rest of it
"One, it relies on the number of confirmed cases, and many cases are not confirmed; and two, it relies on the total number of deaths, and with COVID-19, some people who are sick and will die soon have not yet died."
So, this proves the numbers provided are not accurate or complete.
Did you read the part where it compared the death rate of Covid 19 around the same as seasonal flu? It's in there and I know because I read the article.
The number of deaths from heart disease is an excellent analogy. Liberals get all upset with over 200,000 people having died from Covid 19...yet are not upset in the least with 800,000 people a year dying from heart disease. So...if 200,000 gets your attention...shouldn't 800,000 become an obsession with liberals. But, deaths from heart disease won't help you with your political agenda...until it will be ignored.
I am with President Donald Trump...I refuse to let this rule my life. I've worn masks when required...I've flow twice this summer and I am high risk.
I'm going to live my life without fear of Covid 19.
You are confusing fear and intelligence, which is not at all surprising.
It's one thing to be smart and appropriately cautious. That's not fear. It's quite another to be stupid and fearless. If you're the latter, by all means, run around without a mask. Fight people when they ask you to follow health guidelines. Why are you so consistently equating intelligence and caution with fear? I definitely would equate risk and cautiouslessness with stupidity.
And the analogy to heart disease is beyond dense.
The media and our society caution against the things that cause heart disease every day. Are you simply not paying attention? Do you not see advice warning against smoking, lack of exercise, fast food; etc. every, single day? This is all over the news and in our culture. Now that we have a fat, lazy President, are you not seeing the emphasis on health and fitness in the media you digest? I can tell you, it's a constant in the MSM. Perhaps you're just so used to it that you don't see it.
The lack of logic here astounds me though. Heart disease isn't just going to come along and fell you in a couple of weeks. Heart disease is something one acquires after a lifetime of bad decisions usually. So to compare fatalities as a result of heart disease to fatalities as the result of COVID makes zero sense. Besides, people are fearful of heart disease, which is why you see all those people exercising all the time. You know, those crazy people running in the parks, working out in the gyms? Buying those carts full of organic food? Man, crazy damn liberals.
To be fair, here is the quote you're referring to:
Once again, we should stress what we discussed above. One has to understand the measurement challenges and the definitions to interpret estimates of the CFR for COVID-19, particularly those relating to an ongoing outbreak.
As comparisons, the table shows the case fatality rates for other disease outbreaks. The CFR of SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV were high: 10% and 34%, respectively.22
The US seasonal flu has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1% to 0.2% – lower than the current CFR for COVID-19.23
However, if you go up, you find this:
Again it’s important to stress that the CFR simply represents the number of deaths divided by the number of confirmed cases. It does not tell us the true risk of death, which (as we say above) is much harder to estimate. The CFR changes over time, and differences between countries do not necessarily reflect real differences in the risk of dying from COVID-19. Instead, they may reflect differences in the extent of testing, or the stage a country is in its trajectory through the outbreak.
But the main thing here is that we have a vaccine for the flu and no vaccine for COVID, which means that many more people are going to get COVID if we just leave this up to the apes and allow it to run through the population unchecked. Where the flu has a limited number of possible people who will get sick, COVID has no limit. Do you not understand this basic mathematical difference?
I'm also going to stress this once more: I don't live my life in fear and I'm guessing that I am living very similarly to you. However, to ridicule taking basic, scientifically recommended precautions is a level of stupidity I cannot fathom. I'm not saying you are doing that, but that does seem to be the message coming from a lot of Trump supporters. In a nutshell: throw caution to the wind. Screw everyone else. My freedom from wearing a mask is more important than the public health and the public good.
It's just a level of lunacy I can't tolerate.
Does that mean you cannot comprehend the level of stupidity of people that smoke? That drive more than 55 MPH? That participate in, say, bungee jumping, sky diving or skiing? Are you unable to tolerate such activities that other people do?
I agree that it makes considerable difference whether the life being protected is yours or someone else's, but still...people do stupid things every day of their lives. They walk down the sidewalk looking at a cell phone. They go to a park at night. They white water raft and they eat too much. They drink more than a beer per day and use illegal drugs. All things known to cause harm to the human body, including death.
As you well know, there's a huge difference between endangering one's own life and that of others. Many of those things only endanger one's own life, if practiced.
And yes, I try not to tolerate those who engage in activities that endanger the lives of others. Smoking applies. Drunk driving applies. Those are apt comparisons. Those things anger me greatly. I hate smoking and do not think it should be allowed in any public place. Designated smoking areas work fine for me.
But we're talking about the public health here, spreading a virus on a large scale, and pushing back the time it's going to take for us all to get back to our regular lives. The people who are the most anxious to get back to the way things were are the most resistant to the protocols needed to get us there. It makes no sense.
One of the things that bothers me about Democrats and mask wearing is the intense hypocrisy.
CNN's Chris Cuomo chastises President Donald Trump, but more than one person confronted him about having parties and walking around the Hamptons with no mask when HE had Covid-19. When confronted...he becomes furious.
Nancy Pelosi saying people should always wear a mask...except for her when she gets her hair done.
Maxine Waters who stood up in Congress and demanded there be a national mandate for wearing masks...has been confronted more than once for not wearing a mask in public...which is mandated by her state's governor.
Diane Feinstein who supports having a national mask wearing mandate...casually strolls through an airport with no mask while surrounded by workers wearing masks.
The list goes on and on... seems like Democrat leaders are all for OTHER people wearing masks. It appears they don't believe their standards should apply to them.
Heck, there is even video and pictures of Dr. Anthony Fauci not wearing a mask in public.
So...does the Doctor or Democrats or Democrat leaders have some sort of secret immunity nobody knows about but them...or...are they just a bunch of hypocrites?
As well it should and fair point.
However, I haven't seen any of this and I wonder if these aren't just gotcha moments, exaggerated by the right-wing press? After all, people have to take off the mask at some point. I have little doubt Fox camera people are just waiting around to take pictures when that happens.
That said, there is a huge difference between promoting giant, indoor, maskless crowds and taking one's mask off outside when people aren't around.
And that said, if anyone thinks they're too good or too special to follow the guidelines, they should be harangued mercilessly.
Wearing mask 24/7 what's the benefit? It reduces your immunity level. The best time to wear the mask is around 2 or more persons. You can wear it to protect yourself from just one elderly or carrier patient. That said, remove the mask when you are in the open field like uncrowd streets, and when you're alone. The face mask is best at preventive and protecting lives... a tool we had at present. Isolation when one is sick is secondary. I will not wait to be isolate. One can understand the's not rocket science.
Show me anyone, anywhere who recommends wearing a mask 24/7.
This fear-mongering is getting ridiculous.
Republicans want to take about "cowering in fear" before the virus, yet they're going non-stop trying to scare people about all sorts of non-existent things.
Cranka, I'm not suggesting(no one has) that you wear the mask 24/7. You can't even wear it for an hour without the need of fresh air! Heck, I'm in my bedroom right now, and I'm alone, and resting. My house is located at a water front 4.5 km off the Atlantic coastline. A breeze is blowing. The air is refreshing and invigorating. Should I wear a mask? Why? You American(s)? and your Democrates are very unique and intrigueing!
There have been Democrat governors (Pennsylvania) who have placed restrictions on church gatherings and yet gave exemptions to car shows drawing thousands of people in the town where their family business is located. There have been huge celebrations with no masks that police have been told to ignore...Democrat representative relative. Again...the list goes on and on and on. I'm left believing Democrats think masks are good for making political hay...but not good for wearing.
"Pennsylvania Democrats caught on hot mic laughing about wearing masks as 'political theater"
"A Pennsylvania state representative was caught on a hot microphone joking about how she would keep her mask on during a press conference as a bit of "political theater." … r-BB19C3pg
This is just a distraction. In any large endeavor, there are always going to be people playing to the cameras.
This doesn't change the fact that gathering indoors in large crowds without masks is dangerous and there are people promoting this behavior. There are people saying masks are pointless. There are people saying COVID is a hoax.
Behave however you want. Put yourself in danger. Continue to encourage others to behave badly. Our economy will never recover nor will our country. COVID rates, deaths, hospital stays are all going to skyrocket as the weather turns cold and people go indoors.
Like I said, I live in a very liberal city and have seen no better behavior from many people I assume are liberal. However, on a national scale, the encouragement to behave recklessly is coming primarily from one political party.
"on a national scale, the encouragement to behave recklessly is coming primarily from one political party"
I would say there is one political party behaving one way in front of the cameras and another way when the cameras are not around. They want people to do as they say but not as they do. What good is what a leader says if they don't follow it?
You've used a couple of examples of this behavior to paint the entire party a certain way. From where I sit, you're either looking for these examples to paint a certain picture you like or the examples are being fed to you. Either way, cherry picking one example here and one there is not proof, just like citing one scientist out of a thousand who thinks climate change is a hoax. This is a way of thinking that is simply disastrous - the notion if I find one example to support my crazy idea then it disproves something. If I find one guy who thinks the earth is flat, does that prove that the earth isn't round? I can tell you, there are still a fair number of people who think the earth is flat. Doesn't mean they're right. They're just stupid.
If I find one gay atheist in the Republican Party does that mean you're all gay atheists?
" stays are all going to skyrocket as the weather turns cold and people go indoors."
Perhaps not - I see the two hospitals in St Paul Mn will close and become homeless shelters. As more and more services go under (including hospitals) because they've been shut down, there won't BE hospitals to stay in.
We either continue opening the country or this is just the tip of the iceberg. We already have thousands or tens of thousands of businesses that will never re-open - how much can we tolerate before complete economic collapse?
Where I live, everything is open. As long as people follow the protocols recommended by scientists, we can continue to open. If people refuse to follow the protocols, it won't matter.
If infection rates skyrocket because people don't want to follow the guidelines, then your imagined opening won't happen.
Why doesn't everyone understand this? Everyone wants to get back to normal and the way to do that is to stop the virus from spreading. The argument that everyone just pretend nothing is happening and return to normal is the precise thing that will destroy the country. Nobody will be able to work, travel, shop, or anything because too many people will be sick.
The fact remains, not wearing masks does kill others. That's why the USA has one of the highest death tolls from Covid-19 in the world.
A high death toll...with a low death rate. That is according to the CDC. In the UK, you are much more vigilant about wearing masks...yet the rate of deaths and infections continue to increase. Why is this happening if wearing masks solves all problems?
"The United Kingdom already has the biggest official COVID-19 death toll in Europe - and the fifth largest in the world - while it is borrowing record amounts in an attempt to pump emergency money through the damaged economy.
But new COVID-19 cases are rising by at least 6,000 per day in Britain, according to week-old data, hospital admissions are doubling every eight days, and the testing system is buckling." … SKCN26C0JH
Regardless to the death rate, in the USA Covid-19 related deaths are currently in excess of 210,000 Americans, rising at the moment by additional deaths of almost 800 per day (5,000 new deaths per week, over 22,000 new deaths per month).
I don’t know about you, but over a quarter of a million American deaths by Christmas (and possibly much higher by current predictions) is not insignificant.
I don’t know about you; but in Europe life has value.
No one in Europe says masks solves all problems; masks is just a part of a package of measures that helps to reduce the spread of the virus (and reduce deaths/saves lives) until such time as a vaccine is rolled out.
Yes, there is currently a 2nd wave of the pandemic sweeping across Europe, but it (and new deaths) is insignificant compared to the continuing new deaths in the USA: Currently almost 800 deaths a day in the USA compared to about 50 a day in the UK.
There are two main reasons why the UK has the biggest Covid-19 death toll in Europe:-
1. Like the USA, back in March, our Prime Minister delayed the economic lockdown by 10 days; by which time the virus had already widely spread across the UK. Whereas other European counties locked down their economies early, and hard; reducing the spread of the virus and saving lives.
2. The UK abandoned trying to test and trace during the height of the pandemic in April, allowing the spread of the virus even further, in spite of the economic lockdown.
However, rather than looking at total numbers of deaths which makes the USA the worst and the UK the 5th worst in the world (because of the size of their population); a more accurate measure of performance is deaths per million. On that basis currently the UK has the 12th highest death toll in the world, and the USA the 10th; and on its current rate of almost 800 new deaths per day the USA could easily be the 4th worst in the world by Christmas.
If you want a good example of where mask wearing, and test and trace measures, have been really effective in saving lives you only need to look at countries like South Korea; where they implemented the measure from the start of the pandemic e.g. with a population just over a 6th of the size of the USA, the total Covid-19 related death toll in South Korea is just 425 people in over six months.
Yep, the testing system is buckling in the UK; but not on the scale in the USA:-
• The USA was doing around 800,000 tests per day, which dropped to 600,000 in September; with a high percentage of results taking days to be returned.
• The UK started slow with testing with just 100,000 per day in May, which was increased to 200,000 per day in June, and 300,000 per day by September; with until September 97.5% of result being returned within 24 hours. In September, due to demand outstripping supply, that temporarily dropped to just 33% of results being returned within 24 hours; an issue which has now largely been resolved.
• The UK is now on track to be doing 500,000 tests a day by the end of October, with over 90% of results returned within 24 hours; which is critical for the contact tracers.
• The UK is also currently trialling three different British manufactured rapid (20 minute) tests, with an accuracy of 98% in three different pilots in three different towns in England; with the objective (if the trials are successful) that one of them will be able to be used early next year to test 10 million people a day in the UK.
• Also, in September, the UK Government finally rolled out its NHS track and trace app for ‘smart phones’ which further aids the fight against the pandemic.
Yes the UK is borrowing record amounts (just like any other country, including the USA) to support the economy, and to give social support to its citizens; albeit the UK is borrowing more money per capita than the USA because in Europe “Lives Matter”, and “Lives come First”.
However, two major economic differences between the USA & UK are:-
1. The USA never really went into full economic lockdown; its economy was sort of closed to a fashion for less than six weeks; so the pandemic was never brought under control. The UK was under economic lockdown from 23rd March until the 4th July (over three months); by which time the pandemic was brought under control e.g. deaths down to just single figures per day.
2. People in the USA who were furloughed had little more than what was effetely unemployment benefit. In the UK the people who were furloughed were paid 80% of their normal wage by the UK Government e.g. also cushioning Companies at the same time; thus reducing unemployment significantly.
In summary, the virus is spread primarily through you breathing out and other people breathing it in. Wearing masks significantly reduces the virus being breathed out, and therefore significantly reduces other people breathing it in: Thus significantly reducing the spread of the virus to others who in turn would infect their parents and grandparents; who because of their age are more at risk of death from the virus.
The other factors Americans ignore are the “Covid Long Haulers”; people who are hospitalised and subsequently recover. Unlike flu, Covid-19 isn’t just a respiratory disease, it can also damage every major organ in the body, leaving many people who recover in hospital with long term (or permeant) health issues to the heart, liver, kidneys etc. The death rate might by low in your view, but the ‘long haulers’ are not; and because of the sheer numbers in the USA, over the coming years they will put an additional strain on the healthcare system in the USA for years to come.
Expert looks at how COVID-19 problems can turn into lifelong chronic diseases
I have a question.
What is going to happen to the UK when it can't pay its bills? They have far more social programs than the United States...what happens when they are no longer funded? What happens when your nationalized health care can no longer afford to provide care for those with Covid? The UK Economy is in bad shape right now. … in-history
Duh… the newspaper article (which is over 2 months old) featured the UK’s Q2 (2nd Quarter) GDP (March to June); the same period when the UK’s economy was shutdown (no economic activity), as the UK fought to control the pandemic.
Apart from the first 3 weeks, the UK was in full economic lockdown for the whole of that period so the GDP can’t do anything other than plummet for that period; just as it did in every other country at that time, as economies across the world shutdown to fight the pandemic.
As the article explained, the UK’s GDP fall at that time was greater because our Government shut the UK’s economy down later than most countries, and therefore had to keep it closed for longer to have the same effect on controlling the pandemic e.g. the UK was in economic lockdown from 23rd March to the 4th July.
As the newspaper article said, the UK’s GDP fell 20.4% in Q2 (Quarter 2)(March to June); but rose by 14.3% in Q3 (Quarter 3)(July to September). So although like most countries (including the USA) it’s not a full recovery the UK’s economy has bounced back, with the exception of the Hospitality Sector and air industry.
Some interesting comparisons on the current state of the economy UK vs USA:-
• UK unemployment rate (September) = 6.1%
• USA unemployment rate (September) = 7.9%
• UK inflation rate (August) = 0.2%
• USA inflation rate (August) = 1.3%
Contrary to your impression that the UK will not be able to fund it’s ‘Social Programme’, in spite of the UK having a Conservative Capitalist Government, the UK is covering its debts and is well able to cover its ‘social programmes’; it’s no different to the dire situation faced by the Labour (Socialist) UK Government after the 2nd world war.
In the aftermath of the 2nd world war Britain was on the brink of bankruptcy, but was rescued by huge International Loans (predominantly from the USA), which took two generations to pay back e.g. we only paid off our International debt from the 2nd world war just a few years ago. In spite of being on the brink of bankruptcy in 1945 the Socialist Labour Government at the time (who won a landslide victory in the General Election in 1945) went on a spending spree in 1948 when they introduced the current ‘Social/Welfare’ State, and founded the NHS (Free Healthcare for ALL at the Point of Use); ironically, only made possible by the financial bailout from the USA.
The current UK Conservative (Capitalist) Government has borrowed and spent just as much on its economic and social packages (to cushion the British economy and citizens from the impact of fighting the pandemic) as Labour (Socialists) did back in 1948 on its Socialist programmes. Therefore (like last time) it’s likely to take another two generations to pay back those International debts; but what our current ‘capitalist’ Government is doing now is no different to what the British Socialist Government did over 70 years ago. And from that time back in 1945 Britain went from being on the brink of bankruptcy to become the 5th wealthiest nation in the world.
What America need to prevent the heart disease, cancer, F. Daniel sciense!
Good advice......
I pray for him anyway, and God will take control......
Do you believe the fact that Bill Gates was a huge pretender? Do you believe in his vaccine? Do you believe in the controversy theory against him?
My first thought was, it was only a matter of time.
Second thought: I hope he and Melania will be okay.
Third thought: I hope Biden didn't contract it.
Fourth thought: I really don't know if it's true or not.
It is tough when one is disappointed that they weren't disappointed about what comments to expect on this issue.
A "ruse," "if it is true" . . .
And of course, the begrudged, but obligatory, "I wish them well."
So now, Onward . . . to the political impact. I don't think this would get him any 'sympathy' votes, and if he has to quarantine more than the recommended 14 days I can see this costing him the election.
This is not meant to be a slam against Biden, but with Pres. Trump sidelined from the campaign trail Biden will have to do a lot less defensive campaigning. As in less "Trump bad" ad expenses and more "I promise" ad spending.
And of course, the begrudged, but obligatory, "I wish them well.
I guess you read minds now.
I do wish them well. (As I wish anyone that is sick and everyone with COVID. As I expect other do the same to my grandma, aunt and cousin.). I would have said otherwise without a pause.
Btw, if you're going to quote me, I said empathy, not sympathy.
It was a statement, not a quote. And generally speaking, it came as a final thought, not a first thought.
I apologize for my cynicism. The responses, (both here and in the media), were what I expected. Considering that Pres. Trump is in the most 'at risk' group I was hoping for well-wishes to be the lead and not the close. My hopes were not met.
But, in the vein of an olive branch, the comments, here, so far, have been much more civil and honest than those presented by the anti-Trump media.
I am too damn old for this nonsense. Some idiot yahoo in a bubble of their own self-importance can tweet or Facebook a blurb and all of a sudden it reaches national prominence. The media pounces on it like a revelation of the Gospels. Whoever coined the phrase 'Get a life' should get some kind of reward.
I pray for grandma to get well speedily in Jesus name, and in the same vein God will heal Trump and wife speedily too in Jesus name.....
One has to wonder. I assume it's true since I don't see any advantage for him in contracting COVID. Given how he has ridiculed mask-wearing, I just hope he has not passed it on to anyone else.
Somebody appears to have predicted this very thing though:
I think it's probably true, but it is quite reasonable for us to wonder, given the level of lying this president and administration has displayed.
Just so you we all know, when we (sincerely) wish someone well.... we do not say, "I wish him well, but..." Because everything that anyone says after "but" Negates anything they said before.
^5 Or when the 'wishing well' is the close and not the lead.
Do you really believe that is a possibility Sandy? I know that, politically, things are bad, but are they really bad enough for you to consider that thought?
You'll be surprised what people are capable of. We've seen Kim Jong Un make empty threats to go to war with us over "The Interview" film, and we've seen a news reporter fake his illness for ratings as LTL was alluding to. However, I'm just going to give President Trump the benefit of the doubt, and take his word that he is sick for all the reasons Lion44 said.
Plus if he was lying about this, then can you imagine what would happen if the media and the rest of America found out? I'm sorry I don't care how big of a Trump supporter a person is as there would literally be no excuses or spin to justify his actions even to his voters; unless someone was that obtuse about things. Therefore, I'm just going to take his word for now. If any evidence comes out to the contrary, then I'll be the first to admit I was wrong, but not before.
The possibility that this is a 'ploy' is not one that I can seriously consider.
I can understand that . I don't want to consider that possibility either, which is another reason why I doubt Trump and his would lie about something like that, as I can imagine that would do more harm than good if the truth got leaked out if it was a ploy. Plus that would be a huge low for anyone to do honestly, when you consider how many innocent people are dying from this disease.
What's your take, do you believe Gates controversy theory of trying to chip people with covid19 vaccine, and the fact that he is working to reduce the world population with the vaccine?
Since you are still doing it, maybe you will see this. You must understand that you are spamming the forums and it is not welcome. There is no way I would click any of your self-promotional links. It's bad form fella.
Yes, Trump's lying is that bad. Now that he has been transferred to Walter Reed, I am no longer doubting the truth of it. It was a tiny doubt, in any case.
Geesh, And this is the state of our political society. I am now even more motivated to get to my mountaintop plot, (alas, I can't afford to yet), and just let the world go to hell as I finish out my years in the bosom of nature.
Similar minds and all that...
Closed on the new home last week, have had countless meetings with contractors since. While doing a lot of work on my own (Painting ceilings, replacing doors, removing all the carpet, etc.) Security system(s), HVAC, electricians, shutters, carpenters.
Prior to putting in our offer and having it accepted it felt like we were in a race against time to find the right home, in the right place, and get all the essential work done before November.
Sooner or later that other shoe is going to drop... sometime between November and January is a good bet.
Ha! My roadblocks to moving are a bit more basic. I have a couple of dozen acres on a mountain top with a fantastic view. But there are no services. No electricity, no water, no nothing except the land and the view.
I can deal with sewer and water, (there is a mountain spring close by), but the electricity problem is not one I have managed yet. It's a solar/batteries issue that I still have to figure out and afford.—this is not cheap.
But, when I can get the electricity thing figured out I am outta here. I will gladly watch the world go to hell as I watch the sunset over the mountains.
Look into Tesla Solar & Power Walls, with the 26% tax incentive this year it knocks a good chunk off the cost.
I guess install would be the bigger problem if you are that far out... but the concept is sound, Solar with Power Walls = no need for Grid.
I have started the purchase of such myself, but I am holding off on commitment to it until I am confident there are no "surprise" expenses to rear up on the property.
I agree 100% with you, God will heal them perfectly in Jesus name......
I believe Chris Cuomo holds the title of covid liar. I doubt Trump is lying and I wish him and Melania a speedy recovering. And,
I, too, hope Biden didn't catch it.
What did Cuomo lie about? I looked that up and only found links on Fox News.
Good talt my man. Who else wants to contract the deadly corona virus 2019? A mere cold virus is fatal! But covid-19?
Firstly, Trump is a human it is understandable that we genuinely wish him a full and speedy recovery. And we do. He has the best health care available in this country. For example, they might give him steroids, etc., to curtail any worsening symptoms in keeping with his age.
Nevertheless, I imagine he won't want the public to know if he suffers more than "mild symptoms," and emerge the conquering hero and "symbol of strength." Make no mistake...sadly, Trump will use this any way he can to help him in the election, in accordance with the twists and turns of a truly devious mind.
"...Trump will use this any way he can to help him in the election, in accordance with the twists and turns of a truly devious mind."
What a disgusting thing to say about someone who may very well die.
I hesitated to say the same thing in a previous comment.
How can he possibly die? Remember hydroxychloroquine. He should be fine.
I could say a lot more as I lost a friend to this disease. We all know the mistakes this administration has made -- mistakes for without which could have saved lives. It is an uncomfortable truth for some who may wish to deny it...but it is a disgusting truth to others such as myself, and other friends and family members of those who have passed away. I stated we well wish him a speedy recovery...and we certainly do. It does not change what he has done, and what he chose not to do.
Savvy makes the comment, "what a horrible thing to say about someone who may very well die" and your response is to double down with, "I could say a lot more......"
He didn't conjure up this God-forsaken virus! China did! Blame China....they are the reason your friend died!!!
What is wrong with people?!?
Dems were all over the news; doing press conferences, doing live action shots from Chinatown, tweeting, defying the President, calling him racist, calling him xenophobic, heartless and on and on....because he dared to here we are today and you could say a lot more!!!!!
I could say a whole lot more and I may before it is all said and done!
She is merely saying that far fewer people would have gotten sick and died had our nation's leader more thoroughly heeded the advice of pandemic scientists and doctors.
It is merely the truth. You are, in my opinion, overreacting.
Thank you, Panther. That is exactly what I meant...the truth needs to be said.
And I don't think in term of politics of "the Dems", etc.,. or "us versus them." It is so incredibly tedious, and solves nothing. I'm an Independent, in more ways than one it seems.
If he didn't want to get the virus, he should have worn a mask and followed the guidelines. Certainly, some people follow all the protocols and still get it, but clearly not following them raises your chances of contracting the virus. Apparently he blames being around the military and the police. I'm confident he'll be fine. After all, he's in the best health of any President ever. So he's got that going for him. And I'm sure he'll get hydroxychloroquine, which is a miracle. He's got nothing to worry about.
I'm just reading all the comments in this thread. All seem reasonable and then Boom! The first aggressive tone in the posts.
Maybe it's time to put the kettle on, pour yourself a cup of tea and relax a bit.
Smart alec, I never realize 'Boom' wake me up to go for a cup of tea, because I just took out a loaf of bread from my freezer. You're welcome to the discusion.
I'm not going into this I feel I'm to far away of it. It's an American affair.
But I find it interesting to read all the comments here.
To be honest, I'm sick of the whole year. 2020 is a year to forget as soon as possible. Problem is, we still have a couple of months to go...
Agreed. What tired me out was Donald Trump and the covid pandemic. 31 December, 2020 is not too far away. Hope to see you into the new year!
The same Miebakagh57, the same, take care of yourself.
If laying it all, calling a spade a spade and speaking truth are forms of aggression in the year 2020, then I plead guilty.
I guess I had read one too many times, during the course of the day and into the evening, my fellow citizens on social media, actually wishing, hoping and praying {yes some are admitting to praying} that our President might die! Some of the things people are one attempts to outdo the next, in the how low can they go-all's fair in this game.
It has become a game, and nothing is off limits, when it comes to this man and his family.
So, yes, between that and not much better coming from some at HP, my "aggressive tone" came out.
No, AB, I don't want Trump to die, it would be far better for him to be defeated this time around and denied a second term, humiliation is far more effective. Now, to have to carry that home with you, has got to stick in his craw. Even his nemesis, Barack Obama, got a second term.
I certainly do not want him to become a martyr of any sort. I certainly don't want to see his mug chiseled into Mt. Rushmore. I would be satisfied if he just took his medicine and got back on the campaign trail and let the electorate decide his fate.
I am so glad that you are not one of those people, actually praying for his death. Giddy with the prospect that he fell victim to this virus, hoping it hurts him and effects his health long term, at the very least! :-(
He must have wanted to get the virus, right? Otherwise, he would have worn a mask. And since it's not worse than the seasonal flu, I don't see what anyone is worrying about.
I'm less concerned about Trump than I am the innocent people who might get COVID as a result of what may turn out to be a super-spreader event.
It's kind of like a drunk driver. We're not so concerned about the drunk driver or what happens to him, but about the innocent people he might kill as a result of his actions.
It's amazing - I must have told a thousand people that wearing a mask does not protect the wearer. And still see that foolish, false insinuation on a daily basis.
It has some protective qualities, but you're right, it's not meant for the wearer as much, though it does prevent you from breathing in droplets (not quite so foolish...). … -means-you
But when you promote maskless crowds and happily gather with groups who aren't wearing masks, you ask for trouble. You reap what you sow, no?
He ridiculed the wearing of masks and met with maskless people and he caught the virus. Not really a surprise. But perhaps this explanation is better:
“Does anyone else find it odd that no prominent Democrats have had the virus but the list of Republicans goes on and on?” tweeted DeAnna Lorraine, a former congressional candidate who has backed baseless theories from the QAnon conspiracy movement, going on to blast masks as a Democrat-backed lie and questioning whether China had technically made an “assassination attempt” on the first family.
Actually, it does provide a small amount of protection to the wearer, but yes, it mostly protects other's from the wearer's possible infection. Of course, Trump did not like seeing his staff wear masks, so they didn't. The leader sets the example.
From what I've read, the Trump administration didn't like the optics of masks and wanted the public to perceive that everything was being handled and nothing was wrong.
And do read that link I posted. Masks DO protect the wearer.
"Laboratory experiments have shown that good cloth masks and surgical masks could block at least 80% of viral particles from entering your nose and mouth. Those particles and other contaminants will get trapped in the fibers of the mask, so the CDC recommends washing your cloth mask after each use if possible."
Actual facts.
That's good to know. Like I have said from the beginning, I am not pleased Trump is sick with COVID-19, but come on, he is the poster boy for "the guy who brought in on himself.". This obvious fact seems to grate upon the psyches of some Trump fans.
They are trying to blame the President, for the virus.....simple as that!
After ignoring him in the beginning, calling him vile names, this is what it has come to. They can't help themselves, it is what the left does.
Ignite a fire here and then there and step back to see what becomes of it, hoping it does some damage, with no intentions of stopping it.....
Time for someone to come running to stop me from saying it though. Bring it!
China is the drunk driver, not the President, not me, get it straight.
You can't be serious about blaming China for Trump's infection with the virus?
I am hearing that stuff from QANon
Yes I am as serious as a heart attack. I am not familiar with QANon.
Well, in 1917-1918, we had what was known as the Spanish Flu or influenza. It decimated the planet, but who, today, a century later, blames it all on Spain?
I have provided statistics earlier that show that the US has more infections and related death than ANY nation on Earth as a result of the COVID, yes, the US, a technically advanced "first world" society has statistics worse than those of India?
I don't buy the President's explanation that all the World's nations are merely fudging their numbers as he said during the debate. That is an excuse.
Considering third world nations, those with many more people, yes, all of that, would there have been room for improvement if Mr. trump followed standard medical guidelines regarding the use of masks and social distancing rather than ignore and discredit them and had decided to lead by example and encouraged others to do the same?
"Decimate" may be too strong a word.
So I am thinking.... not only is Trump responsible for the China virus, he may have some ties to the Spanish flu.
Someone should probably look into that.
No, QANon is far more deep than that..
The say that Trump is pretending to have Covid-19 as part of a grand plan to arrest Clinton. According to these geniuses Trump communicated his intentions via a tweet on Friday morning where he announced he and Melania had tested positive and declared: “We will get through this TOGETHER!” When you pull apart TOGETHER it spells out TO GET HER. Boom!
Smart alec, you mean Mrs. Clinton? What treat did she pose to Pontus?
Pizzagate...Smart Alec!! (please don't use such clever insults, it doesn't help the conversations and debate.)
It is not my opinion. It's the weird thoughts of conspiracy movement QAnon.
No, I do not mean to insult anywise. However, as it offended you, pardon me, I stop. Oh, the conspiracy theory. I get that one. But I hadly realize it had been apply to Pontus. You're always welcome for your opinate thoughts.
So we are to forget the Wuhan lab, forget the fact that Xi cut off travel within his Country, but not it wasn't nipped in the bud, it was left to spread like wildfire from one end of the earth to other and instead focus on Trump not wearing a mask as often as Biden does. Got it!
When I get food poisoning in McDonald's. Should I blame the USA?
Should I blame Argentina, where the beef came from? Or should I blame the local worker who knew the food was poisoned but sold it anyway?
I would say it is a combination of things.
So too with the COVID. Just blaming China is a bit too easy. A lot of things on a local level (USA for you, Spain for me) went wrong too.
A lot went wrong, and yes you can blame the government in charge at the moment.. Some countries had a good approach, like Germany, some had the wrong approach, such as UK, US and Spain. Nothing wrong of being critical towards your government, even if you voted for it.
What are your thoughts about this; considering the timeline, (from the Rose Garden ceremony forward, someone had a heavy viral load and was, in effect a super-spreader, (consider the spate of government folks that were at that ceremony and have since tested positive, (11+(?)), and then consider how many of the folks, (staffers, guests, politicians such as Christy), that may have been in the debate prep room. Of course, I am just speculating, but it seems a logical path to get to the president.
If, that super-spreader, or any of the other mentioned folks, were mask wearers, doesn't it seem logical that the spread would have been mitigated? It seems that most of the recent positive-test announcements are folks with close contact and/or close access to the president relative to those two events. So it also seems logical that had that group been mask-wearers the spread would not have happened so quickly and in such a tight circle.
GA, I agreed whether you speculate or not. Fact is social distancing and wearing a face clothe covering could have prevent so much trouble.
Yes , just saw an interview with Rudy, it seems as if the Rose Garden may very well be the place, but who will the spreader turn out to be?
I’ve also heard repeatedly that the President is the biggest germaphobe ever, so there’s that! It is suspicious and mysterious.
I don't think it really matters who the spreader was. The point is that the science shows that far fewer people would have contracted the virus if mask wearing and social distancing had been practiced at the event.
Okay, ya'll seem to have all the answers, so...later!
Do I disagree that PP and Cred seem to have all the answers? They think they do! In all seriousness. My thoughts are...the virus is full-blown here in the Country and until a vaccine, (which I do not plan to take) is ready, everyone (with the exception of children {with some exceptions obviously} is susceptible no matter what they do or don’t do. It is just the way it is.
My family/friends continued gathering back in March and we never stopped, we visited my elderly parents, we’ve gone on vacations together, everyone is fine. We have utilized common sense, if a family member has gotten the sniffles or a cough....they’ve isolated and they’ve been tested. Thankfully, all negative. Yes I know that could change tomorrow, if it comes, we deal with it. I am not about to let this damn virus control my life. I see people all of the time... in their cars all alone, windows up, masks on, white knuckling the steering wheel. I refuse to be that person. I have seen senior citizens in restaurants, masked up...looking around, wondering what to do, when their coffee has been served. They are going through the motions, but they are living in fear....and that’s not living.
I will wear a mask into a store, when mandatory, if there is no one around me, the mask comes off, yes I get death stares all of the time. But,I don’t care! I am not in their space and if they intentionally walk into my space, which has happened......Why is that?!?
Why does a paranoid person spot me, come all the way across the store to get in my space and in my face in order for me to clearly see their death stare..... if they are fearful of me?
I am sorry what was the question?
I have a little problem with people in the store, walking down the aisles, that just figure everyone else must stay 12' away from - that they own the aisle and thus don't need a mask. Seems pretty selfish, at least to me. Especially as they seem to be the ones moving the slowest!
At the same time I have gone in a store without a mask. Bicycle riding (no mask) and want a bottle of water or something but forgot to carry a mask (mine lives in the car, not my pocket). I feel bad about it, but run in and out as quickly as possible and try to stay away from everyone, but make the purchase anyway.
Agreed about the aisles, if there is anyone around upon entry, the mask stays on. I am talking about being off in a corner in the ladies dept., for example. If anyone moves in closer, I move. I am not the one approaching people.
P.S. and I am definitely not a slow poke, I move at stealth speed, get what I need and gone. Don't like to shop!
I don't claim to have the answers, just a point of view that does not align with yours.
How many deaths are we prepared to accommodate as a bi-product of conservatives ideas to downplay the opinions of medical science and observe the problem through politics, instead?
Give me a break. The left downplays medical science when it comes to the violent protests. There is no danger to large gatherings for any leftist ideology.
The hypocrisy of the left glares so strongly it is disgusting.
No, I am not giving you a break, I not going to compare Social gatherings sponsored by the President and so called leaders within this administration with behavior of mobs on the street.
The Right disgusts me as much or more than the Left disgusts you. Let's see on election day whose definition of disgust will rule the day?
I am anxious to have Trump, the Right and its entire philosophy defeated at the polls this Fall.
Election Day will be like Christmas, I can hardly wait.
You and me both! Hubby and I have been practicing our happy dance. ;-)
ohh gawwddd . . . another mental image I didn't ned. ;-)
You tell me...."how many deaths are we prepared to accommodate as a bi-product of" {leftist ideas} "to downplay the opinions of medical science and observe the problem through politics, instead"....what is the daily abortion rate today? How many babies of color have been wiped out {through politics}? Do you want to go there? We can go there! Or we can just go on our way and call it a day.
AB, we all know that death is the only constant in the universe, from the pesky mosquito to the distant stars in the heavens.
And Yes, we can go there.
I don't think we are asking people to pull their arms out of their sockets by merely agreeing to safety protocols like wearing masks in public gatherings. At least until a vaccine is available and we get a handle on the death toll here that still shows no signs of abatement.
I expect "my leaders" to set the example and assume that I am smart enough to respect the scientific approach to the attack on the virus, and not openingly flout the experts without a good explanation.
I have yet to hear it.
i would be delighted to discuss abortion politics with you, perhaps on another thread we can do that.
I would love for you to visit one of my articles on the subject of abortion.
My apologies to Steven for getting off-subject.
Checking out your site, aren't you the prolific one?
Give me a link to your best article on the subject and I promise to critique it to death...
I thought that you had brought up discussing it, outside of this thread. My bad.
That often-repeated question deserves an equally serious answer; 137
LOL, I don't remember the question either, but I can see that was a heartfelt response.
Of course, I am just speculating, but I think the source will turn out to be one of Pres. Trump's inner circle of staffers that would have been active at both events.
Wuhan lab? I believe that's more QAnon conspiracy theory garbage.
China is the drunk driver? Do explain. Do provide a shred of proof that China did any of this intentionally.
The analogy works well. Trump got drunk. He drank his own Kool-Aid, emphasizing how the virus was nothing, downplaying it, ridiculing those who wear masks, questioning whether masks were even necessary. And then he caught the virus because of his own behavior and the type of behavior he encouraged. In the White House, masks were optional.
Nobody is blaming Trump for the virus. We're blaming him for not taking it seriously. Where is the personal responsibility in this Republicans are so proud of?
Trump thwarted, ignored, and ridiculed established medical advice. And he got the virus because of that. Own it. Take personal responsibility.
You mean like when they were off-limits during Obama's two terms?
There are many hateful and ugly people with too much time on their hands, no doubt.
You implied that nothing is off-limits with Trump and his family. What exactly was off-limits with Obama? There's the photo above. There's the pernicious rumor about Michelle Obama having a sex change. There's the persistent conspiracy theory that Obama was not born in the U.S. There's the oft-distributed "Rope" meme with Obama on the end of a noose. Need I go on?
"oh no you dinnint. . ." A man telling a woman to just calm down . . .
Damn Peterstreep, every man, (that hopes to survive the encounter), in the world, knows you don't do that. ;-)
ups.. yes, I should have known better...
Genna, I sense that you are not a Trump fan? ;-)
Is your final thought any different from what any politician would do?
I am a fan and supporter of humanity. I am not a fan of those who are not.
I pray they get healed speedily, God will heal him.....
I agree with this as well.
I am also hearing more often that everyone will get this virus at some point in time, if they haven’t already.
Many have had it and never knew!
All the more reason to open up everywhere, too many businesses are closing permanently, too much depression, suicide over something we can’t control, we can’t let it control us.
Obviously the elderly and those with health issues must remain diligently cautious -
This move to the hospital is precautionary and will not slow President Trump down for long.
This would be possible if people would just wear masks, but Trump opposes it and so do his followers, which endangers everyone. And I will say, it's not just Trump at this point. It's everyone. People just seem to be tired of wearing masks, so perhaps you're right. Just let the virus run its course and whoever dies, dies. I mean, it will probably end up with well over a million deaths, but I guess that's the way it goes.
We have lost our sense of community. As Fauci stated, "We are all in this together." But we need leaders who can lead by example. Too many have chosen to ignore the dangers of this disease, or have adopted a cavalier attitude. It's the age-old story of "me, myself, and I," and self-absorbed ignorance. If everyone had only acted like part of a community, had listened to and followed the medical experts,etc., months ago, we would be in a much better place than we are today. I sincerely hope that Trump recovers -- that all who contract this disease could have recovered. Not just because he is a fellow human being, but that he may learn, first-hand, just how real this danger is and finally begin to lead by example.
If he develops a sense that this disease is serious and should be taken seriously and that masks are vital to us moving forward, a mild case of it might be a benefit to us all. I just can't imagine he'll take anything away from it though.
That is why I said certain persons cannot understand unless their were seriously affected by the very challenge affecting the other(s). Great Britain's Prime Minister Boris Johnson is an example. They said he was lacking in strenght to tackle covid-19 until the corona virus send him to his hospital sick bed. When he recovered, he know what to do. I pray he and he and his wife, and his associates recover quicly. God save Trump. God save America.
God will heal him speedily in Jesus name......
Kellyanne Conway
Tonight I tested positive for COVID-19. My symptoms are mild (light cough) and I’m feeling fine. I have begun a quarantine process in consultation with physicians.
Kellyann, Mike Lee, John Jenkins
I pray for your speedy recovery in Jesus name and I pray for Trump and wife in Jesus name....please comment on my article, thanks.....
The germ was released and will spread no matter what because that's what germs do. They are invisible and sneaky. Masks can help prevent them from spreading to some small extent, but they are not the only thing. Hands are probably the biggest carriers. Wear gloves? Slather on that hand sanitizer? Wash, wash and wash some more?
Nevertheless, we are probably all gonna have to get it and develop antibodies. It will be very interesting to see how this germ affects the president, how he handles it and how we all respond to what he does. He is receiving antibody therapy. Hope it works.
As any mother will tell you, the most important thing is to rest.
He needs to rest.
He needs to rest.
He is taking melatonin to help him sleep, so that might help.
He is going to be in serious trouble, if he doesn't rest and sleep more.
He needs to let Pence take over.
Maybe here, in motherly fashion, I'm overreacting,
But, I wish he would rest.
After all, If he did nothing until the election, it wouldn't make a bit of difference. We all know who we are going to vote for by now, anyway.
Perhaps you can take some solace from this Trump supporter:
“You’ve never seen him sick. You’ve never seen him without energy,” Brenden Dilley, a self-described “MAGA life coach,” told his viewers on his radio show Friday. “[He’s] not walking around with weak-ass, p---- f------ genetics. He ain’t got those liberal genes. These are, like, god-tier genetics; top 1-percentile genetics.”
Am voting for Trump no matter what, God will heal him and wife speedily, please comment on my article, thanks......
President Trump’s campaign manager, Bill Stepien, tested positive for the coronavirus Friday evening.
That was the Rose Garden event last Saturday at the White House where Trump introduced Amy Barrett as his nominee to replace Ruth Ginsberg. Only a few were wearing masks. As for social distancing? Nonexistent. Seven who attended, including the President, have already tested positive for Covid-19. Such reckless and self-absorbed, ignorant behavior that endangers the lives of others is beyond sad, and defies all human understanding.
News is reporting eleven people in the president's orbit have tested positive for COVID-19, so far.
If that is a group giving marching orders, I take no marching orders. I am my own woman. Calling things as I see them. Not complicated.
I do take marching orders but from my government as an administrative offcer. It is a service law, or you get punish. That I had retired some years ago, I an not used to the law again.
Miebakagh, the left would love to see us taking our marching orders from an all powerful government. They think they are limited by limited government and feel entitled to cradle to grave care. They take the freedom we have here, that many living in other Countries crave and pray for, for granted.
It must seem to other countries, that we try so hard to throw away what they seek for their own Country.
But, their numbers are few, the majority of this Country, love this Country as founded and understand what we have here. A Republic is as close to Utopia as it gets, here on earth.
What is limited government, one that bails out the banks and the fat cats like it did in 2008?
Does limited government mean no more Social Security, Medicare, etc? Your Rightwinged buddies are out to "wean America" off from this "dependency".
The Right complains about Socialism, well it is already here for the well heeled and well connected, but not for the rest of us.
"A Republic is as close to Utopia as it gets, here on earth"
Utopia? I would not be so sure as there is plenty of room for improvement.
"The Right complains about Socialism, well it is already here for the well heeled and well connected, but not for the rest of us."
Explain that to the person living in section 8 housing, on medicaid, getting foodstamps and receiving $5000 in "earned" income credit.
That then you can explain it to the person(s) paying for all that socialism; the great middle class.
Tell them only the rich see those paying for it struggle to survive under ever rising taxes.
Ok, then we should staunch the tendency at both ends of the economic divide?
So, if you are going to go after the concept of Socialism, at least go for all of it.
I fully agree. Take the welfare payments from the rich - take away their section 8 housing, WIC, medicaid and any other payments. Then remove those same things from the poor that don't actually need them, as in those that can work to support themselves or whose poor decisions make it difficult.
And when you're done with that, increase the help for those that truly cannot support themselves.
With a social program such as welfare, how do you establish a structure to evaluate the decisions made by its participants? Wouldn't that necessitate a bureaucracy so large that doing the evaluation might be superfluous?
Also, would you agree that it should not be incumbent upon taxpayers to fund bankruptcies when the rich fail? In fact, wasn't it a major Republican talking point regarding the auto industry bail-out in 2008 that the taxpayers shouldn't be on the hook for the failure of an industry that clearly didn't prepare? This example actually goes against my point, but I'll use it anyway.
I don't know how to evaluate whether a person CAN earn a living, and prevent fraud in doing so. But I DO know that we have far, far too many living off of welfare when it isn't necessary, and that many do so for a lifetime.
Bankruptcies: when nearly half the country has taken out bankruptcy sometime in their life it's hard to limit it only to SOME of them. I think it has become too easy, that there should be tougher penalties, but then that stifles risk and entrepreneurship. Don't really have an answer there, but WILL say that it is very unusual for the taxpayer to "fund" a bankruptcy. Unless, of course, it is a federally guaranteed mortgage - a mortgage that is far more common to the middle class than the rich. I suppose SBA loans would fall under that, too, but am not very knowledgeable about them so can't say for sure.
I can live with that assessment, Wilderness.
Chris Christie is positive too. Before he got his results he admitted that they were all together at the debate prep room and none had masks.
I am reminded of Pres. Obama's preacher, 'The chickens are coming home to roost.'
Mask wearing may not have avoided this situation, but I am convinced that it would have mitigated it. Someone was a super-spreader.
So now, what gives? … 00974.html
I suppose that in the Age of Trump,we all will have to learn to accommodate the absurd as the "New Normal".
Speaking for myself, I'm never going to accept this president and his administration's behavior as normal. Never.
oh lordy, lordy, I'm going to catch hell for this one, (considering the current situation), but . . .
"Too often he has used it as a prop," he said. "Mask is very important but even if — he could be 20, 30 feet away from the nearest person and he could still have the mask on. That's not gonna change anything that's out there."
Considering that the mask-wearing recommendations have been aligned with the social-distancing recommendations, (6 - 12 feet), what do you find wrong with that statement?
I would not attempt to defend the non-social-distancing and non-mask-wearing situations we have all seen, but, in the context of correctness, I don't see a problem with that person's quoted statement.
If Biden appears to be superfluous about things, it is better to err on the side of safety than otherwise, I always say.
It is easy to forget that you have a mask on even when outdoors away from threats. I would be more concerned if I forget to bring it in and wear it under the proper circumstances.
The statement sort of implies that Biden is putting on a show with his ubiquitous mask wearing, but that is not necessarily the case. It was a completely valueless comment, in my opinion.
Perhaps, if Trump took precautions more seriously, he would not be in this current predicament.
You should ask this question in its own forum.
I didn't ask a question. I responded to a comment in this forum which seemed to be topic-related.
They is no point not to wear face mask as the pandemic still rages. Two is a crowd social distancing apart. Every mature person takes responsibility.
Many people are still as cavalier as Trump has been. I'm one of them. Where I live here along the So Cal coast, no one is wearing masks: Bikers, joggers, surfers, picnickers and shore home-schooled children are not wearing masks since they're outside.
I don't either.
so ...
PS I heard that Egypt has a low incidence of CV 19 cases. They say its because its an outside-living society.
Can we just move outside to beat it?
Well, I rather stay healthy then being cavalier and get COVID. Trump did not take the COVID seriously, and that's what you get.
I agreed with you. To keep safe and stay healthy is best.
Agreed that you're a cavaliar and I would not go against the grain! Absolutely not!! Okay, let's fly outside. The outside air is very refreshing for the inside of a person. Let's fly out side where coro is not airborne. Good for all and Glad. Nonetheless, I would still took precaution to prevent catching covid-19. For instance, where necessary to put on my face cloth covering and practicing social distancing when more than one person gather in my favor. It's no small secret that a second wave of...
Yes, a second wave is coming. How far are we prepare for that? Seriously, we have lost our sense of well being. If there is anything we've be missing health-wise is how to develop our immune system against the panfmic. No vacine nor certify drugs. I'm okay. You're okay.
Yes!! It is imperative that we build up our immune system, the only thing those freaking out and practically living in their masks are doing is weakening and in many cases, destroying their immune system.
Years ago, we had the ebola virus. I realised it was much deadly, as it deliver a coup de grace. I was worried and much surprised that medical doctors could not help themselves. Surprisedly, during the present corona virus pandemic, doctors were likewise falling prey to the virus! Challenge? Undevelop immune system! The face mask is only good in a crowd at most. 1+1= company, 2+1= crowd. I live at the precinct of a water front, 45 km off the Atlantic coastline. The air or breeze coming from the shore is refreshing and invigorating. I only put on a mask as I enter a younder town market some km into the Port Harcourt township.
I heard there was a small group of indigenous people in southwest India who have avoided COVID altogether by wearing their shirts backward and using their pinky finger to pick their noses.
Next 10 days will be important for the future of United States.. If something bad happens to him, the sympathy vote will go in the favour of Republicans.
White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany tested positive for COVID-19, she said Monday, making her the latest person in President Trump's orbit to contract the virus.
“After testing negative consistently, including every day since Thursday, I tested positive for COVID-19 on Monday morning while experiencing no symptoms.
Btw, this is why you wear a mask, this is why you social distance and this is why you have to self quarantine when you were in contact with a person that has COVID.
Island, and Panther...
There are video interviews with people who didn't take Covid-19 seriously, and caught it, nonetheless. For example, one couple in particular said they regretted not wearing masks, and are now suffering from the aftereffects of the disease. The wife suffered more than the husband and had to be hospitalized where she remained on oxygen for some time. The aftereffects include damage to the lungs. (Other long-term damage to survivors is still being researched, such as permanent scarring in the lungs, neurological problems and other damage to vital organs.) The husband closed the interview by saying, "Wear the friggin' mask!" I applaud their courage in being interviewed, and for sharing their experiences.
As for people who for some bewildering reason equate this Pandemic with the flu? We only have to remind them of the staggering death toll and hospitalization rates in New York before safety measures were undertaken and in place, such as the refrigerated trucks used as makeshift morgues trying to handle the overflow of bodies, and so on. It can happen again, anywhere at any time, depending on the safety measures people follow.
The measure of character in people who choose to ignore the safety protocols is really quite simple: They are either caring, thoughtful human beings or they're not. It's that simple. One only hopes that they, and their family and friends don't have to learn this the hard way.
I am glad that you've brought up the seasonal flu, Mike. It is as if it no longer exists and it too wreaks havoc, especially in asthma sufferers and those with breathing issues/difficulties. I do not personally know of anyone that could be accused of having brought asthma on themselves.
The flu worsens asthma symptoms, the flu often leads to pneumonia. It is not to be taken likely. I don't know if people realize that we do not yet have a flu vaccine. We have a flu shot (which may or may not prevent the flu) but not a vaccine. It has been amazing how quickly all the b.s. has been bypassed in order to treat this China virus. I've no doubt, there will be a vaccine before we know it. Maybe the President (in his spare time) can to see to it that we graduate from a flu "shot" to an actual flu vaccine.
How many conservatives does it take to screw in a light bulb? Holy moly.
There is a flu vaccine:
And you explicitly said you wouldn't take a COVID vaccine, so what good is a vaccine if people, like you, aren't going to take it?
How much medical training have you had?
Not as much as you I'm sure. Let me ask you this, as a child, me and all of my schoolmates had measles and mumps, it was a given. Then a vaccine came out and my kids never had measles or mumps. My grandchildren will not have measles or mumps. IF there is a flu vaccine, why do people oftentimes have the flu more than once, even with the shot?
As my doctor's nurse explains to me every time I get a flu shot, the vaccine for a given year is designed to counter the most prevalent strain of flu for that year, as determined by scientists (you know, the people who are highly educated and have specialized training and knowledge that we don't). It is not foolproof because, obviously, there is more than one strain floating around. That is why high-risk individuals get a flu shot but also take other precautions to avoid getting sick.
Because the flu virus mutates very rapidly. Because every human body is different - nothing in the medical field works for every person, often not even surgery. Because the flu virus is actually many, many different viruses, whether we lump it together as one or not.
AB, this explains a lot. Thanks. I guess I just don't understand how we, as a society, have come to the point where we're more likely to believe the misinformed than we are the scientists who've spent their entire lives studying this stuff.
Instead of retweeting the information from our scientists, we'll see some tweet from some idiot and retweet it as fact. This happened recently with the origin of the fires in Oregon. No basis in fact, but retweeted 750,000 times.
It explains why people are so misinformed about global warming. It's too difficult to understand, so instead we just retweet that it's a hoax.
It's all just sad.
My observation is that the bulk of the mindless acceptance that Kevin or Karen on YouTube are more knowledgeable than scientists and other experts is found in the non college-educated members of the Boomer generation. Younger folks who have grown up with the internet are far more adept, generally speaking, at knowing a good source of information from bad. I believe there is hope for the future.
Whoa Nellie . . . From what I have seen in social media reactions to various political topics, there is no way I can agree with your thought that younger folks that have grown up with the internet are more adept at discerning truthful sources of information.
Contrarily, I would say they are much more susceptible to confirmation bias, (as in believing any source that agrees with their perspective), than us old fogie Baby Boomers.
I can heartily agree that they are much more 'screen' adept than us old fogies, but I don't think that comfort level and ability have anything to do with discerning truth from stuff that just strokes their perception of life.
We must run in vastly different social media circles. It's just an opinion, anyway. Maybe I'll see what the social scientists say. ;-)
Beyond these forums, I don't have any social media circles. My thought was just based on what I see young folks saying in the media.
As a non Boomer, I agree with PP. I may add it is not only about political topics.
Of course, you agree with her, you ladies always stick together. :-o
Nah. I just have a 90y/o grandma that has a tablet. LOL And a mom, aunts, uncle and many relatives, all boomers, active on social media.
I've always made it practice to research things which do not make sense to me; such as, why do we call it a flu (influenza) shot and not a flu (influenza) vaccine? Why must we get the shot year after year and why do so many people, who get the shot, still get the flu more than once, sometimes more than once within a year? What does 'the shot' do to our immune system and our natural ability to fight off disease over time?
I cannot answer "how many conservatives it takes to screw in a light bulb", I have had limited "medical training", maybe if I had had a flu shot I too might be as informed as others here, but, in the meantime, I will never fear questioning.
You say you make it a point to do research, yet you do not know why the flu vaccine does not operate the same as a measles vaccination?
Something doesn't compute.
Speaking of "computing"...what really sucks is that there are a lot of strains of COVID as well and whether they call it a shot or a vaccine, it will need to be administered every year (like the flu shot) and only offer partial protection from the virus, as the flu shot does, so, we can still get it, shot or no shot.
For those waiting for a cure to open back up their cities, get back to living their lives, go back to school/work, etc....they may spend{waste} their entire life, waiting.
Thanks all, this has been a most informative discussion!
Regardless of whether or not all of that is correct, do you agree that not wearing a mask and practicing social distancing, as the Trump administration does, has infected and endangered many people?
I am wondering about the two White House journalists who tested positive long before the President or anyone else. Journalists have been religious about mask wearing and social distancing, as they've pointed fingers at this Administration, where are they, who are they, how are they doing? Do you know?
Remember, wearing a mask protects others from you more than you from others. I have heard that three WH correspondents tested positive AFTER attending the Rose Garden event, but I haven't heard how they're doing. What is your point?
And, do you agree that not wearing a mask and practicing social distancing, as the Trump administration does, has infected and endangered many people?
You really have to feel for the White House staff. The hundreds of people who work there are now being exposed to the virus and you can guarantee they won't get anywhere near the care that the President does. There's nothing they can do about it other than quit. You can be pretty sure we're going to hear about some of them getting sick.
Yes, and I doubt Trump gives them a second thought.
This is a sad but also a sorry picture of getting infect and spreading a deadly virus. I hope all the staffers were isolate and tested early for treatment? Though they could not get Trump's degree of treatment.
What is my point?Seriously?
No, I do not agree.
Truly mind-boggling. We might as well be arguing that the moon is made of cheese or that the sun rises in the west. This is denial of reality.
We know the result of not wearing masks and not social distancing - it increases the risk of catching the virus.
We know that President Trump flouted the recommendations of scientists, didn't wear a mask, and gathered in groups with other people not wearing masks. We have proof of that.
And we know a whole bunch of them caught the virus.
The only conclusion one can logically draw from all this is that President Trump's actions, and those of his entourage and supporters, put a whole bunch of people at unnecessary, increased risk. The other conclusion one could draw is that they all wanted to catch the virus. However, that can't excuse putting other people at risk who may not want to contract it.
I mean, we have proof the moon is not made of cheese right? Neil Armstrong landed on it and it wasn't spongy. But perhaps they didn't really dig down far enough? Perhaps if they had drilled down into the moon like a mile or something, they would have found Brie.
It was before the Rose Garden event. You seem very dismissive of the idea that journalists may have brought the virus to the White House, infecting and endangering everyone, even the President.
It would be natural that the President and his staff take the proper precautions knowing that the White House is a grand central station anyway.
To brazenly go maskless in such a environment is asking for it.
Trump, as usual, brought the result upon himself. The journalists have nothing to do with it.
That's actually a very valid point but the only problem with that is that Biden and his camp can easily spin that saying how Trump should have had a vetting system in place before allowing said infected reporter into the white house to begin with. If trump and his camp didn't have anything in place to at least prevent something like that from happening then it's only going to make him look bad.
But...if it was a Reporter/Correspondent/Journalist, they have been the most adamant and opinionated of all about mask-wearing, they wouldn't be caught dead without their mask on. This, at the very least, should be closely examined.
Do you have evidence of this? Not that it matters where it originated. Origin doesn't change the fact that it was spread to so many people because of Trump administration negligence.
Just speculating.
Is this negligence?
Two of McEnany's deputies, Chad Gilmartin and Karoline Leavitt, have also tested positive for coronavirus.
White House press aide Jalen Drummond tested positive for COVID-19 on Tuesday, according to a Bloomberg News reporter, adding to the growing list of people to contract the virus after attending a White House Rose Garden ceremony.
Drummond is the third aide under White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany to test positive for COVID-19.
White House senior adviser Stephen Miller has tested positive for COVID-19 and is currently self-quarantining, The Hill has confirmed.
Miller said he began a period of self-isolation several days ago before receiving a positive test for the coronavirus on Tuesday.
I heard a News Anchor on t.v. this morning (in New York) say that he was biting into his biscuit and was reprimanded for not wearing his mask. :-O People have gone nutso!!!
Ah ah ah, he he he, ha ha ha! A drama is unfolding before my eyes. I saw Daniel Craig coming out and wearing a mask and enter an elevator. Sure, he looks like a masquarade from my neighboring Yoruba or Ibo land of Nigeria. DC is not even smoking a cigar when he should! In Africa, masquarades do bit green chillis and gingers. That tell us herbs are very beneficial in preventing illness. Americans, Democrate or Republic are very funny indeed. And at the same time trying to set the whole world on fire. But I'm afraid the Creator would not receive me home when I call visit before my time. Should I be waiting in limbo?
I see that you weren't addressing me...or maybe you were {indirectly}. Funny that you would mention New York and staggering death toll and makeshift morgues all in the same sentence.
You do realize that Governor Cuomo (D) transferred over 6,000 COVID-19 patients into New York nursing homes, during the peak of the pandemic, resulting in over 6,500 deaths, right?
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